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Mechanical force sensors using organic thin-film transistors

Grzegorz Darlinski, Ulrich Böttger, Rainer Waser, Hagen Klauk, Marcus Halik, Ute Zschieschang, Günter Schmid
, and Christine Dehm

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 97, 093708 (2005); doi: 10.1063/1.1888046

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Mechanical force sensors using organic thin-film transistors

Grzegorz Darlinski,a兲 Ulrich Böttger, and Rainer Waser
Institute of Materials in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 2 (IWE 2),
Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH)-Aachen University,
D-52074 Aachen, Germany
Hagen Klauk, Marcus Halik, Ute Zschieschang, Günter Schmid, and Christine Dehm
New Memory Platforms, Materials and Technology, Infineon Technologies, Paul-Gossen-Straße 100, 91052
Erlangen, Germany
共Received 26 October 2004; accepted 21 February 2005; published online 19 April 2005兲
The pressure dependence of pentacene 共C22H14兲 transistors with solution-processed polyvinylphenol
gate dielectric on glass substrates is investigated by applying uniaxial mechanical pressure with a
needle. We found that organic thin-film transistors are sensitive to applied pressure inherently. The
measurements reveal a reversible current dependence of the transfer characteristics where the drain
current is switching between two states. Experimental and simulation results suggest that switch-on
voltage and interface resistance are affected. The change takes seconds, hinting at trap states being
responsible for the effect. © 2005 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1888046兴

I. INTRODUCTION ing. A more detailed description of the production process is

given elsewhere.10,11 Two distinct transistor layouts were
Organic semiconductors are of great interest for low-
evaluated in this work: TFTs with interdigitated source/drain
cost, large-area electronics. Applications such as information
contacts and relatively short channels 共channel length
displays, chemical sensors, humidity sensors, and electronic
10 ␮m, channel width 1000 ␮m兲, and TFTs with a standard
paper have been implemented.1–4 Pentacene organic thin-film
共linear兲 contact arrangement and relatively long channels
transistors 共OTFTs兲 show carrier mobility of up to
关channel length 100 ␮m, channel width 100 ␮m; see Figs.
3.2 cm2 / V s and on/off current ratio exceeding 106.5 This is
1共a兲 and 2共a兲兴.
competitive to amorphous silicon transistors, which are used
To study the pressure dependence of the electrical per-
in liquid-crystal displays and flat-panel image detectors. But
formance of these devices we apply mechanical force di-
organic semiconductor circuits can be fabricated on flexible
rectly to the TFTs using a microneedle 共see Fig. 3兲. We use a
substrates and even on paper since the processing tempera-
tungsten needle that is coated with a thick layer of a polymer
ture is lower than for amorphous silicon—an advantage that
photoresist to eliminate the possibility of short-circuiting the
could grant access to future applications. Printing techniques
source and drain contacts of the transistors. The needle is
promise fast and easy fabrication.6,7 Recently improved di-
attached to a fitting, and moved by a step motor. The TFT
electrics have enabled low-voltage organic devices.8
substrate is placed on a single-pan balance so that the pres-
Someya and Sakurai demonstrated an artificial skin
sure can be measured. The electrical characterization of the
based on organic TFTs and rubbery pressure sensors.9 A flex-
TFTs with and without applied mechanical pressure is car-
ible low-cost large-area sensor matrix enables robots with
ried out with an HP 4155B semiconductor parameter ana-
sense of touch. In this paper, we present the basics of a
concept which is based solely on organic TFTs as the sensing
element, without the need of any additional sensor element.
Our approach would greatly simplify the fabrication because III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
only TFTs are required eliminating all further process steps
such as rubber deposition and additional structuring. Figure 2共c兲 shows the transfer characteristics 共drain cur-
rent ID versus gate-source voltage VGS兲 of a TFT with inter-
II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES digitated contacts 共channel length 10 ␮m兲 with and without
applied pressure. In this measurement pressure was applied
The thin-film transistors studied here consist of to the entire device, i.e., to the pentacene channel and the
30-nm-thick sputtered titanium gates on a glass substrate, source/drain contact regions. The time for one sweep was
covered with a 200-nm-thick polyvinylphenol 共PVP兲 gate di- about 10 s. The transfer characteristics show a large increase
electric. Source and drain contacts are made of 30-nm-thick in drain current when pressure is applied. The increase in
evaporated gold. The organic active layer is deposited by drain current is most significant near the turn-on voltage of
thermally evaporating pentacene in vacuum, with a thickness the TFT, i.e., between about −10 and +10 V. The observed
of about 30 nm. The devices are covered with polyvinyl al- increase in drain current is reproducible and reversible as
cohol 共PVA兲 for passivation 关see Figs. 1共b兲 and 2共b兲兴. All during the measurement the needle was dropped and lifted
functional layers are patterned by photolithography and etch- several times between the voltage sweeps.
We have also examined the TFTs with standard 共linear兲
Electronic mail: contacts 共with a channel length of 100 ␮m兲 where the needle

0021-8979/2005/97共9兲/093708/4/$22.50 97, 093708-1 © 2005 American Institute of Physics

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093708-2 Darlinski et al. J. Appl. Phys. 97, 093708 共2005兲

FIG. 2. 共a兲 Optical micrograph of a pentacene TFT with interdigitated

source/drain contacts and a channel length of 10 ␮m; 共b兲 schematic cross
FIG. 1. 共a兲 Optical micrograph of a pentacene TFT with standard 共linear兲
section of the experiment when pressure is applied to the entire device,
contacts and a channel length of 100 ␮m; 共b兲 schematic cross section of the
including the pentacene channel and the source/drain contact regions; 共c兲
experiment when pressure is applied only to the channel; 共c兲 and transfer
and transfer characteristic of a TFT with interdigitated source/drain contacts
characteristic of a TFT with standard 共linear兲 contacts and a channel length
and a channel length of 10 ␮m, showing the pressure and no-pressure states.
of 100 ␮m.

impacts only the pentacene channel, but not the contacts. Furthermore, the absolute and relative pressure-induced
These measurement did not show any change in drain current changes in the drain current shown in Fig. 4共b兲 indicate that
关see Fig. 1共c兲兴. the observed effect is not a leakage current through the tung-
The transfer characteristics shown in Figs. 1共c兲 and 2共c兲 sten needle, which would be expected to result in a constant
were obtained with a pressure of about 106 Pa, calculated by current, i.e., a current independent of the gate-source voltage,
dividing the force 共measured with the balance兲 by the esti- which is obviously not the case. The data in Fig. 4共b兲 also
mated tip area. Raising the pressure above 106 Pa did not show that the observed increase in drain current is not merely
lead to any further changes in current. due to a pressure-induced reduction in gate dielectric thick-
One feasible mechanism for the observed effect could be ness 共which would cause an increase in the gate field E for
that the increase in drain current is caused by leakage cur- the same gate-source voltage VGS, since E = VGS / t, where t is
rents, either due to a short circuit through the tungsten needle the dielectric thickness兲. If this was the case we would ex-
or by crushing the dielectric 共creating shorts to the gate elec- pect the relative change in drain current to be independent of
trode兲. To analyze this possibility we have measured all three the gate-source voltage, which is obviously not the case here.
TFT currents 共drain current ID, source current IS, and gate Therefore, we can rule out that the observed effect is due to
current IG兲 for both pressure states. The results 关see Fig. 4共a兲兴 elastic material effects or erroneous measurement setup.
indicate that, although leakage paths between the gate elec- While we see two stable states for slow measurements
trode and the source/drain contacts exist, the pressure- 共i.e., measurements where the gate-source voltage is swept
induced changes are entirely in the drain and source currents slowly between positive and negative values兲, fast measure-
while the gate current is not affected by the mechanical pres- ments with total sweep times of about 200 ms show a
sure. We therefore conclude that the gate dielectric is not smooth transition from the “low-pressure” state to the “high-
damaged by the needle and that the observed effect is not pressure” state 关see Figs. 5共a兲 and 5共b兲兴. To examine the time
due to an increase in gate leakage. dependence of the pressure effect we measure the drain cur-
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093708-3 Darlinski et al. J. Appl. Phys. 97, 093708 共2005兲

FIG. 3. Optical micrograph of needle positioned over a TFT with interdigi-

tated source/drain contacts and a channel length of 10 ␮m.

rent at fixed gate and drain voltages selecting the voltages for
maximum pressure sensitivity 共VGS = + 10 V , VDS = −20 V兲,
while moving the needle up and down 关see Fig. 5共c兲兴. There
was no measurable delay in response, but it takes about 20 s
for the drain current to reach steady states. The rise and fall
times 共i.e., the time it takes for the current to change from
0% to 70% or from 100% to 30%兲 are in the range of a few
hundred milliseconds. The response appears to be much
shorter when the current is not measured at fixed gate-source
voltages but is swept between +10 and −20 V. Extending the
waiting time at positive VGS accelerates the transition. From
this we conclude that the transition between the two steady
states is mediated by trapping and detrapping of charges.
Trapped charges will influence a thin-film transistor in
many ways, depending on the exact location of the traps in
the device. From simply looking at the transfer characteris-
tics it remains unclear which physical parameters of the TFT
are influenced by the mechanical pressure. To further exam-
ine this we have used a SPICE program 共simulation program
with integrated circuit emphasis兲 to simulate the device.
As discussed elsewhere12,13 the SPICE metal-oxide-
semiconductor field-effect transistor 共MOSFET兲 model is in-
sufficient to simulate organic thin-film transistors. Therefore,
we have modified the standard level-2 p-MOSFET model by
introducing branches which form paths for leakage currents,
as shown in Fig. 6. By adjusting the SPICE model parameters
and improving the result by fitting the leakage currents we
found a system which describes our device reasonably well.
By changing MOSFET parameters we are able to simulate
the transition from “pressure” state to “no-pressure” state
with good accuracy. Figure 4共c兲 shows the currents calcu- FIG. 4. 共a兲 Measured transfer characteristics of a TFT with interdigitated
lated by SPICE. The agreement between experimental and source/drain contacts and a channel length of 10 ␮m, showing drain current,
simulation data is very good for positive gate-source volt- source current, and gate current; 共b兲 measured relative 共䊊兲 and absolute 共䊐兲
changes in drain current between pressure and no-pressure states; 共c兲 simu-
ages. For negative gate-source voltages the simulation is lated transfer characteristic of the same device; and 共d兲 simulated relative
dominated by 共gray兲 and absolute 共black兲 changes.

ID = − K P 冉 冊冉

VDS共1 − ␭VDS兲, 共1兲
− VTH兲 and VGS ⬍ VTH. The theoretical ID vs VGS relationship
which describes the behavior of inorganic transistors in the is nearly linear in this range of gate-source voltages, but for
linear regime, but which is inaccurate for organic devices.14 organic semiconductors it is rather exponential. This inaccu-
In Eq. 共1兲 ID denotes the drain current for 0 ⬎ VDS ⬎ 共VGS racy of the model is insignificant for the discussion of the
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093708-4 Darlinski et al. J. Appl. Phys. 97, 093708 共2005兲

FIG. 6. Schematic of the extended SPICE p-MOSFET model used to simulate

the leakage currents.

is further supported by the fact that we do not observe a

change in current when the pressure is applied only to the
channel region but not to the source and drain contacts 关see
Fig. 1共c兲兴. This conclusion is in line with previous reports on
the importance of properly contacting pentacene.13,15

In summary, we have shown that organic thin-film tran-
sistors are influenced by direct mechanical pressure. By
simulating the results we have shown that mechanical pres-
sure applied directly to the TFT 共including the contact re-
gions兲 results in changes in carrier mobility, threshold volt-
age, and contact resistances. We have shown a dependence
on materials and interfaces as the effect was only measured
when contact regions were affected. The origin of the ob-
served effect is not completely clear yet; we believe that
trapped charges are responsible. However, the trapping
mechanism and the nature of the traps are still under
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