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Lesson 5 - Manipulating Text, Graphics and Images to create

ICT Content Intended for an Online Environment

Elsevier is a global information analytics business that helps
institutions and professionals advance healthcare, open science and
improve performance for the benefit of humanity. It’s homepage has brief
descriptions of the contents including chapter titles that I think is very
helpful for readers in finding the article of their choosing. They also
identify topics, sub topics and offer services and solutions. I can say that
their lay out is very welcoming and pleasant. The quality of the journals
from Elsevier are not the one causing negative reviews and national
boycotts but it’s allegedly because of Elsevier’s high prices.

Coursera provides universal access to the world's best education,
partnering with top universities and organizations to offer courses for
anyone to take, for free which is very enticing for students who have
financial difficulties. Their website can be easily accessed, you just have to
log in and give your personal info’s such as your name and email. Students
from coursera say that they have hassle free interactive classes. The
platform is clean, easy to navigate and not buggy.
Twitter is a real-time information network that connects you to the
latest stories, ideas, opinions and news about what you find interesting. It
is a simple tool to use. For some, twitter might seem difficult to use for
the first time but once you get used to how it works, you would find it
great and very helpful. As a teenager who also use this platform, I can say
that the sharing options and re-tweet features are very impressive. I think
it’s one of the best social media option if you want to voice out your
opinion on different issues going on or you just simply want to share
about yourself. Yet a little suggestion won’t hurt. I hope that it develops
more options to better interact with people just like facebook has options
to add different emoji’s to posts.

Apple is one of the largest multinational technologies company in
the world. For something as famous as this company, you can’t really
expect Apple to have a futile and unpleasant website rather you’d expect
something well designed and responsive. The homepage is welcoming,
simple and clean enabling the brand and it’s products to be the main
focus.The whole site’s design definitely has a modern and professional ambiance
since it has neutral colors, minimalist icons and the lightweight sans serif typeface
to attract customers since the main purpose of their website is to sell and
advertise their products.

Craigslist is one of the most popular websites ever created yet many
people criticizes it for it’s 10-years-out-of-date design. I have seen many
websites and I can say that this is the simpliest one. It is lucid yet well
organized. This very basic platform design shares a huge part of
Craigslist’s branding as it also helps in making the website memorable and
instantly recognizable. The color scheme is a mix of plain blue and white.
Over the years, Craigslist has bucked design trends and maintained it’s
bare-boned approach. Though some people question craigslist’s
credibility, it is safe if you use it wisely. One should be cautious in making
deals with people through craigslist.

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