Mrs. Potato Head Physical Self

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Maria Leonora Teresa


ASSESSMENT 6. Listen to “Mrs. Potato Head” by Melanie Marquez.

1. Explain what message she is sending in her music.

The song Ms. Potato Head by Melanie Martinez is about the struggle of beauty in
the modern world. It depicts that the society indeed creates unified standards for beauty
where everyone were pressured to fit in. This song shows that beauty is indeed with us
and we should not change ourselves physically just to be loved and be fit in the unreal
standards of the society. You shouldn't change yourself no matter what people say
because you are beautiful. Do not be deceived by the beauty standard in the society
because the real beautiful sees beauty in herself/himself.

2. Discuss what lines that struck you the most.

"No one will love you if you're unattractive". These lyrics struck me the most for
these are the words that makes everyone self-worth be doomed. Everyone wanted to
be loved and do whatever it takes just to be. These words are the society's sword to
tear you apart from being beautiful. Tearing you so that you will be manipulated and join
the unreal standard they made. These words are wrong because as you love yourself,
you are more than attractive. "No one will love you" is wrong because you are there to
love yourself. You don't need validation from others because you are born beautiful and
should continue seek beauty in you.

Lesson 6: Physical Self


1. In your own perspective define what is beauty.

Beauty has become an enormous topic which different descriptions, views, and
perceptions have been changed overtime. But of all those descriptions, I define beauty
as a matter of choice. Beauty is a choice. Beauty has no standard for it has no definite
template for beauty as beauty comes in all aspect. Beauty is everywhere and it is your
choice when, where, and how you will unleash the natural beauty you have. Beauty
comes naturally if choose to be yourself and neglect the criteria that the society built.
Beauty is not manufactured by unified perception, thus, a result of choosing to be
2. Give at least 2 persons in your life whom you consider beautiful and explain what
makes them beautiful.
One woman I consider beautiful is my mother. She is beautiful not because she
is my mom but because of all her experiences and sacrifices as beauty is the
accumulation of life experiences and it is an on-going process. My mom is beautiful
because she is herself no matter how many times the world turn its back on her.
Another is my former adviser Ms. Janice Mallari, she is beautiful because of who she is.
The beauty of her not only comes from within but as well on the outside and how she
acts. She utilizes her beauty to influence others and be a vessel of learnings to her
student and I guess that is what makes her beautiful.

3. Which part of your body do you consider beautiful, explain why?

I consider every inch of my body beautiful but above all, my eyes are at peak. My
eyes are beautiful for it serves in many aspects not only to give me sight. It is a door to
my soul, it reflects the truth within me that my body cannot show and the eyebag
beneath signifies the hardwork i had throughout. My eyes are beautiful because it truly
shows who I am.

4. I am Beautiful or Handsome because...

I am beautiful because I chose to be one. Regardless of the criteria set by the
society, I am beautiful because I am me, a flawed and imperfect woman with a heart. :)

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