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Most employees understand that their primary duty is to do the work that is
assigned to them, stay away from behaviour’s that could be deemed troublesome, and
deliver work that is acceptable and beneficial to the organization.

Organizational citizenship behaviour deals with the actions and behaviour’s that

are not required by workers. They are not critical to the job, but benefit the team and
encourage even greater organizational functioning and efficiency.

This is typically categorized as a worker “going above and beyond,” or “giving

their all.” They look at their job as more than just a paycheck and strive to do all they can
to make their work environment run smoothly; even if it has a minimal connection to their
current duties.

Usually, these behaviors are seen as positive by managers and business leaders,
and the importance and impact of these behaviors should be noted.

Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: Best Practices

Leaders are always looking for employees who inhibit the behaviors and principles
that makeup Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. However, managers and leaders can
help to encourage these behaviors which should have a positive impact on culture and

 Set an Example
 Encourage Teamwork
 Connect the Qualities of OCBs with Company Goals
 Don’t Over-Regulate

Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Hospital-

As hospitals continue to face intense pressure to control operating costs, many have
resorted to staff reductions and other redesign efforts. The remaining employees are
frequently asked to do more with less. In these uncertain times, it is important that hospital
administrators understand the concept of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and
attempt to attract and retain those employees capable of exhibiting such behaviors. It says the
relationships between three organizational commitment components, as well as job
satisfaction. Usefulness analyses indicated that satisfaction with coworkers and affective
commitment were the two most important predictors of one dimension of citizenship
behavior, as each construct contributed unique variance in the dependent variable.


Successful organizations need employees who will do more than their usual job duties
and provide performance that is beyond expectations. Organizational citizenship behaviors
(OCB) describe actions in which employees are willing to go above and beyond their
prescribed role requirements. Prior theory suggests and some research supports the belief that
these behaviors are correlated with indicators of organizational effectiveness.

It refers to the behaviors of individuals that promote effectiveness in organizational

functioning. OCB accomplishes this effectiveness by providing a positive social and
psychological environment in which task work can flourish. OCB is important to employees
insofar as it enhances social connections that influence job performance. OCB is one of the
most studied content areas in organizational behavior, with many published theoretical
pieces, primary research, narrative reviews, edited books, and meta-analyses that describe the
nature and functioning of the construct.

OCB is an evolving concept concerning how and why people contribute positively
to their organisations beyond defined work roles; a concept that has rapidly expanded in
recent years. The study of OCB engages fundamental questions analysing the
circumstances in which individuals “go the extra mile” in the workplace. This briefing
reviews the literature to shed a light on the antecedents and enabling environments for
OCB in order to improve employee and employer ability to maximise citizenship
behaviour for mutual benefit.

Need of study on Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Hospital

India is land stocked with opportunities for the players in the healthcare industry.
Healthcare sector in India has now become one of the biggest in terms of providing service,
employment and revenue generation. The healthcare sector much diversified which includes
the following dimension of the industry hospitals, clinics, pharmaceutical companies, health
insurance providers from the public and private players along with the service providers,
payers and medical technology. The sector is growing swiftly because of increasing
expenditure by the players.

OCB are necessary and important in hospitals because patients need special care by
medical staff like doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc.., when dealing with patients. OCB plays
vital role in boosting morale and making better the health of the patients.

Statement of the Problem:

Research of organizational citizenship behaviors has been extensive since its
introduction around twenty years ago (Bateman & Organ, 1983). The vast majority of
organizational citizenship behavior research since has focused on the effects of organizational
citizenship behavior on individual and organizational performance. There is consensus in the
field that organizational citizenship behaviors are salient behaviors for organizational
enterprises. However, the antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviors are not well
established. This focuses on clearly defining the relationship between organizational
effectiveness and OCB. This paper will also discuss the implications of the OCB and try to
find out how to improve OCB.

Organizational behavior is desirable for any organization, as it is associated with

important organizational variables such as job satisfaction, organizational productivity and
system maintenance. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the mean organizational
behavior score among the managers of the hospitals.

Organizational citizenship behaviour as employee supra-role contributions that tend to

manifest as a consequence of feelings of reciprocal obligation toward the organization is
presumed as one of the emerging management concepts that are being emphasized for the
organizational effectiveness and OCB tends to increase the organization’s efficiency and
effectiveness. Research indicates that OCB adds significantly to overall positive performance
evaluations and reward recommendations.

1. Mel Schnake and Michael P. Dumler, (1997), two cross- sectional surveys in similar
organizations were conducted to examine the relationship between OCB and re- wards and
reward practices. This suggests that the more extra effort is reflected in these employees'
performance evaluation and the more they receive credit for their efforts, the more they
engage in OCB. It also mentioned that perceived over-reward may result in an individual
offering greater effort to reciprocate.

2. S.K. Chaitanya and Nachiketa Tripathi(Oct 2001), explored the dimensions of

Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) and its relationship with Organisational
Commitment. It was based on a sample of 100 scientific officers of a public sector
organisation located in southern India. It revealed that since OCB is not directly compensated
or rewarded by the formal reward system of the organisation, only truly committed
employees will take pains.

3. Obamiro John Kolade, Ogunnaike Olaleke Oluseye, Osibanjo Omotayo A (2014)the

relationship between organizational citizenship behaviour, hospital corporate image and
performance. Questionnaires were distributed to 350 patients and 298 usable questionnaires
were returned representing a return rate of 85.7%.

4. Ajay K. Jain, (2010), explored the strength of association between Organizational

Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) and social power by using OCB as an antecedent and the
several bases of social power as criterion variables.
INDUSTRY- Multi Speciality Hospitals

A Multi-speciality Hospital is one that has facilities for all ailments and diseases with
an expert team of doctors and specialists. The patients are so immensely taken care of with
air-conditioned rooms and canteens inside and personalized care.

Multi speciality hospitals have special features for the patients than other hospitals.
These hospitals are funded by private business tycoons and are mostly used by the richer
section of the society.

A multi-speciality hospital must have beyond what one forte yet they can be the expansive
specialties like Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, and so on.

A super-strength is a sub-claim to fame like Neurosurgery, Cardiac Surgery, Vascular

Surgery, Surgical Oncology.

The distinction between super forte and multi-strength are as per the following:

• A super-forte methods it is identified with just a specific thing.

• A multi-forte methods it is identified with more than one viewpoint.

• For instance, Super forte emergency clinics offer treatment for a specific malady.

• Multispeciality medical clinics offer therapy for numerous infections.

• Super-claim to fame emergency clinics have just a few significant divisions with tertiary
consideration offices.

• Multispeciality clinics manage fundamental clinical, and careful, and so forth. They will
give auxiliary consideration benefits moreover.

Multi- Specialty Hospital is the hospital which has all the different branches of Medicine and
surgery under one roof.

To elaborate with few example of Specialty :

General Medicine, General surgery, Neuro physician, neuro surgeon, gastro physician, gastro
surgeon, cardialogist, cardio thoracic surgeon, ENT, pulmonology, opthalmology,
rheumatology, hemato onco, orthopaedic, gynaecology and obstetric, paediatric, nephrologist,
urologist , endocrinologist, plastic surgeon, dentist.

The general objectives of the study are:

 To find out the different dimensions of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour shown among
the employees and patients.

 To identify the most prevalent dimension of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour among

the employees.

The specific objectives for the study are:

 To understand whether there is any effect of duration of service on the Organizational

Citizenship Behaviour.

 To understand whether there is any relation between educational qualification and

Organizational Citizenship Behaviour shown.

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