Mathematics in Modern World - Patterns

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Directions: Do the following exercises using Microsoft Word or Google Docs format for A-D. You can
use combination of the different applications for Part E.

A. Patterns in Nature and the World

1. Give five examples each of nature having reflection symmetry and radial



2. Compare
and contrast a) rotation and reflection b) translation and rotation
a. Rotation is when a shape or pattern can be rotated or turned around a
central point, and remains the same. It may be stated that a shape or
pattern has a rotational symmetry of order x; this means that the shape
can be turned around a central point and remains the same x times. While
reflection is when a shape or pattern is reflected in a line of symmetry or a
mirror line. The reflected shape or pattern will be exactly the same as
original, the same distance from the mirror line and the same size.
b. Translation simply moves the graph or pre-image without changing the
size or spinning he image, without any rotation or reflection. On the other
hand, rotation spins the pre-image around a central or fixed point.

3. Which capital letters of the English alphabet look the same after being rotated
900? 1800?
90 degrees - O, X
180 degrees – H, I, N, O, S, X, Z
B. Fibonacci Sequence:
1) Enumerate the first twenty Fibonacci numbers
(starting 0) = 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597,2584,4181
(starting 1) = 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597,2584,4181,6765

2) Starting with the first Fibonacci number, F1 = 1 and the second Fibonacci number, F2 = 2, what
is the 25th Fibonacci number, F25?
1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597,2584,4181,6765,10946,17711, 28657,
46368, 75025,121,393;
Thus, the F25 is 121,393.

3) Use F40 = 63245986 and F38 = 39088169 to find the value of F39. Show how you got the answer.

4) Find the nth Fibonacci number using the Binet formula

a. n=16
𝑛 𝑛
(1+ 5) −(1− 5)
𝐹𝑛 = 𝑛
2 5
16 16
(1+ 5) −(1− 5)
𝐹16 = 16
2 5

𝐹16 = 987

b. n=21
𝑛 𝑛
(1+ 5) −(1− 5)
𝐹𝑛 = 𝑛
2 5
21 21
(1+ 5) −(1− 5)
𝐹21 = 21
2 5

𝐹21 = 10, 946

c. n=27
𝑛 𝑛
(1+ 5) −(1− 5)
𝐹𝑛 = 𝑛
2 5
27 27
(1+ 5) −(1− 5)
𝐹27 = 27
2 5

𝐹27 = 196, 418

5) Using only the values of F3,F4,F5,F6 and F7, prove the equation
F20 = F10F11 + F9F10
F3=2, F4=3, F5=5, F6=8 and F7=13
(1+ 5)
Golden Ratio : 2
= 1.618

Using F7=13 to get the value of F9

F9=F7 (1+2 5) (7+2=9, so we are going to multiply it to the golden ratio two times)
(1+ 5)
F9=13 2


Using F6=8 to get the value of F10

F10=F6 (1+2 5) (6+4=10,so we are going to multiply it to the golden ratio four times)
(1+ 5)
F10=8 2


Using F5=5 to get the value of F11

F11=F5 (1+2 5) (5+6=11, so we are going to multiply it to the golden ratio six times)
(1+ 5)
F11=5 2


Using the values F9=34, F10=55, and F11=89 Using Binet Formula to get the value of
F20=F10F11 + F9F10 F20
F20=(55)(89) + (34)(55)
𝑛 𝑛

(1+ 5) −(1− 5)
𝐹𝑛 = 𝑛
2 5
20 20
(1+ 5) −(1− 5)
𝐹20 = 20
2 5
𝐹21 = 6765

6) Do some research on the Internet to find out more about Fibonacci numbers. What other real
life examples make us of Fibonacci sequence?
*petals in flowers (1 petal- white calla lily; 3 petals-lily, iris; 5 petals-buttercup, wild rose,
columbine; 8 petals-delphiniums; 13 petals- corn, marigold)
*Fibonacci numbers also found in the arrangement of seeds in flower heads, 55 spirals spiraling
outward and 34 spirals spiraling inwards in most daisy and sunflower)
*Fibonacci numbers can also be found in pineapples and bananas. Bananas have 3 or 5 flat
sides, and pineapple scales have Fibonacci spirals in sets of 8, 13 and 21.
*Fibonacci spiral can also be seen in snails, sea shells, waves, combination of colors and roses.

⮚ List three interesting properties of the Fibonacci numbers

● Each number in Fibonacci sequence is the sum of two preceding ones, which is
1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21……. Therefore, 1 plus 1 equals 2, 1 plus 2 equals 3 and so on.
● Fibonacci numbers are hovering around phi or the golden ratio, an irrational number that
is approximately 1.618033987. The ratio of successive numbers never reaches the
golden ratio except 2 and 1, the rest comes closer to it toward the infinite.
● Fibonacci sequence is symmetrical. If we add the first number with the 13th , the second
with the 14th and so on we’ll get constantly the number 9.

⮚ Write a report about Leonardo Fibonacci

Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci (1170-1250), also known as Leonard of Pisa, was an Italian
number theorist and mathematician; developed the Fibonacci sequence and Fibonacci
numbers. He introduced to the world the wide-ranging mathematical concepts as what is now
known as the Arabic numbering system, the concept of square roots, number sequencing, and
even math-word problems.
Fibonacci was considered to be one of the most talented mathematician of the Middle
Ages. Few people realized that it was Fibonacci that gave the world the decimal number system
(Hindu-Arabic numbering system), which replaced Roman Numeral system. When he was
studying in mathematics, he used the Hindu-Arabic (0-9) symbols instead of Roman symbols,
which didn’t have zeros and lacked place value. In fact, when using the Roman numeral system,
an abacus was usually required. There is no doubt that Fibonacci saw the superiority of using
Hindu-Arabic system over Roman numerals.
Leonarddo Pisano Fibonacci published his works Liber Abaci (The Books of Calculation)
1202 and 1228; Practica Geometriae (The Practice of Geometry) 1220; and Liber Quadratum
(The Books of square Number) 1225. The Republic of Pisaalso honored Fibonacci in 1240 for
advising the city and its citizen on accounting issues.
He is known for his notable quote,” If by chance, I have omitted anything more or less
proper or necessary, I beg forgiveness, since there is no one who is without fault and
circumspect in all matters”.

C. For each of the figures below, classify the frieze patterns based on Conway’s classification.
1) Hop

2) Spinning Hop
3) Jump

4) Step

5) Sidle

D. Discuss the differences and/or similarities of the two symmetric patterns- frieze and wallpaper patterns.
A frieze pattern is a pattern that repeats in a straight vertical or horizontal line. It is a group of
isometries which are translation, rotation and reflection that keep a given straight line invariant and that
include translation along the line. Frieze patterns are classified into seven types which are hop, step,
sidle, spinning hop, spinning jump, jump, and spinning sidle. Frieze patterns are found in architecture,
fabrics, and wallpaper border just to name a few. On the other hand, wallpaper pattern is a plane with
pattern which has more than one direction of translation symmetry. It is a pattern which covers the
entire plane and can be produced by repeatedly applying isometric transformations to a finite motif.
Wallpaper patterns are classified into 17 types which are p1, p2, pm, pg, cm, pmm, pmg, cmm, p4,
p4m, p4g, pgg, p3, p31m, p3m1, p6 and p6m. Such patterns frequently occur in architecture, and
decorative arts especially in textiles and tiles as well as wallpapers.


Look for patterns Inside or outside of your house then take pictures of the patterns explored using
smart phones or digital camera. Explore, take photos, make list and identify what patterns can be seen in
nature inside your house, at the garden or park nearby or any part of the neighborhood. Showcase your
drawing skills by creating original paintings or pictures, poster, photo collage or vlogs of the different patterns in
nature, Fibonacci, golden ratio or the like that you have encountered on your walk. Be ready to share your
portfolio using any applications.

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