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Kuya, I see that several of the disagreements can be reconciled.

Ang nakakalungkot, a lot of

Christians debate as if we are from two different bodies, because of seemingly opposing doctrines,
pero truth is that we are one body of Christ. Well, I believe this is not the case sa convo natin hehe - I
feel your concern / love kuya gem. Let me put my whole response into context kuya para mas
maging holistic yung point ko. Saying all these in love din. Segue lang kuya muna. The words "seek"
and "pursue" are similar. When God said, be holy for I am holy (1 Peter 1:16). Isn't it proper to
respond to Him: "Lord, I will seek (desire) holiness, and I will pursue it." (Di ko gets kuya yung
point mo why pursue and not seek sanctification, parehas lang sa pagkakaintindi ko)
Seek and pursue are two different terminologies bro.
You may google these words for more detailed definition. The direct command kasi bro ay
‘pursue’/follow after sanctification and not to ‘sought’ after it. Proof text kasi ng AF ang Hebrews
12;14. Lagi yang binabanggit sa mga sermons noon to encourage us to seek the “second grace” kasi
kung wala daw nito , no one can ever see God. If the word “seek” is the real command of the writer
of Hebrews, then sanctification would mean instantaneous and also, that would make the argument
favorable to ensanc. And if it instantaneous, then,there would be no need for progressive
sanctification along the way.They cant be both true. I pointed this out for you to see that
sanctification is a gradual process throughout our Christian life. But ensanc teaches otherwise.
Instead, it teaches that we can attain sanctification in its fullest sense—ie., the eradication of sinfull
nature in an instant. Nowhere in the scriptures that teach this doctrine but instead, it teaches our day-
to-day battle in order to weaken the power, bias, influence and the grip of remaining sin within us. In
“ The studies in scripture” or book 1-36 of the AF (section ng ensanc) , one pastor wrote that ensact
deals with “pride” by eradicating it.—this is a high claim.(sorry cant give the page and book number
hehe. Kaw na lang mag search.)
It is clear that, except we are born again, we cannot see the Kingdom of God (John 3:3). Jesus
further added that we were born in the Spirit (in verse 5). So from being previously dead because of
sin, we were born again because of Christ's sacrifice. Our sins were forgiven. We are saved. We are
justified. Made righteous in the eyes of God. At the end of this life, there will only be two types of
people. The saved and the unsaved. If we are saved, we are heaven-bound.--Agree ako dito bro.This
is our common ground.
It is sufficient, and it is our ultimate goal. Ang nakikita kong nagiging challenge dito ay yung kung
paano natin intindihin yung doctrine. May the Holy Spirit give us wisdom to resolve the
misconceptions that you have pointed out: (1) without entire sanctification, a person cannot go to
heaven; (2) salvation is insufficient; (3) entire sanctification secures salvation (similar to no. 2.); (4)
if not careful enough, you will lose them at an instant: (5) it creates classes among believers.--
Yes ,these are my points. Except the first one.You missed those word with parentheses hehe. Saying
it from the point of view of a person who once taught and embraced ensanc for about 20 years. Bro,
Im not misrepresenting AF by pointing these things out.
Here's how I discern it, in light with what the Scripture says. Noong na-born again tayo, I know we
would both agree that a soul of the person is saved, he is justified before God. His sins are washed,
therefore, sanctified, thus I agree with you that sanctification begins and continues, and progresses in
the life of a Christian believer. --This is absolutely correct bro.How I wish you stay here and never
go further. But if this is your understanding of sanctification,which begins and continuous in the life
of a believer, why do we need ensacnt then? What is it for? You just said it is a progress. It
contradicts the instantaneous and wholistic work of ensanc…Again,if it can happen at an instant ,it is
therefore completed, no need for further sanctification. If you are going to understand the very
meaning of the word ‘entire’, as the AF puts it: nothing is left in us na hindi nalinis. That includes
Our body, soul and Spirit being sanctified in this experience. What about our physical body then? We
become sick every now and then. If you are going to continue reading sa passage ng book of
Thessalonians sinabi ni Paul na God is faithful and will do it only at his coming.
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray God your whole spirit and soul AND
BODY will be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
If ensanc would be consistent, there would be an evidence of complete sanctification in our physical
body, but it is experientially impossible right now.
The Scripture also says that when we were born-again, we were like new born babes, we crave pure
spiritual milk, so that you may grow up your salvation (1 Peter 2:2). It means, we need spiritual
growth. I see the three graces taught in the AF Church as stages of Christian maturity, and not as
classes that causes certain heirarchy.---Im sorry that I had mentioned this but it was what I/we felt
back then.
You begin with Salvation, you grow and mature in holiness (Sanctification), and you are empowered
by the Holy Spirit (Power for Service).--Agreed

See what Paul says in Colossians 1:23, if you continue in your faith, and don't drift away from the
assurance you received when you heard the Good News. Meaning, you were Saved, you will keep
your salvation if you continue your faith, but there's a tendency to drift away if you don't grow and
mature, which is why Sanctification is necessary, that is, to continue to grow and mature in faith.
This is the point where we lovingly disagree bro.It sounds to me that a genuine believer can fall
away of the saving grace and then forfeits his saving grace. And keeping the salvation is in the hand
of the believer.” YOU will keep your salvation if YOU will continue in your Faith.”
A believer is able to keep it because God is faithful. It is not us who keep it. It is God
Now unto HIM (not unto me) that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before
the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,..Jude 1;24
.I will address this issue later on….

Let me address the first misconception. Without sanctification, a person cannot go to heaven. This
statement in itself is Scriptural because as you mentioned, without holiness, no one can see the Lord.
This is true bro, but the passage does not talk about ensanc.
Likewise, Jesus said, blessed are the pure in heart (this is sanctification), for they shall see God.
This verse from the beatitude is not talking about sanctification,bro. Not even ensanc.I don’t know
where did you get that explanation. No commentary available would agree with it…can you point

And as you have said kuya, there's no halfway sanctification, it should be entire (wholly).
Yes, bro. But It can only happen when Christ returns because we will be like him.
Second, salvation is insufficient. This statement is insufficiently stated. Salvation is our ultimate
goal. Thus, it is sufficient. He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. But, isn't it
kuya, we run the Christian race. What happens when a Christian drifted away, or did not continue
from the Salvation he had initially received as Paul warns in Colossians 1:23?
The answer is twofold, bro.
First, all Christians will persevere unto the end. Nothing is left out according to Jesus.
“And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise
them up at the last day”.Jn: 6; 39

Jesus would be failing in fulfilling the will of his Father if one of the elect would be lost.
***Pag pinag aralan mong Mabuti bro ang doctrine of Doctrine of Election, mas mauunawaan at
maa-appreciate mo ang security ng ating kaligtasan.
According to Romans 8:29-30 "For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to
the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he
predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
Sabi sa text na ang mga Predestined ay Tinawag, at ang mga tinawag ay Pinawalang-sala at ang mga
Pinawalangsala ay Niluwalhati naman Niya. Take note: sabi sa dulo, ang mga Pinawalang sala ay
Niluwalhati ng Ama. Meaning, all of the Justified believer will eventually glorified by God himself.
Nobody drops out alin man sa mga Justified/saved because all of them are Glorified. Kaya tugma ito
sa sinabi ni Jesus sa John 6: 39 na ang lahat ng binigay sa kanya ng Ama(Chosen for Salvation) ay
hindi niya iwawala kundi ibabangon niya silang lahat sa huling araw.
This is the Golden Chain of Redemption. The Father foreknew/foreloved certain people for himself,
then he Predestined them into conformity to Christ’s image, then those God Predestined, He called
all of them by the gospel. **(God only calls those whom he Predestined—this is sovereign election).
Those being called were Saved and eventually glorified at the second coming of Christ.
The professing believer, if he failed to continue, his profession of faith is not real.
So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my
disciples. John 8:31
So, kapag lumayo ang isang nagsasabing kristyano at hindi na bumalik sa pananampalataya, hindi
totoo ang kanyang conversion.I personally witnessed a lot of people na lumuhod sa altar at umiyak
ng todo, naging ka manggagawa ko pa pero di ko na makita ngayon sa church.Masasabi ba nating
nawala ang kaligtasan ng mga ito? Nope. They were never been one of us to begin with. Their
drifting away made it clear na they were never been born again. Dito sa inaatendan kong church,may
dating worker pero nung nag abroad nabalitaan na lang na nagmuslim naman na.Hindi Nawala
kaligtasan nya bro, kasi walang Nawala sa kanya dahil in the first place wala siya nito. Pinakita
lamang na sa pag alis niya sa faith ay ebidensya ng pagiging apostate niya. Maliwanag ang
pagkakasabi ni John ukol dito:
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt
have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all
of us.1 John 2:19.
Kaya, ang totoong naligtas ay di maaaring pumalya ng tuluyan sa kanyang lakad krityano.Does it
mean na di na siya manlulupaypay along the way, or di mag ba bakcslide? Nope. I personally
experienced backsliding. But thanks to God,s faithfulness. Nakabalik ako,not because I am strong
enough to recognize my sins, but by God’s faithfulness and promises na ang mga bagay na nasimulan
niya sa akin,which is my salvation, ay tatapusin niya. And this is my only hope for those people na
nahiwalay sa faith, if their conversion is real, God will bring them back to fellowship with us.

Third, entire sanctification secures salvation. This can be translated as we should grow into Christian
maturity, in holiness. In the process, we should continue in faith, we should endure. As Paul said
"work out your Salvation with fear and trembling", in this essence, sanctification (Christian maturity,
holiness, consecration) secures salvation.
Again, it is not our performances and consecration that secures our salvation. It is the work of Jesus
from start to finish. To work out our salvation means to make an effort to show more evidence of our
salvation, not to secure it. We go to gym to not to produce muscle kasi meron na tayo nun. We go
there not to make muscles but to make our muscles more evident. Yan ang point ng ‘work out your
So we work out our salvation not to secure it but to make it more evident because it glorifies God and
we love him.
Also,If we say na nakabase sa pag pursue natin ng sanctification ang security ng ating salvation,
lalabas performance-based ang pagpunta natin sa langit. I cant help but to think it that way bro. Ang
finished work ni Cristo ay ay mapapalitan ng performance at mga gawa natin. It nullifies the work of
the cross.
We are saved by Faith alone and we are also sustained by faith alone(not by our personal holiness or
effort) throughout our Christian journey.
I want to follow the example of Paul sa Gal. 2:20 when he said;
”I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in
the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
Sabi ni Paul, ang buhay daw niya sa kasalukuyan ay ipinamumuhay niya sa pananampalataya kay
Sinabi ni Paul ito sa mga taga Galacia because they started their Relationship with God by the Spirit
but then, along the way, they want to be perfected by the deeds of the law i.e., their performances—
in their case ay ang “pagtutuli”.
Hindi ba’t ganito ang ginagawa ng mga maraming Kristyano ngayon? They claim na naligtas sila
through faith alone in Christ. But then, dahil gusto nilang mapanatili ang kanilang kaligtasan, at sa
takot na baka mawala ito, sila ay umaasa at nagtititwala sa kanilang mga gawa at pagsunod para
tanggapin sila ng Dios. Mali ito bro. Sana hindi ganito ang stand mo.Pero marami sa mga minamahal
kong AF believers ay ganito ang paniwala.Bakit ko nasabi ito? Because I have been in that position
Paano malalaman ng isang tao na he is really living his relationship with God by Faith and not by his
performances? ---Kapag nagkasala pero muling nagsisi at nagpatuloy sa lakad kristyano at hindi
inisip na Nawala ang kaligtasan niya. His prayer would be like this-
“ Lord forgive me. I have sinned against you.Patawarin mo po ako. Tulungan mo po akong
bumangong muli sapagkat nais kong magpatuloy maglingkod sa iyo. Nagtitiwala ako na ang
pagmamahal mo sa akin ay hindi kailanman nagbago dahil sa kasalanang nagawa ko. Nagagawa mo
pa rin akong mahalin Ama not on the basis of my works for they are far from perfections, minamahal
mo ako dahil lamang sa relasyon ko kay Cristo na nagbayad ng lahat kong kasalanan sa krus…..”
This type of prayer I wrote above was rooted upon the knowledge of the perfect work of Christ on
calvary and what He actually accomplished at the cross for us. Part of it is the imputed righteousness.
If you really understood the implications ng Imputation of Christ’s Righteousness sa isang
believer,that would settle everything. Our performances, obedience, good works and spiritual
pursuits after nating ma-save were not the basis of God’s acceptance. Remember, pinatawad at
tinanggap tayo ng Dios sa kanyang kaharian noong tayo ay nagsisi at sumampalataya sa ebanghelyo
—hindi tiningnan ng Ama kung gaano kalaki at karumi ang mga nagawa nating kasalanan sa harap
Niya. He pardoned us on the basis of our faith in the Finished work of Christ. Now, noong naligtas
tayo, saan na kaya ibabase ng Ama ang pagtanggap sa atin? Sa ating mga gawa? No. Ibabase pa rin
niya ito sa ating pananampalataya at pakikiisa kay Hesus. Kung ang pagbabasehan nya ng
pagtanggap sa atin after nating ma-save ay ang ating mga gawa, wala kahit isa man sa atin ang
papasa sa standard ng Dios. God requires 100 percent obedidnece sa Decalogue/ Ten
Commandments para tanggapin ang isang tao sa langit. Now, wala namang able na makagawa
nito.Kahit na sinong pinaka banal na Kristyano na nabuhay sa mundo ay walang nakagawa nito ng
perpekto at consistent. Lahat tayong mga anak ng Dios na naligtas sa biyaya ay pumalya sa pagtupad
sa sampung utos.—Even Paul the Apostle sa Romans 7.
Dito na papasok ang aral ukol sa “ The Great Exchange”. Noong tayo ay sumampalataya kay Hesus,
hinubad niya ang ang kanyang Perfect righteousness at ibinihis sa atin (Gal.3:27). Samantalang ang
ating karumihan ay naibihis sa kanya—kaya siya ang nagdusa ng parusa sa mga karumihang nagawa
natin at tayo naman ay nagging mga anak ng Dios.
Now, after that “great exchange”, ang nakikita sa atin ng Ama ay hindi na ang maruming kasalanan
kundi ang perfect righteousness ni Cristo na naibihis sa atin. Perpekto at walang bahid dungis ang
ating legal standing sa harap niya. The Imputation of Christ’s righteousness is the only reason na
pwede nating sabihin sa Dios kung tatanungin Niya tayo kung bakit tayo tatanggapin sa langit
—"Nabihisan po ako ng perpektong kabanalan at katuwiran ni Hesus noong ako ay sumampalataya
sa kanya”.
Mas maiintindihan pa natin ito kung gagawin nating halimbawa ang Imputation ng Adamic sin sa
buong humanity noong nagkasala si Adan (Romans 5:19). Hindi tayo mismo ang gumawa ng actual
sin pero idinamay at ipinagpalagay ng Dios na tayo ang gumawa nito sapagkat si Adan ang
representative ng humanity.Ang pagbagsak ni Adan sa kasalanan ay pagbagsak din ng lahat ng tao
sapagkat siya ang nag represent sa atin. All humanity fell into sin because our representative fell.Sa
unang tingin ay napaka unfair nito! (Biruin mo, idadamay ako sa kasalanang di naman ako ang
gumawa! Dapat solohin ni Adan ang kasalanan niya hehehe.Bakit kailangang ipasa sa akin ang
kasalanang di naman ako ang gumawa.Bakit kailangan kong magdusa ngayon sa epekto ng ginawang
kasalanan ni Adan? This is not fair hehe! This is also one of the reasons kung bakit maraming mga
atheist at mga taong tumutuligsa sa Christuanity.
Pero, sa kabilang banda,si Jesus naman ang naging representative ng lahat ng believers. Ang
complete obedience ni Jesus sa Law noong nasa lupa pa Siya, became our obedience because God
imputed it to us. Sa context na ito, maaari nating sabihin na ang pagpunta sa langit ay nakabase sa
mga gawa ng kautusan. Titignan ng Dios kung nagawa mo nga ba lahat ng buong requirements ng
Law. Performance-based talaga kung tutuusin ang pagpunta sa langit.Pero kaninong performance? Sa
atin? No. Di nga natin kayang gawin ng perfect ang buong kautusan. Pero may isang gumawa nito
para sa atin— Jesus Christ, our representative, did all the requirements of the law for all the believers
and imputed it to us .Parang tayo na rin (in legal sense) ang gumawa ng buong kautusan dahil
ipinaako ng Ama ang perfect obedience ni Cristo bilang ating mga gawa.Kaya,we have this
confidence na papasok tayo sa langit dahil ginawa ni Cristo ang Sampung utos perfectly para sa atin.
So, if Adam’s sin was imputed to us and we became sinners because of what he did, Christ’s
righteousness and perfect obedience to the law were imputed to us when we trusted in Him for
Salvation. And this is the only hope we have para tanggapin ang mga makasalanan.This is also the
hope of all believers para manatili silang katanggap-tanggap sa paningin ng Dios sa kabila ng lahat
ng ating mga kasalanan at pagkukulang sa ating lakad Kristyano.Hindi tinitingnan ng Dios ang mga
palpak natin bilang basehan niya ng pagmamahal sa atin. Tinitignan niya ang mga gawa ni Cristo
para sa atin bilang tanging basehan niya upang mahalin at tanggapin niya tayo despite of our poor
performances and sins.
Kaya nga, kapag ihaharap natin sa Dios ang ating mga gawa bilang basehan ng pagtanggap sa atin,
even after nating maligtas, ay “maruming basahan” lamang sa paningin ng Dios at magiging isang
malaking insulto ito sa sakripisyo ng Kanyang Anak sa Krus.At kung gagawin na pang-secure ng
salvation ang ating performances at obedience, personal consecration, at iisiping nawawala ang
salvation dahil sa ating mga kapalpakan at kasalanan ,the only conclusion I have is we based our
acceptance sa ating mga gawa. We did not really bank all our hope sa finished work ni Christ but on
our filthy rags- our works. Trusting in Christ and trusting in our performances won’t go together. We
can’t have them both. You have to choose one and reject the other.
***(For application. Magandang aral ito sa mga believers na walang assurance sa kanilang
Salvation.Mga believers na takot mawala ang kanilang kaligtasan dahil nakabase sa mga gawa nila
ang pagpapanatili ng kanilang Salvation. Magandang aral din ito sa mga backsliders na hirap
manumbalik sa dahil pakiramdam nila ay di na sila katanggap tanggap sa Dios. Sana makatulong ito
sa iyo sakaling dumating ang panahon na (wag naman sana) ikaw ay bumagsak sa kasalanan. At
pakiramdam mo ay gumuho lahat ng mabubuting ginawa mo sa harap ng Dios. Isipin mong ang
performance ni Cristo ang tinitignan ng Ama at hindi ang mga bagay na ginawa mo maging Mabuti
man ito o kapos sa pamantayan ng Dios.)
***Ano ngayon ang silbi ng pagsunod sa “sampung utos” sa buhay ng isang kristyano kung di na ito
ang basehan ng Dios ng pagtanggap sa atin? May nakapagsabi sa akin na “doing the Ten
Commandments won’t prevent you from going to hell but it will prevent you from going to jail”
Sanctification is a means of God in disciplining his Children.If there is no Law, saan natin ibabase
ang tama at mali sa ating lakad Kristyano. Obedience to the law is also a means of Sanctification in
the life of a Christian. When we obey God’s law, we deny ourselves in order to fulfill them. We align
ourselves sa will ng Dios and became slaves of righteousness and in the process, we are being
sanctified and conform to the image of Christ. As Romans 6:19 said,….”yield your members(body
parts} servants to righteousness unto holiness”

God can never love us more or love us less on the basis of our performances. There is no amount of
good works that makes God to love us more or any sin committed that makes God love us less. He
can only loved us on the basis of Christ sacrifice on the cross through our union with him by faith-
this is Justification by faith alone. Now, it doesn’t mean na babalewalain ng Dios ang ginawa mong
kasalanan,Parurusahan pa rin niya ito pero hindi ka na niya ibubulid sa impyerno kundi dito ang
kaparusahan ay mararanasan sa lupa, and more often ito ay ang epekto ng nagawang kasalanan.

And also, if you pursue sanctification para maalagaan o masecure ang salvation, you have a wrong
motivation bro. I did it as new Christian and it thwarts my growth as a believer. I did a lot of efforts
to obey the commandments of God, pray and make devotions every day, witness to others, fulfill
God-given ministry, I did all those things primarily because I want to go to heaven, secondarily for
the fear of losing my salvation. Nakakapagod ito bro. Dumating pa sa point na inisip ko “di ko na
lang sana ako na save kasi pag nasaved ako tapos Nawala ko ito and end up in hell, mas Malala ang
parusa ko doon”. Tapos dagdagan mo pa ng second and third grace na nawawala din, then para
makuha mo ulit sila, you will go back from where you started---you will again seek salvation,
sanctification and baptism tapos mawawala ulit. Nakakapagod bro, as in. Ewan ko bro kung
nakakarelate ka. My wife and I felt the same way.
We must pursue sanctification because it is the evidence of our conversion. We pursue sanctification
because we love God and it glorifies Him. Those are the motivations that reflects biblical truth and
therefore glorifies God.
Now, may I ask this question: If ensact secures the first grace, What secures the second grace? You
may say—the third grace secures the second. But what secures the third grace? You will be needing a
fourth grace and so on and so forth.
And also, if the power of securing those graces will be on the ability of the believer, they will lose it
for sure. Kahit na sabihin kong 90% sa Dios and the remaining part ay sa akin, how can I be sure na
magagawa ko ang bahagi ko? I am so weak and fragile. We stumble everyday. The securing of our
salvation is all 100 % up to God.
Of course, we pray, consecrate daily, obey God’s word, fulfill our ministry, but we do all these things
as an outflow of our love and gratitude for God and for the great things he has done for us. It is an
acceptance-based performance not a performance-based acceptance.
Do not backslide, do not drift away from your faith, and do not abandon your first love (Revelations
2:4). –Amen to this one

Fourth, If not careful enough, you will lose them at an instant. Philippians 1:6 says, he which hath
begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. This gives us the confidence
that Jesus will help us overcome until His return.
Amen to this one. Philippians !:6 is a strong statement that teaches the doctrine of The Perseverance
of the Saints. And since God will finish what he began in a believer, His salvation cannot be
forfeited. Kaya kung ang isang professing believer became an apostate, ito ang magandang tanong
ukol sa sitwasyon niya: Did God really begin a good work (Of salvation) in the life of this person?
Because if so, di Niya hahayaang maging apostate ang taong ito.But if he became an apostate later
on, it only shows na God did not start a good work in him or else God became unfaithful to His own
promise (which is impossible).
Can we lose them? It’s a strong no bro. We cant lose them. But if we can lose them, on what basis?
You will say then, “if you failed to continue”, or “if you did not abide”.
But the abiding and continuing of a believer is the very evidence of our genuine conversion.
As John wrote in 8:31 “If you abide in my word you are indeed my disciples”
Also in John 10 Jesus said “ My sheep hear my voice and they follow me”. Grammatically, those 2
verbs mentioned, hear and follow are both in active sense, meaning, a continues habitual action. So
Jesus is teaching that His sheep will ALWAYS HEAR HIS VOICE AND WILL ALWAYS
FOLLOW HIM.—So, this is my confidence. That I can go on sa aking journey as a Christian at
ako’y magwawagi kasi alam ko at makikita ko si Lord sa finish line hindi dahil sa pogi at magaling
ako kundi dahil sa pangako ng Dios na tatapusin niya ang inumpisahan niya sa akin.God already
assured me of my victory in this battle. As apostle Paul wrote “…. but I press on to make it my own,
because Christ Jesus has made me his own.”Phil 3:12
The very reason and motivation why Paul will press on towards perfection, is that he knows that
Jesus has already made Paul his own possession—” because Christ Jesus has made me his own.”
Alam mo bro, may mga times na gusto ko nang bumitaw, parang di ko kakayaning
magpatuloy.Tapos ibubulong ng diablo sa akin “ wala kang kwentang tao Gem, you failed again.
Mag backslide ka na lang kasi wala ka nang pagasa. You keep on repeating that sin of lack of
temperance.” Pero alam mo ang inspirasyon ko na magpatuloy? Kasi alam kong magtatagumpay
ako. Sigurado yun kasi pangako ng Dios. Tinatanong ko sa sarili ko : Bakit, di pa ba alam ng Dios
ang lahat ng mangyayari sa buhay ko? Alam na niya bago ko pa man gawin ang isang bagay.God is
never been surprised.Tatapusin niya ang sinimulan niya sa akin.”

Paul has several warnings as mentioned above, (1) did the believer continue in the faith? (2) did the
believer move away from the hope of the Gospel? Even Jesus warned, (3) abide in me, and I in you,
as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself. See how these verses tell us plainly, God will finish what he
started, IF the believer will continue to abide in Jesus.
I already made a comment on this above.

Fifth, it creates classes among believers. This was addressed earlier. It doesn't create classes, but
stages to Christian growth and maturity. The description of the natural man, carnal man, and spiritual
man by Paul excellently shows the need for sanctification. Unsaved people are called natural man.
He then describes a "carnal man", as babes in Christ (1 Corinthians).

Which means they have received Salvation, because they were "in Christ". Their sins were forgiven.
They were made new creation! But sooner lives and behaves like an unsaved man. Why? Because
their carnal nature sprung back and dominated them. Sanctification (to seek and pursue holiness
leading to Christian maturity) is what uproots the carnal nature and leads to becoming a spiritual
- Bro, if I understood your position correctly, pag na-uproot ang carnal nature saka lang nagiging
”spiritual man” ang isang believer? Tama ba intindi ko? At ang lahat ng mga newly converts o mga
bata pa sa faith fell on the category of being a carnal man? If these were the case, kindly Consider
Sa chapter 2:14 ng 1 Cor. Paul said “The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that
come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because
they are discerned only through the Spirit.”
Ibig sabihin nito na ang mga natural men/unsaved ay di kayang tanggapin ang mga “bagay-bagay”
ng Dios. Kasama rito syempre ang pananampalataya sa gospel para maligtas ang isang tao.Di
makakayang tanggapin ito ng isang unsaved or natural man because to them the gospel is
foolishness.The things of God including the gospel and faith in Christ can only be discerned
spiritually—only by the spiritual man of course. This is the doctrine of Total Depravity- the inability
of the natural man to comprehend the things of God esp. those things that accompany salvation.
My question is: paano ngayon naligtas at naniwala ang mga tao sa ebanghelyo kung ang
makakaintindi lamang ng mga ito ay ang mga spititual na tao, mga believers na na-uproot ang carnal
nature---mga nakaranas ng ensanc. Lalabas ngayon na ang prerequisite to understand the gospel para
ma-save ay ensanc. I want you to clarify your position on this. I might be mis representing you
because if this is your position, it is a clear deviation from the basic tenets of Christianity.
I would like to address this kuya: "You said that ensanc is necessary to be fully experienced the
infilling of the HS.—My brother,this is unscriptural." Sorry if I sounded heartless.Mahirap kasi
akong magsala at magpili ng mga tamang salita. Patawad po.
It is Scriptural. In 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 - you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God
dwelleth in you. If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is
holy, which temple ye are. See how this relates to the infilling of the Holy Spirit kuya.---Im so sorry
bro, but you are confused sa term na infilling and indwelling.
All Christians were being dwelt by the HS at conversion. As Paul confirmed in 1 Cor 12:13 when he
“For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were
made to drink of one Spirit.”
Take note of the preposition “into”. It is written “ we are all baptized into one body—This baptism
results into becoming a part of the body. But whose body? Christ’s body –the church. This is
Also in Romans 8:9 Paul said,
“You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you.
Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.”
In this verse, the word Spirit of God is synonymous to the Spirit of Christ. It is well written
indicating that all believer possesses the HS/ Spirit of Christ. This is indwelling bro. Sa tagalog ay
paglukob ng Espiritu Santo. It happens at conversion.
Now, what about infilling? Sa tagalog ay kapuspusan ng Espiritu Santo. It happens in various degrees
in Christian life depending on their level of consecration.
It says that we are the temple of God, thus we should be holy (which means sanctified), or else God
will destroy us. How can the Spirit of God dwell in an unsanctified vessel? In Acts 2:4, as the
disciples prayed in one accord, they must have been sanctified (cleansed, made holy) first before they
were filled by the Holy Spirit.---
I can sense the assumption you made in this verse bro. You said “ They must have been sanctified.”
AF teachers said they were entirely sanctified—they experience the second grace. The narrative does
not mention anything about it. We must be careful not to interpret the text base on our own
understanding or presuppositions. Beware of isegesis bro.
During the instantaneous moment prior to the actual infilling of the Holy Spirit, the vessel should be
completely free from sin, holy, perfect (in other words, entirely sanctified), for the One (the Holy
Spirit) who will fill the vessel is Perfectly Holy. This is a high claim bro.This is the reason why we
call the doctrine Ensanc as The doctrine of Perfectionism or simply Perfectionism because it teaches
that a believer can be perfectly holy and sinlessness is attainable in this life. No believer in the OT
and NT ever claimed to attain such stage you have just mentioned. Now, if ensanc teaches that we
can be “completely free from sin” it can only mean na after na ma-experience ng isang tao ang
ensanc, ay di na siya nagkakasala.
Now, if you mean by “completely free from sin” ay freedom from the bondage of sin, biblical ito
pero it happened when we are regenerated by the HS—after Salvation—not after ensanc. Paul can
affirm this sa Romans 6:6,
We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to
nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin.
Later on verse 14 he also said “ For sin will have no “dominion” over you, since you are not under
the law but under grace.
So, freedom from the bondage of sin does not happen after salvation but instead it is the effect of
salvation in our lives—when we became subjects of the saving grace of Christ.

May tanong ako sa iyo bro. A simple love-rooted question.Naranasan mo na sabi mo ang ensanc. It
means you are now totally or completely free from sin.So, in this stage, hindi ka na nagkakasala. At
hindi ka na nagkasala simula noong natanggap mo ang ensanc hanggang ngayon, habang binabasa
mo itong love letter ko?
Now, kung sasabihin mong di ka nagkakasala the bible will disagree with you because “Surely there
is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins. Ecc. 7:20
But if nagkakasala ka, you have just lost your salvation because sin separates us from God. Walang
Malaki o maliit na kasalanan sa Dios. Ang pagsabi ng masamang salita sa kapwa tulad ng ulol ka o
racca ay sapat nang dahilan para ibulid ang isang tao sa impyerno.
But if you considered sins like lack of temperance, unforgiving spirit, katakawan, improper use of
time, negligence, katamaran, pride, gossiping, envy, as just mistakes, God would never forgive those
acts because He only forgives sins and not ‘mistakes’.

This is logical and scriptural as seen earlier. Hence we see that nothing is wrong in the doctrine of
Entire Sanctification, if we are led by the Spirit for proper discernment. I have just stated above that
this doctrine is wrong upon careful examination using the scripture as our basis.
Ultimately, it would be impossible for our bros and sis in Christ (from AFC) to experience the
Baptism of the Holy Spirit (including the gifts and the mysteries of the Spirit) if the doctrine of
Entire Sanctification is erroneous, or even completely false. ---Again, I don’t deny that they have
experience wonderful things from God but those experiences must be undertstood in the light of the
scriptures, how the scriptures clearly define them.
Kaisa ako ng mga kapatid kong AF sa naranasan nila sapagkat ako man din kasama ng asawa ko ay
naranasan ito. But it is not ensanc bro. It is a greater work of sanctification in our lives.And it can
happen over and over again until we die.
Kung susuriin nating mabuti ang sinasabi ng mga teachers ng AF kung paano ba matatanggap ng
isang believer ang Ensanc, they will say to you these things:
1. consecration
2. surrender every area of your life to the Lord
3. Confess any known sin
4. Pray earnestly and yield fully to God and believe that God will empower us in a new way and
equip us with power in our respective ministry
Then after these we are encourage to go to the altar and pray for the “ second grace”. But what these
lists, which I mentioned above, actually do when a person comes to the altar and pray? They are
guaranteed prescription for significant growth in the life of a believer. Those consecrations,
confessions and yielding towards God, if they are genuine, can only bring positive results in a
believer’s life. If a believer is sincere in these steps of preparations to receive “ensanc/second grace”
there certainly be growth in sanctification and deeper fellowship with God. Ofcourse, pagkatapos ng
prayer sa altar, pag uwi sa bahay ng taong nanalangin ng taimtim, his personal devotion and worship
will be more meaningful. May panibagong gana sa pag babasa ng bible at pag share ng gospel sa
ibang tao.Yung iba nga ay nag “speak in tongues” pa. Parang feeling niya ay na elevate siya at naka
experience ng kakaibang pangyayari sa buhay niya na kaiba sa Salvation.Bakit ko alam ito? hehe—
naranasan ko rin kasi ito bro.(but not the tongues) kasama ng maraming believers na nagnanais na
maging closer pa relasyon nila sa Dios.
Kahit man si Paul Washer ay naka encounter nito.We can say that those person na nakaranas nito has
moved from level 1 to level 4 of their sanctification. It is a big leap of growth and a deeper work of
sanctification and not “ensanc” or second grace. In your case, noong naligtas ka, you started from
level 1 of your sanctification (gaya ng lahat ng believers), pero dahil sa marubdob na pagnanasa mo
na maging kawangis ni Cristo, ikaw ay nanalangin ng lubos sa Dios at ang naging resulta nito ay ang
pagtalon mula sa level 1 patungo sa level 3 or even 4 ng iyong sanctification. Wow! What can I say
but Amen! Bagaman karamihan ng mga kristyano ay di naranasan ang ganitong big leap sa kanilang
growth sa sanctification at, marahil, ay inabot pa ng 20 years ang proseso ng pag angat mula “level
1”, but they made a gradual and steady progress within those years of their Christian life hanggang
naabot nila ang “level 6”. At sila man din ay maaaring makaranas ng “big leap” sa kanilang
sanctification kung mag co-consecrate sila ng kanilang buhay sa Dios. Magkakaiba talaga kung
paano kumilos ang Dios sa buhay ng mga mananampaltaya. Dito natin napatunayan na ang
sanctification ay nakabase hindi lamang sa habag at biyaya ng Dios kundi sa consecration at
dedication at desire ng isang mananampalataya na lumago sa ikawawangis ni Cristo.
But we never stop at “level 5 or 6” naabot man natin ang level na ito sa loob lamang ng isang gabi ng
taimtim na pananalangin sa altar o inabot tayo ng sampung taon bago natin gradually naabot ito, we
must still continue to push towards perfection because sanctification is never completed in this life
hanggang sa makita natin si jesus ng mukhaan.Marami pang lilinisin at babaguhin ang Holy Spirit sa
buhay natin. Kaya nga malaking bagay ang naituro sa akin ng AF regarding consecrations and
prayer. It is a good foundation na ipinamana sa akin ng AF. Hindi man tugma (at certain degree) sa
scriptures ang terminologies at explanation ng AF regarding sa ensanc,di maikakaila ang naging
mabuting epekto nito sa buhay ko. I praise God for this. He granted me such experience noong nasa
AF pa ako though my theological understanding and vocabulary may be faulty when I ask God to
give me “ensanc/ second grace”.He did not give me the “second grace” but instead he gave me a
deeper work of sanctification in my life.
Bro noong naranasan mo ba ang “ensanc”, did you ever claim na natapos na si Lord sa Gawain nya
sa buhay mo? I doubt it bro hehe. Kasi ang sanctification/purification ay di minsanan, proseso ito
bro. Parang purification ng gold—matagal na proseso at di biglaan. Dadaan sa maraming stages.
It is just unfortunate that a Theologian like Dr. John McArthur uses his own understanding to
pursuade many that the present-day Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a "strange fire" because he has not
fully experienced the gifts of the Holy Spirit which he even believed to have already ceased. (I've
watched how he mocked the gift of tongues in one of his interviews, saying that it was an 'abuse' to
what the Spirit can do. He kept on insisting that it is not how it (the Spirit) works, as if, he fully
comprehended the mysteries of the Holy Spirit.) Other than that, I love how Dr. McArthur explains
the Scripture so profoundly. [I would like to know your insight on this].
I don’t agree with JM on his view of the gifts of the HS. Parehas kami ni Piper ng view ukol dito. So,
I am a Reformed by soteriology but continuationist regarding the gifts of the HS. Paki search mon a
lang sa youtube yung video ni Piper regarding speaking in tongues. Parehas kami ng stand. Mali si
JM dito hehe.
Regarding sa Speaking in tongues, the bible is clear na operational pa ito until now pero di na ito ang
dapat na ma-high light kasi kumpleto na ang Revelation ng Dios sa tao—the bible.
The bible is also clear na hindi lahat ng believers ay makakaranas nito. Kung sasabihin mo sa akin na
lahat ay maaaring makaranas nito, that would contradict sa statement ni Paul sa 1 Cor. 12:29 when he
ask series of questions na ang tanging obvious na sagot ay “NO”.
“Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30 Do all have gifts of
healing? Do all speak in tongues[a]? Do all interpret?”
My wife has the gift of tongues but I don’t have it. But I can and may teach sa church but she cannot
and may not.
It doesn't mean that what you believe kuya is false. Super appreciated ko ito.hehe.

I don't find it difficult to understand that when a person is saved, he is also completely sanctified and
that the Holy Spirit dwells in him. But as truthful as this statement could be for you, I find the three
graces in the AF Church doctrine (Salvation, Sanctification, and Baptism of the Holy Spirit), is
likewise truthful and Scriptural.

The contradiction, I believe, lies on our limited ability to completely grasp the profound mysteries of
God's free gifts.—
Amen to this bro but It is also rooted bro sa mga theological backgrounds natin. We interpret
scripture base sa mga presuppositions natin, which is problema ng lahat ng believers.Kaya kailangan
nating mag aral na mainam sa biblia, alamin ang history, terminologies at kung may pagkakataon ay
huwag isantabi ang pormal na pagaara ng Biblia. Malaki ang hatol ng tumanggap ng maling aral pero
mas Malaki ang hatol sa mga guro na nangaral nito.
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be
judged with greater strictness.James 3:1

God bless bro.

Sorry masyadong mahaba reply ko.

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