Effects of Imbalance Sleeping Patterns To Plaridel Integrated National High School Students' Stress Level, SY 2021-2022

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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Laguna
District of Nagcarlan
Brgy. Banago, Nagcarlan Laguna




SY 2021-2022


Practical Research 2

Mr. Tom Virtucio




Background of the Study

Novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) rapidly spread

worldwide and has been officially accepted as a pandemic by the World

Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. It has prompted

economic and lifestyle impacts on humanity until now. The COVID-19

pandemic has resulted in a significant loss of human life around the

world, and it poses an unprecedented threat to public health, food

systems, and the workplace. The pandemic's economic and social

effects are devastating: tens of millions of people are at risk of falling into

extreme poverty, and the number of undernourished people, which is

presently estimated to be around 690 million, might rise to 132 million by

the end of the year (WHO, 2020).

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), both public and private, have

had to conform to the new setting in which face-to-face interaction and

mass meetings are barred. The Philippines' leading universities and

colleges have found innovative ways to carry out their three-pronged

activities of education, research, and service (Simbulan, 2020).

Teachers and administrators were tasked with modifying and changing


course syllabi and requirements while confined to their homes as they

transitioned to alternative or remote teaching modalities, both

synchronous and asynchronous. Learning management systems like

Canvas, Moodle, and Blackboard, as well as applications like Google

Classroom, Zoom, and Skype, were employed when students and

teachers had access to electronic devices and stable Internet

connections. On the other hand, students and teachers who have limited

access to computers or unreliable internet connectivity use text

messaging, e-mail, Facebook Messenger, and Twitter to communicate

messages, notes, and resources.

The impact of school closures may amplify the influence on well-

being. Schools are "the de facto mental health system for many children

and adolescents," offering mental health treatments to 57 percent of

teenagers who need them (JAMA Pediatrics, 2020). School closures can

be particularly disruptive for children from low-income households, who

are more likely to get mental health care primarily from schools.

Furthermore, mental health and academic achievement are

interconnected. Chronic stress affects cognitive abilities such as

attention, focus, memory, and creativity by altering the chemical and

physical structure of the brain. In mice, chronic stress causes brain cell


Connections to decrease, resulting in cognitive deficits in the

prefrontal cortex (Wellman, 2014). The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is

producing psychosocial issues in the general populace, including stress,

concern, fear, anxiety, depressive symptoms, and sleep disturbance.

Additionally, stress has become an integral element of life and the

body's response to a challenge in today's world since it is no longer

limited to adults but is increasingly impacting children of all ages. Some

level of stress can be good for us, since the right type of stress may

sharpen the mind and reflexes. Though stress can manifest adversely to

each individual, everyone, regardless of age, gender, or circumstance,

experiences stress at some point in their lives (Currie et al, 2016).

However, it can become a nuisance or even a health danger if it persists

for an extended period of time.

A certain level of stress is unavoidable and beneficial when it

comes to learning. It motivates students to work harder, stay focused,

and return to their studies rather than engaging in other activities.

Students, on the other hand, who are overly stressed are unable to

study efficiently (Gale et al, 2018). It's critical to incorporate between

stress that helps students to study and stress that makes it challenging

for them to study effectively.


On the other hand, sleep is a vital factor in maintaining human

wellbeing. Sleep disruptions are linked to a variety of medical,

psychological, and social issues. Chronic sleep deprivation is becoming

more common in many nations. It is for the reason that body’s stress

system plays a vital role in adapting to a rapidly changing and

challenging environment (Han et al, 2012). It is important to know if

sleep loss has an impact on these body systems.

Poor sleep quality is highly common among students, and it has

been linked to decreased performance, behavioral changes, nutritional

changes, and even aggressive conduct in nursing students as a result of

changes in sleep patterns. Because of the lockdown in response to

COVID-19, lifestyle changes may have occurred, affecting sleep quality

(Romero-Blanco et al., 2020). Sleep is an essential component of human

health and life as it promotes learning, practice, and physical and mental

well-being. Individual learning ability, academic achievement, and

neural-behavioral functioning are all affected.

Daytime sluggishness, lack of sleep, and unpredictable rest plans

are profoundly predominant among students, as half report daytime

languor and 70% achieve deficient rest. (Hershner, et al 2014) The

outcomes of lack of sleep and daytime drowsiness are particularly

hazardous to students and can bring about below point midpoints,


expanded danger of scholarly disappointment, compromised learning,

impeded mindset, and expanded danger of engine vehicle mishaps. The

effect of rest and rest issues on scholastics, grade point normal, driving,

and temperament will be analyzed. In particular, successful and

reasonable mediations to diminish drowsiness and lack of sleep through

rest instruction classes, online projects, support of rest, and change of

class time will be checked on.

Without a doubt, schools are affected by the pandemic as it shifted

from face-to-face classes to home-schooling, and everyone who is

affected by this inevitably experiences stress while being confined at

home. Some levels of stress may help a student to become proactive

while a huge amount of it may become an obstacle in learning as well as

a problem in sleeping patterns. Students’ lifestyle has been impacted by

the COVID-19 as well as it poses effects on their sleep patterns. Thus,

this study aims to evaluate the interconnection between imbalanced

sleeping schedules and the stress level of the senior high school

students of Plaridel Integrated National High School.

This illustrates the Conceptual Framework, with sleeping habits as

the study's independent variable. The dependent variable is the level of

stress. It would be a confounded to see if the extraneous variable, such

as age, sex, financial status, grade level, and study strand or track, has

anything to do with the study and the independent and dependent


Related Literature Review

Nutrients and botanicals for treatment of stress adrenal fatigue,

neurotransmitter imbalance anxiety, and restless sleep

According to research, using the medical system increases

dramatically during times of stress, such as job instability. Many

ailments, from migraines to heart disease, immunological deficiencies to

digestive issues, are linked to stress. Increased stress hormone

production and associated impaired immune function appear to be a

significant component of stress-induced health decline. Patients who

benefit from non-pharmaceutical treatments have a lot to gain.

This research discusses how to strengthen the adrenals, regulate

neurotransmitter, manage acute anxiety and promote restful sleep with

nutrients and botanicals.

The world health organization (WHO) declared the novel corona

virus disease 2019 (COVID-19). A pandemic on March 11, 2020. After it

quickly spread over the world. Until now, it had economic and lifestyle

consequences for humanity. The Covid19 pandemic has claimed many


lives around the world and it poses an unpresented threat to public

health, food system, and occupational safety. The pandemic economic

and social impacts are devastating: tons of millions of people are at risk

of falling into extremely poverty and the number of people who are

undernourished. Which is currently at an all-time high is on the rise.

Approximately 690 million people are anticipated to be affected with the

number expected to climb to 132 million by the end of the year (WHO


Academic achievement and mental health are linked. Chronic

stress alters due chemical and physical structure of the brain, affecting

cognitive abilities such as attention, focus, memory, and creativity.

Chronic stress causes brain cell connecting to weaken in rats resulting in

profental cortex cognitive deficiencies (WellMan 2014). The continuous

Covid 19 pandemic is causing mental concerns in General Public; such

as stress, worry, fear, depression, and sleep disturbance. Furthermore,

stress has become an important part of life and the body response to a

problem's in today's environment as it a no longer limited to adults but is

becoming more prevalent.

When it comes to learning, a certain amount of tension is

unavoidable and useful. It encourages student to study harder, stay

focused, and return to the academic instead of participating in


extracurricular activities. Students who are unduly anxious, on the other

hand, are unable to study effectively. It’s crucial to strike a balance

between stress that’s make it all difficult for them to do so. Sleep, on the

other hand is essential component of human health. Disrupted sleep has

been connected to a number of psychological, psychological, and social

problem. In many countries, chronic sleep deprivation is becoming wide


In the past, efforts have been made to determine the influence of

sleep quantity and its deprivation, on functioning efficiency of human

beings. However, determination of sleeping patterns that could improve

intellectual performance has been largely neglected. This study is

designed to discover the effects of different sleeping patterns on

academic performance among students (Kathandalu School, 2013).

Sleep deprivation is defined in sleep medicine as the total

quantity of time spent in sleeping. However, being well-rested

involves more than simply sleeping for a certain number of hours.

As a result, the phrases “sleep deficit” or “sleep insufficiency” are

more commonly used to describe a problem that reduced sleep

amount and/or quality and prevent a person from waking up

refreshed. However, both sleep deprivation and insomnia include a

lack of sleep, many sleep specialists distinguish between the two.


People who have insomnia have difficulty sleeping even when they

have plenty of time. On the other hand, People with sleep

deprivation cannot have enough time set aside for sleep as a result

of behavioral choices or daily activities. (Suni, E. 2021).

According to a report by the CDC, people who get less than 7

hours of sleep per night have an increased risk of obesity, heart

disease, diabetes, stroke, depression, arthritis, kidney disease.

Humans' autonomic nerve systems (ANS) may produce hormones

like adrenaline and cortisol in response to stress. These hormones

increase heart rate in order to better circulate blood to essential

organs and muscles, ready the body to respond quickly if

necessary. The relationship between stress and sleep is complex.

Inadequate sleep can increase stress levels while stress can

negatively influence sleep quality and duration. Stress and sleep

deprivation can both result in long-term physical and mental health

issues. (Johnson, J. 2018)

Related Studies

According to researcher, that stress is closely related to impaired

sleep in cross-sectional studies. In particular, the anticipation of high

demands or effort the next day seems important. Sleep recordings show


that stress is associated with shortened sleep, fragmentation, and

possibly a reduction in sleep stages 3 and 4. Shortened or disturbed

sleep causes increases in levels of traditional stress markers (e.g.

cortisol) and may thus exacerbate the effects of stress. Much knowledge

is still lacking. However, particularly about the effects of real-life work

stress. The letter requires longitudinal studies in real-life situations.

Discomfort and anxiety are natural responses to a situation as

dangerous and unpredictable as the coronavirus pandemic. Changes in

attention, irritation, anxiety, insomnia, lower productivity, interpersonal

problems are all possible stress-related symptoms in response to the

coronavirus pandemic. This may be true for the broader public, but it is

especially true for who are more directly affected (health care

personnel). In spite to the virus' direct threat, quarantine procedures,

which are in place in several countries. The degree of these symptoms

will be determined, at least in part, by the length and scope of the

quarantine, emotions of loneliness, fear of infection, (in) adequate

information, and stigma (Brooks et al., 2020).

Poor school performance by adolescent students has been attributed in

part to insufficient sleep. It is recognized that a number of factors lead to

diminished total sleep time and chief among these are early school start

times and sleep phase delay in adolescence. Political initiatives are


gaining momentum across the United States to require later school start

times with the intent of increasing total sleep time and consequently

improving school performance. Later school start times come with

significant costs and impact other activities of families and communities.

The decision to implement later school start times cannot be made lightly

and deserves support of well-performed research on the impact of these

changes (Joseph Isaac, 2002).

According to the researcher, during the COVID-19 epidemic,

18.6% of Chinese junior and senior high school students reported poor

sleep quality, with a PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) score of 3.39

as the general average. Older age, female gender, senior high

education, having an infected/suspected family member or friend, time

spent using electronics every day, anxiety, and FNE (Fear of negative

evaluation) were all positively associated with poor sleep quality; time

spent on COVID-19 information, improving diet, and increasing daily

exercise time were all inversely associated with poor sleep quality while

living in Hubei province. Our findings offered evidence to support a

thorough knowledge of Chinese adolescent sleep patterns.

So during the COVID-19 epidemic in China, sleep deprivation was

common among junior and senior high school students. A number of

demographic and geopolitical factors have been identified as having an


impact on the sleep quality of teenagers. Sleep assistance is essential

for controlling the COVID-19 emergency and improving sleep quality, as

well as protecting the physical health of teenagers. As a result, more

emphasis should be placed on teenage sleep quality and ensuring that

they receive adequate rest and sleep time. More interventions in

lowering COVID-19 caused anxiety and fostering appropriate sleep

habits are also needed in order to protect teenagers' mental and

physical health. (Zhai, X. et.al, 2021)

Research Design

This study was designed as Experimental Research. This study is

experimental because we are looking if imbalance sleeping pattern can

affect the stress level of the student. We are looking the impact of

imbalance sleeping on stress level of PINHS-Senior High School

students with the use of randomization on the participant. Rather than

allocating groups at random, we will use employed spontaneously

produced or pre-existing groupings.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study


The main aim of this study is to determine the effects of imbalance

sleeping patterns to students' stress level. The Senior High School

students of Plaridel Integrated National High School enrolled in the

School Year 2021-2022 were the respondents of the study. The

researchers come up with this study because they observed that most of

the student didn't sleep well because of their study. The researcher’s

validated questionnaire for 20 students in order to use to assess

learners’ stress level and amount of their sleep.

This study considers age, gender, track and strand, and their

name will be optional to respect their privacy. Each of the respondents

will be given same questionnaires to answer. This study focuses on the

stress level and amount of sleep of the student. Furthermore, it only

attempted to it only tried to determine if imbalanced sleep really affects

students ’stress level.

Conceptual Framework

Effects of Imbalance Sleeping Patterns to PINHS-SHS Students’ Stress

Level, SY 2021-2022


Effects of
PINHS-SHS Survey on imbalance
Selected SHS sleeping patterns
to students' stress


Depicts the study's input, which is PINHS-SHS students who are

asked to complete surveys and questionnaires as part of the study's

process in order to learn the output, which is the impact of irregular

sleeping patterns on students' stress levels. If the study is an

experimental sort of quantitative research, the conceptual framework

provided above is frequently used. Irregular sleeping patterns on

students' stress levels. If the study is an experimental sort of

quantitative research, the conceptual framework provided above is

frequently used.


Sleeping Patterns STRESS LEVEL


Age, sex, financial

status, grade level,


This illustrates the Conceptual Framework, with sleeping habits as

the study's independent variable. The dependent variable is the level of

stress. It would be a confounded to see if the extraneous variable, such

as age, sex, financial status, grade level, and study strand or track, has

anything to do with the study and the independent and dependent



Sample Size and Sample Technique

The respondents of the study were composed of 20 senior high

school students. They were selected as source of information because

they are the most relevant respondents for this study. The study used

simple random sampling in selecting the respondents. The researcher

are specifically selecting the respondents that the will help the study that

requires definite and concrete answer.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the questionnaire is created by the researchers and getting

the approval of the researcher adviser, permission was sought to

conduct survey with the respondents. The survey forms (google form)

were also secured. The survey questions were given to the selected

respondents to gather a significant data to that help the study.

Data Collection Analysis

The researchers provided easier questions so that respondents

could more quickly understand what they needed to answer. So first, we

provide more understandable words about sleep. Also the researchers

used a website that contain question for stress level. They used this

website because after the respondents answered the questions, they

can see their stress level and the result of the participants' answered is

easily analyzed. In this way, the researchers can easily connect the two

variable and analyze the effect of sleep on stress level.

Ethical considerations

The current study was subject to certain ethical issues. The

Identity of the sample member were confidentially between the

researchers and sample member. All participants were ask by

researchers about their acceptance regarding their participation in the

research. At the same time, sample members were able to withdraw to

answer the questionnaire. The aim of this was to reassure participants


that their participation in the research is voluntary and that they

were free to withdraw from it at any point and for any reasons.


Kathleen A. Head, ND, and Gregory S. Kelly, ND Nutrients and

Botanicals for Treatment of Stress: Adrenal Fatigue,

Neurotransmitter Imbalance, Anxiety, and Restless Sleep

Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health Vol.

32, No. 6 (December 2006), from


Nollet. M, Wisden, W. and Frank, N. 2020 Sleep Deprivation and

stress: a reciprocal relationship. Interface focus. 10:20190092


Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health Vol. 32, No. 6

(December 2006), from https://www.jstor.org/stable/40967601

Kathleen A. Head, ND, and Gregory S. Kelly, ND Nutrients and

Botanicals for Treatment of Stress: Adrenal Fatigue,

Neurotransmitter Imbalance, Anxiety, and Restless Sleep


Brooks, S. K. et.al (2020). The psychological impact of quarantine

and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence. Lancet 395,


Suni, E. (June 24, 2021). Sleep Deprivation. Sleep foundation. A

OneCare Media Company website:


Johnson, J. (September 5, 2018). How to tell if stress is affecting

your sleep. Medical News Today website:


Zhai, X. (August 2021). The Influencing Factors of Sleep Quality

Among Chinese Junior and Senior High School Adolescents

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Journal of Tropical

Pediatrics, Volume 67, Issue 4, fmab069, 



Visbe, Yashmyne P.
Suministrado, John Lester
Moraleja, Charles Justin
Coroza, Abigail -she didn't participate in weekly tasks in the last past few days and
the reason is that she is busy
Suniega, Karylle – participate in rrl only / not participating in weekly tasks
Urrete, Maxene Nathalie – only participate in conceptual and not contributing much
in weekly tasks
Solpico, Yesha Aisobelle - can't contact easily when needed and can't contribute
much to weekly tasks


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