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Hasil Perhitungan Variabel

Tahun Kode X1 X2 Y

DLTA 0.158066618 0 1.187918163

ICBP 0.108266252 1 0.610438102
INDF 0.390379331 1 0.755987551
MLBI 2.255428167 0 0.109767394
2020 MYOR 0.259585284 0 0.976298098
PSDN 0.599121423 0 2.838736177
ROTI 0.635582073 0 0.817465631
SKBM 4.546886371 0 1.189025966
ULTJ 1.133478495 1 1.083863991
DLTA 0.406359127 0 0.581987267
ICBP 0.189800005 1 3.816713329
INDF 1.451681154 0 3.772850369
MLBI 1.793000227 0 1.589222858
2019 MYOR 1.954942362 0 1.342861474
PSDN 0.334736624 0 2.020106543
ROTI 0.100581796 0 0.443555205
SKBM 0.236651338 0 154.500209
ULTJ 0.527270762 1 1.763516648
DLTA 0.239885403 0 1.215658849
ICBP 0.948644146 1 202.849819
INDF 1.808564818 1 1.256050724
MLBI 1.141302891 0 0.965521029
2018 MYOR 0.559821709 0 0.646811674
PSDN 0.939691622 0 1.460588178
ROTI 0.413635787 0 170.970789
SKBM 0.207865989 0 1.114576837
ULTJ 111.409767 1 1.754649053
DLTA 0.54147619 0 1.257004184
ICBP 1.994892853 1 0.975777017
INDF 0.453356296 1 0.637943782
MLBI 2.693925114 0 1.524841286
2017 MYOR 0.510470453 0 1.911271461
PSDN 0.922415043 0 0.587816576
ROTI 1.321989795 0 0.782150276
SKBM 0.222099416 0 1.059384255
ULTJ 0.620843855 1 0.967333249
2016 DLTA 1.129594934 0 1.296776752

ICBP 1.740910396 1 1.415465657

INDF 1.183617902 1 0.436173853
MLBI 1.277024864 0 0.737583988
MYOR 1.221773191 0 0.810291609
PSDN 1.480262893 0 176.958479
ROTI 0.902805391 0 106.018342
SKBM 0.265411512 0 0.587602772
ULTJ 0.670847323 1 0.786770921
Sumber: Data Diolah, 2021

Hasil Pengolahan SPSS

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
X1 45 ,08 4,55 ,6779 ,63952

X2 45 ,00 1,00 ,0690 ,25413

Y 45 ,19 ,42 ,2749 ,05474

Valid N


Variables Entered/Removeda

Model Variables Entered Variables Method


1 X2, X1b . Enter

a. Dependent Variable: Y
b. All requested variables entered.

Adjusted R Std. Error of the Durbin-

Model R R Square Square Estimate Watson
1 ,573a ,328 ,285 ,40182 1.873

Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity Statistics

Coefficients Coefficients
Std. Toler ance

B Error Beta VIF

Model t Sig.
1 (Constant) ,303 ,040 7,502 ,000

X1 ,034 ,020 ,152 2,683 ,015 ,978 1,022

X2 ,008 ,039 ,018 ,196 ,845 ,994 1,006


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