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‘The Humphrey Pump Here below are the details ofa very interesting water pump used inthe earlier history of and «pat of Riverland irigatrion area. The pump no longer provides this service as modem electrical equipment performs this. However the operation is interesting and may give some an insight in to making something bette. The pump can be still seen in operation on Sundays ‘most South Australia Public long weekend holidays. ‘The Humphrey Pump, was invented by Mr. HLA. Humphrey, eminent Gas Engineer and Chemist. Bors in London in 1868 and educated at Finsbury Technical College and the Central Institution of the City Guilds, Kensington, England, be died in 1951 at Cape Province, South Africa His pump isan intemal combustion pump in which the force exerted by the explosion of mixture of flammable gas and air acs directly on the surface ofthe water, forcing itto an elevated position ‘The aim of Mr, Humphtey was "to produce a pump of great simplicity and strength of construction in which the explosive force is exerted directly on the water and in which no rating flywheel, solid piston, rotating crank, connecting rod, beerings or glands of any sort ae required” ‘The diagram in Figure | shows the esseatial components ofthe pump, and i similar to an experimental pump designed by Humphrey, which worked satisfactorily from the first jccasion on which is was stated. “The pump was composed of 3m parts, viz:- 1. The combustion chamber C, fitted with an exhaust valve, gas and air mixture valve, scavenge air valve and spark plug 2, The water suction chamber, and valves. 3. The playpipe, connecting to an elevated tank and outlet pipe, will be noted that the form ofthe pump, i that of a large U-pipe closed atone end and Without any obstruction fe the five flow and oscillation ofthe water columa within the pipe. ‘The only moving fittings inthe pump are the various valves and an interlocking mechanism {to automatically lock or unlock them according to ther requirements inthe cycle of operating events. The interlocking and ignition apparatus are operated by the pressures within the combustion head, to which they are connected. It was from this basic design that subsequent ‘models were developed forthe London Water Supply Authority at Chingford, installed in 1913 and the Cobdogla Pumps which are practically repicas ofthese pumps apart from their output capacities, FIGURES OPERATION OF THE PUMP CYCLE Imagine al valves closed ang the pump standing full of water to the water tower outlet, Wich would be the condition before starting. charge of combustible gas and airs pumped in the combustion head by a suitable compressor and is fired by closing the ignition circuit manually. The spark pligs ignite the gas mixture and initiate the four strokes comprising the complete eyele of operation in the following manner. yee eeu i lio g lt inet ororet FIRST OUTWARD STROKE The pressure on he water exerted by the foree ofthe explosion and expansion of heated gasses, sels the water column in motion with ineeasing velocity. The Kinetic Energy acquired by the rapidly moving column of water, causes it to flow outwards until a paril vacuum is formed atthe combustion end ofthe playpipe. Wen the pressure falls to nearly that of the atmosphere the exhaust valves open inwardly with the assistance of springs. The lightly spring loaded water inlet valves open inwards admitting a large quantity of new water into the playpipe, partly to follow the column of outgoing ‘moving water and parlly to endeavour to fill the pipe to the same level as the water in the suction sump. With a further fallin pressure, the scavenge air valves, also lightly spring loaded, open, allowing pure air to be admitted to occupy the space above the exhaust valve level, a retentive valve inthe exhaust valve easing preventing the return of burnt gases from the exhaust pipe. By means of an interlocking apparatus operated by pressures within the combustion head, the exhaust and scavenge a valves were released when the explosion ‘occurred and the gas mixture valves were locked in the closed position. A portion of the ‘outgoing water column spills out into the receiving basin, starting a syphoning action inthe outlet discharge pipe, FIRST RETURN STROKE The momentum ofthe water column expends itself atthe end of ‘the first outward stoke, allowing the water column to flow back by gravitational force ‘towards the combustion head. This in turn drives the buent products of ‘combustion through the open exhaust valves, ultimately closing them by impact of the water. The spring loaded water inlet and scavenge air valves were closed when the pressure again rose 10 approximately that ofthe atmosphere, The retuming water column, having gained considerable velocity, now compresses the seavenge air (mixed witha percentage of spent gasses) in the top of the comibastion chamber, forming. a compressed elastic cushion. ‘The energy thus stored in this eushion is thes equal to the energy given out by the rapidly moving water column, urged on by the static head behind it, so thatthe cushion pressure is considerably in excess ofthat due to the static head, The interlocking mechanism, nov operated by the cushion pressure, automatically releases the catch from the mixture valves and Tacks the exhaust and scavenge air valves, SECOND RETURN STROKE SECOND OUTWARD STROKE The expansion of the compressed air cushion now drives the water column outward again, the pressure becoming atmospheric asthe surface reaches the exhaust valve level, and it were not forthe fiction losses in the playpipe it would ultimately be driven out tothe same position that it occupied prior to the eommencement of the frst return stoke The outward movement of the water column continues until a partial vacuum is again formed and the water inlet valves open, admitting a large quantity of water into the playpipe.A. ‘Porton ofthe water column at the outward end again overflows into the receiving basin The gas mixture valves alone being fiee to aperste, a 7 small amount of ai i admitted into the combustion chamber, which mingling with the scavenge air taken in an the previous stroke, forms # fresh combustion mix. FIRST RETURN STROKE SECOND RETURN STROKE The second outgoing impetus given to the water column having expended itself a retum flow again takes place, and, all valves being closed, the new charge is compressed and fired automatically atthe moment of maximum compression. The electric current to the coils is switched on by a plunger-operated ignition mechanism. Thus another eyele commences, and providing thatthe correct mixture of air and gas is admitted by the proper functioning of valves and the correct timing of ignition gear, the four cycles continue with a regular pendulum action ofthe water column, although the length of the strokes are unequal. A portion of the water column is discharged into the receiving basin on cach outward stoke, ‘SECOND OUTWARD STROKE The design of the Cobdogla Pumps differs from the original experimental model, in that ‘multiple valves and spark plugs ae installed in place ofthe single ftings inthe original, the combustion head is dome shaped and the delivery tank is replaced by an inverted conical lower from which the water is syphoned to the receiving basin, The operation however does no differ in any respeet from that of the original design. The multiple valves open and close as one, and the multiple spark plugs ensure a complete and sudden detonation ofthe entice explosion charge. Atypical indicator diagram is shown in Figure 6 ona time basis. AB is the period of compression ofthe combustible charge whichis fired at B causing a pressure rise to C. CD is the expansion curve during which work is expended on the water column, The end of the stroke is F, scavenger air and new water to take the place of that discharged during the previous cycle, being admitted between D & F. AUF the exhaust valves close and the cushion reaches a maximum pressure at C. The second outward stroke then commences, the gas charge being taken in between H & J ‘where the second return begins to compress the new mixture, the explosion agein taking place at point K, to start a new cycle of events | vg THE GAS GENERATING PLANT The gas forthe Cobdogla Pumps was originally supplied by two updraft producers with scrubbing and tar extracting plant and the fuel used being mallee, box and redguen wood, Which was supplied from the extensive wood stacks situate tothe North in 6 ft lengths. ‘The wood was cu onsite into 2 ft lengths for feeding into the producers. The May Bros. saw bench used in this operation is part ofthe machinery display. ‘The installation was designed by Mr. W.F. Saunders A.M.LE, Australia and was ‘manufactured by Messrs. May Bros of Gawler, and ereced by the rigation Deparment. It produced 26,500 cubic fet of gas per hour toa gasometer of 2,2900 c.f capacity. The ‘Power to operat the various auxiliary plant for the pumps saw bench and gas plant was supplied by a 30 hp Crossley Gas Engine. This engine is still in situ and in working ‘condition, but all auxiliary plant is now elecirified. At the losing down of the Humphrey Pumps ftom service in 1965, the producers were in poor condition and were scrapped. Consequently, when one of the puraps was to be restored, investigation was conducted to find a suitable fuel, Bottled gas was found to be too expensive and a suitable gas producing plant was located at Murtoa in Victoria and purchased and installed at Cobdogla in 1985. This plant is fuelled by charcoal and supplies sufficient gas to ‘operate the Humphrey Pump for the short periods required, The plant is currently being. ‘refurbished, as funds alow. ‘An interesting feature of the original plant, was the production of approximately 4 gallons Per hour of ta, when the plant was operating, posing a problem of disposal, Ve rd ee ‘producers, but because ofthe significant cot, the tar was piped to the North ofthe plant and discharged into a backwater of the river ‘This large black, malodorous lake, adjacent to the new highway within a few hundred metres of the town was a permanent reminder to residents and travellers ofthe presence of the Humphrey Pumps! It was finally rerouted to receiving basin clase to the pumps, where the solidified tars sill visible. I is pleasing to report that within the last 30 years, nature has erased all trace ofthe original tar lake ‘THE COBDOGLA PUMPS The Humphrey Pump appeared to Fulill the requirements of the rain pumping station of the proposed Cobdogla Irrigation Area of over 10,000 Acts, as it was a high volume and relatively low lit pump of higher efficiency than a conventional steam plant. Officers of the Irrigation Department made an inspection ofthe Humphrey Pumps installed at (Chingford. Impressed with their case of operation, reliability and low cost of maintenance, the decision was made to install ofthe Pumps in preference toa steam driven plant ‘They became the only pumps of ther type inthe Southern Hemisphere, from a total of only,12 manufactured World wide. During the reconstruction period it was decided by the Department to raise the level of water in the suetion sump by 6 ft take advantage ofthe increased pool level ofthe river. This was caused by the installation of LOCK 3 near (Overland Corner, whicls had been put in hand after the installation ofthe Humphrey pumps ‘was started. ‘The pumping head was thus reduced from 34 fet to 27 fect. This had the effect of reducing the working horsepower and hence the fuel consumption, but due tothe unique design of the Humphrey Pump, he overall efficieney was slightly reduced, With the effect of reducing the head, the length ofthe water inthe playpipe was increased, thereby increasing the time period of the cyele and hence the numberof delivery strokes per minute ‘To have achieved the highest possible efficieney it would have been necessary to reconstruct ‘the pumps to shorten the playpipes, but this was nota practical proposition, ‘The guaranteed design output was eventually achieved by futher modification to the valve action, allowing 2 greater volume of gas~air mixture to be admitted tothe combustion head, After many years of trouble free operation, the Humphrey Pumps were finally shut down in 1965 due to diminishing supplies of wood fuel. They were replaced by an electrically ‘powered pumping station constructed next to the Humphrey Pumps. ‘The Humphrey Puraps were completely submerged inthe record flood of 1956, and were retumed to active service when the waters receded. All pumping forthe area now is carried out by an electric pumping station situated on the ‘main stream of the river, which replaces the Cobdogla and Loveday Pumps. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Much ofthe information is taken from a paper by Mr. J. MeLauchlan, an associate member of the Institute of Engineers, and presented to the ‘Adelaide Division in Adelaide, March 1932, and taken from a booklet from The Cobdogla Steam Friends Society Inc 2.0 box 208 Berti S.A phone O8 8582 2603 The Barmera National Trust P.O box 472 Bamera S.A. 5345 Phone 08 8588 2521 Encyclopedia of free energy now on CD click for more information Google (saa) O Wer © wwveteestattcom Revahingycrwenteditolmow ebout free encray Ea ie eda crs

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