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The Last Phase of Perceptual Process is


A. An Action
B. An Interpretation
C. An Organization
D. An Objective

2. A situation, wherein a perceiver tends to see in others

the traits he himself possesses, is called _________

A. Repetition
B. Contrast
C Rejection
D. Projection

3. ________ is not a perceptual error.

A. Projection
B. Proximity
C. Halo
D. Contrast

4. An Individual’s ___________ consists of emotional,

physical & psychological characteristics.

A. Perception
B. Motivation
C. Personality
D. Interpretation

(5) Through the process of perception ________

sensory inputs are processed and interpreted.

A. Soft
B. Hard
C. Woven
D. Raw

6. A Loud noise or bright light is described as the

_______ of the external type of factors affecting
A. Location
B. Proximity
C. Intensity
D. Size

7. The study of organizational environment is a concept

borrowed from the discipline of ______ Organizational

A. Political Science
B. Social Psychology
C. Anthropology
D. Sociology

8. _________ the Behavioral science in which the unit of

analysis is individual behaviour.

A. Sociology
B) Psychology
C. Anthropology
D. Social Psychology
9. __________ is the sum total of ways in which an
individual reacts and interacts with others.

A. Learning
B. Motivation
C. Perception
D. Personality

10. ________ is concerned with the initial contact

between organisms and their physical environment.

A. Stimuli
B. Sensation
C. Response
D. Unconditioned Stimuli

11. Job Rotation is an example of __________ principle

of the external factors influencing perceptual process of
an individual.

A. Familiarity
B. Repetition
C. Novelty
D. Satisfaction

12. In __________ perceptions are based on a certain

category to which people belong to.

A. Halo Effect
B. Contrast Effect
C. Projection
D. Stereo Typing

13. Perception is a unique __________ of a situation

and not an exact recording of it.

A. Acceptance
B. Interpretation
C. Reception
D. Derivation
14. Organizational Behavior is basically _____________

A An Uni-Disciplinary
B. Multi-Disciplinary
C. An Inter-Disciplinary
D. A Behavior-Disciplinary

15. ___________ is not included in perceiver’s

characteristics influencing perception.

A. Attitude
B. Size
C. Motives
D. Personality

16. Perception as a sequential process is


A. Organization, Selection, Interpretation

B. Interpretation, Organization, Selection
C. Selection, Organization, Interpretation
D. Selection, Interpretation, Organization

17. _______ is a principle which refers to filling up the

gap, when people are faced with incomplete information.

A. Grouping
B. Closure
C Figure-Ground
D. Simplification

18. __________ is the study of societies to learn about

human beings and their activities.

A. psychology
B. Social psychology
C. Anthropology
D. Sociology

19. The contribution of Psychology in the field of

learning, motivation, personality, perception, Individual
decision making etc. facilitate the study & understanding
of _________

A. group
B. individual
C. organizational system
D. Human relations

20. Which behavioral science is the study of people in

relation to their fellow human beings ?

A. Anthropology
B. Sociology
C. Social Psychology
D. Political Science
1) The job satisfaction of an employee is depend on the
a) behaviour b) attitude
c) personality d) employer
Answer: b) attitude
2) Success of each organization is depending upon the
performance of
a) employer b) management
c) vendor d) employee

10) The attitude based on Feelings, sentiments and

emotions of any person is under
____________ component of Attitude.
a) Behavioral b) Cognitive c) Affective d) Positive
Answer: c) Affective
11) __________________ is the only component of
attitude which is visible and can be observed
a) Behavioral b) Cognitive c) Affective d) Positive
Answer: a) Behavioral
12) The statement “My friends are good” is an example
of _____________ component of
a) Behavioral b) Cognitive c) Affective d) Positive
Answer: b) Cognitive
13) The statement “I don’t feel comfortable in crowd” is
an example of _____________
component of attitude.
a) Behavioral b) Cognitive c) Affective d) Positive
Answer: c) Affective
14) The statement “I am going to apologies for my
mistake” is an example of _____________
component of attitude.
a) Behavioral b) Cognitive c) Affective d) Positive
Answer: a) Behavioral
15) ____________ component of attitude is a result of
family condition, childhood experiences
a) Behavioral b) Cognitive c) Affective d) Positive

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