1.) What Is The Relationship Between Our Conscience and Moral Law?

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1.) What is the relationship between our conscience and moral law?

Morality and conscience (what we do and how we think about what we do) are crucial to being
human. As far as we know, humans are the only type of life on earth that analyzes what it does
and then acts on it.
compares it to a "proper" quality of life in order to make a decision
if he or she has done the right thing. This way of life is referred to as'morality.'
The capacity to compare our acts to this rule of life that we term
‘conscience’. Both of these are written into human nature: you and I are born with them. We are
all together.
We've all thought to ourselves at some point, "what I did back then was decent and good."
or "that was incorrect." Being able to do so is one of the characteristics that distinguishes us as
humans. But, like with most characteristics that distinguish ourselves from the rest of existence
as we know it, Our conscience and moral sense must be engaged on a regular basis. Moreover,
without, They become less known to us and less influential in the way we conduct our lives as
we exercise.

2.) How do moral laws protect and promote our authentic freedom as a
persons in community?
A moral law is one that is not supported by the constitution but is rather a guideline for how
people should act and behave.

Moral law protects it by requiring us to use our right to free movement in order to live.
If there are no moral laws, law and order will break down, creating an extremely tension
climate that will hinder people from going about their everyday routines for existence.
3.) What is your understanding in the True Value of Law?
Laws, or objective moral principles, are important to moral living. Why? These core
moral standards, such as "do not steal, do not kill, be honest," are embraced by individuals of
all races and are moral norms that convey essential human values such as:
1. Provide standards for determining how we should act and who we become as a result of our
2. Our conscience's correct development is based on this.
3. act as trustworthy "reference points" for our moral discernment and striving
4. encourage us to be our best selves
Just rules, rather than being impediments to our freedom, direct and defend our freedom as
individuals and as members of a society.

Why do we even need laws in the first place?

LAW is at the heart of being fully human and fully alive.

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