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End -Term Examination

(December 2021- February 2022)

TERM: V (2020-22) TIME ALLOTTED: 1.5 Hour

BATCH: 2020-22 TOTAL MARKS: 40 marks

YEAR: 2021 - 2022 MODE: OPEN BOOK



All the questions are multiple choice question which carries 2 marks each
1. Binary logistic regression is being used when your dependent variable is
a) two class categorical variable
b) continuous variable
c) three class categorical variable
d) multiclass categorical variable

2. Python is an object-oriented programming language

a) True b) False

3. If df is a dataframe in Python pandas then what will be the output of df.head() command in
a) It will show the top 5 rows of the dataframe
b) It will show the first 5 columns of the dataframe
c) It will show the last 5 rows of the dataframe
d) It will show the last 5 columns of the dataframe

4 Dependent variables of classification variable should be the any of the following data type.

a) Numeric
b) Factor
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of the above

5 If you have a dataframe df and you have imported pandas module as pd in python what will be
the output of the following command:
a) It will show the summary statistics of all the variables
b) It will show the summary statistics of numeric variables
c) It will show the summary statistics of categorical variables
d) None of the above

6 Which of the following command is correct in python programming if numpy module is already
being installed

a) import numpy as np

b) imports numpy as np

c) library(numpy)

d) None of the above

7 There is a data frame named df which has 5 columns named A, B, C, D, E accordingly. Please write
the output of the following commands.


a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

8 If your data has outlier what are the methods, you use to handle that

i) Remove the variable from the table which contains the outlier

ii) Replace the outlier value with the mean value of the variable

iii) lower outliers (<5th percentile) are replaced by the value at 5th percentile, and higher outliers
(>95th percentile) are replaced by the value at 95th percentile.

iv) Remove the row which contains the outlier

a)i &ii

b) I,ii &iv

c) ii,iii &iv

d)All of the above

9 Outlier detection can be done best by the following plot

a) Scatter plot

b) Bar graph

c) Boxplot

d) Pie chart

10 SKlearn module in python is being used to

a) Handling Machine learning algorithm

b) Handling data frame

c) Plot the graphs

d) None of the above

11 You can check to see whether an pyhton object has missing value with the _________ function.


b) pandas.isna()

c) pandas.missing()

d) None of the above

12 What will be the output of following code snippet ?

a) Hello Earth

b) hello earth

c) Hello earth

d) None of the above

13 Which of the following statements does not create a dictionary in python?

a) d = {}

b) d = {“john”:40, “peter”:45}

c) d = {40:”john”, 45:”peter”}

d) d = (40:”john”, 45:”peter”)

14 Which of the following statement is true

a) Correlation coefficient value varies from 0 to 1

b) R square value in regression varies from 0 to 1

15 Mean imputation is not the correct missing value imputation method for the following case

a) Data distribution is normal

b) Data distribution do not have the outlier

c) Both (a) and (b)

d) None of the above

16 The regression equation for predicting number of speeding tickets (Y) from information about
driver age (X) is Y = .065(X) + 5.57. How many tickets would you predict for a 20-year-old driver?

A. 6.87

B. 4.27

C. 5.57


17 extend() function in python list is being used to do the following

a) concatenate two characters

b) Add multiple items in the list after the last item of existing nonempty list
c) Add one item in the list after the last item of existing nonempty list
d) Add the item at the first position of existing non-empty list

18 Tuples are the list with replaceable item properties



19 When one has a normally distributed data which missing value imputation technique is being
considered better?

a) Median imputation

b) Mode imputation

c) Mean imputation

d) All the above

20 Using regression analysis for forecasting, a R Square = 0.15 suggests that we can:

a) Dependent variables can be explained quiet efficiently by independent variables

b) Dependent variables cannot be explained quiet efficiently by independent variables

c) Dependent variable is 15% correct

d) None of the above

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