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1. Correct the following statements:

Ex.: The sun rises in the west. - The sun doesn’t rise in the west. It rises in the east.

1. Snow melts in winter. ____________________________________________________

2. Dolphins live in forests. ___________________________________________________

3. The Sun goes round the Earth. ______________________________________________

4. Spring comes after autumn. ________________________________________________

5. The Japanese live in the south. ______________________________________________

2. Tell the story – fill in the past simple tense

On Friday, the children ___________ (talk) about a day out together in the country. The
next morning, they ___________ (go) to the country with their two dogs and ___________
(play) together. Ben and Dave ___________ (have) some kites. Sometime later the
dogs ___________ (be) not there. So they ___________ (call) them and ___________
(look) for them in the forest. After half an hour the children ___________ (find) them
and ___________ (take) them back. Charlie  ___________ (be) very happy to see them
again. At lunch time Nick ___________ (go) to the bikes and ___________ (fetch) the
basket with some meat sandwiches. Then they  ___________ (play) football. Nick and
Dave ___________ (win). In the evening they ___________ (ride) home.

3. Fill in the present simple or the present continuous.

1. Mr Cooper always ____________a pound of sugar. (buy)
2. The shop assistant ____________the door now. (close)
3. Kevin and Alan never ____________away glass bottles. (throw)
4. Look! Freddy ____________ two baskets. (carry)
5. Now Mrs Caveman ____________ out of the window. (look)
6. Mrs Bingham ____________ shopping every Saturday. (go)
7. I ____________the money at the moment. (count)
8. Mr Root always ____________a box of eggs before buying them. (open)
9. Mum often ____________ her change. (forget)
10. Listen! The manager____________ to a customer. (talk)
11. My friends often ____________to the computer shop. (go)
12. We always ____________ our things in a basket. (put)
13. The shop ____________ at the moment. (close)
14. They ____________tennis every Sunday. (play)
15. She ____________a shower now. (take)

4. Use the past continuous to complete the sentences.

1. They ____________cards. (play)
2. I ____________the floor. (sweep)
3. Sam ____________the newspaper. (read)
4. A lot of children ____________at the station. (wait)
5. Mum ____________in her office. (work)
6. He ____________ to school. (walk)
7. When they looked at her, she ____________. (smile)
8. We ____________outside when it started to rain. (play)
9. The boys ____________their favorite TV series. (watch)
10. I ____________ yesterday afternoon. (work)

5. Replace the underlined expressions with better forms - will, going to or present
Example: I hope it rains tomorrow. - will rain

1. I am going to the cinema tonight. - Yes? I am joining you. _________________________

2. Why are you wearing the swimsuit? - I take a bath. _______________________________
3. Can you see the grey sky? It is snowing soon. Definitely. __________________________
4. I must go now. I play tennis with Greg at 6.30. __________________________________
5. Hurry up. The train is leaving in ten minutes. ____________________________________
6. I'm taking driving lessons because I buy a car. __________________________________
7. I don't know what to do. Perhaps I am going to stay at home. _______________________
8. I can't come at two o'clock. I will meet Mr. Jones. ________________________________
9. Don't forget. The summer term is beginning on 29 April. _________________________
6. Write the translation for the given words

Прямые волосы – Синяк –

Узкое лицо – Graze –
Curly hair – Mislaid –
Wavy hair – Помять –
Веснушки – Пятно –
Морщины – Спотыкаться –
Receding hair – Отколоться –
Expose – Треснуть –
Auburn Hair – Leak –
Пухлое лицо – Run out –
Загорать –
Пухлый –
Slim –
Stunning –
Sincere -
Ожирение –
Неряшливый –
Первое впечатление –
Черта, особенность –
Способный –
Gifted –
Sensitive –
Gregarious –
Quarrelsome –
Weird –
Обмениваться –
Взаимодействовать –
Призирать –
To have an affair –
Ладить –
Обожать –
Делиться –
Беспринципный –
Невинный, безобидный –
Pushy –
Generous –
Envious –
Sincere –
Небольшой избыток веса –

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