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April 2018

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All right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

distributed, transmitted in any form or by any means without permission
from Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN).

ISBN 978-983-44456-7-6

Publish by:
Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN)
Prima Avenue 7, Block 3510
Jalan Teknokrat 6
63000, Cyberjaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Uniform Technical Guidelines

Page No.







B.1.1 Factors of Importance in Planning Water Supply 14
B.1.2 Application for Planning Permission 14
B.1.2.1 Service Reservoirs, Cisterns and Pumping Stations 16
B.1.2.2 Land Reserves 17
B.1.2.3 Additional Information 19
B.1.3 Application for Source of Water Supply 19
B.2.1 Submission Criteria 20
B.2.1.1 External Reticulation Network 20
B.2.1.2 Service Reservoirs, Pump Stations and Suction
Cisterns 21

Uniform Technical Guidelines


B.3.1 General and Particular Submissions 22
B.3.2 External Reticulation Networks 24
B.3.3 Service Reservoirs and Suction Cisterns 24
B.3.4 Supply Mains 25
B.3.5 Pumping Stations 25
B.3.6 Geotechnical Submissions Pertaining to Service
Reservoirs and Pumping Stations 26
B.4.1 External Reticulation Network and Supply Mains 27
B.4.2 Service Reservoirs 36
B.4.3 Pumping Stations 41
B.4.4 Geotechnical Considerations 43
B.4.5 Communication Pipes 46
B.4.6 Materials 47


C.1.1 Rules and Regulations 50
C.3.1 General 51
C.3.2 Pipes and Valves 52
C.3.3 Storage Cistern within Consumer Premises 55
C.3.4 Supply Pressure 59
C.3.5 Pumping System 60
C.3.6 Hot Water System 62
C.3.7 Public Swimming Pools 63
C.4.1 Prevention of Backflow 64
C.4.2 Cleaning and Maintenance of Water Storage Cisterns 64
C.4.3 Disinfection of Storage Tanks and Distribution Pipes 65
C.5.1 Water Conservation Measures 65

Uniform Technical Guidelines

C.5.2 Use of Non-Potable Water 65

C.6.1 Certification During Construction 66
C.6.2 Certification of Completion 66
C.6.3 Record Drawings and Calculations 66


D.1.1 General 72
D.2.1 First Stage (Design Stage Before Tender Award) 73
D.2.2 Second Stage (During Approval Stage of Equipment) 74
D.4.1 Duties and Selection 76
D.4.2 Horizontal Split Casing Pumps 77
D.4.3 End Suction Pumps 77
D.4.4 Vibration Isolation Material 78
D.4.5 Bolt and Nuts 78
D.9.1 Sluice Valves 81
D.9.2 Butterfly Valves 81
D.9.3 Non-slam Type Check Valves 81
D.9.4 Altitude Valves 82

Uniform Technical Guidelines




F.3.1 General 103
F.3.2 Outstations 103
F.3.3 Remote Terminal Units 104
F.3.4 GPRS/GSM Modem 105
F.5.1 Introduction 105
F.5.2 Suction tanks 105
F.5.3 Pumping Stations 106
F.5.4 Reservoirs 107

Uniform Technical Guidelines

F.5.5 Testing and Commissioning 108

F.5.6 Spare Parts 108


G.1.1 General 110
G.5.1 General 112
G.5.2 Markings for Meter/Sub-Meter Stands 113


H.1.1 General 116
H.1.2 Technical Consideration 117
H.1.3 Drainage Consideration 117
H.1.4 Shoring 118
H.2.1 Inspection 119
H.2.2 Hydrostatic Test 120
H.2.3 Flushing and Disinfection 121


I.1.1 Handing Over Steps 125
I.2.1 General 126
I.2.2 The Contents and Requirements of Documentation 127
I.2.3 Tools, Appliances and Test Equipment 129

Uniform Technical Guidelines

I.2.4 Operations and Maintenance Training Program 129





Uniform Technical Guidelines

Page No.

Table A.1 : Classification on Risk of Landslide on Hillside

Development 5
Table B.1 : Tabulation of Water Demand Rate for Planning of
External Water Reticulation System 15
Table B.2 : Minimum site dimensions for the combination of
suction cistern, pumping station and service reservoir 17
Table B.3 : Minimum site dimension for construction of suction
cistern and pumping station 18
Table B.4 : Minimum site dimensions for service reservoir
(square footprint) 18
Table B.5 : Minimum site dimensions for service reservoir
(circular footprint) 19
Table B.6.1 : Materials for supply mains (without tapping) 30
Table B.6.2 : Materials for pumping mains 30
Table B.6.3 : Materials for external reticulation pipelines 31
Table B.7 : Hazen- William Coefficient C for Various Pipe Materials 33
Table B.8 : Scour Valve Sizes 34
Table B.9 : External Reticulation System Air Valve Sizes 34
Table B.10 : Number of Water Sampling Stations Required within an
External Reticulation System 35
Table B.11 : Storm drainage system design requirements 40
Table B.12 : Premix road pavement structures 40

Table C.1 : Pipe Materials for Plumbing Systems 53

Table C.2 : Complying Standards of Pipes used in Internal
Plumbing System 53
Table C.3 : Complying Standards for Valves 54
Table C.4 : Minimum Storage Capacities for Hospitals, Airport
and Particular Industry 55
Table C.5 : Minimum Storage Capacities for Residential / Shop
Premises 55
Table C.6 : Minimum Storage Capacities for other Types of Buildings 56
Table C.7 : Estimation of Water Demand based on Types of Fittings 56
Table C.8 : Pipe Lagging Requirement 63

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Table D.1 : Design Criteria for Pump Sets 75

Table E.1 : Class Definition for Electrical Motors 95

Table E.2 : Illumination Level 96
Table E.2 : Type of Light Fitting 97

Table G.1 : Criteria for selection of water meters 111

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Page No.

Figure F.1 : Water Supply Facilities Addressed by the Uniform

Technical Guidelines (UTG) xvi
Figure F.2 : Typical External Reticulation System for a Single
Development Area xvii
Figure F.3 : The Scope of Water Fittings Addressed by the Uniform
Technical Guidelines (UTG) xviii

Figure B.1 : Typical Details of Slope Drainage 40

Figure C.1 : Schematic Diagram of Water Supply Plumbing System

for Typical Landed Residential Premises 67
Figure C.2 : Schematic Diagram of Water Supply Plumbing System
for Large Hotels 68
Figure C.3 : Typical Details of a Storage Cistern 69

Figure H.1 : Typical sheet pile shoring detail with steel struts and
water beams 119

Uniform Technical Guidelines


ABS Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene

AC Alternating Current
ACB Air Circuit Breaker
AMR Automatic Meter Reading
ARI Annual Rainfall Intensity
AWA Aluminium Wire Armoured
BEM Board of Engineers Malaysia
BOMBA Jabatan Bomba Dan Penyelamat Malaysia
BS British Standards
BSI British Standards Institution
BWL Bottom Water Level
CA Certifying Agency
CCF Capital Contribution Fund
CIRIA Construction Industry Research and Information Association
COC Certificate of Compliance
CP Code of Practice
CPVC Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride
CT Current Transformers
DB Distribution Board
DC Direct Current
DCA Department of Civil Aviation
DE De-energized
DLP Defect Liability Period
DMZ District Meter Zone
DO Development Order
DOE Department of Environment
DOL Direct on line
DOSH Department of Occupational Safety and Health
EC Energy Commission
ELCB Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
ELR Earth Leakage Relay
FAC Free Available Chlorine
FL Facilities Licensee
FRP Fibre Reinforced Plastic
g Gram
G.I. Galvanized Iron
GPRS General Packet Radio Services
GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
HDPE High-Density Polyethylene Pipe
HGL Hydraulic grade line
HL Head Loss
hr Hour
HRC High Rapture Capacity (Fuse)
HSL Highest Supply Level
HT High Tension (11 kV)
HV High Voltage
HWC Hazen William Coefficient
Hz Hertz
ID Internal Diameter
IDMT Inverse Definite Minimum Time
IEC International Electrochemical Commission

Uniform Technical Guidelines

IEE Institute of Electrical Engineers, UK

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEM Institution of Engineers Malaysia
IES Illuminating Engineering Society (of North America)
IP Ingress Protection
ISO International Organization of Standardization
JAS Jabatan Alam Sekitar
JKKP Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan
kA Kilo ampere
l Litre
LED Light Emitted Diode
LPU Light Protecting Unit
LV Low-Voltage
m Meter
mA Milliampere
M&E Mechanical and Electrical
MCB Miniature Circuit Breaker
MCCB Moulded Case Circuit Breaker
MV Medium Voltage
Mld Million Litres per Day
mm Millimeter
mm2 Square Millimeter
MMi Man-Machine Interface or User Interface
MS Malaysian Standards
MSB Main Switchboard
m2 Square meter
m3 Cubic meter
NPSH Net Positive Suction Head
O&M Operation and Maintenance
ODL Ordinance Datum Level
PE Professional Engineer
PL Plug in – Light Bulb
PLC Program Logic Controller
PP-R Polypropylene Random Copolymer
PRV Pressure Reducing Valve
PT Potential Transformers
PVC Polyvinylchloride
RBE Report By-Exception
RC Reinforced Concrete
RCCB Residual Current Circuit Breaker
RCD Residual Current Device
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SL Service License
SMS Short Messaging System
SON Sodium (for types of lamps)
SPAN Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara
SSB Sub-Switchboard
ST Suruhanjaya Tenaga
SWA Steel Wire Armoured
SWL Safe Working Load
TM Telekom Malaysia Berhad
TNB Tenaga Nasional Berhad
TWL Top Water Level

Uniform Technical Guidelines

UPVC Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride

UTG Uniformed Technical Guidelines
VCB Vacuum Circuit Breaker
VSD Variable Speed Drive
WC Water Closet
WDL Water Distribution Licensee
XLPE Cross-Link Polyethylene

Uniform Technical Guidelines


Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (or the Commission) is desirous that uniform
technical guidelines be prepared to streamline the planning and design of water distribution
system encompassing supply mains, pump stations, service reservoirs, external
reticulation systems and water fittings (internal plumbing systems) throughout the States of
Peninsular Malaysia, and the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya.
The intention being to standardize the implementation of these water distribution facilities
by developers, consultants, contractors, plumbers and Water Distribution Licensees
(WDL). The concept of standardization does not preclude deviations from the norm to suit
particular circumstances that may arise at a localized level. However, any significant
departures from the standard criteria stated in this manual shall be justified, and deviations
shall not lead to imposing adverse technical or financial implications on the WDL,
developer or consumer.

The standardization of technical guidelines shall promote expedient approvals of water

distribution plans and designs; lead to more consistent development of water distribution
facilities exhibiting sustainability, robustness, durability and energy efficiencies; and enable
more effective operation and maintenance of built facilities by the WDLs.

These Uniform Technical Guidelines (UTG) shall apply particularly to specific components
of a total water supply value chain as highlighted in Figure F.1. In this regard the Uniform
Technical Guidelines (UTG) establishes the general planning and design principles that
should be applied in the development of new external reticulation (distribution) systems,
inclusive of metering, control, monitoring and surveillance facilities (Refer to Figure F.2).
The specific components of the water distribution system include suction tanks, pumping
stations, pumping mains, rising mains and falling mains (gravity mains), service reservoirs,
supply mains, external reticulation network systems, sampling stations, district meters,
valves, off-take ferrules/tee connections, communication pipes, bulk meters, sub-meters,
service pipes, internal storage tanks, distribution pipes, flow control valves and particular
fittings and appliances located within buildings. The water supply system encompassing
the above components shall convey and distribute potable water to various categories of
end users including residential, commercial, institutional, industrial and social and religious

The standards and design parameters quoted in this document are meant to guide
developers, competent persons, qualified persons and planners to prepare and submit
technically acceptable plans and designs to the Commission. Nevertheless this Document,
and its contents, do not relieve any person or entity of their responsibilities to exercise
professional judgment, and apply sound engineering principles in the design, execution
and completion of water distribution systems so as to meet Malaysian Codes of Practices
and Standards. International Standards and Code of Practices may be adopted in the
absence of equivalent Malaysian Standards.

The planning and design criteria, and operational responsibilities, pertaining to water
fittings (or internal plumbing systems) associated with landed residential premises and
multi-storey buildings are also addressed by these UTG. The scope of coverage in this
case is depicted in Figure F.3.

The standards, criteria and parameters specified in the Uniform Technical Guidelines are
subject to change or revision as deemed fit by the Commission. All planning and design
efforts shall also conform with the general and particular provisions, and conditions,

Uniform Technical Guidelines

specified in the Water Services Industry Act of 2006, and the Water Services Industry
(Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014. Planners, competent persons and
permit holders are required to refer to these two publications when planning, designing and
implementing water distribution systems.

This Uniform Technical Guideline is structured into Nine (9) parts, and three (3)
Appendices, viz:
















These Uniform Technical Guidelines are applicable for water supply distribution systems
operated by either an Individual or Class Licensee. However, these Guidelines do not
address all aspects pertaining to water distribution for fire fighting purposes; except for
hydrants installed on a public main.

Competent and qualified persons, planners, developers, water distribution licensees and
permit holders should make reference to these Uniform Technical Guidelines for the
preparation of plans and designs, and execution of construction works, related to water
supply distribution systems defined in Figure F.1 with the specific aim of delivering potable
water to individual consumers at reliable, safe, efficient and sustainable levels.

Any person who is not clear on the general intent and specifications of this UTG may
contact the Commission for clarification.

Uniform Technical Guidelines











Uniform Technical Guidelines


Uniform Technical Guidelines

Part A:
Uniform Technical Guidelines



Part A identifies, inter-alia, the particular responsibilities of developers and water

distribution licensees (WDL) in implementing water distribution facilities; describes
procedures for applying and obtaining approvals for design, construction and
handing over of water distribution facilities to the WDL; identifies persons who are
eligible to submit applications for approval of water distribution plans and designs,
and to seek permission from the WDL to carry out the testing and commissioning of
distribution system components, as well as to take over built systems; and identifies
charges payable for submitting particular applications to the WDL. Pertinent terms
expressed in the UTG are defined in this Part.


In accordance with Part III (Rules 6, 29 and 30) of the Water Services Industry
(Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014, the developer of any
development area shall be responsible for the planning, design, construction,
installation, testing and commissioning, and handing over, of all parts of an external
reticulation system; as well as supply mains and associated pumping systems,
which are required to connect a development area to an existing public main
identified by the WDL as a source of water supply for the development. The
developer shall undertake such duties and responsibilities in accordance with the
Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014, the Water
Services Industry (Water Services Deposits, fees and Charges) Regulations 2014
and these Uniform Technical Guidelines.

Nevertheless the Water Distribution Licensee (WDL) may, in accordance with Rule
7 of the Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules
2014, notify a developer of their decision to implement a supply main and
centralized service reservoir to provide water to the developer’s development area.
If so notified, the developer shall no longer be responsible for the construction of a
supply main and service reservoir serving their development area. The WDL shall in
this case recover the cost of implementing the supply main and centralized service
reservoir from the developer through imposition of an additional Capital Contribution
Fee as specified in the Water Services Industry (Water Services Deposits, Fees
and Charges) Regulation 2014.

A developer shall consult the WDL as to which party shall be responsible for
implementing the supply main and the service reservoir prior to submitting his
application to the State Authority for a planning permission (PP) to implement his
proposed development.

In either case, the approval of the Commission is required for all planning and
design submissions before any construction work may commence. Construction
works must commence within two (2) years of issuance of the Commission’s
approval of design submissions, or otherwise fresh applications need to be
resubmitted for the same scope of works.

Uniform Technical Guidelines



The principal procedural steps which Developers / Owners of premises need to be

conversant with for the successful and expedient implementation of water supply
distribution systems for individual developments, or for individual buildings, are
summarized as follows and further elaborated in Appendix B:

Stage 1 : Allocation of Reserves for Water Supply Facilities

WDLs shall be consulted on whether a centralized service reservoir

and common supply mains shall be provided by the latter, or whether
dedicated facilities have to be built by a developer / owner, to serve a
proposed development. Land area reserves for siting of water supply
facilities shall be incorporated in submission plans to the Local
Authority as part of the process for the application of a Planning
Permission (PP). The UTG provides specific criteria to assist in the
estimation of daily water demand rates, and thereby assist in
determining the functional capacity of specific facilities. Such
information shall assist in determining areal requirements for siting of
specific facilities (Refer to Table B.1 and Section B.1.2.2 of the UTG).

Stage 2 : Application for Water Supply Source

On issuance of a Planning Permission (PP) by the Local Authority,

developers may proceed to apply for an external source of public water
supplies from the WDL.

In the case of individual premise owners, a competent person is

engaged to prepare a communication pipe and tapping point plan for
submission to the WDL; which shall also represent a formal application
for tapping water supplies from the nearest public main.

Stage 3 : Submission of Conceptual and Detailed Design Proposals

Upon confirmation of a water supply source, conceptual and detailed

designs pertaining to supply mains (if required), external reticulation
systems, on-site suction cisterns, pump stations, and service reservoirs
(if required), shall be prepared by a competent person engaged by a
developer. All designs shall conform to minimum standards specified
under the Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and
Plumbing) Rules 2014, and to design criteria standards and guidelines
specified in this Uniform Technical Guidelines (UTG). All designs shall
be submitted to the Certifying Agency for approval, together with the
prescribed Deposits, Fees and Charges [Refer to Water Services
Industry (Water Services Deposits, Fees and Charges)
Regulations 2014].

In the case of internal plumbing systems, a competent person shall be

engaged by the Premise Owner to undertake the detailed design of an
internal plumbing system; all such designs shall conform with the
minimum standards specified under the Water Service Industry
(Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014, and with the design
criteria and guidelines specified in these Uniform Technical Guidelines.
The competent person shall be fully accountable for the proper design

Uniform Technical Guidelines

of internal plumbing systems (or water fittings) downstream of the

meter point in accordance with the Uniform Building By-Law’s self
regulation process. A copy of the general plans and specifications shall
be lodged with the Commission and Local Authority for information
purposes only.

In addition the Developer / Owner shall pay to the WDL the first
installment (10%) of a Capital Contribution Charge determined in
accordance with Regulation 16(2)(a) of the Water Services Industry
(Water Services Deposits, Fees and Charges) Regulations 2014.

Stage 4 : Construction of Facilities

Upon obtaining design approvals from the Certifying Agency for

external reticulation systems, suction tanks , pump stations and supply
mains (if required), developers can proceed to engage a Permit Holder
to carry out the construction of their water distribution facilities.

In the case of internal plumbing systems, once the plans, designs and
specifications have been lodged by the competent person with the
Commission for information only, with a copy extended to the Local
Authority, construction activities may commence.

Stage 5 : Handing Over / Taking Over of Built Facilities and Systems

On successful commissioning of the external reticulation system, on-

site suction cisterns, pumping stations, supply mains and service
reservoirs (if required), and after that all relevant information and
documentation related to the transfer of land areas on which water
supply facilities are built to the State Authority has been completed by
the Developer and submitted to WDL. Nevertheless the Developer is
committed to rectify all defects over a two year period.

As for plumbing systems, the premise owner takes over the care and
operation and maintenance of plumbing systems once the competent
person and the permit holder jointly certify the successful construction
and commissioning of the works according to forms G5 (Staged
Certification: Internal Plumbing of CCC system) .


Developers, or individual premise owners, shall engage the following persons to,
inter-alia, prepare and submit water distribution development plans and proposals;
prepare and submit conceptual and detailed designs of water distribution and
internal plumbing systems (including associated reports); construct water
distribution and plumbing systems; supervise the construction and commissioning
of water supply and plumbing systems; provide co-ordination during the Defects
Liability Period; and co-ordinate the handing over of water supply systems to WDLs:

(a) Planning of Water Supply Facilities : Competent Person

(b) Application for Water Source : Competent Person

(c) Concept and Detailed Design : Competent Person


Uniform Technical Guidelines

(d) Construction of External Reticulation : Permit Holder / Competent

System and Internal Plumbing System Person

(e) Commissioning of External Reticulation : Permit Holder and

Systems and Plumbing Systems Competent Person

(f) Handing over of Built Water Supply : Competent Person


Design of Geotechnical works shall be carried out by a Professional Engineer (PE)

who shall have the relevant expertise and experience to undertake the analysis,
design and construction supervision of foundations, earth retaining structures
(including deep excavation support systems) or cut and fill slopes on hillsides.
Slopes are classified in accordance with the risk of landslides (see Table A.1). The
requirements for design proposals shall depend on the classification of slopes:

 Class 1 Slopes (Low Risk)

- Existing legislations and requirements of Local Authority shall be

followed whereby a PE shall endorse all applications.

 Class 2 Slopes (Medium Risk)

- In addition to fulfilling the requirements for Class 1 Slopes above, a

geotechnical design report shall be prepared and submitted by the
PE who shall have the relevant expertise and experience in the
analysis, design and construction supervision of slopes, retaining
structures and foundations on hillsides.

 Class 3 Slopes (High Risk)

- In addition to the requirements for Class 1 and 2 Slopes above, the

owner shall engage an Accredited Checker who is registered with
the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) to audit the design.

Table A.1 : Classification on Risk of Landslide on Hillside Development

Total Global Angle Localised Localised

Height (HT) (G) Height (HL) Angle (L)
CLASS 1 > 15m < 19 < 3m < 27
(Low Risk)
6m - 15m < 27 < 3m < 30
< 6m - - < 34
CLASS 2 >15m 19 - 27 - -
(Medium Risk)
- > 3m 27 - 30

6m - 15m > 27 - -
- > 3m > 30
< 6m - > 3m > 34
CLASS 3 > 27 - -
(High Risk) >15m
- > 3m > 30

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Source: Policies and Procedures for Mitigating the Risk of Landslide and Hill
Side Development : Institution of Engineers Malaysia, 2000


In accordance with Rules 6, 7 and 29 of the Water Services Industry (Water

Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014, an owner or a developer who wishes to
construct an external water reticulation system / supply main within their
development shall pay to the Commission specific charges for design approval and
site inspections, respectively, during the design and construction stages. The
quantum of charges shall be in accordance with Rules 9 and 10 of the Water
Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014.


All materials associated with the construction and installation for water fittings,
external reticulation systems, centralised service reservoirs, and supply mains, or
in the construction of any of the works identified in this Uniform Technical
Guidelines, shall comply with the requirements specified in the latest edition of any
applicable recognised standard (refer to the Appendix of this UTG), and to
specifications issued by the Commission from time to time.

In case there is any discrepancy between the recognised standard and

specifications and those issued by the Commission, the latter should take


Every technical proposal for water supply distribution to developments and

individual premises shall comply with the following underlying objectives of these
Uniform Technical Guidelines i.e.:

 Sustainability
 Reliability
 Durability

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 Ease of Operations and Maintenance

 Quality of Work
 Energy Efficiency
 Economic Viability

In these Uniform Technical Guidelines, the term "shall" when used in reference to
standardise designs or technical parameters or other requirements means
mandatory compliance to the stated norms. Departures may be granted on a case
to case basis based on sound justifications which have to be accepted by the

The terms "should" or “may” when used in reference to recommended designs or

technical parameters, or other requirements stated in this Uniform Technical
Guidelines, indicates norms which the Certifying Agency may depart from, based
on sound professional judgment. The competent person would be expected to
justify such departures in terms of cost and improved engineering performance.


The definitions of main terms expressed in these Uniform Technical Guidelines are
summarized as follows:

“bulk-meter” includes any meter measuring water, all or part of which is

subsequently measured by one or more sub-meters;

“capacity” in relation to a cistern means the volume of water stored between

the invert of the distribution pipe outlet and the water line;

“centralised service reservoir” means any service reservoir constructed or to

be constructed for the purpose of serving more than one developer’s development

“cistern” means fixed and vented container for storing water at atmospheric

“Commission” means Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) or any

appointed agency by SPAN;

“communication pipe” means a part of the service pipe located between the
public main and the meter, or if there is no main meter, a part of the service pipe
located between the public main and the point where, in the opinion of the water
distribution licensee, the main meter would be placed;

“competent person” means the person who is qualified to submit plans and
issue certificate of compliance and completion with respect to the design,
installation, construction or alteration of the water fittings, centralised service
reservoirs, supply main or external reticulation system or any part thereof and more
particularly set out in the Second Schedule; of the Water Services Industry
(Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014;

“consumer” means a person who is supplied with water from a water

distribution licensee; or a person who has made a request to a water distribution
licensee for a supply of water;

Uniform Technical Guidelines

“corrosion resistance material” means any material which is highly resistant

to any corrosive action to which it is likely to be subjected;

“developer” means the developer referred to under section 47(1) of the Act;

“development area” means any area to be developed or constructed thereon

any buildings for residential, commercial, institutional, governmental or industrial
purposes where the water supply system is to be handed over to the Water
Distribution Licensee under Section 47 of the Act;

“distribution pipe” means any consumer’s or class licensee’s pipe conveying

water from a storage or feed cistern, or a hot water apparatus supplied from a feed
cistern, and is under pressure only from such cisterns, hot water apparatus or any
in-line booster pump;

“district meter” means a meter that measures the total flow of water supplied
to a defined area within an external reticulation system;

“external reticulation system” means a network of pipelines, excluding the

service water and distribution pipes, within a developer’s development area which is
connected to the supply main and shall include –

(a) service reservoirs, suction cisterns, pumping stations, valves, hydrants,

district meters, sampling stations, telemetry systems, communication pipes
and any other appurtenances, equipment, devices and installations
connected to such network; and

(b) the lands where such service reservoirs, suction cisterns, pumping stations,
valves, hydrants, district meters, sampling stations, telemetry systems,
communication pipes and any other appurtenances, equipment, devices and
installations are located;

“Facilities Licensee (FL)” means a person who is licensed under the Water
Services Industry Act 2006 to own a water supply system or any part of the water
supply system;

“feed cistern” means any storage cistern used for supplying cold water to a
hot water apparatus, a flushing cistern, any part of an air-conditioning system or
any other plant or machinery;

“flushing cistern” means a cistern with a discharging apparatus for flushing a

water closet pan, urinal, bidet drain, sewer or similar sanitary apparatus;

“high-rise building” means –

(a) any high-rise residential building;

(b) any multi-storey housing accommodation which is not intended to be

subdivided under the Strata Titles Act 1985 [Act 318]; and

(c) any multi-storey building for commercial, institutional, governmental and

industrial purposes,

but does not include any gated community;

Uniform Technical Guidelines

“high rise residential building” means any multi-storey housing

accommodation which has been subdivided or intended to be subdivided into
parcels to be held under a separate strata title or which an application for
subdivision has been made under the Strata Titles Act 1985 [Act 318];

“gated community” means any alienated land having two or more buildings
held as one lot under final title (whether Registry or Land Office Title) which shall be
capable of being subdivided into land parcels, each of which is to be held under a
strata title or as an accessory parcel as prescribed under section 6(1A) of the Strata
Title Act 1985 [Act 138];

“Highest Supply Level (HSL)” means the highest delivery level in a water
supply system. It is the highest water draw-off level from a direct gravity or pumped
supply discharging to a service reservoir or suction tank in a water distribution
system; or discharging to the a storage cistern or suction cistern in an internal
plumbing system;

“housing accommodation” includes any building which is wholly or

principally constructed, adapted or intended for human habitation or partly for
human habitation and partly for business;

“meter” means any appliance, equipment or device used for the purpose of
measuring the amount of water supplied;

“meter stand” means the structure which supports the main-meter located
above ground and at a position that shall be directed by the water distribution

“overflowing level” in relation to a warning or other overflow pipe of a cistern,

means the lowest level at which water can flow into the overflow pipe from that

“non-potable water” means water other than that supplied from the public
water supply and private water supply system;

“permit holder” means any person issued with permit IPA Type A, Type C or
Type D under the Water Services Industry (Permit) Rules 2007;

“premise” means any building, land and any tent or structure;

“pressure tank” means a closed vessel capable of containing water under pressure
greater than atmospheric pressure;

“private main” means any water pipe being part of a private water supply
system maintained and controlled by the class licensee to which private service
water pipes may be connected;

“private service water pipes” means any pipe used for supplying water from
a private main to any premises which is subject to water pressure from the private
main or would be so subject but for the closure of some taps;

“public main” means any water pipe maintained and controlled by the water
distribution licensee to which service water pipes may be connected;

Uniform Technical Guidelines

“pump delivery pipe” means any pipe which supplies water from a suction
cistern to a storage cistern located higher than the suction cistern and connected
within an intermediate pumping system;

“recognised standard” means the standards or a code of practice or

specification as specified in the First Schedule [Water Services Industry (Water
Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014];

“sampling station” means a device housed in an enclosure, which is

attached to an external reticulation system in order to enable samples of water to
be drawn for quality testing;

“Service Licensee (SL)” means a person who is licensed under the Water
Services Industry Act 2006 to provide water supply services or any part of the water
supply services;

“service pipe” means pipe for supplying water from a public main to any
premises which is subject to water pressure from the mains, or would be so subject
but for the closure of some taps;

“special” means any connecting length of pipe other than a straight pipe of
uniform bore;

“storage cistern” means any cistern, other than a flushing cistern, from
which water supplies from the public main or private main is delivered for use and
stored otherwise than through a draw-off tap;

“stopvalve” means any device other than a draw-off tap, for stopping the
flow of water in a pipe whenever necessary;

“sub-meter” means any meter which measures water which has already
been metered since leaving the public main;

“suction cistern” means any cistern used for storing and supplying water to a
pumping system;

“supply main” means the pipeline conveying water from either a centralized
service reservoir or tapping point determined by water distribution licensee along an
existing public main located outside a developer’s development area to the
external reticulation system, and the lands where the pipelines are located, and
where required shall include an in-line booster pumping station;

“warning pipe” means an overflow pipe so fixed that its outlet is in an

exposed and conspicuous position and where the discharge of water may be
readily detected;

“watercourse” Includes rivers, streams and creek including any tributary,

distributary or artificial deviation thereof, seas, lakes, ground water, dams,
reservoirs, ditches, drains and passages, other than pipes, through which water
flows for the supply of water to any premises;

“Water Distribution Licensee (WDL)” means a service licensee who holds an

individual license to distribute and supply water to consumers by means of a public
water supply system;

Uniform Technical Guidelines

“water fittings” means pipes (other than the public mains), specials, taps,
cocks, valves, ferrules, meters, sub-meters, cisterns, baths, water closets, hot water
apparatus, and other similar apparatus or appliance used in connection for the
supply and use of water;

“water kiosk” means any vending machine, connected to the water supply
system, which filters or enhances the quality of water supplied from the public
mains for public consumption;

"water line" means the highest operating water level in a cistern or tank at
which a cistern or tank is designed to function;

“water supply distribution area” means an area within which a water

distribution licensee is authorized to distribute and supply water;

“water supply system” means the whole of a system incorporating public

mains, pipes, chambers, treatment plant, pumping stations, service or balancing
reservoirs or any combination thereof and all other structures, installations,
buildings, equipment and appurtenances used and the lands where the same are
located for the storage, abstraction, collection, conveyance, treatment, distribution
and supply of water;

“water supply services” means the treatment of water abstracted from

watercourses and the distribution and supply of treated water to consumers and
includes the operation and maintenance of the water supply system.

Part B:
Planning and Design
of Supply Mains,
External Reticulation
Systems and
Uniform Technical Guidelines





In this Section, general principles for planning water supply systems within a
particular development are described. These principles shall be applied to estimate
water supply amounts to be provided by a WDL for a particular development; and to
develop water supply needs information to be submitted to a WDL to apply for a
public water source, and to obtain a Planning Permission for the proposed

B.1.1 Factors of Importance in Planning Water Supply Systems

Water supply planning for any development shall take into consideration the
following pertinent factors:

a. The relevant provisions, and minimum standards, specified in the Water

Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Internal Plumbing) Rules 2014.

b. Water Distribution Licensees’ (WDL’s) specific requirements to suit the local


c. The estimated average daily water supply demand, which takes due
cognizance of expected losses and leakages within distribution and storage
systems as well as permitted non-metered use; and peak daily rates of flow.

d. The location, quantity and pressure of available source of water supply.

e. Requirement for on-site water service reservoirs or off-site centralised service

reservoirs as instructed by the WDL (Refer to Figure F.1).

f. The need for pumping systems to deliver water to the development; as well as
for distribution of water throughout an external reticulation network system
located within development areas.

g. Optimizing life cycle costs.

h. Promoting energy efficiencies.

i. Monitoring and controlling distribution of water supply of an adequate quality.

B.1.2 Application For Planning Permission

The first stage of development planning is the application to the Local Authority for
a Planning Permission. In this application, information on the water supply needs of
the development are to be provided in terms of total daily demands. These are
estimated based on the submitted Layout Plans, proposed types of physical
developments envisaged, and unit rates of demand by various types of premises as
listed in Table B.1.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Table B.1 : Tabulation of Estimated Water Demand Rate for Planning of

External Water Reticulation System

Average Daily Water Demand

Type of Premises/Buildings
Low cost terrace house / low cost flat 1100 / unit
Single storey terrace house / low cost house (less than 1300 / unit
RM25,000) / low medium & medium cost flats
Double storey terrace house / high cost flat / apartment 1500 / unit
/ town house
Semi detached house / cluster 2000 / unit
Bungalow / condominium 2000 / unit
Wet market 1500 / stall
Dry market 450 / stall
Shop house (single storey) / low cost shop 2000 / unit
Shop house (double storey) 3000 / unit
Shop house (three storey) 4100 / unit
Shop house (four storey) 4550 / unit
Light industrial workshop 1500 / unit
Semi detached / bungalow workshops 1500 / unit
Building for heavy industry* 65,000 / hectare
Building for medium industry* 50,000 / hectare
Building for light industry* 33,000 / hectare
Office / complex / commercial (domestic usage) 1000 / 100 square metre
Community centres or halls 1000 / 100 square metre
Hotel 1500 / room
Education institutions (other than school and 100 / student
Day school / kindergarden 50 / student
Fully residential school/ institution of higher learning 250 / student
with hostels facilities
Hospital 1500 / bed
Mosque or other place of worship 50 / person
Prison 250 / person
Army camp 250 / person
Bus terminal 900 / service bay
Petrol kiosk (with car washing bay) 50,000 / unit
Petrol kiosk (without car washing bay) 10,000 / unit
Stadium 55 / person

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Average Daily Water Demand

Type of Premises/Buildings
Golf course 1000 / 100 square metre
Warehouse 1500 / unit
Restaurant 25 / square metre
Airport 25 / passenger
Others As per the estimated water
demand by the developer or

Note: -
* As classified under the Piawaian Perancangan Kawasan Perindustrian issued by the
Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa or its successor

B.1.2.1 Service Reservoirs, Suction Cisterns and Pumping Stations

a. The WDL shall be consulted on the need for allocating land areas to
accommodate a service reservoir and / or suction cistern and pumping stations
within a development. Each WDL shall establish appropriate criteria for
determining whether a service reservoir is required to be constructed within a
development area. This information should be made readily available to a
developer so that the latter can plan for allocating appropriate reserves to
accommodate reservoirs, suction cisterns and pump stations in their
development land use plans that are submitted to the Local Authority for
application for a Planning Permission.

b. Sites for service reservoirs, pumping stations and suction cisterns shall be
located at:-

 In the case of service reservoirs, they are to be positioned at lots capable of

serving all premises within a single development area; or a number of
discrete developments in the case of a centralized service reservoir.
 Level ground and not on slopes.
 Preferably within rectangular shaped lots.

c. Dedicated access shall be provided to service reservoirs, suction cisterns or

pumping station sites.

All engineered slopes shall be designed so as to be located within the

designated lot for a service reservoir, suction cistern or pumping station for
ease of care and maintenance. This requirement shall also be applicable to
natural slopes which are to be modified to create the platform for a particular
facility. The responsibility for the safe design of engineered slopes, and / or
modifications to existing slopes, shall lie with a competent person who in this
case shall be a Professional Engineer (PE) experienced in the analysis and
design of geotechnical works. The competent person designing such slopes
shall take into consideration the long-term stability of the slopes, and shall also
specify the frequency of slope inspections to be carried out taking into account
weather conditions and surrounding land use.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

d. Where extreme topographical conditions prevail within a development area,

such as platform levels being greater than 30m in elevation, pressure zoning of
distribution areas according to ground elevations may be necessary. Pressure
reducing valves may be employed to connect high pressure to low pressure
distribution zones; however their usage should preferably be restricted to within
20% of the maximum allowable pressure. The alternative concept of employing
low level and high level service reservoirs to serve high and low pressure
distribution zones respectively should also be considered. A decision on the
best alternative system to adopt should be based on a life cycle cost analysis
for the Certifying Agency’s consideration.

B.1.2.2 Land Reserves

Land reserves required to accommodate service reservoirs, pumping stations and

suction cisterns shall be adequately sized to provide for vehicular access, building
setbacks and to allow for inspection and maintenance of the facilities. Reserves to
be demarcated in Landuse Plans shall be based on relevant indicative areas
specified in Tables B.2, B.3, B.4 and B.5.

Table B.2 : Minimum site dimensions for the combination of suction cistern,
pumping station and service reservoir
Water Demand (l/d) Site Dimension (Minimum)
< 227,000 23 m x 54 m
227,001 – 454,000 27 m x 59 m
454,001 – 680,000 32 m x 63 m
680,001 – 900,000 32 m x 63 m
900,001 – 1,135,000 32 m x 68 m
1,135,001 – 2,270,000 36 m x 81 m
2,270,001 – 3,405,000 41 m x 90 m
3,405,001 – 6,810,000 45 m x 104 m
6,810,001 – 13,620,000 50 m x 130 m
To be determined by Commission but
subject to a minimum of 50 m x 150 m

Notes: Dimensions in the above table exclude areas of office, storeroom, toilet and quarters.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Table B.3: Minimum site dimension for construction of

suction cistern and pumping station

Water Demand (l/d) Site Dimension (Minimum)

< 227,000 18 m x 23 m
227,001 – 454,000 23 m x 27 m
454,001 – 680,000 23 m x 27 m
680,001 – 900,000 27 m x 32 m
900,001 – 1,135,000 32 m x 36 m
1,135,001 – 2,270,000 36 m x 41 m
2,270,001 – 3,405,000 41 m x 50 m
3,405,001 – 6,810,000 54 m x 59 m
6,810,001 – 13,620,000 68 m x 72 m
To be approved by Commission but
subject to a minimum of 81 m x 88 m

Note: Dimensions in the above table exclude areas for office, storeroom, toilet and quarters.

Table B.4 : Minimum site dimensions for service reservoir (square footprint)

Site Dimension (Minimum) in metres

Reservoir Capacity
Ground Reservoir Elevated Reservoir
< 227,000 19 x 19 25 x 25
227,001 – 454,000 22 x 22 28 x 28
454,001 – 680,000 24 x 24 30 x 30
680,001 – 900,000 26 x 26 32 x 32
900,001 – 1,135,000 28 x 28 34 x 34
1,135,001 – 2,270,000 30 x 30 36 x 36
2,270,001 – 3,405,000 34 x 34 44 x 44
3,405,001 – 6,810,000 44 x 44 55 x 55
6,810,001 – 13,620,000 57 x 57 71 x 71
Subject to setback 6.0 m (min) from edge of structural
>13,620,000 foundation for a ground reservoir and 9.0 m (min) for an
elevated reservoir structure.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Table B.5 : Minimum site dimensions for service reservoir (circular footprint)

Site Dimension (Minimum) in metres

Reservoir Capacity
Ground Reservoir Elevated Reservoir
< 227,000 20 x 20 26 x 26
227,001 – 454,000 23 x 23 29 x 29
454,001 – 680,000 26 x 26 32 x 32
680,001 – 900,000 27 x 27 34 x 34
900,001 – 1,135,000 29 x 29 35 x 35
1,135,001 – 2,270,000 33 x 33 42 x 42
2,270,001 – 3,405,000 37 x 37 48 x 48
3,405,001 – 6,810,000 49 x 49 60 x 60
6,810,001 – 13,620,000 68 x 68 77 x 77
Subject to setback 6.0 m (min) from edge of structural
>13,620,000 foundation for a ground reservoir and 9.0 m (min) for an
elevated reservoir structure.

B.1.2.3 Additional Information

If during the Planning Permission (PP) approval process, the Commission requires
more information pertaining to a development, the Competent Person shall submit
the following information, viz:

 Key Plan, Location Plan and Layout Plan

 Coordinates and bearings of the development boundaries
 Proper demarcation of the total development area, together with types and
numbers of physical development units
 Contour plan, based on Survey Department’s datum
 Location of Service Reservoir and Pumping Stations, and Access Roads, if

B.1.3 Application for Source of Water Supply

Owners of individual premises and Developers shall engage a competent person to

prepare documents to be submitted to the WDL for application for a water supply
source. This exercise shall be performed once a Planning Permission has been
obtained from the Local Authority. Documents and information to be provided
together with the submission include:

 Copy of Planning Permission, together with the approved development

layout plan from the Local Authority;

 Certified copy of competent person’s appointment letter to perform as a

consulting engineer for the developer/owner;

 Three (3) sets of Key Plan and Location Plan;

 Three (3) sets of Site Plan, of appropriate scale, indicating existing and
proposed reticulation mains, service reservoirs, suction cistern and pumping

Uniform Technical Guidelines

stations (if applicable), lot numbers (where available), number and type of
premises and prominent landmarks;

 Three (3) sets of Layout Plan indicating proposed development platforms (in
metres ODL);

 Water Demand and total water supply estimations (Refer to Table B.1).

All plans and drawings shall be in A1 size.

Applications shall be submitted to the appropriate WDL’s office in the format

presented in Appendix B.


B.2.1 Submission Criteria

Two sets of conceptual design documents outlining the proposed external

reticulation system are required to be submitted to the Certifying Agency by a
competent person for approval if:

 The total daily water demand for a development is greater than 4.5 million
litres per day;

 The network system is to be developed in phases;

 Water Pumping Stations are to be located within the development;

 On-site service reservoirs are to be placed within the development.

B.2.1.1 External Reticulation Network System

This system shall be planned, designed and constructed by the developer. A

competent person shall be engaged by the developer to be responsible for the
concept design. The required information shall be provided in a Design Concept
Report whose contents shall include:

 General description of the Development;

 Overall Layout Plan together with landuse profiles and physical

development profiles and indicating clearly the phasing of development;

 Planned schedule for phased development;

 Daily water demand estimates, according to the phases of development,

summarised in tabular form; and indicating timing of water supply

 General description of external reticulation network and related plans

indicating nodal and pipe data;

 Hydraulic calculations for the overall external reticulation system concept;

Uniform Technical Guidelines

All plans and drawings shall be submitted in A1 size.

B.2.1.2 Service Reservoirs, Pumping Stations and Suction Cisterns

These facilities shall normally be planned by the developer, unless otherwise

instructed by the WDL. The developer shall co-ordinate and manage the design,
construction and commissioning of facilities as detailed in Part A of the Uniform
Technical Guidelines.

The WDL may undertake the design, construction and testing and commissioning of
common supply mains and centralized service reservoirs to supply water to more
than one development area.

In all cases a competent person shall be engaged by either the WDL, or a

developer, to prepare conceptual designs for the respective facilities to serve water
supply areas.

The competent person shall submit the following information to the Certifying
Agency for approval:


 Key and Location Plans for each type of facility, including lot details (where
applicable) demarcated on a representative revenue sheet/cadastral map.

 Surrounding land use profile.

 Site Plan indicating 5 metre contour levels (ODL) within and external to the
principal lot.

 Access provisions to the facility and internal road systems.

 Basic earthwork plans for the facility site.

 Storm drainage systems within facility site and connection with external drain

 Principal external lighting arrangements.

 Control Systems, including telemetry.

Service Reservoir

 Type, size and material of construction of service reservoirs.

 Schematic drawings of piping arrangements located within the reservoir site

(indicating inlet/outlet pipes and valves); and those to be positioned inside of
the facility.

 Inlet, outlet, scour and overflow provisions for the reservoir, including access
and drainage provisions for inspections, cleaning and repair of the reservoir.

 Top Water Level and Bottom Water Level details.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 Surveillance and security facilities.

 Control systems for the reservoirs.

 Plan and sections of reservoir and associated piping concepts.

Pumping Stations and Suction Cisterns

 Location and Site Plans of proposed pumping stations showing layout of

earthworks planning, suction cisterns and basic infrastructural elements.

 Layout plan showing arrangements of pump sets and associated piping

systems (suction pumping, header, delivery mains).

 Sectional and elevation views of the pumping station.

 Plan and sections of suction cistern and associated piping concepts including

 Ventilation proposals.

 Mechanical and electrical installations.

Common and Dedicated Supply Mains

 Key and location plans.

 Location and details of tapping into public mains.

 Hydraulic profiles along the supply mains.

 Interfacing with pipelines within service reservoir sites, and for connection
directly to a Development’s external reticulation system.

 Location of scour and air valves.


B.3.1 General and Particular Submissions

Information submitted to the Commission / Certifying Agency shall cover civil,

hydraulic, earthworks, structural, geotechnical, drainage, mechanical, electrical and
telemetry system designs pertaining to external reticulation systems and associated
appurtenances, service reservoirs, supply mains, pumping stations and storage
cisterns and access roads where required. The submissions for mechanical and
electrical works, and instrumentation and control systems, are described in Parts D,
E and F of these Uniform Technical Guidelines respectively.

In addition to the three (3) sets of A1 size drawings, the submissions shall be
accompanied by two (2) sets of a Detailed Design Report and a copy of Standard
Technical Specifications that are to be applied. Where standard specifications
issued or recognized by Commission / Certifying Agency are adopted, copies of
these need not be submitted.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Drawings shall be submitted in AutoCad format and shall include one (1) compact
disc containing electronic (soft) copy of all related drawings and calculations in word

Drawings, calculations and works specifications shall be endorsed by a competent

person that is appointed by the owner, developer or WDL (in the case of the design
of common supply mains and centralized service reservoirs only). Confirmation of
appointment of the competent person shall be submitted to the Commission /
Certifying Agency.

Basic information that should be supplied to the Commission / Certifying Agency


 Definitions of standard symbols used in the Drawings.

 Layout plans for the external reticulation system, and its primary

 Layout plans and sectional details for pumping stations and associated
suction cisterns.

 Layout plan and sectional details for Service Reservoirs.

 Plan and profile of supply mains.

 Copies of approval letters from the WDL relating to source of supply, and
from the Commission / Certifying Agency with respect to conceptual

 Standard Drawings other than those issued by the Commission / Certifying


 Hydraulic calculations pertaining to supply mains, pumping mains and

reticulation networks.

The Detailed Design Report shall present the final criteria employed for hydraulic,
civil, structural, geotechnical, road, drainage, mechanical, electrical and
instrumentation designs.

All design submissions including layout plans for civil works, mechanical and
electrical (M&E) and instrumentation systems can be submitted together to the
Commission / Certifying Agency for approval.

For communication pipelines, the Competent Person shall submit location details of
the tapping point, and the size and material of the approved public mains to which
the communication pipes is to be connected. Furthermore the general layout and
profile of the communication pipes, ferrule, valves and meter stands shall be
provided. Submissions to the Commission / Certifying Agency shall comprise of
three (3) sets of A1 size drawings, two (2) sets of a Design Report and a copy of
Technical Specifications.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

B.3.2 External Reticulation Networks

The technical submission for external reticulation networks shall comprise of the
following as a minimum requirement:

 An outline description of the external reticulation system that is proposed to be

implemented for a particular phase of development.

 Water demand table showing the types of development, corresponding number

of units per development type, unit water demand rates for each type of
development, and the sectoral and cumulative daily water demands.

 Calculations of external reticulation pipe design catering for peak flow, and for
fire flow and average flow conditions.

 Justification for the selection of type of class of pipe based on imposed loads of
backfill, depth of cover, pipe strength and bedding details.

 Detailed pipe layout plans pertaining to the external reticulation system that are
coloured according to types and sizes of pipes.

 Hydraulic calculations for the reticulation system shall include the following

Pipe Details
Pipe From To Length Dia. HL Velocity
HWC HL/1000
No. Node Node (m) (mm) (m) (m/s)

Node Details
Node Flow Elev HGL HSL Residual
No. (l/s) (m.ODL) (m.ODL) (m.ODL) Pressure (m)

Where: -
HWC = Hazen William Coefficient
HL = Head Loss
HGL = Hydraulic Grade Line
HSL = Highest Supply Level

B.3.3 Service Reservoirs and Suction Cisterns

The detailed technical submissions for service reservoirs and suction cisterns
shall include:

 Reservoir Location Plan.

 Justification for type and size of service reservoir including material selection
and setting of Bottom Water Level (BWL) and Top Water Level (TWL).

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 Detailed layout plan of reservoir or suction tank showing location, side views,
top and sectional views, details of levels, incoming water pipe, outgoing water
pipe, overflow and scour pipes, valve locations, level indicator, ventilation
system, walk-up stairs, security fencing and water sampling stations.

 Structural design including the design calculations and design criteria for
suction tank or service reservoir endorsed by the competent person.

 Design calculations to support layout and details of storm water drain size and
the type of overflow or scour systems, and other drainage facilities that will be
employed to evacuate excess waters from the reservoir site for discharge to an
external main drain system.

 Design check to verify capability of external main drain system to

accommodate evacuation of excess water from the facility site.

 Calculation and sizing of scour pipe for the reservoir or suction cistern.

 Detailed drawings for the proposed access road.

 Schematic drawings and telemetry components and overall system.

B.3.4 Supply Mains

 Brief description of proposed water source, location of tapping point and safe
water pressure, as determined by the WDL, at the tapping point.

 Pipeline route from proposed tapping point to service reservoir / suction

cistern. The A3 size (1:1,500 scale) drawings should also include information
on the Top Water Level (TWL) and Bottom Water Level (BWL) and size of
mains. Longitudinal sections shall be in scale of 1:1,000 (vertical) and 1:1,000

 Location of all isolation, scour and air valves along the supply mains.

 Description of valve chambers, thrust blocks and drain and culvert crossings.

 Overall and phased water demand in tabulated form.

 Hydraulic calculations indicating available pressure along the pipeline route

based on the pipeline conveying a peak flow equivalent to 1.2 times the
estimated daily water demand.

B.3.5 Pumping Stations

The detailed technical submissions for pumping stations shall include:

 Location plan for the pumping station.

 Access roads and internal roads within site including parking bays if relevant.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 Floor plan, side and sectional views including all relevant reduced levels of
pumping station showing the pump locations, arrangement of pumping system
including suction pipe from suction cistern to pumps, pumping mains, pipe
fittings, pipe trenches, motor, switchboard, surge suppression system and
details of levels.

 Detailed drawing showing the supports and foundation arrangements for pump
sets with base plate dimensions and the positions of all foundation bolts and
pipe connection, chequered plate and all necessary information for a complete

 Design for storm drainage and connection to an external main drain; and
design check to verify main drain system to accommodate storm flows from
facility site.

 Schematic diagrams of telemetry components and systems.

B.3.6 Geotechnical Submissions Pertaining to Service Reservoirs and Pumping


a. Design Proposals

The competent person shall perform and submit a detailed analysis of all major
systems and/or structural components that are proposed for the project,
including geotechnical and foundation components. Aspects of design and
construction that depend on the subsoil and on groundwater conditions shall be
reviewed and approved by a professional geotechnical engineer.

Each design proposal shall include but shall not be limited to the following

 Site Investigation Report

The Competent Person shall properly plan and specify the scope of site
investigations to be carried out for the works after a desk study and site
reconnaissance, including reviewing all available information pertaining to
the site and adjacent areas. The methods of site investigation, and
sampling for laboratory tests, must be adequately specified, and take into
account the type of development to be undertaken and the prevailing
ground conditions. Guidance for site investigations shall be as per MS
2038:2006 or any subsequent revisions to the standard, and in
accordance with Circular No. 4/2005 entitled “Engineer’s Responsibility for
Subsurface Investigation” issued by Board of Engineers, Malaysia.

 Geotechnical Interpretative Report, which shall contain:

- References to desk study, factual and interpretative reports, and any

other contractual document relating to the project.

- An interpretation of the site geology including description of site and its

surroundings and clearly indicating the subsoil, ground water and
foundation conditions and flood plain elevations, etc.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

- Engineering interpretation of the implications of ground conditions on

the development of facilities identified in this sub-section.

 Geotechnical Design Report, which shall furnish:

- Assumptions, data and methods of verifying the safety and

serviceability of the geotechnical work (e.g. method of calculation).

- Design values of soil and rock properties, including any necessary

explanation for their selection.

- Statements on any codes, design guides and standards used.

- Engineering calculations for:

 Shallow and/or deep foundations including bearing capacity

calculations and settlement predictions.
 Slope stability analysis including stabilization measures, if any.
 Earth retaining structures.
 Other geotechnical works including excavation support systems,
ground improvement works, etc.

 Recommendations for slope stabilization and protection works,

maintenance measures, earth-retaining structures and other geotechnical

 Engineering Plans, Drawings and Specifications which must be prepared,

endorsed and signed by the Competent Person.

 Further testing requirements for design validation where necessary.

 Details of potential construction impacts such as anticipated loading and

any imposed deformations.


The following design criteria shall be employed to prepare detailed designs of

external reticulation and supply main pipelines, reservoirs and pumping stations;
and for geotechnical related designs associated with these facilities.

B.4.1 External Reticulation Networks and Supply Mains

A. General Requirements for Pipeline Routing

The design of pipelines within an external reticulation system, or associated with

supply mains, shall take into consideration the following factors:

 The selection of pipeline routes external to built-up areas shall take into
consideration the cost of securing way leaves, as well as the difficulty of
construction in rocky, waterlogged or compressible ground.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 Desk studies, surveys and site investigations shall be carried out to obtain
adequate information concerning existing utilities lying adjacent to, or
crossing, the line of the planned water pipeline trench. The sizes, locations
and alignments of such utilities shall be inventorised. The same principle
shall be employed when deciding on the routing of pipelines, and for the
design and construction of trenching works

 Routing of supply mains and external reticulation networks shall be kept as

far away as possible from the crest or toe of an engineered slope or
retaining structure, especially if trench excavation is required. As a general
rule, water-carrying buried pipelines should not be placed within a slope.
Pipelines shall be located a minimum horizontal distance from the slope
crest which is equal to the vertical height of the slope. If this condition
cannot be met, measures shall be implemented to minimize possible
adverse effects of leakage on slope stability.

 The pipes shall be buried with a minimum depth of cover of 1.0 meter
measured above the crown of the pipe. The trench above the pipe shall be
well compacted with suitable backfill materials, and all pipes shall be able to
withstand the expected design traffic loads taking into consideration the
standard of pipe bedding selected, as detailed in the Standard Drawing
No. SPAN/WS/STD/F/001. If the minimum depth of cover cannot be
achieved, additional measures to protect the pipe from damage due to traffic
loads shall be incorporated in the design; such as employing steel pipe
sleeves or other measures acceptable to the Commission / Certifying
Agency. The top of the pipe sleeve shall not penetrate into the road sub-
grade layer.

 Under all circumstances, water pipes shall not be laid below sewers. A
minimum vertical clearance of 1.0m shall be provided between the crown of
a sewer pipe and the bottom of a water pipe. The horizontal clearance
between sewer and water pipelines shall be 3.0m where applicable. Also,
where applicable, water pipes shall be installed on the opposite side of road
carriageways or shoulders in relation to sewers installed along the same

 The pipes shall be laid a minimum of 600mm away from any other utilities,
and also from drains.

 All pipes shall be laid at locations which are readily accessible for carrying
out maintenance works; and where the repair and rehabilitation works can
be carried out economically. Details of pipe markers to identify location of
pipeline and specials are depicted in Drawing No. SPAN/WS/STD/F/024
and 025.

 Pipelines shall not be laid beneath a road pavement unless so permitted by

the Commission / Certifying Agency. Exceptions to this requirement include
pipeline crossings at road junctions, and when laying service pipes to serve
individual buildings. It is preferable for pipelines to be laid within a utility

 All supply mains of nominal diameter greater than 900mm shall be installed
within a water pipeline or utility reserve to facilitate repairs and maintenance,

Uniform Technical Guidelines

and to minimize damage to property of third parties in the event of a pipe


 Where the pipe is to be routed through a dedicated pipeline reserve, the

width of the reserve shall allow for the access of maintenance vehicles and
equipment. The width (W) of the pipeline reserve shall be determined in
accordance with the following formula, but subject to a minimum width of
five (5) metres:

W = 3 + DT + S T

Where D T = Cumulative external diameter of pipes (in metres)

and ST = Cumulative separation distance between pipes (in


Notes: 1. The separation distance between any two pipes shall

not be less than 1 metre.

2. ST = 0 if there is only one pipe.

3. If any of the pipes are to be installed above ground,

there shall be adequate space for access of
maintenance vehicles on either side of the exposed pipe
or pipes.

4. The reserve width shall exclude cut and fill slopes where
such slopes are required. Additional land shall be

In the above illustration, DT = D1 + D2 + D3

and ST = S1 + S2

 All specials along the pipeline shall be suitably anchored to maintain

stability against hydraulic forces. Typical details of thrust and anchor
blocks to support bends, tees, end caps and reduces are depicted in
Drawing Nos. SPAN/WS/STD/F/010 to 012.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 Hydrant pipelines shall be installed separately from water pipelines

within the confines of any area accommodating apartments /
condominiums, factories, office and commercial complexes,
institutional buildings and schools. Separate water meters shall be
provided for hydrant and domestic pipelines.

 All supply mains and external reticulation system pipelines shall cross
above culverts with a minimum vertical clearance of 300mm from the
top of the culvert, and where this is not possible, the crossing shall be
by means of an “S-bend” configuration as depicted in Drawing No.
SPAN/WS/STD/F/018 to 020. Typical drawings for different span
lengths and crossing conditions are also depicted in the same
referenced drawing.

Pipe crossings can also be routed below the river or stream invert
level, provided a suitable minimum clearance between the river /
stream invert and the soffit of the pipeline structure is integrated into
the design. Pipelines crossing beneath rivers / streams shall be
surrounded by a concrete encasement. Jabatan Pengairan and
Saliran shall be consulted when pipeline crossings are located below
river beds and drainage structures before the Commission / Certifying
Agency approves the pipeline crossings.

B. Pipe Materials

Pipe materials for supply mains and external reticulation pipelines shall be
selected based on laying conditions, i.e. whether in corrosive soils or
otherwise; under different terrain conditions; or if subjected to traffic loadings
or not. The following Tables summarize the type of allowable pipe materials
under different laying conditions:

Table B.6.1 : Materials for supply mains (without tapping)

Laying Conditions Pipe Material
(note 1)
- Mild Steel
(note 2)
Non- corrosive soil - Ductile Iron
(note 2)
Corrosive soil / coastal area - Ductile Iron
(note 1)
- Mild Steel

Table B.6.2 : Materials for pumping mains

Laying Conditions Pipe Material

, Ductile Iron
(note 1) (note 2)
- Mild Steel
Under roadways
- HDPE, ABS with RC pipe sleeve

All pumping mains and (note 1)

- Mild Steel
gravity main in undulating (note 2)
- Ductile Iron
and sloping/hilly areas - PVC-O

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Notes: -
1. Mild Steel pipe shall be internally lined with cement mortar / concrete and
externally coated with bitumen. However, cathodic protection could be
considered if the need arises.
2. The joints of Ductile Iron pipes shall be push-in type complete with or
without tie bars depending on site conditions or flanged type. For corrosive
soils DI pipes shall be PE wrapped.
3. All HDPE pipes shall be rated at PN12.5 and above; whilst uPVC and ABS
pipes shall be rated at PN12 and above.
4. All pipes shall be registered by the Commission.
5. All pipeworks shall be as per Specifications approved by the Commission.
6. For the list of registered materials/manufacturers, please refer to

Table B.6.3 : Materials for external reticulation pipelines

Laying Conditions Pipe Material

(note 6)
Corrosive soil, coastal area, ex- - HDPE, ABS, GRP, uPVC
, Mild Steel
mining land, etc. (note 2) (note 1)
- Ductile Iron

, Mild Steel (note 1)

(note 2)
Fully industrial areas - Ductile Iron

Residential Area, flats, - HDPE, ABS, GRP, uPVC

(note 6)
condominium and mixed - Ductile Iron(note 2), Mild Steel (note 1)
developments, commercial and
shop houses
, Ductile Iron (note 2)
(note 1)
Under roadways - Mild Steel
- HDPE, ABS, uPVC with RC pipe sleeve

Notes: -
1. Mild Steel pipe shall be internally lined with cement mortar / concrete and
externally coated with bitumen. However, cathodic protection could be
considered if the need arises. Details of mild steel bends and tapers are
depicted in Drawing No. SPAN/WS/STD/F/015 and 017.
2. The joints of Ductile Iron pipes shall be push-in type complete with or
without tie bars depending on site conditions or flanged type (Refer to
Drawing No. SPAN/WS/STD/F/016).
3. All HDPE pipes shall be PN12.5 and above; and uPVC pipes shall be rated
at PN12 and above.
4. All pipes shall be approved by the Commission.
5. All pipe works shall be as per Specifications registered by the Commission.
6. uPVC pipes of nominal diameter up to 65mm shall be of PN15; for nominal
diameter from 80mm to 300mm the pressure rating shall be PN12. Use of
uPVC pipes is limited to a nominal diameter not greater than 300mm.
7. The use of uPVC is not allowed under the roadways subjected to traffic
loads but may be considered under pedestrian walkways.
8. For the list of registered materials/manufacturers, please refer to

Uniform Technical Guidelines

The Commission shall have the right to decide on the final selection of pipe
materials for different applications.

C. Hydraulic Requirements

The design of an external reticulation system and supply mains shall comply
with the following boundary conditions, viz:

(i) convey peak flows in external reticulation networks (i.e. 2.5 times the
average daily demand flow) and supply mains (i.e. 1.2 times the
average daily demand flow) without incurring head losses greater
than 2m/1000m for gravity flow.

(ii) convey a combination of average and fire flows without incurring

head losses of greater than 15 m/1000m within external reticulation

(iii) convey flows with a velocity of not less than 0.3 m/sec in order to
reduce deposition of sediments; if this condition cannot be met
justifications for lower flow velocities and related implication on
maintenance to be submitted to Commission / Certifying Agency for

(iv) maximum flow velocities not to exceed 2.0 m/sec. However, flow
velocities along pumping mains located within a pump station (i.e.
header system) may exceed this value.

(v) the minimum pipe size in an external reticulation network system

shall be 100mm.

(vi) the following residual pressures shall be maintained within an

external reticulation system:

- During peak flow conditions the minimum residual pressure at

each node shall be of such magnitude as to enable water to
flow directly into a storage cistern located up to 15 metres
above a building platform level without the need for pumping.
The discharge residual pressure at the highest supply level
(HSL) shall not be lower than 7.5 metres. This shall be
applicable to a development area where the source of water is
drawn directly from a supply main or from a service reservoir
with the hydraulic calculations based on the bottom water
level (BWL).

- During combined average flow and fire flow conditions the

minimum residual pressure at each node shall be maintained
at 7.5 meters above the building platform level.

- All pipelines within an external reticulation system shall

operate within a static pressure not exceeding 30m at all flow
conditions. Subject to the approval of the Commission
/Certifying Agency, pressure reducing valves shall be provided
where the static pressure exceeds 30m in a pipeline.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

(vii) the static pressure at any point along a supply mains shall not
exceed 50 meters head.

Both the Hazen Williams and Colebrook White hydraulic formulae may be
employed to assist in determining the size of a pipeline. The friction factors,
i.e. ‘C’ value, to be employed in the Hazen William formulae are
summarized in Table B.7.

Table B.7 : Hazen-William Coefficient C for Various Pipe Materials

Type Of Pipe Hazen-William Coefficient, C

Ductile Iron (cement lined) 100
Steel (cement lined) 100

In terms of sizing pipes targeted to convey fire flows within external

reticulation networks, the minimum pressures required for fire fighting shall
be given due consideration. Furthermore BOMBA shall be consulted with
respect to fire flow requirements, and location and type of hydrants to be

D. Valves

 For external reticulation network systems, isolating valves shall be

provided at all junctions/ branches of pipelines. Isolating valves are to
be judiciously placed within the external reticulation system in order to
segregate the system into smaller zones for a number of purposes
including achieving greater control over the distribution of water; for
leakage detection and control purposes; for water quality monitoring;
and for containment of a problem (such as pipe breakages) to small
areas of the system so that supply to the entire network system is not

 All isolating/regulating valves shall be (a) of the flanged ended sluice

type for pipe diameters less than 400mm; and (b) of the flange ended
butterfly type for pipe diameters of 450 mm and above (Refer to
Drawing No. SPAN/WS/STD/F/004). In-line valves located along
supply mains shall be installed at intervals between 500m to 2000m
and at every off-take point. Standard details of typical sluice valve
chambers of different sizes are depicted in Drawing No.

 The size of isolating valves shall be at least the size of the pipeline.
However for pipe diameters 900 mm and above, the isolating valve
can be one size smaller than the main pipe size.

 All pipe dead ends shall be connected to either a full-bore scour valve
housed in an appropriate RC chamber, or to a pillar hydrant (Refer to
Drawing No. SPAN/WS/STD/F/023 for pillar hydrant details). Drained
flows shall be conveniently discharged to streams or to surface
drainage systems and shall take due consideration of the carrying
capacity of the external drainage system.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 Scour valve locations and sizes shall be designed such that the
pipelines can be drained of water within three (3) hours. Full bore
scour valves shall be provided for an external reticulation system, and
shall be of the flange ended sluice type. Recommended sizes of scour
valves are indicated in Table B.8.

Table B.8 : Scour Valve Sizes

Pipe Size (mm) Recommended Scour Valve Size
150 – 400 100
450 – 550 150
600 – 750 200
800 – 1000 250
1050 – 1200 300
1300 and above 450

Note : All scour valves shall be flange ended.

 Full bore scour valves shall be provided for supply mains at not
greater than 5 km apart, and at low points near to streams/rivers/main
drains. Discharge to these water courses shall be subject to the
river/drain capacity. A self cleansing velocity of greater than 0.6 m/s
shall be achieved during drain-off conditions.

 Scour valves shall be housed within a purpose fit chamber and placed
at locations that are readily accessible for examination, repair and
placement. Detail of a scour valve system complete with associated
valve chamber is depicted in Drawing No. SPAN/WS/STD/F /003.

 Air valves shall as a minimum be provided at all peak points along a

pipeline profile and where there are significant negative changes in
pipeline gradient. Typical details of various types and sizes and layout
of air valves are depicted in Drawing No. SPAN/WS/STD/F/005.

 For external reticulation pipelines with diameter of 200mm and below,

air insertion points shall be provided not greater than 1km apart. The
air valve shall be of the double orifice type incorporating a flange
ended isolating valve. Sizes of the air valve required shall be in
accordance with Table B.9.

Table B.9 : External Reticulation System Air Valve Sizes

Pipe Size (mm) Air Valve Size (mm)
150 - 300 50
350 - 550 80
600 - 800 100
850 - 1200 150
1300 and above 200

Note : All air valves shall be double orifice type incorporating a

flange ended isolating valve

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 Constant flow valves may be installed on a service pipe discharging to

the suction cistern located at factories, condominiums or apartments
and at offices so as to limit the flow rate at levels sufficient to fill the
suction tanks within a twenty hour period, whenever the residual head
at the inlet of the cistern exceeds 15 meters; and at industrial
establishments (if warranted by the WDL). The competent person
shall submit the characteristic curve/chart of the constant flow valve to
the Commission / Certifying Agency for approval.

 All valve chambers shall be covered by suitable lockable covers.

Details of different types of covers are depicted in Drawing Nos.
SPAN/WS/STD/F/006 to 007.

 Pipeline segments should be adequately jointed in order to prevent

leakage, to maintain stability and to ensure integrity of the pipelines
basic functions. Different permitted type of joints for various pipe
materials are depicted in Drawing Nos. SPAN/WS/STD/F/013 to 014.

E. Water Sampling Stations (for new development areas)

 For new development areas, a water sampling station, incorporating a

pressure gauge, shall be provided at every service reservoir or suction
cistern outlet. A typical design of a water sampling station is depicted
in Drawing No. SPAN/WS/STD/F/008. For safety reasons the door of
the Station enclosure shall not face the road. The Ministry of Health
shall be consulted on the numbers and location of water sampling
stations to be provided within a defined external reticulation network
system serving a specific development. As a general rule the number
of water sampling stations required shall be in accordance with the
criteria specified in Table B.10.

Table B.10 : Number of Water sampling stations required

within an external reticulation system
Number of Connections (No.) No. of Water Sampling
Below 300 Not Required
301 – 1,000 1
1,001 and above Additional 1 no. of
sampling station for every
1,000 connections

Note: Ministry of Health to be consulted on the appropriateness

of the above criteria

F. District Meter Zones

 A District Meter Zone (DMZ) facility may be installed at the discretion

of the WDL within an external reticulation system serving a particular
development. The Water Distribution Licensee shall be responsible for
determining whether a DMZ should be implemented within a
Development Area based on a macro assessment of water metering
systems within a larger or regional water distribution network system.
The locations of DMZ within a particular development shall be decided

Uniform Technical Guidelines

by the Water Distribution Licensee. DMZ facilities shall be constructed

by the WDL.

 Typical plan and sections of a district flow meter facility is reproduced

in Drawing No. SPAN/WS/STD/F/009 Typical diameters for various
sizes of DMZ are also displayed in this referred drawing.

B.4.2 Service Reservoirs

A. Storage Capacity

 A service reservoir shall be designed to store or contain within its

storage compartment a maximum volume of water equivalent to a
cumulative day’s estimated total water demand from all types of
premises located within its demarcated service area. The service area
could either be a single development area or a number of
development areas receiving water only from one reservoir.
Estimation of stored water volume shall be based on the unit water
demand rates pertaining to specific premise types (Table B.1), and
the total numbers of each premise type located within the reservoir
service area.

B. Hydraulic Requirements

 Design of external reticulation systems supplied from an service

reservoir shall be based on (a) the reservoir's BWL, and (b) the
minimum residual pressure available at the HSL of a premise shall be
a minimum of 7.5m.

 The following residual pressure requirements shall be satisfied at the

service reservoir:

- Minimum residual pressure at reservoir/ tank’s Top Water

Level (TWL) shall not be less than 4.5m, where the
connection source of incoming main has no connection to any
other reticulation main.
- Minimum residual pressure at reservoir/ tank’s Top Water
Level (TWL) shall not be less than 7.5m where the incoming
main has direct connection to reticulation pipe.
- Maximum residual pressure above HSL at any case shall not
exceed 15m for a gravity fed reservoirs/ tanks and 5m for
pumping fed reservoirs/ tanks.

 Reservoirs with storage capacities above 5 million litres shall be

provided with compartments.

 Reservoirs shall be designed to permit the ingress and egress of air

as the water level falls and rises. Appropriate ventilation systems shall
be screened by non-corrosive mesh to prevent intrusion by insects,
small animals, etc.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 There shall be proper circulation within reservoirs and suction

cisterns. Inlets and outlets shall be located at the far side of each
other. Inlets shall be placed at an angle to promote circulation.

 Outlets shall be designed in order to prevent pick up of sediments

accumulated within the reservoir.

C. Boundary Setback

 Setbacks from the edge of structural foundations to the facility’s

boundary shall be flat all-round and shall be at least 6.0 m for ground
reservoirs, suction cisterns and pumping station structures, and 9.0 m
for elevated reservoirs. Minimum distance between two (2) structures
shall be 3.0 m.

 Subject to the minimum setback condition as specified above, the

competent person shall determine the distance between service
reservoir and the toe or crest of a slope.

D. Materials and Measures

 All materials used in the construction of an service reservoir shall

conform to those registered with the Commission.

 Service reservoirs and suction cisterns shall preferably be constructed

from reinforced concrete. However, service reservoirs of other
materials may be used in special cases such as where there are
constraints in the available size or shape of the land, or when the
reservoir needs to be completed within a short duration. The
Commission/Certifying Agency shall have the right to decide on the
final selection of reservoir construction materials for different

 Service reservoirs with a capacity of more than 454,000 litres should

be of reinforced concrete or of other materials registered with the

 Elevated service reservoirs of the reinforced concrete type, or storage

cisterns, shall be limited to capacities of less than 4.54 million litres.
The allowable capacity of elevated service reservoirs constructed from
other materials shall be determined by the Commission.

 The effective water depth in service reservoirs built from reinforced

concrete shall be limited to five (5) metres for capacities of less than
4.54 million litres, or seven (7) metres for capacities of 4.54 million
litres and above. The water depth for non-reinforced concrete service
reservoirs or storage cisterns shall not be more than five (5) metres.

 Inspection gallery with access door shall be provided for ground

reservoirs of 4.54 million litres capacity, or more.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

E. Pipelines located inside of Service Reservoirs and Storage Cisterns

 All pipes installed within service reservoirs or storage cisterns shall

either be of stainless steel or ductile iron and coated with suitable anti-
corrosion paint system or other materials as approved by the

 All vertical pipes shall be anchored and supported with stainless steel
brackets and bolts and nut bolted into the wall of the reservoir.

 Overflow pipes shall be at least one size larger than the inlet pipe

 The scour pipe shall be designed to empty the full capacity of an

service reservoir or storage cistern at least within six (6) hours.

 Generally, if water is supplied to a storage reservoir by gravity flow,

the inlet pipe at the reservoir shall be of side or bottom inlet, whilst if
water is supplied by forced pumping the inlet pipe shall be of top-inlet
(bellmouth) type. The outlet pipe shall be of side or bottom outlet.

 Stainless steel strainer shall be installed at the outlet pipe of the

reservoir or storage cistern. The invert level of outlet pipe shall be at
least 150 mm above the floor of the reservoir.

F. Control Valves

 Water flowing by gravity into a suction cistern or service reservoir shall

be controlled by a mechanical control valve; except in the case of
pumped flows which shall be controlled by electrodes or level sensors.

 Inlet control valves shall be a one way flow full bore altitude valve
complete with strainer and by-pass system installed in one common
chamber, with butterfly valves introduced for isolating and by-passing
water flows. This requirement is exempted when the incoming main is
below 300mm and the inlet position is at the top end of a reservoir.

 By-pass pipes shall be provided and shall be of the same size as the
incoming pipes.

 The altitude valve shall be of the diaphragm or piston type for sizes of
less than 450 mm diameter, and only of the piston type for sizes of
450 mm diameter and above.

 The control valves shall be fitted with sluice valves/ butterfly valves for
isolation and maintenance purposes.

 All valve chambers shall either be well drained, or equipped with an

installed dewatering system.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

G. Pipes Strainers

 All incoming mains to the suction cistern and gravity flow to service
reservoirs shall be fitted with pipe strainers.

 A pipe strainer shall be fitted after the sluice valve and installed
together in a common valve chamber. The size of the valve chamber
shall be constructed to suit the fittings of the sluice valve and pipe

 The strainer shall be of 10 - 15 mm size of mesh stainless steel

screen (net).

H. Miscellaneous

 Stairs placed external to an elevated or ground service reservoir shall

be of reinforced concrete and shall be fenced complete with mild steel
doors. All external walk up stairs for ground reservoirs shall have
brick wall enclosure. Walk up stairs inside an service reservoir shall
be of reinforced concrete or stainless steel (SS304). All walk-up stairs
shall be fixed with hand railings.

 All service reservoirs or suction cisterns shall be fitted with 'Dial' type
level indicators. The size of level indicator for ground type service
reservoirs or cisterns, and for elevated reservoirs or cisterns shall not
be less than 600 mm diameter and 900 mm diameter respectively.
Only stainless steel grade cable (of tangle-free design) shall be

 Top water level, bottom water level and capacity of an service

reservoir or suction cistern shall be printed on the reservoir or cistern

 Water sampling stations shall be provided at every service reservoir


 All valve chambers shall protrude above the ground level by not more
than 300 mm, and shall be tightly fitted with a suitable cover.

 Platform drainage, overflow drains and slope drainage shall be

designed as per Table B.11. The type of slope drainage shall be
reinforced concrete V-drain as shown in Figure B.1.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Table B.11 : Storm drainage system design requirements

Drain Type Design Flow

General platform drainage 5 years ARI + check 100 years ARI
5 years ARI + check 100 years ARI
Overflow discharge drain to or
approved discharge point 5 years ARI + Overflow whichever is
the greater
Slope drainage 5 years ARI + check 100 years ARI

Note: ARI is an average recurrent interval



GRADE 30/20

Figure B.1 : Typical Details of Slope Drainage

 Security fences for service reservoirs and/or suction cisterns and

pumping stations shall be built along the boundary of the reserve (in
accordance with the Standard Drawing No. SPAN/WS/STD/035),
and the boundary shall be marked with boundary stones at 6 meter

 All level ground within an external service reservoir, suction cistern

and pumping station compound shall be premixed in accordance with
criteria specified in Table B.12.

Table B.12 : Premix road pavement structures

Thickness (mm)
Pavement Structure Subject to traffic Not subject to traffic
loads loads
Road Base (crusher run) 250 150
Base / Binder Course 60 60
Wearing Course 40 40

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 Dedicated access metalled roads servicing an service reservoir,

suction cistern and pumping station site shall be at least 6 m wide with
1 m shoulder on both sides. The maximum gradient of an access road
should not exceed 10%.

 Service reservoirs and cisterns shall be painted as per WDL’s


 All markings on service reservoirs or suction cisterns and pumping

stations shall be subject to the WDL’s approval.

 All ferrous type saddles used shall have protective coating against

 Saddles for High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe should be of

electro-fusion tapping.

 All bolts and nuts placed below ground shall be of stainless steel.

B.4.3 Pumping Stations

A. General

 Platform levels of pumping stations and suction cisterns shall be

designed to be above the 100 years ARI flood level determined for the
specific area in which the pumping station is located.

 Pumping stations shall be of reinforced concrete type, with non-load

bearing walls constructed with bricks. Roofs may either be of
reinforced concrete or be built with tiles. Roof tiles can only be used
for pumping stations where the pumping capacity does not exceed
100 m3/hr. If a roof truss is to be used, the truss shall be of the steel

 All pumping stations shall be equipped with toilets served by a

sewerage system as approved by the Commission / Certifying

 Pumping stations with pumping capacity exceeding 50 m3/hr shall be

equipped with an office/store room.

 All windows shall be of the steel-casement type.

 Security grilles shall be provided on the inside of the pumping station


 Heavy duty floor tiling shall be provided.

 Ceramic wall tiling shall be provided up to 1.5 m height.

 Pipe materials employed for suction and discharge piping, and for
fittings, shall conform to Table B.6.2.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 Within a pumping station, pipes, valves and fittings may either be laid
in trenches, as normally practiced, or otherwise. Exposed fittings shall
incorporate additional features, such as working platforms, to avoid
promoting obstructions inside the pumping station when operation and
maintenance works are carried out.

 Where trenches are used, pipes shall be well-anchored within the

trench. The minimum width of trenches shall be the size of pipe laid
plus 300 mm clear spacing on either side of the pipes external wall. All
trenches shall be well drained and covered with hot dipped galvanised
grating or chequered plate. Trenches built below the drain level shall
be provided with a pump sump and submersible pump complete with
isolator point and earth leakage relay.

 All exposed pipes and fittings shall be painted as per WDL’s


 Main switchboards shall be compartmentalized and located away from

water pipes. Minimum clear distance between the main switchboards
and an adjacent wall shall be 1.5 m.

 Minimum clear distance between two (2) pump sets shall not be less
than 1.0 m.

 All pumping stations shall be provided with fire prevention and fire
fighting system as per BOMBA requirements. First aid kits and safety
procedures shall also be provided.

 The pumping station shall be painted and labelled as per WDL’s


 Security fencing and an access gate, including guard house if required

by the WDL, shall be provided as detailed in the Standard Drawing
No. SPAN/WS/STD/035.

 For outside of designated industrial zones adequate acoustically

designed pumping stations shall be provided to limit sound levels of
less than 65 dB to be induced at the pump station boundary; whereas
for inside of designated industrial zones shall be limited to maximum
of 70 dB.

B. Pump Plinths

 Pumpsets shall be rigidly fixed in position on its foundation and shall

be free from vibrations. The design of the foundation shall comply
with the following criteria:

- The pumpset foundation shall be sufficiently strong to support

its load.
- It shall be sufficiently strong and heavy for suppressing any

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 A good practice is to fix the pumpsets on concrete blocks, in

reasonably good firm ground. The recommended standard heights of
plinths for pumps with various power ratings are as follows:

- 7.5 -15.0 kW : 200 mm to 250 mm

- 15.0 -40.0 kW : 250 mm to 450 mm
- 40.0 -55.0 kW : 450 mm to 600 mm
- 55.0 -75.0 kW : 600 mm to 750 mm
- 75.0 -100.0 kW : 750 mm to 1000 mm

 In practice, for pumps with power ratings above 75.0 kW, foundation
plinths shall be specially designed based on the following standards:

- For electric motor driven pumps, the weight of an independent

foundation shall be at least three times more than the machine
kerb weight of the pumpset.

- When anti-vibration material such as rubber, spring etc; is

placed between the common base plate (for pump and the
prime mover), and the foundation, the weight of the foundation
can be reduced to half of the standard weight.

- Where any pipe of the pumping system passes through a

building wall, an anti-vibration measure shall be provided to
prevent the vibration from being transmitted to the building.

 Apart from depth, the size of foundation plinth shall have a minimum
border of 100 mm to 150 mm all round while the top of the plinth shall
be 100 mm to 150 mm above the floor. The concrete mix for the
plinths shall be Grade 25.

B.4.4 Geotechnical Considerations

A. Foundation Design

Foundations shall be designed so that adequate bearing capacities can be

mobilized within the serviceability limit states of the structure.

Where structures are located on or adjacent to slopes, due consideration

shall be given to the interaction between the structure and the slope. The
following criteria shall be considered:

 The influence of the adjacent slope on the bearing capacity, lateral

capacity and settlement of the foundation.

 The effect the foundation will have on the stability of the slope during
construction and during its working life.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

B. Proximity to Existing Structures

The Competent Person shall take into consideration the proximity of existing
structures when designing foundations for water supply facilities, in order to
ensure that such foundations can be safely constructed.

C. Slope Stability Analysis & Design

 Slope stability analyses shall be carried out for all Class 2 and Class 3
Slopes (Refer Table A.1). The analyses must take into account all
potential external loadings and ground water conditions.

 If initial analyses show that the stability of a proposed slope is

inadequate, the Owner and Competent Person should first establish if
the re-siting of a proposed structure or change in slope geometry (i.e.
by reducing the height and/or slope gradient) is feasible, as this may
be the cheapest solution. Otherwise, stability may be enhanced by
provision of slope stabilization and protection measures including
retaining structures, appropriate drainage systems, etc.

 Ground water levels observed during investigations do not normally

represent the peak levels occurring during storm conditions.
Therefore, estimation must be made as to the increase in water levels
due to rainfall events or other factors such as leaking pipes. Where
necessary, seepage analyses shall be carried out to determine the
existing and worst credible ground water regime that shall be adopted
in the design.

 For soil slopes, the analysis of its long-term stability shall be

considered using effective stress parameters. The use of apparent
cohesion in the calculation is not advised. If cementation is found to
be present in the soil, rock mechanic principles should be adopted in
the analysis.

 For newly formed slopes, the minimum factor of safety against failure
shall be as follows:

- 1.5 for normal groundwater conditions,

- 1.4 for 10-year return period rainfall, and
- 1.1 for worst ground water conditions.

 For slopes composed of well-graded, free-draining rock fill materials

the above indicated factors of safety may not be appropriate, since
these slopes are not normally subject to saturation or groundwater rise
during rainfall. The Competent Person shall exercise due judgment in
this respect.

 The stability of a slope may be affected by excavation for construction

of foundations on or adjacent to the slope and the demolition of
structures supporting the toe of slopes. These effects shall also be
duly considered during design/analysis.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 Under no circumstance shall loosely placed fill material be used on

slope and embankment. Fill slopes shall be designed using shear
strength parameters obtained from tests on representative samples of
the proposed earth fill material compacted to the specified

 For rock slopes, geological mapping and interpretation shall be carried

out to analyze its stability. The potential failure modes of rock slopes
such as wedge, toppling and/or plane failures shall be identified.
Where necessary, appropriate rock slope stabilization measures shall
be employed.

D. Slope Protection and Drainage Measures

Effective slope protection and drainage measures shall be provided to

prevent erosion, limit rainfall infiltration via surface runoff, and to ensure that
the ground water level will not exceed the design level. Due consideration
shall be given to the following:

 Slope protection measures shall be suitably prescribed to prevent

erosion and minimize rainwater infiltration. Vegetation / turfing,
sprayed concrete and geosynthetic reinforcement solutions have been
found to be effective in Malaysia. The Competent Person shall
recommend the most optimum mitigation measures supported by
appropriate analysis.

 Drains shall be provided at berms and at the crest of a slope. Where

drains are used to intercept water flowing into the slope from
infiltrations uphill, they shall be constructed up slope of possible failure
surfaces to avoid creating tension cracks.

 Surface and subsurface drains and weep holes shall be considered on

the slopes where:

- The water bodies such as water catchment areas, sewers,

drains and water mains are located above the slope.

- The critical ground water level is uncertain or may likely

exceed the adopted design value.

E. Lateral Soil Loads

For all yielding or non-yielding structural components, lateral soil loads shall
be determined by using Active or Passive soil pressure conditions
respectively, as indicated in the Geotechnical Design Report.

A minimum surcharge pressure equal to an additional 10 kPa shall be used

for all structures adjacent to traffic loading conditions.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

F. Recommended maintenance of sloped areas

 The long-term safety and stability of slopes and earth-retaining

structures within and adjacent to the facility lot should be ensured by
the owner, or the Local Authority/WDL if ownership of the land has
been transferred to the State.

 The owner or Local Authority/WDL should implement the inspection

plan for slopes to ascertain the need for maintenance of man-made
items by identifying occurrences which may eventually lead to failure,
such as:

- Cracked/broken drains and concrete structures i.e. retaining

walls, shotcrete surface and stone pitching.
- Obstructions to weep-holes and drainage channels.
- Erosion and distress of slopes.
- Tension cracks at the crest of slopes.
- Heaving at toes of slopes.

 The inspection plan for slopes proposed by the Competent Person,

who shall be a Professional Engineer experienced in the design of
geotechnical works, should specify the frequency of inspections.
Preferably slope inspection should be undertaken at least once a year;
but the frequency of inspection should be increased during prolonged
wet weather conditions. Where a slope failure could result in significant
risk of losses to life or property, then the inspection intervals should be
reduced accordingly

 Slope inspections should be carried out well before the onset of the wet
season in Malaysia. Adequate time should be allowed for the
construction of remedial works, if any.

 Reference may be made to CKC (2006a) and CKC (2006b) for further
guidance on slope maintenance inspections works.

 All inspection records should be kept by the owner or Local Authority.

Where necessary, the owner or Local Authority shall carry out works to
maintain and/or restore the safety of a structure, and to prevent further

B.4.5 Communication Pipes

 Pipe materials for communication pipes shall conform to the following types:

Type of Pipe D< 100mm dia. D ≥ 100mm dia.

Communication Stainless Steel 304 / HDPE/ Mild Steel lined with cement
Pipe Composite Pipe as approved mortar / concrete and
by the Commission. Ductile Iron lined with cement
mortar / concrete

Notes: All stainless steel pipes shall be of Grade 304, except in coastal areas
where Grade 316 shall be used.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 Communication pipes shall not be routed through contaminated soils, traverse

along the inner faces of roadside drains, and shall not puncture through a
roadside drain. Typical communication pipeline profiles are depicted in
Drawing No. SPAN/WS/STD/F/030.

 Tap-off connection details between a communication pipe and reticulation

pipelines made out of different materials is depicted in Drawing Nos.
SPAN/WS/STD /F/026 to 029. For HDPE pipe, all joints shall be electro fusion

 Non-metallic & composite pipes which are laid cross drain or laid exposed shall be
protected by steel pipe sleeves or by any other method permitted by the

 Stop valves, including lockable types, shall be installed along the

communication pipe upstream of the meter point so as to terminate flows to a
premise, or to shut off flows during installation and reinstatement of meters.

 The size of the communication pipe shall be determined based on delivering a

flow of 2.5 times the estimated premise average consumption rate.

B.4.6 Materials

A. All materials used in the construction of supply mains, service reservoirs,

pumping stations, and external reticulation systems shall conform to those
which are registered with the Commission. The Commission, CA or WDL
reserves the right to inspect the materials to be used before installation.
Unapproved materials/products, including those incorporated in completed
works, shall be cleared from the site. Otherwise, the development will not
be taken over by the WDL.

B. Approved materials for supply mains (without tapping) are as shown in

Table B.6.1.

C. Approved materials for pumping mains are as shown in Table B.6.2.

Part C:
Planning and Designs
of Plumbing Systems
Uniform Technical Guidelines



The components of a plumbing system comprises of service pipes, distribution

pipes, storage cisterns, feed cisterns, hot water apparatus, taps, valves, water
closets, baths, sinks, wash basins, and other connected appliances that are
normally installed within a building to distribute water supplied by the Water
Distribution Licensee to various outlets for use by a premise owner. Schematic
drawings describing the basic features of a plumbing system associated with a
landed property, and with a high rise building are depicted in Figures C.1 and C.2

C.1.1 Rules and Regulations

a. This chapter on Plumbing Systems shall be read in conjunction with the

following documents:

i. Water Services Industry Act 2006.

ii. Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules


iii. Water Services Industry (Maintenance of Water Storage Tank in

High Rise Residential Buildings and Gated Community) Rules 201X
(when the proposed subsidiaries law has enforce).

b. The provisions specified in the above Rules and Regulations are not
necessary repeated in these Uniform Technical Guidelines.

c. Where there occurs a discrepancy between the Uniform Technical

Guidelines and the above Rules and Regulations, the provisions stipulated
in the Rules and Regulations shall prevail.


a. A competent person shall lodge one (1) set of plumbing plans of A1 size,
together with one (1) no. Compact Disk containing the soft copy of the
drawings in AutoCAD format, with the Local Authority and the Commission
respectively. The purpose of submission is for record purposes only, and not
for obtaining an approval.

Installation and certification of plumbing systems shall be subject to the

Certificate, Completion and Compliance process specified under the
Uniform Building Bye Laws. This is a self regulatory process wherein the
Principal Submitting Person shall design and certify plumbing systems in
compliance with the Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and
Plumbing) Rules and other relevant written laws. A Permit Holder shall also
certify construction of plumbing systems in accordance with the designs.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Plumbing plans submission shall include the following information:

i. Site plan of the Premise.

ii. Floor plan and cross sections of the building, including locating the
position of meters, fittings, valves, pipeline layouts, etc.

iii. Sectional plans of building showing locations of storage cistern and

pumping rooms (where applicable).

iv. Schematic diagram or single line schematic diagram of pipework


v. Copy of approved letters issued by the WDL confirming permission

to source water from an approved external water reticulation system,
including location of tapping point.

b. Plumbing designs and drawings for buildings of 15 meters of height and

below, and not equipped with pumping or central heating systems, can be
submitted by either a competent person who can either be an architect,
mechanical engineer, civil engineer; or by a registered building draftsman as
stipulated in the second schedule of Water Services Industry (Water
Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014.

c. Submission of plumbing designs and drawings for buildings of above 15

meters, and which are equipped with pumping or central heating systems
can be submitted by a competent person who shall be either a professional
mechanical engineer.

d. All plans for fire fighting systems shall be separately submitted to BOMBA.


C.3.1 General

a. Only Type A permit holders issued by the Commission shall be permitted to

carry out plumbing works.

b. Tapping works shall only be conducted by a Type A2 permit holder.

c. Only pipes, valves, storage cisterns and other installations that have been
registered by the Commission can be used.

d. Tap off to kitchen sinks shall be drawn directly from a service pipe. (Not
applicable for development with central storage cisterns).

e. Draw off tap to kitchen sinks that draw water directly from service pipe shall
be designed with an air gap to avoid contamination of the external water
reticulation system. Such draw-off taps shall be so fixed that their outlets are
at least 150 mm above the top edge of sink into which the water may

Uniform Technical Guidelines

f. No draw of tap for the purpose of any activity performed within the boundary
of the premises but external to building structure can be directly connected
to a service pipe provided that a backflow preventer is installed between the
tap and the service pipe.

g. Piping systems for domestic water supply, air conditioning, fire fighting
systems and for distribution of non-potable water shall be separated from
each other. No inter-connections are permitted.

h. The WDL may require a constant flow valve to be installed upstream of the
meter for supply to commercial or industrial premises whose water demand
exceeds 250m3 per day.

i. Automatic flushing of urinals, other than controlled by a sensor mechanism,

is not permitted.

j. Manual flushing, or a flush valve, shall be used for urinals.

k. All bolts and nuts placed below ground shall be of stainless steel.

C.3.2 Pipes and Valves

A. Pipes

a. The nominal size, type and class of pipes shall be specified in the drawings.

b. Minimum internal diameter of pipes for plumbing systems shall be 15 mm.

c. Use of Galvanized Iron (G.I.) pipes are not permitted for domestic internal
plumbing systems.

d. Non-metallic & composite pipes which are laid cross drain or laid exposed
shall be protected by steel pipe sleeves or by any other method permitted by
the commission

e. Types of pipes permitted, and their complying standards, for internal

plumbing systems are described in Table C.1.and Table C.2 respectively.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Table C.1 : Pipe Materials for Plumbing Systems

Type of Pipe D< 100mm dia. D ≥ 100mm dia.
Service Pipe Stainless Steel / ABS / Mild Steel / Ductile Iron /
(Downstream of Polypropylene Random Co- Stainless Steel / ABS / GRP /
Meter) Polymer (PPR) / Copper / PPR / HDPE / uPVC
Polybutelyne / Polyolefine
Blend (POB) / GRP /
Composite Pipe / CPVC
(Chlorinated PVC)
All Pumping Stainless Steel / Copper / Mild Steel / Stainless Steel /
Mains (Pump Composite Pipe / Ductile Iron / Polypropylene
Suction and Polypropylene Random Co- Random Co-Polymer (PPR)
Delivery Pipes) Polymer (PPR)
Distribution Pipe Stainless Steel / ABS / Mild Steel / Ductile Iron / ABS
Polypropylene Random Co- / HDPE / PPR / uPVC
Polymer (PPR) / Copper /
Polybutelyne / Composite
Pipe / Polyolefine Blend


1. Only pipes registered with the Commission can be used.

2. Registered pipes and manufacturers are listed in the website of the
Commission i.e.
3. Ductile iron pipe for riser pipes shall be flange ended or push-in-jointed
complete with restraint tie bars.
4. All plastic pipes shall be of PN 12 and above
5. All stainless steel pipes shall be of Grade 304, except in coastal areas where
Grade 316 shall be used.

Table C.2 : Complying standards of pipes used in internal plumbing system

Types of Pipe Complying Standard

1. Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) MS 1419:2007
2. Polybutylene (PB) MS ISO 15876- part 1,2 & 3: 2004
MS 1058-part 1&2: 2005
3. Polyethylene (PE)
& part 3 : 2006
4. Ductile Iron MS 1919: 2006
5. Copper BS EN 1057:2006
6. Stainless Steel MS 1841: 2010
7. High Density Poyethylene (HDPE) MS 1058 Part 2:2005
8. Unplasticised PVC (uPVC) MS 628 : Part I 1999
9. Polypropylene (PP) ISO 15874:2003 (Part 1 to Part 4)
10 Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) MS 2045:2007
11 Mild Steel Cement Line Pipe BS 534:1990

Note: The Commission may from time to time permit other standards to be used.
The Competent Person shall be responsible for adopting the latest revised or
updated (version) edition of the standards listed under Table C.2

Uniform Technical Guidelines

f. In the case of dropper pipes where the water pressure exceeds 30m head,
pressure reducing valves or break cisterns shall be employed to reduce
static pressures.

g. The distance between supports and hangers for different types of pipes
shall be in accordance with Section 6.1.7 (Table 12) of BS 6700:2006.

B. Valves

a. Isolating valves (ball or stop cock type), shall be installed on:-

i. All inlet pipes to suction cisterns and shall be positioned at a

minimum of 1.8 metres above the floor level.

ii. All outlet pipes from suction cisterns, and shall be placed in an
accessible position and located a maximum height of 1.8 metres
above the floor level.

iii. Scour pipes attached to storage cisterns.

b. Separate pipes shall be routed to each toilet compartment, and to fittings

such as sinks, basins, water closets (WC) and urinals.

c. All valves employed in an internal plumbing system shall be made of brass,

ductile iron or stainless steel. Valves made of thermoplastic materials shall
not be used, except for valves of up to 25mm nominal diameter within
landed premises and within units in high rise buildings.

d. The pressure rating of the valves used shall be adequate to withstand the
operating pressure of the piping system, and also the expected pressure
(1.5 times the maximum permissible working pressure) during the hydraulic
pressure test of the piping system.

e. The valves used in the plumbing system shall comply with the requirements
of applicable standards specified in Table C.3.

Table C.3 : Complying Standards for Valves

Valves Nominal Bore (NB) Complying Standard

Stopvalves Various sizes BS EN 1213:2000 and SIRIM 9:2017
BS EN 12288:2003 (copper alloy valves)
Gate Valves Various sizes
BS EN 1171:2002 (cast iron valves)
Butterfly Valves 100 mm and above BS EN 593:2004
BS EN 12288:2003 (copper alloy)
Check Valves Various sizes BE EN 12334:2001 (Cast Iron)
BS EN 14341: 2006 (Steel)
MS 1882:2005
Float Operated Valves Various sizes BS 1212, Part 1, 2, 3,4 for valves and BS
1968 or BS 2456 for float.
Pressure Reducing
Various sizes BS EN 1567:2000

Note: The Commission may from time to time permit other recognised standards to
be employed.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

C.3.3 Storage Cistern Within Consumer Premises

The storage cistern within a consumer’s premise serves several functions including
(a) providing sufficient storage of water to safeguard against disruption of water
supplies over a twenty-four hour period, (b) maintaining suitable pressures within
the distribution piping system serving a building and (c) safeguarding against
backflow of stored and used water to the external reticulation system. A schematic
drawing illustrating the basic components of a storage cistern is depicted in Figure

a. Capacity

i. Generally, the effective capacity of a storage cistern (i.e. the

maximum volume of water that can be drawn for use over a twenty-
four hour period) shall provide for one day’s water consumption
needs of different types of premises. The minimum storage
capacities for different types of buildings are specified in Table C.4,
Table C.5 and Table C.6.

Table C.4 : Minimum storage capacities for hospital, airport and

particular industry

Minimum storage
Type of Building capacity for one day
Hospital 1500 / bed
Airport 25 / passenger
Heavy Industry 65000 / hectare
Medium Industry 50000 / hectare
Light Industry 33,000 / hectare
Light Industrial Workshop 1500 / unit
Wet Market 1500 / stall
Dry Market 450 / stall
Semi Detached / Bungalow / Workshops 1500 / unit

Table C.5: Minimum storage capacities for residential / shop premises

Minimum storage capacity for

Type of Building
one day (liters)
Dwelling Houses (Rural) 800 / unit
Dwelling Houses And Flats With
1300 / unit
Individual Storage Cistern(Urban)
Flats With Shared Storage Cistern 1000 / unit
Low Cost Houses (Rural And Urban) 800 / unit
Shop House (Single Storey) / Low
2000 / unit
Cost Shop
Shop House (Double Storey) 3000 / unit
Shop House (Three Storey) 4100 / unit
Shop House (Four Storey) 4550 / unit

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Table C.6: Minimum storage capacities for other types of buildings

Minimum storage capacity

Type of Building
for one day (liters)
Hotels 270 / person
Hostels 180 / person
Day Schools / Kindergarden 30 / person
Boarding Schools 180 / person
Restaurants 14 / person
Mosque Or Other Place Of Worship 50 / person
Barrack (Army And Police) 250 / person
Office / Complex / Commercial
1000 / 100 square metre
(Domestic Usage)
Community Centres Or Halls 1000 / 100 square metre
Education Institutions (Other Than
100 / student
School And Kindergarten)
Institution Of Higher Learning With
250 / student
Hostels Facilities
Prison 250 / person
Army Camp 250 / person
Bus Terminal 900 / service bay
Petrol Kiosk (With Car Washing Bay) 50,000 / unit
Petrol Kiosk (Without Car Washing
10,000 / unit
Stadium 55 / person
Golf Course 1000 / 100 square metre
Warehouse 1500 / unit
Others As per the estimated water
demand by the owner

ii. For premises where the population is transient and unknown the
required storage cistern capacity may be estimated by the number
of, and the types of, fittings installed as denoted in Table C.7.

Table C.7 : Estimation of Water Demand based on Types of Fittings

Storage Capacity Type of Fittings
1. 450-900 liters Per Shower
2. 910 liters Per Slipper Bath
3. 180 liters Per Water Closet
4. 90 liters Per Lavatory Basin
5. 90 liters Per Sink
6. 180 liters Per Urinal
7. 180 liters Per Bed Pan Washer
8. 225 liters Per Wash-Up Sink

iii. Storage cisterns for hospitals, airports and medium and heavy
industries shall have a storage capacity of not less than two days
water demand based on projected consumption pattern in
accordance with Table B.1.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

iv. Factories with future expansion plans shall allocate sufficient space
for ultimate storage requirements.

v. Top Water Level (TWL) for suction cisterns and roof storage cisterns
shall be referred to Ordnance Datum Level.

vi. Separate water storage cisterns and distribution pipes shall be

provided for supplying water to food courts in buildings, and for
kitchen and food and beverage outlets at hotels, hospitals and
convention centre’s.

b. Pipeworks and Materials

i. Water storage cistern with a capacity of 4,500 liters and below shall
have an overflow pipe which shall function as a warning pipe and
shall be installed at a visible location.

ii. The overflowing level of the warning pipe shall be set 50mm above
the water line and not less than 50mm below the top edge of the

iii. Water storage cisterns with capacity of above 4,500 liters shall have
separate overflow and warning pipes which shall be installed at a
visible location so that visual detection of overflows can be made.

iv. Overflow pipes and scour pipes shall be one size larger than an
incoming pipe and not smaller than the outlet distribution pipe.

v. Scour pipes shall be installed at the lowest point (underneath or

side) of the cistern and channeled to the nearest floor trap, sump or
drain at a visible location.

vi. Materials permitted to be used in the construction of water storage

cisterns shall conform to the Commission’s registered list or other
permitted Recognised Standards.

c. Dedicated Water Storage Cisterns

i. These provisions shall be applicable for every dedicated storage

cistern installed to serve a single consumer occupying any type of
landed property, shop house, shop offices and flatted factory which
is served by an individual meter.

ii. A hatch of not less than 600mm x 600mm shall be provided to

access to the water storage cistern if the latter is placed within a roof
truss area of a building.

iii. If the water storage cistern is placed other than within the roof truss
area, it shall be shaded against the sun and be readily accessible for
maintenance and replacement; provided that it may also be located
in an unshaded area so long as the storage cistern is constructed
from materials that are ultra violet resistant.

iv. The storage cistern shall be placed on flat platform which prevents
distortion of the base of the cistern.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

v. A professional structural engineer as stipulated in the second

schedule of competent persons who shall certify that cistern and its
support system is structurally sound and is safe.

vi. The storage cistern shall be placed in a position where the interior of
the cistern may be readily inspected and cleaned. A clear space of
not less than 375mm shall be provided between the top of the cistern
and any obstruction.

vii. A stable platform of not less than 600mm wide shall be provided at
least along three sides of a cistern for assisting in maintenance of
the tank.

viii. The storage cistern shall be provided with a chlorine resistant cover
which is dust and mosquito-proof. Such cover shall be provided with
an opening of a size not less than 300mm diameter located directly
above the float operated valve or inlet valve of the storage cistern to
enable easy maintenance without having to remove the entire
storage cistern cover.

d. Shared water storage cisterns

i. These provisions shall apply to a single storage cistern that serves

more than one customer (e.g. parcel owners in a condominium,
multi-story flats, high rise buildings, etc.).

ii. Secured access shall be provided for shared storage tanks. Persons
entering secured storage tank areas shall be registered and their
intent recorded in a Registration Booklet maintained by the
Management Corporation or Owners of buildings.

iii. A storage cistern (including any tap fitted to the storage cistern) and
its ancillary equipment shall be kept properly locked at all time.

iv. All roof storage cisterns shall be easily accessible with proper
staircases located within the premise. Only spiral or walk up RC
staircases shall be used and no cat ladder shall be allowed.

v. There shall be proper access and ancillary facilities provided for

regular inspection and cleaning of the water storage cistern. A
minimum head room of 900mm, and similar horizontal clearances,
shall be provided on top of and around the storage cistern.

vi. The storage cistern shall be placed on a flat RC slab or RC plinth (as
the case may be) completes with proper drainage system
discharging to a conspicuous location, such as a scupper drain or
floor traps.

vii. The base of the storage cistern shall be fully supported over its
whole area by a durable, rigid, flat and level platform sufficiently
strong to withstand the weight of the cistern without deflection when
filled with water. For FRP / GRP panel storage cisterns and hot
dipped galvanized storage cisterns, support or skids shall be
provided between the cistern and the concrete plinth.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

viii. Storage cisterns of 10,000 litres or more shall have internal

compartments to facilitate maintenance of the cistern. Alternatively,
multiple cisterns may be employed. An equalizing pipe shall be
provided between each compartment or between each separate
storage cistern supplying water to the same distribution pipe.

ix. Ladders to access the interior of the storage cistern shall be of

stainless steel grade 316.

x. All internal reinforcement (tie rods) if required for the storage cistern
shall be of stainless steel grade 316.

xi. All internal bolts, nuts and washers shall be of stainless steel grade

xii. Bolts, nuts and washers external to the storage cisterns and roof
plate shall be hot dipped galvanized to MS 740 : 1981.

xiii. External ladders to access to the top of the storage cistern may be of
stainless steel, aluminium or hot-dipped galvanized steel.

xiv. All storage cisterns constructed of concrete or steel panels for

domestic water systems shall be lined with HDPE or other corrosion
resistant material for ease of cleaning.

C.3.4 Supply Pressure

a. Landed Residential Premises

i. The residual pressure at any water fixture shall not be less than
2.0m head.

ii. Any section of the plumbing system shall not be subject to a

pressure of more than 30m head, otherwise a pressure reducing
valve shall be used to lower water pressures.

b. Multi-storey Buildings

i. The minimum pressure to be supplied shall be as follows:-

Location Minimum Pressure

Parcel meters of residential units 10m head
Water Fixtures at commercial buildings 7m head
(non-flush valves)
Flush valves 10.5m head

ii. All distribution pipes shall not be subjected to a pressure of more

than 30m head, otherwise a pressure reducing valve shall be
employed to lower water pressures.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

c. Water for non potable purposes

i. The pressure of water supplied for non-potable use, e.g. for

industrial process, cooling, washing, etc., shall conform with
equipment manufacturer specifications.

ii. If pressures of more than 30m head are required, piping and fittings
of a higher pressure rating to suit the specific requirement of a
manufacturer shall be provided. If required, a separate localized
pressure boosting pump set shall be employed to meet the required
pressure levels.

C.3.5 Pumping System

a. Before commencement of any design work for a pumping system, the WDL
shall be consulted on the minimum water pressure available at the identified
tapping point along an existing public main. In this context application for a
water pressure test may be made to the WDL to determine the pressure
available at the proposed tapping point. Should the available pressure be
inadequate to supply water to the elevated storage cistern; a pumping
system shall be provided.

b. Duty and standby hydro-pneumatic pump sets, or variable speed pump sets,
shall be provided to raise the pressure of water supply to the top two floors
of high rise residential and commercial buildings. The pumps shall be fed
with water from the elevated storage cistern.

c. Separate pumping systems shall be provided for non-potable distribution

water systems.

d. -deleted-

e. The capacity of suction cistern should be from 30% to 70% of the total daily
storage capacity required. The balance of the storage volume shall be
provided at the elevated (roof top) cistern.

f. The capacity of the break cistern shall be equivalent to sustaining 1 hour of

pumping of the transfer pump, or 11.5m3, whichever is greater.

g. Minimum pumping rate for a duty pump shall be adequate to fill a

commercial or office building elevated storage cistern in eight (8) hours; and
a residential building storage cistern in sixteen(16) hours.

h. Pumping system operation shall be automated with the assistance of

stainless steel electrodes located within both the suction cistern and storage

i. Selector switches shall be provided at the starter panel in order for pumps to
be operated manually.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

j. For pumping designs using a pressurized system, and where all of the
storage of water is provided at the ground level storage cistern, the following
shall apply:-

i. The number of pumps on standby shall be 100% of the duty pumps.

ii. Pumping system shall be of variable speed drive type.

iii. The power supply shall be tapped from Tenaga National’s power
supply system and be backed up by a standby generator.

k. Alarm systems shall be provided to display a signal when the water level in
the storage cistern is lower than the pump start level.

l. For buildings with multi-basements that are lower than the external road
level, pumps and suction cisterns shall not be located at the lowest
basement level in order to avoid water contamination, and damage to
pumping equipment. For buildings with single basement, or where the
lowest basement is above the road level (as in hill side developments),
pumps and suction cisterns may be located at the lowest basement level,
provided that proper drainage systems are installed to prevent flooding.

m. The design of the pumping system shall adopt measures to minimize the
effect of water hammer. Available solutions, depending on the pumping
head and pumping rate, are as follows:-

i. Using multiple check valves at the header and riser.

ii. Using surge anticipator valves and pressure relieve valves.

iii. Use of hydro-pneumatic tanks (with motorized valve at the elevated

storage cistern, and a pressure sensor positioned on the pump
delivery header for pump control).

n. The manufacturer of the surge anticipator valve and pressure relieve valve
shall be consulted when selecting the most suitable types to be used.

o. The types of pump sets permitted for raising water in a building system shall
include either horizontal end suction pumps or vertical in-line pumps.
Variable speed pumping systems, if introduced, shall be an integral unit
complete with pumps, suction and delivery header pipes, variable speed
drives and pump control systems all assembled by the pump manufacturer.

p. Thermoplastic pipes are permitted to be used in low pressure pumping

systems associated with landed residential premises only.

q. The power supply to any pumping system, other than those located within
landed properties, shall be backed up by a generator set.

r. Booster pumps of capacity lower than 10 m3/hour (< 10 m³/hr) shall have
efficiencies of not less than 45%. Booster pumps of capacity exceeding 10
m3 /hour (≥ 10 m³/hr) but lower than 30 m3/hour (< 30 m³/hr) shall have
efficiencies (pump side) of not less than 50%. The efficiency of all types of
booster pumps of higher capacity shall meet the minimum requirements
tabulated in Table D.1.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

s. Compliance with EFF1 ratings for booster pump motors is voluntary.

However, buildings conforming with Green Building Ratings should have
pump motors complying with EFF1 rating.

C.3.6 Hot Water System

a. Hot water apparatus shall not draw water directly from a service pipe.

b. Hot water apparatus installed in landed residential properties, or other

premises having dedicated storage tanks and served by a single water
meter, can draw water directly from the storage cistern.

c. For high rise residential buildings, the supply to a hot water system shall be
drawn from the distribution pipe located downstream of parcel meters
measuring water use at individual dwelling units. Pumping system is only
allowed downstream of the storage cistern.

d. In the case of high rise commercial buildings a separate feed cistern,

supplied by water from a shared storage cistern through a distribution pipe,
shall supply water to a hot water apparatus.

e. Cold water supplied to a heating apparatus shall be controlled by a stop

valve, and shall be discharged within the heating apparatus at a level above
the overflowing level of the apparatus (air gap provision). This condition may
be waived in the case when the discharge from the heating apparatus is in
open air or through a mixing valve.

f. Control valves shall not be fixed at the heater outlet pipe in the case of
instant water heaters.

g. Hot water pressure tanks shall be constructed from corrosion resisting

materials that are capable of withstanding twice the operating pressure of
the tank.

h. Safety valves, whether in the form of vent pipes or pressure relief valves,
shall be drained to the bathroom floor trap in the case of storage type water
heaters. Vent pipes shall have nominal diameters exceeding 20mm.

i. Types of pipes permitted for use in hot water systems include stainless
steel, copper, CPVC pipes and PPR pipes.

j. Hot water systems shall be designed to be energy efficient. In this respect

all measures shall be taken to minimize heat losses from heating apparatus,
storage tanks and transmission pumping. Pipelines conveying hot water
should be lagged especially in cases where the distribution is extensive. The
recommended distances between hot water apparatus and draw-off taps
where pipe lagging is not required as a function of pipe size as summarized
in Table C.8 below. Pipe with hot water conveyance lengths greater than
stated in Table C.8 should be substantially lagged with appropriate
insulation material.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Table C.8 : Pipe Lagging Requirement

Largest Nominal Diameter of Pipe Length

Not exceeding 13mm 18m
Exceeding 13mm but not exceeding 19mm 12m
Exceeding 19mm but not exceeding 25mm 8m
Exceeding 25mm 3m

k. All un-insulated pipes conveying hot water in landed and high-rise

residential premises (non centralized hot water system) shall as far as
possible be concealed within a brick wall.

l. The outlet level of a pipe conveying cold water from a storage cistern to a
hot water apparatus shall be at the same level or higher than cold water
distribution pipe supplying water to water fixtures from the same cold water
storage cistern.

m. The design of centralized hot water supply systems is beyond the scope of
these Uniform Technical Guidelines. For the design of such systems,
reference shall be made to CP 342-2, Code of Practice for Centralized Hot
Water Supply – Part 2: Buildings Other Than Individual Dwellings.

n. Cold water supplies to a solar heater shall be from a distribution pipe

discharging water from a storage cistern.

C.3.7 Public Swimming Pools

a. Pool capacity, turnover time, rate of water cycle, rate of filtration and make-
up water volume, which consists of backwash, water displacement,
evaporation loss and the details of filtration plant shall be stipulated in the
design drawings to be lodged with the Local Authority and the Commission.

b. Detailed schematic drawings of swimming pool piping systems approved by

the Principal Submitting Person shall be lodged with the Commission for
record purposes only and a copy extended to the Local Authority.

c. The water inlet pipe shall terminate at least 225 mm above the overflow
level of the balancing cistern which shall be secured and access made
available to authorized personnel only.

d. Swimming pools shall be designed in order to be filled within one (1) day to
three (3) days.

e. Water supplies to swimming pools shall be separately metered for

condominiums and high rise buildings.

f. All public swimming pools shall be supplied from a dedicated

communication pipe fitted with an independent meter. Draw-offs from
service pipes serving individual landed properties is not permitted unless
approved by the Commission. In the case of high rise buildings or
condominiums, draw off from service pipes to serve swimming pools is
permitted provided that the water is either discharged to a feed or building

Uniform Technical Guidelines

storage cistern with an air gap of at least 225mm, or a backflow preventer is

installed downstream of the connection with the service pipe but before any
tap offs.


C.4.1 Prevention of Backflow

a. Air gaps between the level of water discharged and the water line of roof
storage cisterns, suction cisterns, bath tubs, sinks and basins shall be
designed and maintained at not less than 75mm.

b. A backflow preventer of the Dual Check Valve type shall be installed at an

appropriate distance downstream of the water meter measuring water
supplies to:-

 Agricultural, and horticultural premises and premises for processing

general chemical;
 Factories using toxic chemicals and processing water other than
potable water;
 Hospitals, mortuaries and veterinary clinics;
 Automated car wash centres.

b. A backflow preventer of the Dual Check Valve type shall be provided along
the service pipe upstream of all point of entry water filters and water kiosks.

c. A Single Check Valve backflow preventer shall be installed upstream of a

garden tap if the fixture is supplied with water from a service pipe.

d. A backflow preventer is not required if these appliances are supplied which

public water supplies through a distribution pipe that is connected to an
approved storage cistern.

C.4.2 Cleaning and Maintenance of Water Storage Cisterns

a. Shared water storage cisterns installed at high rise residential buildings and
gated communities shall be inspected and if required cleaned and
maintained in conformance with provisions specified under the Water
Services Industry (Maintenance of Water Tank at High Rise Buildings and
Gated Community) Rules 201X (when the proposed subsidiaries law has

b. Owner of other premises should take initiatives to inspect, clean and

disinfect water storage cisterns at their premises at regular intervals on a
voluntary basis.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

C.4.3 Disinfection of Storage Tanks and Distribution Pipes

All buildings equipped with a shared water distribution plumbing system shall
employ a permit holder to disinfect all new or altered water fittings after its
installation but prior to its use. Individual landed residential properties and individual
residential units within a multi-storey building are exempted from his condition.


C.5.1 Water Conservation Measures

a. Water shall be used efficiently and effectively at all times. Consumers are
encouraged to adopt water conservation measures in both non-domestic
and domestic premises, and at construction sites, in order to lower the rate
of consumption of water.

b. Installation of flow control valves and self closing delay action taps in high
rise commercial, office, institutional, and industrial buildings is encouraged.

c. Installation of dual flush cisterns with the full flush discharging not more than
6 litres shall be installed in all new buildings. The partial flush shall not
exceed 3 litres.

d. Owners of factories consuming a large amount of water shall study the

feasibility of using recycle water for washing, cooling, and other non potable
uses, and implement such measures if found to be economical.

C.5.2 Use of Non-Potable Water

a. Rain water harvesting system, if adopted by the consumer, shall be tailored to

supply water for:-

i. General washing and gardening.

ii. Flushing water closets.

b. There shall be no cross connection between non-potable and potable water

distribution systems within buildings.

c. Distribution pipes for supplying non-potable water shall be painted green

along its entire barrel.

d. Taps and outlets for non-potable water shall be clearly identified as ‘Not for
Drinking Purposes’.

e. The water storage cistern for potable and non-potable water shall be
separated and shall not be inter-connected.

f. Any service pipe conveying potable water to top-up a rain water storage
cistern containing non-potable water shall have a backflow preventer of the
Dual Check Valve type; and the service pipe shall terminate at least 225 mm
above the overflow level of the rain water storage cistern.

Uniform Technical Guidelines


C.6.1 Certification during Construction

Principal submitting person or his representative at Site, and the Permit Holder,
shall jointly certify all inspections and tests carried out during the construction of

C.6.2 Certification of Completion

The principal submitting person and the permit holder shall jointly certify in Form G5
that the plumbing installation has been constructed in accordance with the
approved plan (current requirement in Form G5 which form part of the staged
Certificate Forms over the CCC process).

C.6.3 Record Drawings and Calculations

The principal submitting person shall maintain as built record drawings and design
calculation for a period of seven (7) years.

The premise owner shall maintain as-built drawings for future reference.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Part D:
Mechanical Designs
for Pumping Stations
Uniform Technical Guidelines



D.1.1 General

The design of pumping stations, and the selection of mechanical equipment, shall
meet the following requirements:-

a. Pumping stations and associated equipment shall conform with Jabatan

Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan’s (JKKP) specific requirements
concerning Occupational Safety and Health matters.

b. There shall be no objectionable noise and vibration emissions within the

pumping station. Conformance with Occupational Safety and Health Act’s
(OSHA) work place noise and vibration limits shall be factored into the
design of the pump station and selection of specific equipment.

c. The pump stations shall comply with Jabatan Alam Sekitar’s (DOE)
conditions pertaining to noise (65 dB at the building) and air pollution.

d. The design and the selection of equipment types shall take into
consideration the life cycle cost of constructing, and operating and
maintaining pump sets, piping and fittings.

e. Adequate headroom and horizontal clearances (minimum of 1 meter) shall

be provided around all equipment (e.g. pump sets, compressors, etc.) and
pipework for ease of maintenance, and for future replacement of any
equipment and pipework.

f. Pumps and motors selected shall be of EFF1 type, i.e. high efficiency types,
and shall comply with the current regulations with respect to energy

g. Protection and safety devices shall be interlocked such that in times of

failure of one part of the system, the system shall stop to operate thus
preventing further damage to the rest of the system.

h. The degree of sophistication of a control system for the pumping station

shall take into consideration the availability of persons with the required
skills and competency level to operate and maintain the facilities.

i. Direct boosting, or boosting tapped from the main pipe, is generally not
allowed. If this is unavoidable, detailed designs by a competent person shall
be included in the design submission to the Certifying Agency.

j. The pumping system shall be designed to operate under positive suction

heads; if this is not possible, self priming pumps or submersible pumps shall
be used.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

k. This chapter is applicable for pumping stations forming part of the external
reticulation system or supply mains; and in general does not pertain to
pumping systems installed within individual buildings. The requirements for
pumping system serving a building are described in Part C Planning and
Design of Plumbing Systems.


a. Detailed designs of mechanical and electrical works shall be carried out and
endorsed by a competent person as specified in Second Schedule of the
Water Supply Rules and submitted to a Certifying Agency for approval in
two (2) specific stages (i.e. before and after tender award) as described in
Sections D.2.1 and D.2.2.

b. All plans / drawings submitted shall be of A1 size.

c. All drawings shall be endorsed with the word “SUBMISSION DRAWING


d. All drawings shall be approved before any construction is permitted to


e. All fire fighting systems for pumping stations shall be as per Jabatan Bomba
dan Penyelamat, Malaysia (BOMBA) requirement, and be separately
submitted to BOMBA for approval.

D.2.1 First Stage (Design Stage before Tender Award)

Detailed designs submitted to the Certifying Agency, during the first stage process,
shall incorporate the following specific information:

a. Submission of Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) designs shall be accompanied

by a letter from the Certifying Agency formally approving the detailed design
of associated civil works.

b. General arrangement drawings of pumping installation; including the

arrangement of suction and discharge piping.

c. Design calculation for pumping system which shall include the pump curves;
system curves; available Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) calculation;
pumping head calculation; sizing of suction pipe; headers and pumping
mains; and sizing of prime movers.

d. Pump and prime mover (electrical motor or diesel engine) specifications and
other relevant details.

e. Design calculation and layout of mechanical ventilation systems.

f. General layout of all mechanical handling systems.

g. General layout of generator set installation (as the case may be).

Uniform Technical Guidelines

h. General layout drawings of a Surge Suppression System, if warranted,

incorporating details on surge vessels or surge anticipator valves. The sizing
of components of a surge suppression system shall be determined after a
hydraulic surge analysis has been carried out.

i. Layout of fire fighting systems.

D.2.2 Second Stage (During Approval Stage of Equipment)

Upon confirming the specific details of equipment to be installed, the competent

person shall submit to the WDL / CA the following information:-

a. Full details of equipment offered or proposed, together with copies of

manufacturer’s specifications to enable the nature, workmanship and
functional characteristics of the equipment offered to be assessed.

b. The pump type, brand and manufacturing details for a minimum of three (3)
brands of pumps for final selection by the Water Distribution Licensee.

c. Characteristic curves of the pump offered when operating singularly;

describing the relationship between total dynamic head and rate of
discharge; and superimposing on the system curve details on horsepower
ratings, efficiency and Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) requirements.

d. Duty point and efficiency of single pumps.

e. The scope and details of pump accessories to be provided.

f. Detailed specifications pertaining to the motor.

g. All pipework and valves; providing details on material specifications and


h. Surge suppression system complete with surge analysis calculation

(including sizing of surge vessel) or sizing of surge anticipator valves.

i. Details of all components of mechanical handling equipment together with


j. Details on fire fighting system and equipment together with relevant


k. Details on proposed spare parts and tools to be provided.

l. All relevant shop drawings.

Uniform Technical Guidelines


Generally, the rates of water to be pumped, and the number of pump units required,
shall be determined according to the following basic criteria:-

a. Flow of water to be pumped directly into an external reticulation system shall

take into consideration the estimated average and peak water supply rates,
and fire flow rates, to be conveyed within the reticulation system. Pumping
water to a service reservoir shall be based on a rate of flow which is
equivalent to 1.2 times of the average daily flow to be distributed to
consumers within its service area over a period of 16 hours.

b. The number of pumps required shall be determined by the estimated rate of

water to be pumped, as well as other criteria such as installation cost,
operation and maintenance requirements, power consumption and level of
redundancy required.

c. Standby pumps shall be provided in accordance with the design criteria for
pump sets given in Table D.1. The number of standby pumps depends on
the size of duty pumps, the locality of the pump station and the required
factor of the redundency desired.

Table D.1 : Design Criteria for Pump sets

Maximum Speed
Pumping Minimum Maximum (rpm)
Rate Per Pumping Pump Pumping Horizontal
of Pump Total End
Pump Hours Efficiency Head Split
3 sets Suction
(m / hr) (%) (m) Casing
On Duty
>30 =1
2 12 60 75 - 2900
≤100 Standby
On Duty
>100 =1
2 12 70 75 1500 2,900
≤ 300 Standby
On Duty
>300 =2
4 12 75 75 1,500 -
≤1000 Standby
On Duty
>1000 6 12 80 75 1,500 -


i. Duty pump is the primary pump used for continuous operation in accordance
with the WDL’s operational programme to achieve their optimum operational
ii. Standby pump is an additional pump used to alternate or serve as duty pump
in case of any duty pump failure.
iii. All pumps shall be installed to operate under positive suction heads.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

d. In the case where water demand fluctuates widely, such as for an in-line
booster system, it is advisable to have a combination of different size
pumps; or resort to the use of variable speed pumps.

e. The capacity and the number of pumps in a pumping station shall take into
consideration the specified maximum number of starts / stops the pump
motor can withstand.


D.4.1 Duties and Selection

a. Electric motor driven pumps shall operate below 2900 rpm.

b. The pump shall have a stable characteristic curve such that the pressure
falls steeply and continuously from a closed valve position.

c. For economic operation, it is advisable to employ a single duty pump which

operates constantly near the point of maximum efficiency. Larger pumps
normally have better performance efficiencies.

d. The duty point of the pump supplied shall lie within a range of 20% below
and not more than 20% above the best efficiency point of the characteristic
curves associated with specific impellers which are selected to pump the
required quantity of water.

e. The performance of the pumps shall be verified by tests conducted under

controlled factory conditions, and subsequently at site, in accordance with
BS EN ISO 9906 : 2000.

f. The material for pump shaft shall be of Stainless Steel of Grade 420 or

g. In the design of a pumping system, pumps should not operate more than
twelve (12) hours continuously in a day. This requirement is distinct from the
criteria for determining the rating of the duty pump to deliver the estimated
daily quantity of water over a specific time period and each pump is rotated
based on WDL’s operating programme.

h. The total pumping head shall not exceed 75m for each pumping stage under
normal circumstances. For pumping heads exceeding 75m but below 100m,
prior consent from the Certifying Agency shall be obtained. This consent
may be granted on case to case basis supported by an economic
justification based on an analysis of the total life cycle cost of the pumping

i. All pumps with power ratings of 22.5 kW (or 30.0 water horsepower (HP))
and above shall be of the Horizontal Split Casing Pump type, with pump
speeds of not more than 1500 rpm.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

j. All pumps with power ratings below 22.5 kW (or 30.0 water horsepower
(HP)) shall be either of the Horizontal Split Casing Pumps type (with pump
speed of not more than 1500 rpm) or the End Suction Pump / Vertical Multi-
Stage Pump type (with pump speeds of not more than 2900 rpm).

k. The minimum Factor of Safety (FS) in the sizing of motors shall be 1.1 times
the motor power.

l. All pumps, parts and accessories shall comply with relevant Malaysian
Standards, or equivalent international standards [such as ISO, British
Standard (BS) or European Standard (EN)], and shall be manufactured or
supplied from a supplier registered by the Commission.

D.4.2 Horizontal Split Casing Pumps

a. The pump casing shall be of axially split type, made of grey cast iron or
ductile iron, and be fitted with high tensile steel shafts running on ball or
roller bearings with suitable lubricating arrangements.

b. All impellers, neck rings, sleeves, gland, lantern ring and bushes shall be of
zinc-free bronze or stainless steel.

c. Gland seals shall be of the silicon carbide or tungsten carbide mechanical

seal type.

d. The pumps shall be supplied with all necessary air release valves, drain
valves, and suction and delivery gauge mounting points.

e. The pumps shall be supplied complete with base plates and approved types
of flexible couplings.

f. The combined base shall be fabricated according to the manufacturer’s


g. The combined base plate and stool shall be supplied complete with all
necessary holding bolts and lifting points.

h. On-line vibration and bearing monitoring system should be installed for

pumps of capacity above 1000 m3 / hr.

D.4.3 End Suction Pumps

a. A spacer piece and coupling shall be provided to facilitate removal of

impeller without dismantling the connecting pipeworks.

b. Gland seals shall be of the silicon carbide or tungsten carbide mechanical

seal type.

c. Pump impellers shall be of zinc-free bronze or stainless steel.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

D.4.4 Vibration Isolation Material

a. The pump set shall be provided with vibration isolation mechanisms such as
a rubber damper between pump set and pump plinth, flexible coupling for
the suction pipe and expansion joints for the delivery pipes.

b. For pumps which are supported on ground, neoprene / rubber mount and
structural steel base shall be employed for pumps with power ratings less
than 4 kW; whereas steel springs and concrete inertia base shall be
provided for pumps with power ratings larger than 4 kW.

c. For pumps which are supported on a suspended floor slab, only steel
springs and concrete inertia base shall be used.

D.4.5 Bolt and Nuts

a. All exposed bolts and nuts in the construction for the pump shall be
cadmium treated or hot dipped galvanized.


a. The objective of adopting a Variable Speed Pumping System is to maintain

a near constant discharge pressure while delivering varying rates of water
supply to a distribution network whose demand characteristics vary over

b. Due to the complexity of designing in-line variable speed booster pumping

systems, a detailed engineering study shall be carried out to examine the
technology and economic feasibility of selecting a VSD pumping system
over other conventional constant speed pumping systems; focusing on the
technical characteristics of individual components. If necessary a pump
manufacturer shall be consulted during the selection process.

c. The design submission by the competent person for an in-line variable

speed booster pumping system shall include a description of the control
system, and a plot of pump performance curves at various operating speeds
superimposed on the system curves that describes the range of flows to be
pumped and the related total dynamic head requirements to be met. Pump
efficiency trends shall also be included in the plot.

d. The type of pumps used, and the pump efficiency ratings at the maximum
flow rate, shall comply with the requirements stated in Table D.1.

e. The redundancy policy for variable speed pumping systems shall be as


 Two standby pumps to backup a single duty pump.

 100% standby pumps to backup two or more duty pumps.

f. Each pump shall be provided with an individual variable speed drive.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

g. The power supply to the variable speed pumping system shall be backed up
by a generator set capable of supplying the rated power needs.


a. The construction of pressure gauges shall comply with BS EN 837-1: 1998.

b. The gauge used shall be of the liquid filled type.

c. The entire gauge shall be calibrated, either in a single scale unit expressed
in meter (head) or dual scale expressed in head of water.

d. The size of the dial gauge or face of the pressure gauge shall not be less
than 100mm in diameter for pump capacities of below 300 m3/hr; and
150mm in diameter for pumping capacities above 300 m3/hr.

e. A pressure gauge shall be installed when measuring suction pressures.

f. The measuring range of a suction pressure gauge shall generally be

between - 10m to 10m head of water, or 125% of the maximum pressure.

g. The gauge shall incorporate a micrometer zero adjustment pointer and

restrictor screw.

h. The over pressure limit shall not be less than 1.30 x full scale dial. Suitable
gauges shall be selected such that the working pressure ranges between
50% and 70% of the full scale dial.

i. The accuracy shall be +/- 1% full scale dial or better according to BS EN

837-1 : 1998.

j. A pressure gauge shall be installed at every suction pipe, every delivery

pipe and at the common header pipe.

k. The location of all pressure gauges shall be indicated in the submission


l. The gauge shall be installed with the following necessary accessories to

protect the gauge:-

i. Snubber for protection of the gauge against sudden pressure

change and fluctuation of pressurized fluid.

ii. Instrument isolating Valve (Needle Type) for isolation of the gauge
from the fluid in the pipework.

iii. Overload Protector (For pump discharge side) for protection of

pressure instrument from over pressure, exceeding the specified
pressure range by sudden and excessive pressure fluctuation from
surges or spikes.

Uniform Technical Guidelines


The criteria to be adopted when designing suction and delivery pipes are as

a. Suction pipe shall be as short as possible. Push-on-spigot and socket type

joints shall not be permitted for suction pipelines.

b. Bends shall be avoided, if possible, along a suction pipeline.

c. The minimum length of straight pipe located before the suction intake of
pumps shall be at least 5 times the diameter of the suction pipe.

d. The clearance between the inlet end of the suction pipe, or strains, and the
base level of the pumping cistern shall be a minimum of 0.5 to 0.8 times the
pipe diameter.

e. The depth between the suction cistern inlet end of a suction pipe, or
strainer, and the base level of the pump chamber shall be a minimum of 0.5
to 0.8 times the pipe diameter.

e. The distance between the inlet end of a suction pipe and the wall of the
pump chamber shall be more than one and a half (1½) times the pipe

f. The distance separating adjacent suction pipes of equal diameter shall be

more than three (3) times the pipe diameter.

g. For suction pipes of different diameters, the separation distance between

pipes shall be more than three (3) times the largest diameter.

h. When sizing suction and delivery pipes within the pumping station, the
velocity of flow shall not be greater than 1.5 m/s and 2.5 m/s respectively.


a. All mild steel pipes shall be cement mortar / concrete lined, or lined by other
approved materials internally, in accordance with approved specifications by
the Commission.

b. All pipes and specials, and associated materials of construction, shall either
be of mild steel or ductile iron conforming to the latest MS standards as
imposed by the Commission.

c. All mild steel pipes and specials shall be painted with one (1) layer of zinc
chromate and two (2) layers of gloss finish coating, whilst ductile iron pipes
and specials shall be painted with two (2) layers of gloss paint externally.

d. All pipes laid above ground and located within a pump station shall be
flange jointed, machined and drilled and conforming to BS EN 1092-1 :
2007, BS EN 1092-2 : 2007.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

e. Coal tar coating or bitumen coating shall be applied on the external surfaces
of all buried pipes.

f. Thrust blocks shall be designed to withstand the magnitude of thrust forces

that are induced at bends, tees, wyes, etc.


D.9.1 Sluice Valves

a. Sluice valves shall conform to the requirements of standards recognized by

the Commission and the closing direction of the valve should generally be
clockwise. Anti-clockwise closing of sluice valves shall be accepted by the
Certifying Agency if adequate reasons are submitted to opt for such an
alternative mode of operation.

b. The valve should be fitted with hand wheels with the direction of opening
and closing cast marked thereon. Exceptions to this norm may be
considered and approved by the Certifying Agency.

c. Sluice valves in pumping stations shall only be used for pipe sizes of 300
mm diameter and below.

d. Sluice valves with pressure rating of not less than PN 16 shall only be

e. The sluice valves shall be coated with epoxy paint conforming to standards
agreed by the Commission.

D.9.2 Butterfly Valves

a. All butterfly valves shall conform to the requirement of Standards recognized

by the Commission and shall be used for pipe sizes above 300 mm

b. Butterfly valves with pressure rating not less than PN 16 shall only be

c. For butterfly valves without a motorized gear, a suitable hand wheel on

headstock shall be provided for manual operation.

d. Manual gearing actuators may be used for valves of 450 mm nominal

diameter and below. For valves of 500 mm nominal diameter and above,
only motorized actuators shall be used.

D.9.3 Non-slam Type Check Valves

a. Non-slam check valves employed shall conform to BS EN 12334 : 2001,

and shall have high operating reliabilities and sustain minimum pressure

Uniform Technical Guidelines

b. The valve shall have metal to metal seating and shall be equipped with
minimum wearing parts and in general shall require minimum maintenance
throughout its operating life.

c. The non-slam type valve shall be designed for shock free closure, and may
be installed in any position i.e. horizontal, vertical or inclined.

D.9.4 Altitude Valves

a. Float operated valves may be used for incoming pipe of up to 150mm

diameter. For incoming pipes of 200mm diameter and above, altitude valves
or other level control devices shall be used.

b. Altitude valves control the water level in a reservoir. It remains open when
the reservoir is not full and closes when the tank reaches its maximum water

c. Strainers shall be installed before any altitude valve.

d. A by-pass pipe and isolation valve shall be installed to facilitate the repair
and maintenance of an altitude valve.

e. The selection of altitude valves shall take into consideration the water
pressure of the incoming pipe to ensure that the altitude valve shall be able
to close without leaking when the high water level is reached. If this is not
possible, alternative types of water level control valves which are permitted
by the Commission shall be employed instead.

f. Level electrode systems may be used in lieu of altitude valves to control

water delivered to a reservoir by pumps.


a. To counter water hammer, the following mitigating systems shall be used in

pumping stations:-

i. Adoption of pressurized surge vessel to prevent column separation,

taking into consideration the incorporation of check valves as part of
the surge vessel system.

ii. Adoption of surge anticipating valves which open or close at specific

preset values so as to lower surge pressures in the pipeline.

b. A surge analysis shall be carried out for a particular pumping system to

profile the variation of induced pressures along the pipeline, and within a
surge vessel.

c. The surge analysis shall elucidate the changes in air volume and pressures
within the surge vessel after incorporating check valves as part of the overall
suppression system.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

d. A surge analysis shall also be carried out if surge suppression employing

surge anticipator valves is to be adopted.

e. Manufacturers of surge vessels are required to submit complete sets of

drawings, calculation and other required information to Jabatan
Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (JKKP) for approval. The Contractor
shall be responsible for obtaining Permit Mesin Tekanan (PMT) certificates
from JKKP.

f. The competent person shall submit appropriate documentation which

describes the concept and functional characteristics of the overall surge
suppression system, and provide design calculations supporting the sizing
of components including duty and standby air compressors, as well as
system drawings and test certificates as part of the O&M manuals.

g. If a surge anticipator valve is used, the water discharged from the surge
anticipator valve shall be channeled back to the suction tank or otherwise be
recovered without affecting the proper functioning of the surge anticipator
valve. If this is not possible, a surge vessel should be used.

h. Other types of surge suppression system sanctioned by the Commission

may be employed.


a. The noise level within a pumping station, and at its boundaries, shall comply
with the requirements of JKKP and Jabatan Alam Sekitar (DOE)

b. Where required, suitable noise barriers or acoustic barriers, shall be

installed to reduce the intensity of noise propagated from the noise source
so that Jabatan Alam Sekitar’s noise limits at the pump station boundaries
can be complied with.

c. The design of the pumping system shall avoid intruding into pump operating
regimes outside of the stable region of the pump performance curve.

d. The pump manufacturers shall submit a report, or provide evidence that the
rotating components in the pumps are balanced in compliance with
internationally accepted balancing standards.

e. The alignment of the pump and motor shall be performed by a trained and
experienced person and the accuracy of alignment shall meet the specific
requirement of the pump manufacturer.

f. The natural frequencies of the supporting floor elements, pump set, and the
pipe support system shall be analysed. A structural engineer and the pump
manufacturer shall be consulted in performing this analysis to avoid
resonance effects taking place at the pump, pipework and supporting floor.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

g. The manufacturer’s technical catalogue shall be referred for selecting

vibration isolators to be installed. In this respect the performance
characteristics of vibration isolators shall be given due consideration in the
selection process.

h. Where stipulated by JKKP, hearing protectors shall be provided for use by

operating and maintenance personnel.


a. Gantry crane with electrically operated hoisting equipment shall be installed

for lifting loads exceeding 1,000kg.

b. Gantry crane with manually operated hoisting equipment shall be installed

for lifting loads between 50kg and 1,000kg.

c. Monorail cranes shall be used for lighter lifting loads, and when the centre
line of the equipment is inline with entry or exit provisions.

d. All cranes shall be suitably sized to lift 1.25 times the weight of the heaviest

e. Electrically operated cranes shall be required in large installations where

individual equipment weighs more than 2,000 kg. Wire rope hoisting units
shall be used in conjunction with electric operated cranes for lifting
capacities more than 2,000 kg of safe working load.

f. Manufacturers shall endorse and submit all design calculations and

drawings for cranes to JKKP, and apply for installation approvals.

g. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining a Permit Mesin Angkut

(PMA) Certificate for the crane or monorail hoist from JKKP.

h. All required drawings, calculations and certificates shall be handed over to

WDL during the first handing over inspection process.


a. Scupper drains shall be provided around the pumping equipment to drain

any stagnant water which may accumulate to an external drain.

b. Where the pump chamber is located below grade, the scupper drain shall
drain to a pit where a duty and a standby drainage submersible pump
complete, with float switch for automatic operation, shall be provided to
transfer the water accumulated to the external drain.

Uniform Technical Guidelines


Developers are required to provide the following minimum mechanical spare parts
together with any pumping stations:-

a. One (1) set of repair kit for Altitude Control Valves.

b. One (1) set of repair kit for Surge Anticipator Valves.

c. One (1) set of Mechanical Seals.

d. One (1) set of Complete Rotating Assembly for each type of pump

e. One (1) set of Pump and Motor Bearings.

f. One (1) set of impeller wear rings.

Part E:
Electrical Designs for
Pumping Stations
Uniform Technical Guidelines



The electrical design of a typical pumping station and reservoir should address
fourteen (14) main topics, namely:-

a. Standards, Codes of Practice, Rules and Regulations

b. Power supply requirements
c. Medium Voltage (MV) installations
d. Low Voltage (LV) installations
e. Essential power supplies
f. Motor starter panel (Motor control centre)
g. Electric motors
h. Internal lighting and small power systems
i. Compound lighting
j. Lightning protection systems
k. Earthing systems
l. Electrical spare parts
m. Electrical As-built drawings
n. Testing and commissioning


a. All designs, materials, construction works and equipment installed shall

conform to the relevant standards, regulations and by-laws imposed by
authorities having jurisdiction over the installation of an electrical system.
These include: -
i. Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan
ii. Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST)
iii. Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)
iv. Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM)
v. Jabatan Bomba Dan Penyelamat Malaysia (BOMBA)
vi. Jabatan Alam Sekitar (JAS)
vii. Jabatan Penerbangan Awam (DCA)
viii. Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (DOSH)
ix. All other relevant authorities having jurisdiction on the installations.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

b. The following Act, Regulations and standards shall generally be applicable

to the design of electrical systems:-

i. Electricity Supply Act 1990

ii. Electricity Regulation 1994
iii. Malaysian Standards (MS), where applicable.
iv. Other International Standards such as IEC, IES, IEEE, where
v. BS 7671: 2008 IEE Wiring Regulations for Electrical Installation,
latest edition.
Where there is a discrepancy between standards, or differences in requirements
specified in two or more documents, or between published specifications and the
specific requirements of a local authority having jurisdiction, over electrical
installations, Malaysian Standard (MS) shall be adopted.


a. The Competent Person shall submit the following information to the

certifying agency for approval :-

i. Letter from the Certifying Agency on approving of external water

supply system including the pumping station layout works.
ii. Catalogues for all materials/equipments where required by the
Certifying Agency.
iii. Control circuit diagrams.
iv. All electrical conceptual drawings including single line diagrams and
layout drawings as per items listed in Clause E.1.b. to E.1.k.

b. All electrical drawings shall be of A1 size.

c. All submission drawings shall be endorsed by a Competent Person (PE of

electrical discipline as in schedule 2 of Water Services Industry (Water
Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014)


a. The owner or developer shall apply to TENAGA NASIONAL BERHAD

(TNB), through their appointed Competent Person, for electric power supply
to the reservoir and/or pumping station.

b. The Competent Person shall liaise with TNB to confirm and obtain approval
on the numbers, area of land required and locations of TNB substations as

c. The Competent Person shall apply on behalf of WDL for the most
appropriate electricity tariff and intake voltage supply level from TNB.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

d. The developer shall pay the electricity bill for the reservoir and/or pumping
station before handing over of water supply system.

e. The developer shall be responsible for changing the TNB account name to
WDL after handing over of water supply system.


a. All 11 KV switchgears shall incorporate both Potential Transformers (PT)

and metering Current Transformers (CT) for TNB to meter electricity usage
by consumers.

b. The 11 KV circuit breakers shall be of the vacuum, gas insulation or modular

distribution types.

c. A Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB) shall have a rated short circuit breaking
current of 20 kA for 3 second minimum and rated impulse withstand of 75

d. Operation of the VCB shall be by a motor-wound spring assisted system.

Both over current and earth fault protection via electronic relays shall be

e. Integral earthing on the cable side shall be provided for outgoing feeders.

f. All MV design shall be subjected to the approval of the Certifying Agency.

g. MV cables shall be of cross linked polyethylene (XLPE) copper cables (with

steel wire armoured protections). Size of cables shall meet the necessary
fault level current associated with the switchgear.

h. Power transformers shall be of the cast resin or oil type, and shall comply
with the requirements of BS EN 60076 and BS EN 50216.

i. A separate TNB metering panel shall be provided inside the Consumer MV

switch room.


a. Low Voltage switchboards shall comprise of the following:-

i. A floor standing cubicle shall be provided if the main incoming feeder

has a running load of 250A and above.

ii. Either a floor standing or wall mounted cubicle shall be provided if

the main incoming feeder has a running load of less than 250A.

b. For Main Incoming of 800 A and above

Air Circuit Breakers (ACB) complete with one (1) element earth fault IDMT
relay, three (3) elements over current IDMT relay and all current

Uniform Technical Guidelines

transformers for protection, shall be provided. IDMT shall be of the

numerical or electro-mechanical type. Surge Protection devices complying
with Zone 1 Protection as defined in IEC 61643-12 shall be provided.

c. For Main Incoming of less than 800 A

Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) complete with one (1) element earth
fault IDMT relay, three (3) elements over current IDMT relay and all current
transformers for protection, shall be provided. IDMT shall be of the
numerical or electro-mechanical type. Surge Protection devices complying
with Zone 1 Protection as defined in IEC 61643-12 shall be provided.

d. For Main Incoming of less than 60 A only

A 60 A MCCB complete with shunt trip coil in series with a Zero Current
Transformer (CT) and Earth Leakage Relay (ELR), complete with over
current used at the incomer side, shall be provided. Electric Surge
Protection devices complying with Zone 1 Protection as defined in IEC
61643-12 shall be provided.

e. Outgoing Breakers at Main Switchboards

All outgoing breakers from main switchboards to other parts of the electrical
system (such as distribution boards and motor starter panels) shall be of the
MCCB type, complete with shunt trip coil of appropriate rating. The rating of
MCCB shall be 25% higher than the full load current.

f. Power Factor Correction

The power factor of the loads shall be corrected to not less than 0.90
lagging. The power factor correction capacitance shall be installed either at
a central point, for example, at the MSB or in parallel with each individual
starter panel.

g. Harmonics

Automatic harmonic current suppressors, capacitors and blocking reactors

of appropriate ratings shall be installed in the main switchboards where
harmonic generating equipment such as Variable Speed Drives (VSD) is

h. Cable Types

Cable from main switchboard to distribution boards and motor starter panels
shall be of XLPE insulated copper cables. For distribution of loads, XLPE or
PVC insulated copper cables shall be used. For underground and surface
mounted installations, the following cable shall be used:-

Multi-core cable of 25mm2 and above - XLPE/SWA/PVC

Multi-core cable of 16mm and below - PVC/SWA/PVC
Single core cable - XLPE/AWA/PVC

Uniform Technical Guidelines

i. Cables for Fire Fighting Equipment

Dedicated cables to fire fighting equipment shall be of the fire resistance

type approved by BOMBA.

j. Circuit Wiring

All sub-circuit and final circuit wiring shall be encapsulated by high impact
uPVC conduits when concealed in false ceiling or walls, and by galvanised
iron (G.I.) conduits when exposed or supplied to fire protection devices.

k. Cable Supports

All cable trunkings, trays, ladders shall be hot-dipped galvanised.

Identification shall be provided for electrical trunkings and cable trays. The
number of cables installed in trunking trays, conduits, and ladders shall be
such that a space factor of 45% is not exceeded.

l. Materials for Switchboard and Distribution Board

The construction materials for switchboards and distribution boards (DB)

shall be as follows: -

i. Main Switchboard

Constructed from electro-galvanised, or galvanised steel iron sheet,

with minimum ingress protection conforming to IP42. Form 3B
segregation requirement shall be met. Panel thickness shall be at
least 2 mm, and painted in beige colour with a paint thickness of at
least 75 micron on average.

ii. Sub-switchboard

Constructed from electro-galvanised or galvanised steel iron sheet,

with minimum ingress protection conforming to IP42. Panel thickness
shall be at least 2mm, and painted in beige colour, with a paint
thickness of at least 75 micron on average.

iii. Distribution Board

Constructed from electro-galvanised or galvanised steel iron sheet,

with minimum ingress protection conforming to IP42. Panel thickness
shall be at least 1.5 mm, and painted in beige colour with paint
thickness of at least 75 micron on average.


a. Essential back-up power supply systems, in the form of diesel standby

generator sets, shall be provided for pumping stations transmitting a flow of
more than 4.5 Mld.

b. For pumping stations transmitting flows less than 4.5 Mld, a manual change
over switch shall be provided at the electrical switchboard to enable

Uniform Technical Guidelines

switching over to back up supply from a mobile generator in the event of

failure of power supply from TNB.

c. The essential backup power supply system shall be in compliance with

Jabatan Alam Sekitar requirements with respect to limiting noise levels.

d. The fuel tank supplying a diesel generator shall have the required capacity
to enable generator sets to continuously run for at for least 24 hours at full

e. The sizing of standby generators shall take into consideration the power
ratings of all duty pumps running (N-1), and the starting of the last duty
pump. (For example: sizing criteria for 3 duty pumps: 2 duty pump running +
1 duty pump starting)


a. All motor starter panels shall be of the floor standing cubicle type except for
motors having loads of less than 250 A which can be of the floor standing or
wall mounted type.

b. The motor starters shall either be integrated with the electrical switchboard,
or it shall be a stand alone module with sub-main cables being fed from the
main switchboard through circuit protective devices to its starter panel
complete with earth fault relay and over current relay IDMT.

c. The motor starter panel shall have the following features:-

i. ACB/MCCB shall be provided for main incoming supply to its starter


ii. The kA rating of the ACB/MCCB shall comply with the fault level of
the motor starter panel.

iii. Direct On Line (DOL) starter contactors shall be rated to handle the
full load current of the motor.

iv. Miniature circuit breaker (MCB) shall be provided for individual

control circuits.

v. Motor heater circuits shall be equipped with motor heater switches

and indicator lights.

vi. Panel heater circuits shall be equipped with MCB, heater switches,
thermostat controls and indicator lights.

vii. The types of motor protection relays to be provided shall be

dependent on power ratings as follows:

0 kW - 37 kW - Thermal Overload Relay with ERL

Above 37kW - Electronic micro processor or Electro-

mechanical type of motor protection relay

Uniform Technical Guidelines

viii. All motor starters shall be provided with phasing relays complete
with MCB.

ix. The entire autotransformer and rotor resistance bank, complete with
thermistors, shall be installed at the top compartment of a
switchboard; and within the same vertical module of switchboard
housing the motor circuit.

x. The main earth chamber shall be painted in green colour, and the
proposed type to be employed shall be subject to the approval of the
Certifying Agency.

xi. The motor can be operated by local manual control, automatic

control or remote control mode via a SCADA/ Telemetry system.

xii. The automatic operation of motors shall be controlled by the level of

water in the suction and elevated service reservoir tank, by floatless
and control relays at the motor control centre, and by a 3-CORE
(copper) PVC/SWA/PVC underground cable laid adjacent to the
pumping mains. If the elevated service reservoir tank is located
external to the compound of the pumping station, a controller which
is coupled with a GSM/GPRS (SMS) system, conforming to WDL
requirements, shall be provided. This shall be an independent
system from the existing Telemetry system.

xiii. Cables for automatic operation shall be of 2.5 mm2 or above, and
insulation shall be above 10M ohm.

xiv. All electrode sets shall be of 13 mm diameter, and of stainless steel


xv. The starter shall have a protection timer incorporated in the starting

xvi. All indicator lights shall be of the LED type.

xvii. Power factor shall be corrected to not less than 0.90 lagging.

xviii. All capacitor banks shall be rated at 440V and shall be protected by

xix. All outgoing cables to motors shall be of the armoured type, and
shall be laid in trenches or concealed in G.I. conduits placed on the
floor slab.


a. All motors shall be of the induction type as specified below:-

i. All motors shall be of the High Efficiency Motor standard type, i.e.
EFF1 CEMEP-EU standard, Class 1 as detailed in Table E.1. Motors
of capacity greater than 90 kW shall have an efficiency of not less
than 95.0%. Compliance to this Clause is mandatory for external

Uniform Technical Guidelines

pumping stations.

ii. High Efficiency Motors of performance rating equals to or exceeding

EFF1 class certified by other internationally recognized organizations
may also be used subject to the approval by the Commission.

iii. Motor up to 10 horsepower / 7.5 kW shall be of squirrel cage motor

with direct-on line starter.

iv. Motor of more than 10 horsepower / 7.5 kW and less than 150
horsepower / 110 kW shall be squirrel cage motor with
autotransformer starter.

v. Motor of 150 horsepower / 110 kW and above shall be squirrel cage

motor with soft starter or slip rings motor with rotor resistance starter.

vi. Autotransformer starters may be used for motors of rating higher

than 150 horsepower / 110kW on the condition that a detailed
calculation to verify that TNB’s power supply system is not adversely
affected by the starting of the pumps is approved by TNB.

b. In any case, the starting operation of a motor shall not have any undesirable
effects on other electrical power consumers.

Table E.1 Class Definition for Electrical Motors

Motor Efficiency (%) for Class EFF1

Motor Capacity (kW)
2-Pole Motors 4-Pole Motors
1.1 ≥ 82.8 ≥ 83.8
1.5 ≥ 84.1 ≥ 85.0
2.2 ≥ 85.6 ≥ 86.4
3 ≥ 86.7 ≥ 87.4
4 ≥ 87.6 ≥ 88.3
5.5 ≥ 88.6 ≥ 89.2
7.5 ≥ 89.5 ≥ 90.1
11 ≥ 90.5 ≥ 91.0
15 ≥ 91.3 ≥ 91.8
18.5 ≥ 91.8 ≥ 92.2
22 ≥ 92.2 ≥ 92.6
30 ≥ 92.9 ≥ 93.2
37 ≥ 93.3 ≥ 93.6
45 ≥ 93.7 ≥ 93.9
55 ≥ 94.0 ≥ 94.2
75 ≥ 94.6 ≥ 94.7
90 ≥ 95.0 ≥ 95.0

Uniform Technical Guidelines


a. General lighting and power distribution inside the pumping station shall be
fed from a distribution board equipped with a current operated Residual
Current Device (RCD) and main switch. Separate Residual Current Device
(RCD) shall be employed for delivering power to lighting fixtures and power
switch socket outlets. The sensitivity of the RCD shall comply with the latest
Suruhanjaya Tenaga's specifications for various applications.

b. The light fitting and illumination levels for common areas in pumping stations
are stated in Table E.2.

Table E.2: Illumination Level

Maintained Average Illumination

Office/Computer Rooms 400
Store 200
M&E Plant rooms and Pumping Station 250
Internal Corridors 100
Toilets 150

c. Control of lighting for the different areas of a pumping stations and

reservoirs shall be achieved by the following methods, depending on type of
area and usage:-

i. Partitioned areas : Individual switch

ii. Open areas : Switch centre

d. Lighting circuits shall be arranged as alternating circuits.

e. Lighting and small power circuitry / DB shall be provided with Earth Leakage
Circuit Breaker (ELCB) complete with auto reset function for Reservoirs.

f. All light fittings shall be of energy efficient type.

g. The types of light fittings to be employed at different areas are described in

Table E.3.

h. Exit lights (KELUAR) SIGN and self-contained emergency lights of

fluorescent type, with minimum three hours of battery (rechargeable)
reserve, shall be provided for all areas in accordance with BOMBA and
UBBL requirements.

i. A "KELUAR" sign complete with arrow sign showing the exit direction shall
be provided where appropriate.

j. Sufficient power points of a suitable type and rating shall be provided to

serve the intended use of common areas or rooms, and for all equipment
and plants to be installed including power points for all mechanical
equipment requirements.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

k. Each equipment shall have its own power point. No two (2) equipments shall
share the same power point. Additional 13A switch socket outlets shall be
provided for general use in all areas.

Table E.3: Type of Light Fitting

Area Area Type of Light Fitting

Office/Computer Fluorescent light fittings with aluminium reflector (Preferably
Rooms using 28W T5 lamps)
Bare channel fluorescent light fittings
(Preferably using 28W T5 lamps)
a. 5 m height and above - low bay metal halide (corrosion
resistance type)
M&E Plant rooms and
b. Less than 5 m - wall mounted fluorescent light fittings
Pumping Station
complete with metal reflector (Preferably using 28W T5
Fluorescent light fittings with aluminium reflector (Preferably
Internal Corridors
using 28W T5 lamps)
Toilets Compact fluorescent down light c/w electronic ballast


a. External compound street lighting shall be provided for the pump stations
and reservoirs. The compound / street lighting shall be mounted on 5 m high
galvanized iron poles. Other types of compound / street lighting pole shall
be subjected to the approval of the Certifying Agency. Wall mounted light
fittings shall be used where pole mounted light fittings are not suitable.
Generally, the spacing between the poles shall not exceed three times the
mounting height of the pole. The lamps for the light fittings shall be of
SON/energy saving type or equivalent. The illumination level on the ground
road surface shall not be less than 15 lux.

b. Area floodlighting shall be provided where necessary, and SON type of

floodlighting shall be provided with an average of 30 lux.

c. Suitable path lighting with SL or PL lamps shall be provided in the walk


d. All linkways and covered walkways shall be illuminated using tamper proof
luminaries with an average illuminating level of 30 lux.

e. Control of these various lighting systems shall be by local relays, time

switches and photocells complete with contactors. Override facilities shall
also be provided.


a. Lightning protection system shall be provided for pumping stations, service

reservoirs and suction cistern, especially for RC structures.

b. Lightning protection system for the building shall be of the Faraday cage
type conforming to MS-IEC 61024-1 requirement. Other lightning protection

Uniform Technical Guidelines

systems shall be subjected to the approval of the Certifying Agency.

c. For metal roofing, the metal structure shall be exothermically bonded with a
copper tape or bare stranded G.I. cable. Otherwise roof conductors shall be

d. The system shall comprise down conductors, non-radioactive air terminals,

fixing, bonding, jointing, test clamps, earth clamps, earth electrodes,
concrete and precast earth chambers, etc.

e. All exposed metallic protrusions on buildings shall be connected to the

lightning protection system.

f. Lightning surge protection devices shall be provided for all power and data
lines to ensure all equipment inside computer rooms, network equipment
rooms and SCADA/ Telemetry control rooms are protected against lightning
surges complying with Zone 1 Protection as defined in IEC 61643-12.

g. All down conductors shall be concealed in conduit within building structures

to prevent the theft of the copper conductor.

h. Earth resistance value for lightning protection system shall not exceed 10


a. Earthing systems shall comprise several sets of earth electrodes, earth

clamps, lug couplings, copper tape or bare stranded G.I. cable and concrete
and precast earth chambers. More elaborate measures shall be proposed if
earth resistance values could not be achieved.

b. An equipotential earthing system shall be provided to prevent dangerous

voltage rise between different earthing systems. This involves tying together
the various roof earthing systems for electrical, lightning protection,
telecommunication and the building structure. All service metallic pipes and
exposed metallic protrusions on the building shall be earthed together.

c. Earth resistance for electrical earthing, electronic and telecommunication

(clean) earthing shall be of 1 ohm or less (separately measured for each
system before interconnection).


Developer/Contractor is required to provide the following electrical spare parts:-

a. RCCB and MCB - 5 nos. (each type)

b. MCCB - 1 no. (each type)

c. Contactor - 5 nos. (each type)

d. Lamps - 5 nos. (each type)

Uniform Technical Guidelines

e. HRC Fuses - 5 nos. (each type)

f. Indicating Lamps - 5 nos. (each type)

g. Voltmeter - 1 no. (each type)

h. Ammeter - 1 no. (each type)

i. Motor Protection Relay - 1 no.

j. Current and Voltage Transformer - 1 no. (each type)

All proposed brands for spare parts shall be as per that installed at site.


a. All electrical drawings shall be of A1 size and endorsed by a Competent


b. Three (3) sets of electrical drawings and electrical load calculations and
three (3) sets of key plan shall be provided and endorsed by the Competent
Person on behalf of the developers / contractors where:-

i. One (1) set of main single line diagram shall be framed and hung in
the pumping station.

ii. One (1) set shall be submitted to WDL Headquarters.

iii. One (1) set shall be submitted to the District Office of WDL.

c. Three (3) sets of Operation and Maintenance Manual shall be provided by

the Competent Person on behalf of the developers / contractors where:-

i. One (1) set shall be kept in the pumping station and located at a wall
mounted rack.

ii. One (1) set shall be submitted to WDL Headquarters.

iii. One (1) set shall be submitted to WDL District Office.

d. Two (2) electronic copies (in AutoCad Format) of the As-Built drawings and
O&M Manual shall be handed over to the WDL.


a. Two (2) sets of a testing and commissioning reports incorporating results

that are endorsed by a Competent Person, shall be forwarded to the Water
Distribution Licensee (WDL).

b. The developer’s contractor shall carry out all testing and commissioning to
verify the safe, reliable and satisfactory operation of the electrical supply
and distribution system and equipment installed.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

c. At least two months prior to testing or commissioning of any system, the

developer’s contractor shall furnish the following information for each
system or process to the WDL for review.

i. Testing procedure and details as well as the relevant report forms

that will be submitted to the WDL for approval.

ii. Type of testing instruments to be used

iii. Valid calibration certificate by approved Authority

iv. Complete schedule and programme of all testing and commissioning


d. The developer’s contractor shall employ a team of competent and

experienced personnel to carry out all testing and commissioning works. If it
is the opinion of the WDL that the testing and commissioning of parts of a
system or the whole system, have not been properly executed by the
contractor's own staff, the contractor shall employ a qualified independent
Testing and Commissioning Specialist to carry out necessary Works, when
directed by the WDL. The cost of employing this Testing and
Commissioning Specialist shall be borne by the contractor.

e. The developer’s contractor shall provide all instruments, tests and labour
necessary for testing and commissioning of the entire installation.

f. All instruments shall have been recalibrated within six months of the start of
commissioning or testing. Calibration of all instruments shall be certified by
the instrument manufacturers or an approved calibration agency.

g. Should the results of any test show that any plant, system or equipment fails
to perform to the efficiencies or duties as given in the Specifications, the
developer’s contractor shall adjust, modify and if necessary replace the
equipment without further payment in order that the required performance
may be obtained.

h. Should it be necessary for the developer’s contractor to modify or replace

any item of plant as described above, he shall be responsible for the cost for
making good of any damage or deterioration to the building or other services
consequent to such modifications.

i. All equipment testing and commissioning shall be carried out by relevant

engineers who has undertaking the similar system.

Part F:
Instrumentation and
Control Systems
Uniform Technical Guidelines



a. The submission requirements shall as per Clause E.3

b. The Competent Person shall submit the following information to the

Certifying Agency for approval:-

i. Catalogues for Telemetry and Instrumentation Equipment.

ii. All SCADA/ Telemetry system drawings.


a. The purpose of Telemetry or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

System (SCADA) systems are to enable real time measurements and data
acquisition of operating parameters associated with water supply facilities
located at remote (outstation) areas. In this context information such as
water levels at suction tanks and reservoirs; flow rates and flow volume at
outlet pipes of reservoirs; pump operating status (On / Off / Fault); pressure
level at pump delivery pipes, and other such important operational
parameters are required to be transmitted from an outstation facility to
WDL’s command centre.

b. SCADA, enables WDL personnel to operate and control the essential

functions of water supply facilities at remote areas from their operating
centres, in addition to recovering basic information (as in a Telemetry

c. Telemetry systems shall be planned, design and installed and paid for by
Developers; whereas SCADA systems which build on Telemetry systems
shall be installed by the WDL.

d. A Telemetry system shall comprise, inter-alia, transducers (sensors), local

display panel / indicator panels, power supply units, Remote Terminal Units
(RTU), all necessary cabling work and GPRS / GSM modems for
transmission of data to the WDL’s command centre. For water supply
facilities located at areas where GPRS / GSM services are not available, the
wireless communication shall be by radio link.

e. The developer’s scope of work for the Telemetry system shall also include
installing a termination block at the motor control centre to enable remote
manual start / stop of the pumps when the Telemetry system is upgraded by
WDL to a full fledged SCADA system.

f. All detailed drawings for RC chambers and covers for flow and pressure
transmitters shall be submitted to the Certifying Agency (CA) for approval
prior to construction. All chambers shall be design to protect it from
becoming water logged.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

g. The laying of power and signal cables (inclusive of protective covers, cable
route markers and cable joint pillars (for underground cable joint, if any)
shall be in accordance with the requirements of the WDL. All underground
cables shall be of the Steel Wire Armoured (SWA) type.

h. All earthing points shall be of 1 ohm or less.

i. All equipment and instrumentation requirements and specifications shall

comply with the requirements of the WDL.

j. All testing, commissioning and calibration of Telemetry and SCADA system

shall be carried out by the supplier as authorized by the WDL.


F.3.1 General

a. State-of-the-art Telemetry equipment shall be provided, and shall

incorporate the latest available solid-state designs which have successfully
been tested in field operations, and are capable of giving satisfactory
performance and be compatible with WDL’s hardware and software
requirements for a SCADA system.

b. The Telemetry system shall be modular in concept, leading to a system that

can be easily expanded, modified or reconfigured. The system shall be
expandable in order to cope with envisaged future requirements. The
addition of outstations or MMIs in future shall be carried out without taking
the system out of service and shall not jeopardize the continuous working of
the rest of the system.

c. The system shall be designed for continuous fail-safe operation with

minimum amount of maintenance. Failure in any part of the system shall be
localized to that part only, and shall not cause damage to other parts of the

F.3.2 Outstations

a. The outstation equipment shall be provided in dust proof, industrial type

fiber reinforced-polyester enclosures rated at IP66 for both indoor and
outdoor installations. All outstation equipment including the GSM modem,
antennae and back-up power batteries shall be installed within an
enclosure, and shall not be directly exposed to the elements.

b. The outstation equipment furnished shall be designed for installation in a

dusty, humid and tropical environment and shall operate satisfactorily in
temperatures between 5 deg. C and 70 deg. C, and up to 95% relative
humidity assuming no condensation will occur. Each outstation shall be a
stand alone RTU, unit capable of performing data acquisition and control,
independent of the master station. Each outstation shall be provided with
the required number of inputs and outputs subject to the approval of the

Uniform Technical Guidelines

c. All inputs shall be time-tagged and transmitted to the master station. The
time-tag shall be the actual time of an event, and its accuracy and resolution
shall be within 1 second.

d. Reservoirs at outstation locations shall communicate with the master station

via a GPRS communication link. In the event of a GPRS connectivity failure,
the reservoir outstations shall be able to operate a SMS to the Master
Station and/or to respective pumping stations at outstation locations. The
outstation RTUs shall incorporate a report-by-exception (RBE) feature,
where only data from 110 points that have experienced a change in status
shall .be reported back to the master station. For analogue input points, the
user shall be able to set the percentage of change in the measured
parameter that represents a change in status for reporting to the master

F.3.3 Remote Terminal Units

Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) shall be provided at outstation facilities in

accordance with the related specification requirements and drawings. Two (2) types
of RTU shall be used for different types of function. Both RTU types shall be
equipped with a Pulse Counter function which can be assigned to any digital input
(DI) point.

a. Type 1 : Designed for installations at remote sites without a

permanent AC power supply source. The RTU shall be
suitable for operation powered by a single phase supply with
auxiliary supplies at 24VDC supply or 12VDC supply from a
solar power system. Adequate quantity of solar panels shall
be provided to fully restore battery power within 4 hours.
Adequate quantity of batteries shall be supplied to provide
power supply to the RTU and accessories for operations of
up to 5 days without need for charging.

b. Type 2 : Designed for installations at pumping stations and any

remote sites that require an expandable feature such as
video surveillance features, door access system, and others.

Each type of RTU provided for the scheme shall be from the same manufacturer to
provide standardization and interchangeability of equipment; in addition 20% active
spares shall be provided for both types of RTU.

The communication protocol provided between RTU and control center (master
center) shall be a minimum DNP 3.0; and the minimum standard of communication
protocol between RTU and smart sensors shall be by Profibus PA or Profibus DP.
The RTU shall be of low-power design. During active mode, the RTU shall consume
no more than 1.2 watt. The RTU programming shall be compliant with IEC 61131-3
programming standard, and shall be supported with minimum ladder diagrams and
structured texts. The analogue inputs shall have a 16-bit resolution with signal input
accuracy of at least 0.05% of full-scale span.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

F.3.4 GPRS/GSM Modem

a. GPRS / GSM modems shall be provided at each of the remote outstations

for data communication. The modems shall come with a dual band feature,
and be designed for data, fax, SMS and voice applications. The modems
shall be compliant with GSM phase 2/2+ and allow control via AT
commands. The modems shall support MS Class Band GPRS Class 8 for
data transfer, and be suitable to operate in temperatures up to 55 deg. C.
Modems at master stations shall be configured to send SMS to the selected
authorized personnel and must be ready to receive SMS from existing
metering zone sites. Modems at outstation areas shall be able to
communicate with a broadband connection at the master station.

b. The outstations shall have a continuous GPRS link with the master station
and upload any status change data to the master station. The master station
shall not have to poll the outstations for data.


a. Outstation RTUs must be configured to use GPRS as a primary link to

communicate with a master station, and must be able to switch to SMS
mode in the event of GPRS connectivity failure.

b. In the event of GPRS connectivity failure, the data must be recorded,

compressed and sent back to the Master Station via SMS at 4 hour
intervals. Regardless of the failure of GPRS, all critical alarms shall be sent
back in real time via SMS to the respective parties as specified by the

c. Data transfer delay from RTU to Master Station and vice versa shall be
within seconds.


F.5.1 Introduction

a. Local RTUs shall transmit the relevant data including water levels, pressure,
flow and other related information, for monitoring purposes via GPRS/GSM
network to the WDL’S Master Station (Command Centre) as required in F.1
and F.2 above.

b. Additional features for the purpose of automatic operation, or SCADA, is

beyond the scope of this Uniform Technical Guidelines.

F.5.2 Suction Tanks

a. One (1) no. pressure transmitter complete with pressure gauge and lightning
surge arrestor shall be provided in a RC chamber located at the inlet pipe.
The instrument shall be housed within a floor mounted weatherproof metal
cabinet complete with high quality stainless steel padlock. Cable used shall

Uniform Technical Guidelines

be of 4 Core (C) of 2.5 mm2 PVC armoured copper cable applicable to both
power and signal transmissions. An earthing system of less than 1 ohm
shall be provided.

b. One (1) no. level instrument ultrasonic transmitter, complete with lightning
surge arrestor, shall be provided at the suction cistern. The instrument shall
be housed within a floor mounted weatherproof metal cabinet complete with
high quality stainless steel padlock. Cables used shall be of 4C 2.5 mm2
PVC armoured copper cable applicable to both power and signal
transmissions. An earthing system of less than 1 ohm shall be provided.

c. An overflow detection system and level instrument accuracy checker,

complete with stainless steel electrodes mounted on a stainless steel
bracket, and supported by floatless and auxiliary relays, shall be provided at
the overflow chamber to detect any overflows. Armoured type copper cable
shall be employed for power and signal transmissions. Overflow detection
will induce an alarm upon detecting a dangerous high liquid level. An
accuracy checker will compare the reading at the level sensor against a
fixed level water point in the suction tank. Percentage of error shall not
exceed 2%.

d. Copper tape complete with concrete earthing chamber shall be used for an
external lightning protection system. All installations shall be concealed
inside a slab wall, etc. Earthing systems of less than 10 ohm shall be

e. A 600 mm diameter mechanical dial indicator, incorporating a stainless steel

wire type, shall be provided. The range of measurement shall be from 0 -

F.5.3 Pumping Stations

a. One (1) no. magnetic flow meter with transmitter complete with two (2) nos.
lightning surge arrestor shall be provided within RC chambers along the
delivery pipes located within the pumping station compound. The flow meter
shall be provided with a 25 mm dia. full bore tapping complete with ball
valve. All instruments shall be housed in a floor mounted weatherproof
metal cabinet complete with high quality stainless steel padlock. Cables
used shall be of 4C 2.5 mm2 PVC armoured copper cable for both power
and signal transmission (with 2 pairs of spare cables provided in each case).
An earthing system of less than 1 ohm shall be provided.

b. A floor standing Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) instrumentation panel shall be

provided complete with mimic diagram, one (1) no. RTU GSM System, time
switch with contactor, all lightning surge arrestors, standby power supply
system, relays, alarm annunciator, digital indicator, digital clock, indicating
lights, siren and high quality stainless steel padlock. An earthing system of
less than 1 ohm shall be provided.

c. One (1) no. pressure transmitter complete with pressure gauge and lightning
surge arrestor shall be provided in a RC chamber at the pumping main. The
instrument shall be housed in floor mounted weatherproof metal cabinet
made of high quality stainless steel. Cables used shall be of 4C 2.5 mm2

Uniform Technical Guidelines

PVC armoured copper cable (for both power and signal transmissions). An
earthing system of less than 1 ohm shall be provided. A display shall be
provided at the instrumentation panel for this sensor to indicate the pumping
pressure when the pump is running. The signal will be converted to water
level in the high reservoir tank when the pump casers to operate.

d. The outstation pumping station shall also perform pump cycling operations.
After a particular pump has been on duty for a certain accumulated period of
time, the outstation shall stop the pump and designate the next pump as the
duty pump. The change in status of the pumps should be detected by the
Telemetry system and reported to the master station.

F.5.4 Reservoirs

a. One (1) no. magnetic flow meter coupled to a transmitter and with two (2)
nos. lightning surge arrestor shall be provided in RC chambers at the outlet
pipe. The flow meter shall be provided with a 25 mm dia. full bore tapping
complete with ball valve to incorporate the flow sensor. All instruments shall
be housed in a floor mounted weatherproof metal cabinet complete with
high quality stainless steel padlock. Cable used shall be of 4C 2.5 mm2
PVC armoured copper cables (for both power and signal transmission, with
2 pairs of spare cables provided). An earthing system of less than 1 ohm
shall be provided.

b. One (1) no. level instrument ultrasonic transmitter complete with lightning
surge arrestor shall be provided at the reservoir cistern. The instrument shall
be housed in floor mounted weatherproof metal cabinet complete with high
quality stainless steel padlock. Cables used shall be of 4C 2.5 mm2 PVC
armoured copper cable (for both power and signal transmission). An
earthing system of less than 1 ohm shall be provided.

c. An overflow detection system and level instrument accuracy checker,

complete with stainless steel electrodes mounted on a stainless steel
bracket, and provided with floatless and auxiliary relays, shall be provided at
the overflow chamber to detect any overflows. Armoured type of copper
cables (for both power and signal transmission) shall be employed. Overflow
detection will induce an alarm upon detecting a dangerous high level. An
accuracy checker will compare the reading at the level sensor against a
fixed level water point in the reservoir. Percentage of error shall be not more
than 2%.

d. Copper tape complete with a concrete earthing chamber shall be used in

association with an external lightning protection system. All installations
shall be concealed inside a slab wall. Earthing system of less than 1 ohm
shall be provided.

e. One additional RTU GSM system shall be provided at the reservoir site if
the reservoir location is outside both the pumping station and suction cistern
compound. The panel shall be installed together with a high quality stainless
steel padlock, time switch with contactor, all lightning surge arrestors,
standby power supply system, and relays.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

f. A 600 mm diameter mechanical dial indicator with stainless steel wire type
shall be provided. The range shall be from 0 -10 m.

g. A pumping line and scouring line shall be connected to the relevant sensors
for detection purposes through Telemetry system.

h. The outstation reservoir shall update the master station on the status of the
field instruments and equipment on a Report-By-Exception (RBE) basis.
This means that the outstation shall only report back to the master station
on input / output points that have changed in status. For analogue signals
the percentage change that represents a change in status shall be manually
or automatically adjustable.

i. The Master Station located in the Command Centre shall be configured with
the high and low levels of each ground and elevated reservoir. However, the
need for the additional level configuration on alarms can be software

j. Alarms generated shall be able to be viewed by a Crisis Operation Centre

located at the office of WDL for appropriate action to be taken.

k. An earthing system of less than 1 ohm shall be provided.

F.5.5 Testing and Commissioning

a. The testing and commissioning shall be as per Clause E.16

b. All testing and commissioning works shall be carried out by the developer’s
SCADA/ Telemetry specialist.

F.5.6 Spare Parts

The following spare parts shall be provided with each Telemetry system:-

a. Ultrasonic level transmitter - 1 unit

b. Category 2 Lightning Protection Unit (LPU) - 1 unit
c. Category 3 Lightning Protection Unit (LPU) - 4 units
d. Lead acid rechargeable battery - 2 units
e. Pressure transmitter - 1 unit
f. RTU with built in Programme Logic Controller (PLC) + modem - 1 unit

Part G:
Water Consumption
Uniform Technical Guidelines



G.1.1 General

a. Water supplies provided by Individual Licensee to all type of premises and

areas shall be metered. The type and size of meter shall be determined by
the WDL.

b. All supplies to fire hydrants and other fire fighting devices installed within a
consumer’s premise or within a premise compound shall be separately

c. For high rise residential buildings and gated communities, water shall be
supplied through bulk meters which measures the total volume of water
abstracted from the public mains, including water consumed at individual
parcels which is accounted for by parcel meters.

d. Individual metering shall be carried out for all multi-unit residential premises.
However, the developer/Management Corporation shall sign an agreement
with the WDL confirming that the developer/Management Corporation will
operate and maintain the water supply system located downstream of the
bulk meter, including storage and suction cisterns as required by the
Commission, and shall pay for water supplies based on the difference
between bulk meter consumption readings and the sum of water delivered
to each residential unit as measured by individual parcel meters supplied by
the WDL (Refer to Rules 83, 84, 85, 86 and 87 of the Water Services
Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014).

e. For higher accuracy, and the need to transmit the flow data in electronic
format, electro-magnetic meters may be used in lieu of the mechanical
meter. The accuracy of the electro-magnetic meters at maximum flow,
nominal flow and minimum flow shall comply with the requirements of BS
EN 14154-1:2005 and ISO 4064:2005.

f. All meters shall be supplied and fixed by and remain the property of the
water distribution licensee.

g. The consumer shall be solely responsible for the safe custody of the meter
or meters which are sited within the boundary of the consumer’s property
and are fixed on the service water pipe or pipes supplying water to his


a. The location of a meter shall be determined by the WDL.

b. The meter shall be installed in such a position that it should be unobstructive

and can be easily accessible for meter installation, meter reading,
maintenance and for meter disconnections (Refer to Rules 73 and 74 of the
Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014).

Uniform Technical Guidelines

c. For shop houses and walk-up flats not further than 15 metres high, and
where consumers are served by individual storage cisterns, meters
registering water consumption by each consumer shall be installed at the
ground floor, and arranged in stacks which clearly demarcates the floor level
served. Individual meters will have attached address plates.

d. All bulk meters for apartments, flats, factories, condominiums and schools
shall preferably be placed within the fenced compound area, and close to
the guardhouse or entrance gate, or any other location as determined by the

e. Meters shall be centrally placed at each floor of a high rise building, or in

front of individual parcels at locations which are easy to install, access, read
and disconnect a meter. A meter should preferably be installed in a box
recessed into the wall and shall not be positioned at the corridor in a manner
that will affect movement along the corridors.

g. For meters placed in shafts, or boxed in chambers, sufficient natural light

must be available for ease of reading. Alternatively, electrical lighting shall
be provided.


The recommended criteria for selection of mechanical water meters are described
in Table G.1 below.

Table G.1: Criteria for selection of water meters

Recommended Continuous Flow

Meter Size (Qn)
(mm) m3 / two
m3/hr m3/month
15 1.5 1,080 2,160
ISO 4064 20 2.5 1,800 3,600
Class C
25 3.5 2,520 5,040
40 10.0 7,200 14,400
50 15 10,800 21,600
80 40 14,400 28,800
ISO 4064 100 60 43,200 86,400
Class B 150 150 108,000 216,000
meters 200 250 180,000 360,000
250 400 288,000 576,000
300 600 432,000 864,000


a. The WDL may at its own discretion implement an AMR at premises. The
use of AMR provides enhanced security, privacy, accuracy and timeliness in
meter reading.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

b. The WDL shall inform the developer during the design stage of any
development of its intention to implement AMRs for the developer.

c. Developers shall ensure that all necessary provisions be allowed for in the
development to facilitate installation of AMRs.


G.5.1 General

a. This section covers information on the dimensions and various material

requirements for water meter / sub-meter stands connected to a public

b. Materials for meter / sub-meter stand shall be of stainless steel or rigid

composite metallic pipe materials.

c. For each individual meter / sub-meter stand at high rise residential buildings,
the meter shall be arranged in correct order and marked as per the
requirements of WDL. The number of meters that can be stacked one over
the other shall be limited to five (5) numbers only.

d. Individual meters may be installed in a vertical position at high-rise

residential buildings provided that the meters are designed for vertical
installation and for ease of reading.

e. Minimum size of meter shall be 15mm diameter.

f. Gap between meter / sub-meter stands shall be not less than 150mm.

g. A stop valve shall be placed immediately upstream of the meter.

h. A lockable stop valve may be installed by the WDL upstream of the meter.

i. Typical configuration of meter / sub-meter stands for single and multi-meters

(up to 5 water meters) are as shown in the Standard Drawing Nos.
SPAN/WS/STD/F/031 and SPAN/WS/STD/F/033, and Standard Drawing
Nos. SPAN/WS/STD/F/032 and 034 respectively. Typical meter stands for
pipe sizes from 80mm to 200mm is depicted in Drawing No. SPAN/WS/

j. Meter / sub-meter stands should comprise the following components:-

i. Stainless steel / approved composite metallic pipe material.

ii. Outgoing pipe of 20mm or 25mm ID (depending on design).

iii. Incoming pipes of 20mm ID for one-meter stands.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

iv. Incoming pipes of 25mm ID for two-meter stands.

v. Incoming pipes of 50mm ID for three to five meter stands.

vi. Stop valve or ball valve (full bore) for two to five meter stands..

vii. If required backflow preventers shall be located a distance of at least

10 times the diameter of the service pipe downstream of meters
installed in premises specified in the Water Services Industry (Water
Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014 [Refer Rule 40, Table 1].

viii. All nipples, couplings, elbows, jam nuts, tees etc. shall be of
stainless steel.

ix. Saddles and ferrules shall be installed to tap water from the public

x. All meter stands shall be anchored into a minimum 600mm x 300mm

concrete slab reinforced with BRC of thickness not less than 50mm.

k. Other jointing combinations for single and multi-meter / sub-meter stands

are as shown in the Standard Drawings (SPAN/WS/STD/028 and

G.5.2 Markings for Meter/Sub-Meter Stands

No markings are required for single meter / sub-meter stands. For two or more
meter / sub-meter stands, identification markings of the unit number shall be
provided in an engraved stainless steel plate permanently mounted on the wall, or
otherwise be clearly painted on both sides of the meter / sub-meter stand itself, as
per the requirements of the WDL.

Part H:
Particular Construction
and Commissioning
Uniform Technical Guidelines



The following narrative is confined to trench excavations to lay water pipelines

H.1.1 General

Trenching works are steep temporary cuttings that are backfilled once a utility such
as a pipeline has been laid.

 The design of trench excavation is normally the responsibility of the

Contractor appointed for the works. The Contractor shall engage a
Competent Person to undertake a safe and proper shoring design. No
temporary works deemed unsafe shall be allowed.

 For excavations not exceeding 1.2m, shoring support may not be required if
the ground is found to be self-supporting. If external loads are likely to be
present, or if there is doubt as to the stability of the trench sides due to weak
ground and/or high ground water table, especially in rainy weather, the
trench sides should be supported even if the excavation depth is less than

 For excavations exceeding 1.2m, adequate support must be installed in a

timely manner, and as far as practicable, ahead of any further excavation.

 The typical shoring details given in Figure H.1 may be acceptable for
depths up to 4.5m. Guidance on the design of shoring works can also be
found in Construction Industry Research and Information Association,
London (CIRIA) Report 97 on prescriptive design and Utilities Technical
Liaison Committee (UTLC) (2003).

 All excavations must be properly designed, and Competent Person are

required to take adequate precautions to ensure public safety. Specific
designs with detailed drawings shall be prepared for excavations meeting
the following criteria:

i. Deeper than 4.5m and greater than 5m in length, and

ii. Liable to affect any road, building, structure, slope steeper than 30˚,
water main 75mm in diameter or greater, the affected area being
defined as within 45˚ line up from the base of the excavation to the
ground surface.

 It is also not desirable to have the whole length of a long trench opened up
at any one time, even with support. Excavations should be in sections of
shortest practical length, preferably not more than 100 meters long.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

H.1.2 Technical Consideration

 The design and construction of trenching and shoring works shall consider
the following failure mechanisms:

i. The collapse of vertical sides of poorly supported trenches which

may cause subsidence of the neighbouring ground or the death of
workers in the trench.

ii. Heaving or softening at base of excavation due to high ground water

pressures which may adversely affect the foundation for pipe laying.

iii. Heaving at base of excavation due to shear failure of the soil causing
local subsidence inside the trench.

iv. The erosive action of ground water, washing sand and silt into the
trench and causing local subsidence.

v. Consolidation of neighbouring compressible soils due to local

reduction of ground water table which may cause settlement of
adjacent foundations or the opening of sewer joints, etc.

 Consideration shall be given to loads imposed on the open trench such as

vehicular loads and loads due to excavated spoil or stockpiling of materials
near the excavated trench.

 Trenches located at the toe of a slope or earth-retaining structure can

reduce its stability and should be avoided wherever possible. Where it is
unavoidable, trench supports must be designed to ensure that the stability of
the nearby slope or earth-retaining structure is not compromised by the
trenching work. Stability analyses of the affected slope/structure may be

 Pipe trenches shall be backfilled with suitable materials and shall be

properly compacted in accordance with the specifications.

H.1.3 Drainage Consideration

 Drainage measures shall be provided regardless of the excavation depth.

This is especially important when trenches are located uphill or in close
proximity to slopes and opened during the rainy season. Effective
measures shall be implemented to:

i. Minimise the ingress of surface run-off.

ii. Control infiltration of rainwater and water runoff from an open trench
into nearby slopes.

 Up-stands used together with trench covers have been found to be effective
in dealing with surface runoff. Up-stands are provided on either side of the
trench and can be made of compacted earth fill bunds cemented together.
The height of the up-stand shall be determined by the designer but shall not
be less than 10 cm.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 Pumping from small sumps shall be provided for all trenches located at
slope crest, on slopes or in flood prone areas and opened up in the rainy

 High ground water table levels can be controlled by means a dewatering

system. However, dewatering can cause the consolidation of neighbouring
compressible soils and thus, the settlement of adjacent foundations and
utilities, opening of sewer joints, etc. Where this risk arises, assessments
should be carried out by a qualified Professional Engineer with appropriate
experience to ensure the safety of adjacent structures/infrastructures.

H.1.4 Shoring

 Construction works shall be supervised by the Competent Person who is

responsible for the Temporary Works design and who shall also ensure that
trenches are constructed strictly in accordance to the design and contract
specification, and safety requirements.

 Where the ground conditions are poor and have little “free-standing” time,
the installation of sheeting, excavation and insertion of waling and struts
shall proceed in stages until the full excavation depth is achieved.

 Under no circumstances should workers be permitted to work in an

unsupported trench that is deeper than 1.2m.

 When removal of struts are required in order to give access during lowering
of pipes, equipment or compaction of backfill, only the minimum practicable
number of struts should be removed. The ground shall be adequately
supported at all times while workers are in the trench.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Ground Level Sheet Pile 0 - 300

Water Beam
Strut 1000 max

Existing Soil Existing Soil

1500 max

1000 max

Adequate toe -in

Excavating Level

Figure H.1: Typical sheet pile shoring detail with steel struts and water beams


1. All dimensions are in millimeters (mm).

2. The sizes of the structural members (e.g. sheet piles, struts and water beams)
and spacing between struts shall be adequately prescribed based on actual
excavation depth, ground conditions and other factors affecting loading on the
shoring system.


H.2.1 Inspection

a. Prior to hydrostatic testing of pipelines, the installation inclusive of all testing

equipment shall be inspected by the Competent Person or his
representative at the Site.

b. The inspection of underground pipe shall focus on the following:-

i. Depth of trench, pipe bedding, pipe invert level, irregularity at joints,

correct fitting of valves.

ii. Correct installation of thrust anchor/diaphragm blocks where


iii. Filling materials used shall comply with the specifications.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

c. The inspection of the installation of any pipes in a building will focus on the

i. All pipes to be securely fixed.

ii. All valves to be correctly installed

iii. All water storage cisterns to be properly supported and secured.

iv. All debris to be removed from water storage cisterns.

v. Clearance and headroom for maintenance to be provided it is not

less than 375mm between the top of the cistern and any obstruction.

H.2.2 Hydrostatic Test

a. Plumbing System

i. The installation shall be tested with potable water. Water shall be

filled slowly to allow air to be expelled from the system.

ii. The complete system shall be inspected for leaks.

iii. No part of concealed pipework shall be covered up until the

installation has passed the hydrostatic test and clearance has been
given by the Competent Person or his representative.

iv. The procedure for hydrostatic testing of plastic pipes within a

building shall follow the guidelines as described in Clause
of BS 6700:2006.

v. The pipeline and installation within the buildings shall be tested to

1.5 times the working pressure for 1 hour.

vi. The completed system shall be inspected for leaks during the test.
The pipe installation is considered to have passed the hydrostatic
test if no visible leak and no drop in the pressure reading are
observed during the test.

b. Testing of External Reticulation Mains

i. If the water for testing the underground pipe is obtained from the
supply main, the supply main shall be disconnected or isolated
before commencement of the test.

ii. To avoid risk of contamination, water for testing shall be obtained

from the supply main.

iii. Water shall be filled slowly to allow air to be expelled from the

iv. Long pipelines should be tested in sections as the work progresses.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

v. No part of the pipe trench should be backfilled until pipeline has

passed the hydrostatic test and clearance has been given by the
Competent Person or his representative.

vi. The external pipelines togehther with communication pipe shall

be subject to hydrostatic test (i.e. pressure test and leakage
test) in accordance with established practices and / or particular
requirements of the Certifying Agency.

vii. Prior to the pressure and leakage test, the weight thrust and anchor
blocks must be first installed in order to ensure no pipe movement
during the test.

viii. These tests shall be conducted for the entire system including
installations, tapping tees, ferrule components and the connecting pipe
after it has been installed or connected to the external reticulation

ix. All leaks detected during pressure and leakage test shall be repaired
and the said section shall be retested after the repair is completed.

x. Detail results of pressure and leakage tests must be included as part

of the handing over documents to the operator

H.2.3 Flushing and Disinfection

a. Flushing

i. Every new installation including water storage cisterns, service pipe,

distribution pipes, hot water system and other appliance and any
extension or modification of such installation shall be thoroughly
flushed with potable water and thereafter disinfected before they are
put into use.

ii. Under normal circumstances, single dwelling or premises

undergoing minor alteration do not require disinfection after flushing,
unless contamination is suspected.

b. Disinfection

i. After flushing, the installation shall be disinfected in the following


 In any new installations and pipelines with the exception of single

private dwellings.

 Where major extension or alterations have been carried out.

 Where suspected contamination might have occurred.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

ii. For safety reasons, the systems, or any parts of the systems shall
not be used during the duration where disinfection is being carried

iii. The procedure for disinfection of piping system within a building shall
be in accordance with Section of BS 6700:2006.

iv. After flushing, water samples shall be taken from the selected fittings
and sent for biological analysis by an accredited laboratory. The
water quality shall conform to the guidelines published by the
Ministry of Health.


The following narrative is confined to geotechnical related works.

 Construction of geotechnical works shall be carried out by Contractors who

are experienced and competent in the required works. The Contractor shall

construct the works in such a way that the intent of the design is not

 The Contractor shall assign suitably experienced personnel to supervise the

construction works. This person shall examine the works to ensure that
they are constructed as per construction drawings.

 Supervision of the construction works shall also be carried out by the

Competent Person or their duly appointed representatives.

 Variations between the ground conditions encountered during construction

and those assumed for design shall be brought to the attention of the
Competent Person. If these variations are significant, designs shall be
revised to suit actual site conditions. Where necessary, the Competent
Person shall propose supplementary soil investigations.

 The Competent Person shall review and approve the Contractor’s proposed
method statement so as to maintain the integrity of existing structures or
service lines, etc. on the adjacent sites.

Part I:
Requirements for
Handing Over of
Supply Mains, External
Reticulation Systems
and Appurtenances
Uniform Technical Guidelines




In accordance with Section 47 of the Water Services Industry Act 2006, a developer
of a new development, located within the service area of a Water Distribution
Licensee, shall hand over a successfully completed External Reticulation System
(ERS) Supply Mains and centralised service reservoir where applicable, or part
thereof, to the WDL for operations and maintenance. The application forms for
handing over and acknowledgement by the WDL are included in Appendix B.

The handing over can only be executed after the developer’s appointed competent
person has issued a certificate of compliance for the ERS Supply Mains and
centralised service reservoir where applicable, which in essence confirms that
these facilities have been constructed in accordance with the plans, designs,
specifications and standards approved by the Certifying Agency. Furthermore the
Works must have successfully passed all material inspections; leakage and
pressure tests, disinfection procedures, mechanized and electrical system tests and
testing and commissioning tests and procedures witnessed and attested jointly by
the competent person, developer / permit holder, the WDL and Facility Licensee if

In addition, the handing over of an external water reticulation system and/or supply
mains can only be deemed successful if the following procedures, steps and
submission of pertinent information are satisfactorily completed to the satisfaction of
the CA, WDL and Facility Licensee (FL), viz:

 The certificate of compliance is submitted to the Commission by the

competent person once all procedures (i) to (vii) as listed under Section
I.1.1 have been satisfactorily completed. This application shall be
accompanied by authenticated forms confirming that the pressure and
leakage tests, disinfection processes, water tightness testing of the
reservoirs, and inspections of materials employed in the construction of
reservoirs, pump stations, pipelines, valves and other relevant
appurtenances, have been successfully conducted in the presence of the

 The performance of all pumpsets and other equipments, where applicable,

meets the specified duty requirements and a copy each of the test results
shall be submitted to the WDL.

 Operation Manuals for M&E Works, including Telemetry System, if any, to

be submitted to the WDL.

 A joint final inspection of the completed system has been carried out by the
CA, WDL, FL, the competent person and the permit holder to confirm that
external reticulation system, supply mains and centralised service reservoir
have been constructed in conformance with design interest and details of
which are accurately described in the As-Built Drawings..

 The competent person submits a list of outstanding defects that in his

opinion must be carried out before a Certificate of Compliance can be
issued for approval by the WDL and FL. This condition would apply to

Uniform Technical Guidelines

external reticulation system, supply mains and centralised service reservoir

where applicable.

 A successful application has been made to the WDL for connection of bulk
supplies of public water from the approved water supply source to the

 Tapping into public supply mains has been successfully completed.

 Successful completion of sterilization, flushing and water quality checks of

the water reticulation system.

 Developer to comply with provisions under Rules 28, 29 and 30 of the

Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014 viz:

- The developer provides the water distribution licensee with

documentary proof evidencing that all the necessary steps or actions
required under the National Land Code 1965 [Act 56] or any other
legislations that need to be complied with, including for any approvals
to be obtained and fees or duties payable thereunder, for the surrender
to the State Authority of the land whereon the completed supply mains
and external reticulation systems are located, have been taken by the
- Where the supply mains are constructed by the developer on private
land, any way leave secured by the developer in relation to such land
has been assigned in perpetuity to the water distribution licensee.
- Payments of prescribed charges for connection works have been
- Ensure that all mechanical and electrical equipment are in working
order and all associated spares as specified are provided.
- As-built drawings, endorsed by the competent person, have been
submitted and accepted by the WDL.
- Developers shall lodge a guarantee as prescribed under Rule 30 of the
Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014
with the WDL in the form of cash or bank guarantee which shall be
valid for a period of twenty seven months from date of handing over of
the external reticulation system. This sum is to provide the WDL the
necessary funds to rectify defects not carried out by the developer
during the defect liability period (DLP).
- Complete the staged payment of Capital Contribution Fee mandated
under Regulation 16 of the Water Services Industry (Water Services
Deposits, Fees and Charges) Regulations 2014.

I.1.1 Handing Over Steps

The developer or owner shall follow the following steps for effective and expedient
taking over of water supply facilities by the WDL/Facility Licensee.

i. Testing and commissioning of components and systems witnessed by

competent person, permit holder, developer, Facility Licensee (FL)
and WDL.
ii. Final Inspection of built facilities jointly by competent person, permit
holder, developer, FL and WDL.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

iii. Temporary connection application for undertaking flushing, sterilization

and water quality testing activities (if applicable) of built facilities.
iv. Issue of certificate of compliance for external reticulation system, supply
mains and centralised service reservoirs where applicable.
v. Flushing and sterilization of external reticulation system, supply
mains and centralised service reservoir by developer if facilities
built by the latter.
vi. CCC issued under the Uniform Building Bye-laws for relevant water
structures and reservoirs if applicable.
vii. Permanent connection of external reticulation system to the supply
main; or supply mains built by the developer to a public mains identified
by the WDL.
viii. Handing over of external reticulation system, supply mains and
centralised service reservoirs if applicable.
ix. Twenty-four months defect liability period initiated upon date of handing

In the case where the WDL implements centralised service reservoirs and supply
mains, the WDL shall be responsible for handing over completed facilities to the FL.
The WDLs appointed competent person and permit holders shall be responsible for
obtaining approvals for the design of systems, for issuing a COC and to organize
and arrange for inspection materials, testing and commissioning of facilities and for
preparation of a defects list to be rectified before a certificate of completion can be
issued. The permit holder appointed by the WDL shall undertake the construction of
facilities in accordance with the approved plans and designs, and shall prepare
adequately for undertaking for disinfection, connection and testing and
commissioning activities.


I.2.1 General

At the time of handing over, the competent person shall submit the following to

 Factory Acceptance Test Report (where applicable)

 PMT (for surge vessel) and PMA (for cranes & hoists) certificates from
 As-Built Drawings
 Operations and Maintenance Manuals
 Testing and Commissioning Reports
 Tools
 Spare Parts
 Warranty Certificates
 Relevant Catalogues
 Keys

Two (2) bound printed copies, and two (2) electronic copies of the O&M Manual,
Reports and As-Built drawings, shall be handed over to the WDL.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

I.2.2 The Contents and Requirements of Documentation

The contents, and requirements, for the above specified submissions are as

Factory Acceptance Test Report for Pumps

Factory test report for the designated equipment shall contain the following

 Reference to specifications and internationally recognized standards.

 Extract of relevant sections of test standard.
 Description of procedures adopted in carrying out tests.
 List of calibrated measuring instruments and gauges.
 Calibration report for measuring instruments and gauges from recognised
institute or laboratory.
 A plot of measured performance data against manufacturer’s published
performance curves.
 Signature of manufacturer’s engineer who conducted the test.
 Signature of the Competent Person or his representative and the Licensee’s
representative who witnessed the tests (if applicable).
 Sketches, drawings or photographs showing the set-up of measuring
instrument, gauges and equipment under test.
 Test certificate for the pumps tested.

As-Built Drawings

The as-built drawings shall include the following information:

 Plan view and section view for Mechanical Works showing the suction
reservoir, arrangement of pumping equipment, drainage pumps (where
applicable), suction and delivery pipes, surge protection equipment, and
material handling equipment.

 Plan and sectional views for Electrical Works showing the lighting and small
power systems, lightning protection system, electrical and control boards,
incoming electrical cabling, etc.

 Tabulation of brand name, model no. and capacity / rating of major

equipment and components for pumps and motors, electrical and control
panels, Telemetry System.

 Mechanical schematic drawings describing the Pumping System, Surge

Protection System and Pump Control Systems.

 Electrical schematic diagrams describing the electrical power supply routing

systems to pumps, small power and lighting systems, Telemetry system and
control systems.

 Two electronic copies of all information provided shall be in CD ROM or

DVD ROM using latest version of Autocad software.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 Hard copy of relevant drawings to be bound in the O&M Manual.

 As-built drawings to be endorsed by the Competent Person (civil engineer or

mechanical engineer for pumping systems, and electrical engineer for power
supply systems).

Testing and Commissioning Reports

The testing and commissioning reports shall include:

 Table of Contents identifying the organization of the testing and

commissioning reports in systematic and logical order.

 Approved testing and commissioning procedures adopted.

 Calibration reports pertaining to measuring instruments and gauges from

recognized institutions and laboratories (including completion certificates).

 Sketches, schematic drawings and photographs showing the set-up of

measuring instruments and gauges.

 Endorsed copy of testing and commissioning forms.

 Explanation of variance of final measured data and design values.

 Factory test report for pumps.

Operations and Maintenance Manuals

The complete O&M Manual shall comprise the following documents:

 Table of Contents identifying each section of the document.

 Emergency and agency notification procedures.

 Operating Manual containing information on:

- Building / Equipment function

- Building / Equipment description
- Operating standards and logs
- System description
- Operating routine and procedures
- Special procedures (if any)
- Basic trouble shooting procedures

 Maintenance Manual containing

- Equipment data sheet and list of suppliers

- Information on warranties
- Installation, operation and maintenance instructions
- List of spare parts
- Preventive maintenance actions to be adopted by WDL

Uniform Technical Guidelines

 Test reports documenting set points, and observed performance during start
up and commissioning.

 As-built drawings in printed form and electronic media.

 List of recommended spare parts.

 Manufacturers’ technical literature comprising performance curves, technical

catalogs and technical information.

I.2.3 Tools, Appliances and Test Equipment

Each tool, appliance and test equipment required to be supplied shall be marked
clearly indicating its size and intended purpose and shall not be used in the
installation of the plant.

Permit holder shall demonstrate to the WDL’s staff, the use of the tools, appliances,
test equipment, trouble shooting and maintenance procedures before taken over by
the WDL. All tools and appliances shall be placed in appropriately labelled storage
boxes and shall be supplied complete with accessories including probes and power

I.2.4 Operations and Maintenance Training Program


The objective of the O&M training program is to provide the WDL staff with the
knowledge to operate and maintain the Pumping System in accordance with design
intent, manufacturers’ recommendations, and procedures contained in the O&M
Manual. Training Documentation (Lecture notes and Presentation Slides etc) shall
be supplied for the training. The training shall be conducted by persons having
specific expertise in each aspect of the Pumping System.

Scope of Training

The objective of the training program shall be to instill a thorough understanding of

all equipment, components, systems, and their operation. The training program
shall include the following topics.

(a) Use of O&M Manual with an emphasis on:

 Design intent
 Description, capabilities, and limitations of the systems
 Operation procedures for all modes of operation
 Procedure for dealing with abnormal conditions and emergency
 Use of operation manuals
 Use of maintenance manuals

(b) Recommended procedures for collecting and interpreting specific

performance data.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

(c) Specialized manufacturers’ training programs.

The use and maintenance of Telemetry and SCADA systems.

Appendix A
Applicable Codes and Standards
Uniform Technical Guidelines


Items Standard Number Standard Title

(A) Water Pipes

Specification for Polyethylene (PE)

MS 1058: Part 2:
Piping Systems for Water Supply :
Part 2 : Pipes (Forth Revision)
Plastics Piping Systems –
(i) Polyethylene (PE) ISO 4427–2 : 2007: Polyethylene (PE) Pipes and
Pipes AMD 1:2011 Fittings for Water Supply – Part 2 :
Polyehtylene (PE) Pipes – PE 80,
DIN 8075 (2011 –
PE 100 – General Quality
Requirements, testing
Plastics Piping Systems for Hot
and Cold Water Installations –
ISO 22391-2:2009 Polyethylene of Raised
Temperature Resistance (PE-RT) :
Part 2 : Pipes
(ii) PE-RT Pipes Plastics Piping Systems for Hot
and Cold Water Installations –
Polyethylene of Raised
MS 2508-2: 2012
Temperature Resistance (PE-RT) :
Part 2 : Pipes (ISO 22391-2: 2009,
Multilayer Piping Systems for Hot
BS EN ISO 21003 -
(iii) PE-RT/AL/PE-RT Pipes and Cold Water Installation Inside
1: 2008
Buildings. General
Plastic Piping Systems for Hot and
MS 1736 : Part 2 : Cold Water Installations –
2004 Crosslinked Polyethylene (PE-X):
Part 2 : Pipes

AS/NZS 2492 : Crosslinked Polyethylene (PE-X)

(iv) PE-X Pipes
2007 Pipes for Pressure Applications

Plastics Piping Systems for Hot

and Cold Water Installations –
ISO 15875-2 : 2003
Crosslinked Polyethylene (PE-X) –
Part 2 : Pipes.
Polyethylene / Aluminium and
Crosslinked Polyethylene /
AS 4176 : 1994
Aluminium Macro-Composite Pipe
Systems for Pressure Applications
(v) PE-X/AL/PE-X Pipes
Multilayer Pipes for Pressure
Applications – Multilayer Piping
AS 4176.2 : 2010
Systems for Hot and Cold Water
Plumbing Applications – Pipes

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Items Standard Number Standard Title

Standard Specification for

(vi) PE Aluminium (PE-AL- Polyethylene / Aluminium /
ASTM F1282 – 03
PE) Pipes Polyethylene (PE-AL-PE)
Composite Pressure Pipes
MS 628: Part 1:
Specification for Unplasticised
PVC (uPVC) Pipes for Water
AMD.1: 2001 &
Supply : Part 1: Pipes (1st revision)
AMD.2: 2002
(vii) Unplasticized
Plastics Piping Systems for Water
Supply and for Buried and Above-
(uPVC) Pipes
BS EN ISO 1452-2: Ground Drainage and Sewerage
2009 Under Pressure. Unplasticized
Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC U).
Specification for Unplasticised
PVC (UPVC) Pipes for Water
(viii) Solvent cement for MS 628 : Part 2 : Supply : Part 2 : Joints and Fittings
uPVC piping system Section 2.2 : 1999 for Use with Unplasticised PVC
Pipes : Section 2.2 : Solvent
Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride)
(PVC-C) Plastic Hot and Cold
MS 2045 : 2007
Water Distribution Systems –
Standard Specification for
(ix) Chlorinated
ASTM D2846 / Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride)
D2846M – 09b (cPVC) Plastic Hot and Cold
(cPVC) Pipes
Water Distribution System
Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride)
MS 1757 : Part 1 : (PVC-C) – Plastic Piping System –
2008 Part 1 : Specification for
Schedules 40 & 80 Pipes
Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Styrene
(ABS) Piping Systems for
MS 1419: Part 1:
Pressure Applications – Part 1:
Specification for Compounds,
(x) Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-
Pipes and Fittings (First Revision)
Styrene (ABS) Pipes
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
AS/NZS 3518 :
(ABS) Compounds, Pipes and
Fittings for Pressure Application
Specification for
Acrylonitrilebutadiene Styrene
(xi) Solvent cement for ABS MS 1419 : Part 3 : (ABS) Pipes and Fittings for
piping system 1997 Pressure Applications Part 3 :
Solvent Cement and Priming
(Cleaning) Fluids for Use with ABS
Pipes and Fittings
Plastics Piping Systems for Hot
and Cold Water Installations –
(xii) Polypropylene (PP)
MS 2286-2: 2012 Polypropylene (PP)- Part 2: Pipes
(ISO 15874-2: 2003, AMD.1: 2007,

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Items Standard Number Standard Title

Plastics Piping Systems for Hot

ISO 15874-2 : 2003 and Cold Water Installations –
Polypropylene (PP). Part 2: Pipes

Polypropylene (PP) Pipes – PP-H,

DIN 8078: 2008 PP-B, PP-R, PP-RCT – General
Quality Requirements and Testing
Plastics Piping Systems for Hot
MS ISO 15876-2 :
and Cold Water Installations –
2004, AMD. 1:
Polybutylene (PB) Part 2 : Pipes
(xiii) Polybutylene (PB) (ISO 15876-2:2003, MOD)
Pipes Polybutylene (PB) Plumbing Pipe
AS/NZS 2642.2: Systems – Polybutylene (PB) Pipe
2008 for Hot and Cold Water
Plastics Piping Systems for
Pressure and Non-pressure Water
(xiv) Glass Reinforced Supply – Glass Reinforced
ISO 10639: 2004
Plastic (GRP) Pipes Thermosetting Plastics (GRP)
Systems Based On Unsaturated
Polyester (UP) Resin
Specification for Steel Pipes,
Joints and Specials for Water and
BS 534: 1990
**This standard is recognized for
SPAN product listing until 31 May
2015 only
Specification for Steel Pipes,
Fittings and Joints for Water and
SPAN TS Sewerage
21827:2013 Part 1: Technical Delivery
(xv) Steel Pipes
Part 2: Tube Requirements
Non-Alloy Steel Tubes and Fittings
for the Conveyance of Aqueous
MS 1968 : 2007 Liquids Including Water for Human
Consumption – Technical Delivery
Non-Alloy Steel Tubes and Fittings
BS EN 10224 : for the Conveyance of Water and
2002 Other Aqueous Liquids –
Technical Delivery Conditions
Seamless, Welded and Heavily
Cold Austenitic Stainless Steel
MS 1841: 2010
Pipes – Specification (First
(xvi) Stainless Steel (SS) Revision)
Pipes - Industrial Standard Specification for
ASTM A 312/A Seamless, Welded, and Heavily
312M-2014b Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless
Steel Pipes

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Items Standard Number Standard Title

Welded Stainless Steel Tubes for

the Conveyance of Water and
MS 1988: 2007
Other Aqueous Liquids –
(Confirmed :2011)
Technical Delivery Conditions and
Include Ammendment A1)
Welded Stainless Steel Tubes for
(xvii) Stainless Steel (SS) the Conveyance of Aqueous
BS EN 10312 :
Light Gauge Tubes Liquids Including Water for Human
Consumption. Technical Delivery

Light Gauge Stainless Steel Tubes

JIS G 3448: 2004
for Ordinary Piping

Ductile Iron Pipes, Fittings,

Accessories and Their Joints for
MS 1919: 2006
Water Pipelines – Requirements
and Test Methods
Ductile Iron Pipes, Fittings,
Accessories and Their Joints for
(xviii) Ductile Iron (DI) Pipes BS EN 545 : 2006
Water Pipelines – Requirements
and Test Methods
Ductile Iron Pipes, Fittings,
Accessories and Their Joints for
BS EN 545 : 2010
Water Pipelines – Requirement
and Test Method
Copper and Copper Alloys.
BS EN 1057: 2006 Seamless, Round Copper Tubes
(xix) Copper Tubes
+ A1:2010 for Water and Gas in Sanitary and
Heating Applications

(xx) Steel Pipe with Plastic Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings of

CJ/T 137: 2008
Lining Lining Plastic for Water Supply

(B) Water Fittings

Plastics piping systems for water

BS EN 12201- supply, and for drainage and
3:2011 sewerage under pressure.
Polyethylene (PE). Fittings

(i) Polyethylene (PE) MS 1058: Part 3: Polyethylene (PE) Piping Systems

Fittings 2006 for Water Supply – Part 3 : Fittings

AS/NZS 4129: Fittings for Polyethylene (PE)

2008 Pipes for Pressure Applications

Pipe Fittings and Joints and

(ii) HDPE Joints DIN 16963 : Part 5 : Assemblies for PE 80 and PE 100
Assemblies and Fittings (1999-10) Polyethylene Pressure Pipes-Part
5: General Quality Requirements

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Items Standard Number Standard Title

and Testing

Plastics Piping Systems for Hot

MS 1736 : Part 3 : and Cold Water Installations –
(iii) PE-X Fittings
2004 Crosslinked Polyethylene (PE-X):
Part 3 : Fittings
Plastics piping systems for hot and
cold water installations –
ISO 22391 – 3 :
Polyethylene of raised
temperature resistance (PE-RT) –
Part 3 : Fittings
(iv) PE-RT Fittings Plastics piping systems for hot and
cold water installations –
Polyethylene of raised
MS 2508-3: 2012
temperature resistance (PE-RT) –
Part 3 : Fittings (ISO 22391-3:
2009, MOD)
Multilayer piping systems for hot
(v) PE-RT/AL/PE-RT ISO 21003 – 3 :
and cold water installations inside
Fittings 2008
buildings – Part 3 : Fittings
Polyethylene/aluminium and
(vi) PPO Fittings ISO 4176 : 2000 polyethylene/aluminium macro-
composite pipe systems for
pressure applications
Specification for Performance
BS 5114: 1975
Requirements for Joints and
(1981) Amd.2 –
Compression Fittings for Use with
(vii) Nylon Joints and 1987
Polyethylene Pipes
Compression Fittings
Plastics Pipes and Fittings –
for use with HDPE
Mechanical-Joint Compression
ISO 14236: 2000 Fittings for Use with Polyethylene
Pressure Pipes in Water Supply
Plastics Piping Systems for Hot
ISO 15874 - 3 : and Cold Water Installations –
2013 Polypropylene (PP) – Part 3 :
Pipe fittings and joint assemblies
for polypropylene (PP) pressure
(viii) Polypropylene (PP) DIN 16962-5: 2000 pipes - Part 5: General quality
Fittings requirements and testing.

Plastics Piping Systems for Hot

and Cold Water Installations –
MS 2286-3: 2012 Polypropylene (PP) – Part 3 :
Fittings (ISO 15874-3: 2003,
FDAM 1:2009, MOD)

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Items Standard Number Standard Title

Polybutylene Pipe Systems –

Mechanical Jointing Fittings for
AS/NZS 2642-3:
Use with Polybutylene (PB) Pipes
for Hot and Cold Water
(ix) Polybutylene (PB)
Plastics Piping Systems for Hot
MS ISO 15876 – 3 :
and Cold Water Installations –
Polybutylene (PB) Part 3 : Fittings
Specification for Unplasticised
PVC (uPVC) Pipes for Water
MS 628: Part 2:
Supply : Part 2: Joints and Fittings
Section 2.1: 1999
for Use with uPVC Pipes: Section
2.1: uPVC Joints and Fittings
Plastics Piping Systems for Water
Supply and for Buried and Above-
BS EN ISO: 1452- ground Drainage and Sewerage
3: 2010
Under Pressure. Unplasticized poly
(x) Unplasticized (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)Fittings
Polyvinylchloride Joints and Fittings for use with
(uPVC) Joints / Fittings Unplasticized PVC Pressure
Pipes. Injection Moulded
BS 4346-1: 1969 Unplasticized PVC Fittings for
Solvent Welding for use with
Pressure Pipes, Including Potable
Water Supply
Joints and Fittings for use with
Unplastisized PVC Pressure
BS 4346-2: 1970 Pipes. Mechanical Joints and
Fittings, Principally of
Unplasticized PVC
Standard Specification for
ASTM D2846 / Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride
D2846M – 09b (cPVC) Plastic Hot and Cold
Water Distribution System
Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride)
MS 1757 : Part 2 : (PVC-C) – Plastic Piping System –
2008 Part 2 : Specification for Schedule
(xi) Chlorinated
40 Socket-type Pipe Fittings
Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride)
(cPVC) Fittings
MS 1757 : Part 3 : (PVC-C) – Plastic Piping System –
2008 Part 3 : Specification for Schedule
80 Pipe Fittings
Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride)
(PVC-C) Plastic Hot-and-Cold-
MS 2045 : 2007
Water Distribution Systems –
Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Styrene
(ABS) Piping Systems for
(xii) Acrylonitrile-Butadiene- MS 1419: Part 1:
Pressure Applications – Part 1:
Styrene (ABS) Fittings 2007
Specification for Compounds,
Pipes and Fittings (First Revision)

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Items Standard Number Standard Title

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene

AS/NZS 3518:
(ABS) Compounds, Pipes and
Fittings for Pressure Application
Plastics Piping System for
Pressure and Non-pressure Water
(xiii) Glass Reinforced Supply – Glass Reinforced
ISO 10639: 2004
Plastic (GRP) Fittings Thermosetting Plastics (GRP)
Systems Based On Unsaturated
Polyester (UP) Resin
Specification for Steel Pipes,
Joints and Specials for Water and
BS 534: 1990
**This standard is recognized for
SPAN product listing until 31 May
2015 only
Specification for Steel Pipes,
Fittings and Joints for Water and
(xiv) Steel Pipe Specials
SPAN TS Sewerage
21827:2013 Part 1: Technical Delivery
Part 2: Tube Requirements
Non-alloy steel tubes and fittings
for the conveyance of aqueous
MS 1968 : 2007 liquids including water for human
consumption – technical delivery
Pipework – Stainless Steel Fittings
ISO 4144: 2003 Threaded in Accordance with ISO
(xv) Stainless Steel (SS)
Threaded Fittings Pipework – Stainless Steel Fittings
Threaded in Accordance with MS
MS 2495: 2012
1989: Part 1 (ISO 4144:2003,
Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel
MS 1842: 2010 Piping Fittings – Specification
(First Revision)
(xvi) Stainless Steel (SS)
Welded Fittings
ASTM Standard Specification for
A403/A403M-10- Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel
13a Piping Fittings
Ductile Iron Pipes, Fittings,
Accessories and Their Joints for
MS 1919: 2006
Water Pipelines – Requirements
and Test Methods
(xvii) Ductile Iron Fittings
Ductile Iron Pipes, Fittings,
Accessories and Their Joints for
BS EN 545 : 2006
Water Pipelines – Requirement
and Test Method

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Items Standard Number Standard Title

Ductile Iron Pipes, Fittings,

Accessories and Their Joints for
BS EN 545 : 2010
Water Pipelines – Requirement
and Test Method
Ductile Iron Fittings for PVC-U or
EN 12842 : 2012 PE Piping Systems. Requirements
and Test Methods
Copper and Copper Alloys.
BS EN 1254-1: Plumbing Fittings. Fittings with
1998 Short Ends for Capillary Brazing to
Copper Tubes
Copper and Copper Alloys.
BS EN 1254-2: Plumbing Fittings. Fittings with
1998 Compression Ends for Use with
Copper Tubes
Copper and Copper Alloys.
BS EN 1254-3: Plumbing Fittings. Fittings with
(xviii) Copper & Copper Alloys
1998 Compression Ends for Use with
Plastic Pipes
Copper and Copper Alloys.
Plumbing Fittings. Fittings
BS EN 1254-4:
Combining Other End Connections
with Capillary or Compression

Water Supply – Metallic Fittings

AS 3688 : 2005
and End Connectors

(xix) Steel Fittings with Steel Pipes of Lining Plastic for

CJ/T 136: 2001
Plastic Lining Water Supply

JKR Standard Specification for

Spesifikasi JKR Detachable Joints and Variable
(xx) Variable Adapter
20200-0045-99 Adaptors for uPVC, Ductile Iron
and AC Pipes
JKR Standard Specification For
Spesifikasi JKR
(xxi) Flange Adapter Flexible Couplings and Flange

JKR Standard Specification For

Spesifikasi JKR
(xxii) Flexible Coupling Flexible Couplings and Flange
JKR Standard Specification for
Spesifikasi JKR Detachable Joints and Variable
(xxiii) Detachable Joint
20200-0045-99 Adaptors for uPVC, Ductile Iron
and AC Pipes

Spesifikasi JKR JKR Standard Specification for

(xxiv) Ferrous Saddle
20200-0044-99 Ferrous Saddles

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Items Standard Number Standard Title

Spesifikasi JKR JKR Standard Specification for

20200-0042-99 Ductile Iron Pillar Hydrants
(xxv) Pillar Hydrant
Pillar Fire Hydrants: Specification
MS 1395: 2011
(First Revision)

JKR Standard Specification for

Spesifikasi JKR
(xxvi) Ductile Iron (DI) Strainer Ductile Iron Y and T Strainers (DN
50 to DN 600)

Spesifikasi JKR JKR Standard Specification for

(xxvii) Swivel Ferrules
20200-0174-04 Ferrules

(xxviii) Under Pressure Vertical Ferrules – Specification (First

MS 1396: 2006
Ferrules Revision)

JKR Standard Specification for

Polypropylene (PP) Tapping
(xxix) Polypropylene (PP) Spesifikasi JKR
Ferrules to be used with
Tapping Ferrules 20200-0055-99
Polyethylene (PE) and uPVC
Gully Tops and Manhole Tops for
Vehicular and Pedestrian Areas.
(xxx) Manhole Cover BS EN 124 : 1994
Design Requirements, Type
Testing, Marking, Quality Control
JKR Standard Specification for
(xxxi) Polypropylene (PP) Spesifikasi JKR Polypropylene (PP) Clamp Sadle
Clamp Sadle No. 1-95 (BA) to be used with Polyethylene (PE)
Elastomeric Seals – Material
Requirements for Pipe Joint Seals
(xxxii) Vulcanized Rubber Pipe BS EN 681-1 :
used in Water and Drainage
Joint Seals 1996
Application. Part 1 : Vulcanized
Flange and Their Joints. Circular
BS EN 1092-1 : Flanges for Pipes, Valves, Fittings
2007 + A1 : 2013 and Accessories, PN Designated.
Steel flanges
(xxxiii) Steel Flange Flange and Their Joints. Circular
Flanges for Pipes, Valves, Fittings
and Accessories, Class
Designated. Steel flanges, NPS ½
to 24

(C) Service Reservoir

Structural Use of Steelwork in

(i) Cylindrical Double Fold Building Part 1 : Code of Practice
BS 5950-1:2000
System for Design – Rolled and Welded

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Items Standard Number Standard Title

AWWA D103-97
Factory-Coated Bolted Steel
Tanks For Water Storage
(ii) (iii) Glass Coated / AWWA D103-09
Glass Lined / Glass
Vitreous and Porcelain Enamels --
Fused / Epoxy Coated /
Design of Bolted Steel Tanks for the
Epoxy Lining
ISO 28765 : 2008 Storage or Treatment of Water or
Municipal or Industrial Effluents and

(D) Storage Cistern

Structural Use of Steelwork in

(i) Cylindrical Double Fold Building Part 1 : Code of Practice
BS 5950-1:2000
System for Design – Rolled and Welded
(ii) Glass Coated / Glass
AWWA D103-97,
Lined / Glass Fused / Factory-Coated Bolted Steel
Epoxy Coated / Epoxy Tanks For Water Storage
Polyethylene (PE) Tanks For Cold
MS 1225 : Pt 1 :
Water Storage; Part 1: Capacity
2007 AMD.1:2011
up to 600G (Second Revision)
(iii) PE / HDPE Tanks
Storage Tank
Polyethylene (PE) Tanks For Cold
MS 1225 : Pt 2:
Water Storage; Part 2: Capacity
2006 AMD.1:2011
more than 600G (First Revision)

Glass-fibre Reinforced Polyester

(iv) GRP/FRP Sectional
MS 1390 : 2010 Panels and Panel Water Tanks -
Water Tank
Specification (First Revision)
Steel Plate, Sheet & Strip. Carbon
and carbon-manganese plate,
BS 1449 -1.1:1991
(v) Corrugated Steel Panel sheet and strip general
With Polyethylene- specification
Lined Water Storage
SS 245:1995 (Cl.
Tank Specification for Glass Reinforced
10.2.1 &
Polyester Sectional Water Tank
Cl 10.2.2)
Specification for glass fibre
BS EN 13280 : reinforced cistern of one-piece and
2001 sectional construction for storage
above ground of cold water
(vi) FRP One-Piece Water
One Piece Glass Fibre Reinforced
Polyester (GRP) Water Tanks
MS 1241 : 2011 Nominal Capacity of 100 000
Litres and Below-Specification
(First Revision)

(vii) Pressed Steel Sectional Specification for Pressed Steel

BS 1564 : 1975
Rectangular Tank Panel Sectional Rectangular Tanks

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Items Standard Number Standard Title

(viii) Stainless Steel Storage JKR 20200-0041- Stainless Steel Water Tanks (With
Tank 99 Effective Capacity Up to 15,000L)

(ix) Stainless Steel Storage

Tank (Rectangular / CNS 9443 : 2000 Stainless Steel Storage Tanks
Panel Tank)

(E) Valves

BS EN 593 : 2009 Industrial Valves. Metallic Butterfly

(i) Butterfly Valve
+ A1:2011 Valves

JKR 20200-0097- Ductile Iron Air Valves (Revised

01 Edition 2001)

JKR 20200-0043- Ductile Iron Air Valves (Revised

99 Edition 1999)
(ii) Air Valve
Air Release, Air/Vacuum and
AWWA C512-07 Combination Air Valve for
Waterworks Service
Valves for Water Supply. Fitness
BS EN 1074-4 : for Purpose Requirements and
2000 Appropriate Verification Tests. Air
Specification for Double Flanged
MS 1049 : 1986 Cast Iron Wedge Gate (sluice)
valves for waterworks purposes

BS EN 12288 : Industrial Valves. Copper Alloy

2010 Gate Valves

Industrial Valves. Cast Iron Gate

(iii) Gate Valve BS EN 1171 : 2002

JKR 20200-0077- Ductile Iron Type B Large Sluice

00 Valves (DN700-DN1800)

Valves for Waterworks Purposes.

BS 5163-1 : 2004 Predominantly key-operated cast
iron gate valves. Code of practice

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Items Standard Number Standard Title

Valves for Waterworks Purposes.

Stem Caps for use on isolating
BS 5163-2 : 2004
valves and associated water
control apparatus. Specification
Valves for water supply. Fitness
BS EN 1074-2 : for purpose requirements and
2000 appropriate verification tests.
Isolating valves

BS EN 12334 : Industrial Valves. Cast Iron Check

2001 Valves

BS EN 14341 : Industrial Valves. Steel Check

2006 Valves
(iv) Check Valve
Valves for water supply. Fitness
BS EN 1074-3 : for purpose requirements and
2000 appropriate verification tests.
Check valves
Swing-Check Valves for
AWWA C508 -
Waterworks Service, 2 In. (50 mm)
Through 24 In. (600 mm) NPS
Valves for Water Supply – Fitness
BS EN 1074- Purpose Requirements and
5:2001 Appropriate Verification Tests.
Part 5 : Control Valve
(v) Control Valve
AWWA C530-07 Pilot-operated control valves

Specification for servicing valves

BS 6675 : 1986
(copper alloy) for water services

Building Valves. Copper Alloy Stop

BS EN 1213 : 2000 Valves for Potable Water Supply in
Buildings. Test & Requirements.
(vi) Stop Valve

Specification of Mechanical Stop

JKR 20200-0056-99
Valve for Water Supply Usage

Thermoplastic Stopvalves for

SIRIM 9:2017
Potable Water Supply in Buildings

Float Operated Valves.

BS 1212 : Part 1 : Specification for Piston Type Float
(vii) Ball Valves
1990 Operated valves (Copper Aloy

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Items Standard Number Standard Title

Float Operated Valves.

BS 1212 : Part 2 : Specification for Diaphragm Type
1990 Float Operated Valves (Copper
Alloy) (Excluding Float)
MS 1210: Part 1: Specification for Fire Hydrant
1991 (Confirmed : Systems Equipment – Part 1:
2011) Landing Valves for Wet Risers

MS 1210: Part 2: Specification for Fire Hydrant

1991 (Confirmed : Systems Equipment – Part 2:
2011) Landing Valves for Dry Risers
(viii) Landing Valve
Fire Hydrant Systems Equipment.
BS 5041 : Pt 1 :
Specification for landing valves for
wet risers

Fire Hydrant System Equipment.

BS 5041 : Pt 3 :
Specification for Inlet Breeching
for Dry Riser Inlets

Sanitary Tapeware. Low Pressure

(ix) Mixing Valve
BS EN 1286 : 1999 Mechanical Mixing Valves.
(Manually Operated)
General Technical Specification

Piston Type Float Operated

MS 1882 : 2005
Valves – Specification
(x) Float Operated Valve
JKR 20200-0059- Piston Type Float Operated
99 Valves (Revised Edition 1999)

Building Valves. Water Pressure

(xi) Pressure Reducing Valves and Combination Water
BS EN 1567 : 2000
Valves Reducing Valves. Requirements
and Test

Resilient-Seated Cast-Iron Eccentric

AWWA C517 - 2009
Plug Valves
(xii) Plug Valve
Specification for Cast Iron Plug
BS 5158 : 1989

Penstocks for use in Water and

(xiii) Penstock BS 7775 : 2005 Other Liquid Flow Applications.

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Items Standard Number Standard Title

JKR 20200-0108- JKR Standard Specification for

01 Penstocks (Revised Edition 2001)

(F) Back Flow Preventer

Devices to prevent pollution by

BS EN 14454 : backflow of potable water. Hose
2005 Union backflow preventer DN15 to
DN32 inclusive. Family H, Type A
(i) Dual Check Backflow
Plumbing and drainage - Water

Devices to prevent pollution by

backflow of potable water.
BS EN 12729 : Controllable backflow preventer
2002 with reduced pressure zone.
(ii) Reduced Pressure Family B, Type A
Zone Assembly
Plumbing and drainage - Water
3500.1:2003 /Amdt

BS EN 12334 : Industrial Valves. Cast Iron Check

(iii) Cast Iron Check Valves
2001 Valves

BS EN 14341 : Industrial Valves. Steel Check

(iv) Steel Check Valves
2006 Valves

(v) Copper Alloy Globe,

BS EN 12288 : Industrial Valve. Copper Alloy
Globe Stop, Check and
2010 Gate Valve
Gate Valves

(G) Meter

(a) Custody Transfer Meter

Measurement of Water Flow in

fully charged closed conduits –
(i) Mechanical Water
ISO 4064-1 : 2005 Meter for Cold Potable Water and
Hot Water – Part 1 –

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Items Standard Number Standard Title

Measurement of Water Flow in

fully charged closed conduits –
MS ISO 4064-1 : Meter for Cold Potable Water and
2006 Hot Water – Part 1 – Specification
(First revision) (ISO 4064-1:2005,

(b) Non-Custody Transfer Meter

Measurement of Water Flow in

ISO 4064-1 : 2005 fully charged closed conduits –
Meters for Cold Potable Water and
Hot Water – Part 1 – Specification
Measurement of Water Flow in
fully charged closed conduits –
(i) Mechanical Water Meters for Cold Potable Water and
Meter Hot Water – Part 1 – Specification
MS ISO 4064-1 : (First revision) (ISO 4064-1:2005,
2006 IDT)

(H) Tap and Mixer

Sanitary Tapware. Single Taps

and combination Taps For Water
BS EN 200 : 2008 Supply Systems of Type 1 and
Type 2. General Technical
(i) Bib Tap / Pillar Tap/
AS / NZS 3718 :
Faucet Water Supply – Tap ware

MS 1461 : 1999 Specification for draw off taps with

metal bodies for water service

Sanitary Tapware. Mechanical

BS EN 817 : 2008 Mixing Valves (PN 10). General
Technical Specifications

(ii) Mixer
Sanitary Tapeware. Low Pressure
BS EN 1286 : 1999 Mechanical Mixing Valves.
General Technical Specification

Uniform Technical Guidelines

Items Standard Number Standard Title

(I) Water Closet

Vitreous China Water Closet Pans

(i) Water Closet MS 1522 : 2011
– Specification (Third Revision)

(J) Water Closet Flushing Cistern & Flush Pipes

(i) Water Closet Flushing WC Flushing Cisterns – Part 1:

MS 795-1 : 2011
Cistern & Flush Pipes Specification (Second Revision)

(K) Flush Valve

Sanitary Tapware – Pressure

BS EN 12541 :
(i) Flush Valve Flushing Valves & Automatic
Closing Urinal Valves PN 10

(L) Sanitary Appliances

Specification for quality of Vitreous

(i) Urinal bowls, Pedestal,
MS 147 : 2001 China Sanitary Appliances (First
Bidets, WC Pans

(M) Urinals

(i) Urinals MS 1799 : 2008 Urinals - Specification

(N) Lining / Coating / Waterproofing / Sealant / Adhesive

Suitability of Non-Metallic Products

for Use in Contact with Water
MS 1583 : Part 1 : Intended for Human Consumption
2003 with Regard to Their Effect on the
Quality of the Water : Part 1 :
(i) Lining / Coating / Suitability of Non-Metallic Products
Waterproofing / Sealant for Use in Contact with Water
/ Adhesive BS 6920 – 1 : 2000 Intended for Human Consumption
with Regard to Their Effect on the
Quality of the Water : Specification

AS/NZS 4020: Testing of Products for Use in

2005 Contact with Drinking Water

Uniform Technical Guidelines

List of recognized standard will be update from time to time. Please refer to for latest
list of recognized standard.  

Appendix B
Associated Application Forms
THIRD SCHEDULE [Subrule 6(2))] of
Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014




Date: ………………………

To : Chief Executive Officer (of the relevant water distribution licensee)

Address: ……………………………………………………….

1. We.............................................................................. (Company No. :............) hereby apply for

a source of water supply for our proposed development.

2. Details of the proposed development:

i. Name of development:
ii. Address of site or premises:
iii. Lot No.(s) of development area:
iv. Area of land occupied by service reservoir: ……………………… hectares
v. Area of land occupied by pumping station: ………………………. hectares
vi. Area of land occupied by suction cistern: …………………………. hectares
vii. Address and lot number of any other land affected by the proposed
external reticulation system:

3. The other required documents submitted herewith are as follows:
Yes No
i. Certified copy of development order; □ □
ii. Certified copy of competent person’s appointment
letter; □ □

iii. Qualification of appointed competent person

conforms with the Second Schedule of the Water

Services Industry (Water Reticulation and

Plumbing) Rules 2014; □ □

iv. Three sets of key and location plan in A1 size; □ □

v. Three sets of site plan incorporating information

specified in section B.1.3 of the Uniform Technical

Guidelines in A1 size; □ □

vi. Three sets of layout plan indicating proposed

development platform (meter ODL) in A1 size; □ □

vii. Water demand and total water supply estimate*; □ □

viii. Original copy of Power of Attorney confirming

person appointed to sign on behalf of developer

and premise owner. □ □

Signature of applicant/ authorized representative of the applicant

Name (in capital letters):......................................................................

NRIC no.: .....................................................................................................
Address: ......................................................................................................
Telephone no.:........................................................
Fax No.: .....................................................................

Certification by competent person

I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information and
documents submitted herewith is/are true and complete in accordance with the
requirements of the Act, Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing)
Rules 2014, Uniform Technical Guidelines and other relevant laws and I accept full
responsibility accordingly.

Signature of competent person

Name of competent person (in capital letters):

NRIC no.: ..............................................................
Address: ...............................................................
Telephone no: ...................................................
Fax no: ..................................................................
Qualification and registration particulars:

* Competent Person shall refer to the Eighth Schedule of the Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation
and Plumbing) Rules 2014 in estimating water demands.


Date received: ............................................ Checked by:....................................................

Date replied: ................................................ Ref.No: ............................................................

FOURTH SCHEDULE [Subrule 9(1))] of
Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014





Date: ......................................

To : Chief Executive Officer, Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara

Address: ………………………………………………………
File No. : ……………………………………………………….

I/We (the undersigned)..................................................... hereby apply to

construct/modify/alter* the following extra reticulation system/supply mains* in
accordance with Section 45 of the Water Services Industry Act 2006 as specified below:

Development title : .........................................................

Description of works : .....................................................

2. I / We hereby submit the following plans/designs /specifications* for the said

external reticulation system/ supply mains for approval. I/We declare that all design
particulars comply with the requirements specified under Sections B.2 and B.3 of the
Uniform Technical Guidelines and to related provisions under the Water Services
Industry Act 2006 and Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing)
Rules 2014. In complying with rule 9 of the Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation
and Plumbing) Rules 2014, a prescribed payment is included for the sum of RM
.......................................... in accordance with the Fourth Schedule of that Rules, for the
Commission’s review of the submitted plans/designs/specifications*.


Signature of developer

Name of developer (in capital letters): ……………………………………………………..
NRIC no.: ……………………………………………………..
Address: ……………………………………………………..
Telephone no.: …………………………………………....
Fax no.: …………………………………………………….....
Certification by competent person

I hereby certify that such details and documents submitted herewith are in accordance
with the requirements of the Water Services Industry Act 2006, Water Services Industry
(Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014, Uniform Technical Guidelines and other
regulatory agencies requirements.

Signature of competent person

Name of competent person (in block letters): ……………………………………………………..

NRIC No.: ……………………………………………………..
Address: ………………………………………………………
Telephone no.: ……………………………………………..
Fax no.: ………………………………………………………...
Qualification and registration particulars:

(*Please delete where appropriate)


Date received: ……………………………….. Checked by: …………………………………..

Date replied: ………………………………… Reference no.: ………………………………..

SIXTH SCHEDULE [Subrule 10(1))] of
Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014





Date: ..........................................

To : Chief Executive Officer, Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara

Address : ……………………………………………………..
File No. : ……………………………………………………..
Development Title : ……………………………………………………..

I/We refer to the approval of plans, designs and specifications for the implementation of
an external reticulation system/supply mains* for the above named development as
notified by Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara on …………………………….

2. In accordance with rule 10 and the Sixth Schedule of the Water Services Industry
(Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2013, I/We hereby apply for [material and
pipe inspections, for pressure and leakage tests/for supervision of tapping connection,
for sterilization, dewatering, flushing and water quality testing activities/for inspection,
testing and commissioning of mechanical and electrical works/and final inspection for
handover of facilities to the Water Distribution Licensee],* and we submit herewith a
cheque for the sum of RM……………………… payable to ……………………………..(Name of
Water Distribution Licensee) for ……………………………. (Name of Water Distribution
Licensee) to conduct the said inspections, supervisions and tests.

3. Notification shall be issued to your office when preparations to carry out the
aforesaid inspection, supervisions and tests have been completed.

Signature of developer

Name of developer (in capital letters):
NRIC no.: ……………………………………………………..
Address: ……………………………………………………..
Developer license no.: …………………………….........
Telephone no.: ………………………………………….....
Fax no.: …………………………………………………….....

(*Delete whichever is not appropriate)

NINTH SCHEDULE [Subrule 29(1)] of
Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014





To : Chief Executive Officer (of the relevant water distribution licensee)

Development : ………………………………………….
File No. : …………………………………………
Date : …………………………………………

We, …………………………………… (Company No: .................................), the developer for the

above development wish to inform that the construction of the external water
reticulation system/supply mains* for the development has been completed, and
successfully tested and commissioned as witnessed by the water distribution licensee’s

2. In accordance with section 47 of the Act and rule 29 of the Water Services
Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014, we hereby apply to hand over
the external water reticulation system/supply mains* to the water distribution licensee.

3. We hereby confirm that the external water reticulation system/supply mains*

had been constructed in accordance with Approved Plan No(s):
…………………………………… and the specifications and fittings/products are as recognised
by the Commission in accordance with the requirements under the Act, Water Services
Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014 and any other conditions
imposed by the Commission.

4. We attach herewith the following documents:

i. As built drawings of all components of the external water reticulation

system/supply mains*;
ii. Copies of approval certificates pertaining to inspection of materials at site;
iii. Copies of final joint inspection reports and certificates;
iv. Copies of pressure and leak test of certificates of compliance and reports;
v. Documentation relating to surrender of the external water reticulation
system/supply mains* to the relevant State/Federal* Authority under subrule
29(2) of the Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules
vi. Testing and commissioning certificates of compliance relating to mechanical and
electrical equipments and systems;
vii. Receipts of payments for capital contribution;
viii. Submission of required copies of operation and maintenance manuals;
ix. Approval certificates for connection of supply main to identified tapping point;
x. Copy of Bank Guarantee to cover against defects during defect liability period;
xi. Original copy of the certificate of compliance issued by the qualified person
under section 47 of the Act.

5. We take full responsibility for the design and construction of the external water
reticulation system/supply mains* and undertake to rectify any defect within the defect
liability period.

Thank you.

Applied by : ............................................ Applied by :..........................................

Qualified person : ............................................ Developer : .........................................
Name : ............................................ Name : .........................................
Designation : ............................................ Designation: ..........................................
Date : ............................................ Date : .........................................
(*Delete where appropriate)

TENTH SCHEDULE [Subrule 29(2)] of
Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014





Development Title : ……………………………………………..

Developer’s Name : ……………………………………………..
Address : …………………………………………….
File No. : …………………………………………….
Your Reference : …………………………………………….
Our Reference : …………………………………………….
Date : ……………………………………………..


We refer to the above named Development Title and to your application for the handing
over of the external water reticulation system/supply mains*

2. The accompanying documents submitted together with your application have

been reviewed and found to be complete and are in compliance with the handing over
rules and guidelines specified in the Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and
Plumbing) Rules 2014 and Uniform Technical Guidelines respectively. In addition, a
joint inspection of the external water reticulation system/supply mains* was
successfully conducted in the presence of the qualified person and representatives from
the developer and water distribution licensee.

3. The list of defects to be rectified during the Defects Liability Period is approved
and we acknowledge the receipt of a guarantee to carry out rectifications of such defects
(Bank Guarantee) valid for a period of twenty‐seven months from the date of handing
over. Your obligations during the Defects Liability Period are specified in rule 30 of the
Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation and Plumbing) Rules 2014.

4. We therefore confirm that pursuant to section 47 of the Water Services Industry
Act 2006, the external reticulation system/supply mains* for the above named
development has been handed over to the water distribution licensee on...........................
The Defects Liability Period shall come into operation from ...........................................

Thank you.

Chief Executive Officer of water distribution licensee

Name : ………………………………………………

Date : ………………………………………………

(*Delete where appropriate)

Appendix C
Standard Drawing for External
Reticulation Systems and Supply
(if applicable)

(if applicable)


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