Effects of Today's Educational Shift in The Psychological Foundations of Education

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Effects of Today’s Educational Shift

in the Psychological Foundations of Education

Case Study
Presented to
Dr. Isaias Herel Cabanit
Cebu Technological University- Daanbantayan Campus

Presented by

Effects rippling from the Covid 19 emergency include changes in the personal,
psychological, social, and economic spheres (Jose Agusto Pocheco, 2020). The
pandemic has paved way to “new” normal, in which digitization enforces ways of
working and learning. It forces education further into technologization, a development
already well underway, fueled by commercialism and the reigning market ideology.
Digital technologies are the visible face of the immediate changes taking place in
society—the commercial society—and schools. Moving from physical face-to-face
presence to virtual contact (synchronous and asynchronous), the learning space
becomes disembodied, virtual not actual, impacting both student learning and the
organization of schools, which are no longer buildings but papers or websites. As the
Education 2030 Agenda (UNESCO 2015b) testified; preceding that was the Delors
Report (Delors 1996), which recoded education as lifelong learning that included
learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live together.
Psychological foundations of education too has been affected by this “new” normal, the
before focus of education which is student-centered has now become a subject-
centered, giving obstacles to learners in acquiring knowledge or information.

Educational psychology, as a scientific discipline, has a broad scope including

cognitive, behavioural, affective, and social aspects of learning and teaching. Hence, it
provides a rich intellectual tradition to help researchers, educators, and policymakers
develop a useful body of knowledge on schooling during this crisis. Given that such
crisis may be occurring more frequently, it seems necessary for educators and learners
alike to leverage on technologies to minimize the disruptive effects and to build capacity
for both on/offline teaching and learning. Education depends heavily upon psychology
because the king and amount of education that the learner acquires is conditioned by
his psychological traits such as general mental ability, aptitudes, temperament,
interests, effort-making capacity, physical condition, etc. Educational Psychology
studies the nature of a learner at various ages and the processes of growth and
development, difficulties between learner’s ability and school’s performance. The
following are the educational psychologist with their contribution and the educational
psychology theory that are relevant to this study.
Dewey and Carr
o Functionalism – Functionalist are interested in how organism makes its
adjustment to its environment, either it changes or makes adaptation to it.
o Behaviorism – Behaviorism considers the stimulus- response hypothesis as
its basic theory.
Types of Learners
 Visual Learners are characterized as the following:
1. They tend to be fast talkers.
2. They exhibit impatience and have a tendency to interrupt.
3. They use words and phrases that evoke visual images.
4. They learn by seeing and visualizing.
 Auditory Learners are characterized as the following:
1. They speak slowly and tend to be natural listeners.
2. They think in a linear manner.
3. They prefer to have things explained to them verbally rather than to read
written information.
4. They learn by listening and verbalizing.
 Read-write learners are characterized by the following:
1. They prefer for information to be displayed in writing, such as lists of
2. They emphasize text-based input and output.
3. They enjoy reading and writing in all forms.
 Kinesthetic learners are characterized by the following:
1. They tend to be the slowest talkers of all.
2. They tend to be slow to make decisions.
3. They use all their senses to engage in learning.
4. They learn by doing and solving real-life problems.
5. They like hands-on approaches to things and learn through trial and error.
As we are in a growing country, where we must meet the complex and diverse
demands of the society, we, educators must also produce globally competitive and
locally grounded Filipinos. But, with the constant changes of the world, education too
has been experiencing constant shifts of curriculum. Some of the factors of these
changes are the social, cultural, economical and political aspects that has been
challenged like psychological foundations of education. As an educator in this changing
time, we must know how to relate theory into practice and know our goals of teaching.
Based on a literature review (primarily of UNESCO and OECD publications and their
critics), the following question is posed: How can we assess the psychological needs of
the learners that are, as stated in the Introduction Paragraph 2, the bases of education?

Before conducting this study, I’ve read all the power point presentation given by
Dr. Isaias Cabanit that guided me on the data collection. First, I identified all the key
terms with their significant meaning. Second, I recalled and gathered some information
form my past experiences that shows the application of some theories of the
educational foundations. Factors influencing the use of theories like textbooks, new
normal learning modalities, and teachers and learners’ educational experiences during
pandemic were investigated. And, last, I gathered some of the responses of learners
and seasoned teachers about the efficiency, usefulness and effectiveness of the


This crisis has a significant impact on learning and teaching.  The pandemic has
a long reach and may also affect other crucial outcomes (e.g., loss of motivation,
disengagement from the school system, psychological well-being problems). Studies
have shown that well-being problems and other mental health problems have tripled
during the pandemic (Torales et al., 2020), and the deleterious effects of the pandemic
are likely to apply to students and teachers.

Since the problem stated in this study has greatly affected the quality of learners
produced. The following proposal are recommended:
1. Parents or guardians must work hand in hand with the teachers in follow up and
guiding the learners in catering the needs of the learners especially in answering
the modules. Parents must also have a heart-to-heart talk with their child so that
they may know their psychological needs and address it to the teachers to have
a better assessment on the needs of their child.
2. Teachers must do extra work in reaching out and assessing the needs of the
learners such as Home Visitation, constant follow ups through text or call, group
chats and facebook page. Teachers must be committed to fulfill its duty, to cater
the needs of the learners and to produce globally competitive and locally
grounded Filipinos.
3. School guidance counselor has had to adapt across all aspects of research,
training, and practice. As we remain in the consequences of the COVID-19
pandemic, assessment, intervention, consultation and other forms of service
delivery have begun to be adapted, and will likely look markedly different in the
foreseeable future.
4. Administrators and staff must provide resources needed by the faculty and staff
in assessing and attending the needs of the learners since its goal is to produce
quality graduates.
5. Government Officials should have a full support to the community by helping the
school and teachers in the adaptation of the Learning Delivery Mode (LDM).

With these proposals, the Department of Education together with the

Government Agencies and the HEIs School Administrators should examine well the
needs of their teachers in teaching their assigned subjects. Teachers wouldn’t be able
to achieve the Philippine Governments’ goal in giving a standardized and competence-
based education without the help of the School Administrators and DepEd. Sufficient,
well-written and well- assessed modules or Self Learning Home Tasks must be
provided in accordance to the requirements stated in the Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELC) given by the DepEd.

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