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Towards bulk thermodynamics via non-equilibrium

methods: gaseous methane as a case study†
Cite this: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,
2015, 17, 1966
Mirco Zerbetto and Diego Frezzato*

We illustrate how the Jarzynski equality (JE), which is the progenitor of non-equilibrium methods aimed at
constructing free energy landscapes for molecular-sized fluctuating systems subjected to steered
transformations, can be applied to derive equations of state for bulk systems. The key-step consists of
physically framing the computational strategy of ‘‘total energy morphing’’, recently presented by us as an
efficient implementation of the JE [M. Zerbetto, A. Piserchia, D. Frezzato, J. Comput. Chem., 2014, 35,
1865–1881], in terms of build-up of the real thermodynamic state of a bulk material from the
corresponding ideal state, in which the particles are non-interacting. In this context, the JE machinery
yields the excess free energy versus suitably chosen controlled state variables, whose thermodynamic
Received 25th August 2014, derivatives eventually lead to the equation of state. As an explanatory case study, we apply the
Accepted 25th November 2014 methodology to derive the equation of state of gaseous methane by constructing the Helmholtz free
DOI: 10.1039/c4cp03815k energy versus the particle density (at fixed temperature) and then evaluating the thermodynamic derivative
with respect to the volume. In our intent, this ‘‘old-style’’ work on gaseous methane should open the way for the investigation of thermodynamics of extended systems via non-equilibrium methods.

1. Introduction instantaneous transformation; the JE fits in between, with

advantages of finite-time simulated transformations but
In the last decade, the so-called ‘‘Work Fluctuations Theorems’’ expected greater accuracy with respect to the FEP. For a detailed
have been largely applied to achieve, both experimentally and comparison between non-equilibrium tools and conventional
numerically, free energy profiles of molecular systems sub- equilibrium strategies (e.g., smart Monte Carlo routes like the
jected to steered transformations along some coordinate(s) of umbrella sampling) we address the interested reader to ref. 7
interest at thermal equilibrium.1 In particular, the Jarzynski and 8.
equality (JE) can be seen as the archetype of these tools.2 In To the best of our knowledge, up to now the employment of the
essence, the distribution of the amount of work required to Work Fluctuations Theorems (and of the JE amongst them) has
drive a non-equilibrium transformation by means of a freely been mostly confined to single-molecule studies, i.e., complex
chosen protocol is employed to compute the free energy difference molecular systems or supra-molecular aggregates. Typical applica-
between the initial and the final (equilibrium) states. At the tions are encountered in biological contexts, e.g. in probing the
computational level, the efficiency of the JE lies in replacing a internal energetics of polypeptides,9 proteins10 and nucleic acids,11
cumbersome calculation of configurational partition functions,3,4 of protein–ligand complexes,12–14 and in the construction of mean-
by the simulation of few system trajectories. We underline that field potentials for solutes in biomembranes.15 Going to more
the JE may be meant as a ‘‘non-equilibrium bridge’’ between extended systems, applications of the JE can be found in problems
the classical ‘‘equilibrium’’ strategy known as Thermodynamic like estimating free energies of solvation of solute molecules in
Integration (TI) early conceived by Kirkwood,5 and the Free given media (e.g., hydration of methane16,17). In all these cases, the
Energy Perturbation (FEP) method reported by Zwanzig.6 In a relevant state-variables fall on the molecular scale, being referred to
dynamical view, the TI would correspond to an infinitely slow the chemical moiety of interest in the given environment.
transformation between two thermodynamic states (the reference In this work, we explore the applicability of the JE tool to
and the target ones), while the FEP would lie at the opposite side of bulk homogeneous systems. The final target is the determination of
an equation of state from the estimation of the free energy density.
In other words, the state variables we shall deal with are, by
Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Università degli Studi di Padova, via Marzolo 1,
I-35131 Padova, Italy. E-mail:; Tel: +39 049 827-5658
themselves, those thermodynamic variables that can be fixed in
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/ macroscopic samples: temperature (chosen), pressure and
c4cp03815k volume. In this perspective, the free energy landscape is only

1966 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 1966--1979 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015
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the ‘‘raw information’’ to be further elaborated to get, via thermo- calculations of free energy can be performed via non-equilibrium
dynamic derivatives, the connection among state variables. work theorems if the cell size is sufficiently small to be able to treat
To recover the free energy landscape versus the relevant state its chemical content (at molecular level) in simulating the trans-
variables, we adopt here a strategy recently developed by us to formations; the intensive bulk properties derived by elaborating the
improve the computational efficiency of the JE machinery for free energy density in a finite-cell case are thus approximations
complex molecular systems, and implemented in our C++ which can be improved by means of operative extrapolation
Published on 05 December 2014. Downloaded by Universidade Federal da Santa Maria on 3/26/2019 12:29:04 PM.

library JEFREE (Jarzynski’s Equality FREe Energy) for wide- procedures if calculations with an increasing cell size (at fixed
spread applications.18,19 The strategy, termed by us as ‘‘total energy density) are performed. This is the conceptual framework in all
morphing’’, consists of making a sort of drastic ‘‘alchemical generality, which must be tailored case-by-case.
transformation’’ where the whole energetics of the chemical system As an explanatory case study, we shall consider the gaseous
grows from a flat state in which all the interactions are absent, methane modeled as an ensemble of Lennard-Jones interacting
while possible constraints (e.g., chemical bonds) amongst the beads. The objective is to construct the profile of the compres-
constituting moieties are set and kept from the beginning. Such sibility factor versus pressure at fixed temperature. This goes
an energy build-up (the morphing) is performed according to a through the evaluation of the pressure itself from the thermo-
prescribed deterministic schedule while all the configurational dynamic derivative of the Helmholtz free energy with respect to
variables of the system are let free to fluctuate. The JE is then the system volume. The required free energy profile versus the
readily applied to achieve the free energy profile versus the volume (which is the controlled state variable in the steering
morphing parameter and, much more importantly, versus some stage) is achieved by applying the JE with a morphing/steering
system parameter that is being controlled in a subsequent scheme. During the morphing stage, the ideal gas is trans-
steering stage once the morphing is completed. The advantage formed into the real gas by means of a prescribed protocol, which
of performing such an energy morphing before the steering gradually ‘‘turns on’’ the intermolecular pairwise potential. In the
consists of having the possibility to trivially and perfectly sample steering stage the density is driven to change in a given range. The
the initial configurations (since the distribution is flat); hence, molecules are let free to explore the 3D-space via Markovian moves
no systematic error is introduced a priori. The price to pay is that during the whole transformation. We anticipate that calculations
the whole transformation (morphing plus steering) is ‘‘longer’’, give a quite good agreement both with the simplest conventional
hence the dissipation can result sensibly higher if compared to route to compute volumetric properties from simulations (use of
that from standard applications of the JE where only the steering the virial theorem) and with available experimental data. It is worth
is performed. The approach/software has been tested on simple mentioning that the formulation and the tests of applicability of
benchmark problems like the evaluation of the torsional free non-equilibrium work theorems to steered transformations where
energy about the bonds of a long free alkyl chain made of thermodynamic variables are controlled were already considered in
connected and interacting beads. The route has already proved the past (see for example ref. 20). We thank an unknown Referee
to be highly performing also in probing the conformational for addressing us to recent studies of Davie et al.21,22 where
free energy of single chains belonging to clusters of alkyl-thiols volumetric changes are considered. In particular, in ref. 21 the
(up to 15 ten-carbons chains) attached to planar gold surfaces authors also treat the compression/expansion of a thermostatted
(manuscript submitted) and to gold nanoparticles (manuscript real gas made of periodic replicas of a reference cell. Such a work
in preparation). In these cases, the controlled degree of freedom shares several analogies with our present framework, although it
is again a single dihedral angle of a selected probe chain of the differs from the methodological point of view and, mostly, for the
cluster, and the torsional steering begins just at the end of the principal aim. In ref. 21 the authors aim at re-deriving the Jarzynski
morphing (conducted preserving the system connectivity) of and Crooks relations for volumetric transformations by starting
the full system energetics, accounting for the set of inter- and from the equations of motions under steering, and illustrative
intra-chains, and chain-surface interactions. calculations of the Helmholtz free energy profiles versus an
In the context of bulk systems, we recognize that performing expansion factor are made by applying molecular dynamics for
the total energy morphing corresponds, physically, nothing but to the particle moves. Here we take the JE for granted and use it as a
pass from the ‘‘ideal’’ system, with connected but non-interacting ‘‘calculation machinery’’ to achieve the equation of state of the
moieties, to the real system, at fixed temperature and by keeping material: we give up any realistic description of the particle
fixed suitably chosen state variables. The subsequent steering on dynamics (Monte Carlo Markov chains will be adopted, as
these state variables (the temperature is still fixed) yields, through described in the following) and the free energy is treated only
application of the JE, the Helmholtz free energy landscape over as an intermediate quantity in the elaboration.
them; thermodynamic partial derivatives with respect to the state Although a large part of the paper is devoted to the simplest
variables then provide the connection with other state variables, gaseous bulk system merely taken to illustrate the general
that is, ultimately, one ends up with an equation of state of the bulk key-steps, we stress that our main target is to let aware about
material. The important feature to exploit is that a macroscopic how the JE machinery may be applied to investigate bulk
bulk system, although it may be anisotropic (like a liquid crystalline materials (in perspective, also condensed phases and mixtures),
phase, for example), owns spatial invariance (homogeneity), which that is, ultimately, to end up with equations of state once
allows to model it as union of replicas of constituting ‘‘cells’’ under suitable state-variables are adopted. This is the principal scope
proper periodic boundary conditions. If this requisite is met, of this communication, which is mainly addressed to the

This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 1966--1979 | 1967
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Community of scientists interested in thermodynamic properties of that density, DAmorph(N,Vi,T ) is the free energy difference related to
materials. the change (i.e., to the ‘‘morphing’’) of the ideal gas into real gas at
We point out that our perspective is different from others in that density. Finally, DAsteer(N,Vi,V,T ) is the free energy difference
the permanently lively context of bulk materials investigated on due to the possible change in volume Vi - V. Globally, the latter
statistical grounds. For example, we mention the very recent two terms are merged into a unique ‘‘transformation’’ term:
publication ref. 23 where the free energy of solid hard-spheres
Published on 05 December 2014. Downloaded by Universidade Federal da Santa Maria on 3/26/2019 12:29:04 PM.

DAtransf (N,Vi,V,T) := DAmorph(N,Vi,T) + DAsteer(N,Vi,V,T) (2)

lattices has been computed by means of smart implementa-
tions of the equilibrium tools Thermodynamic Integration and Now consider the following thermodynamic derivative which
Free Energy Perturbation mentioned above. Such a work shares gives the pressure:
several analogies with our morphing approach. In particular,
p = (qA/qV)T (3)
the authors try several reference states and several paths to let
grow the system energetics. Differently, first here we employ a This is the link between the state-function free energy and the
non-equilibrium tool and, second, our target is not to investigate state-variables. By using eqn (1) as A(N,V,T ) = Aid(N,V,T ) +
the thermodynamic stability of different system configurations, DAmorph(N,V,T) (only morphing of the ideal gas into real gas
rather to use the free energy profile to achieve an equation of at a given volume), and inserting into eqn (3), yields
state of practical use in engineering contexts.   
pN ðV; TÞ ¼  ð@Aid ðN; V; TÞ=@V ÞT  @DAmorph ðN; V; TÞ @V T
After these premises, in the next section we outline the
theoretical basis: we illustrate the extrapolation procedure to  
NkB T @DAmorph ðN; V; TÞ
achieve bulk properties, we outline the essential features of ¼ þ V 2 (4)
V @ð1=VÞ T
Jarzynski’s equality, and present the transformation protocol
adopted to employ the JE in the study of gaseous systems. In where the subscript ‘‘N’’ serves to recall that we deal with the
Section 3 some computational aspects are discussed. In Section pressure of the constrained virtual gaseous lattice with N
4 we present the outcome of model calculations on methane, molecules per cell. The equation of state of the ideal gas has
also making a comparison with the ‘‘virial theorem method’’ been used to get the first addend in the second line of eqn (4),
which is routinely applied to compute thermodynamic averages. that is the pressure of the ideal gas; kB is the Boltzmann
The final section is devoted to remarks and perspectives for constant and, from now on, b = (kBT)1. Since the cubic cell
future applications/extensions of the methodology. is a fictitious construction, the physical intensive state-variable
to be considered is the volume-per-molecule, v = V/N, or its
inverse (the particle-density), both adopted in the following. In
2. Theory terms of volume-per-molecule, eqn (4) turns into
2.1 Achieving the equation of state for real gases pN v @ bDAmorph ðN; V; TÞ N
¼ 1 þ v1 (5)
To reproduce bulk conditions, here for a substance in the gaseous kB T @ð1=vÞ T
state, one should perform simulations with a huge number of
where DAmorph(N,V,T)/N is the morphing free energy difference
particles (of the order of Avogadro’s number) such that, at a given
per molecule at volume V = Nv. Eqn (5) yields the equation of
density, the volume is so large that surface (boundaries) contribu-
state of the real gas once the derivative is elaborated.
tions are negligible. On the other hand, calculations can be actually
The morphing free energy difference is here computed by
done only with a finite number of particles; this imposes us to define
exploiting the thermodynamic cycle at constant temperature
a treatable bulk system which approaches the real one as a limit.
displayed in Fig. 1, where the steps (2) and (3) constitute the
Here we choose/define a 3D lattice made of cubic cells, each
global transformation whose free energy difference is given in
of volume V and containing N particles; periodic boundary
eqn (2). Hence, DAmorph(N,V,T) to be inserted in eqn (5) is given,
conditions (PBC) with the ‘‘minimum image convention’’ are
in our computational practice, by
applied.4 This fixes unequivocally an N-dependent macroscopic
system of replicas. We shall term it the ‘‘virtual gaseous lattice’’. Vi
DAmorph ðN; V; TÞ  NkB T ln þ DAtransf ðN; Vi ; V; T Þ (6)
The approach to the homogeneous bulk system is then monitored V
by increasing N (at fixed density, this enlarges the box and reduces where the first addend is the contribution of the isothermal
the effect of the PBC) up to an acceptable degree of convergence. volumetric change of the ideal gas from V to Vi. In short, the
On these grounds, let us refer to the Helmholtz free energy key-quantity to be computed is DAtransf (N,Vi,V,T) for the trans-
per single cubic cell of the lattice at temperature T, here formation which starts from the ideal gas at some chosen
denoted as A(N,V,T). We express it as volume Vi. The strategy to evaluate DAtransf (N,Vi,V,T) is the core
A(N,V,T) = Aid(N,Vi,T) + DAmorph(N,Vi,T) + DAsteer(N,Vi,V,T) of our work, and it will be detailed in the next sections.
(1) Turning back to eqn (5), the left side corresponds to the
N-dependent compressibility factor
where Vi is the volume corresponding to some reference  
particle-density N/Vi, Aid(N,Vi,T) is the free energy (per single cell) ZN ðT; vÞ :¼ (7)
kB T virtual cubic lattice
of the ideal gas made of non-interacting point-like particles at N molecules per cell

1968 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 1966--1979 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015
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virtual) can exert a deterministic control. Suppose that the

control parameters can be held fixed at some values, while all
variables x undergo stochastic fluctuations at thermal equilibrium.
At equilibrium one can define the Helmholtz free energy of such a
constrained system, say A(K), which, on statistical grounds, is
linked to the ‘‘configurational’’ canonical partition function (apart
Published on 05 December 2014. Downloaded by Universidade Federal da Santa Maria on 3/26/2019 12:29:04 PM.

of an additive constant) via A(K) = b1 ln dx exp{bVK(x)};3,4
here, VK(x) is an effective potential energy (generally, a mean-field
potential on the relevant variables). The purpose is to evaluate A(K)
by avoiding the direct integration over x, which is generally
cumbersome when many variables are involved.
Let us consider the control parameters initially set to K = K0;
Fig. 1 The isothermal thermodynamic cycle adopted to link the free suppose to ‘‘pick up’’ the system in a configuration randomly
energy of morphing at any actual volume V, to the free energy difference
from the ideal gas at a starting volume Vi to the real gas at volume V;
drawn from the canonical distribution and drive the transfor-
such a free energy difference is that computed with the non-equilibrium mation K(t) from K0 to K1 according to an arbitrarily chosen
methodology presented here. deterministic time-protocol, while the components of x(t) freely
evolve. Along the system trajectory, one can measure/calculate
the work amount which is performed by the external mean
Any other equation of state, for a general intensive property of to guarantee the prescribed protocol. This is evaluated by
the system, can be then obtained as a function of two of the accumulating all the infinitesimal energy exchanges between
state-variables, the third being extracted from eqn (5). For the system and the external mean, which occur only upon
example, we may choose v, T as variables, hence p = pN(v,T) as modulation of the controlled coordinates. For the n-th trajectory,
above; then, a certain property of temperature, density, and one formally has1,24
pressure, can be expressed by a function f N(v,T)  f [v,T, p = ð tp 
pN(v,T)]. The real homogeneous (unconstrained) bulk limit is @VKðtÞ ðxÞ
wn :¼ dt  (9)
finally formally achieved as 0 @t x¼xðtÞn

f ðv; TÞ ¼ lim fN ðv; TÞ (8) where tp is the duration of the transformation. The crucial point
is that the Jarzynski equality yields the free energy difference
To achieve such a limit, a sequence of calculations should be
A(K1)  A(K0), between two equilibrium states, through the
performed for an increasing number of particles (at fixed
following work-exponential-average performed on the statistical
volume-per-molecule) until an acceptable convergence of the
ensemble of trajectories x(t) all generated by applying the same
specific property under consideration is obtained. Physically this
schedule K(t):
corresponds to the enlargement of the cubic cells by moving
the boundaries to infinity, so that the spurious correlations eb½AðK1 ÞAðK0 Þ ¼ ebw fixed protocol (10)
introduced by the PBC vanish. K0 !K1

We draw the attention to the fact that different properties,

The workable expression, when a finite number Ntr of transfor-
for the same gas, may reach the desired convergence with
mations is performed, is
different values of N. On the other way round, convergence to
the bulk situation may be only ‘‘apparent’’ when looking at 1 XNtr

certain properties, while deviations from it would be highlighted AðK1 Þ  AðK0 Þ ’ b1 ln ebwn (11)
Ntr n¼1
when looking at others. In this study on methane, to check
convergence and make the comparison with experimental data which becomes exact as Ntr - N; uncertainties on such an
we shall focus on the compressibility factor, since the details of outcome (statistical plus bias) are well characterized.25
its profile versus pressure (or density) are very sensitive both to The JE holds under mild conditions. It suffices that (1) the
model parameters and accuracy of the numerical tool; we shall starting configurations are drawn from the initial equilibrium
show, in fact, that the frequently adopted density-pressure plots distribution at K0, as stated above; (2) the uncontrolled
do not display such a sensitivity. dynamics x(t) is a Markovian (memory-less) process;26 (3) these
The strategy above sketched is clearly useless unless one dynamics be such that the underlying canonical distribution p
disposes of an efficient route to evaluate DAtransf (N,Vi,V,T). exp{bVK*(x)} would be attained in the long-time limit once the
Below we present our novel strategy based on the application protocol was stopped at a general K*.
of Jarzynski’s equality. We stress the fundamental point that eqn (10) and (11) hold
regardless of the chosen protocol, and regardless of the specific
2.2 The Jarzynski equality (outlines) kind of dynamics under the mild conditions expressed above.
Let us consider, in all generality, a system whose instantaneous The latter issue is very useful in simulations, since it allows one
state is specified by a set of variables x and by a set of parameters to replace the real dynamics with surrogates which are easier to
K (one or more) over which an external mean/apparatus (real or implement in algorithms and/or which yield a more accurate

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estimation of the free energy difference in a fixed protocol and where VCH 4 ðgÞ;l
ðxÞ is the effective intermolecular interaction
number of transformations.12 In the essence, the JE is nothing energy at a given configuration, that here we model as sum of
but a computational machinery to calculate the free energy two-bodies 12–6 Lennard-Jones (LJ) interactions, that is
A(K1) with respect to a value A(K0) corresponding to some
N 1 X
reference state specified by K0 (also an ‘‘ideal’’ one, that is a VCH ðxÞ ¼ uLJ rij ðx; lÞ ;
4 ðgÞ;l
state unattainable in practice), once any transformation route i¼1 j¼iþ1 (16)
Published on 05 December 2014. Downloaded by Universidade Federal da Santa Maria on 3/26/2019 12:29:04 PM.

K0 - K1 (even fictitious) is devised.

rij ðx; lÞ ¼ Lcell ðlÞ

xj  xi

The general strategy above sketched is here adopted to

evaluate the free energy difference DAtransf defined in eqn (2) where |||| is the Euclidean norm of the vector, and
and required in eqn (6): K0 corresponds to the reference ideal-
gas-state (non interacting particles) at a given density, while uLJ(r) = 4e[(s/r)12  (s/r)6] (17)
K1 corresponds to the real-gas state at the same or at a (specific values of the LJ parameters for methane will be given
different density. The uncontrolled stochastic variables x are in the following). The last term in eqn (15) is a geometrical
here related to the collection of positional coordinates of the contribution arising from the Jacobian of the coordinate
molecules (properly scaled, see the next section for details) in change in eqn (14).
a cell of the virtual gaseous lattice previously defined. Since The configuration-dependent potential energy VCH4(g),l(x)
the final state K1 is arbitrary, one achieves the profile of the corresponds to the actual state of methane, i.e., the real gas
Helmholtz free energy versus the density, which eventually leads at the chosen density in the virtual lattice. In the context of the
to the equation of state. The peculiar transformation K0 - K1 non-equilibrium transformations above sketched, such an end-
performs a total morphing of the internal energetics (intermo- state is labelled by a set of parameters K1. Hereafter we detail
lecular forces), followed by an effective transformation where the these parameters, and specify the initial reference state K0 from
gas is compressed or expanded. Insights are given in what which the transformation begins.
follows. As anticipated, K0 - K1 is made of two parts. In the first
part, the morphing stage, the intermolecular forces at a fixed
2.3 Morphing/steering of the gaseous state
density li (also the cell volume is hence fixed) are let to grow in
Let us introduce the particle-density a controlled way. In the subsequent part, the steering, the
density is changed with compression or expansion routes up
1 to lf. Thus, the array K contains two parameters:
l¼ (12)
K = (lM, l) (18)
which will be employed as the controlled parameter in the non- where 0 r lM r 1 specifies the progression of morphing, and
equilibrium transformations. By considering a lattice of cubic l A [li,lf]. The global transformation is then
cells containing N particles, l sets the volume of each cell to
N/l; thus the length of the cell side is ð0;li Þ !   ! ðlM ;li Þ !   ! ð1; li Þ !   ! ð1;lÞ !    ! ð1; lf Þ
ffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
morphing steering
Lcell(l) = (N/l)1/3 (13)
For simplicity we approximate each methane molecule to a
spherical bead. Let us focus on a single cell, and ri be the Per each trajectory, the very first configuration x is produced
Cartesian components of the i-th molecular centre with respect by randomly placing N particles inside the cubic cell (the
to the origin of the cell frame. The real positional coordinates simulation box, actually). Since the energy landscape is initially
cannot be adopted as proper stochastic variables in the JE ‘‘flat’’, this operation is nothing but a trivial unbiased drawing
framework, since the change in l affects directly (to some extent) of 3N values 1/2 r xi,a r +1/2. This is the point of strength of
their evolution through the contraction/expansion of the physi- our route, since such a perfect sampling of the initial equili-
cal boundaries of the cell. Our need is to construct a brium distribution avoids systematic errors a priori. In routine
configuration-dependent potential energy on suitable stochastic applications of the JE, in fact, the initial configuration is drawn
variables x which only specify the mutual configuration of the from the effective equilibrium distribution at fixed controlled
molecules, while the size effect entirely bears upon a separate parameters. Such a drawing is usually performed by randomly
term dependent on l. For this purpose it suffices to adopt the picking a configuration amongst those visited in a long impor-
scaled coordinates tance sampling Monte Carlo (IS-MC) chain,4,27,28 or in long
Brownian or molecular dynamics preliminary runs. However, if
xi = ri/Lcell(l) (14) the energy landscape displays roughness, wells, saddles and
high-energy barriers, the equilibrium sampling is poor and
With reference to the cell centre, 1/2 r xi,a r +1/2 for all i = 1,
bears an a priori bias on the final outcome. In contrast, the
2,. . ., N and a = x, y, z. With this choice,
morphing from the flat state does not suffer from such a
config problem.18 However, there are surely a variety of situations,
VCH4 ðgÞ;l ðxÞ ¼ VCH ðxÞ  3Nb1 ln Lcell ðlÞ (15)
4 ðgÞ;l depending on the number of degrees of freedom, internal

1970 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 1966--1979 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015
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connectivity, and features of the energy landscape, in which the gas at some density l 0 between the initial li and the final lf is
morphing may not improve the quality of the final outcome, or given by
even it may introduce severe penalties. In fact, on the one side ð t^M  
@VK xðt^Þn 
the initial ideal state is perfectly sampled, but on the other side wn ðl0 Þ ¼ dt^l_ M ðt^Þ 
the morphing route could produce a very large spread of 0 @lM lM ¼lM ðt^Þ
configurations, most of which deviate from the typical micro- ð ^tðl0 Þ
Published on 05 December 2014. Downloaded by Universidade Federal da Santa Maria on 3/26/2019 12:29:04 PM.

@V CH ðgÞ;l xð ^
states of the real system at equilibrium. By proceeding with þ dt^l_ ðt^Þ 4

tM ^ @l l¼lðt^Þ
the steering stage from these configurations, it is expected
that broad work-distribution-functions will develop, hence where t̂ is a ‘‘virtual time’’ progression variable along which the
producing large uncertainties on the free energy estimates actual schedules lM(t̂) and l(t̂) develop (overdots stand for
(see discussion in Section 3). Case-by-case, the efficiency of ‘‘time’’ derivatives). In the next section we give the operative
this strategy must be assessed with caution. As stated in the form of eqn (23). According to such a notation, once an
Introduction, up to now the efficiency of the morphing route ensemble of Ntr work values has been produced, the JE gives
has been proved by us on archetype systems like alkyl chains,18
but also on more complex systems like aliphatic coatings of 1 XNtr
DAtransf ðN; Vi ; V; T Þ ’ b1 ln ebwn ðlÞ ;
gold surfaces (up to about 150 internal degrees of freedom with Ntr n¼1 (24)
a coarse-grained representation). The strength of the approach l ¼ N=V
has been proved even outside the chemical-physical context,
namely in the machinery to perform stochastic multidimen- Thus, the simulation of transformations up to the final particle-
sional integration by performing morphing of the integrand density lf actually yields the whole set of values DAtransf (N,Vi,V =
functions; tests on functions locally ‘‘rough’’, and with very N/l,T) for all l within the explored range.
many sparse ‘‘peaks’’, gave positive outcomes.29 Let us turn back to motivate the sub-morphing of the LJ
In the present implementation, for the morphing stage we interactions. We recommend this kind of strategy for dense
opt to build the energetics by means of a homogeneous growth systems, any time there are inter-particle interactions that
plus a sub-morphing of the LJ interactions, that is diverge at a vanishing distance (this is indeed the LJ case). In
fact, since the initial configuration x is drawn at random, it may
morphing stage: VK(x) = lMṼCH4(g),lM,li(x) (20) likely happen, in dense systems, that two or more beads fall
largely ‘‘superimposed’’ (small center-to-center distance com-
where ṼCH4(g),lM,li(x) is like in eqn (15) but the configurational term
pared to s in the LJ case). This implies that, in the first step of
is computed with the following modified form, lM-dependent,
morphing, some ‘‘spikes’’ of very high energy appear suddenly;
of the LJ potential:30
accordingly, the work amount related to such a sudden energy
1 1 growth in the n-th trajectory is positive and very high and, even
u~LJ ðr; lM Þ ¼ pffiffiffi 2  að1  l Þ þ r6 ; admitting subsequent compensation effects, the accumulated
½að1  lM Þ þ r6 =a M =b
work will remain high (in kBT units) along the transformation.
a ¼ 4es12 ; b ¼ 4es6 This implies that a trajectory that starts with two or more
overlapping beads is, as a matter of facts, a ‘‘wasted one’’ since
Such a form tends to the real LJ potential in eqn (17) at the end it does not contribute significantly to the exponential average of
of morphing, i.e., ũLJ(r,1)  uLJ(r) and ṼCH4(g),1,li(x)  VCH4(g),li(x), the JE. These situations are not ‘‘pathological’’ by themselves,
so that no artefacts are introduced; the growth is determined by meaning that these trajectories cannot be excluded a priori,
the parameter a, here set to 0.5. The motivation of doing such a rather they correctly reflect that the basic homogeneous morphing
sub-morphing is discussed below. route can be a highly dissipative transformation (see the subsec-
Once the energetics is formed, the protocol may prosecute tion ‘‘uncertainties on the outcome’’) and the bias error may be
with the steering stage to change the density up to the target very large when the initial particle-density, li, is high. In contrast,
value lf: with the LJ sub-morphing these troubling initial energy spikes are
steering stage: VK(x) = VCH4(g),1,li(x) (22)

While the deterministic protocol is developed, the N particles 3. Computational details (essentials)
must be let free to move within the box (under PBC conditions)
by means of any kind of Markovian dynamics, which guaran- To perform the evaluation of DAtransf entering eqn (6), we have
tees the relaxation to the underlying canonical distribution used the C++ library JEFREE developed by us and recently
once the morphing protocol was stopped. Here we adopt the presented.18 For technicalities, the interested reader is referred to
basic Importance Sampling Monte Carlo route (IS-MC)4,27,28 such a publication and to the documentation that accompanies the
to perform such an exploration of the configurational space software.19 In what follows we shall discuss only the essential
(see Section 3). features and some aspects which are pertinent to the present
Along the n-th trajectory, from eqn (9) it follows that application. JEFREE itself is an evolution of our previous C++ library
the amount of work wn(l 0 ) done up to reach the state of real JEMDI,29 where the Jarzynski equality and the morphing route were

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applied to build a versatile tool to perform stochastic integra- distribution is hardly sampled unless an extremely large num-
tion of multidimensional functions over hyper-rectangles. ber of measures (calculations, here) is performed. This means
that for any finite number of repetitions, Ntr, an unavoidable
3.1 Operative discretization of the transformation bias (systematic error), (dDAtransf)bias, due to poor sampling of
In the computational practice, the deterministic protocol and the low-work wing, will affect to some extent the outcome from
the stochastic exploration of the configurational space are eqn (27). At the same time, the bias is expected to be larger as
Published on 05 December 2014. Downloaded by Universidade Federal da Santa Maria on 3/26/2019 12:29:04 PM.

carried on as a sequence of (1) parameter transformation at such a wing is more extended, that is, roughly speaking, when
frozen configuration (‘‘guide’’ here below), and (2) random p(w) is broader; this implies that the outcomes themselves, if
move at fixed parameters (‘‘move’’). By labeling with s = 1, the calculation is repeated, fluctuate about the average so that a
2,. . ., Nsteps the steps, the s-th one starting at some ‘‘time’’ t̂s1 statistical uncertainty, (dDAtransf)stat, arises.
and ending at t̂s is made of two parts Three checks are currently employed in JEFREE to indicate
guide move that the bias is likely negligible, or to warn the user that it may
! xðs  1Þ
xðs  1Þ ! xðsÞ (25) be not, so that calculations need to be repeated by ‘‘slowing
The random move which updates the particle configurations is down’’ the protocol to reduce the dissipation and hence the
here performed by means of the IS-MC Metropolis algorithm27,28 broadening of p(w). Namely: (1) the relative statistical uncer-
under application of PBC. As stated, work is performed only in tainty (see below) should be much smaller than 1 (an inference
the ‘‘guide’’ part of each step. from the statistical theory of Zuckerman and Woolf presented
In our case, the morphing stage is realized with Nsteps,M in ref. 25; see also our rephrasing in ref. 18 and 29); (2) the
steps (index 1 r m r Nsteps,M) and the steering compression/ standard deviation of the work values should be smaller than 1
expansion stage with Nsteps,S steps (index 1 r s r Nsteps,S). (in kBT units) according to the recommendation in ref. 2 (see
Moreover, we opted to perform transformations at constant note 23 therein), ref. 8, 31 and 32; (3) the average acceptance
velocity. Thus, eqn (23) turns into ratio of IS-MC moves, over the whole transformation, should be
  close to 50% (empiric criterion tested in ref. 18).
@ V~CH4 ðgÞ;lM ;li xðmÞn 
1 The calculations here performed for the gaseous methane
wn ðsÞ ¼ 
Nsteps;M m¼1 @lM  passed these checks. As discussed in ref. 18, we assess the
lM ¼lM ðmÞ
(26) statistical uncertainty by splitting the ensemble of Ntr outcomes
lf  li X @VCH4 ðgÞ;l xðs Þn 
into M blocks formed by Ntr/M results from consecutive trajec-
N steps;S s0 ¼1 @l l¼lðs Þ0 tories (taken as they are generated); for each block we evaluate
the argument of the logarithm in eqn (27) and get the statistical
where lM(m) = m/Nsteps,M and l(s 0 ) = li + s 0 (lf  li)/Nsteps,S. In the uncertainty dF on such a ‘‘morphing factor’’ F simply by taking
present calculations, analytical expressions of the derivatives one standard deviation of these partial outcomes from the
with respect to lM and l are supplied to JEFREE (but a user of average (computed from all trajectories). Finally, by applying
the library might opt for the default option, that is to let the basic linear formula of error propagation we get (DAtransf)stat C
compute numerically the derivatives via finite-differences). dF/F. Values DAtransf and related (DAtransf)stat are taken as primal
Finally, eqn (24) becomes ‘‘raw’’ data. The subsequent elaboration of DAtransf yields quantities
1 XNtr (for example the gas pressure from eqn (5) in the present
DAtransf ðN; Vi ; V ¼ N=lðt^s Þ; T Þ ’ b1 ln ebwn ðsÞ application) whose uncertainty can be estimated by further error
Ntr n¼1

3.2 Uncertainties on the outcome

4. Calculations and results
Intrinsic and unavoidable uncertainties on the outcome DAtransf
are of two kinds, namely the bias term and the statistical Calculations have been performed with the LJ optimized para-
uncertainty subtly connected, and both due to the finiteness meters taken from the recent work of Hu:33 e/kB = 148.6 K and
of the ensemble of repetitions. In short, an amount of energy s = 3.758 Å. All the intermolecular interactions were evaluated
dissipation (‘‘wasted work’’) bears upon any finite-time, hence under PBC conditions; no spatial cut-off was applied. The gas
irreversible, transformation. At the molecular scale, this is temperature was set to 323.15 K, the same of the experimental
translated into a broadening of the distribution of work values, data to which we shall refer.34 Calculations were run with our
p(w), which is characteristic of the system under inspection, of JEFREE software.35 For this presentation, we have opted to use
the transformation protocol, and of the stochastic dynamics our library as any user would do: write the specific C++ ‘‘object’’
over the uncontrolled degrees of freedom.1 By looking at to implement the LJ interaction energy, and let JEFREE to use
eqn (27), it is intuitive that the lower values of the work amount default parameters and optimize those crucial ones needed for
dominate the outcome of the calculation, because of the the run (e.g., the maximum length of IS-MC moves); see the
exponential character of the average. This implies that an JEFREE documentary file for technicalities.19 The number of
excellent sampling of the low-work wing of p(w) is required to methane molecules per cell in the virtual gaseous lattice ranged
get a very accurate result; on the other hand, the tail of any from 20 to 120 with increments of 20.

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above. The morphing and the steering stages were realized,

respectively, with Nsteps,M = 105 and Nsteps,S = 4  105 steps;
transformations were performed at constant velocity. For the
post-processing, bDAtransf and related uncertainty were recorded
for 104 equally spaced l values in the steering stage.
In Fig. 3 we show the density dependence of the morphing
Published on 05 December 2014. Downloaded by Universidade Federal da Santa Maria on 3/26/2019 12:29:04 PM.

free energy difference per particle in kBT units, that is bDAmorph/

N = bDAtransf/N  ln(l/li) (from eqn (6)) versus l (we recall that
l = 1/v), where DAmorph refers to the cell of volume V = N/l and
DAtransf to the transformation from the ideal gas at volume Vi =
N/li to the real gas at V (see the scheme in Fig. 1). The profile in
Fig. 3 refers to the lattice with the largest number of particles
per cell, N = 120. First notice that the morphing free energy is
very small at the initial density chosen here, which is so low
that the real (morphed) gas is almost under ideal conditions.
Moreover, the statistical uncertainties are very small (see the
Fig. 2 Schematic of the energy morphing (empty circles stand for non- narrow ‘‘thickness’’ of the profile and the blow-up of its initial
interacting particles) and subsequent steering to change density of the part in the inset), hence the bias error is also likely negligible.18
‘‘virtual gaseous lattice’’ (a single cell is depicted; imagine the lattice
Globally it emerges that starting from very low density, and
formed by replicas under application of periodic boundary conditions).
lM is the morphing factor and l = 1/v is the particle-density being v the adopting a sufficiently low compression rate (here of about
volume-per-particle. The scheme refers to transformation protocols at 2  108 molecule per Å3 per steering step), the energy
constant velocity, which is the case actually implemented in the present dissipation is kept small and the free energy profile results to
calculations. be accurate in the whole density range.
In Fig. 4 we show the resulting compressibility factor evaluated
at 100 equally spaced pressure values for the compression (red
Being our target the compressibility factor Z versus pressure,
circles) and expansion (black squares) routes. Values are obtained
two approaches have been considered, namely:
by applying eqn (5) with (6), where the derivative with respect to the
(A) Morphing of the real gas state plus subsequent steering
particle-density is performed numerically by using a five-point
(density sweep with compression or expansion routes);
symmetric formula. Only the two limit cases N = 20 and N = 120
(B) Only morphing at a given density l plus a small incre-
are shown. What emerges is that the computational efficiency of
mental compression.
the compression route is superior to that of the expansion one, and
The compression/expansion routes are depicted in Fig. 2.
the latter degrades rapidly as the number of particles in the
With the modality (A) we perform morphing of the energetics at
a given initial density li, and prosecute either with the steering
li - lf o li (expansion) or li - lf 4 li (compression). In this
way we achieve the whole profile of free energy (and then of Z)
versus l in the given interval. The drawback is that energy
dissipation accumulates in the course of the steering stage, so
as to produce accuracy degradation. In what follows we shall
compare the compression and the expansion routes, showing
that the former is more convenient in terms of better precision/
In contrast, with the modality (B) one directly focuses on a
single particle-density. In this case, only few steps of compres-
sion steering are performed with the purpose to evaluate the
derivative of DAmorph/N, needed in eqn (5), as incremental ratio
(see below). Although in this way the accuracy can be kept high,
one need to make distinct calculations for any value of the

4.1 Morphing plus steering (density sweep with compression

or expansion routes)
Fig. 3 Density dependence of calculated morphing free energy of the
The particle density has been varied in the range between li =
gaseous methane. The inset shows some points in the lower-density range
2  106 and lf = 8  103 molecules per Å3. The number of and their statistical uncertainty. The system is the ‘‘virtual gaseous lattice’’
repetitions was Ntr = 5000, then divided into M = 50 blocks to with 120 molecules per cell at T = 323.15 K. Computational parameters are
evaluate the statistical uncertainty on the outcomes as discussed given in the text.

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Fig. 4 Pressure dependence of the compressibility factor from the cal-

culated free energy profiles by numerically computing the derivative with
respect to the particle-density (see text for details). Compression (red
circles) and expansion (black squares) routes are compared for the two Fig. 5 Pressure dependence of the compressibility factor from the calculated
limit cases of ‘‘virtual gaseous lattice’’ with 20 and 120 methane molecules free energy profiles under the compression route (red circles), and experi-
per cell at T = 323.15 K. Computational parameters are given in the text. mental data from ref. 33 (solid line). Only the two limit cases of ‘‘virtual gaseous
lattice’’ with 20 and 120 methane molecules per cell at T = 323.15 K are shown.
Computational parameters are given in the text.

simulation box (i.e., the number of degrees of freedom) increases.

Such an outcome is intuitive, by considering that large energy by employing a sixth-order polynomial expansion of Z versus p
dissipation occurs in the initial part of the morphing stage: (this was found to be the lowest order to assure good fits). The
although the LJ sub-morphing mitigates the effect of repulsive sequence of interpolating profiles is shown in Fig. 6; the case
interactions, the more denser the system is (case with expansion
route in the steering stage), the higher is the dissipation when the
energy landscape is let to grow at a prescribed rate. On this basis we
recommend the use of the compression route and in what follows
we shall focus only on it.
Now we turn to the comparison between the outcome with
our model methane gas and experimental data from ref. 34. In
Fig. 5 we show the profiles of the compressibility factor
calculated for N = 20 and N = 120 molecules per cell, together
with the experimental data; the profiles end at different
abscissa values since the pressure is derived by eqn (5) (the
independent variable is the particle-density). By trusting
on the guess that the Lennard-Jones gas and adopted para-
meterization are suited, we observe the expected trend: at
fixed density (fixed pressure, here), moving away the cell
boundaries makes the virtual lattice tend to the bulk gaseous
state. The cases N = 40, 60, 80, 100, here not shown, fit Fig. 6 Profiles of the compressibility factor, yielded by the calculated free
between these profiles and lay in the expected sequence energy profiles under the compression route with a subsequent polyno-
mial fit (see text for details), for the sequence of ‘‘virtual gaseous lattices’’
displaying a convergence trend. Notably, the N = 120 profile
with 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 methane molecules per cell (black lines);
falls very close to the experimental data. extrapolated profile at N - N (blue line); experimental data from ref. 33
In order to smooth these scattered ‘‘raw’’ data directly (black circles). The system temperature is T = 323.15 K. Computational
yielded by numerical derivatives, we have interpolated them parameters are given in the text.

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N = 100 (dashed line) is anomalous at high pressures and its

features are not relevant on physical grounds.
To go further, we have applied an extrapolation procedure to
achieve the limit N - N by adopting a polynomial expression
of bDAmorph/N (obtained from the free energy ‘‘raw’’ data
DAtransf via eqn (6)) versus 1/N:
Published on 05 December 2014. Downloaded by Universidade Federal da Santa Maria on 3/26/2019 12:29:04 PM.

 bðvÞ cðvÞ dðvÞ

fixed particle-density : bDAmorph N ¼ aðvÞþ þ 2 þ 3 þ...

Such an expansion should be taken as an operative and trial

expression to fit the data. However, we have verified that eqn (28)
well matches the real trends, and that, for N sufficiently large,
truncation at the first order suffices to fit the set of data at a given Fig. 7 Some of the profiles shown in Fig. 6, displayed here in the density-
pressure representation: ‘‘virtual gaseous lattices’’ with 20, 60 molecules
density. We have seen that for N from 20 to 120 this holds true at
per cell (black lines), an extrapolated profile at N - N (blue line), and
any volume-per-molecule v in the explored range. Thus, weighted experimental data from ref. 33 (black circles).
linear fits accounting for the statistical uncertainties on DAtransf
have been performed to get a(v) and b(v). Here, a(v) corresponds to

lim bDAmorph N and it is employed in eqn (5) to extrapolate the very last stage and leave fits/smoothing to the latest step. We also
stress that virial coefficients are not really the target (they may be of
limit values of the compressibility factor. As done for the cases
use to compile tables and exchange information in numerical and
with finite N, the resulting values have been fitted versus the
concise way), rather one is interested in assessing likely values of
pressure with a sixth-order polynomial. The resulting profile is
some physical properties of the gas in a given thermodynamic state;
shown in Fig. 6 with a blue line. Notice that it falls close to the
with reference to the compressibility factor, we have shown here that
experimental data; in particular, the limit situations of low and
such a goal can be achieved in a broad range of pressures.
high pressures seem to be well captured. The first-order ‘‘virial’’
Finally, in Fig. 7 we show some of the data of Fig. 6 in the
coefficient at T = 323.15 K results to be 1.25(0.08) bar1, to be
density-pressure representation, which is often adopted when
compared with 1.280(0.001) bar1 yielded by fitting the experi-
presenting experimental data together with computed or model-
mental data with the same strategy. Such a global agreement
based outcomes. As anticipated in Section 2.1, note that the spread
suggests, indirectly, that the parameterization of the gaseous
of the profiles here appear reduced (in particular, the extrapolated
methane proposed in ref. 33 is suited for methane in the broad
profile perfectly matches the experimental data), hence to our
range of pressures considered here.
opinion such a representation is not suited to value/compare
Unfortunately, virial coefficients of higher order cannot be
several sets of data. In contrast, the profile of the compressibility
assessed with the post-processing procedure of the bDAmorph/N
factor enhances the discrepancies and proves to be suitable for
data outlined above. An alternative that we have tested consists
more stringent tests; both the convergence trend and the closeness
of the following steps: (1) at any particle-density, make the
to available data support the validity of our computational strategy
linear fits to extrapolate bDAmorph/N for N - N as discussed
and the likelihood of the adopted parameterization.
above; (2) perform a fit of these extrapolated values versus
powers of the particle-density 1/v, namely with c(1) (2)
N(T)/v  cN
2 4.2 Morphing at a given density k plus small incremental
(T)/v +. . . (the zero-th order term is absent, since the system
tends to the ideal gas state for v - N); (3) by taking the
derivative in eqn (5), some algebraic steps, which are provided Let us start from a practical problem: being interested in
in the ESI† file, yield the compressibility factor as Z(p,T) = 1 + estimating the compressibility factor only at a single density
B 0 (T)p + C 0 (T)p2 +. . . with first- and second-order virial coeffi- (or pressure), can we avoid the density sweep above sketched?
cients B 0 = bc(1) 0 2 (2) (1)2
N, C = b [2cN + cN ], respectively. The
The problem to face is to compute, with good accuracy, the
resulting values are B = 1.25  10 bar1 (as above) and
0 3 required free energy derivative in eqn (5) with respect to the
C0 = 4.4  106 bar2 to be compared with 1.70(0.05)  106 bar2 particle-density. We test here the following route: if l is the
from the fit of the experimental data. We see that a reasonable density of interest, first do the energy morphing at such a
result for C 0 can be worked out with such a post-processing density and then perform the compression l - l + Dl by
procedure. On the other hand, the drawback is that the profile of covering the small increment Dl with steering steps of a
Z, not shown here, does not well match the experimental data comparable size of those in the density sweep described above.
(the pressure at the minimum is well reproduced, but the profile By setting aN(l) = bDAmorph(N,V = N/l,T)/N for the sake of
falls above the data). This is likely due to the loss of information notation, eqn (5) is well approximated by the incremental ratio
in doing the interpolation versus 1/v at the step (2) above. These  
remarks serve us to stress that several post-processing strategies pN v aN ðl þ DlÞ  aN ðlÞ
’1þl (29)
can be devised, but we suggest to handle the raw data up to the kB T Dl

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for Dl sufficiently small (the basic forward-derivative scheme is incremental compression is the recommended faster, equally reli-
here adopted). Eqn (29) must be translated into its computa- able, and more easily manageable route for quick estimation of the
tional counterpart based on the scheme in Fig. 1: the two compressibility factor at a single density (or pressure) value.
quantities in the numerator do not have to be separately
evaluated. Rather, a single calculation consisting in morphing 4.3 Comparison with standard ‘‘virial theorem’’ application
at density l plus only few steps of steering is required; thus, the In routine computations, the pressure of a fluid system at
Published on 05 December 2014. Downloaded by Universidade Federal da Santa Maria on 3/26/2019 12:29:04 PM.

duration of the calculation is essentially determined by the thermal equilibrium is computed from an ensemble of trajectories,
morphing stage. In the essence, a single point (Z,p) could be that is general Markov chains at equilibrium, and applying the
obtained in half of the time required to perform the full density ‘‘virial theorem’’ (see for example Section 4 in Chapter 2 of ref. 4). In
sweep with the post-processing described above. In contrast, our notation, the key-expression is
when two or more points (Z,p) are needed, the steering route
pN v b
becomes more convenient in terms of computational cost. ¼ 1 þ hW N iv (30)
kB T N
The accuracy of such a route has been tested for the case of
N = 120 molecules per cell. Five particle-densities have been where hWNiv is the ‘‘internal virial correction’’ to the ideal-state
considered in the explored range. In each case, the increment case. For pair-wise interactions (here of LJ kind), it can be
Dl has been fixed to 2.5% or to 5.0% of the reference l. The computed as
incremental compression has been performed at constant * +
velocity, with the same step-size previously applied in the 1 XX  
hW N iv ¼  f rij (31)
steering route (that is (lf  li)/Nsteps,S C 2  108 molecules 3 i j4i
per Å3, values given above). The required number of steps
hence increases as l increases; for example, for the 5.0% with
density increment, the number of steps ranges from 5 for the  
  duLJ rij
lower-density point to 17 500 for the higher-density point. f rij ¼ rij (32)
The results are shown in Fig. 8 together with the profile
which interpolates the results from the density sweep (solid being rij = ||ri  rj||. The average in eqn (31) is performed over
line, same profile shown in Fig. 6). The error bars are evaluated by all configurations visited along a trajectory and over all the
adding in quadrature the statistical uncertainties on aN(l + Dl) and trajectories. These trajectories must be generated for the spe-
aN(l) supplied by JEFREE. As we can see, the two routes give cific gaseous virtual lattice (N particles under PBC conditions in
comparable results and the error bars of each single outcome a cubic box of volume vN, as recalled by the subscripts) at
roughly encompass the local spread of values from numerical equilibrium.
derivatives of the free energy profile in the density sweep case Despite of the structural similarity of eqn (30) with our
(see the lower panel of Fig. 5). In conclusion, the morphing plus eqn (5), we stress that the two equations are based on quite
different philosophies: in the routine calculation the trajec-
tories reflect thermal fluctuations of the system at equilibrium,
while in our morphing-steering strategy the non-equilibrium
trajectories follow the driven change of energetics. Hence a
comparison between eqn (30) and (5) can be only qualitative,
and it reveals that our strategy replaces the many ‘‘on the fly’’
positional derivatives in eqn (32) (to get the pair-wise forces)
with a single derivative, made in the post-processing stage, with
respect to the particle-density.
To compare the effectiveness of the two computational
routes we have chosen an intermediate value of the density-
particle, namely 1/v = 3  103 molecules per Å3 (which
corresponds to a pressure of the order of 120 bar), and made
the computation of the compressibility factor via eqn (30) for
the system with N = 120 particles (still under PBC conditions).
We have adopted two modalities: (a) make 50 independent
calculations, each with an IS-MC run made of 107 equilibration
plus 107 acquisition steps, and then compute the average
Fig. 8 Comparison between steering modality (density sweep) and outcome and related standard deviation; (b) perform a single
single-density calculation with N = 120 particles per cell. The solid line is but longer IS-MC run with 108 equilibration plus 108 acquisi-
the same interpolating profile shown in Fig. 6 and refers to the steering
tion steps. The results were Z = 0.89224(0.0086) for modality
modality. Single points refer to calculations of the free energy derivative by
means of compressions with density increments Dl of 2.5% (black squares)
(a) and Z = 0.89195 for modality (b). These values coincide
and 5.0% (red circles) with respect to the considered particle-density. The within the statistical uncertainty, and they also well agree with
system temperature is T = 323.15 K. the outcome from the non-equilibrium density-sweep routes

1976 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 1966--1979 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015
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with the sixth-order polynomial interpolation versus pressure as the state-parameters (the density sweep, in this application).
described above: Z = 0.89469 (uncertainty of the order of Calculations on a model of gaseous methane at 50 1C have
0.01 from the spread of outcomes) for the compression route, yielded the profile of the compressibility factor over a broad
and Z = 0.89462 (uncertainty not likely quantifiable) for expan- range of pressures (up to about 400 bar), demonstrating how
sion. We conclude that the performances of the standard such an approach can be a valid alternative to more traditional
equilibrium tool and of our non-equilibrium method, at similar routes (e.g., use of the ‘‘virial theorem’’).
Published on 05 December 2014. Downloaded by Universidade Federal da Santa Maria on 3/26/2019 12:29:04 PM.

computational cost, are comparable for the gaseous system of Although here we have employed our software JEFREE to
spherical particles. On the other hand, hereafter we point out perform the calculations, the reader realizes that the basic JE
some issues in favour of our JE-based strategy when more scheme can be easily implemented in a computer code: anyone
complex molecular systems are treated. dealing with standard equilibrium Monte Carlo samplings can
First, the virial-theorem-based approach may become cum- readily implement the JE ‘‘machinery’’ outlined here. We have
bersome when non-spherical molecules have to be considered. opted here for the simplest implementation of the JE, since our
In these cases, an effective potential also dependent on the main purpose was that of addressing the treatment of bulk
mutual molecular orientation (like the Gay–Berne potential for materials by means of non-equilibrium tools up to now con-
elongated particles36) requires that the following function has fined to small-size systems. However, several lines of improve-
to be applied in place of eqn (32):4 ment have been recently proposed by specialists in this field.
  Amongst them, we mention the design of ‘‘optimal’’ transfor-
  @u rij ; Xi ; Xj mation protocols38 and the strategy of ‘‘escorted’’ steered
f rij ; Xi ; Xj ¼ rij (33)
@rij transformations,39 both aimed at reducing the amount of
energy dissipation and hence to lower the uncertainties on
where Xi and Xj are sets of angles that specify the orientation of
the free energy estimates (at a given number of repetitions of
particles i and j with respect to a laboratory frame. The partial
the transformation). Alternatively, in a given transformation
derivative in eqn (33) is taken with respect to the inter-centre
protocol, some methodologies have been devised to improve
separation at fixed orientations and in most cases it has to be
the sampling of the dominating (low-work) trajectories; in this
numerically evaluated, hence slowing down the calculation
category we mention the ‘‘single-ensemble non-equilibrium
and bringing instabilities for dense systems. In contrast, our
path-sampling’’ strategy40 where the work itself is treated as a
JE-bases method, as remarked above, does not require such a
variable in a importance sampling Monte Carlo scheme, and
calculation of inter-particle forces.37 In particular, this is
the novel ‘‘path-breaking’’ strategy41 (recently adapted also to
expected to largely simplify the treatment of flexible molecules
bidirectional methods42) based on the idea of recognizing and
where the internal degrees of freedom would complicate the
stopping highly dissipative trajectories so as to improve the
implementation of the virial-theorem approach.
statistical quality of the outcomes. Finally, there is wide room
Second, the virial-theorem-based method requires a pre-
for improvements of the machinery to perform Markov moves
equilibration phase in the IS-MC runs, otherwise the correlation
on the uncontrolled degrees of freedom with the purpose to
with the starting configuration would affect in some unpredictable
limit as much as possible the amount of energy dissipation,
way the value of h WNiv from eqn (31). In our JE-based approach,
and, at the same time, to allow a good sampling of the
such a problem is avoided since, by adopting the morphing
configurational space during the development of the protocol.
strategy, any randomly generated initial configuration belongs to
In this context we cite the combination of ‘‘configurational
the statistical ensemble.
freezing’’ and ‘‘preferential sampling’’ Monte Carlo, presented
Finally, the main argument in favour of our JE-based
in ref. 43 and 44, where only the moieties closely linked to the
approach is that the full compressibility factor profile versus
controlled parameter are allowed to move by preserving the
density or pressure can be achieved in a single non-equilibrium
general requisites of micro-reversibility and detailed balance.
run thanks to the density-sweep route, while standard equili-
Also the novel strategy termed ‘‘nonequilibrium Candidate
brium methods require independent calculations for each state
Monte Carlo’’,45 into which the configurational freezing mentioned
of the system.
above has been recently embedded,46 goes in the direction of
optimizing the Markov exploration of the internal degrees of free-
5. Conclusions dom. The way in which these strategies, which bore in the context
of complex molecular/supramolecular systems subjected to
In this paper, we have illustrated the feasibility of deriving mechanical transformations, can be adapted/transferred to the
equations of state of bulk materials from the construction of present context of changing state variables, is an open challenge.
the free energy profile versus suitable state-parameters In our opinion, however, focus on this line is demanded to deal
(the density, in this explanatory application) with subsequent with dense phases (far beyond the gas system treated here).
evaluation of the characteristic thermodynamic derivative. We While the gaseous methane has been taken here only as an
have shown how Jarzynski’s equality, which is rooted at the archetype system, we feel that our analysis could be of use as a
heart of non-equilibrium tools, can be efficiently employed by footprint to build-up a standard tool to compute volumetric
adopting a composite transformation protocol made of the properties of fluids on molecular basis, even including mole-
build-up of the system energetics, followed by a steering over cular asymmetry and possible internal conformational degrees

This journal is © the Owner Societies 2015 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 1966--1979 | 1977
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PCCP Paper

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