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Submitted by:
Almiñe, Joy P.

Submitted to:
Deolito, legaspi
ELC 224 instructor
AC/DC Machines Installation And Measurements

The most obvious difference is the type of current, each motor term into energy, alternating current in
the case of AC motor. And direct the current in the case DC motor. AC motors are known for their
increase Power output and efficiency, while DC are prized for their speed control and output range.

1. Similar terms: AC and DC

2. Alternating Current (AC) is a type of electrical current, to which the direction of the flow of electrons
switches back and forth at regular intervals or cycles.

3. Direct current (DC) is electrical current which flows consistently in one direction.

AC/DC motors installation, Principle of operation, troubleshooting and repair.

Motor Branch Circuits – A motor branch circuit is a wiring system extending beyond the pinal automatic
overload protective device. Thermal outputs or motor overload devices are not branch circuit protection
there are Supplementary over current protection. The voltage of the current, Furthermore, the
inevitable loss of energy that occurs when current is carried over long distances is for smaller with
alternating current than with direct current.

Graphic representation of the intensity of the current as a function of time.

AC Machine & DC Machine

DC motors- ends of coil connect to a split ring to

rectify the ent produced. AC Motor- No need rectification so don’t need split

Difference Between AC motor and DC motor in tabular form.

AC motors have a Longer life span DC motors have not longer Life span

The speed of AC Motors is simply controlled by varying The speed of Dc motors is controlled by varying the
the frequency of the current. amature windings current.

AC Motors are preferred for compressor power drives DC motors are preferred for steel mill rolling
air conditioning Compressors, and hydraulic, and equipment, and paper machines.
irrigation rumps.

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