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Title : Fate and Fortune

Author : Shalini Kusuma

Fate and Fortune

Long ago there lived a king by name Veerendra Varma . He was well-known for his strenuous, courage and
mighty. He enjoyed the Majestic power and beauty to his content. He ruled the kingdom with great valor and care
. He cherished the people with his highly esteemed power and was the one chosen by God. He loved everyone,
young and old. He ruled the kingdom with iron hand , keeping the enemies at bay. He travelled the world, visited
many areas and toured many kingdoms .

He was a brave, adventurous and eminent warrior. One fine day he realized the true meaning of the life. The true
meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit. It is nothing but a trash. It is only a
materialistic world .A sudden anguish oppressed his heart. The king lost ambitions and wanted to spend his later
days in penance. He voluntarily dethroned the kingdom into republican kingdom. He left in search of salvation.

His wife Madhumathi was expecting a child then. The king gained a follower. He built an ashram. He started
preaching the follower. To gain the mighty powers, the king left for Himalayas assigning the duties to the follower
as a guardian to his family. Now, Madhumathi had given birth to a baby boy.

Just then, Brahma was entering into the house to decide the fate of the little prince. But the disciple stopped him
and queried. He said, “Who are you and What right have you to enter into the house?” Brahma was shocked .
Only sages who obtained the power of gyani can visualize him. In fact, the disciple had gained the power of a
sage and acts as a guardian of the family. With that authority he stops Brahma.

"I being a Brahma could not be visible to anyone. How come this disciple obstructed my way?".He amuses
deeply and envisages the power of the sage. Brahma then replied.

"Hey! Mahamuni, I Brahmadeva, have come long the way to determine the fate of the newly born child. With
respect to the karma of past and present deeds one’s destiny unfolds. Through these actions one’s future life will
be accomplished. So, let me enter into the house to decide the child’s fortune,” he requested the sage.

After having learnt about Brahma's visit , the sage pays courtesy to him. "Prenahmam Brahma deva. The newly
born son is the Prince of Udaipur kingdom. He is the first –born son of king Veeraendra Varma. We may evaluate
a new outlook with his arrival into this world.

I have the responsibility of his family till he returns. So please let me know what are you going to write”, he
argues with Brahma.

"when I pen onto the Head, it just goes like that with respect to past deeds. I cannot say right now . So please, let
me go into the house,” clarifies Brahma.

Then Brahma went inside the house, as he penned onto the head of the new born it went on like that. Brahma
then comes out of the house and retorts to the sage –

"whatever the truth I speak, it should be kept as a hidden secret. It should not be revealed to anyone. Not even
to the parents. If you break the promise, your head is going to break into pieces. Though he is a prince of the
kingdom, according to his previous birth deeds, he had a unwell fortune. He is going to lead a poor life .

He is going to have only one bag of rice and only one cow with him in his life time. One has to accept the fate".

Brahma then vanishes as the sage was put to shock. He wonders how far it becomes true. The king then returns
from Himalayas. Now it is his turn to leave for Himalayas. He greets the king and congratulated him on being
blessed with a son. He did not speak anything else. He sought his blessings and left for salvation.

After few years he is once again back with the previous conscientiousness to look after the family in absence of
the king. The king desires to visit the Himalayas once again. Then the queen is once again blessed with little

Typically Brahma reappears to decide the fate the king’s daughter and as usual the sage demands for the little
princess fortune. He once again learned from the words of Brahma –

“This girl is going to become a beautiful and charming princess one fine day but leads a prostitute life”. He also
reminds sage of his promise to not to reveal the king’s children fate .

The saint amuses, how come king's children life turns to such a state of affairs. Then after few days the king
become maharishi and returned from Himalayas after having gained the eternal knowledge. Now it is the
disciple’s turn to gain a lot. He had left for Himalayas in search of Knowledge.

After twenty years of having gained knowledge the disciple too became Maharishi and returns to the Ashram to
find out the reality in Brahma’s words.

To his surprise there was no more a king's palace. There was no sign of mountains, the garden, the green
vegetation , forest and everything turned upside down. The Maharishi was in awe what happened to the king's
children. He saw a young man then, carrying a bag full of rice and a cow in his hand. He recalls the Brahmas
words. With his Gyani (sixth sense) the maharishi identifies the man to be a prince. He at last sorted out the

He speaks to the man, “Young man if I 'm not wrong you must be the king's son".

The man's face glows with power, a boost of energy, with enthusiasm he exclaimed "Yes my Lord! How did you
recognize me. You seems to be the nearest and dearest of our family, my heartbeats, may I know your
relationship with our family?” utters with happy tears in the eyes.

"Yes! my lad", he took the boy to the heart."I'm your father's disciple. What happened to your kingdom, and your
parents?.You must also have a beautiful sister, where is she now?"asked the maharishi.

"What to tell Maharishi. The floods have turned the atmosphere upside down and carried away everything, the
palace and the parents and the other relations of mine and leaving us homeless and the only Ashram is left for
me". The boy bursts into tears."I feel shame to speak about my sister. She is leading a prostitute life".

Maharishi recalls the foretell of venerable Brahmadeva. Everything had changed. Anything can happen in a
fraction of seconds. Brahma's words have come to true. Maharishi felt bad. It touched and moved him.

He wonders, “Why we have to lead according to Brahma’s life?.Can't we modify our lives?".

He turns to the young man and utters-"you need not feel sad of not having anything. God had blessed you with
the very essentialities of life. You can best utilize them to improve your standard of living , name and fame as
usual. Just do what I say" the maharishi supported him.

"Think of the only present day and forget about tomorrow. Sell the cow. You will get some money. On an
auspicious day you start feeding the poor people and needy ones", the Maharishi suggested the young man.

With respect towards the Maharishi’s words, he gets money from selling the cow, and fed the poor and hungry
people. People ate to the content and blessed the young lad. Unexpectedly a dazzling brightness was
discovered .

The boy crossed his fingers and prayed the God to raise his standard of living. Not speaking or worrying about
tomorrow the lad too drowsed.

Though he was poor the young man gained fame with the encouragement of the guru.

Now it is Brahma's turn. He has to keep up his word. i.e blessing the lad with a bag full of rice and a cow.

The next day morning the young man was surprised to have a cow in front of his house and a bag full of rice. He
was brought to tears. He got confidence in guru's words. The Maharishi had personalized the young man's fate.

The next day too the man sold the cow and satisfied the hungry and poor people. It was being repeated every
day adorned with a smile on his face .

Maharishi professed "I hope everything gets better soon. Good Luck. I shall leave now."

Now the Maharishi got ready to revise the fate of the Princess . He blessed the boy and left for his sister, to
transform her lifestyle. She was virtuous and beautiful. He learnt from the man that she is residing at a prostitute

The Princess burst into tears at Maharishi’s visit for her. In drastic situation the princess fail to think of her well
wishers. She welcomed the Maharishi and grieves at her fate. The sage felt bad for her condition and advises
the girl how to rescue from the situation.

But above all, protecting the girl from the disastrous situation is the greatest one. He put forward that “Hope you
listen carefully with an open mind to what I say. Whoever comes to you , has to come with a handful of pearls
and precious gems. Always wear a smile on your face. It brings you good and you can live happily.” She was
convinced and blessed.

Days were going on. Who dares to get that quantity of pearls?.Everyone of them ignored coming towards her.
But the writings of the Brahma has to be worked out .There was no way for the Brahma and so once again he
intervened into the picture. The Brahma himself comes to the girl with handful of pearls. All the grieves and fears
turned into greatest joys. In this way the Maharishi had adapted the life of the little princess.

Maharishi’s repeated endeavors in amending the fates of prince and princess of Udaipur Kingdom was
appreciated. When the difficulties come in the way of our lives, we should not run away. We have to modify
according to our circumstances.

Thus the kings children got their real position and stood before the people. Wanting nothing than better life style,
Maharishi , the Prince and Princess spent their days in the delights of light and heavy. The key factor to alter the
fate is to modifying the life style. We can change the destiny and we can change the world .


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