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Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Kybernan Vol. 7, No.

1, Maret 2016



Muhammad Fadil
Universitas Islam ‘45’


The research purpose is to describe students’ attitudes about their major studies
in social and political faculty in Universitas Islam ‘45’, which are goverment science (IP)
and public administration (IAN). Attitude concern is if they regard that both major have
similarities to each other since they have almost same competencies. The attitude levels
are affective, cognitive, and behavior as for cognitive is the most dominant level
evaluating both majors. This survey research uses descriptive method, with 27
respondents in the process of writing of final research from both major. The result shows
positive tendencies from all level of students attitude (mode=4), especially cognitive. It
means that both students group (government science =17 and public administration=10)
has same attitude concluding that both of major studies are similar. T-test also shows no
significant value (p ≥ .05) which means both students group have no differences attitude.

Keyword: Attitude, Cognitive Level, Government Science, Public Administration.

BACKGROUND existed enormously in some private

and public universities, they often
In Indonesia, some major studies
make confussions to students, for
derived from political science
example, when they try to choose
develope in various form such as
topics of research or reason behind
political science itself, international
why they choose those majors. It
relation, government science, public
happens to majors such as
administration, and the others.
Government Science and Public
In spite of its history and
development in Indonesia, both
While students start to choose
majors has settled and run according
topics of research, some questions
to its function. Besides being taught
would come if their topics belong to
in university, Indonesian government
Government Science or Public
established the institutions such as
Administrasion. Becoming public
Home Affair Government Institute
servant is also most frequently
(IPDN) and National Institute of
answered behind the reason why they
Public Administration (LAN).
choose the major as their parent did.
Although those majors have already

Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Kybernan Vol. 7, No. 1, Maret 2016

Those conditions are not really fields. For example, accounting and
big matter while the major is the only management studies are always
implemented in university or in placed in economic faculty. Since
seperated institutions, since the they have different competencies,
major might differ independently. each major has directly developed its
However, some universities apply basic and concise competencies.
both major, govermental science and Nevertheless, both government
public administration in same science and public administration has
faculty, for example is Universitas no similar condition as previous
Islam ‘45’ in Bekasi West Java. example. Obviously, they have same
Nowadays, all major faces huge object/focus of studies, similar
challenges to increase their competences, shared resources and
competencies and its standards. literatures, and become a place to
Fulfillment of lecturers, cooperation study for public servants or who are
among universities, journal writings interested while their faculty
and research establishment, and all members still hold own opinions and
accreditation requirements shoud be regard of its differences persistently.
fulfilled by all universities and This research tries to explore
faculty. The faculty should bear all and answer those conditions
those conditions in order to develop according to the attitude of their
quality of its education and output students about their field of studies.
(alumni) so that they are able to By describing student attitudes, it
compete with job requirements and will have real descriptions how they
global challenge. Therefore, think and feel their major and field of
university and faculty should run all studies. It will also help each
programs effectively with all members in faculty to develop (or
available resources. change) so that they will run the
Generally, one faculty may have programs effectively and efficiently.
more than one major. If there are This is only basic effort to know
various and different majors, then and system of education in
faculty and its academic supports university, since it might not only
would focus more on their own happen in Universitas Islam ‘45’, but

Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Kybernan Vol. 7, No. 1, Maret 2016

also in other universities. However, it tendency of positive or negative is

might not necessarily become made on scales. It may also need
solutions since there are always lot elaboration if the attitude is
of aspects and causes to reform its consistent, changing, and influencing
education system in university. individual behaviour or decision
Research Question (behavioral level). One example if
How are student attitudes there is an attitude change is through
toward Government Science and media, information, advertisement,
Public Administration Studies in campaign, and personal influence
Universitas Islam ‘45’? (Martin: 2001).
a. Affective.
LITERATURE REVIEW Affective attitude is an
1. Attitude individual feeling to some object or
Attitude is an individual issues. Affective level is basic form
evaluation to objects, individu, and of an attitude on individu. It happens
issues (Taylor, Peplau, & Sears: to certain feelings such as like or
2006). The attitude has three levels; dislike, happy or sad, when he/she
affective, cognititve, and behaviour sees or thinks an object. This display
which people apply everytime to an honest form of attitude of
anything. According to Bohner and individual. Any form of like or
Schwarz (2001), evaluation is an dislike to a person or object is a
acceptance both favorable and simple attitude appeared on individu.
unfavoable to any object around us, b. Cognitive.
from simple object such as a thing, Cognitive level is form of
individual behaviour, traffic on road, thinking or belief of an attitude.
issues, and impact of government Evaluation on objects or issues
policies. comes from this level. It happens
On the other words, attitudes how people give evaluations based
toward object appear to be positive on their perspective, opinion and also
and negative. Positive attitude is a form of individual belief. Those
favour while negative attitude is an come from experience and learning
unfavour. On attitude research, (Hovland, Janis, & Kelly, 1953).

Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Kybernan Vol. 7, No. 1, Maret 2016

The learning process shows administration (Ndraha, 2008). The

how one individu concludes their model then becomes applied science
opinion or belief in his/her life. For (bestuurkunde) run by some institute,
example, one might say, “it is such as Home Affair of Government
good/bad” or “I think that is Institute (IPDN).
improper”. To tracing back its core
c. Behaviour studies, government science if part of
Behaviour level of attitude political science. Political science
appears on individual behavior, act focuses on state, authority, decisions,
and desicions. Different to the policy, and distribution (Budiharjo,
previous levels, behaviour is not a 2006). Those concepts are very
feeling or an evaluation but kind of close to government basically.
action that may be stimulated by Van Ylst (2008) explained
both affective/cognitive or even that government science develop
none, since there might be behavior from state studies; ideas of state how
attitude against the other level. it grew. It continues to how run state
McGuire (1969) tried to research and form government in order to
the three level of attitudes though create good governance on
apparently those level would be government. Ndraha (2005) tried to
consistent to each other. explain the growing of government
2. Government Science and science to the new paradigm that he
Public Administration. called kybernology. The new
Although both major could be paradigm bring government science
found at some institutes and have over other diciplinaris such as
grown independently, deeper studies administration, management, and
and understanding always be needed technology.
through research or philosophical Government science becomes
approach. multi-diciplinary studies that
a. Government Science involves many aspects such as
According to Herman Finer, empowering organization, human
government is basically a resource, leadership, financial, and
combination of both politic and so on.

Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Kybernan Vol. 7, No. 1, Maret 2016

c. Developments of
b. Public Administration Government Science and
As government science, public Public Administration.
administration developed from Generally, curriculum
political science. Public developments and changes in college
administration was inseperately follows some needs: stakeholder,
political studies (Thoha 2003). As social and global issues, and its
government science, public academic associations.
administration was about state. To make it short, both major
Dimmock dan Dimmock (1992) (IP & IAN) have basic competencies
explained how political derived from their curriculum.
administration wor ked as it a. Political Science.
happened because of pressure group. Political science is expanded
According to Thoha (2003), there are into some courses: introduction
old and new paradigm of public to political theory, Indonesia
administration. Old paradigm tried to political system, and political
make dichotomy between political comparative system.
science and administration studies. b. Public Policy
There was an effort to bring Public policy is begun from
administration to be not part of planning and development,
political science. Second, as new policy analysis, including to
paradigm, it shows that old paradigm impact of policy socially and
had started to be left since public environmentally.
adminstration is not to be understood c. National and local government.
as the administration of state. Public Generally, government topic is
administration works as an studied as introduction to
administration of public interest. government science, local
Fesler dan Kettl (2002) have autonomy, government finance,
closer opinion to government that and government control.
public administration activity is d. Public Administration.
governmentl studies. It also has some courses such as
introduction to administration,

Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Kybernan Vol. 7, No. 1, Maret 2016

Indonesia administration system, Information system is a

and public administration. technology aspect, that students
e. Management should learn its implementation
Management and its derivation in government. It is called in
have some course to both major some ways, such ICT-
such as introduction to Government or E-Government.
management and some topics
1) Human resource. Although general distributions
Mostly focus on public servant course listed above, each program
and government human basically develop rest courses to suit
resource. them to qualification student needs.
2) Planning and Development
One aspect of management and Those courses are to describe
learnt as part of policy process. cognitive level of attitude. Other
3) Organization Development indicators are to conclude generally
It is basic competency how to whether both field of studies has
run organization and its behavior similarity. Affective and behavior
in government scale. Both major level are also observed though it less
has it as a course. describes directly to similiraty of
4) Leadership. governemtal science and public
Most important course students administration.
must take its course that is how
leadership works in public. Framework Research
f. Social The framework research is
It is social aspects although all described below:
students from both major must
take social studies course such
as sociology, social system,
political sociology, and
community development.
g. Information and Communication Cognitive level is most
Techology. dominant level of attitude in order to

Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Kybernan Vol. 7, No. 1, Maret 2016

know students attitude toward RESULT AND ANALYSIS

Government Science and Public 1. Political science.
Administration Studies. It is because Both groups show high
of that cognitive level shows favourable score around 70% and
evaluation of students by their 22.2%. It means that political science
experience and academic process. must be studied to both major.
Then, cognitive level is more Table 1
Political Science
suitable than the two levels. Disagree 7,4
Agree 70,4
Strongly Agree 22,2

The research is using survey 2. Public Service.

method to collect data from students. Both students shows high

It is also known as descriptive favourable (44% and 51.9%) to

method because the collected data public service courses.

Table 2
will be used to describe fact of Public Service
research object (Neuman, 2007). The Disagree 3,7
Agree 44,4
variable is students attitude. Strongly Agree 51,9

Data analysis is using

3. Leadership
descriptive statistic which is
Leadership also show high
precentage, frequency mode and t-
percentage of favourable score
test to describe the data. The
(48.1% and 51.9%). As
respondents are students both
aforementioned, leadership is very
government science (17) and public
important course and topic for both
administration (10) (N=27) who are
in the process of final research
Table 3
writing (skripsi). Questionnaire is %
Agree 48,1
used as an instrument to collect the Strongly Agree 51,9

data and using Likert scale (5 scales).

Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Kybernan Vol. 7, No. 1, Maret 2016

4. Government System 6. Public Policy.

(National and Local). As leadership aspect, public
Although, government policy plays very important role for
terminology is close to the both major. Its score is (59.3% and
government science, there is no 40.7%)
unfavorauble score. There are high Table 6
Public Policy
score (51.9% and 48.1%). On the Agree 59,3
Strongly Agree 40,7
other hand, public administration
students also regard that government 7. Management.
is one their object.
Though it has no character of
Tablel 4
National And Local Government political science, both students really
Agree 51,9 know the importance of management
Strongly Agree 48,1
for both studies with score 77.9%
5. Administration and 14.9%. Governance and
It also shows high score for both administrations develop from
students (63.0% and 25.9%) though management studies after all.
there is little score of disagree score Table 5
(11.1%). Disagree 3,7
Table 5 Do not know 3,7
Administration Agree 77,8
Strongly Agree 14,8
Disagree 11,1
Agree 63,0
Strongly Agree 25,9 8. Planning and Development.
It has a combined aspect of
It means that government science
policy and management which also
students also think that
give high score from both students
administration knowledge also
(77.8% and 18.5%).
important for them though it might Table 8
Planning And Development
not be directly becoming specific %
Disagree 3,7
course. They benefit it primarily as Agree 77,8
Strongly Agree 18,5
resource and readings to government
studies. 9. Organization
As a management, an
organization studies also become
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Kybernan Vol. 7, No. 1, Maret 2016

important for both students how to 12. Information System

understand and run government Although it is studied as new
organization or institution. Both approach – applied technology,
students groups positively give high which had no necessarily need for
score (44.4% and 48.1%). students competencies, students now
Table 9 live with those technology.
Disagree 3,7
Nowadays, Information
Do not know 3,7
Agree 44,4 Communication and Technology
Strongly Agree 48,1
(ICT) aspect could not be seperated

10. Control System from human life. Learning ICT in

Control of government system also government is widely impemented in

reaches high score (55.6% and for both major. The score is also high

40.7%). Both students know that (66.7% and 22.2%).

Table 12
policy process needs control in order Information and Communication Techology
to create good governance. Disagree 3,7
Do not know 7,4
Table 10 Agree 66,7
Control System Strongly Agree 22,2
Disagree 3,7
Agree 55,6
Strongly Agree 40,7 13. Government Finance.
As information system, students
11. Human resource regard this also important for them to
This aspect focuses on understand tax and government
government employee and still finance. The score is 70.5% and
connects to leadership since the 14.8%.
relation of leader and staff often Table 13
Government Finance
become focus for both majors. The %
Disagree 3,7
score is also high (51.9% and Do not know 11,1
Agree 70,4
Strongly Agree 14,8

Table 11
Human Resource
Disagree 3,7
Do not know 3,7
Agree 51,9
Strongly Agree 40,7

Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Kybernan Vol. 7, No. 1, Maret 2016

14. Social studies government science or vice versa.

Like politics, social studies is Result shows rather positive
fundamental for both majors. The tendency (59.3% and 22.2%). It
score is 44.4% and 55.6%. means that students have confussions
Table 14 and also regard both major as the
Social Studies
Agree 44,4
same, since they research same
Strongly Agree 55,6
object and use same resource in their
On similiraties
Table 16
The next aspect is a question if Confussions to distinguish both major
there is similarity between Disagree 14,8
Do not know 3,7
Agree 59,3
government science and public Strongly Agree 7,4
administration. The result show
variance. Those answers indicate that For the affective level, the
first, student regard both major is score (55.6% and 37%) shows that
similar (40.7% and 7.4%). Second, students really like their field of
there are students who are still in studies. For the behavior level,
doubt (14.8%). Third, students who students are asked if they are in right
think that both major are different job or will find suitable job as their
(33.3% and 3.7%). The last answer is major. The result shows various
also caused by some factors such as answer since some students already
the existences of both programs in have job and some do not, though
faculty and students pride of their most of them want to get jobs that
major. suit their major.
Table 15
If there are similiraties on both major Table 17
% If they like the studies
Strongly Disagree 3,7 %
Disagree 33,3 Do not know 7,4
Do not know 14,8 Agree 55,6
Agree 40,7 Strongly Agree 37,0
Strongly Agree 7,4

Table 18
To strengthen the result, Finding job following their education
Disagree 14,8
question is asked to students if they Do not know 11,1
Agree 55,6
have confussion in creating research Strongly Agree 18,5

topic, such as which topic belongs to

Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Kybernan Vol. 7, No. 1, Maret 2016

In conclusion, all students 3. On question “if there is

both government science and public differences between both
administration program give positive studies”, it also shows
result with high value of favourable unfavorable answer higher
percentages. By using frequency of than the other questions
mode, most students give favour though the favorable is still
answer (agree) with mode=4. It also the highest score. It might be
explains that both groups think that caused by some factors such
both majors are basically similar, if it as the existence of both
is not said as the same. program for long time and
The data is also analysed students pride to their major.
using t-test to know if there is a Generally, most students still
difference between two groups of think that both major are
student (IP & IAN). T-test result similar.
shows that there are no significant
values (.371) which means for p REFERENCE
value ≥ .05. Therefore, both groups Bohner, G. & Schwarz, N. (2001).
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