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Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
MGT 1 Principles of Management


RMMC-MI is a premier learner-centered institution committed to quality standard and

innovative development.


RMMC-MI shall set a quality instruction, research and extension, and effective
resource management.


"Guided by the vision, mission and goals of the institution, all RMMCians uphold the
following core values."

R - Resilience - The ability to adapt to change and challenges, and stand firm on
institutional beliefs and values.

M - Modesty - The practice of work ethics and simplicity in actions and words.

M - Mindfulness - The awareness and maintenance of a non-judgement state of one's


C - Compassion - Possession of sympathetic consciousness with others.

M - Motivation - The desire and one's commitment to actualize goals, specific roles and
functions for the benefits of the constituents.

I - Integrity - The quality of being honest, moral upright and doing right things in a
reliable way
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
MGT 1 Principles of Management


 Course Number : MGT 1


 Course Description : This is the introductory course in management. The

course is designed to provide students with an overview of the management
functions and its role in organizations and society. The course aims to provide
students with the basic managerial knowledge necessary for Business students.
The course focuses on providing students with analytical, developmental,
managerial and technical skills that relate to managerial positions in

 Pre-requisite : NONE

 Co-requisite : None

 Credit : 3.0 units

 Class Schedule :

Synchronous Sessions:
Monday’s and Thursday’s
Platform use:
LMS, Google Meet, Zoom

Asynchronous Sessions:
Tuesday’ and Wednesday’s
Platform use:
Messenger, LMS
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
MGT 1 Principles of Management

 Topics

Time Frame Topics

Prelims Classroom Orientation
CHAPTER 1 Nature and Concept of

Introduces the basic management system and

functions. Roles and skills are presented to
recognize how to be an effective executive,
and differentiating roles of managers from
leaders. Also, an appreciation of management
theories and principles is emphasized to start
building in the traits of effective managers.

CHAPTER 2: Management Function of


Is the initial step and function of management

and as a formal process for periodically
generating organizational strategies. Steps
and timeframes are discussed as guides to
formal planning approach. Moreover,
discussion on the type of plan best for a
management scenario, thinking through what
the business organization should pursue to
attain its goals.

Chapter 3: Management Function of Organizing,

recognizes the levels in management hierarchy and

management skills. Principles to determine the right
organizational structure to fit into a business
organization, recruitment and selection process
guided by job analysis, description and
specifications are explored on this part.
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
MGT 1 Principles of Management

Chapter 4: Management

Function of Directing and Leading: Leadership,

Motivation and Communication, emphasizes the tools of
the function including leadership, motivation and
communication. Theories on each tool are explored to
help understand the best option to choose for a
management style of choice.

Finals Chapter 5: Management Function of Controls:


Presents control systems, strategies and levels.

Appreciation of effective control system is aimed to
identify the type that fits any given business
management scenario. Various control systems are
pointed out, emphasizing the organizational culture as
component of the management process.

Chapter 6: Introduction to Different Functional Areas

of Management,

Examines the significance of each area of an

organization, including human resources, marketing,
operations, finance and information
technology. Appreciation of every department's role in
the entire system is desired to value interdependence,
collaborations and synergies among the components of
the business organization.

 Grading System

Prelim Midterm Final

CS = A + Q + R CS = A + Q + R CS = A + Q + R
3 3 3
PFG = CS x 2 + E MFG = CS x 2 + E FFG = CS x 2 + E
3 3 3
Final Average Grade
Legend: PFG + MFG + FFG
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
MGT 1 Principles of Management

A = Assignment
PFG = Prelim Final Grade
Q = Quiz
MFG = Midterm Final Grade
R = Recitation
FFG = Final Final Grade
CS = Class Standing
E = Exam

 Policies and Guidelines

1. Be punctual, log in on time, Dress properly

As a student enrolled in online classes, attendance still matters. You’ll want to log into
whatever online platform your professor is using. Make sure your computer is charged
and be ready to appear on screen in a timely fashion. Being late is not acceptable,
especially as your commute is (probably) from your bedroom to the couch in your living
room! Dress properly, being a young frontliner you must know how to present yourself.

2. Read the syllabus

This might sound silly, but read the syllabus ahead of time. Make sure you’ve read the
required reading, or are prepared to participate based on the syllabus provided by your
instructor. The syllabus is still your road map to successfully passing and excelling in
the courses you’re enrolled in so don’t forget to look at it beforehand.

3. Introduce yourself and respect your peers

Make sure you introduce yourself and talk slowly. Sound quality will differ depending on
each student’s home office set up. You’ll want to make sure people can hear you and
that you can hear them. Discussion sessions -- even in person -- can become
contentious if you strongly disagree with one of your peer’s opinions. However, make
sure you respect your fellow students and allow them the microphone floor when they
are speaking.

4. Set up your space, make sure it’s quiet and uninterrupted

Logistically, to make sure you can participate fully as an online student, you will want to
set up a space that is, as much as possible, free of distractions as possible and that will
be uninterrupted for the full duration of your class session. It’s also recommended that
you set up a clear background behind you -- cover up your favorite band poster, don’t
let them see your dirty laundry all over the floor. Lock your door for privacy and to be
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
MGT 1 Principles of Management

sure your roommate won’t walk in, and if you have family members politely ask them not
to disturb you during the call/meeting, lest you face a situation

5. Test your tech

Glitches in your technology mean you could miss some vital part of your professor’s
lecture. Make sure the camera is stable and that your audio or microphone works. Use
headphones to make sure you can hear everyone. Plug in your computer and make
sure it’s charged ahead of time. 

6. Embrace being flexible

As an online learner, you’ll likely be familiar with the appeal of this type of learning --
setting your own schedule, working from home, and more. Being flexible is essential to
being a successful online learner. It’s important that you manage your time effectively,
make sure you allow enough time and space in your day to log on.  


1. Don’t be a wallflower, don't be afraid to speak up

Even in-person classes require students to be active participants -- so don’t be a
wallflower. Professors will be expecting you to participate even in an online class. Lean
into the microphone and make sure you offer your opinions and thoughts in a discussion
session. Don’t be afraid to speak up. In some ways there is less stress associated with
talking into a microphone than in-person.

2. No excuses for bad tech

As a student enrolled in an online class the professor will expect you to be able to set
up your technology accordingly to log in on time and to participate fully. And just like you
can’t blame your dog for eating your homework, you can’t really blame your
performance in your online class on technical problems. 

3. Ignore additional online resources

Don’t get distracted by other online resources or websites while you’re participating in
your online class or lecture. It’s easy to always be continually surfing the internet, but
you’ll want to pay attention and not stray from the content your professor or instructor is
providing you. Block pop-ups and make sure you turn off notifications while you’re
logged on and “in class.”

4. Don’t think you’re doing it all alone

Online learning can feel very isolated and lonely at times. Change this feeling by
collaborating with a classmate. Set up an in-person meeting and study date. Your
professor might also assign group projects which will make you feel more connected to
your fellow students. Don’t think you’re in it all alone. In fact, there’s an entire group of
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
MGT 1 Principles of Management

other students in the same boat as you. Connect with them in our online forum

5. Don’t get discouraged

A positive attitude will help get you through your online classes. Make sure you give
yourself breaks. Take walks, have a cup of coffee or tea break, commiserate with a
friend who is also taking an online class, take a yoga break, and schedule some time in
your day, every day, that is screen-free. Most of all, if you feel discouraged, honor that
for 10 minutes. Then get back to work.
Hopefully those who are new to online learning find it is, at the very least, a workable
temporary solution -- and possibly even something you want and personally preferable
to on-campus learning. It’s a fast-paced and dynamic way to accelerate your learning
and it will help you achieve your goals, both academically and personally. Online
learning gets you closer to degree completion and can give you the skills and
knowledge needed to excel in your career. So log on today!

Prepared by:


Tourism Management Instructor

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