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1. How is Philosophy and Art connected?

Philosophy and art are two inextricable concepts. Philosophy and Art are

connected in the sense that they are some of the key elements that set us apart from

animals. Art is defined as the expression, communication or application of human

creative skill and imagination, typically in a highly diverse range of human activities,

emotion and visual forms. It is the combination of man's cognitive and evaluative attitudes to

reality. Art needs creativity and this is where philosophy comes in, when we start to

wander and the way of thinking. On the other hand, philosophy is the art of critical and

analytical thinking, the art of reasoning, and the art of the illogical and logical. It is

always an art, and art is the realization of philosophy. Both philosophy and art reflect

reality in its relation to man, depicting man, his spiritual world, and the relation between

individuals in their interaction with the world. They have profoundly communicative

functions and have cognitive and social substance. They’re kind of the same but also

different in their own ways. It’s more like they complement each other and that’s why

they are connected and can’t be separated.

2. Discuss the various purposes and functions of art in our society.

Art has a plethora of functions and purposes not only for ourselves but also in

our society and humanity. It could be in the form of literature, visual arts, graphic arts,
performing arts, music, architecture, etc. At its simplest, art is used as a form of

communication for useful dialog and expressing messages, information, advocacies

and emotions. In many cultures, art has ritualistic and symbolic functions and is widely

used in religion, spiritual or magical rituals, performances and dances as a decoration or

symbol of a god or other divine quality. Art also can be used to raise awareness for a

large variety of causes, for instance, art activities are aimed at raising awareness of

autism, cancer, human trafficking, and a variety of other topics. In addition, art is widely

used also for expression of imagination in non-grammatic ways, entertainment to bring

particular emotion and mood, commercialism in form of propaganda to subtly popular

conceptions, psychological purposes using art therapy and even political change.

Basically, art has various valuable purposes and functions in society which contains

cognitive, moral and social substance.

3. Explain the meaning of “And no wonder, for art is a powerful catalyst for such abilities

as power of imagination, keen intuition and the knack of association, abilities needed by

both scientists and philosophers.”

Indeed, art is an indispensable feature and a powerful catalyst that scientists and

philosophers needed and should possess. According to the instructional material, the

biographies of many scientists and philosophers indicate that the great minds, despite their

total dedication to research, were deeply interested in art and themselves wrote poetry and

novels, painted pictures, played musical instruments and molded sculpture. For instance,

Norbert Wiener, the founder of cybernetics, wrote novels while Darwin was deeply interested

in Shakespeare, Milton and Shelley. Art is an important concept for these two because the
great men of theory were by no means dry rationalists; they were gifted with an aesthetic

appreciation of the world. We find that its characteristic feature is the organic synthesis of

an artistic comprehension of the world with its philosophical and scientific perception. The

blending of scientific and philosophical aspects should be entwined with art to

fundamentally understand, perceive and describe the world around us which abound in

vividly expressed wisdom.

This blending of the philosophical and the artistic is inherent in all peoples, as can be seen

from their sayings, proverbs, aphorisms, tales and legends, which abound in vividly

expressed wisdom.

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