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By: Yrina Ji-eun Gajete

In the present time, divorce is being performed by many people. As stated in the Oxford

Dictionary, divorce is "the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body".

According to the Bible, Jesus rebukes the practice of divorce. But why are others still getting


There are many reasons why divorce is still in practice today. The common grounds for

separating are lack of commitment, too much arguing, lack of intimacy, communication, and

addiction. Another reason is the influence of the Internet or Television Shows that supports this

act. However, God is against this.

God established marriage at Creation. He created the first humans as "male and female"

and told them to be "fruitful and multiply and fill the earth" (Gen. 1:28). Marriage is a

commitment before God and other people to be married couples for life. In this, God stands as a


"The Lord's primary teaching on divorce was in His great Sermon preached on a

mountain to his disciples (Matthew 5). The focus of that was that men who treacherously divorce

their wives to marry other woman or who is a party to breaking up someone else's marriage in

order to claim the newly released woman are guilty of adultery in the eyes of His father" -by Jesus also stated that when someone divorces his wife " except for sexual morality and

marries another commits adultery" (Matt. 19:9). God prohibits divorce. It is a sin. As God united

a couple, He wants them to keep their commitment. But if one decides to leave the marriage for

another partner, it becomes impossible for the remaining spouse to be faithfully committed to

their marriage.

Divorce should be the last resort for couples. Husbands and wives should always do what

God had told us, "Husbands..., love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his

life for her."(Ephesians 5:25). God also made husbands and wives "...become one flesh." (Gen.

2:24). God wants couples to love one another and to be faithful to their marriage.

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