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Obtain and manage sponsorship.

Part A

For this assessment I have choose two type of activity i.e. music festival and charity for international
student effected by pandemic. The main purpose of this musical festival is to celebrate Nepalese
new year and advertise tourism in Nepal and second event is a charity event to help international
student effected by pandemic.

Type of activity Music festival Charity for international

student effected by pandemic
Organization Kamero events LP event management
Location Shark hotel townhall Townhall Sydney
Potential sponsor 1) Lama tour 1) NRN Community
management 2) Expert visa services
2) Abc education pty. Ltd 3) Interface education
3) Sambandha restaurant

a) 1) In above table I have mention two of the different event i.e., music festival. In occasion of
Nepalese new year kamero events management is conducting a music festival where all the
Nepalese singing band, Nepalese DJ, and Nepali food stall. I believe that this musical festival
will help to promote Nepalese culture, food, and help in tourism development. Also, the
kamero event will present major company logo under major sponsor section which is
important factor for a business for the advertisement. The event will conduct on 10 th of May
2021 at shark hotel 26 Liverpool street town hall after 8 pm.

2) LP event management is a Nepalese event management company which is managed by

non-resident Nepalese and based on Sydney which has been a major factor for promoting
Nepalese culture and the tourism outside the country. Lp event management is conducting
an event on 12th of June 2021 the main purpose of this event is to help the international
student who have been affected by the pandemic. The sponsor needs to provide $5000 for
the event.


Potential sponsor Reason for identification

Lama tour management This company has been working to promote the
Nepalese culture and tourism for a decade
which will fulfil the requirement of the event.
Abc education This company is helping all the international
student and have good connection with all the
Nepalese musical band and all the restaurant
based on Sydney which will help to get people
and advertise the event.
Sambandha restaurant This restaurant has been promoting Nepalese
food in Sydney over a decade and has be well
Potential sponsor Reason for identification
NRN community NRN community is an Australian based
nonresident Nepali community which has been
conducting different program on different
occasion and helping international student who
are in need. That is the main reason of choosing
NRN community.
Expert visa services This company has been all student favorite as it
provides wide range of services to students
aspiring to study in Australia from counselling
them in choosing the right institution and
helping with their visa application welcoming
them in Australia and helping them settle with
the Australian life.
Interface education This company has been helping the student
who are in need for a long period of time and
conducting many charity program.

C) a letter for sponsorship

Kamero events
19april 2021
12 east street rockdale
Dear ABC Education pty. Ltd

Kamero events is an well settled event organizer based on Sydney which has
been conducting different event all over the Australia on many occasion. So this time on the
occasion of Nepalese new year kamero events is going to conduct on an musical event to on
10th may 2021 to promote Nepali music, culture, food and Nepalese tourism.
Im am writing this letter regarding the sponsoring the event. The event will be at
the shark hotel townhall and will included of musical night, cultural exchange program and
promote the tourism of our country. If your company is interested on our event then you
required $2000 where we can provide sponsor name and logo will be advertise in the main
entrances, ticket, media, webpage. Its not only for the advertisement but also it will help to
promote our cultural facts, food, music and tourism. Hope for the positive response

Bronze $1500 Silver $2500 Gold $5000

1) Under this level 1) Company name and 5) Company name and
company name and logo included on logo included on
logo will present on event signage. event signage.
pamphlet, website, 2) Company name on 6) Company name on
social media. event signage. event signage.
2) Company name 3) Preferred sponsor 7) Preferred sponsor
included on the booth placement in booth placement in
sponsor board the exhibit hall. the exhibit hall.
3) Company name 4) Broadcast 1) Broadcast
recognized in the advertisement. advertisement
sponsor page in 2) On stage space of
convention 5.2m-5.2m in center
program of main stage.

Managing director
Manoj ghale
Kamero events

Letter of sponsorship
LP management
12 west street Hurstville Sydney
Dear NRN community,
Lp management is an well-organized company which has been
established a decade ago to help all the international student in time of need. At the current
situation, the world is going through critical situation due to coronavirus, in this situation all
people are suffering so we have decided to conduct and charity program to help
international student I are having financial difficulties in Australia. This event will take place
at rooftop hotel situated at town hall Sydney on 12 th June 2021 at 6:30 pm. So I would like to
offer an opportunities to help people who are in need and would like to offer sponsorship of
$5000 where we can provide sponsor name and logo will be advertise in the main entrances,
tickets, media advertisement, webpage, banners and others. Hope for positive response.

Bronze $1500 Silver $2500 Gold $5000

4) Under this level 8) Company name and 12) Company name and
company name and logo included on logo included on
logo will present on event signage. event signage.
pamphlet, website, 9) Company name on 13) Company name on
social media. event signage. event signage.
5) Company name 10) Preferred sponsor 14) Preferred sponsor
included on the booth placement in booth placement in
sponsor board the exhibit hall. the exhibit hall.
6) Company name 11) Broadcast 3) Broadcast
recognized in the advertisement. advertisement
sponsor page in 4) On stage space of
convention 5.2m-5.2m in center
program of main stage.

Managing director
Manoj ghale

D) 1) value of media exposure : the number of time the sponsor is mentioned during the
telecast; the number of newspaper or other social media detailed analytics would be
2) column centimeter in the press: how much free publicity is received in stories which
circulate about the event and mention the sponsor,
3) promotional material: copies of any promotional materials that have gone out with the
sponsors name, product image logo etc.
Part B
1) Potential sponsor: Nonresidential Nepalis (NRN)
Date: 12 june 2021
Venue address: 1504 Liverpool street townhall nsw
Event duration: 6 hours
Target market: its specially target nepali people residing in Sydney

Sponsorship benefit:

Bronze $1500 Silver $2500 Gold $5000

7) Under this level 15) Company name and 19) Company name and
company name and logo included on logo included on
logo will present on event signage. event signage.
pamphlet, website, 16) Company name on 20) Company name on
social media. event signage. event signage.
8) Company name 17) Preferred sponsor 21) Preferred sponsor
included on the booth placement in booth placement in
sponsor board the exhibit hall. the exhibit hall.
9) Company name 18) Broadcast 5) Broadcast
recognized in the advertisement. advertisement
sponsor page in 6) On stage space of
convention 5.2m-5.2m in center
program of main stage.

Financial breakdown of all the cost during the event:

1) Advertisement: i) pamphlet: $100 per company
ii)social media: $300
iii) banner cost: $100
iv) broadcast ad: $200
v) food:$500

letter of appreciation

Dear NRN community

On behalf of the LP management thank you for being a generous
sponsor of the charity show on 10 th of may 2021. The charity show was successfully
conducted. All the amount raised during these charity was donated to the international
student wo were affected by pandemic. We had raise $15000 which was a good amount
Please leave us for any advice and thought.
Thank sincerely
Manoj ghale
Lp management

Evaluation and feedback from customer:

As our sponsor were ready to sponsor in the level of gold which is $5000, as every year
the event was up to the budget we had 300 people attending the function and we have
raised $15000 which was our aim . After the survey among the people who had visited
the event they were satisfied with food ,décor and all the arrangement and got a
feedback from the sponsor was good were happy to sponsor next time our total cost
was as follow: pamphlet: $100 per company ii)social media: $300
iii) banner cost: $100
iv) broadcast ad: $200
v) food:$500

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