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LEGAZPI CITY – The tourism industry in Albay could barely recover from the huge
revenue losses it suffered due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the
Provincial Tourism and Cultural Affairs Office (PTCAO) in Albay has reported.
Dorothy Colle, PTCAO chief, said on Friday that the province’s tourism and hotel
industry lost Php 500 million during the first half of the year due to the government
declared community quarantine guidelines, a health measure to stop and prevent the
spread of the virus.
Considering our discussion about Tourism Product Level and Life Cycle. As a consumer
and a future tourism professional, what can you recommend or suggest to a specific
tourism establishment of your choice on how can they boost their sales?


Image source: TripAdvisor (

When COVID-19 occurred, it was a trying period for everyone. No one was
permitted to dine out during the community lockdown, and eateries were compelled to
close to prevent the virus from spreading. Unfortunately, the infection was not
adequately confined. Cases increased at an alarming rate throughout the first year of
the pandemic. This was extremely devastating to industries, with tourism being one of
the most hit. It completely collapsed, and many firms were forced to close their doors
since, instead of generating revenue, debts were stacking up to keep the business

Nonetheless, even when the circumstances make it difficult for businesses to

thrive, there are always ways to increase sales and compensate for lost resources. I
selected coffee shops because, as the restrictions for the pandemic began to ease,
cafés are where I spend the majority of my time. I think it's because the environment is
relaxing, and the scent of coffee instantly puts me in a good mood. Furthermore, with
practically everything moving online, having a location where one can rest while still
getting things done on their phones or laptops is almost an essential nowadays.

So, what are the ways that could help boost sales for coffee shops? They are the

 Spread the Word

It may appear to be a basic statement but being prepared for clients is a

great place to start. Along with that, coffee shops may make themselves visible
on social media and announce that they will be opening on a specific day, for
example. This will make customers know that the coffee shop is already
prepared to operate, and they will have an idea when to visit the shop or maybe
order for delivery.

Many restaurants, coffee shops, and cafés kept clients up to date on their
situation via social media. Whether they were restricted to food delivery only or
had expanded their facility to outside sitting, many cafés relied heavily on social
media for communication. Café marketing methods shifted away from more
traditional and website-based approaches and toward ones centered on social
media. Some held competitions. Some cafés made use of user-generated
material. Many social media marketing initiatives rely heavily on photographs.
When it comes to attracting clients with vibrant and dynamic social media
postings, photos are important.
 Focus on Consistency

Offering a greater selection of coffees may help cafés show their

experience and understanding. Restaurants and foodservice establishments, on
the other hand, may choose more "traditional" flavors to compliment or match
with specific menu items. Consistency is also essential. Customers want to know
that the coffee they're enjoying will taste the same every time they drink it.
Partnering with a supplier recognized for consistent quality can help you
differentiate your brand and gain market share. As a frequent coffee shop
customer, I am well aware of how inconsistent certain coffee tastes. And that's
not a positive experience; it makes me not want to return to the café. Thus,
coffee shops will be able to maintain clients if they emphasize on consistency
while also innovating new items to give to customers.

 Elevate your Design and make it Unique

Differentiating your business in a crowded market after COVID-19 does

not begin with the coffee you serve or the machine you use to prepare it. It all
begins with your brand. Before clients choose to go through your doors, you must
capture their attention and gain their mind share. The easiest way to do this is to
have a clear, polished brand identity and an appealing design. By renovating
your area, you can also ensure that you remain compliant with local COVID-19
regulations. For example, a redesign can assist you in implementing one-way
systems for consumer foot traffic and convenient pick-up stations for takeout food
and beverages.

 Provide Quality Experience

Visiting a café is about the experience as much as it is the coffee. This

experience starts the moment you enter and doesn’t stop until you leave. As
such, coffee shop owners should do everything they can to make sure their café
appeals to each and every customer.

 Safety & Hygiene Regulations

Making your clients feel safe and calm is an important part of giving a nice
experience. Even once coffee shops reopen and vaccinations are administered,
Covid-19 is likely to be on people's minds for some time. This means that
maintaining excellent cleanliness and stringent health safety standards will
remain critical. This means that tables should still be appropriately spaced out,
personnel should continue to wear face masks, and social distance and other
hygiene protocols should be promoted. Customers will feel safer and more
comfortable in your coffee shop if you follow local recommendations on proper

 Offer a Loyalty Reward Program

It cannot be overstated how much people like freebies. Rewarding

consumers for becoming repeat customers is an excellent strategy to keep them
while also attracting new clients. After all, if your customers are pleased, they will
tell others. Word of mouth, whether on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any
other review site, is critical to a café's success. And, at this time of crisis, when
money is scarce for many, delivering discounts and freebies through a loyalty
reward program might be a really win-win situation.

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