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Euphrasia officinalis

Eyebright scrophulariaceae
Introduction The name 'Euphrasia' is taken from 'Euphrosine' one
of the moses expressing joy or pleasure, as a remedy for the eyes
it was known as early as in 14th century. It grows in the barren
sunny spots. It contains a tannic acid. Volatile and an acrid bitter
prinicple which has not been identified yet.
1. Fall
2. Contusions
3. Mechanical injuries of external part. (Arn. mont., Hyp.,
Calendula., Ferrum., Ruta, Symphytum).
Constitution General appearance Temperament Diathesis Miasm
Mental generals 1. Weak memory 2. Taciturn.
Physical generals
Sleep : Usually agg. after sleep.
Left sided : It also affects the rt. side of eyes, left lower side, rt.
upper side.
General Modalities
(a) Aggravations : In the evening In bed Indoors Warmth
Moisture After exposure to south wind. When touched.
(b) Ameliorations : From coffee In dark. Sides :
Guiding Symptoms:
1. Profuse acrid lachrymation (Ars., Merc., Sulph., Bell., Caust., Lyc.,
Nat. mur., Kreos., Nit. ac.) with profuse bland coryza (reverse of All.
2. The eyes water all the time, are agglutinated in the morning
(Arg. nit., Calc., Calc. sulph., Clem., Graph., Med., Rhus tox., Sulph.)
margins of the lids are red, swollen, burning.
3. Profuse fluent coryza in morning with violent cough and
expectoration agg. from exposure to warm south wind.
5. Profuse expectoration of mucous by voluntary hawking agg. on
rising in morning.
6. Amenorrhoea, with catarrhal symptoms of eyes and nose,
profuse acrid lachrymation.
7. Menses : Painful, regular, flow lasting only one hour, or late,
scanty, short, lasting only one day (Bar.).
8. Pertussis : Excessive lachrymation during cough, cough only in
day time (Fer., Nat. mur., Am. c., Lach., Nat. sulph., Phos.).
Patient In Eye affection : It is one of the important medicines
which is of great utility in acute catarrhal affections with or without
fever. The eye symptoms in Euphrasia are its most prominent
features. Catarrhal condition of eyes with copious watery
discharges with or without coryza. Cutting pain in the eyes
extending into the head. Pressure in the eyes with sensation as if
the eyes were full of sand. Sensation of dryness, burning, in the
eyes, sensation of dust in the eyes. Violent itching in the eyes
obliging the pt. to rub and wink, with copious lachrymation. Pupils
much contracted and the mucous membrane with redness and
enlarged blood vessels and smarting. Iritis from rheumatism or in
connection to rheumatic joints. The discharge is much copious and
thick. General inflammation of all tissues of eyes with ulcerated
cornea. The patient may often complain that after injuries to eyes
opacity of cornea has developed. There will be profuse
lachrymation of acrid nature with fluent discharge from the nose.
In acute conjunctivitis, there is profuse acrid lachrymation with
bland coryza, mucous membrane of lids and eye balls are red and
vascular. There is agglutination of lids in the morning. Dryness of
lids, margins of the lids are sore, swollen, thickened. There is great
itching and burning. Suppuration of the margins at times. Fine
rashes above the lids with puffiness, and in these cases the patient
usually complain of blurring of vision. The lachrymation is so
acrid that it causes corroding of the eyelids.
In Respiratory troubles : The most usual symptom is that pt.
always complains of sneezing and fluent profuse coryza which is
bland and associated with acrid lachrymation. The nasal mucous
membrane is swollen with profuse, bland, fluent coryza. This coryza
is agg. during, night, while lying down. The inflammation extends
down to the larynx, leading to a hard cough. The cough is agg. in
day time and amel. in night. Irritation of larynx compels the
patient to cough and there is a pressure beneath the sternum.
Irritating sensation of larynx causes loose cough, with rattling of
the chest. Deep inspiration is difficult cough with copious
expectoration along with coryza. Difficult respiration amel. at night,
while lying down, agg. in the morning, when moving about with
copious expectoration. Violent cough from tickling of the larynx.
Dyspnoea and cough are ameliorated by lying down. The
abundance in the mucous scraped from larynx or trachea, is often
like the ending up the cold. The expectoration is easy and almost
without cough. It comes up without much effort. Pressive pain
beneath the sternum shows that the trachea has been involved.
Coryza is agg. in open air and this causes profuse lachrymation.
In fever : The patient is chilly and cannot get enough warmth in
bed. There are chill, heat and sweat stages, out of which chill
stage is more prominent. The fever occurs mostly during the day
time with red face and cold hands. The heat descends down the
body. The perspiration is often confined to the front part of the
body which is during sleep, at night. It is having strong odour, and
very offensive, some times mostly on the chest. It is mostly suited
to catarrhal fever, influenza and measles. In case of influenza, the
respiratory trouble is the most predominant feature. Cough with
much of coryza is a grand complaint of the pt.. Expectoration is
copious, which is ameliorated by lying down. Respiration is very
difficult, pt. feels dyspnoeic. Hence it may be given for it. It is a
great remedy to be used in the case of measles, especially in
measles associated with cough, coryza and other catarrhal
Relationships Comparisons
Eyes : 1. Euphr. and Arnica In the case of Euphrasia conjunctivitis
is inflammatory in origin and associated with acrid and purulent
discharge from eyes, while Arnica is a good remedy for
conjunctivitis that follows any injury and is commonly associated
with a bruised sensation.
2. Merc. sol. and Euphrasia Both the remedies have this well
marked blepharitis and conjunctivitis coming from cold. Under
Mercurius, the discharge is thinner than Euphrasia. Merc. sol. has
aggravation from heat of the fire and in damp weather.
3. Ars. alb. and Euphrasia Both have acrid discharge and formation
of phlyctenular in the cornea and both are indicated in scrofulous
cases. Arsenic has more marked burning especially after midnight.
This symptom is frequently though not always relieved by hot
application. In Ars. restlessness is more marked which is however
not present in Euphrasia.
4. Rhus tox. and Euphrasia Both have got profuse excoriating
purulent discharge. Pus is thinner under Rhus tox. than in
Euphrasia. Rt. eye is more commonly affected in the case of Rhus
tox., while Euphrasia affects either of the sides. In a case of
rheumatic iritis the Rhus tox. pt. complains of pain extending from
the eye to the occiput, with restlessness relief from motion and
applied heat.
5. All. cepa and Euphrasia All. cepa has excoriating coryza and
bland lachrymation. Euphrasia has bland coryza and acrid
lachrymation. Compatible Aco. nap., Nux v., Rhus tox., Calc. carb.,
Phos., Sil., Con., Puls., Sulph. Antidoted by : Camph., Puls. Thermal
cleavage General modalities agg. in bed in - doors.
Particular modalities
Prover : Hahnemann.
This annual plant is found to grow in the outskirts of forest, all
over Europe.
Preparation : The Q is prepared from the fresh plant without the
root collected when in bloom, in July and August and dilutions
made under Class - II. D. P. of the tincture : 1/2. Physiological
1. Acts on mucous membranes especially of eyes and lids.
2. Upper portion of the respiratory tract producing catarrhal
Therapeutics Cataract, Conjunctivitis, Fever, Influenza, Headache,
Measles, Rhinorrhoea etc.
Potencies Mother tincture for external use; potency (lower and
medium) for internal use.

J.T Kent


: Euphrasia is a short acting remedy of great usefulness in acute catarrhal affections with or
without fever. Headaches that occur with coryza and eye symptoms, head aches in the evening as
if bruised. Stitching pain in the head.

; as if the head would burst with dazzling of the eyes from sunlight. These are catarrhal
headaches with profuse watery discharge from the eyes and nose. The eye symptoms of
Euphrasia are its most prominent feature.

Catarrh condition of the eyes with copious, acrid, watery discharge with or without coryza.
Cutting pain in the eyes extending into the head, pressure in the eyes as if caused by sand.
Sensation of dryness, burning, biting in the eyes. Sensation of dust in the eyes. Violent itching of
the eyes obliging rubbing and winking, with copious lachrymation. Pupils much contracted and
much tumefaction of the mucous membrane with redness and enlarged blood vessels and


: from rheumatism or in connection with rheumatic joints. Copious thin or thick discharges.
General inflammation of all the tissues of the eyes. Ulceration of the cornea. It has cured Pannus.
Pustular inflammation. Opacity of the cornea after injuries of the eye. It is suitable in the most
violent acute conjunctivitis. Amblyopia with inflammation of conjunctiva and lids.

Copious lachrymation and burning. The mucous membranes of the lids and eyeballs are injected,
red, and vascular. agglutination of the lids in the morning. Copious, acrid lachrymation with
fluent discharge from the nose during coryza. Dryness of the lids and the margins of the lids red
swollen, and burning. The lids are very sensitive and swollen. The margins of the lids itch and

Suppuration of the margins of the lids. Much swelling of the lids with inflammation. Fine rash
about the eyes with puffiness of the lids. Blurred vision. Paralysis of the third nerve.

The next most important group of symptoms is in connection with the nose. Sneezing and fluent
coryza. The discharge is bland and this occurs with acrid lachrymation. The nasal mucous
membrane is swollen.

Profuse, bland, fluent, coryza. After this coryza has existed for a day or two it extends into the
larynx with a hard cough. The coryza is worse during the night while lying down. The cough is
worse in the daytime and ameliorated by lying down.

The remedy has a rash like measles and it has febrile symptoms; therefore, when these symptoms
are duly considered, it will be seen that Euphrasia is similar to the symptoms that occur in
measles. It is a wonderful medicine in measles though not so frequently indicated as Pulsatilla,
owing to the fact that this combination of symptoms does not often come.

Larynx and cough

: Hoarseness in the morning. Irritation in the larynx compelling him to cough, followed by
pressure beneath the sternum. Abundant secretion in the larynx causing loose cough with rattling
in the chest.

Deep inspiration is difficult. The cough, considered by itself, furnishes a very rare group of
symptoms. Cough with copious expectoration along with or following coryza. Difficult
respiration ameliorated at night while lying down.

Worse in the morning when moving about with copious expectoration. Violent cough from
tickling in the larynx. No cough at night causes the remedy to resemble Bry. and Mang.  The
dyspnoea and cough are ameliorated by lying down. The coryza symptoms, otherwise, are worse
at night and from lying down. When these symptoms occur in grippe or influenza, this becomes a
very suitable remedy.

The abundance of mucus scraped from the larynx and trachea is often like the ending of bad
colds. The expectoration is easy and almost without cough. It comes up without much effort.
Pressive pain beneath the sternum showing that the trachea is especially involved in the catarrhal
condition. The pain in the eyes is worse in the open air. The coryza is worse in the open air. The
cough sometimes comes on in the open air.

Windy weather causes fluent coryza. Cold air and windy weather cause lachrymation. He is a
chilly patient and cannot get warm in bed.

There is chill, fever, and sweat in this remedy. This chill predominates. The fever occurs mostly
during the day with red face and cold hands. The heat descends the body. The perspiration is
often confined to the front part of the body. Perspiration during sleep at night. Strange odor
sometimes very offensive and most profuse upon the chest. It is especially suitable in catarrhal
fever, influenza and measles.

When the symptoms agree, it will make a violent attack of measles turn into a very simple form,
making the patient feel better, bring out the eruption, control the fever, and relieve the cough,
coryza, and other catarrhal symptoms. Streaming, hot, burning tears with rash, photophobia,
running from the nose, intense throbbing headaches, redness of the eyes, photophobia from
fever, dry cough during measles.

Eyebright. (Scrophularaceae.)

Bad effects from falls, contusions or mechanical injuries of external parts (Arn.). Catarrhal
affections of mucous membranes, especially of the eyes and nose.

Profuse acrid lachrymation, with profuse, bland coryza (reverse of All. c.). 

The eyes water all the time and are agglutinated in the morning; margins of lids red, swollen,

Profuse fluent coryza in morning with violent cough and abundant expectoration, < from
exposure to warm south wind.

When attempting to clear the throat of an offensive mucus in the morning, gagging until he
vomits the breakfast just eaten (Bry.).

Profuse expectoration of mucus by voluntary hawking, < on rising in morning. Amenorrhoea,

with catarrhal symptoms of eyes and nose; profuse acrid lachrymation.

Menses: painful, regular, now lasting only one hour; or late, scanty, short, lasting only one day

Pertussis: excessive lachrymation during cough; cough only in day time (Fer., Nat. m.).

Relations - Similar: to, Puls. in affections of the eyes; reverse of All. c. in lachrymation and coryza.
Aggravation - In the evening, in bed, indoors, warmth, moisture; after exposure to south wind; when
touched (Hep.).

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