Board Resolution

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of ________________. held at the Conference Room on _______________, 2021 at

_____________________________________ _______________



1. _________________ – President/Chairman
2. __________________ – Executive Vice President/Treasurer
3. ____________________– VP for operations/Director
4. ___________________- VP for External Affairs/Director
5. _____________________ – Corporate Secretary

The meeting was called to order by the Chairman/President, _____________________ presided

over the same, after the Corporate Secretary, ________________________ informed the Board
that a quorum was present.

The Chairman informed the Board of the necessity of opening of separate deposit bank account(s)
with _____________________ for the _________________________. After a brief deliberation,
and upon motion duly seconded, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted, passed and

“RESOLVED, that bank account (s) be opened in _____________________, in the name

and for the use of this Corporation, that all moneys, checks, or other funds of this corporation be
deposited in said ___________________________ Branch and that until otherwise ordered, said
bank be and it is hereby authorized to make payments from the funds of this corporation on
deposit with it upon and according to the check of this corporation, or allow withdrawal of funds
therefrom in case of savings accounts by way of withdrawal slips, in either case signed by any one
(1) of the following:

Name Position Signature

________________ President/Chairman _____________

________________ Executive Vice President/Treasurer _____________

that said bank is authorized to receive for deposit or collection any items purporting to be endorsed
in the name of the corporation, that all such checks, draft, notes, or either negotiable papers
endorsed to or signed by this corporation, as aforesaid, including checks drawn to cash or bearer or
to the individual order of any officer of this corporation, shall be honored and paid by said bank
without inquiry as to wether the same be drawn or required for this corporation’s business or
benefit, and all such such payments shall be charged to the corporation’s account; that the above-
mentioned signatories be authorized as authority is hereby given to designate or further authorize a
representative to receive the proceeds of funds withdrawn from the corporation’s account; hereby
ratifying and approving all that said bank may do or cause to be done by virtue hereof;

“RESOLVED, further that any one (1) of the following:

Name Position Signature

________________ President/Chairman _____________

________________ Executive Vice President/Treasurer _____________

be authorized, as authority is hereby given to deposit, withdraw, endorse or negotiate checks, to

renew, roll-over, amend, revise, convert or substitute, as may be necessary and/or applicable, the
above-mentioned deposits, placements, investments, banking/treasury transactions and other
banking services, obtained from _________________________________.
“RESOLVED, further that said signatories be authorized, as authority is hereby given, to
execute, sign and deliver any and all such agreements, contracts and other documents as are or
may be necessary to implement the foregoing authorities;

“FINALLY RESOLVED, that the foregoing resolutions shall continue and remain in full
force and effect until repealed and/or amended by subsequent resolutions of the Board of Directors
and appropriate copies thereof served upon and received by

It is hereby warranted that the above Board Resolutions are consistent and in accordance
with the corporation’s Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws and Policies and the specimen
signatures are authentic and belong to the designated signatories

APPROVED AND SIGNED by undersigned members of the Board of Trustees, this _______ day
of _______________, 2021 ___________________________.

_________________ _______________________
Chairman/President Treasurer/Exec. Vice President

_________________ _____________________
Director Director

__________________ _______________________
Director Corporate Secretary

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____ day of _______, 2021 in the ________________
by the above-named persons who exhibited to me their Community Tax Certificates/Senior Citizen No. as



Doc. No. _______;

Page No. _______;
Book No. _______:
Series of 2021:

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