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Name : Farah Salsabila Annisa

Student Number : 2011312041

Course : English III
Lecturer : Mr. Muhammad Umar Ridhwan, S.Pd., MM., CCELT.

Permata Clinic, which is located on the outskirts of the city, is known for its good
services. One of the nurses who work there is nurse Farah. One day, nurse Farah has morning
shift schedule. As usual, after shifting, nurse Farah immediately went around to check on the
patient's condition. This time, nurse Farah got a roundabout section in block D. In block D there
is only 1 patient room occupied, namely room 1. Nurse Farah also approached room 1.


Nurse: Excuse me, please.

Patient : Yes, please nurse.
Nurse : Good Morning, sister.
Patient : Good morning, Nurse.
Nurse : Please introduce, I’m nurse farah, who will be responsible for you from 7.30 a.m
( a half past seven) until 2 p.m. May I know, what is your name and what do you like to
be called??
Patient : My name is Zharifah isnaini az-Zahra but you can call me zahra
Nurse : Zahra, nice to meet you. How was your sleep last night?
Patient : Not bad, nurse.
Nurse : Good news. How are you feeling today?
Patient: I still feel stomachache.
Nurse: Before it. Have you had breakfast this morning?
Patient : not yet nurse.
Nurse : oke.. Firstly I will check your informed consent.
Patient: Sure.
Nurse: You were diagnosed with typhus symptoms. Have you had defecated this
Patient : I’ve, nurse.
Nurse : How many times?
Patient : so far, 1 time nurse in today
Nurse : Okey. Because its time to have breakfast, I will bring the food for you from
nutritionist. Wait a minute, pelase.

Nurse farah is preparing the foods

Nurse : Hello. May I know. The breakfast for patient room number 1 in block D with
name is zahra with diagnosis of typhoid symptoms, have it ripe?
Nutritionist : yes nurse, the food will be cooked and ready soon.
Nurse : Okay. By the way, can you please explain what kind of food should be consumed
by patients with typhoid symptoms?
Nutritionist : Types of food for patient with typhoid symptoms focus on relieving
indigestion, while supplying enough energy to help recovery. Patient with typhoid are
advised to eat foods that are nutrient-dense and easy to digest, such as: Vegetables that
are cooked until soft such as potatoes, carrots, green beans, beets, pumpkins fruits that are
not too acidic such as ripe bananas, melons, and other seedless fruits. comes from white
rice, white bread, pastries. The protein choices can be eggs, chicken, fish, tofu, tempeh,
ground beef, low-fat or fat-free pasteurized milk. In addition to consuming a number of
food recommendations for typhoid sufferers, people who are suffering from this disease
also need to drink lots of water. The thing to note, make sure the patient drinks germ-free
water that has been boiled until it boils. Or, you can also drink mineral water. Then food
taboos for people with typhoid need to avoid intake that is difficult to digest and foods
that are prone to causing stomach pain, such as: Raw vegetables such as broccoli, kale,
cauliflower, cabbage, raw onions Acidic fruits such as pineapple, kiwi, dried fruit Whole
grains such as brown rice, whole-grain bread, quinoa, barley Black beans, kidney beans,
lentils, and chickpeas. Spicy, high-calorie foods such as fried foods.
Nurse : Okay, thank you for the information.
Nutritionist : This is the food for the patient, there is vegetable soup containing potatoes
and carrots, then there are bananas, white rice, boiled eggs and fried tempeh. Then there
is UHT milk
Nurse : Alright thankyou
Nutritionist : Your welcome

Nurse farah is coming to the patient room

Nurse : Hi Zahra. I have bringing your breakfast. This food according to the nutritional
status you need, because it is in accordance with the advice of doctors and nutritionists.
Patient: Sure. But, is there no spaghetti?
Nurse : No Zahra. This food is what you need right now. Patient with typhoid are advised
to eat foods that are nutrient dense and easy to digest, such as: vegetables that are cooked
until soft such as potatoes and carrots, fruits that are not too acidic such as ripe bananas,
carbohydrates can come from white rice, then pastries protein there is in boiled eggs and
tempeh, and the last is-free pasteurized milk like UHT.
Patient : Alright nurse.
Nurse : Do you want to eat right now?
Patient : yes, I want
Nurse : Do you need any help? Do you want me to feed it or eat it by yourselves?
Patient : I can eat it by myself nurse, thank you
Nurse : Okay. But don't forget to eat it until it's finished, and just eat it slowly
Patient : ok, nurse
Nurse : okey. Zahra, after eating, don’t forget to take a medicine and don’t forget to drink
enough after this.

I will go back to the nurse station. If you need anything, you can contact me by using the
bell or call to the nurse station. I will directly come to see you.

Patient : I will nurse.

Nurse : Any question, Zahra?
Patient : No, nurse. Thank you
Nurse : I will back again at 1 p.m and again bringing you some food to lunch
Patient : Ok.
Nurse : sure.. Have a good day and get well soon.
Patient : Thank you
Nurse : Good morning.
Patient : good morning.

Nurse Farah is exiting the room and back to the nurse station

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