The Merciad, Nov. 3, 1978

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VOL 51, NO.


V Division Chairmen
Remark i Budget

. * *


^ * * #

by Sue Fuss year, l e**;iSS

*s v
A certain amount of guarded "There are certain things you ta^W
optimism seems to be surfacing absolutely need to run a scien-
among the divisional chair- ce and math department," he
persons concerning the" present said. | x*
* J*«;•#£?

budget situation. Both Brian McHugh, head of

• *

In personal interviews with the the education division, and Dr. ^

Merciad this| week, all eight Helen Trimble, business

chairpersons recognized the divisional chairperson, cited the hNV

seriousness of 1 the budget need for more information before

m £
problems, but stressed the im- being able to make concrete
portance of cautious action. * j * • * M * £
V. * &
* &
suggestions and decisions. *
v \

Last week, a large deficit in the "I'm just in a holding pattern," .*#

college funds, due to a drop in noted McHugh. "We just don't ,5^

enrollment, was announced. know." •$ **3

.'.<•« »v.» .W* *%

Since that writing, various plans Wounded, but not missing in action - Al the Halloween Dance, these girls showed UP «* members or« b».i
of action have been suggested by "I don't feel panicked about
administration and divisional this, but I .feel we need more
chairpersons, who were asked to information," indicated Trimble.
respond with the needs of their "Our division is in good shape in
respective divisions.! terms of numbers and enrolled
"We have a serious budget Dr. Jaiwie
problem/but not a crisis," said ecology divisional chairperson, Yule, human
Dr. Michael McQuillen, associate called the current budget
professor of Ihistory and social situation "an opportunity" and
science divisional chairperson. noted that people were respon-
He noted the * considerable ding in agconcerned and
amount of uncertainty in the reasonable manner. Witches on brooms, devils and duck, jstated, "I thought the was awarded a $25 prize.
issue and stressed that the idea of angels, martians, flashers, nuns dance was a really good time and The "Kids", Ann Chimenli,
ee a s e n s e
a crisis could, create a false H 5L/ * °f»the faculty and priests, cowboys, clowns, everyone seemed to enjoy it. 1 iKathy Wilson, Pam Wolfe, Julte
general attitude. * working together closely*! and "Star Wars" storm troopers and thought the band,was excellent | Zaffino and Darlene Marsh, won
working with the administration blood-thirsty vampires arose to
Robert I. Ronksley, chair- to try to resolve the situation in the occasion for the bewitching and we should have fun like this a $15 second place prize. The
person of the law enforcement the best possible way," she said. activities? of thi» annual more often." * • easiest way to describe what the
division, shared that same After much dancing, the "Kids'* looked like was to just say
All division heads were student union. Halloween Dance held in the costume contest began with they were "pillow people." •?
opinion and further stated that he
does not feel his division is in scheduled to meet with Sr. Mary about 45 creatures displaying The third place prize was won
great danger. Matthew, interim dean, and Dr. "Justin Time" provided the their creativity and talents. , by Ed Negron and Lisa Boss, who
John J. Millar, dean of the college music and entertained approxi- First place winners of the dressed up as devil and angel,
"We have always been un- and vice president of academic mately 350 students with their costume contest were Tom y
derstaffed and will continue to services, ! on Wednesday, progressive rock, costumes and Chybryznski, Phil Dubsky, Andy respectively.^ ~-
be," he noted. /'We're not! as November 1, to present minimal light show. % As the hour neared 1 a.m., the
threatened by this as some operating plans and other Findlay and Shelagh Murphy who ghosts and goblins began to steal
Nancy Foust, a junior biology were suited as characters from I away in numbers. Gone for
divisions because we have a large suggestions: major who was decked out as a "The Wizard of Oz." The troop {another year.
number of majors. »»

Still, the possibility of change is

present for some divisions. Dr.
David Palmer, «Q associate
professor of English and head of
the humanities division, in-
Affirmative Action Plan Part Senate
members volunteered, it was
The College - Senate practices. "Because of this," she con-
dicated that his division is still in cluded,-"they are less attracted then agreed that the entire
the data gathering stage. Administrative Policies and Admissions Director Karen •committee ought to equally
Operations Committee met on Schultz said she felt the Affir- to Mercyhurst and are usually
"I would like to see everything October 23 to initiate discussion mative Action document "needed more attracted to larger colleges represent administration, faculty
continued in this division, but of the proposed Affirmative to have input from several areas or universities which can ac- and student interest. Members
somehow I doubt that will hap- Action Plan. * commodate all their * interests then indicated that' they will
of the college before being sub- select their areas of interest In
pen," he said. i Treated as; top priority in mitted to the Senate." She said and needs." \
Senate business, the plan, tabled certain revisions may be needed The Administrative Policies the Plan
• Dr. Joseph Pizzat, creative and Operations Committee also The Affirmative Action Plan
arts divisional chairperson, noted by the Senate last May, was to be and that the college departments
returned to the Affirmative dealing with those sections would discussed the idea that a sub- will be discussed further with
plans for a brainstorming session committee might be formed to Affirmative Action Officer
to assess the divisional needs and Action Committee. Since that want to have an opportunity to
committee no longer exists, the make suggestions, changes or hasten the revision problems. Marilynn Jewell atf the next
develop a positive plan of action. i After several, committee meeting.
Senate committee discussed how additions.
"This can be a good thing if it's to deal with the problem.
handled properly," he said.
"Personally, I'm optimistic." Chairperson| Judy Zewe,
personnel director at the 'Hurst,
She pointed out. that to her
never been
contacted for input
on College Supports Blood Drive
At least one division appears as noted that including provisions the sections related to admissions did it I felt good
Fifty-one pints of blood were really done something for some- because I had
if it cannot cut back to any great regarding the handicapped could and recruitment and feels there
needs to be some revision in that donated^ to the Erie County one else." I
extent. Dr. Donald Platte, present problems, because the Community Bloodbank in its visit
chairperson of the natural handicap guidelines and area.* While Tim McGaughey, senior
"One concern was the area that to the 'Hurst on October 25 and 26. business; major, said,"I felt it
science and math division, regulations differ for the most Sister Joseph Mary Kosarsxy, was my obligation to give blood
mentioned that his division is part from those concerning the dealt with minority recruitment
and the long range goals for an nurse practioner of the college, because my roommates were a
running on two less faculty and a types of discrimination with stated that representatives of the bunch of sissies and were afraid
minimum operating budget this which the Affirmative Action increase in the minority popu-
lation at the college," Schultz j bloodbank were very pleased to go over."
Plan deals. said. 'The 'Admissions Office .with the college's participation
Dean's List Dinner Counseling Services Director does make an effort to recruit and found it "extraordinary In this fear that many experience.
Junior Kelly Conaway stressed
Tyrone Moore noted that many minority students by visiting high •1 comparison with other donor "My pulse war really nigh-and
Set For November 6 revisions might have to be made schools with a large minority laltes." J my hands • and leggs were,
in the Affirmative Action Plan population as well as attending n£ The bloodbank is - a centrally shaking because I was so ner?l
Dr. John J. Millar, dean of the because of the way it is written in operated organization that vous and they almost didn't take
college and vice president of its present form. He cited the programs that are specifically
designed to attract prospective provides a ^service for all Brie me." she stated with a laugh.
academic services, will be the hospitals, including Hamot, Saint
guest speaker at this years example of the increased number minority students." Although many contributed
of black personnel employed at Schultz further stated that Vincent, and Erie Osteopathic. blood, others, were rejected
Dean's List Dinner on Monday, the college and that outdated * For two days, students, faculty, because of medication taken
November 6. P Admissions has found that
numbers had been used in the prospective minority students administration and staff mem- within 48 hours, weighing-under
The event will honor 218 are concerned about the small bers visited the bloodmobile van no pounds, high blood pressure
Mercyhursv scholars for their original proposal.
percentage of minority students I located in Garvey Park, donating and other * precautionary
academic excellence during the Other reactions to the Plan their blood for the benefit of
on the campus and the limited restrictions/
1977-78 year. y* discussed includedL the possible amount of activities and/or others. v f
The dinner'starts at 6:30 p.m. difficulty in J the actual Im- organizations which are spon- t/Beth Young, Junior special Because: of the success, the
at the Holiday Inn South, located plementation of several f
I education major, stated," After I bloodmobile plans to return to]
provisions, such as hiring sored for them. the college this spring.
at 1-90 and Route 97.

Fantasy Fee g S
Last May the Merciad reported that tuition was increased $195
and that a $15 fee, neatly labeled "miscellaneous", was tacked on
to our bill. We also reported that the fee was funnelled back into the
college's general fund. *That means the $15 we all had to pay has no
immediate purpose. j
Wrong. In actuality, we're paying $210 more this year for tuition,
not $195. The' reason for the shrewd move? Well, according to one
administrator, the college didn't want to go on record for hiking
tuition over $200. So what happened? Students were slipped the
made-to-order miscellaneous fee which, reportedly, serves the
same purpose as that of the tuition payments we make.
I don't know about any of you out there in "Apathyland", but I
feel now, as I did last May, that my intelligence has been
threatened. Why not tell us to follow the yellow brick road?

Creating new fees for students to pay is downright ridiculous. If

that extra $15 was for tuition purposes, say so.
The term "miscellaneous fee" has a ring of fantasy to it. It would
be nice if those who created the fantasy would define, as clear as an
azure sky, what it actually stands for.
In the future, administrators, don't try to fool us with untruths
about our money. We may be young, but that doesn't mean we have
to be treated like we were born yesterday.

Playing Politics | | «?
It's election time again, and this year Pennsylvania will elect a
new governor. Locally, voters of the 24th District will elect a
In the congressional race, incumbent Marc Lincoln Marks, the
Republican, faces Democrat Joe Vigorito, whom he unseated in
Guest Editorial
When you registered in the fall, However, the $15 student fee is practical, especially kinder, to
most of you were presented with not in your catalog, as it was have raised the- tuition the
Vigorito had a 12 year tenure in Washington before losing to a bill for (tuition, in accordance passed Just this spring. It was amount actually needed' to help
Marks. Hopefully, he will not win back his seat. j j with the number of credits you conceived by the administration run the college? Shouldn't all of
During his years in the House of Representatives, Vigorito ac- were taking; room and board, if budget committee of 3 (2 faculty us who help finance the college
complished doodley-squat. He also had the dubious distiction of living on campus; a registration and 1 student), and passed by the know the real amount needed
being named one of the ten dumbest congressmen : by "New fee of $7.50 and $50 in fees ($35 for Budget and Finance committee, than to get hit every time they
Times'', a credible feature news magazine. . student government and a $15 decide to create a new fee?
'student fee.') -« then by the Trustees. The com- lam not objecting to paying the
Marks should have little trouble getting re-elected. As a fresh- Not being a fulltime student, I mittee determined a cut-off line $15.1 am objecting to its creation
man congressman, his record is hardly tarnished and it's not easy complained about the $50 in fees at 6 or more credits, feeling that as a means of wheedling around
to attack it with much success. Besides being a charismatic and im- that were, for the first time, it was not fair to the student the need for a larger tuition in-
pressive politician who knows and likes his job, he has a lot of tacked onto my bill. As my hus- taking only one course to pay it crease. I am upset that no one in
money endorsing his candidacy; a great deal of it his own. band and I are raising a family (is it any more fair to sock it to the administration building who
It almost appears as if Democrats in Erie and the county may and paying a good sized mor- those of us who ha ve finally saved had contact* with its collection
have given up winning this seat, considering no other party mem- tgage, we didn't have $50 extra in enough money through the could explain it.
ber challenged Vigorito in the May primary. * our account. Raising a little summer to take two courses?) While I was researching this
ruckus at the time, the $35 There was no representation of fee, I was not allowed clearance
(parttime students are not parttime students -in the final for classes until it was paid. I am
If the polls are any indication of what will transpire on election required J to pay j the student
day, it looks like a lot of Democrats across the state will be crossing decision, although half of them appalled at the runaround I
government fee) was removed; are subject to the fee. /This fee is received in trying to get answers
over to vote Republican in the race for governor. . -- t the $15 fee was not.
What could be the greatest hindrance to Pete Flaherty's race for used by the college to pay its to my simple questions about
the governor's mansion is the fact that he is a Democrat. i I realize many students are put bills. Isn't that what tuition
is both of these fees, t i ji ^
Thanks to eight notorious years of Governor Milton Shapp, also a through college with parental for? } But I am glad I decided to in-
Democrat, Flaherty has an uphill battle with which to contend. It's assistance and may have just, When I asked why a new fee vestigate what I did not know, for
going to foil ow him until the last vote is cast. •; passed these fees on to them. But was "needed instead of placing I have learned a great deal about
If the majority of people in the state are voting party instead of others probably questioned either this money in the tuition in- how Mercyhurst functions. I now
man this year, the Republican candidate Dick Thornburgh will be the amounts or the necessity of crease, I was told they needed no know who passes the buck, who
the next governor of Pennsylvania. r these fees./ i. * reason to create a new fee. What answers questions honestly and
After five weeks and countless a lesson to students in governing effectively and where problems
phone calls, not to mention being policies: if you need more money, lie in respect to communication
But lest the voter be fooled, Thornburgh is a questionable can- referred from one person to just create another tax! \ between the payer and the payee.
didate. He doesn't have much of a platform. He's running on his another, I finally hit upon the Wouldn't it have been more Charlotte A. Wltoskv
crime fighter image, which ought to put him in big with those who
enjoy Dick Tracy. In fact, the Erie Fraternal Order of Police en- general breakdown of these fees.
dorsed his candidacy, which doesn't sit right with me. In the past, The student government fee is
the police have remained neutral when it came to endorsing can- an activity fee of $35 per year. It
didates. &-' f *• * is charged to anyone who is a
fulltime student (6 or more
Flaherty is not much more impressive, but his qualifications for credits a term.) This amount was
the job-are. As mayor of Pittsburgh, though, he earned the voted on by legal student
stereotype of "maverick" which, reportedly, is turning off hard-
core Democrats in droves. j£i ; representatives in the College
Senate. There is no represen-
Having viewed both candidates in their televised debates was no tation of parttime students, as
great help in my decision to choose one over (the other. Neither they are not required to pay the
seemed to spend as much time informing the public what they fee, which has seen a $10 increase
would do if governor as they did attacking eacn others credibility in recent yean due to the cost of
and harping on what kind of monetary contributions was backing living. However, they do try to
whom. W get us "older" students involved
in some activities, but with little
Thornburgh may be a point or two behind in the polls right now, hick as I understand it
but look for him to win the race in a close election. He does have the
big time bucks behind him, including that of Pennsylvania Senator Student government has
John Heinz. And as Bob Dylan once wrote, "Money doesn't talk, it complete control over how this
swears." f' money is spent You get a lot far
However, because of his experience as mayor of Pittsburgh, I your contribution, though, since
personally feel that Flaherty deserves to be the next governor. they fund all campus
organisations, most campus
related functions, such as the
The previous opinions are my own and do not reflect the student directory. Most students
of the Merciad staff members, who didn't want to get invol probably get more out of their
politics. than they put in.
Mercyhurst Has Until
Comply With RehabAct - - *W*:
by Patrick Dunn "The college's administration iseeing whether or not the
Reportedly, Mercyhurst will wasn't really aware of the facilities are, in effect, ac-
have until June 1980 to comply regulations with regard to cessable thus seeing if this
with federal regulations to make handicap accessability under college is in compliance with the
the Campus Center accessable to Section 504, because there was law."
the wheelchaired handicapped, little publicity at the time it was When asked whether the
or stand to face possible suit. passed and there was absolutely college would take immediate
According to Robert Sheehy, no enforcement of the standards action, Sheehy said he thought
former operations director, the of the four years between 1973- they would wait. "Basically," he
center, at present, does not meet 77," he said. 1 added, "because of the feet that
Dr. Vivetta Petronio federal requirements as set forth But Sheehy was quick to point the college hasn't got that kind of
by Section 504 of the out that the handicapped student money." i
Rehabiliation Act of 1973. "But," himself will be responsible to Still Sheehy further stated that

Egan Scholar Program he added, "they will have to be challenge the school in the event Section 504 doesn't advocate an
met at a cost of between $25 to $50 the Campus Center is physically institution go bankrupt trying to
thousand dollars, or be in unaccessable after the June 1980 modify its physical facilities to
violation of the law."! deadline. I \ meet handicapped standards.

Has New Director Section 504, which is under the "If a handicapped student Section 504 regulations have
Bureau of Rehabilitation, a wants to take some kind of Ibeen made law for architectual
department of Health, Education athletic program and the barrier free design no matter
and Welfare (HEW), requires facilities aren't up to par then it is whether the building has federal
Dr. Vivetta Petronio, professor Petronio said. "It should be a that all public businesses, up to that student to file a suit monies or not.
of French, is the new director of vehicle which will help him resturants and ^institutions be with the Bureau of Rehabilitation Presently one wheelchaired
the Egan Scholars Program. An develop as a multi-faceted person made physically accessable to or with a federal court. And that handicapped student is enrolled
18 year faculty member, she says in his own right and allow him to the wheelchaired handicapped by court will then have the duty of tat Mercyhurst.;-
she "takes great pride in being an exert a force for growth in his June 1980. |
active part of the Mercyhurst The accessabilities are in the
Besides French, she teaches
English and is also a member of
She indicated that her goals
include getting to know more of
the Egan scholars ! personally,
form of either covered or non-
covered ramps. In addition to the
Campus Center, both second floor
Charlene Gee Keeps Busy
Old Main and second floor by JoAnn Alexander %%$%&$£&£ M
the College Senate and chair- adapting the program to their Preston are the only other areas This'week the Merciad's new
person of the Academic Policies needs and making them a vibrant on campus currently without faculty member feature looks at
Committee. She said she was force on the campus. She hopes physical accessability for the Charlene Gee, an instructor in
"excited" by the opportunity to the scholars will assume a more handicapped.
interact with more students in prominent role in campus affairs foods and nutrition at the 'Hurst.
and plans to lend her support by Sheehy, who was the chairman Charlene is a graduate of
her new role. of the committee to evaluate the [. Howard /University in
"It's a Joy to work with Egan letting mentors, advisors, faculty college on Section 504, said, "It's ^Washington, D.C., where she
Scholars," she noted. "I believe and students know Just what the quite strigent in that you cannot received her B.S. degree in foods
in them and want this program to program represents. isolate the handicapped students and nutrition. She completed her
enjrich their career at Mer- In attempts to establish what and]provide separate services; master's work at New Mexico
cyhurst. I would love to meet and she calls an "Egan Identity", you must mainstream these State University in Las Cruces,
talk with anyone involved in the Petronio is working with? the people and allow them the same N.M.^> i -'
program in any way to get their Egan Council in planning various entrance." ; After she completed a dietetic
input." T ' i activities including a Mercyhurst He cited a two-fold reason why internship with the U.S. Public
Her duties .include selecting logo contest, Christmas party, the administration didn't heed Health Services Hospital in
freshmen Egan scholars, ad- informal rap sessions as well as the regulations imposed on the Staten Island, N.Y., she worked
vising Egan and honor students supporting cultural activities on Campus Center by Section 504 at for three years at the St. Vincent •SBS*

and coordinating the Egan campus such as "College Bowl" time of construction. " Medical Center in Staten Island.
? "First," he said, "Section 504 She then spent three years at the
Council, a group of students who and guest speakers. J
provide input on student needs states that any institution which M a n h a t t a n Veterans
and desires in the program. She To allow the Egan Scholars to receives federal funds or any Administration
Hospital in New. '•..

is also responsible for con- get to know each other better and building which is built with York City.[ J ^
sidering revisions in the program to discuss strengthening the federal funds must comply with When asked what brought her
program, there will be a meeting Section 504. Obviously, this to Mercyhurst,^ Charlene said, Charlene Gee
to fulfill continually changing on Sunday, November 5, at 8 p.m. campus receives ' ederal funds "This job offers a rare com- stronger program in con-
student needs. in Baldwin lounge. Students-in- but at the time that the Campus bination of teaching, ad- solidating the facilities and
"The Egan Scholars Program volved in the program are in- Center was built it was built ministrating and supervising. I. faculty of the three schools."
should help fulfill the intellectual, vited. Dr. William P. Garvey, strictly with private donations like the small'local community' Currently she is teaching ad-
cultural and social needs of the professor of history, will be the and no federal funding. here and the college campus andl vanced nutrition at Edinborq,
academically talented student," guest speaker. Therefore, the architect used the decided that it would be a good! "team teaching" and Dietetics I
then existing Pennsylvania State change of pace." at Hamot Medical Center.
handicap standards which are a "I am very interested in | Charlene, who this past
little more lenient than the working ••ith students at an summer instructed at both New

DeSante Reappointed Section 504 regulations." under g radua te level," s he Mexico State University and the
Secondly, Sheeny stated that continued. "I am also very en- University of Texas at El Paso,
despite the fact section 504 was thused about the CUP Program, indicated that she likes to travel
passed in 1973 and signed into which is a consortium of three and-that "most of my outside
Placement Director law, few in the country gave it colleges (Mercyhurst, Echnboro activities are centered around
much attention. land Villa.) This makes for a my five year-old son, Terrence."

David DeSante has been
reappointed to the position of
director of placement He for-
merly occupied the position from
directing seminars for freshmen
and seniors in order for them to
become acquainted with the Job
files, which include obtainable
Wild And Crazy Buys' Run Show
Gary Bukowski, the previous
Wisconsin-Madison University
director, resigned the • :• c
time a position at] £*Jllm y The President of the,Student fountain, so students could dig in will end before they start *
College in Meadville. M Government at the University of with pails and shovels. And they are apparently
DeSante, most currently Wisconsin-Madison has his finger "Pail and Shovel is dedicated serious about some of their plans.
directed the office of testing, firmly on the pulse of his 40,000 to the four-year-old in all of us," Last week, the student senate
orientation, and academic ad- constitutuents. Mallon said in his disheveled changed the name of the school to
vising, i student union office, which the University of New Jersey.
"All the average student cares "That way kids from Wisconsin
"My main duties," DeSante about is sex and drugs and rock features a filing cabine'
explained," "are to get as many •n' roll. In that order," says the marked"Toys." v can say they graduated from a
recruits on campus by making student body president Jim Mallon and Varjian began by prestigious Eastern school."
feasable contacts to provide Ma lion. I building a giant campaign Mallon said. "And we should be
potential sources of either part- « ^

"platform" outr of Popsicle able to get the New York Times a

time or full-time employment for Chairing student, senate sticks. Now, they're the dominant lot cheaper."
students." meetings with a huge plastic figures in student politics - 29 Pail Earlier,> Mallon and Varjian
DeSante occupied two different gavel or cavorting on campus in and Shovel candidates won helped plan and okayed funds for
oositions during the two years clown suits, Mallon and his vice- election to the 36-member student a wild "toga party", attended by
from 1972-1974. "After «74," president, Leon Varjian, have senate this fall. about 12,000. And then there was
DeSante noted, "the college brought new humor to the the marijuana "smoke-in,"
enrollment increased and a need campus, a hotbed of? anti-war "We have two more than a two-
thirds majority now and no one which drew 5,000 to the state Ca-
arosefortwo people to divide the radicalism in the 1960*8. pitol, f
duties' of placement and can stop us," Mallon gloated.
academic advising. That is when Mallon, 22, a communications Stop them from what? Paul Ginsburg, dean of
Bukowski became placement arts senior, and Varjian, who at Their < promises include: students, said the rise of Mallon
27 is in his 10th year of college, Flooding the football stadium for and Varjian means the students
director." founded the "Pail and-Shovel" tmock naval battles, stuffing are seeking a little light-hearted
After Bukowski's resignation, party last spring, u and mounting all deans, con- relief from academic and social
DeSante was reappointed as verting parking meters into pressures. "People are lust
director of placement, leaving his ••* •--" They proposed converting gumball machines and running looking for something less
former position unoccupied. David DeSante student's funds into pennies and clocks backwards so that classes serious." he said*.
DeSante's other di l l ^ C include dumping them into a \ campus

Inquiring rterAsks
Wio Would You Like
The Next Governor > T I f f i f l W r n • - • W / / M : I ;v».-.x-:*xw&fi


Mark Chaffee, HRM Major J Mary cKay Lieb, Director of

"Because he's a bit more Development Services J eff A bel Theatre Major J udy Zewe, Personnel Director
conservative, I'd like to see "Even '• thought I am a "I'm for Flaherty. He's done a "I'm for Pete Flaherty because
Thorn burgh win. Some of registered Democrat, I will be lot for improving Pittsburgh, like I think he's a fair and honest man
Flaherty's qualities, although voting Republican in the the roads and taxes, and he could who tells it like it is. He's not
some are good, could hinder Governor's race because I'm not do \ the I same for the rest* of afraid to speak up for what he
Pennsylvania at the moment." impressed with Flaherty's record Pennsylvania." believes in."
as Mayor of Pittsburgh."



Jody Cane ill a. Special Ed. Maribeth stitt, Human Ecology

Major JimKopchuk, Communications Major . Kim Barbarini, Special Ed.
Major "I would like to see Thornburgh Major jjj
"I'd like to see Thornburgh "I'm for Flaherty because I "I'm for Thornburgh because
win. He and his wife are ad- governor because, as a native of
feel he will clear up what Shapp Pittsburgh, I was not impressed of the recent ignorant statement
vocates for the funding of ex- did to our Pennsylvania offices." a Flaherty aide made concerning
ceptional children." with what Flaherty did during his
administration as mayor." the education of deaf children."

WRITING CENTER I A number of recruiters will be
It's that time again when term on campus next week, if in-
papers are due and essay tests terested, students are asked to
are scheduled. Don't panic! The contact the Career Planning and
utors at the Writing Center, 906 Placement Office for more in-
Main, can help you improve and formation.
evelop your writing skills! 1
Seniors interested with
dividual and* group tutoring working in the field of financial
•ssions are offered Monday planning are encouraged to meet
trough Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with Tony ScaUse of Investors
nd also Tuesday and Thursday ^Diversified Services. He will be
ights 7 to 9 p.m. in-Baldwin's on campus in the Placement
min lounge. .jj» Office on Nov. 9 from 9 a.m. to
CREATIVE WRITING volunteered will go door-to-door preparation and basic farming. paring its practices to preferred *noon. J
WORKSHOP W in the neighborhood asking for The co-op is also going to start managerial techniques.» His company deals with estate
The members of the Creative canned goods and other non- an emergency food program The presentation will be held in planning, stocks, insurances, and
Writing Workshop are looking for perishable items. The neighbors component, which will provide the faculty lounge beginning at 10 other financial aspects. Investors
students, faculty and ad- will be alerted about the food free food for anyone who has run a.m. A coffee service will com- Diversified Services is interested
ministration who enjoy writing drive through the media. All food out of food. Part of the food the mence afterwards. in graduates who would consider
prose, poetry and essays. We collected will be then given to Mercy hurst volunteers collect in BUSINESS DEPARTMENT entry level positions.
usually meet Wednesdays from 3 agencies like the real soup kit- their food drive will go to this Congratulations to Kevin Ms. Betsy Johnson and Mr. R.
to 4:30 p.m. Please feel free to chen- and homes such as emergency unit. ^ Rozich who has now been elected Katz of Carlisle's Department
drop in with samples of your Hospitality House and Com- i If there are faculty members, the new business representative Store will be on campus on Nov.
work to share with us. For fur- munity House. administrators or students who for MSG. The .election was very 8. Seniors interested in retail
ther information contact the Still another project the can not make the food drive, they close, in fact, there was a three
Writing Center in 306 Main at ex- ministry will support is the effort can drop off cans of food in the careers are invited to interview.
way tie for second place. Mrs. Nichlos of the Pittsburg
tension 239. . by the Minority Health Education ministry office in 212 Main. Thanks to all the candidates
EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Delivery System to start a food SENIOR DINNER DANCE School District will be on campus
who ran and thanks to all the Nov. 9 to interview teachers of
Attention Prospective Student cooperative. Roy McDonald, a Anyone interested or who have people who took the time to vote.
Teachers: Students expecting to former lay missionary, is star- suggestions for working at the math, music, art, special
SAC - education, library end
student teach winter term must ting what 'he calls the jFood Senior Dinner Dance in Take those after mid-term
pick up'an application in the Basket Co-operative. December please contact Beth elementary teachers interested
blues and pre-final frustrations in teaching 6th, 7th, and 8th
Education Division Office, 306 The co-op is designed to meet Beal in 211 Baldwin or phone 884- out at 2001 in Jamestown, New
Main, no later than November 17, the needs of the poor in census 4608. The event will take place in grades. i
York. The cost is,only $10 for Interested seniors may sign up
1978. J *j tracts 13 and 14 in Erie. This area the school cafeteria. males and $8 for females, which for an appointment in the
Applications should be has great needs, the median !%TMSG * does- include transportation and Placement Office.
returned to either Mrs. Kalisak, family incomes are well below On Tuesday, November 7, all you can drink. Buses leave
education division secretary, or the city average of $8,927,' and students from Jean 1 Lavin's Seni ors \ and upperclas sm en
t _
Baldwin Hall at 7:18 p.m. on lookingforpart-time or full time
Mr. Infantino in 302 Main. there is a high crime rate in this Human Behavior . in Friday, November 3. Sign up now jobs during the Christmas season
CAMPUS MINISTRY district. Organizations class will be in the student union, are encouraged to check with the
On Thursday, November 2, and f; The co-op will try to cut the cost presenting an evaluation of the On Tuesday, November 7, Paul Placement Office.
Friday, November 3 the Campus of nutritious food for 600 low MSG. * Gerni, pocket billiard trick shot Retailers, especially in the
Ministry will conduct a income households, achieve a The group, comprised of champion,, will give an en- Millcreek Mall are eager to hire
Thanksgiving Food Drive. On working model for self-help Melanie Tetzel, Stove Flatley, tertaining presentation* in the seasonal sales help and have
these nights, volunteers will develop ment, and assist low Kate Monroe, Rick Propis and student union at 11:80 a.m. Gerni indicated the positions could
gather in the ministry at 6 p.m. income families in acquiring Steve Frisina, will .deal with the uses wit and audience par- extend into the spring and
Students and faculty who have skills 4 in nutrition, food student eovernment hv mm- ticipation in his performances.
summer monthsS I M 1


'. .


Kennedy also expressed what

A possible calendar change AND -HER CMLDREN;
was the continuing topic of ne fel t to be a general acceptance
discussion at Monday's student by students of a 4-3-8 system, but,
government meeting. a dislike of the semester
E. William Kennedy, admini- proposal. v/

strative advisor to the group Sternlieb commented that the

explained the * possibility of group has "six weeks to work" on.
reducing 4; student costs by a consensus toward a change.
dropping intersession. The division .chairpersons are
The reduction, he explained, gathering information currently
"would be because of the fewer and a decision is expected in six
feeding days necessary for weeks. £
resident students," Parent's weekend was also
Fewer feeding? days would discussed and a change of the
reduce the, cost of board for format was suggested.
resident students as much as Members suggested switching
$24,000 collectively during in- the present parent's weekend
tersession. & jj format to that of Ithe father-
daughter program.
The body voiced more The change was suggested
criticisms of the intersession because of the past apathy
system stating that an in- concerning the program,
tersession schedule should be especially by faculty!
available during fall registration Sternlieb,! the faculty
so that a student could determine representative, told the group
the necessity of overloading that a student's request for a
during that term or taking an faculty members attendance
intersession course. would be more (effective than a
Jeffrey Sternlieb, faculty request fby the division chair-
advisor, told the group that persons, j
students were paying for in- Members also decided to
tersession along with the regular organize a platform for future
fall tuition, so they "might as parent's weekends and to appoint
well see what you (the students) a chairperson and co-
are getting." ] chairperson.
College Bowl is the "varsity sport of the mind." Perhaps you have
seen college teams engaged in rival mental struggle on television. If
Mercyhurst College Little Theatre
you have, you know that big time colleges compete for cash prizes. 501 East 38th Street, Erie, RL, 16546
Now Mercyhurst is looking for your support in forming a varsity
College Bowl team. W 1 October 27, 28,29 • 8 EM.
We are looking for teams of four to match wits in intramural com-
petition to select the varsity team. The varsity team contends with
other area colleges for the Regional Championship. Then, in March,
November 8 EM.
the National Championships will be held, followed by the World's For Reservations Call:
Championship Tournament in April. Finally, a United States All-Star
team is chosen to compete against the British All-Star team in 814/ 864-0681 m
England, all expenses paid.
The competition itself involves a series of academic Toss-up ques-
tions. The first person to signal answers, the question. If he or she does
so correctly, his or her team scores points and is given a chance at a
bonus question. The entire team can confer on this question.
If you are interested in participating in intramural competition and If You Don't Know Tho Location
are a fulltime student at the 'Hurst, please fill in the coupon below and
return it to Dr. Vivetta Petronio in 205 Preston.
Name ]
1 Your Polling Place You May
Campus Address = j -S- Call This Number To Find Out
Please check all that apply:
I would like more information ERIE COUNTY ELECTION BOARD - 814-456-8851
I would be interested in competing
Comments about bringing College Bowl to Mercyhurst:

Reports On /gfirWE '^E^Eia^QORE UK TPBflB © I & P
I rt-n=f?SeSSlD^ QoOfiSE Po& \H~lh
Consortium A rtEv*
Tom Billingsley, Mercyhurst
representative to j the Small
College Consortium, is currently
involved in a study>* to compare
the 1977-78 catalog course listings ( xirr D if £ )
with those actually taught in that
academic year's schedule.
"It is hoped that publication of
this data will contribute to UT££ATu
refining course schedules, to
improving academic programs
and to providing accurate in-
formation for catalog listings/'
said Billingsley. \ SO*W*\M
The study provides information
useful for planning academic
programs, catalog course listings
and yearly schedules of courses.
The data has been organized
alphabetically into division or
subject area classifications.
There are to be five columns of
information:the catalog course ^ffleOAV I COKTV:* AT?AD*. 300-00
number and description, when
each course is to be offered, was
it offered in 1977-78?, the terms
and number of sections where the
course was offered and lastly, the ft£&ST£ft €/>ftl»Y CONTACT
total year's enrollment.
The data has a potential use for X>. SHtMpertO - CAMPOS 1
studying enrollment patterns in |MHEPitfr€L^ i ^ ^co ARE
different level courses. The
number of majors by class ti*TEft£ST£9
standing categories can be

3RKBH39H W&?,

The Devil Made Her Do It - Lisa Boss, left, and Ed Negron might
have been trying to tell us that the old cliche, "Never the twain shall
meet", is a bunch of malarkey.
Members of the group "Justin Time" in the middle of one of the hard rock numbers they
performed at the dance.


good tune. I'll give it a 95. It has a great beat. I sure

A few of the pillow people, or as they preferred


Which way to the Emerald City? - Pictured from left to right are Tom "Tin Man" Chybrzynski,
Andy "Cowardly Lion" Findlay, Shelagh "Dorothy" Murphy and Phil "Scarecrow" Dubsky.

"Justin Time" also got down with a UtUe jaii offering.



i f e W A t u

by Andy Findlay j ambition. It was one of the most basketball player, but'also in-
For those readers who are nerve-racking times in the lives fluenced my \ personality
acquainted with basketball at of the team and the coaches.^ development through college,"
Mercyhurst, the name Paul The final buzzer in this, game Young said. * J
Young will surely be synonymous produced, perhaps, the greatest 1 The pinnacle of Young's career
with the sport on campus for moment in Mercyhurst athletic came in May 1978 at the Mercy-
many years to come. * history. M'A. hurst Annual Sports Banquet. He
Young, a native of Pittsburgh, "That second was a momen- was presented the William P.
was the captain of last year's tous occasion for me' and Garvey Sports Award for the
successful Laker team and! culminated a lifetime ex- most outstanding male athlete of
basketball has kept Urn in the perience, making all my efforts the year. S
Erie area. He is now involved! seem so worthwhile," recalled "I felt that this award con-
with the sport at Edinboro, as Young.' f cluded my four years here as my
graduate assistant. t - Young was captain of the team most prestigious individual
Young's four years atf the that went to the national honor," Young recalled.
'Hurst saw an amazing championships I in Kansas City Young is now studying for his
development in Laker basketball, with a 26-2 record; the best in the master's degree in Rehabilitation
both in facilities land also in nation. However, the Kansas trip Counseling at Edinboro. His
playing standard. proved to be a short visit for the i duties as a coach are concerned
"Sitting down in high school in i Lakers, who were eliminated in with thefitnessand defense of the
1974 and dreaming of my future," the early stages of the} till basketball team.
recalled Young, "the Mercyhurst . petition. \ < "Coaching is now showing me a
life that lay before me was to i In 1978, Young bad been named new dimension in the sport,"
exceed \ my wildest ex- MVP at the Mercyhurst tour- Young said. "I am, at present,
pectations." nament,firstteam in the "Big 5" content to see what teaching can
Later B.B. Scrimmage - Pictured above is Manzie Williams, with ' In his four year period as a and second team in the district. do for me but I would consider
ball, going for two points. Also show is Jim McElrath, farright(No. Laker, Young saw the team The main influence on Young's competing again if the op-
115). f 1 transform from a talented group career at the 'Hurst was former portunity arose."
The Mercyhurst basketball team opened its scrimmage season with i of individuals achieving mixed Laker head coach Dick Fox. It will be an emotional moment
i a crushing win over Hilbert Community College last Saturday at the results, to a cohesive unit win- Young has immense respect for for him when he returns to the
I Campus Center. iM , ning nearly every contest en- him. j I Campus Center on December 11
tered, culminating in the NAIA "Fox not only helped me as a for the Laker-Scots encounter.
"We outclassed them and I think we were a much stronger team,
said Head Coach Dan O'Connor. "We did some things very well but District 18 title in 1978. « w •

have a lot to learn." -i L

; "Individually," said Young, "I
When asked how the new men on the team performed, O'Connor felt that my second year was my
replied, "I consider everybody on the team new, as I am in my first best offensive year for the
year as head coach. Nobody played poorly and the attitude was ; Lakers." His sophomore year
super." i • (fr I . g L was productive, developing
cohesiveness in
Everybody on the squad played for at least ten minutes. Walter However, the Lakers were not yet the team.
dark, Mike Fusco and Bill Link could not get in the action due to in- strong enough to contend for an
juries, but all expect to recover for the regular season, which begins NAIA District 18 play-off spot.
on November 28 with the Clarion Tournament. In 1976, Young was selected on
The Lakers continue their scrimmage season with a home game the Ail-Star team at the Indiana
against4 Daemen College of Buffalo at 9:90 a.m. on Saturday, Novem- Christmas Tournament.
' (photo by Jim Daley) In 1978, the Lakers won the
Mercyhurst Invitational Tour-
nament, a Canadian tourney at
Intramurals Kitchener, the "Big 5" cham-
pionship and the coveted District
George Gamers Meg For Golf 18 title.
The final play-off game* was
against St. Vincent College. Fox
Bobby George, a senior UK Mercyhurst community and Young, only this game s ! : • : •
' Former Laker Paul Young
business major, has won the golf will be divided into categories of hoftvPAfi him and I a lifetime
title on a technical decision after men and women over and under
finishing equal with Dan 30 years of age. arnone
George and O'Connor both
Registration will be at the
Campus Center and the deadline
is 3 p.m. on Monday^November
obtained nine hole scores of 38 but
George, taking the individual 13. f Trample WHOLESALE AND RETAIL
Phone 455-6042
holes as match play, .won 5 to
O'Connor's S. ,
George wins a Mercyhurst mug MM
* •5oc*K
*^™» r• Thiel
The women's volleyball team
601 W. 17th In Erie
for his efforts. Other competitors Psssi got on the winning track Tuesday
in golf play were Mike Cusack 111 night defeating TWel in three
and Craig Mourton. ill straight games, 1541,15-12,15-11.
In intramural badminton news, The Lakers next home match is
sign-ups are now available for a triangular meet Thursday night'
badminton competition. Five at the Campus Center. The team
events will be featured: mens takes on Allegheny and
and women's singles, men's and Av Jamestown Community College
women's doubles and mixed beginning at 6:30. J
doubles. • . . j . Junior Mary Mabon spoke of
Each tournament, scheduled the season thus far. "We got off to
for November 10,11 and 12, will a strong start, but midway
te double elimination. through the season we slumped.
Equipment will be provided by The last few games we have
thTatnletic department; rules gotten back together and hope to
are available upon r o t a t i o n . finish strong." , ^£jur
Deadline for sign-ups is 4 pjn. on Mahon said that the foot injury
FYiday, November 10. to Sue Cavalancia hurt the unity
s58i to come is the annual of the team but added that Kathy
Turkey Trot, scheduled for Chudzicki proved a good
Monday, November 13, a U p m replacement. „ .
^ trot is a « M e o a n t o * £ The Lakers are 11-3 overall and
around campus, i*om men •— 12-0 in the Keystone Conference
standings. . .
women can compete. . According to Maboajte njosj
Ficht turkeys are to be formidable opponent, will be hist
1*AIA tor
awarded i 0 1 four levels of
^ *"* *- ooen to Bobby George l years champions , Grove City.
competition, lfce race is open i»

Soccer Record
Since IProgram I i ncepti on
by Andy Findlay Jr mm.

game on September 26.

"I don't see how they can keep "We're a different team now
us out of the play-offs,'* said than we were in the two defeats
Coach Dave Shimpeno, after we had in September," Shimpeno
another win for the Mercyhurst noted. "We now have a different
soccer team. Wheeling College offensive and defensive set up."
was the team on the receiving The Lakers are using midfielders
end of a 4-0 shutout at Tullio Field R.T. Bence,?Mark Richert and
last Saturday. 4, \ \ Jim Riley more extensively.
"We have the best won-loss Weber's hat-trick in Saturday's
record in the district, and along game brought his personal tally
with Behrend are the only teams to 16. Ron Rosintoski opened the
to have better than a .500 rec- scoring early in the game and
ord," Shimpeno said. The Laker this 1-0 margin held out until half-
record of 8-2-1 is the best since the time. ? f
program began. | Weber, the team captain, Soccer Coach Dave Shimpeno
"I started this program as a scored all of his goals in the
club three years ago when the second half as the Lakers
only experienced players we had Soccer Footnote
systematically began to
were Gary Weber and Jon dominate the game with a series
Woodruff, who are both still with Gary Weber has been ranked
of offensive plays down the left eighth in an NAIA soccer
us. It's a pleasing ac- wing. "&?
complishment to come this far statistics chart.
In the final regular season Weber, who after nine games
this soon." game, the tough Lakers face a had scored 13 goals, now has a
The eLakers have scored 40 strong Buffalo State College goals per game average of 1.44.
goals and conceded only 22, not outfit on Saturday, November 4, This figure makes him number
having lost since the Fredonia at 2 p.m. at Tullio Field. eight in the nation.
Mary Ann King

Sports-Minded Mary Ann King

Possesses' Competitive 'Spirit
by Chris Tomczak probation. She has maintained a
For the past few years the 3.0 average throughout her
name Mary Ann King has college career.
become almost synonymous with As a high school student at
Mercyhurst College women's Bishop O'Hara High, Mary Ann The Laker men's varsity four respectable fourth. The Henley race course boasts
athletics. \ won the MVP award in basketball kept the Mercyhurst flag flying This race ended with a stroke- starting gates, a large boathouse
King has participated in tennis, her junior year and received placing fourth of seven in the for-stroke battle between the and an enthusiasm for rowing
basketball and softball at Mer- woman athlete of the year as a Brock Invitational Regatta in Lakers and the University of equivalent to that exhibited for
cyhurst since her freshman year senior. Canada last weekend. Toronto with the Laker crew college football in this country.
three years ago7 She has not only The greatest athletic thrill for The men's and (-women's var- successfully * holding the The Lakers now enter a winter
performed but has excelled in all King at Mercyhurst was being a sity eights and the women's four Canadians off at the line. training schedule that will be a
three sports. |- member of this years Keystone failed to qualify for the main The Canadian^ rowing season crucial factor in determining the
In her freshman and junior Conference tennis champs. "This event when they placed last in begins June 4 and ends in performances next spring. "Most
years. King was named Most being my senior year," she said, their respective heats. October, as opposed to the spring important," said Coach Wray,
Valuable Player in softball. She "it really felt great beating "The atmosphere was so in- season for the Lakers. "Meeting "is for our team to dedicate
won the MVP award in tennis as a Allegheny and being a part of the tense that our rowers may have these teams in the height of the themselves for excellence. If we
junior. ? Conference champions." been overwhelmed by its scale," season is tough," said Wray, "but can put our souls into this, we'll
•'The best part of athletics here What is the future for Mary commented Al Belovarac, ttie* in the spring we will be hard to have a successful spring
at Mercyhurst is the unique Ann King? "I plan on working in men's coach. "We have to get beat." ; season."
people I've met, "Mary Ann a group home for juveniles after used to the large regattas as
said, "Especially the many graduation. I also would like to these are increasingly becoming :
the trend.": ^ \
teammates I came to know."
Mary Ann King grew up with
five brothers and two sisters. She
coach, preferably basketball,
some time in the future," she
said. She also plans on being
"I think we've come a long way
since September," remarked
attributes her athletic ability to active in individual sports and Clarke Wray, the head coach. (as of Wednesday, November 1)
the many years competing with wants to learn to play racquet- "We've already surpassed West
Virginia University who beat us Joint Effort Final
and against her brothers. "If they ball. \ No Exit Joint Effort
needed another player 1 was ,last year, but, make no mistake TKB
available," she recalled about -The mark King will leave in | about it, we still have a long way TKB 26-12
her childhood. sports here at Mercyhurst will be ! > g o . " • .. v
King is a native of Scranton, hard to dent. Perhaps Carly The Laker men's lightweight
Pennsylvania. Aged 23, she is a Simon spoke of Mary Ann King's four battled down the world-
Sons Of Sam
senior law enforcement student abilities as she sang, "Nobody renown Canadian course against
majoring in parole and does it better." six Canadian boats and placed a Henrys
Play Offsv are now underway. The final is
between Joint Effort and Henrys and is slated
for Friday November 3 at 4 p.m.

Standings are as follows: • As Of October 3

Eastern Division Central Division Western Division Miles jogged so far are as follows:
(as of November 1, Wednesday)
Won-Lost Won-Lort Steve Henwr. K Gail Lewis' 17
LMyMcCam ...M Hie beam », W
M i p s Wracks Whitwa taOtwv 43 Kern R u i c a . ' ; . . . : . . 12
Di» Nay-AeeKieg . . .
TntaMiv Davits leeFal 22 Cadi Meat II
Willi's Rraw
Eteh» lettes. A 21 la hcebs ;t-.

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