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Well Control

Pre-course Workbook – Driller & Supervisor Level
Pre-course Workbook

Name: Dates:

Pre-course Workbook Introduction

The aim of this workbook is to allow for self-study prior to arriving at your upcoming well control
course. This self-study covers some of the more complex calculations required when working in
the industry. When finished with this workbook, you should have acquired the requisite
knowledge and skills to attend Nabors Driller/Supervisor Level Well Control course.


This program is designed as a stand-alone training program enabling you to work through it
without external support. However, no one expects you to work entirely by yourself...there may be
times when you want some help. In that case you can contact the Nabors Drilling International
Technical Training Center at: We will respond to you as soon as
reasonably practicable.


Whether you plan to use this program at work or at home, you should organize the time so that it
is not wasted. Set yourself targets to reach during a two week time period. Do not try to use the
material for 5 minutes here and there, but try to set aside an hour specifically for study.

Timetable to study effectively:

Week 1 Week 2

Monday Work through Pressures Revision chapter 4

Tuesday Revision chapter 1 Work through Kill Methods

Wednesday Work through Causes of Kicks Revision chapter 5

Work through
Thursday Revision chapter 2
Well Control Equipment
Work through
Well Control Equipment
Friday Work through Kick Indications
Surface BOP Control System

Saturday Revision chapter 3 Revision chapter 6-7

Work through
Sunday Section 9 Pre-Course Exam
Shut-In Procedures

NABORS Well Control 1 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Introduction


Once you have prepared a study timetable, think about what you have decided to do in each
session. Below are a few basic guidelines to help you plan each session.


• Find somewhere suitable to work, for example a desk or table with chair, comfortable
lighting and temperature etc.

• Collect all the equipment you may need before you start to study, e.g. note paper, pen,
calculator, pencil etc.

• Know what you plan to do in each session, whether it is an entire section or subsections.

• Work through all examples, these give you an explanation using figures. Each section
contains ”try some yourself”…Exercises”, you should do all these; and

• Make notes, either as you work through a section, or at the end.

• Make notes of anything you wish to ask your colleagues and/or supervisor.


• Just read through material. The only way to check whether you have understood is to take
the test.

• Try to rush to get through as much as possible. There is no time limit, you’re only aim
should be to meet the training objectives.

• Keep going if you don’t understand anything. Make notes to ask someone as soon as

• Spend the entire session thinking where to start.

NABORS Well Control 2 Rev 1

Table of Contents








8. ANSWERS 111




1.2.2 U TUBE 7
Pre-course Workbook Pressures


The function of Well Control can be conveniently subdivided into three main categories, namely
CONTROL. These categories are briefly described in the following paragraphs.

Primary Well Control

It is the name given to the process which maintains a hydrostatic pressure in the wellbore greater
than the pressure of the fluids in the formation being drilled, but less than formation fracture
pressure. If hydrostatic pressure is less than formation pressure then formation fluids will enter the
wellbore. If the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid in the wellbore exceeds the fracture pressure of
the formation then the fluid in the well could be lost. In an extreme case of lost circulation the
formation pressure may exceed hydrostatic pressure allowing formation fluids to enter into the

An overbalance of hydrostatic pressure over formation pressure is maintained, this excess is

generally referred to as a trip margin.

Secondary Well Control

If the pressure of the fluids in the wellbore (i.e. mud) fail to prevent formation fluids entering the
wellbore, the well will flow. This process is stopped using a “blow out preventer” to prevent the
escape of wellbore fluids from the well. This is the initial stage of secondary well control.
Containment of unwanted formation fluids.


Understanding pressure and pressure relationships is important if we are to understand well

control. By definition, pressure is the force that is exerted or placed on a unit of area, such as
pounds per square inch (psi). The pressures that we deal with daily in the oil industry include
fluid, formation, friction and mechanical. When certain pressure limits are exceeded, disastrous
consequences can result, including blowouts and/or the loss of life.

Fluids exert pressure. This pressure is the result of the density of the fluid and the height of the
fluid column. Density is usually measured in pounds per gallon (ppg) or kilograms per cubic
meter (kg/m³). A heavy fluid exerts more pressure because its density is greater.

The conversion factor used to convert density to pressure gradient in the English system is 0.052.
Remember that the definition of pressure gradient is the pressure increase per unit of depth due to
its density. For our text, we will use pounds per gallon (ppg) to measure density and feet (ft) for
depth measurements. The way 0.052 is derived is by using a one foot cube (one foot wide by one
foot long by one foot high). It takes about 7.48 gallons to fill the cube with fluid. If the fluid
weighs one pound per gallon, and you have 7.48 gallons, then the total weight of the cube is 7.48
pounds, or 7.48 pounds per cubic foot.

The weight of one of these square inches, one foot in height, can be found by dividing the total
weight of the cube by 144:

7.48 ÷ 144 = 0.051944

The conversion factor 0.052 is commonly used for oilfield calculations.

NABORS Well Control 5 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures

Figure 1: Area definition

The force or pressure that a fluid exerts at any given point is usually measured in pounds per
square inch (psi) or in the metric system, bar. To find out how much pressure a fluid of a given
density exerts for each unit of length, we use a pressure gradient.

A pressure gradient is normally expressed as the force which the fluid exerts per foot (meter) of
depth; it is measured in pounds per square inch per foot (psi/ft) or bars per meter (bar/m).


What is the pressure gradient of a fluid with a density of 12.3 ppg?

Pressure Gradientpsi/ft = Fluid Densityppg × Conversion Factor

= 12.3 X 0.052
= 0.6396 psi/ft

1.2.1 Hydrostatic Pressure

Hydrostatic pressure is the total fluid pressure created by the weight of a column of fluid, acting
on any given point in a well. Hydro means water, or fluid, that exerts pressure like water, and
static means not moving. So hydrostatic pressure is the pressure created by the density and height
of a stationary (not moving) column of fluid. We already know how to calculate a pressure
gradient from the fluid’s weight. Hydrostatic pressure can be calculated from a pressure gradient
to a given point:

Hydrostatic Pressure =
Pressure Gradient × DepthTVD

Or, it may be calculated by:

Hydrostatic Pressure = Fluid Density ×Conversion Factor × DepthTVD

It is vertical height/ depth of the fluid column that matters, its shape is unimportant.

NABORS Well Control 6 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures

Figure 2: Hydrostatic pressure (vertical height/ vessel shape)

What is the hydrostatic pressure at the bottom of a well which has a fluid density of 9.2 ppg, a MD
of 6,750’ and a TVD of 6,130’?

Remember, the formula for calculating hydrostatic pressure is:

Hydrostatic Pressurepsi = Fluid Densityppg × Conversion Factor × Depthft, TVD

= 9.2 × 0.052 × 6,130 = 2,933 psi

1.2.2 U TUBE

It is often helpful to visualize the well as a U-tube (see above). One column of the tube represents
the annulus and the other column represents the pipe in the well. The bottom of the U-tube
represents the bottom of the well. In most cases, there are fluids creating hydrostatic pressures in
both the pipe and annulus. Atmospheric pressure can be omitted, since it works the same on both
columns. If there were 10ppg fluid in both the pipe and annulus, hydrostatic pressures would be
equal and the fluid would be static on both sides of the tube. However, what will happen if fluid in
the annulus is heavier than the fluid in the string?

The heavier fluid in the annulus exerting more pressure downward will flow into the string,
displacing some of the lighter fluid out of the string, causing a flow at surface.

The fluid level will fall in the annulus, equalizing pressures. When there is a difference in the
hydrostatic pressures, the fluid will try to reach balance point. This is called U-tubing, and it
explains why there is often flow from the pipe when making connections. This is often evident
when drilling fast because the effective density in the annulus is increased by cuttings. Another
example of U-tubing is when a slug is pumped. The heavier slug is designed to allow tubing to
pull dry by falling to a level below the average length of stand pulled.

The depth where the slug will fall and the amount of fluid that U-tubes from the well can be
calculated using the following equations:

Gain In Pits = (Slug Weight – Annulus Weight) × Volume of Slug ÷ Annulus Weight
Distance of Drop = Gain in Pits ÷ Pipe Capacity

NABORS Well Control 7 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures

Figure 3: U Tube

What will be the gain in the pits, and how far will the slug fall if the mud weight is 10 ppg, the
pipe’s capacity is 0.0178 bbl/ft? The volume of the slug is 30 bbls and weighs 11 ppg.

Gain In Pitsbbls = (Slug Weightppg – Annulus Weightppg) × Volume of Slugbbls

÷ Annulus Weightppg
= (11 – 10) × 30 ÷ 10
= 1 × 30 ÷ 10
= 3 bbls

Distance of Dropft = Gain In Pitsbbls ÷ Pipe Capacity bbls/ft

= 3 ÷ 0.0178
= 168.5 ft

NABORS Well Control 8 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures

Try some yourself EXERCISE 1.

1. Select the correct definition of hydrostatic pressure.
a. The pressure that must be overcome to move the fluid.
b. The pressure exerted by column of fluid at rest.
c. The pressure of drilling mud passing through the bit.
d. The weight of the drill string in mud.

2. Select the correct statement regarding hydrostatic pressure.

a. Hydrostatic pressure increases with depth.
b. Hydrostatic pressure decreases with depth.
c. Hydrostatic pressure is not affected by depth.

3. Select the correct statement regarding hydrostatic pressure

a. Hydrostatic pressure increases with fluid density.
b. Hydrostatic pressure decreases with fluid density.
c. Hydrostatic pressure is not affected by fluid density.

4. Two wells have been drilled and cased.

Well 1 has 9⅝” casing set at 10000 feet.

Well 2 has 13⅜” casing set at 10000 feet

Both wells are full of 10 ppg mud

5. Which of the following statements is correct?

a. The hydrostatic pressure is greater in well 1 because of the smaller size of casing.
b. The diameter of the casing does not affect the hydrostatic pressure; it is the same in
both wells.

6. Sea water in the North Sea exerts a pressure gradient of 0.45 psi/ft. What would the pressure
be at?
a. 1000 feet
b. 11570 feet

7. Calculate the hydrostatic pressure exerted by the drilling mud in the following well.
Measured Depth (MD) 15000 ft

True Vertical Depth (TVD) 12000 ft

Mud gradient 0.5 psi/ft

Check your answers in Chapter 8


1.3.1 Formation Characteristics

Porosity and permeability, along with pressure differences, must be considered if we are to
understand well control. A reservoir rock looks solid to the naked eye. A microscopic examination

NABORS Well Control 9 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures

reveals the existence of tiny openings in the rock. These openings are called pores. The porosity of
the rock is expressed as a percentage.

It is the ratio of void (pore) space to solid volume. Another characteristic of a reservoir rock is that
it must be permeable. That is, the pores of the rock must be connected so hydrocarbons can move
between them. Otherwise the hydrocarbons remain locked in place and cannot flow into a well.

Figure 4: Porosity, tiny openings in rock (left) and permeability, the connection of these holes which
allows fluids to move (right).


Formation pressure is the pressure within the pore spaces of the formation rock. This pressure can
be affected by the weight of the overburden (rock layers) above the formation, which exerts
pressure on both the grains and pore fluids. Grains are solid or rock material, and pores are spaces
between grains. If pore fluids are free to move, or escape, the grains lose some of their support and
move closer together. This process is called compaction.

Normal Pressure
Normally pressured formations exert a pressure equal to a vertical column of native fluid from the
formation to surface. The pressure gradient of the native fluid usually ranges from 0.433 psi/ft to
0.465 psi/ft, and varies depending on the geologic region. Formations pressured in this range are
designated normal, depending on the area. For simplicity, this text will designate a gradient of
0.465 psi/ft as normal. In normally pressured formations most of the overburden weight is
supported by the grains that make up the rock. When the overburden increases with depth, pore
fluids are free to move and the amount of pore space is reduced due to compaction.

Abnormal Pressure
Abnormally pressured formations exert pressure greater than the hydrostatic pressure (or pressure
gradient) of the contained formation fluid. When abnormally pressured formations develop, during
the compaction phase, the pore fluid movement is restricted or stopped.

The pore fluid pressure increases, generally exceeding 0.465 psi/ft. The result causes the
increasing overburden weight to be partially supported by pore fluid rather than by the rock
grains. Such formations may require working fluid densities up to, and sometimes greater than, 20
ppg to control them. Abnormal pressures may be caused in other ways, including the presence of
faults, salt domes, uplifting, and differences in elevation of underground formations.

NABORS Well Control 10 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures


Fracture pressure is the amount of pressure it takes to permanently deform (fail or split) the rock
structure of a formation. Overcoming formation pressure is usually not sufficient to cause
fracturing. If pore fluid is free to move, a slow rate of entry into the formation will not cause
fractures. If pore fluid cannot move out of the way, fracturing and permanent deformation of the
formation can occur.

Fracture pressure can be expressed as a gradient (psi/ft), a fluid density equivalent (ppg), or by
calculated total pressure at the formation (psi). Fracture gradients normally increase with depth
due to increasing overburden pressure. Deep, highly compacted formations can require very high
fracture pressures to overcome the existing formation pressure and resisting rock structure.
Loosely compacted formations, such as those found offshore in deep water, can fracture at low
gradients. Fracture pressures at any given depth can vary widely because of the geology of the

Figure 5: Formation Fracture


A leak-off test is performed to estimate the maximum pressure or mud weight (fluid density) that
the test point can withstand before formation breakdown or fracture occurs.

Leak-Off Test Procedure:

Before starting, gauges should be checked for accuracy. The upper pressure limit should be

1. The casing should be tested prior to drilling out the shoe.

2. Drill out the shoe and cement, exposing 5 - 10 ft of new formation.
3. Circulate and condition the mud, check mud density in and out.
4. Pull the bit inside the casing. Line up cement pump and flush all lines to be used for the test.
5. Close BOPs.
6. With the well closed in, the cement pump is used to pump a small volume at a time into the
well typically a 1/4 or 1/2 bbl per min. Monitor the pressure build up and accurately record
the volume of mud pumped. Plot pressure versus volume of mud pumped.
7. Stop the pump when any deviation from linearity is noticed between pump pressure and
volume pumped.
8. Bleed off the pressure and establish the amounts of mud, if any, lost to the formation.

NABORS Well Control 11 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures

Figure 6: Leak- Off test graph

Maximum Allowable Mud Weight (Mamw)

The total pressure applied causes leak off or formation damage. This is usually a combination of
the hydrostatic pressure of a fluid plus an additional pressure, such as pump pressure on a leak off
test. The applied pressure raises the total pressure against the formation. From test data,
calculations estimate the integrity fluid density. This is the total pressure, represented as fluid
density, above which leak off or formation damage may occur. This may also be called the
Maximum Allowable Mud Weight or frac mud weight.

Test fluid density is seldom used throughout the entire well. If the fluid density changes, then the
surface pressure that may damage the formation should be re-calculated. To find the new
estimated integrity pressure with a different density fluid:

NewMAASP = ( MAMW − PresentMudWeight ) × ShoeTVD × 0.052

Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure (Maasp)
The leak- off pressure is determined as the maximum surface pressure which the well could stand,
with hydrostatic load of the mud in use at the time of the test. This can be described as the
Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure (MASSP) with that particular mud weight in

MASSP (psi/bar) = Formation breakdown pressure (psi/bar)

– Head of Mud in use (psi/bar)

Every time mud weight is changed, the MAASP changes and must be re- calculated.

MAASP can be rewritten as:

NABORS Well Control 12 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures

MAASP = (Formation breakdown pressure (psi/bar) – Head of Mud in use (psi/bar))

× True vertical shoe depth (ft/m)

If the Maximum Allowable Mud Wt is quoted for formation strength, then the same formula
appears as:

InitialMAASP = ( MAMW − CurrentMudWeight ) × ShoeTVD × 0.052

A leak of test has been carried out just below the 9 ⅝” casing shoe (set at 10000 ft) the mud
weight for the test was 10.0 ppg.
Leak-off took place at a surface pressure of 1000 psi.

Calculate the fracture pressure.

The fracture pressure is the sum of the mud hydrostatic at the shoe and the surface leak of pressure

Fracture pressure =mud hydrostatic + LOT pressure

= (10 x 0.052 x 10000) + 1000
= 5200 + 1000
= 6200 psi

What would this be as a fracture gradient

Fracture gradient (psi/ft)= Fracture pressure (psi) ∕ TVD shoe (ft)

= 6 200 ∕ 10000
= 0.62 psi/ft

We can now calculate the theoretical maximum allowable mud weight (MAMW) that could be
used i.e. the fracture mud weight.

To do this we can simply convert the fracture gradient to a mud weight

= MW@ LOT +
CSGshoeTVD × 0.052
10 + =
11.92 ppg
= 10000 × 0.052

Another way to calculate the maximum allowable mud weight would be from the original LOT


Friction is the resistance to movement. It takes force, or pressure, to overcome friction to get
anything to move. Friction has to be overcome to lift pipe, move fluid, or even to walk. How
much friction is present to overcome depends upon many factors. These include density or weight,
type and roughness of the surfaces making contact, surface area, thermal and electrical properties
of the surfaces and direction and velocity of the objects. The amount of force used to overcome
friction is called frictional loss and can be measured in many ways. Torque, drag (amps, foot-
pounds, horsepower) and force (psi or bar) to move fluid are a few. Thousands of psi (bar) of
pressure can be lost to the well’s circulating system as fluid is pumped through surface lines,

NABORS Well Control 13 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures

down the string, and up the annulus.

Figure 7: Circulating system

A desilter unit in which the underflow is further processed by a fine vibrating screen, mounted
directly under the cones. The liquid underflow from the screens is fed back into the mud, thus
conserving weighting agent and the liquid phase but at the same time returning many fine solids
to the active system. Mud cleaners are used mainly with oil- and synthetic-base muds where the
liquid discharge from the cone cannot be discharged, either for environmental or economic
reasons. It may also be used with weighted water-base fluids to conserve barite and the liquid

NABORS Well Control 14 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures

Figure 8: Circulating pressure

The pressure on the pump is actually the amount of friction that must be overcome to move fluid
throughout the wellbore at a given flow rate. Most of the pressure loss will occur when circulating
down the string and through restrictions such as jet nozzles. Pressure losses also occur in other
parts of the circulating system, such as when the choke is used to hold back pressure on the casing
side during well killing operations. When fluid finally returns to the pits it is under atmospheric,
or almost zero, pressure. When the well is being circulated, bottomhole pressure is increased by
the amount of friction overcome in the annulus. When pumps are shut off, wellbore pressure is
reduced because no frictional force is being overcome.

Since friction adds pressure to the wellbore, it increases the effective weight, or the equivalent
circulating density (ECD). The total value is the equivalent of bottomhole pressure with the pump
on. If pressure in a permeable formation is closely balanced by ECDs, a well could flow when the
pump is turned off. Data obtained from logging while drilling tools (LWD) can be used to get an
accurate reading of annular pressure, which may be used to determine ECD.


Pressure is imposed on the walls of the hole. The hydrostatic of the fluid column accounts for
most of the pressure, but pressure to move fluid up the annulus also acts on the walls. In larger
diameters, this annular pressure is small, rarely exceeding 200 psi (13.79 bar). In smaller
diameters it can be 400 psi (27.58 bar) or higher. Backpressure or pressure held on the choke also
increases bottomhole pressure, which can be estimated by adding up all the known pressures
acting in, or on, the annular (casing) side.

Bottomhole pressure can be estimated during the following activities:

Well static
If no fluid is moving, the well is static. The bottomhole pressure (BHP) is equal to the hydrostatic

NABORS Well Control 15 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures

pressure (HP) on the annular side. If shut in on a kick, bottomhole pressure is equal to the
hydrostatic pressure in the annulus plus the casing (wellhead) pressure.

Normal circulation
During circulation, the bottomhole pressure is equal to the hydrostatic pressure on the annular side
plus the annular pressure loss (APL).

Rotating head
During circulating with a rotating head the bottomhole pressure is equal to the hydrostatic
pressure on the annular side, plus the annular pressure loss, plus the rotating head backpressure.

Circulating a kick out

Bottomhole pressure is equal to hydrostatic pressure on the annular side, plus annular pressure
loss, plus choke (casing) pressure. (For subsea, add choke line pressure loss.)

Figure 9: Different bottomhole pressures

APL – Annual pressure loss acts on the bottom of the hole, increasing bottom hole pressure



In our example it requires a force of 200 psi to overcome the friction and move the mud up the
annulus. For example; the APL is 200 psi

NABORS Well Control 16 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures

According to the Newton’s laws of motion, this must exert an equal force downwards on the bottom of the

Figure 10: Newton’s law of motion

To recap
Bottom hole pressure when static (not circulating) is the mud hydrostatic pressure

BHP = mud hydrostatic

When circulating, bottom hole pressure increases by the amount of annular pressure losses

BHCP = mud hydrostatic + APL

NABORS Well Control 17 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures

Well Data:
Depth(TVD): 16500 ft
Mud weight: 10.8 ppg

Pump pressure at 100 spm: 3500 psi

Annular pressure loss at 100 spm: 300 psi

a. Bottom hole pressure (BHP) when static (not circulating)
b. Bottom hole circulating pressure (BHCP) (BHP when circulating)

BHP when static is the mud hydrostatic

BHP (psi) = mud hydrostatic

= mud weight (ppg) x 0.052 x TVD (feet)
= 10.8 x 0.052 x 16500
= 9266 psi

BHCP is the mud hydrostatic plus any annular pressure losses (APL)

BHCP (psi) = mud hydrostatic + APL

= 9266 + 300
= 9566 psi

NABORS Well Control 18 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures


We have seen that bottom hole pressure increases when circulating by the amount of annular
pressure losses (APL)

BHCP (psi) = mud hydrostatic (psi) + APL (psi)

BHCP can be expressed as a value in pounds per gallon (ppg), this is known as the Equivalent
Circulating Density (ECD)

ECD can be calculated from the bottom hole circulating pressure by converting this to an
equivalent mud density.

BHCP( psi )
ECD( ppg ) =
TVD( ft ) × 0.052

Another more common formula used to calculate ECD uses the annular pressure loss and the
original mud weight.

APL( psi )
ECD( ppg ) + MudWeight ( ppg )
TVD( ft ) × 0.052


Well data:
Depth (TVD): 10000 feet
Mud weight: 10 ppg
Calculate the BHP when static.

BHP (psi) = MW (ppg) x 0.052 x TVD (feet)

= 10 x 0.052 x TVD (feet)
= 5200 psi

When circulating at 100 spm the annular pressure losses are 260 psi.

Calculate the bottom hole pressure (BHCP).

BHCP (psi) = mud hydrostatic + APL

= 5200 + 260
= 5460 psi

Calculate the Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD).

APL( psi )
ECD( ppg ) + MW ( ppg )
TVD( ft ) × 0.052
= + 10
10000 × 0.052
= 10.5 ppg

NABORS Well Control 19 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures


The difference between the formation pressure and bottomhole hydrostatic pressure is differential
pressure. These are classified as overbalanced, underbalanced and balanced.

Overbalanced means the hydrostatic pressure exerted on the bottom of the hole is greater than the
formation pressure:


Underbalanced means the hydrostatic pressure exerted on the bottom of the hole is less than the
formation pressure:


Balanced means the hydrostatic pressure exerted on the bottom of the hole is equal to the
formation pressure:


Most wells are drilled, and worked, in balanced to overbalanced conditions. If circulating or
drilling, friction and cuttings contribute to the effective pressure on bottom.

Figure 11: Differential pressures

NABORS Well Control 20 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures

Try some yourself Exercise 2

1. What is the name given to the percentage volume of pore space in a rock formation?
a. Permeability
b. Porosity
c. Compressive strength
d. Shaliness

2. What is the name given to the rock formations ability to allow fluid to flow through it?
a. Permeability
b. Porosity
c. Compressive strength
d. Shaliness

3. Select the correct definition of formation pressure.

a. The pressure exerted by the fluids in the pore spaces of a formation.
b. The total weight of the overlaying sediments and fluid.
c. The ability of a formation to allow fluid to flow.

4. Select the best definition of normal formation pressure.

a. A formation pressure that requires a mud weight of less than 10 ppg
b. A formation pressure due only to the weight of the overlaying rocks.
c. A formation pressure equal to the hydrostatic pressure of the water in the formation.

5. A formation at 10000 feet has a pressure of 5200 psi. Is the formation pressure?
a. Above normal
b. Below normal
c. Normal

6. Match the following description to definitions.

i. Mud hydrostatic = formation pressure __________

ii. Mud hydrostatic > formation pressure __________

iii. Mud hydrostatic < formation pressure __________

a. Underbalance
b. Balance
c. Overbalance

7. What is meant by primary well control?

a. Maintaining mud weight at least 1000 psi above formation pressure.
b. The blow out preventers.
c. Maintaining mud hydrostatic above formation pressure but less than fracture pressure.

NABORS Well Control 21 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pressures

8. Well data:
Shoe depth (TVD) 12000 ft
Mud Weight 13.0 ppg
LOT pressure 1500 psi


a. The mud hydrostatic at the shoe

b. The fracture pressure of the formation
c. The fracture gradient of the formation
d. The Maximum Allowable Mud Weight

9. Well data:
Depth (TVD) 12000
Mud weight 11 ppg

While circulating at 75 spm the pressure losses in the system are:

Surface lines 150 psi
Drill string 1000 psi
Bit 1200 psi
Annulus 250 psi


a. The static bottom hole pressure

b. The bottom hole circulating pressure (BHCP)
c. The equivalent circulating density (ECD)

10. When are slow circulating rates normally taken (four answers)?
a. When mud properties change.
b. After each connection.
c. Every shift/tour.
d. After a long section of hole has been drilled.
e. When the bit or BHA is changed
f. Pressure limitations of the mud gas separator

Check your answers in Chapter 8

NABORS Well Control 22 Rev 1


Pre-course Workbook Causes of Kicks

What is a kick? A kick is simply the displacement of fluid at the top of a hole by a unwanted
influx of formation fluid. A kick should not occur if the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid is at least
slightly in excess of the formation pressure.

A kick is the unwanted influx of formation fluids into the wellbore. The results of a kick include
lost operation time, hazardous operation with high pressure and gas, and possible equipment
losses (from stuck pipe to rig loss) during attempts to regain control of the well.

Figure 12: Blow out

If is recognized and controlled in time, kick can be handled and removed from the well safely. If
the kick is allowed to continue, it may no longer be able to be controlled. This is said to be a
blowout or uncontrolled kick. Since a kick may happen at any time, we must be able to recognize,
identify and react to all kick warning signs. These signs indicate either that the conditions for a
kick exist or that the well may be kicking. It makes sense that all possible means should be used to
prevent kicks.

An understanding of pressure indicators, warning signs and why kick occur can significantly
decrease chance of kicks.

The main causes of the kicks are:

1. Failing to fill the hole properly when tripping
2. Poor tripping practices
3. Swabbing/surging
4. Insufficient mud weight
5. Abnormal formation pressure
6. Lost circulation
7. Cementing operations
8. Shallow gas sands

NABORS Well Control 24 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Causes of Kicks

9. Special situations, including:

o Drilling into adjacent well;
o Testing BOPs;
o Drill steam testing (DST);
o Underbalance drilling – failure to maintain adequate backpressure;
o Platform leg;


This is one of the most common causes of kicks. If the fluid level in the hole falls, than a
reduction of the bottom-hole pressure must occur since the length of the fluid column has

A drill pipe and collars are pulled out of the hole, a volume of mud equal to the volume of steel
which had been removed, must be added to the hole to keep it full. If this is not done the length of
the mud column is reduced, thereby lowering the bottom-hole pressure. Once this pressure drops
below formation pressure, at any point in the open hole, a kick may occur.

An accurate method of measuring the amount of fluid actually required to fill the hole must be
used an accurate record kept of the volume of steel removed.

If the volume required to fills the hole is significantly less than the volume of steel known to have
been removed, then either:

a. Fluid must be entered the hole from the formation, or

b. Gas already present in the well bore is expanding.

Note that the volume of steel in a length of drill collars may be anything from five to ten times the
volume of steel in the same length of drill pipe. This increased volume of steal fills more of the
total available volume in the hole. This means that not only is much mud required to replace each
length of drill collars but, if the hole is not filled, the level of mud will drop much further then
would be the case with drilling pipe.

Two possible arrangements for monitoring mud volume during trips are

a. Mud fill-up line with stroke-counter

b. Continuously circulating trip tank.


In the procedure, the hole is 'topped up' at regular intervals using a fill-up line, and the required
mud volume is then noted. Typically this will be done after every five stands of drill pipe, and
after every stand of drill collars. This must be stretched, depending on circumstances; to one fill-
up every ten stands of drill pipe or two stands of drill collars.

The mud volume added may be calculated either by noting the number of pumps strokes required
from a pump of known displacement, or by pumping mud from a trip tank, with a direct reading of
mud volume available on the drill floor. Ideally the trip tank will be a tall narrow tank, so that
small volume changes show up as a large change in mud level.

Advantage of the fill-up method is that at regular intervals, attention is being drawn to the mud to
check hole volumes and routine is established. Its main possible drawback is that other hole

NABORS Well Control 25 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Causes of Kicks

problems or rig requirements may disrupt the trip routine (rhythm) and hence attention from the
need to fill up the hole.


The trip tank can be set to continuous gravity feed, or it can use pump feeding. The advantage of
this system is that hole remains full at all times, and the volumes used can be continuously and
accurately maintained

The main drawback to this system is that the trip tank does not contain enough mud to permit a
full trip without refilling. The drill crew should develop a routine of checking the trip tank level
frequently and therefore be aware when refilling is required. It is relatively easy for other
problems to distract attention from this need, especially when drill collars are being pulled and
extra demands placed upon the drill crew.

Example – Not filling the hole

The entire bottom hole assembly (BHA) is pulled from the hole dry. If the hole is not filled at all,
calculate the drop in BHA.

Well data
Length of BHP = 500 ft
Metal displacement of BHP = 0.054 bbl/ft
Casing capacity = 0.15 bbl/ft
Mud weight = 11 ppg

BHA metal volume = 500 x 0.054

= 27 bbl

Level drop = Volume / Casing capacity = 27 / 0.15 = 180 feet

Now we can calculate pressure drop.

Pressure drop = Mud Gradient x level drop = 11 x 0.052 x 180 = 103 psi

NABORS Well Control 26 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Causes of Kicks

Figure 13: Tripping Dry

Bottom Hole Pressure (BHP) will be reduced by pulling pipe dry and not filling the hole. This
allows the mud level to drop, therefore reducing the hydrostatic pressure.

In the example above, how many stands would have to be pulled dry to remove a 50 psi
overbalance and allow the well to flow?

NOTE: The mud level drops in the annulus and inside the drill

NABORS Well Control 27 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Causes of Kicks

Figure 14: Tripping Wet

Bottom Hole Pressure (BHP) will be reduced by pulling wet pipe and NOT filling the hole.
This allows the mud level to drop, therefore reducing the hydrostatic pressure.

In the example above, how many stands would have to be pulled wet to remove a 50 psi
overbalance and allow the well to flow?

NOTE: The mud level drops only in the annulus as both the
metal displacement and pipe capacity are pulled out of
the hole.


Whenever pipe is moved through fluid, both swab and surge forces are present. The direction of
pipe travel dictates the dominant force, swab or surge. When pipe travels upwards, (for example, a
trip out of the hole) swab pressure is dominant. Fluid often cannot fall down between the pipe and
wellbore as fast as the pipe is being pulled upwards. So a reduction in pressure is created under the
pipe allowing formation fluid to feed in until the pressure reduction stops. This is called swabbing.

NABORS Well Control 28 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Causes of Kicks

If enough fluid is swabbed in, it may lighten the total hydrostatic enough for the well to begin to
flow. The analogy of pulling a plunger in a syringe illustrates this concept.

Surge pressure is also present as pipe is being stripped out of the hole, but usually has less effect
than swabbing. Fluid surrounding the pipe (especially above bottom-hole assembly) must get out
of the way by moving upwards around the pipe and up the hole. If the pipe is pulled too fast, not
all of the fluid can move out of the way. A pressure build-up may occur, leading to losses and
hydrostatic reduction.

Since the pressure drop is related to the energy required to move the mud into place, the principal
factors encouraging swabbing and surging are:

a. Pipe Pulling Speed: it takes more energy required to move mud quickly, so the faster
the string is moved, the greater the pressure drop.
b. Small Hole Clearance or Slim Hole Geometry: it takes more energy to move the same
volume of mud through a smaller place, so the less the annular space available, the
greater the pressure drop.
c. High Mud Viscosity or Gel Strength: evidently, it takes more energy to move a tick
mud than thin one, hence the more viscous the mud, the grater the pressure drop.

Figure 15: Surges and Swabbing Pressures

The likelihood of swabbing in a kick can be reduced by good drilling practices, including use of
an adequate 'trip margin'. These include:

a. Circulating the hole clean before starting a trip;

b. Noting the pressure and position of 'tight spots' from previous trips;
c. Conditioning mud to as thin a condition as well circumstances permit;
d. Careful observation of pipe pulling speed.

The swabbing-in kick is particularly hazardous since often a brief swabbing episode is followed
by normal tripping practices. If the small discrepancy in string displacement volume is not noted
at once, it will be probably overlooked thereafter. No other warning sign of the presence of a kick
in the well may be seen.

NABORS Well Control 29 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Causes of Kicks

An overall influx of gas, for instance, swabbed into an open annulus, may displace only a very
short head of mud. The net decrease in bottom holes pressure is small and likely to be well below
the normal range of 'trip margin' overbalance. No further flow of gas will occur into the well and,
if the well is shut in, no pressure will show on either drill pipe or casing pressure gauges since the
well is still in balance.

Figure 16: Swabbing

If a gas influx has been swabbed in, it will slowly migrate up the well and expand as it does so. At
first this expansion is very slow, and it is unlikely that the significant flow will be seen at the
surface unless the influx is very large, or very close to the surface. The greatest swabbing action
generally occurs when tripping through a 'fresh drilled' hole. This is because the initial mud filter
cake deposited on a new section of hole is soft and thick. It has not been 'wiped' thin by the bit.
Particular care should be taken at the start of a trip to ensure that no swabbing occurs.

The only reliable method of detecting a swabbed-in kick as it occurs is proper hole-fill procedure.
Once again the trip volumes must be carefully monitored.


A further cause of kicks from is drilling accidentally into abnormally pressured permeable zones.
This is because we had ignored the warning signals that occur; these help us detect abnormal
pressures. Some of this warning signs are:

a. an increased penetration rate;

b. an increase in background gas or gas cutting of the mud;
c. a decrease in shale density;
d. an increase in cutting size;
e. an increase in flow-line temperature, etc.

In some areas, there were adequate sands that were continuous and open into the sea or to the
surface. In these areas the water squeezed from the shale formations, travelled through the
permeable sands and was released to the sea or to a surface outcrop. This de-watering allowed the
formation to continue to compact and thereby increase their density.

NABORS Well Control 30 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Causes of Kicks

Figure 17: Normal Pressure Formation

In other areas, or at other times, the sands did not develop or were sealed by deposition of salt or
other impervious formations, or by faulting such as we have indicated here. Although the shale
water was squeezed, it could not escape. Since water is nearly incompressible, the shale’s could
not compress past the point where the water in the shale started to bear the weight of the rock
above. This section caused condition in which the weight of the formation- that is, the overburden-
was borne not by the shale alone, but assisted by the fluids in the shale. In this situation the shale
will have more porosity, and a lower density, than they would have had if the new pressured water
had been allowed to escape. These formations, both sand and shale, are then overpressured
formation, weighted mud will be required to hold back the fluids contained in the pore space.

Figure 18: Abnormal Pressure Formation

Abnormally high formation pressure is defined as any formation pressure that is greater than the
hydrostatic pressure of the water occupying the formation pore spaces. Abnormally high
formation pressures are also termed surpressures, overpressures and sometimes geopressures.
More often, they are simply called abnormal pressure.


Kicks can occur when total lost circulation occurs.

If the loss of whole mud to natural or artificially induced fractures is sufficiently great, then all
returns from the well will cease and the level of mud in the well annulus will drop.

Loss of circulation can occur to cavernous or vugular formations; naturally fractured, pressure

NABORS Well Control 31 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Causes of Kicks

depleted or sub-normally pressured zone; fractures induced by excessive pipe running speeds;
annulus plugging due to BHA (Bottom Hole Assembly) balling or sloughing shale's; excessively
high annular friction losses; or excessive circulation breaking pressure when mud gel strength is
high. In the North See lost circulation due to induced pressure surge is more commonly a cause of
partial loss of returns.

When this type of kick occurs, it may rapidly become very severe since a large influx can occur
before a rising annulus mud level is seen, for this reasons, it is recommended that the annulus
should be filled with water to maintain the best possible hydrostatic head in the well.

In many cases the mud level only drops a few hundred feet, and the addition of water reduces the
underbalance in the well to a minimum. If flow still occurs, it does so at a reduced rate, allowing
more time for emergency measures, or well healing procedures, to be carried out.

A note should be kept of the volume of water pumped, to enable an estimate of the maximum
pressure the well can take.

Figure 19: Lost Circulation, Typical Situation


Drilling into shallow gas pockets is one of the most dangerous situations that can be encountered.

In a shallow well, gas can travel to the surface very rapidly, giving little warning. While drilling
shallow hole, the short surface casing string is set in a relatively weak formation. It is normally
necessary to divert the flow rather than the shut well in, risking fracture at the casing shoe and the
possibility of gas coming up around the outside the well.

As the 'bottom-hole' times involved are short, the drill crew should be alert for signs of a kick.

The flow sensor may be the only item of equipment able to give an early enough warning of a

NABORS Well Control 32 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Causes of Kicks

shallow gas kick in progress which allows the diverter to be put into us. This sensor should be
kept working whenever possible. If in doubt shut off the pumps and carry out the flow check.

Try some yourself EXERCISE 3.

1. In the following examples calculate whether the well is overbalanced, on balance, or
underbalanced and by how much.
a. Depth (TVD) = 12000 ft
Mud weight = 10 ppg
Formation pressure = 0.465 psi//ft ______________

b. Depth (TVD) = 16000 ft

Mud weight = 12 ppg
Formation pressure = 0.75 psi//ft ______________

c. Depth (TVD) = 17950 ft

Mud weight = 17.5 ppg
Formation pressure = 0.91 psi//ft ______________

2. Well Data
Length of BHA = 800 ft
Metal displacement of BHA = 0.035 bbl/ft
Casing capacity = 0.073 bbl/ft
Mud weight = 9.8 ppg

Calculate the drop in BHP if the entire BHA is pulled dry. ______________

3. Swabbing is due to?

a. An increase in BHP while tripping
b. A decrease in BHP while tripping
c. Lost circulation
d. Not filling the hole.

4. Select the factors that will increase the risk of swabbing (Three answer)
a. High viscosity mud.
b. Low viscosity mud.
c. Balled up stabilisers.
d. Pulling out of the ole quickly
e. Pulling out of the hole slowly.

5. What is the correct action if the hole does not take the proper amount of fluid while tripping
out of the hole?
a. Flow check, and if no flow, pull out of hole
b. Stop, spot a high viscosity pill, then pump out of hole.
c. Flow check, if negative, run back to bottom, circulate the bottoms up and evaluate the
d. Continue to the shoe then evaluate the problem.

NABORS Well Control 33 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Causes of Kicks

6. What is meant by Abnormal Pressure?

a. High overbalance with heavy mud.
b. Formation fluid pressure that is greater than normal formation water hydrostatic
c. Pressure required to exceed MAASP.
d. The excess pressure due to Annular Pressure loss.

7. Which of the following would be the immediate effect of swabbing?

a. Reduction in bottom hole pressure.
b. A kick
c. Losses
d. Increase in bottom hole pressure.

8. Which of the following increase surge pressures when running in the hole?
a. Small annular clearance.
b. Large bit nozzles.
c. Running-in slowly.
d. High gel strength mud.
e. Large annular clearance.
f. Low gel strength mud.

9. When pulling out of hole from the top of the reservoir at 10,000 feet, swab pressure is
calculated to be 150 psi above formation pressure.
Mud Weight = 10.2 ppg
Formation Pressure = 5200 psi

Will the well flow?



Check your answers in Chapter 8

NABORS Well Control 34 Rev 1


Pre-course Workbook Kick Indication

In order to detect kick in the earliest stage, we must be aware of the indicators that can warn us
that the well is flowing. If one or more of these warnings sings is observed, is should be assumed
that the well could be flowing.

A kick that is not recognized, or is allowed to continue, will unload the fluid from the well. When
a kick take place, and it is not recognized, or if no action is taken, then it could develop into a
blowout. The effects and behavior of kicks must be understood in order to prevent kicks from
turning into blowouts.


The alertness in determining early warning signs in well control is of the upmost importance to
wellbore safety. Careful observance and positive reaction to these signs will keep well under
control and prevent occurrence of a well flow situation. The various signs that have been recorded
as early warning indicators are not consistent in all situations. Series of sings may change between
wells, early warning indications can be found from the following list:

• Penetration Rate Change;

• Increases in Torque and Drag;
• Flow Rate Increase;
• Volume Gain;
• Increase in Cutting Size and Shape;
• Flow-Pump Off;
• Pump Pressure Decrease/Pump Stroke Increase;


An abrupt change in the rate of penetration usually indicates a formation change, often
encountered while drilling. Many things, including bit type, affect penetration rate. The term
drilling break has been used when penetration rate increased, indicating a low density formation.
With today's newer bits, a slowdown or decrease in penetration rate may be experienced in low-
density formations.

A general and consistent increase in penetration rate is often a fairly good indicator that a
transition zone may have been penetrated. A rapid increase in penetration rate may indicate that an
abnormal pressure formation has been entered and an underbalance situation has occurred.

NABORS Well Control 36 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Kick Indication

Figure 20: A Change in Rate of Penetration at Approximately 8 and 150 ft


When the pump is running at a constant rate, it displaces a fixed amount of fluid into the well
every minute. Since the injection rate of fluid into the well is constant, the rate of fluid return
should also be constant. The rate of flow at surface is measured. Formation fluid may be feeding
in if an increase in fluid volume is seen (more flows out than we pump in) while the pump rate has
not changed.

Figure 21: Flow Rate Sensor

NABORS Well Control 37 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Kick Indication


Since a rig's fluid system is a closed system, and increase in returns detected by a flow monitoring
system will be indicated by gain in pit level. Detecting a change in a pit level may be done by
visual observation. This means placing some type of pit level marker in the tank, than post
someone to keep constant watch. From your own experience, you know that to keep a constant
watch on the pit level is next to impossible. This is especially true during trips, when most kicks
occur. A more reliable and accurate method is to use any of the several pit level measuring
instrument with the recorder mounted at the driller's console and supported by the mud logger's
monitoring system.

This allows a constant watch on the pit level by the driller, both while tripping and drilling.

When drilling a formation containing gas, a monitor pit level rise will be noted because of the core
volume of gas being drilled. However, this will occur only as the gas nears the surface, and is due
to the drilled gas expanding and is not necessarily an indication that the well is underbalance. The
timing of the increase in the pit volume is important in distinguishing between a true kick and gas
expansion only. However, if there is any question as to the cause of the pit gain, stop the pump
and check the well for flow.

On trips, the drill crew should be able to recognise a 5-barrel kick or less. During drilling the
crews are generally able to recognise a 10-barrel kick or less.

Figure 22: A float type pit level sensor

NABORS Well Control 38 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Kick Indication

Figure 23: An Increase in Pit Volume May Indicate That the Well is Flowing


In transition zones or in abnormally pressured shale's (sandy shale's and bedding sand streaks) the
shale's break off and fall into hole because of under balanced condition (pore pressure greater than
mud hydrostatic pressure). Water wetting may further aggravate this problem.

Changes in the shape of shale cuttings can occur as an underbalanced situation is developing. The
particles are often larger and may be sharp and angular in the transition zone. Extra fill on bottom
may coincide with the trend change. Severe sloughing will often cause changes in pressure and
stroke relationship.

Normally pressured shale's produce small cuttings with rounded edges and are generally flat,
while cuttings from an over pressured shale are often long and splintery with angular edges. As
reduction of hydrostatic differential between the pore pressure and bottom-hole pressure occurs,
the hole cuttings will have a greater tendency to come off bottom. This can also lead to shale
expansion causing cracking, and sloughing of the shale's into the wellbore. Changes in cuttings
shape and cuttings load over the shakers needs to be monitored at surface.

Figure 24: Shale cuttings from normally pressured zone (left). Shale cuttings from a transition zone

Try some yourself Exercise 4

NABORS Well Control 39 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Kick Indication

1. Which of the following could indicate that the well may be approaching balance?
(Three answers)
a. An increase in the size and amount of cuttings.
b. An increase in mud weight.
c. An increase in gas level.
d. A gradual increase in ROP.
e. A gradual reduction in ROP.
f. An increase in pump pressure.

2. Which of the following is not a warning sign of increasing formation pressure?

a. Increase in pump pressure.
b. Gas cut mud.
c. Decreasing shale density.
d. Increasing in mud temperature.
e. Increase in chloride in the mud.

3. What is a drilling break?

a. A gradual small increase in ROP.
b. A gradual small decrease in ROP.
c. A significant change in the ROP.

4. What is the correct action if a drilling break is observed?

a. Continue, but let Company Man know that the ROP has picked up.
b. Drill up to 5 feet, stop drilling, pick up, shut down the pumps and flow check.
c. Continue drilling with a reduced pump rate to observe the well better.
d. Nothing – a high ROP is exactly what we want.

5. The main indicators that the well is flowing are: (TWO ANSWERS)
a. Increased flow rate.
b. Drilling break.
c. Pit gain.
d. Increase in pump pressure.

6. Mud monitoring equipment such as pit volume totalizer and pit alarms, trip tank, and trip
tank alarms should be used:
a. Any time the well is open.
b. Any time fluid is circulated through the mud pits.
c. Only in production and abnormal pressure zones.
d. Only in the deeper formations.

7. While drilling ahead through faulted formations, the flow meter drop from 60% to 35%.
What is the most likely cause of this?
a. There is a washout in the string.
b. Partial los circulation has occurred.
c. A kick has been swabbed in.
d. Total lost circulation has occurred.

Check your answers in Chapter 8

NABORS Well Control 40 Rev 1


Pre-course Workbook Shut-In Procedures

Once a kick has been detected, the well should be controlled according to correct procedures.
Shut-in procedures require common sense. At times of excitement or emergency, there must be
strong control and discipline on the rig floor. Drills, planned procedures and strong supervision
are the keys to successfully controlling the well. Once a kick has been detected, the well should be
shut in as quickly as possible. The reasons for shut-in procedures include:

• To protect the crew and rig

• To stop the influx of formation fluid into the wellbore
• To allow shut-in pressures to be determined
• To provide an opportunity to organize the kill procedure.
There is no such thing as a small kick or a small flow. Either can rapidly develop into a blowout.
All flows must be recognized as potential blowouts. When in doubt as to whether the well is
flowing or not – shut it in.

Shut-in procedures may vary considerably, depending on company policy, the type of rig and the
size of the crew. However, the basics of shutting a well in do not change. A preventer must be
closed to stop the flow. There are several different shut in procedures for different types of rigs
and for different drilling operations. These are:

• Shut- in while drilling, fixed rig

• Shut- in while tripping, fixed rig
• Shut- in while out of hole


NOTE: A fixed rig is defined as a drilling rig equipped with a

surface BOP.

Shut-in procedure should be agreed by contractor and operating company and posted on rig floor
before drilling the well begins.

When any positive indication of a kick is observed such as a sudden increase in flow or an
increase in pit level, then the well should be shut in immediately without doing a flow check. If
the increase in flow or pit gain is hard to detect then a flow check can be done to confirm the well
is flowing.

If surface hole is being drilled and the conductor pipe is not set in a competent formation and a
shallow gas kick is taken then the gas should be diverted. This will be discussed at the end of this

The procedures which follow are generalized suggestions and not necessarily applicable to any
specific rig.


1. When a possible indication is observed, stop rotary, pick-up off bottom until spaced out.
2. STOP pumps. Check for Flow. If positive, then;
3. OPEN choke line valve at the BOP stack (often called HCR valve or 'F' type valves.)

NABORS Well Control 42 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Shut-In Procedures

4. CLOSE annular BOP.

5. CLOSE choke. If this choke is NOT a positive shut off type, it is necessary to close a valve
(ideally just downstream of the choke) in order to read well pressures.
6. Alert supervisors. Read and record pressures and times. Check pit volume gain.
7. If necessary, control well bore pressures during the shut in period, for example due to gas

NOTE: Choke in open position while drilling.


1. When a possible sign is observed, set top tool joint in the slips.
2. Install a full opening Safety valve on the drill pipe. Close the valve once it is installed.
3. Pick pipe up, check for flow. Check trip volumes.
4. OPEN choke line valve at Bop stack (HCR valve).
5. CLOSE annular BOP.
6. CLOSE choke. If this is not a positive shut-off type, it is necessary to close a valve just
downstream of the choke in order to read well pressures.
7. Alert supervisors and check pressures.
8. Stab IBOP (Grey Valve or non- return valve) and open full opening safety valve.
9. Read and record pressures and times. Check pit volumes.
10. (10) The operators representative will have to decide whether to kill in situ, or strip back to
With a swabbed kick there are four options:

1. Strip back in hole.

2. Do a volumetric bleed.
3. Bullhead kick back into formation.
4. Do an off bottom kill then return to bottom and circulate well to desired mud weight.


1. When any indication is observed while drilling that the well maybe flowing, stop rotating
the drill string, raise the drill with pumps on until spaced out.
2. Stop pumping and check for flow, if positive;
3. Close annular or pipe rams.
4. Open choke line HCR valve.
5. Call supervisor and commence plotting a graph of shut in drill pipe pressure. Check pit
volume again.

NOTE: Choke in closed position while drilling.

After the well has been shut in.

NABORS Well Control 43 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Shut-In Procedures

In any shut-in procedure it is prudent to line up the annulus to the trip tank above the annular or
rams. This will assist in double-checking to see if they are leaking.

Double check that the well is lined up through the choke manifold prior to circulating kick out.


1. Detect flow. Note that monitoring equipment should always be in use when the hole is open.
2. OPEN choke line valve. (failsafe or HCR valve)
3. CLOSE blind rams.
4. CLOSE choke. If not a positive shut off, then close a downstream valve to record pressure.
5. Alert supervisor. Read and record casing pressure and times. Check pit and trip volumes for
pit gain.
The operators representative shall decide what steps to make from this point. The main options
available are:

a. Stripping into the hole.

b. Bull heading down the kill line.
c. Volumetric method.

NABORS Well Control 44 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Shut-In Procedures

Try some yourself Exercise 5

1. The steps for closing a well by the soft shut in method are:
a. Pick up TDS (Top Drive System), shut down pump and stop rotating, close BOP,
open remote CHOKE, close HCR and record pressures
b. Shut down pump and stopping rotating, pick up TDS, open HCR, close BOP, close
remote CHOKE and record pressure.
c. Shut down pump and stop rotating, pick up kelly, close BOP, open remote CHOKE,
close Choke and record pressure.
d. Pick up TDS, stop rotating and shut down the pumps, open HCR, close BOP. Close
remote CHOKE and record pressure.

2. For soft shut in on Jack-Up rig, the choke manifold and stack should be lined up.
a. As the operators well control policy specifies.
b. HCR valve closed and all lines open through manual choke.
c. HCR valve open and remote choke closed to shaker tank.
d. HCR valve closed and all lines open through remote choke via the mud gas separator
to shakers

3. For a hard shut in on a land rig or platform, the stack and choke manifold should be lined up
a. As the operators well control policy specifies.
b. HCR and manual choke line valves open and remote choke open.
c. HCR and manual choke line valves closed and remote choke open.
d. HCR valve closed, manual choke line open, remote choke closed.

4. What determines the rate of the first build up to the stabilized pressures in a shut-in well?
a. Permeability of the formation.
b. Speed at which the shut in was carried out.
c. The shut in method used.
d. Gas migration.
e. Porosity of formation.

5. What might cause an increase in pressure after stabilization?

a. Permeability of the formation.
b. Mud cooling.
c. Mud viscosity.
d. Gas migration.
e. Porosity of the formation.

Check your answers in Chapter 8

NABORS Well Control 45 Rev 1



Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods


There are many techniques for controlling a well. Whether a kick has occurred during drilling or
workover or whether a live well must be controlled, the basics are the same. These methods
maintain bottomhole pressure at a desired level, typically at or above the formation’s pressure in
order to prevent further influx of formation fluid. In live wells, it is not always desirable to kill the
well, but rather to control the pressure at a manageable and safe level. Some techniques provide
for circulating a fluid to remove kicking fluid or bringing the well to the desired level of pressure
control. Other pump techniques allow fluid to be pumped into a well, with no returns taken at the
surface. Non-pumping techniques allow pressure control of the formation and or allow stripping
into or out of a well. These techniques all have common goals: controlling the kicking or
producing formation and avoiding lost circulation. The difference in these methods occurs if fluid
weight is increased and if the well will be circulated. If the goal is to remove kicking fluid, there
are two techniques to prevent additional influx. The first is to add enough backpressure on the
present fluid column to equal formation pressure. The second is to hold enough backpressure and
displace the original fluid in the well with a fluid that is dense enough to equal or exceed
formation pressure.


In the Driller’s Method, the kick is circulated out of the hole using the existing mud weight. The
mud weight is then raised to the required level and circulated around the well.

Two complete circulations are thus required, as a minimum, for this method. Since it deals
separately with the removal of the kick and the addition of kill weight mud, it is generally
considered to be the simplest of well control methods, and it requires least arithmetic. However,
this results, in the well being circulated under pressure for a relatively long time, possibly the
longest of the three methods, with an increased possibility of choke problems. Also, the annular
pressures produced during the first circulation are higher than produced with any other method.

To summarize:

FIRST CIRCULATION: Pump the kick out of the well, using existing mud weight.

SECOND CIRCULATION: Pump kill weight mud around the well.


1. The fewest number of calculations are required.
2. There is a minimum amount of time before circulation can start.
3. Weight up not necessary until after the kick has been circulated from the wellbore.


1. The highest surface pressures are required to balance the formation downhole.
2. High surface pressures, because original weight mud is in the hole while the kick is being
circulated out, means there are correspondingly higher equivalent mud weights seen at the
3. A second circulation is required.

NABORS Well Control 47 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods

5.1.1 Procedure for Driller’s Method

1. The well is closed in and the information recorded.

2. If a slow circulating rate pressure, PSCR, has been taken, then calculate the pressure
required on the drill pipe for the first circulation of the well.
This is:




3. Open the choke about one quarter, start the pump and break circulation; then bring the
pump up to the KILL RATE.
4. While the Driller is bringing the pump up to the KILL RATE, the choke operator should
operate the choke so as to keep the casing pressure at or near the closed in casing pressure
5. Once the pump is up to the KILL RATE, the choke operator should transfer his attention to
the drill pipe pressure gauge and adjust the choke to maintain the INITIAL CIRCULATING
PRESSURE on the drill pipe pressure gauge.
6. The INITIAL CIRCULATING PRESSURE is held constant on the drill pipe pressure gauge
by adjusting the choke throughout the whole of the first circulation, until all of the kick fluid
has been circulated out of the well. The pump rate must also be held constant at the KILL
RATE throughout this period.
7. Once the kick is out of the hole, shut the well in and mix up the kill mud weight required.

KillWeightMud ( ppg )  OriginalMudWeight + 
 TVD × 0.052 

8. Once the kill mud is ready, open the choke about one quarter, start the pump and break
circulation. Then bring the pump up to the kill rate.
9. While the Driller is bringing the pump up to the kill rate, the choke operator should operate
the choke so as to keep the casing pressure steady at the same pressure as when closed in.
10. While the drill pipe is being filled with heavy mud there are two options for keeping B.H.P.
constant, either keep the casing pressure constant or make out a graph going from I.C.P. to
If the influx was gas and all the gas was not removed in first circulation, the first option of
keeping casing pressure constant could lead to higher annular pressures.

The drill pipe pressure will go down as the drill pipe is being slugged with the heavier mud. In
practice, if all the kick was properly removed in the first circulation, the choke should not need to
be touched once the pumps are steady at the Kill Rate, until kill mud reaches the bit.

NABORS Well Control 48 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods

Once the kill mud reaches the bit, the pressure held on the drill pipe is just that required to
circulate the kill mud around the well. This is the slow circulating rate pressure, increased slightly
for the extra mud weight.

 KillMudWeight 
= SlowCirculatingRate + 
FinalCircuatingPressure 
 OriginalMudWeight 
 KMW 
= PSCR + 
 OMW 

The drill pipe pressure starts dropping below the initial circulating pressure, as the kill mud starts
down the drill pipe, reaching the final circulating pressure when the kill mud reaches the bit.
Thereafter the drill pipe pressure is held at the final circulating pressure by controlled opening of
the choke, as the kill mud moves up the annulus.

A graph showing how drill pipe pressure drops from the initial to the final circulating pressure is
shown in Figure 25 and this can be used as a guide to the drill pipe pressures required. The drill
pipe pressure should drop according to the graph, as kill mud goes to the bit, without the choke
being moved.

Figure 25: Drill pipe pressure drop

NABORS Well Control 49 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods

The following figure depict the variations in pressure during the well circulations.

Lifting of Influx exiting Replacement Replacement of mud with
influx in the well of mud with kill mud in annulus
annulus kill mud in drill

Q = const.


Cleaning of
influx Kill mud
Influx to bit
SICP surface

Pump stokes

Figure 26: Pressures development in driller's method

Determination of Initial Circulating Pressure

If no slow circulating rate pressure has been taken, then the initial circulating pressure can be
determined using the start-up procedures described in the circulations of the Driller’s Method.

Where the casing pressure has been held constant while the pumps are brought up to a kill rate, the
drill pipe pressure reading will be the initial circulating pressure.

The procedure consists of:

1. Noting casing pressure reading.

2. Adjusting pumps to new kill rate. Adjusting choke to hold casing pressure constant at the
value noted.
3. As soon as the driller has the pumps settled on the new rate, return to the drill pipe pressure
gauge. Note this new reading is the circulating pressure for the new pump rate and
maintain this.
4. Check choke orifice size, in relation to kill rate


The Wait and Weight Method is a compromise of the various advantages and disadvantages
inherent in the different constant BHP methods. The Wait and Weight Method kills the kick in the
shortest time and keeps the wellbore and surface pressures lower than any other method. It

NABORS Well Control 50 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods

requires good mixing facilities for weighting the fluid, full crews, and additional supervisory help.
All are available on most marine rigs and on deep or geo-pressured land operations. For some
companies this is the preferred method for killing a well.

In the Wait and Weight Method, the well is shut in after a kick. The stabilized pressures and kick
size are recorded. The fluid weight is increased before starting to circulate, thus the name, Wait
and Weight. Then the fluid is circulated through the well, maintaining the correct weight and
pressures while killing the well.

In actual practice, it is rare to kill a well in one circulation because of inefficient fluid
displacement in the annulus. This is true with any well-killing method.


1. The well can be killed in one circulation.
2. Minimum casing pressures can be expected.
3. Shoe pressures are lower, since kill weight mud is being circulated, reducing pressures at
the surface required to balance the formation. Lower surface pressures mean lower
equivalent mud weights seen at the shoe.
4. Calculations and adjustments for keeping bottom hole pressure constant are easy
5. There is less likelihood of taking lost circulation, if the mud weight is not “overkill“.

The kick is not circulated out of the hole immediately.

5.2.1 Procedure for the Wait and Weight Method

The Wait and Weight method uses the same calculations already described for a drill pipe pressure

The calculations are:

KillWeightMud ( ppg )  OriginalMudWeight + 
 TVD × 0.052 

At the start of the circulation, with kill mud:

Initial Circulating Slow Circulating Rate Shut in Drill pipe


Once the capacity of the drill string is calculated, it is possible to draw a graph showing how drill
pipe pressure varies as kill mud is pumped down to the bit (as shown on following figure).

NABORS Well Control 51 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods

Figure 27: Pressure variations during the Wait and Weight method
Once kill mud is ready, the start-up procedure is as previously described.

The choke is cracked open, the pump started to break circulation, and then brought up slowly to
the Kill Rate.

While the Driller brings the pump up to the Kill Rate, the choke operator works the choke so as to
keep the casing pressure at or as near as possible to the closed in casing pressure reading.

When the pump is up to the Kill Rate, the choke operator transfers to the drill pipe pressure gauge.

As the kill mud proceeds down the drill pipe, the drill pipe pressure is allowed to drop steadily
from the Initial Circulating Pressure to the Final Circulating Pressure, by choke adjustment.

Where the kick is a small one, at or near the bottom of the hole, the drill pipe pressure tends to
drop of its own accord as the kill mud moves down. Little or no choke adjustment is required.

Only in cases of diffused gas kicks with gas far up the annulus will significant choke adjustments
be needed during this period.

After kill mud has reached the bit, the drill pipe pressure is maintained at the Final Circulating
Pressure, until the kill mud returns to surface.

As with the Driller’s method, this Final Circulating pressure is held constant as long as pump rate
is held constant at the selected value. If, for any reason, the pump rate is felt to be wrong, it can be

NABORS Well Control 52 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods

changed using the same procedure described previously. However, pump rate changes should be
avoided, where possible.

While the pump rate is adjusted, the casing pressure is held steady by adjusting the choke. Once
the pump is stabilised at its new speed, the revised circulating pressure is read from the drill pipe
gauge. If a gas influx is very near to the surface, adjusting pump rate by holding a steady casing
pressure may significantly increase the bottom hole pressure. This is due to the rapid expansion of
gas near the surface

Try some yourself Exercise 6

1. For each of the following statements, tick which method the statement best describes.
a. Drill pipe pressure maintained at ICP for the first circulation.

Driller’s _______ Wait and Weight _______

b. Kill mud pressure maintained at ICP for the first circulation.

Driller’s _______ Wait and Weight _______

c. Kill mud pumped as influx circulated out.

Driller’s _______ Wait and Weight _______

d. Influx circulated out prior to pumping kill mud.

Driller’s _______ Wait and Weight _______

2. Which of the following statements is true when starting to kill the well?
a. Maintain the drill pipe pressure constant when bringing the pump up to kill speed.
b. Maintain the casing pressure constant when bringing the pump up to kill speed.

3. Final Circulating Pressure (FCP) is maintained constant:

a. Once the influx is out of the well.
b. Once kill mud has been reached the bit.
c. Once kill mud reaches the casing shoe.
d. When pumping kill mud down the bit.

4. After circulating out the influx in the first circulation of the Driller’s method, SICP and
SIDPP should be the same
True False

5. To find Initial Circulating Pressure when the slow pump pressure is not known and a kick
has been taken, you would:
a. Bring the pump up to the desired stroke rate while keeping the casing pressure
constant by working the hydraulic choke. Drillpipe pressure is ICP.
b. Add 200 psi to the casing pressure and bring pump up to desired pump rate while
using the choke to keep casing pressure constant.
c. Add 100 psi to SIDPP and circulate out the kick.
d. Circulate at desired strokes to circulate out kick, but hold 200 psi back pressure on the
drill pipe.

NABORS Well Control 53 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods

6. When a gas kick is being circulated up a well, the surface pit volume will:
a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Stay the same

7. In the case of a gas kick when might the surface casing pressure be highest?

a. When the complete influx is just inside the casing.

b. When the gas reaches surface.
c. When the well is first shut in.
d. When the top of the influx is just below the casing shoe.

8. In the case of a gas kick when might the casing shoe pressure be at its maximum?
a. When the complete influx is just inside the casing.
b. When the gas reaches surface.
c. When the well is first shut in.
d. When the top of the influx is just below the casing shoe.

Check your answers in Chapter 8

NABORS Well Control 54 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods


Surface Kick Sheet Exercise

Well Pre-Recorded Data

Well data
Hole size 8 1/2ˮ
Well Depth 8205,9 ft MD 8205,9 ft TVD
Casing Shoe Depth 5249,5 ft MD 5249,5 ft TVD
Casing Size 9 5/8ˮ

Kick Data
Pit Gain 3,40 bbl
SIDPP 566 psi
SICP 596 psi
Mud Weight in hole 10,43 ppg

String Capacities
Drill pipe 5” OD 0,01728 bbls/feet
Hevi-Weight @ 262,5 ft 0,0088 bbls/feet
Drill Collar @ 590,6 ft 0,0061 bbls/feet

Annular Capacities
Drill Collar/Open Hole 0,0322 bbls/feet
Drill Pipe & Hevi Weight in Open Hole 0,0447 bbls/feet
Drill Pipe & Casing 0,0478 bbls/feet

Pump Data
Pump displacement @ 95 % efficiency 0,09801 bbls/strokes
While drilling @ 100 SPM 2500 psi
Dynamic pressure loss @ 25 spm 399 psi
Dynamic pressure loss @ 35 spm 737 psi

Leak Off Test Data

Surface pressure applied with 10,85 ppg mud 1610 psi

NABORS Well Control 55 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods


Surface BOP Date:
(Vertical Well)

Formation Strength Data:

Surface Leak-off Pressure: (A) psi Current Well Data:

Mud Weight: (B) ppg

Maximum Allowable Mud Weight: Mud Data.

(B) + (A) Mud Data. ppg

Shoe True Vertical Depth x 0.052 = Weight

(C) ppg
Casing Shoe Data:
Initial MAASP: Size in.
[ (C) - Current Mud Weight ] x Shoe TVD x 0.052 M.D. feet
= psi T.V.D feet
Pump No. 1 Displacement Pump No. 2 Discplacement

Slow Pump Dynamic Pressure Loss (PL) (psi) Hole Data:

Rate Data: Size in.
Pump No. 1 Pump No. 2
SPM M.D. feet

T.V.D feet

Pre-Volume Data: Length Capacity Volume Pump Strokes Time

feet bbls/feet barrels Strokes minutes
Drill Pipe Volume Pump Strokes
Heavy Wall Drill Pipe Pump Displacement Slow Pump Rate
Drill Collars (E)
Drill String Volume (D)

DC x Open Hole
DP / HWDP x Open Hole
Open Hole Volume (F)

DP x Casing (G)

Total Annulus Volume (H) (F+G) = (H)

Total Well System Volume (D+H) = (I)

Active Surface Volume (J)

Total Active Fluid System (I+J)

NABORS Well Control 56 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods


Surface BOP Date: ______________________
(Vertical Well)

Kick Data

SIDPP psi SICP psi Pit Gain barrels

Kill Mud Weight SIDPP

Current Mud Weigth + ------------------ = ppg
KMW TVD x 0.052

Initial Circulating
Pressure Dynamic Pressure Loss + SIDPP PSI

Final Circulating Kill Mud Weight

Pressure ----------------------- x Dynamic Pressure Loss PSI
FCP Current Mud Weight

(K) • 100
(K) = ICP - FCP Psi --------------= psi/100 strokes

Strokes Pressure


Strokes x 100

NABORS Well Control 57 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods

Surface Kick Sheet Exercise

Complete based on the data above and then answer the following questions based on your
kick sheet:

NABORS Well Control 58 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods

Q1. The maximum allowable mud weight that the casing shoe can withstand is?

Q2. The maximum allowable surface pressure (MAASP) to avoid fracturing the casing
pressure based upon the leak-off test result is?

Q3. While drilling the annular velocity past the drill collars is?

Q4. Calculate the Pressure Safety Margin (PSF) at the casing shoe in the static condition prior
to killing the well?

Q5. Calculate the required Kill Mud weight?

Q6. Calculate the required strokes from Pump to Bit?

Q7. Calculate the required pump strokes from Bit to Shoe?

Q8. Calculate the time required for one Complete Circulation @ 25 strokes per minute?

Q9. Calculate the Initial Circulating Pressure?

Q10. Calculate the Final Circulating Pressure?

Q11. The height of the influx is?

Q12. Calculate the MAASP after circulating of kill mud?

Q13. Calculate the pressure reduction per 100 strokes of kill mud pumped down the drill string
@ 25 spm?

Q14. Calculate the influx gradient?

NABORS Well Control 59 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods



P@ LOT 1610
MW@ LOT + =
10.85 + =
16.74 ⇒ 16.7 ppg
CSGshoeTVD × 0.052 5249.5 × 0.052


MAMW (Maximum Allowable Mud Weight) ALWAYS ROUND DOWN!

16.7479 ppg →16.7 ppg


= ( MAMW − CurrentMudWeight ) × ShoeTVD × 0.052

InitialMAASP = 1711 psi

PumpOutput ( PO)bbl / min 9.81bbl / min

AnnularVelocity (=
AV ) DC −OH = = 304 ft / min
AnnularCapacityDC −OHbbl / ft 0.0322bbl / ft
PumpOutput ( PO )bbl / min =
SPM Drilling × PObbl / strk =×
100 0.09801 =
9.81bbl / min


PSM @ CSGshoe = MAASP − SICP = 1711 − 596 = 1115 psi


CurrentMudWeight + =
10.43 + =
11.75 ppg ⇒ 11.8 ppg
TVD × 0.052 8205.9 × 0.052


NABORS Well Control 60 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods

11.7564 ppg →11.8 ppg


Drill Pipe Volume = Length (MDwell–HWDP Length−DC Length) x Capacity

= 7352.8 x 0.01728 = 127.06 bbls
Heavy Wall Drill Pipe Volume = Length x Capacity = 262.5 x 0.0088 = 2.31 bbls
Drill Collars = Length x Capacity = 590.6 x 0.0061 = 3.60 bbls
Drill String Volume = 127.06+2.31+3.60 = 132.97 bbls
DrillStringVolume 132.97
StrokesFromPumpToBit = = 1357 stks
PumpDisplacement 0.09801
Q7. Open Hole Volume?

Drill Collar Length x DC/OH Capacity = 590.6 x 0.0322 = 19.02 bbls

DP/HWDP in Open Hole x DP-HWDP/OH Capacity =
= (TVD–DC length−CSG length) x DP-HWDP/OH Capacity
= (8205.9−590.5−5249.5) x 0.0447 = 105.75 bbls
Open Hole Volume = 19.02 + 105.75 = 124.77 bbls
OpenHoleVolume 124.77
StrokesFromBitToShoe = = 1273stks
PumpDisplacement 0.09801
Q8. Complete Circulation Time

Drill pipe in Cased Hole DP/CSG Capacity = 5249.5 x 0.0478 = 250.9 bbls
Total Well System Volume = 132.97 bbls+124.77 bbls+250.9 bbls = 508.7 bbls
WellSystemVolume 508.7
StrokesPumpToSurface = = 5190 stks
PumpDisplacement 0.09801
StrokesPumpToSurface 5190
CompleteCirculationTime = = 207.6 min
SlowPumpRate 25

ICP = DynamicPressureLoss + SIDPP = 399 + 566 = 965 psi

NABORS Well Control 61 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods


KMW 11.8
FCP =DynamicPressureLoss × =399 × =451.4 psi
OMW 10.43


PitGain 3.4bbl
InfluxHeight = = 105.6 ft
AnnulusCapacity 0.0322bbl / ft

= ( MAMW − KillMudWeight ) × ShoeTVD × 0.052

NewMAASP = 1337 psi

PressureReduction@ 25 stk / min =ICP − FCP =965 − 451.4 =513.6 psi

PressureReduction@ 25 stks / min 513.6
psi /100stks= ×100= ×100= 37.85 psi /100stks
StrokesFromPumptoBit 1357

PSICP − PSIDPP 596 − 566

Wi = MW − = 10.43 − = 10.43 − 5.46 = 4.97 ppg
hi × 0.052 105.6 × 0.052
InfluxGradient =4.97 × 0.052 =0.258 psi / ft

NABORS Well Control 62 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods


Surface BOP Date:
(Vertical Well)

Formation Strength Data:

Surface Leak-off Pressure: (A) 1610 psi Current Well Data:

Mud Weight: (B) 10,85 ppg

Maximum Allowable Mud Weight: Mud Data.

(B) + (A) Mud Data. 10,43 ppg

Shoe True Vertical Depth x 0.052 = Weight

(C) 16,7 ppg

Casing Shoe Data:
Initial MAASP: Size 9 5/8 in.
[ (C) - Current Mud Weight ] x Shoe TVD x 0.052 M.D. 5249,5 feet
= 1711,0 psi T.V.D 5249,5 feet
Pump No. 1 Displacement Pump No. 2 Discplacement
0,09801 0,09801
Slow Pump Dynamic Pressure Loss (PL) (psi) Hole Data:
Rate Data: Size 8 1/2 in.
Pump No. 1 Pump No. 2
SPM M.D. 8205,9 feet

25 399 0 T.V.D 8205,9 feet

35 737 0

Pre-Volume Data: Length Capacity Volume Pump Strokes Time

feet bbls/feet barrels Strokes minutes
Drill Pipe 7352,8 0,01728 127,06 Volume Pump Strokes
Heavy Wall Drill Pipe 262,5 0,0088 2,31 Pump Displacement Slow Pump Rate
Drill Collars 590,6 0,0061 3,60 (E)
Drill String Volume (D) 132,97 1357 54,3

DC x Open Hole 590,6 0,0322 19,02

DP / HWDP x Open Hole 2365,8 0,0447 105,75
Open Hole Volume (F) 124,77 1273 50,9

DP x Casing (G) 5249,5 0,0478 250,93 2560,2 102

Total Annulus Volume (H) (F+G) = (H) 375,69 3833 153,3

Total Well System Volume (D+H) = (I) 508,7 5190 207,6

Active Surface Volume (J) 0 0,0

Total Active Fluid System (I+J) 508,7 5189,92

NABORS Well Control 63 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods


Surface BOP Date: ______________________
(Vertical Well)

Kick Data

566 596 3,4

SIDPP psi SICP psi Pit Gain barrels

Kill Mud Weight SIDPP

Current Mud Weigth + ------------------ = ppg 11,80
KMW TVD x 0.052

Initial Circulating
Pressure Dynamic Pressure Loss + SIDPP PSI 965

Final Circulating Kill Mud Weight

Pressure ----------------------- x Dynamic Pressure Loss PSI 451,4
FCP Current Mud Weight

(K) • 100
(K) = ICP - FCP 513,6 Psi --------------= 37,86 psi/100 strokes

Strokes Pressure
0 965
100 927,1
200 889,3 800
300 851,4 r
400 813,6 e 600
500 775,7 s 500
600 737,9 s
u 400
700 700,0
r 300
800 662,2 e
900 624,3 200
1000 586,4 100
1100 548,6 0
1200 510,7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1300 472,9
1357 451,4 Strokes x 100

1600 451,4

NABORS Well Control 64 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods

Surface Kick Sheet Exercise

Well Pre-Recorded Data

Well data
Hole size 12 1/4ˮ
Well Depth 9125 ft MD 8205.4 ft TVD
Casing Shoe Depth 6890 ft MD 6890 ft TVD
Casing Size 13 3/8ˮ

Kick Data
Pit Gain 3.9 bbl
SIDPP 604 psi
SICP 624 psi
Mud Weight in hole 10.43 ppg

String Capacities
Drill pipe 5” OD 0.0172 bbls/feet
Hevi-Weight @ 272.3 ft 0.0088 bbls/feet
Drill Collar @ 272.3 ft 0.0077 bbls/feet

Annular Capacities
Drill Collar/Open Hole 0.0790 bbls/feet
Drill Pipe & Hevi Weight in Open Hole 0.1208 bbls/feet
Drill Pipe & Casing 0.1244 bbls/feet

Pump Data
Pump displacement @ 95 % efficiency 0.12614 bbls/strokes
Dynamic pressure loss @ 40 spm 579 psi
While drilling @ 120 SPM 2900 psi

Leak Off Test Data

Surface pressure applied with 10,00 ppg mud 1885,5 psi

NABORS Well Control 65 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods

Surface Kick Sheet Exercise

Complete based on the data above and then answer the following questions based on your kick

NABORS Well Control 66 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods

Q1. The maximum allowable mud weight that the casing shoe can withstand is?

Q2. The maximum allowable surface pressure (MAASP) to avoid fracturing the casing
pressure based upon the leak-off test result is?

Q3. While drilling the annular velocity past the drill collars is?

Q4. Calculate the Pressure Safety Margin at the casing shoe in the static condition prior to
killing the well?

Q5. Calculate the required Kill Mud weight?

Q6. Calculate the required strokes from Pump to Bit?

Q7. Calculate the required pump strokes from Bit to Shoe?

Q8. Calculate the time required for one Complete Circulation @ 40 strokes per minute?

Q9. Calculate the Initial Circulating Pressure?

Q10. Calculate the Final Circulating Pressure?

Q11. The height of the influx is?

Q12. Calculate the MAASP after circulating of kill mud?

Q13. Calculate the pressure reduction per 100 strokes of kill mud pumped down the drill string
@ 40 spm?

Q14. Calculate the influx gradient?

NABORS Well Control 67 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods



P@ LOT 1885.5
MW@ LOT + =
10.00 + =
15.26 ⇒ 15.2 ppg
CSGshoeTVD × 0.052 6890 × 0.052


MAMW (Maximum Allowable Mud Weight) ALWAYS ROUND DOWN!

15.2626 ppg →15.2 ppg


= ( MAMW − CurrentMudWeight ) × ShoeTVD × 0.052

InitialMAASP = 1709 psi

PumpOutput ( PO)bbl / min 15.137bbl / min

( AV ) DC −OH = = 191.6 ft / min
AnnularCapacityDC −OHbbl / ft 0.0790bbl / ft
PumpOutput ( PO )bbl / min =
SPM Drilling × PObbl / strk =×
120 0.12614 =
15.137bbl / min


PSM @ CSGshoe = MAASP − SICP = 1709 − 624 = 1085 psi


CurrentMudWeight + =
10.43 + =
11.84 ppg ⇒ 11.9 ppg
TVD × 0.052 8205.4 × 0.052

NABORS Well Control 68 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods


11.8455 ppg →11.9 ppg


Drill Pipe Volume = DP Length (MDwell–HWDP Length−DC Length) x Capacity

= 8580.4 x 0.0172 = 147.58 bbls
Heavy Wall Drill Pipe Volume = Length x Capacity = 272.3 x 0.0088 = 2.40 bbls
Drill Collars = Length x Capacity = 272.3 x 0.0077 = 2.10 bbls
Drill String Volume = 147.58+2.40+2.10 = 152.08 bbls
DrillStringVolume 152.08
StrokesFromPumpToBit = = 1206 stks
PumpDisplacement 0.12614
Q7. Open Hole Volume?

Drill Collar Length x DC/OH Capacity = 272.3 x 0.0790 = 21.51 bbls

DP/HWDP in Open Hole x DP-HWDP/OH Capacity =
= (MDwell–DC length−CSG length) x DP-HWDP/OH Capacity
= (9125−272.3−1962.7) x 0.1208 = 237.09 bbls
Open Hole Volume = 21.51 + 237.09 = 258.6 bbls
OpenHoleVolume 258.6
StrokesFromBitToShoe = = 2050stk
PumpDisplacement 0.12614
Q8. Complete Circulation Time

Drill pipe in Cased Hole DP/CSG Capacity = 6890 x 0.1244 = 857.12 bbls
Total Well System Volume = 152.08 bbls+258.6 bbls+857.12 bbls = 1267.8 bbls
WellSystemVolume 1267.8
StrokesPumpToSurface = = 10051stks
PumpDisplacement 0.12614
StrokesPumpToSurface 10051
CompleteCirculationTime = = 251.3min
SlowPumpRate 40

ICP = DynamicPressureLoss + SIDPP = 579 + 604 = 1183 psi

NABORS Well Control 69 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods


KMW 11.9
FCP =DynamicPressureLoss × =579 × =660.6 psi
OMW 10.43


PitGain 3.9bbl
InfluxHeight = = 49.36 ft
AnnulusCapacity 0.0790bbl / ft

= ( MAMW − KillMudWeight ) × ShoeTVD × 0.052

NewMAASP = 1182 psi

PressureReduction@ 40 stk / min =ICP − FCP =1183 − 660.6 =522.4 psi

PressureReduction@ 40 stks / min 522.4
psi /100stks= ×100= ×100= 43.33 psi /100stks
StrokesFromPumptoBit 1206

PSICP − PSIDPP 624 − 604

Wi = MW − = 10.43 − = 10.43 − 7.81 = 2.62 ppg
hi × 0.052 49.36 × 0.052
InfluxGradient =2.62 × 0.052 =0.136 psi / ft

NABORS Well Control 70 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods


Surface BOP Date:

Formation Strength Data:

Surface Leak-off Pressure: (A) 1885,5 psi Current Well Data:

Mud Weight: (B) 10,00 ppg

Maximum Allowable Mud Weight: Mud Data.

(B) + (A) Mud Data. 10,43 ppg

Shoe True Vertical Depth x 0.052 = Weight

(C) 15,2 ppg

Casing Shoe Data:
Initial MAASP: Size 13 3/8 in.
[ (C) - Current Mud Weight ] x Shoe TVD x 0.052 M.D. 6890 feet
= 1709 psi T.V.D 6890 feet
Pump No. 1 Displacement Pump No. 2 Discplacement
0,12614 0,12614
Slow Pump Dynamic Pressure Loss (PL) (psi) Hole Data:
Rate Data: Size 12 1/4 in.
Pump No. 1 Pump No. 2
SPM M.D. 9125 feet

40 579 579 T.V.D 8205,4 feet

Pre-Volume Data: Length Capacity Volume Pump Strokes Time

feet bbls/feet barrels Strokes minutes
Drill Pipe 8580,4 0,0172 147,58 Volume Pump Strokes
Heavy Wall Drill Pipe 272,3 0,0088 2,40 Pump Displacement Slow Pump Rate
Drill Collars 272,3 0,0077 2,10 (E)
Drill String Volume (D) 152,08 1206 30,1

DC x Open Hole 272,3 0,079 21,51

DP / HWDP x Open Hole 1962,7 0,1208 237,09
Open Hole Volume (F) 258,61 2050 51,3

DP x Casing (G) 6890 0,1244 857,12 6795,0 170

Total Annulus Volume (H) (F+G) = (H) 1115,72 8845 221,1

Total Well System Volume (D+I) = (I) 1267,8 10051 251,3

Active Surface Volume (J) 0 0,0

Total Active Fluid System (I+J) 1267,8 10050,72

NABORS Well Control 71 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Methods


Surface BOP Date: ______________________
(Vertical Well)

Kick Data

604 624 3,9

SIDPP psi SICP psi Pit Gain barrels

Kill Mud Weight SIDPP

Current Mud Weigth + ------------------ = ppg 11,90
KMW TVD x 0.052

Initial Circulating
Pressure Dynamic Pressure Loss + SIDPP PSI 1183

Final Circulating Kill Mud Weight

Pressure ----------------------- x Dynamic Pressure Loss PSI 660,6
FCP Current Mud Weight

(K) • 100
(K) = ICP - FCP 522,4 Psi --------------= 43,33 psi/100 strokes

Strokes Pressure
0 1183
100 1139,7 1400
200 1096,3 1200
300 1053,0 r
400 1009,7 e
500 966,3 s 800
600 923,0 s
u 600
700 879,7
800 836,4 e 400
900 793,0
1000 749,7 200
1100 706,4 0
1200 663,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1206 660,6
1500 660,6 Strokes x 100

NABORS Well Control 72 Rev 1



6.2 RAM BOPS 79
Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment


The Blowout Preventer Stack is such a vital part of the rig equipment that it should never be
overlooked. The BOP system is actually a unique set of very large hydraulic valves. BOPs have
large bores, high-pressure ratings, and operate quickly. These characteristics build some
limitations into the system that the operating crew needs to be aware of and watch carefully.


Annular BOP is installed at the top of the BOP stack and has the capability of closing (sealing off)
on anything in the bore or completely shutting off (CSO) the open hole by applying closing

The sealing device of an annular blowout preventer is referred to as the "packing element". It is
basically a donut shaped element made out of elastomeric material. To reinforce the elastomeric
material, different shapes of metallic material are molded into the element.

Figure 28: DL“ annular blowout preventer

Figure 29: Cameron 20,000 psi WP annular blowout preventer sealing element

NABORS Well Control 74 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

Figure 30: Hydril GK annular

Operational features Hydril GK

Only Two Moving Parts (piston and packing unit) on the Hydril Annular BOP mean few areas are
subjected to wear. Back to Front Feedable Rubber on the Packing Unit enables the packing unit to
close and seal on virtually any shape in the drillstring or completely shut off the open bore and to
strip tool joints under pressure. A Field Replaceable Wear Plate In the BOP Head serves as an
upper non-sealing wear surface for the movement of the packing unit, making field repair fast and

Flanged Steel Inserts In the Packing Unit reinforce the rubber and control rubber flow and
extrusion for safer operation and longer packing unit life.

BOP closure sequence

During normal wellbore operations, the BOP is kept fully open by leaving the piston down. This
position permits passage of tools, casing, and other items up to the full bore size of the BOP as
well as providing maximum annulus flow of drilling fluids. The BOP is maintained in the open
position by application of hydraulic pressure to the opening chamber.

The piston is raised by applying hydraulic pressure to the closing chamber. This raises the piston,
which in turn squeezes the steel reinforced packing unit inward to a sealing engagement with the
drill string. The closing pressure should be regulated with a separate pressure regulator valve for
the annular BOP. Application of opening chamber pressure returns the piston to the full down
position allowing the packing unit to return to full open bore through the natural resiliency of the

NABORS Well Control 75 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment


Figure 31: Closure sequence
Complete shut off (CSO) of the well bore is possible with all Hydril Annular BOP’s. During CSO
the flanges of the steel inserts form a solid ring to confine the rubber and provide a safe seal off of
the rated working pressure of the BOP. This feature should be utilised only during well control
situations, as it will reduce the life of the packing unit.

Steel segments moulded into the element partially close over the rubber to prevent excessive
extrusion when sealing under high pressure. These segments retract when the element returns to
the position.

Sealing elements are available in natural and nitrile rubber compounds – for any type of service –
WBM,OBM and operating temperature

Figure 32: Sealing elements and steel reinforcement

NABORS Well Control 76 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

Figure 33: Closing pressures

NABORS Well Control 77 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

Try some yourself Exercise 7

1. On which gauges on a BOP remote control panel will a reduction in pressure be observed
when the Annular preventer is being closed? (TWO ANSWERS)
a. Air pressure gauge.
b. Accumulator pressure gauge.
c. Manifold pressure gauge.
d. d. Annular pressure gauge

2. What is the maximum recommended closing time for a 13-5/8 inch Annular BOP -
according to API RP53?
a. Less than 30 seconds.
b. Less than 45 seconds.
c. Less than 2 minutes.

3. Annular preventer sealing elements are made primarily to seal around any size of pipe in the
hole, but can also seal off the borehole with all pipe removed.
a. True.
b. False.

4. Which three statements about Annular Preventers are true?

(select three answers)
a. Can be used as a means of secondary well control.
b. Is designed to seal around any object in the well bore.
c. Cannot seal on a square or hexagonal kelly.
d. Will not allow tool joints to pass through.
e. Will allow reciprocating or rotating the drill string while maintaining a seal against
well bore pressure.
f. Can require a variable hydraulic closing pressure according to the task carried.

5. Which of the following statements regarding annular preventers are true?

a. Annular preventer will seal on the open hole.
True False
b. Annular preventers will seal on any item in the wellbore.
True False
c. Annular preventer will allow the string to be reciprocated while closed.
True False
d. Each annular preventer uses a range of operating pressures depending on operational
True False
e. The same type of rubber is always used to make packing units for annular preventers.
True False

Check your answers in Chapter 8

NABORS Well Control 78 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment


The pipe ram is the basic blowout preventer. The reliability of the ram is in part due to basic
simplicity and in part due to the effort put into the design of the ram. Most ram preventers are
normally closed with 1,500 psi (103.42 bar) operating pressure and should not be varied unless
specific conditions or type of ram require a different pressure or procedure.

Rams come in many sizes and pressure ratings. There are many types of custom built or specialty
rams designed for particular applications. Rams range from simple manual one-ram sets to
multiple-ram set bodies. Simple rams may consist of a polished rod that closes by turning handles
on either side to screw the ram inward and around the pipe. Complex multiple sets of rams may be
housed in a single body remotely operated by hydraulic pressure.

The rams of most BOP systems are closed by means of hydraulic pistons. The piston rod is sealed
against the well by a primary lip seal, installed in the bonnet, through which the operating rod
passes. It is very important that wellbore pressure is sealed from the operating cylinder. If well
pressure bypasses the primary seal and enters the operating cylinder, it may force the ram open.
To prevent this, a series of secondary seals and a detection method are provided, including back
up O rings, plastic packing injection seal and a vent to the atmosphere.

If fluid is noticed venting out of the BOP, the secondary or auxiliary plastic seal should be
energized to seal against the piston shaft.

Some ram BOP closing systems use a screw jack to close the preventer, but regulations often
dictate that BOPs be hydraulically operated. In case of hydraulic system failure, most rams can be
manually closed, unless they’re equipped with a hydraulic ram lock system. When closed, rams
can be locked with hydraulic or manual (hand wheel) locking systems.

Most rams are designed to seal against pressure from the lower side only. This means the ram will
not hold pressure if placed in an upside down position. Additionally it will not pressure test from
the top side. Therefore, care must be used when installing the stack to ensure that it is right side
up. The manufacturer’s name should be right side up, and circulating ports or outlets should be
located below the ram.

When changing packers on rams, remember most problems come from improperly closing and
sealing the bonnet or door seal. It is good practice to inspect and replace these seals as necessary,
each time the rams are changed or the doors opened. A set of pipe rams and ram sealing elements
for each size pipe used should be kept on location as well as complete sets of bonnet or door seals
for each size and type of ram preventer used. Plastic packing for the secondary seals should also
be kept on hand.

NABORS Well Control 79 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

Shafer ‘SL’

Cameron ‘U’


Figure 34: Three ram preventer models

NABORS Well Control 80 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

Pipe rams are designed to close around pipe. The basic strength and main limitation of a pipe ram
is the ram block cutout. The ram preventer is a steel block cut to fit the pipe size around which it
is to be closed. The cutout is meant to close and provide a good seal around one particular
diameter or size pipe. There is a self-feeding packer rubber in the cutout that seals the ram around
the pipe. Another self feeding rubber packer (top seal) in the top of the ram seals upward against
the top of the ram opening in the preventer body to seal the annulus against pressure.

Most rams have guides to center the pipe. The ram block cutout fits the pipe size closely. While
the ram will close around pipe that has a small taper, it will not close around the tool joint without
crushing the joint or damaging the ram face. Special care must be taken when closing the ram near
a tool joint, especially when working with aluminum pipe, which has a larger taper than steel pipe.

Pipe rams should not be function tested without the appropriate size pipe in the preventers to
prevent damage. They should not be closed on an open hole, as damage and packer extrusion may

Pipe and tubing can be moved in the pipe rams. To minimize wear on the packer surfaces, the
closing pressure should be reduced to approximately 200 to 300 psi (13.79 to 20.62 bar). Pressure
from the well forces the rubber on the top of the ram block against the preventer body, which
helps to seal off the well. Accumulator operating pressure for the rams should be regulated
according to the manufacturer’s operating instructions. Pipe movement in the rams should be
minimized, particularly abrupt reversals of pipe direction.

Blind rams are a special type of ram with no pipe cutout on the ram block. Blind rams have large
packer elements, and are made to close with no pipe in the hole. When tested, they should be
pressured to full rating.

Shear rams are another type of ram, but with special shear blades to cut tubular goods (tubing,
drillpipe, collars, etc.). Higher than normal regulated pressures and/or the use of hydraulic
boosters may have to be used depending on the type of shear ram and the tubular to be cut. Shear
rams have small closing tolerances. When they are closed for function testing they should not be
slammed shut with high-pressure, but closed with a reduced operating pressure of about 200 psi

(13.79 bar). When shear rams are pressure tested, the packer is extruded. Since the packer element
in shear rams is small, very few pressure tests can be performed while retaining a useable packer
element. Do not pressure test shear rams any more than necessary.


Blind/shear rams combine both blind or open hole closing capability with shearing or cutting
ability. These offer the advantage of cutting the pipe and sealing on the open well bore after the
pipe is cut. Another plus of the blind/shear rams is the space saving advantage of using one set to
do the jobs of both blind and shear rams.


Variable bore rams (VBRs) seal on several sizes of pipe, and depending on the type of VBR, on a
hexagonal kelly. They may also serve as the primary ram for one size pipe and a backup ram for
another size. On wells with tapered strings where space is a concern, variable bore rams may also

NABORS Well Control 81 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

be used. In addition, a set of variable bore rams in a preventer may save a round trip of the subsea
blowout preventer stack. This is because the rams do not have to be changed when different
diameter pipe strings are used. On one type of VBR, the packer contains steel reinforcing inserts
similar to those in the annular BOP packer. These inserts rotate inward when the rams are closed,
so that the steel provides support for the rubber which seals against the pipe. In standard fatigue
tests, variable bore ram packers performed comparably to pipe ram packers. Variable bore rams
are suited for H2S service.

Another type of VBR consists of several small pipe cutout plates which slide back out of the way
of larger sized pipe until the correct cutout closes around the pipe. Sealing elements are placed
between each plate to effect a seal.

Figure 35: Pipe rams

Figure 36: Variable and flex packer rams

NABORS Well Control 82 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

Figure 37: Shear rams and shearing process

NABORS Well Control 83 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment


There are many types of hydraulic ram locking systems. The following are descriptions of several
manufacturers’ types.

The Hydril multiple position lock (MPL) is a hydraulically operated mechanical lock which
automatically maintains the ram closed and locked with the optimum rubber pressure required for
seal off of the front packer and upper seal.

Hydraulic closing pressure closes the ram and leaves the ram closed and locked. The engaged
clutch assembly allows unrestrained closing motion but prevents opening motion. Hydraulic
opening pressure unlocks and opens the ram.

Unlocking and opening motion are achieved by the application of opening pressure in the opening
cylinder, which disengages the clutch assembly.

Figure 38: MPL Clutch Assembly Components

NABORS Well Control 84 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

Try some yourself Exercise 8

1. On which gauges on a remote BOP control panel would a reduction in pressure be observed
when the 3-1/2 inch pipe rams are closed? (TWO ANSWERS)
a. Air Pressure Gauge.
b. Accumulator Pressure Gauge.
c. Manifold Pressure Gauge.
d. Annular Pressure Gauge.

2. When testing a pipe ram at the weekly BOP test you are informed that the Weep hole on the
ram is leaking fluid. What action would you take?
a. The weep hole only checks the closing chamber seals so leave it till next maintenance
b. Energise emergency plastic packing ring. If leak stops then leave it till next
maintenance schedule.
c. Primary mud seal is leaking an you should repair immediately.
d. Ram packing elements on ram body are worn and should be replaced immediately.
e. A leak here is normal because metal sealing faces in the ram need some lubrication to
minimise damage.

3. What are ram type preventers designed to do?

a. Hold pressure only from above.
b. Hold pressure only from below.
c. Hold pressure from both above and below.

4. Which of the following statements about fixed bore ram type BOPs are correct?
a. Ram type BOPs are designed to contain and seal Rated Working Pressure from above
the closed rams as well as from below.
b. Ram type BOPs should be equipped with a mechanical locking system.
c. Fixed bore ram type BOPs can close and seal on various pipe size.
d. Fixed bore ram type BOPs can be used to hang off the drill string.
e. Ram type BOPs are designed to contain and seal Rated Working Pressure only from
below the closed rams.

5. What is the main purpose of Blind/Shear rams?

a. To shear tubulars like drill pipe while simultaneously sealing the hole.
b. To shear tubular like drill pipe without sealing the hole.
c. To effect a seal with drill collars in the hole.

6. What is the closing time for a ram type BOP – according to API RP 53?
a. Less than 30 seconds.
b. Less than 45 seconds.
c. Less than 2 minutes.

Check your answers in Chapter 8

NABORS Well Control 85 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment


The function of a diverter system is to provide a low pressure well flow control system to direct
controlled or uncontrolled wellbore fluids or gas away from the immediate drilling area for the
safety of personnel and equipment involved in the drilling operation. The diverter system is not
designed to shut in or hold well flow.

System Description.
A diverter system is comprised of the following components:

• Annular Sealing Device.

The annular sealing device is available in three different designs. These designs are:

1. Annular Packing Element.

Figure 39 is an example of an annular sealing device that utilizes an annular packing element as
the sealing mechanism.

Figure 39: Diverter system with annular packing element

The annular packing element can effect a seal on any pipe or kelly size in the wellbore, or can
effect a seal on open hole where no pipe is present.

2. Insert-type Packing Element.

An insert-type packing diverter element uses a group of inserts. The inserts are placed one inside
the other. Each insert in the group is designed to close and seal on different ranges of pipe
diameters. A hydraulic or mechanical function serves to latch each insert in place. The correct size
insert should be in place for the pipe size in use. In order to pass large bottom hole assemblies, it
is necessary to remove some or all of the inserts. An insert-type packing element cannot CSO.

NABORS Well Control 86 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

Figure 40: KFDJ Diverter w/Insert Type Packing Element

3. Rotating Head.
A rotating head can be used as a diverter to complement a blowout preventer system. The
stripper rubber is energized by the wellbore pressure to seal the rotating head element
against the drill pipe, kelly, or other pipe to facilitate diverting return wellbore media and
can be used to permit pipe movement.

• Vent Outlet(s).
Vent outlet(s) for the diverter system are located below the annular packing element. One or
more vent outlets can be used in a system. Vent outlet(s) may either be incorporated in the
housing of the annular sealing device, or may be an integral part of a separate drilling
spool/mud cross that is assembled using a flange or clamp type connection just below the
annular sealing device. Government regulatory bodies have minimum requirements for the
internal diameter of the vent outlets and overboard lines. Diverters commonly have 12“ ID
overboard lines.

• Drilling Spool
If a drilling spool is utilized under the annular scaling device, the throughbore diameter of
the drilling spool should be equal to the through-bore diameter of the annular sealing device.
The design working pressure rating of the drilling spool should be equal to the design
working pressure rating of the annular sealing device.

• Valves.

NABORS Well Control 87 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

Valves used in a diverter vent line(s), or in the flow line to the shale shaker in a floating
drilling operation, should be full-opening, have at least the same through-bore opening as
the vent outlet that it is attached to, and should be capable of opening with maximum
anticipated pressure across the valve sealing mechanism. Any valve used in a diverter
system application should be fitted with remote actuators capable of operation from the rig
floor. The actuators can be operated either with hydraulics or pneumatics.

• Vent Line Piping.

There are various considerations that need to be investigated for the vent line piping in a
diverter system. These considerations are as follows:

The vent line piping in a diverter system should be sized to minimize back pressure on the
wellbore while diverting wellbore media. The vent line should be run as straight as possible,
keeping in mind that bends, tees, and elbows not only create higher back pressure than
straight pipe, but are more susceptible to erosion during a diverting operation than straight
piping. Vent lines should be flushed and vent line valves should be function tested to ensure
proper operation.

Figure 41: MSP Diverter Functions

Diverter Control Systems

The critical issues when shallow gas is encountered and as soon as the "kick" is detected is to
respond quickly and correctly. Quickly because in the shallow well there is little hydrostatic head
pressure and little distance for the gas to travel before a blowout. Correctly because closing in the
well could cause a blowout to occur around the conductor allowing gas to migrate up the outside
of the conductor and to the drill floor. To prevent closing in the well, at least one vent line must be
open prior to closing the diverter packer (flowline access to the annulus).

The most common diverter systems used on land, or fixed offshore rigs consist of an annular type
blowout preventer with a top mounted bell nipple which has an outlet for the flowline to the shale
shaker/mud pits and one or two diverter lines to vent the diverted gas overboard.

When the diverter packer closes on the drill pipe it closes the annulus space shutting off the flow
of drilling mud through the flowline. Even in simple systems like this, it is prudent to have the
diverter control system designed in a manner to prevent closing the diverter packer until at least

NABORS Well Control 88 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

one diverter vent is open. It is even more imperative in the more complex platform diverter
systems and subsea diverter systems that critical functions occur automatically and that safeguards
are employed.

Try some yourself Exercise 9

1. What are the main components of a diverter system? (TWO ANSWERS)
a. A vent line of sufficient diameter to permit safe venting using the mud-gas separator.
b. A vent line of small diameter, sufficient to create a ”back pressure” on bottom while
c. A high pressure ram type preventer with a large internal diameter.
d. A low pressure annular preventer with a large internal diameter.
e. A vent line of sufficient diameter to permit safe venting and proper disposal of flow
from the well.

2. Diverter system are designed to totally seal in a well.

True False

3. The main purpose of a diverter is to divert shallow gas.

True False

4. The requirements of a diverter system are a low pressure annular preventer and an
overboard vent line via a mud gas separator.
True False

5. Once the diverter has been activated, what is the correct sequence for the operation of a
surface diverter system. Wind direction is starboard to port.
a. Open starboard vent, close shaker valve, close diverter.
b. Close diverter, close shaker valve, close starboard valve.
c. Close diverter, open port vent, close shaker valve.
d. Open port vent, close shaker valve, close diverter.

Check your answers in Chapter 8

NABORS Well Control 89 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment


Flange type connections are 6B or 6BX

The flanges are manufactured to meet the API specifications and pressure ratings with corrosion
resistant ring groove machined in the flange face. The 6B Type flange is not designed to have
face to face make up, but relies on bolt torque to ensure a seal. This type of connection requires
periodic bolt torque checking. So it is either through-bolted or stud bolt design.

Figure 42: BOP stack Connections

NABORS Well Control 90 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

Figure 43: Ring gaskets

API Type 'R' Ring Joint Gasket

The type ‘R’ ring joint gasket is not energised by internal pressure. Sealing takes place along
small bands of contact between the grooves and the gasket, on both the OD and ID of the gasket.
The gasket may be either octagonal or oval in cross section. The type ‘R’ design does not allow
face-to-face contact between the hubs or flanges, so external loads are transmitted through the
sealing surfaces of the ring. Vibration and external loads may cause the small bands of contact
between the ring and the ring grooves to deform the plastic, so that the joint may develop a leak
unless the flange bolting is periodically tightened. Standard procedure with type ‘R’ joints in the
BOP stack is to tighten the flange bolting weekly.

API Type 'RX' Pressure-Energised Ring Joint Gasket

Sealing takes place along small bands of contact between the grooves and the OD of the gasket.
The gasket is made slightly larger in diameter than the grooves, and is compressed slightly to
achieve initial sealing as the joint is tightened. The ‘RX’ design does not allow face-to-face
contact between the hubs or flanges. However, the gasket has large load-bearing surfaces on the
inside diameter, to transmit external loads without plastic deformation of the sealing surfaces of
the gasket. It is recommended that a new gasket be used each time the joint is made up.

API Type 'BX' Pressure-Energised Ring Joint Gasket

The gasket is made slightly larger in diameter than the grooves, and is compressed slightly to
achieve initial sealing as the joint is tightened. Although the intent of the ‘BX’ design was face-to-
face contact between the hubs and flanges, the groove and gasket tolerances which are adopted are
such that, if the ring dimension is on the high side of the tolerance range and the groove dimension
is on the low side of the tolerance range, face-to-face contact may be very difficult to achieve.
Without face-to-face contact, vibration and external loads can cause plastic deformation of the
ring, eventually resulting in leaks. Both flanged and clamp hub ‘BX’ joints are equally prone to
this difficulty. The ‘BX’ gasket frequently is manufactured with axial holes to ensure pressure
balance, since both the ID and the OD of the gasket may contact the grooves.

NABORS Well Control 91 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

Try some yourself Exercise 10

1. Of the 4 types of gasket listed, indicate which flange (API 6B, API 6BX) they would be
used with.
Type R Octagonal __________

Type R Oval __________

Type RX __________

Type BX __________

Which two of the above gaskets are pressure energised?

_____________ and _____________

2. What is the meaning of “6BX” when referring to a flange?

a. Type.
b. Serial Number.
c. Dimension.
d. Trademark.

3. What is a 7-1/16”, 10,000 psi flange?

a. It is designed for RX ring gasket type.
b. It has a 10,000 psi test pressure and 5000 psi working pressure.
c. It has a 10,000 psi working pressure and 7-1/16” ID.
d. It has a 7-1/16” OD and a 10,000 psi working pressure.

4. Which of the following statements about ring gaskets are correct?

a. Ring gaskets may be used several times
b. The same material specifications apply to ring gaskets as to ring grooves.
c. Type RX and BX ring gaskets provide a pressure-energised seal.
d. Only BX ring gaskets can be used with BX type flanges.

Check your answers in Chapter 8

NABORS Well Control 92 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment


Drill string valves are used to close in the well on the drill pipe bore and to protect surface
equipment. The valves may be permanently in place or installed at surface when required.

Drill Pipe Float Valves

The drill pipe float valve and the flapper type of back pressure valve, serve essentially the same
purpose, but differ in design. These valves provide instantaneous shut-off against high or low back
pressure and allow full fluid flow through the drill string. While drilling their main function is to
prevent backflow while making connections.

Expectations of abnormal pressures have shown the vented type of flapper valve to be the most
popular because of the ease involved in recording shut-in drill pipe pressures. The disadvantages
are that the pipe must be filled while tripping in, and reverse circulation is not possible.

A full opening or safety valve should be available at all times on the drill floor together with the
required crossover subs. A non-return (i.e. grey) valve should also be readily available.

Kelly cock – is a manually operated ball valve used to close flow from the drill string. If a kick
occurs during a trip, this valve needs to be installed immediately. It must be in the open position,
and the wrench to close it placed in a location easily accessible to the crew. If a tapered string is
used, or a casing string being run, then a crossover on the existing stabbing valve or another
stabbing valve with proper threads must be available.

Figure 44: Kelly cock

Grey valve – By utilizing a special tool, check valve may be kept open to permit stabbing into the
drill string when the well is kicking. Once made up in the drill string, the tool is released and the
check valve closes. However, check valves are more difficult to stab against drill pipe flow than
are full open ball valves. Therefore, the full open safety valve should be installed first and then the
"inside" BOP (check valve) installed if it is necessary to strip back in the hole.

NABORS Well Control 93 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

Figure 45: Grey valve

Drop down check guard valve - The check valve prevents upward flow through the drill pipe,
but also allows fluid to be pumped downward to circulate the well. Landing sub for check valve is
usually positioned just above the bit. When control is needed, the valve is pumped down the string
where it latches automatically in the landing sub. The valve can be retrieved by tripping the pipe
out of the hole or by wire line.

Figure 46: Drop down check valve

Top drive safety valves - The upper and lower safety valves on top drive systems are connected
together. They are a ball type design. Both are very likely to be inaccessible should a kick occur
during drilling operations, so the upper valve is remote operated.

The lower kelly valve, kelly, kelly cock, and inside blowout preventer should be tested to the same
pressure as the blow out preventer stack at the same time the preventer assembly tests are made.
This equipment should be tested with pressure applied from below.

NABORS Well Control 94 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

Try some yourself Exercise 11

1. Full opening safety valves (stab-in Kelly cock type) should be placed on the rig floor at all
times, ready for use, to fit the tubulars being used. Which of the following actions can be
done with a full opening valve in the string?
a. Easier to stab if strong flow is encountered up the drill string.
b. Must not be run in the hole in the closed position.
c. Has to be pumped open to read 'Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure'.
d. Will not allow wireline to be run inside the drill string.
e. Is kept in its open position by a rod secured by a T-handle.
f. Requires the use of a key to close.

2. Stab-in non-return valves (inside BOPs) should be placed on the rig floor at all times, ready
for use, to fit the tubulars being used.
Which of the following actions can be done with a non-return valve in the string?
a. Easier to stab if strong flow is encountered up the drill string.
b. Must not be run in the hole in the closed position.
c. Has to be pumped open to read 'Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure.'
d. Will not allow wireline to be run inside the drill string.
e. Has potential to leak through the open open/close key.
f. Is kept in its open position by rod secured by a T-handle.

3. In which of the following situations is it an advantage to use a full closing float valve in the
drill string.
a. To avoid flowback while tripping or during a connection.
b. To read the drill pipe pressure value following a well kick.
c. To allow reverse circulation.
d. To reduce surge pressure.

4. A conventional flapper type float valve is installed in the bit sub in the closed position.
What effect does the float valve have on the drill string when tripping into the well?
a. It increases the risk of the hydraulic collapse of the drill pipe – if not filled.
b. It increases tripping time.
c. It increases flow – back through the drill string.
d. It reduces surge pressure on the formation.
e. It reduces flow – back in the flow line.
f. It allows reverse circulation at any time.

5. Indicate whether the following operations can or cannot be done with a float valve (non –
return) type in the string.
Can the correct shut in drill pipe pressure be read on the gauges after the pumps are
a. Yes
b. No.

NABORS Well Control 95 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

6. Indicate whether the following operations can or cannot be done with a float valve (non –
return) type in the string.
Is surge pressure generated when tripping in?
a. Yes.
b. No.

Check your answers in Chapter 8

NABORS Well Control 96 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment


To maintain well control, back pressure is applied by routing the returns through adjustable
chokes until the well flow condition is corrected. The choke manifold is an arrangement of valves,
fittings, lines and chokes which provide several flow routes to control the flow of mud, gas and oil
from the annulus during a kick.

Choke manifold design should consider such factors as anticipated formation and surface
pressures, method of well control to be employed, surrounding environment, volume, toxicity, and
abrasiveness of fluids.

Figure 47: Typical Choke Manifold for 10,000 psi and 15,000 psi WP-Surface Installation

A choke is a device used to apply a certain amount of resistance to flow. Any resistance to flow
will create a back pressure. It is this BACK PRESSURE that is used to control formation fluid
pressures when the kick is being circulated from the well.

CAMERON and SWACO are the two most common types of choke.

CAMERON: Uses a bar that moves in and out of a tapered choke gate (see below). Hydraulic
action opens or closes the choke. Wear areas are of tungsten carbide.

NABORS Well Control 97 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

Figure 48: Cameron adjustable choke

Cameron chokes do not seal tight when in fully closed position, therefore, a 'downstream' valve
should be closed when choke is 'closed'.

SWACO: Two rotating plates with 'half moon' openings. This choke will seal tight and hold
pressure. One plate rotates across the mud flow and as the matched orifice opening decreases the
flow is reduced. The unit is designed to achieve complete shut off.

Chokes are operated by air driven hydraulic pumps.

Chokes are operated from a control panel which also shows Drill pipe and Casing Pressures,
Pumps strokes and pump speed.

Figure 49: Choke control panel

Arranging rams is important, but choke and kill line (wing valves) placement is equally important
to fully utilize the BOP. Again, compromises are made between the most conservative position of
having no flowlines below the bottom ram and a middle road position of arranging the flowline
for maximum BOP usage.

Check valves, or non-return valves, are located in each "kill" wing valve assembly for the
following reasons:

NABORS Well Control 98 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

a. To stop backflow in case the kill flowline ruptures while pumping into the well at
high pressure.
b. Other kill line gate valves between the check valve and BOP can be left open during
kicks for pumping into the well whenever desired without personnel having to open

Inboard valves adjacent the BOP stack on all flowlines are manual operated "master" valves to be
used only for emergency. Outboard valves should be used for normal killing operations. Hydraulic
operators are generally installed on the primary choke and kill line outboard valves. This allows
remote control during killing operations.


Most rigs use two types of equipment for handling gas, gas separator and vacuum degasser.

It provides a means of safely venting gas away from the rig and makes it possible to save the mud.
Most types are a vertical cylinder with interior baffles to slow down the mud gas stream. Released
gas exits from a vent line at the top of the Derrick.

There are two types of mud gas separators: Atmospheric and Pressurised.

• The atmospheric type separator is standard equipment on nearly all rigs and is referred to in
the field as ‘poorboy' separator. The main advantage of this type of separator is its
operational simplicity which does not require control valves on either the gas or mud
discharge lines.
• A pressurised mud gas separator is designed to operate with moderate back pressure,
generally 50 psi or less. Pressurised separators are utilised to overcome line pressure losses
when an excessive length of vent line is required to safely flare and burn the hazardous gas
an extended distance from the rig.
This type of separator is installed on rigs drilling in high risk H2S areas and for drilling
underbalanced in areas where high pressure, low volume gas continually feeds into the circulating

The atmospheric type separator operates on the gravity or hydrostatic pressure principle. The
essential design features are:

• Height and diameter of separator.

• Internal baffle arrangement to assist in additional gas break-out.
• Diameter and length of gas outlet.
• A target plate to minimise erosion where inlet mud gas mixture contacts the internal wall of
the separator, which provides a method of inspecting plate
• A U-tube arrangement properly sized to maintain a fluid head in the separator.
The height and diameter of an atmospheric separator are critical dimensions which affect the
volume of gas and fluid the separator can efficiently handle. As the mud and gas mixture enters
the separator, the operating pressure is atmospheric plus pressure due to friction in the gas vent
line. The vertical distance for the inlet to the static fluid level allows time for additional gas break-
out and provides an allowance for the fluid to rise somewhat during the operation to overcome
friction loss in the mud outlet lines.

As shown in Figure 50, the gas fluid inlet should be located approximately at the midpoint of the

NABORS Well Control 99 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

vertical height. This provides the top half for a gas chamber and the bottom half for gas separation
and fluid retention. The 30 in. diameter and 16 ft minimum vessel height requirements have
proven adequate to handle the majority of gas kicks. The separator inlet should have at least the
same ID as the largest line from the choke manifold which is usually 4 in. Some separators use
tangential inlet, which creates a small centrifugal effect on the gas-fluid mixture which causes
faster gas break-out. The baffle system causes the mud to flow in thin sheets which assists the
separation process.

An 8 in. minimum ID gas outlet is usually recommended to allow a large volume of low pressure
gas to be released from the separator with minimum restriction. Care should be taken to ensure
minimum back pressure in the vent line,. On most offshore rigs, the vent line is extended straight
up and supported to a derrick leg. The ideal line would be restricted to 30 ft in length and top of
the line should be bent outward about 30 degrees to direct gas flow away from the rig floor.

When the gas pressure in the separator exceeds the hydrostatic head of the mud in the U-tube, the
fluid seal in the bottom is lost and gas starts flowing into the mud system. The mud outlet
downstream of the U-tube should be designed to maintain a minimum vessel fluid level of
approximately 3 1/2 ft in a 16 ft high separator. Assuming a 9.8 ppg mud and total U-tube height
of 10 ft the fluid seal would have a hydrostatic pressure equal to 5.096 psi. This point out the
importance for providing a large diameter gas vent line with the fewest possible turns to minimise
line frictional losses.

Figure 50: Atmospheric Mud Gas Separator

These degassers use a generated vacuum to pull gas out of the mud. Small pumps provide the vacuum.
These types of Degassers require a minimum mud through put to operate efficiently. Gas is vented to a

NABORS Well Control 100 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

safe place. A degasser is not designed to handle large volumes of gas, because the volume of gas actually
entrained in the fluid is small. Degassers separate entrained gas from fluid using a vacuum chamber. In
general, vacuum degassers are very effective with heavy, viscous muds from which it is difficult to extract
gas with a separator alone. In any degassing operation, residence time and extraction energy requirements
are increased as mud viscosity and gel strength increases.
All rigs must have a by-pass line in case volumes are too great and require discharge or flaring at a safe
point; for example; flare boom or burning pit.

Figure 51: Vacuum degasser

NABORS Well Control 101 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Well Control Equipment

Try some yourself Exercise 12

1. What is the main function of the choke in the overall BOP system?
a. To direct hydrocarbons to the flare.
b. To direct wellbore fluids to the mud/gas separator.
c. To shut the well in softly
d. To hold backpressure while circulating up a kick.

2. Why are two chokes fitted into most choke manifolds.

a. To direct returns to the separator.
b. To direct returns to the pits.
c. To direct returns to the flare.
d. To minimise back-pressure when circulating through the manifold.
e. To provide backup if a problem occurs with the active choke.

3. Why are some choke manifold equipped with a glycol or methanol injection system?172
a. To minimise the effect of hot climates.
b. To prevent hydrate formation while circulating a kick.
c. To help fluids flow better during well testing.
d. To protect rubber in high temperature wells.

4. Which of the following dimensions in the diagram below, limit the maximum working
pressure of the mud/gas separator?

a. The height of the main body (H1). H4 GAS TO VENT

b. The height of the dip tube (H2).

c. The total height of the vent line (H4). MANIFOLD
d. Diameter of the inlet pipe (D3).



5. What is the purpose of a Vacuum Degasser?

a. It is only used while circulating out a kick.
b. It is mainly used to remove gas from mud while drilling
c. It is mainly used to separate gas from liquids while testing.
d. It is a standby in the event of the “Mud/Gas Separator (Poor Boy)” failing.

Check your answers in Chapter 8

NABORS Well Control 102 Rev 1



Pre-course Workbook Surface BOP Control System



A Blowout Preventer (BOP) Control System is a high pressure hydraulic power unit fitted with
directional control valves to safely control kicks and prevent blowouts during drilling operations.
The operating pressure of accumulators is generally 3000 psi.



Figure 52: Surface BOP control system

NABORS Well Control 104 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Surface BOP Control System

1. Accumulators - Precharge per label. Warning! USE NITROGEN ONLY-DO NOT USE
OXYGEN! Check every 30 days.
2. Accumulator Bank Isolation Valve -Manually operated, normally open.
3. Accumulator Bank Bleed Valve - Normally closed.
4. Accumulator Relief Valve - Set at 3300 PSI.
5. Air Filter - Automatic Drain. Clean every 30 days.
6. Air Lubricator -Fill with SAE 10 lubricating oil, set for 6 drops per minute. Check oil level
7. Air Pressure - Gauge - 0 to 300PSI.
8. Hydro-pneumatic Pressure Switch -Automatically stops air operated pumps when pressure
reaches 2900 PSI and starts pumps when pressure drops approximately 400 PSI.
9. Air Supply Valves –Normally open. Close when servicing air operated pumps.
10. Suction Valve, Air Operated Pumps -Normally open. Close when servicing pumps.
11. Suction Strainer, Air Operated Pumps - clean every 30 days.
12. Air Operated Pump.
13. Discharge Check Valve, Air Operated Pump.
14. Duplex or Triplex Pump - Fill crankcase with SAE 20 oil for 40F to 115F ambient
temperature range. Check oil level monthly.
15. Chain guard - Fill with SAE 40 oil for operation above 20F ambient temperature. Check oil
level monthly.
16. Explosion-Proof Electric Motor.
17. Electric Pressure Switch - Automatically stops pumps when accumulator pressure reaches
3000 PSI and starts pumps when pressure drops to 2700 PSI nominal.
18. Electric Motor Starter – Keep starter switch in “Auto” position except when servicing.
TURN OFF power at main panel when servicing.
19. Suction Valve, Triplex or Duplex pump. Normally open. Close when servicing pump.
20. Suction Strainer, Triplex or Duplex pump - Clean every 30 days.
21. Discharge Check Valve, Duplex or Triplex Pump.
22. High Pressure Strainer - Clean every 30 days.
23. Shut Off Valve – Normally close. Connection for separate operating fluid pump.
24. Manifold Regulator - Regulates operating pressure to ram preventers and gate valves.
Manually adjustable from 0 to 1500 PSI, TR™ Regulator contains internal by-pass for
pressures up to 3000 PSI or 5000 PSI. (See 39 option)
25. Manifold Regulator Internal Override Valve - Normally in low-pressure (handle left)
position. For operating pressures above l 500 PSI (ram preventers and gate valves), move to
high pressure position (handle right).
26. 5,000 PSI W.P. Sub-Plate Mounted Four-way Control Valve - Direct the flow of operating
fluid pressure to the preventers and gate valves. NEVER leave in the center position.

NABORS Well Control 105 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Surface BOP Control System

27. Manifold Bleeder Valve.

28. Accumulator Pressure Gauge - 0 to 6000 PSI.
29. Manifold Pressure Gauge – 0 to 10,000 PSI.
30. Annular Regulator - Provides independent regulation of the annular operating pressure.
Adjustable from 0 to 1500 PSI. TR Regulator can provide regulation up to 3000 PSI for
Cameron Type D annulars and contains a manual override to prevent loss of operating
pressure should remote control pilot pressure be lost.
31. Annular Pressure Gauge – 0 to 3000 PSI. (0-6000 PSI for Cameron D Annulars.)
32. Annular Pressure Transmitter - Hydraulic input, 3-15 PSI air output.
33. Accumulator Pressure Transmitter - 0 to 6000 PSI hydraulic input, 315 PSI air output.
34. Manifold Pressure Transmitter - 0 to 10,000 PSI hydraulic input,3- 15 PSI air output.
(Transmitter converts hydraulic pressure to air pressure and sends a calibrated signal to
corresponding air receiver gauges on the Driller’s air operated remote control panel.)
35. Air Junction Box - Used for connecting the air cable from the air operated remote control
36. Reservoir - Stores operating fluid at atmospheric pressure. Fill to within 8 inches from top
with Welkic™ 10 or SAE 10 oil.
37. Clean out man-way (T-Series units).
38. Sight glass, fluid level (T-Series units). Option- Available on units with 5000 PSI working
pressure manifold valves and piping.
39. By-pass Valve - Hydro-pneumatic pressure switch.
40. Normal Pressure Isolation Valve -Normally open. Close for pressure above 3000 PSI. This
feature can be used for shearing.
41. Manifold Protector Relief Valve - Set at 5500 PSI.


Closing time
API recommendations specify that ram BOPs for surface equipment should be capable of closing
within 30 seconds of actuation regardless of size. Closing time for annular preventers smaller than
18 3/4 inch nominal bore should not exceed 30 seconds from actuation and annular preventers 18-
3/4 inches and over should not exceed 45 seconds. When the BOPs are located on the ocean floor
(subsea systems), an additional 15 seconds is generally acceptable to allow for pilot signals from
the surface which actuate the control valves mounted in control pods which are located on the
lower marine riser package.

In order to have the fluid capacity at the pressure required to operate the BOPs within the
specified time limit, accumulator bottles are used to store this energy. Accumulator bottles are
pressure vessels pre-charged with nitrogen gas to store the operating fluid under pressure.

Determine the total accumulator capacity required for a particular BOP stack is an important
consideration in the design of the control system. The particular criteria to be applied depend on
the relevant regulatory authority or on operating company policy. However, the following can be
taken as an example:

NABORS Well Control 106 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Surface BOP Control System

The accumulators must be able to provide the fluid needed to function as required the BOP
functions and still retain a pressure of 200 psi above precharge pressure.

The basic principle of operation of the accumulator is that when the volume of gas is reduced by
pumping liquid into the bottle, its pressure increases. Boyle's Law defines this relationship
between the volume of gas and its pressure as given below:

Hydraulic fluid volume at 3000 psi equals 6,67 gallons

Hydraulic fluid volume at 1200 psi equals 1,67 gallons

Therefore usable fluid operating under the above pressure equals 6,67 – 1,67=5 gallons

Usable fluid volume is defined as the volume of fluid recoverable from an accumulator
between the accumulator operating pressure and 200 psi above the precharge pressure. The
accumulator operating pressure is the pressure to which accumulators are charged with
hydraulic fluid.

As a minimum requirement, all blowout preventer closing units should be equipped with
accumulator bottles with sufficient volumetric capacity to provide the usable fluid volume (with
pumps inoperative) to close one pipe ram and the annular preventer in the stack plus the volume to
open the hydraulic choke line valve.

Accumulator Minimum Usable Fluid

Operating Pressure Recommended Volume* Accumulator
Psi Precharge Pressure, (fraction of bottle Size Factor*
psi size)
1500 750 1/
8 8
2000 1000 1/
3 3
3000 1000 ½ 2

NABORS Well Control 107 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Surface BOP Control System


API requires at least 2 different sources of power to the pumps. Most BOP Control Units have an
electrically operated pump and an air operated pump. The pumps operate automatically when the
pressure in the closing unit drops below a certain level. Power for closing unit pumps must be
available to the accumulator unit at all times, such that the pump will automatically start when the
closing unit manifold pressure has decreased to less than 90 percent of the accumulator operating

Usually the electric pumps are set to cut in first and cut out last.

To operate the Air Pumps there is a Rig Air supply (120-psi approx.). There should be separate
storage facility for the air supply in case of failure of Rig air. Some units have a back up Nitrogen
bottle to provide power to the Air Pumps.

Each closing unit should be equipped with sufficient number and sizes of pumps to satisfactorily
perform the operation described in this paragraph. With the accumulator system removed from
service the pumps should be capable of closing the annular preventer on the size drill pipe being
used, plus opening the hydraulically operated choke line valve and obtain a minimum of 200 psi
pressure above accumulator precharge pressure on the closing unit manifold within two (2)
minutes or less.


Should be able to store 2 times the capacity of the usable fluid capacity.


Hydraulic fluid (hydraulic oil or fresh water containing a lubricant) should be used as the closing
unit control operating fluid. Sufficient volume of glycol must be added to any closing unit fluid
containing water if ambient temperatures below 32 F are anticipated.


Due to the location of the BOP Control Unit on the rig, it may be necessary to have remote
stations, e.g. drill floor, Toolpusher’s office, pipe deck. The function of the Remote station is to
send a signal to the BOP Control Unit to operate the handle on the valve. This is achieved in two
main ways:

1. Air Operated Remote Panel sends an air signal to a piston mounted at the valve handle. The
air pressure operates the piston, which in turn shifts the handle.
2. Electric Operated Remote Panel sends an electric signal

NABORS Well Control 108 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Surface BOP Control System

1. A BOP hydraulic control unit accumulator bank has 12 cylinders.
Cylinder capacity (Nitrogen & fluid) - 10 gallons.
Accumulator pre-charge pressure - 1,000 psi.
Accumulator operating pressure - 3,000 psi.
Minimum accumulator operating pressure - 1500 psi?
Calculate the total usable fluid volume for the accumulator bank?
a. 40 gallons.
b. 27 gallons.
c. 66 gallons.
d. 43 gallons.

p1V1 = p2V2 p1V1 = p3V3

p1V1 1000 ×10 p1V1 10000
V2 = = 3.33 gall = V3 = = 6.6667 gall
p2 3000 p3 1500
V = V3 − V2 = 6.66 − 3.33 = 3.33 gall
NumberOfBottles × V = 12 × 3.33 = 40 gall

NABORS Well Control 109 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Surface BOP Control System

Try some yourself Exercise 13

1. Which gas is used to pre-charge the accumulator bottles on a BOP Hydraulic Control Units?
a. Air.
b. Nitrogen.
c. Oxygen.
d. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
e. Methane.

2. A.P.I. RP53 recmmends a minimum operating pressure of 1200 psi and maximum operating
pressure of 3000 psi. How much usable fluid would you get from a 10 gallon capacity
_____________ gallons

3. What is the minimum reccomended (API RP 53) pre-charge for te a accumulator bottles on
a 3000-psi Hydraulic Control Unit?
a. 3000 psi
b. 1000 psi
c. 1200 psi
d. 200 psi

4. A 3000 psi accumualtor system has 24 ten-gallon capacity bottles. How many gallons of
usable fluid are available according to recommendation laid down in A.P.I. RP53. –
Maximum operating presssure 3000 psi – minimum operatin pressure 1200 psi.
a. 240 gallons
b. 480 gallons
c. 120 gallons
d. 100 gallons

5. The purpose of having stored fluid under pressure in the accumulator bottles is:
a. To operate IBOP in the Top Drive
b. To enable the BOP to be closed in the evant of a power failure.
c. To activate the emergency packing on the Rams.
d. To operate the remote choke.
e. To reduce the closing time of BOP functions.

Check your answers in Chapter 8

NABORS Well Control 110 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Answers

1. b
2. a
3. a
4. b
5. a = 450 psi
b = 5206.5 psi
6. 6000 psi

1. b
2. a
3. a
4. c
5. a
6. i. →b
ii →c
iii →a
7. c
8. 1. = 8112 psi
2. = 9612 psi
3. = 0.8 psi/ft
4. = 15.4 ppg
9. a = 6864 psi
b = 7114 psi
c = 11.4 ppg
10. a; c; d; e

1. a = overbalance = 660
b = underbalance = 2016 psi
c = on balance
2. 195 psi
3. b
4. a; c; d
5. c
6. b
7. a
8. a; d
9. b

1. a; c; d
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. a; c
6. a

NABORS Well Control 111 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Answers

7. b

1. d
2. d
3. d
4. a
5. d

1. a. = Driller’s
b. = Driller’s
c. = Wait & Weight
d. = Driller’s
2. b
3. b
4. True
5. a
6. a
7. b
8. c; d

1. b; d
2. a
3. a
4. a; e; f
5. true; false; true; true; false

1. b; c
2. c
3. b
4. b; d; e
5. a
6. a

1. d; e
2. false
3. true
4. false
5. d


1. 6B; 6B; 6B; 6BX; 6RX; 6RX

2. a
3. c
4. c; d

NABORS Well Control 112 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Answers

1. a; b; f
2. c; d; f
3. a
4. a; b
5. b
6. a

1. d
2. e
3. b
4. b
5. b

1. b
2. 5
3. b
4. c
5. b; c

NABORS Well Control 113 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pre-course Exam


Pre-Course Questions

At the end of Pre-course Exam please send your answers to the contact below and we will
send you a reply with remark on your achieved score.

1. Which of the following statements about Leak-off tests are true?

(Select TWO answers)
a. The results are used in calculating Initial Circulating Pressure.
b. They are normally performed prior to setting casing.
c. They are performed prior to drilling out the casing shoe.
d. The results are used to calculate formation strength.
e. The drilling fluid in the hole must be conditioned before performing the test.

2. Which one of the following may cause Trip Gas?

a. Hydrostatic pressure well above formation pressure.
b. Drilling fluid density is too heavy.
c. Drilling fluid viscosity is too low.
d. Hydrostatic pressure close to formation pressure.

3. What is meant by abnormal pressure (over-pressure) relating to fluid pressure in the

a. Heavy density mud used to create a large overbalance.
b. The excess pressure that needs to be applied to cause ‘leak-off’ into a normally
pressured formation.
c. The formation fluid pressure that exceeds formation water hydrostatic pressure.
d. The excess pressure due to circulating mud at high rates.

4. 4. While drilling, which of the following should be considered as kick indicators?

(Select TWO answers)
a. Increase in the drilling fluid density in the flow line.
b. Increase in the drilling fluid flow from the well.
c. Increase in the active drilling fluid volume on the surface.
d. Decrease in the drilling fluid flow from the well.
e. Increase in the solids content of the drilling fluid.

5. Which method maintains drill pipe pressure constant for the first calculation?
a. Driller’s Method.
b. Wait and Weight method.

6. If a shallow gas flow is detected, which of the following steps should be taken as the flow is
a. Maintain pump rate.
b. Increase pump rate.
c. Decrease pump rate.

NABORS Well Control 114 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pre-course Exam

7. What action should be taken if the choke line parted between the hydraulic side outlet valve
and choke manifold while circulating out a kick? (1 answer)
a. Stop the pumps and close the BOP side outlet hydraulic valve
b. Stop the pumps and re-route through the kill line
c. Stop the pumps and close the choke
d. Stop the pumps and close the shear rams

8. A kick is being circulated out on a surface BOP installation using the Driller’s Method.
While circulating the influx to surface the pump speed remains constant but the circulating
pressure increases rapidly from 1100 psi to 1500 psi. Which action should be taken?
a. Stop the pump, shut the well in, observe stabilised pressures and analyse the problem.
b. Adjust the circulating pressure to 110 psi by regulating the pump speed.
c. Adjust the circulating pressure to 1100 psi by regulating the choke and maintaining
pump speed constant.

9. During the second circulation of the Driller’s Method with the kill fluid rising up the
annulus, the drill pipe pressure started to increase rapidly and did not respond to further
adjustment of the remote choke. Which of the following is the most likely cause?
a. A bit nozzle is plugged.
b. The pump speed has increased.
c. Increased annular friction caused by the kill fluid.
d. Packed-off annulus

10. What is the cause of connection gas?

a. Pulling the pipe too fast during a trip.
b. Air in the pipe when making a connection.
c. A decrease in bottom hole pressure when the pumps are shut off during a connection.
d. An increase in bottom hole pressure when the pumps are shut off during a connection.

11. Which of the following will increase the risk of exceeding MAASP? (Choose FOUR
a. Water influx.
b. Long open hole section.
c. Gas influx.
d. Large influx.
e. Small influx.
f. Small diameter well.
g. Large diameter well.

12. SHUT IN CASING PRESSURE is used to: (Choose TWO answers)

a. Calculate kill weight mud.
b. Calculate influx gradient and type when the influx volume and well geometry are
c. Calculate maximum allowable annular surface pressure.
d. To establish initial circulating pressure at start up.

NABORS Well Control 115 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pre-course Exam

13. Which type of formation will give the largest influx over the same period of time?
a. High pressure. Low permeable.
b. Low pressure. High permeable.
c. Low pressure. Low permeable.
d. High pressure. High permeable

14. If you are stripping in drill pipe, what volume will you be bleeding off, to keep the BHP
a. Drill pipe metal displacement.
b. Drill pipe metal displacement & drill pipe capacity (CED).
c. Casing capacity.
d. Casing/drilling pipe annulus capacity.

15. What would normally happen to pit volume if a gas influx is being circulated up hole?
a. Increase.
b. Decrease.
c. Stay the same

16. Which of the following statements are true? (Choose TWO answers)
a. Drill pipe pressure should be held constant when bringing the pump up to kill speed.
b. Surface line volume will affect the point at which kill mud will increase hydrostatic
on bottom.
c. Pump must be brought up to speed holding casing pressure constant.
d. Surface line volume does not need to be considered when starting to kill a well.

17. If the drill string volume is smaller than the open hole volume, the main advantage of the
a. Easier to maintain constant bottom hole pressure.
b. Only one circulation required.
c. Results in lower annulus pressures while circulating the influx out.
d. More time to organise crews?
18. Which of the following statements are true concerning pressures during the 1 circulation of
the Driller’s method? (Choose TWO answers)
a. The BHP remains constant.
b. Drill pipe pressure will remain constant.
c. Surface annulus pressure remains constant.
d. Pressure within the gas bubble remains constant.
19. When performing the 2 circulation of the DRILLER’S METHOD, if the CASING
PRESSURE is held constant while displacing the drill string with kill mud, what will
a. Increase.
b. Decrease.
c. Stays the same.

NABORS Well Control 116 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pre-course Exam

20. Which BOP can be used for the Hard Shut in?:-
a. Ram
b. Annular
c. Either Ram or Annular

21. Using the BOP configuration shown below answer the following questions.




Kill Line SPOOL Choke Line


a. With no drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure and
repair the side outlets on the drilling spool?

A. Yes B. No

b. With no drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure and
repair the drilling spool?

A. Yes B. No

c. Is it possible to shut the well in with drill pipe in the hole and circulate through the
drill pipe?

A. Yes B. No

d. While changing blind rams to pipe rams with drill pipe in the hole the well starts to
flow. Can the well be shut in?

A. Yes B. No

e. With no drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure and
change the pipe rams

A. Yes B. No

f. With drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure and change
blind rams to pipe rams?

A. Yes B. No

NABORS Well Control 117 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pre-course Exam

22. According to API RP 53, 1997; BOP stacks should be pressure tested on a regular basis.
This would include:
(THREE answers)
a. After any disconnection or repair.
b. Prior to a known high pressure zone.
c. Not to exceed 21 days.
d. Prior to ‘spud’.
e. After each new casing string.

23. What is the Rated Working Pressure for BOP equipment according to API RP 59
a. Maximum anticipated bottom hole pressure.
b. Maximum anticipated pore pressure.
c. Maximum anticipated surface pressure.
d. Maximum anticipated hydrostatic drilling mud pressure.
e. Maximum anticipated dynamic choke pressure.

24. What is the closing time for a ram type BOP - according to API RP53?
a. Less than 30 seconds.
b. Less than 45 seconds.
c. Less than 2 minutes.

25. What is the maximum recommended closing time for a 13-5/8 inch Annular BOP -
according to API RP53?
a. Less than 30 seconds.
b. Less than 45 seconds.
c. Less than 2 minutes.

26. What is the closing time for a 21-1/4 inch surface annular BOP - according to API RP53
a. Less than 30 seconds.
b. Less than 45 seconds.
c. Less than 2 minutes.

NABORS Well Control 118 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pre-course Exam

27. Figure below illustrates a Hydril GK Annular Preventer commonly used for Surface BOP

Match the correct numbers to the component below

a. ………………Opening Chamber.
b. ………………Closing Chamber Hydraulic Inlet.
c. ………………Preventer Body.
d. ………………Operating Piston.
e. ………………Screwed Head.
f. ………………Packing Unit.

28. What are the main components of a diverter system?

a. A vent line of sufficient diameter to permit safe venting using the mud-gas separator
b. A vent line of small diameter, sufficient to create a “back pressure” on bottom while
c. A high pressure ram type preventer with a large internal diameter.
d. A low pressure annular preventer with a large internal diameter.
e. A vent line of sufficient diameter to permit safe venting and proper disposal of flow
from the well.

NABORS Well Control 119 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pre-course Exam

29. Pick the correct procedure for the operation of a surface diverter system. Wind direction is
starboard to port.
a. Open starboard vent, close shaker valve, close diverter.
b. Close diverter, close shaker valve, open starboard vent.
c. Close diverter, open port vent, close shaker valve.
d. Open port vent, close shaker valve, close diverter.

30. The primary function of the "weep hole" on ram type B.O.P is to:
a. Show the seals on the bonnet is leaking.
b. Show the primary mud seal on the piston rod is leaking.
c. Release any overpressure that may occur during testing.
d. Prevent damage to the opening chamber

31. Figure below illustrates a pipe ram

Match the numbered parts to the correct components listed below.

a. ………. Top Seal.

b. ………. Ram Packer.
c. ………. Ram Block.
d. ………. Ram Assembly.

32. Select the correct definition of the “Closing Ratio” of a ram preventer.
a. Operating pressure required to close the ram against maximum wellbore pressure.
b. Operating pressure required to close the ram against a specific wellbore pressure.
c. Operating pressure required to close the ram at BOP R.W.P.
d. Ratio of the packer area against the piston rod area.

NABORS Well Control 120 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pre-course Exam

33. Figure below illustrates six components often used to test BOPs or control drill pipe

Match the correct component numbers to each of the descriptions below.

a. ………. Bit sub bored for float.

b. ………. Cup type tester
c. ………. Dart sub.
d. ………. Pump down dart.
e. ………. Dart type drill pipe float
f. ………. Flapper type drill pipe float.

NABORS Well Control 121 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Pre-course Exam

34. In which of the following situations is it an advantage to use a full closing float valve in the
drill string?
a. To avoid flowback while tripping or during a connection.
b. To read the drill pipe pressure value following a well kick.
c. To allow reverse circulation.
d. To reduce surge pressure.

35. What is the main function of the choke in the overall BOP system?
a. To direct hydrocarbons to the flare.
b. To direct wellbore fluids to the mud/gas separator.
c. To shut the well in softly.
d. To hold back pressure while circulating out a kick.

36. The reason for having at least two chokes in the manifold is:
a. To reduce back pressure.
b. To allow separation of fluid and gas.
c. To reduce load on the mud gas separator.
d. To provide a back-up in case of washout/plugging.

37. What is the minimum recommended (API RP53) pre-charge pressure for the accumulator
bottles on 3000-psi Hydraulic Control Unit?
a. 3000 psi.
b. 1000 psi.
c. 1200 psi.
d. 200 psi.

NABORS Well Control 122 Rev 1

Pre-course Workbook Abbreviations

HMUD = Head of Mud or Hydrostatic Pressure of Mud (usually psi).

GMUD = Pressure gradient of mud (usually psi/foot).

PF = Formation (Fluid) Pressure (usually psi).

PFB = Formation Breakdown Pressure or Formation Fracture Pressure or Formation

Strength (usually psi).

GFB = Formation Breakdown Pressure Gradient (usually psi/foot).

MAX EMW = Maximum Equivalent Mud Weight, to produce Formation Breakdown

Pressure at Shoe.

MAASP = Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure (usually psi). Surface

Pressure, which if exceeded may cause leakage of whole mud into formation
of the casing shoe.

SIDPP = Shut in Drill Pipe Pressure (usually psi).

SICP = Shut in Casing Pressure (usually psi).

ICP = Initial Circulating Pressure (usually psi).

FCP = Final Circulating Pressure (usually psi).

SCRP = Slow Circulating Rate Pressure or Kill Rate Pressure, sometimes written
PSCR (usually psi).

BHP = Bottom Hole Pressure, the pressure exerted within the hole by mud head and
surface applied pressures (usually psi).

PLO = Leak Off Pressure (usually psi).

APL = Annulus Pressure Loss (usually psi).

ECD = Equivalent Circulating Density or Equivalent Circulating Mud Weight

(usually ppg).

PPG = Pounds per U.S. Gallon sometimes written lb/US gal.

MW = Mud Weight (usually ppg).

KMW = Kill Mud Weight (usually ppg).

OMW = Original Mud Weight (usually ppg).

NABORS Well Control 123 Rev 1

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