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Name: ______________________________________________________________________

Butterfly Release
Monarch Butterfly Experts NEEDED!

ATTENTION: The local butterfly garden wants to have a release party for the
monarch butterflies that are currently being raised. The garden owners need
you, an monarch butterfly expert who studies butterfly life cycles, to help them
with the timing of when the hatching will occur. The local community has
become quickly fascinated with the following of the monarch butterflies so the
local butterfly garden has to make sure the event goes smoothly and at the
right time of the butterfly cycle. It is up to you to track the cycle of these
monarch butterflies and plan the release party for the garden based on the
hatching date.

What you will need to do:

Your Task: You will track the cycle of the monarch butterflies through a calendar
so that you can plan the date of the release party based on the hatching date.
● Calendar
○ You will determine the life cycle of a butterfly by using a calendar
to track the time period of each stage in the butterfly life cycle.
○ You will create an infographic with the life cycle of monarch
○ Additionally, your infographic should include a short paragraph at
the bottom that explains more about the life cycle. It should
include why life cycles are important, what these changes do to our
environment, and why monarch butterflies are important to our
● Event Release
○ You will create an invitation for the monarch butterfly release party
that includes all the important logistics for the visitors who would like
to join.
● Presentation
○ You will be the presenter at the release party where you will share
your findings and explain the life cycle of the butterflies to the

Standards for Success:

Your calendar/infographic should…
● Include the name of each stage of the butterfly
● Include the time period/duration of each stage
● Include a small image to go along with each stage title
● Be colorful
● Be informative for your visitors
● Include a small explanation at the bottom with more information
Your invitation should include…
● A title
● A summary of what the event is about
● The date of the release party
● The time of the release party
● The location of the release party
● Information on how visitors can reserve a spot to come (RSVP)
Your presentation should include…
● A welcoming introduction to all your guests
● Your findings that you discovered about monarch butterflies
● An explanation of the butterfly life cycle
● An interesting fact you found out
● A question and answer panel from your audience
Name: ______________________________________________________________________

Butterfly Release Rubric

Criteria 3: Meets Criteria 2: Approaching Criteria 1: Below Criteria

Calendar Calendar includes all Calendar includes only Calendar includes little to
standards for success. some standards for none standards for success.
Calendar has the success. Calendar has Calendar is missing most
correct labels of the some correct labels of the labels for the cycle of a
butterfly cycle. butterfly cycle. Infographic butterfly or is wrong.
Infographic is colorful has only some color and Infographic needs color and
and informative with needs more information. the correct information.
correct details.

Invitation Invitation includes all Invitation includes some Invitation includes little to
standards for success. standards for success but is none standards for success
either missing some or and needs more information
lacks information for some added.

Presentation Presentation includes Presentation includes only Presentation includes little to

all standards for some standards for none standards for success.
success. Presenter success. Presenter used Presenter needs more eye
used good language, some good language, contact, better language,
made eye contact, made eye contact and to speak louder.
and spoke clearly sometimes, and used a
and with good range of volume.

Total: ___ / 9

Additional Comments: _______________________________________________________


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