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Read carefully the specifications in each section.

Verify the checklist in order to know all

the evaluation aspects. Solve individually the instructions stated in the next points.

I. What is CAE? Write the definition.

II. Why is CAE useful for us?

III. Elaborate a list or scheme about the chronology of CAE.

IV. According to the example given in the unit learning resources, in the exercise of
springs applying the finite element method (FEM), list the parts of the procedure in
which all steps of FEM were applied. Each step of the method must be identified in
that example of springs.
I. What is CAE?
CAE stands for “Computer Aided Engineering.” It’s a kind of computer-based engineering support
system. It’s used in the design and development of all kinds of things apart from cars, too, from familiar
appliances and devices like refrigerators and smartphones to things like rockets and robots. (innovation,
Mar 11, 2019)
The best CAE product choice will depend to some extent on the skills you want to build and your
specific career path. For example, niche products like Open FOAM are open source, which can provide
a great deal of flexibility. (Michigan State University, April 2 ,2021)

II. Why is CAE useful for us?

Simulation and computer-aided engineering (CAE) tools are widely used to speed up the research and
development cycle and reduce the number of build-and-break steps, particularly in the automotive industry.
(Annual Merit Review & Peer Evaluation Meeting , May 2013)
1. Check how a product will move/work before we build a prototype.
2. Eliminate problems at an early stage in the design process and improve quality.
(innovation, Mar 11, 2019)

III. Elaborate a list or scheme about the chronology of


Expansion of the use of CAE during the initial stages of design and development (the
appearance of 1D CAE)
2000s- The number of scenes and situation in which CAE is used is becoming increasingly wider,
present day and is now not only limited to the use of 3D CAE base on 3D design data, but also 1D
CAE, which mathematically simulates the feasibility of performance ad functionality during
the initial design and development stages.

The administrative offices and computers from ERB, and the offices and computers from
1988. CAE West, were moved to the CAE Center at 1410 Engineering Drive upon its

Two new computers, a Harris 800 and a DEC VAC 11/780, were purchased and installed
1981 on the tenth floor of the Engineering Research Building (ERB). While the tenth floor of
ERB also housed the administrative offices of CAE and was sufficient for the needs of
researchers, it did not accommodate large numbers of undergraduate students.
January 1,
The effective starting date of the CAE

The Engineering Computing Committee unanimously endorsed a proposal recommending

October the formation of a new organization and management structure for computing in the
13,1981 college, called the Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) Center.

Period of growth and expansions for 3D CAE (application in a widening range of fields)
1970s –
With improvements in computer performance, the use of CAE became more typical and
widespread. It became possible to model and analyze fluids such as air and water, and
other things such as heat, light, electromagnetic fields and sound. It also became possible
to model and analyze collisions and falls of objects.

Moving forward to the 1960s, finite element analysis (FEA) was spreading fast, but back
1960s – then, engineers were making all its complex calculations by hand. It was only a matter of
1970s time before this process became automated, which happened in 1970 with John Swanson
founding what would become Ansys, a giant CAE software company.

The birth of general-purpose structural analysis (3D CAE) software using the Finite
Element Method (FEM)
During the 1960s, structural analysis software utilizing the Finite Element Method (FEM)
came to be developed. The ANSYS software sold by Cybernet was also created during
this time, thanks to the research efforts of Cr. Jhon A. Swanson, who then worked at
Westinghouse Electric Corporation.

Development of the Finite Element Method (FEM)

During the 1950s, a transition was underway for passenger aircraft, shifting from propeller
1950s aircraft (which had been the mainstream until that time) to jet aircraft. There was therefore
a demand for high-precision oscillation analysis for jet planes which fly at high speeds.

Bell Labs, USA, develops Ballistic Computer for calculations of ballistic trajectories.
Spurred on by the breakout of World War II in 1939, the USA succeeded in developing the
1940s works fist computer capable of near-instantaneous calculations of the trajectory of shells
and other ballistic projectiles. The computer was named ENIAC
IV. List the parts of the procedure in which all steps of
FEM were applied. Each step of the method must be
identified in that example of springs

Step 1. Discretize and select

the Types of Elements.

Step 2. Selecting a
Displacement Function.

Step 3. Defining
Strain/Displacement and
stress/Strain relations.

Step 4. Deriving the stiffness

Matrix and Stiffness Matrix and
Stiffness Equations of the

Step 5. Assembling the

Elements Equations to Obtain
the Global or Total Equations
and Introduce Boundary

Step 6. Solve the Generalized

Displacements (or unknown
Degrees of Freedom).

Step 7. Solving the stress and

strain of the Element.

Step 8. Interpreting the Results.

Step 1. Discretize and select
the Types of Elements.

Step 2. Selecting a
Displacement Function.

Step 3. Defining
Strain/Displacement and
stress/Strain relations.

Step 4. Deriving the stiffness

Matrix and Stiffness Matrix and
Stiffness Equations of the

Step 5. Assembling the

Elements Equations to Obtain
the Global or Total Equations
and Introduce Boundary

Step 6. Solve the Generalized

Displacements (or unknown
Degrees of Freedom).

Step 7. Solving the stress and

strain of the Element.

Step 8. Interpreting the Results.

Annual Merit Review & Peer Evaluation Meeting . (May 2013). Progress of Computer-Aided Engineering of
Electric Drive Vehicle Batteries (CAEBAT). Arlington, Virginia: NATIONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY
innovation, C. E. (Mar 11, 2019). What is CAE? . Elaborate a list or scheme about the chronology of CAE. :
Michigan State University. (April 2 ,2021). What is the Difference between CAD, CAE and CAM? 428 South Shaw

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