Self Reporting

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Slow down

There are times when a person is faced with more than one life challenge. These challenges may be
considered as stressors by the person depending on how he interprets it. Stress is self-generated. If the
person perceives the challenge as a stressor it will be. Maybe the most practical way to handle stress is
to slow down, move back and look at the situation from an objective perspective.

Organize and prioritize. Disorganizations, no matter what form it may take, creates stress. An organized
and clean environment in the home and at the workplace can do magic in the promotion of productive
thoughts. Setting priorities based on importance and deadlines is a significant aspect of being organized.
To manage time better, it is always best to keep it simple. Simple, practical attainable plans usually work
best. The S.M.A.R.T. acronym applies here.

Live a Healthy Life. Life goals should not be based on quality, for chances are the person may not
accomplish most of them. Rather, focus on quality of goals set and make sure to strike a balance and
have enough time for self and family. Spending time alone, is part of having a healthy lifestyle. ‘Me
Activities’ allows the person to look at his life and find his center.

Recognize and Accept Limits. Although a person can dream big, he still is human and human beings have
limitations. A person can only do so much in the time that he is given. Great and amazing things were
accomplished and new ones will still be accomplish by man. But a person cannot be all things:
intelligent, strong, healthy rich and artistic. He can only be best in one or two characteristics but rarely in
all of the, His abilities may be a menial e.g. he is a street sweeper but he is the best street sweeper in his
barangay. A person cannot be the best in everything, but he can be best in ne thing.

Seek Social Support. It is important to be reminded that strong family tis strengthens the person’s
resolve enabling him to handle stressors better. Simply talking it over with a parent or sibling is often
enough to regain the person’s confidence, making him stand and ‘fight’ again. There are, however,
gender differences. Females frequently open up to a family and would not be shy to ask for help. Males,
on the other hand, rarely disclose to family, they would try to handle the stress by themselves an if they
cannot would often resort to high risk behaviors as a way to cope (e.g. smoking, alcohol and drugs). This
is a form of negative coping behavior.

Writing it down. Oftentimes talking about problems leaves one emotionally drained and exhausted.
Usually one hesitates to share problems with loved one because of not wanting to add to their burden,
If this is the case, it often helps to write it all down. Expression of thoughts and feelings in writing offers
a form of release and lets the person see the problem in new light.

People should realize that yes, life is hard but it’s not all that bad. For just like a diamond that is
hardened by pressure, so are human strengths and endurance. People should always be positive, see
the good, learn to laugh even if all roads seem to lead nowhere, learn to cry to cleanse the spirit and
most importantly, learn to PRAY to God, the universe or to whatever they may believe in. How people
live their lives basically how they choose to live it.

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