New QEI2021 Award Application (Pandemic Wards)

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NUH Quality, Excellence & Innovation

Award 2021

This Award aims to:

1. Promote quality improvement culture in NUH

2. Reinforce unit’s ownership of their own quality improvement initiatives and
3. Reward and recognize units that have good initiatives and show proficiency in
quality improvement and patient experience
4. Recognize team that drive innovation initiatives to provide better quality of care
and create better patient experience

Culture Ownership Recognition Innovation

Thank you for your interest in participating in the NUH Quality, Excellence & Innovation
Award 2021! To apply for the Award, tell us what new initiatives your unit has started
from May 2019 to April 2021. From the applications received, winners will be decided after
three rounds of judging. Application closes on 27 August 2021.

Please fill up the form and email to the following persons-in-charge:

Ms Jennie Goh, Quality Improvement

• Extension – x23006

• Email –

Ms Celeste Tan, Patient Experience

• Extension – x23003

• Email –
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Applicant Details

Submission Date 23 August 2021

Unit University Medical Cluster

Nursing Ward 5A, Ward 6B, Ward 61, Ward 62
Applicant Name Mahendran Nair Sridaran

Designation Assistant Nurse Clinician


Contact Number 82291379 (mobile) / 67725680 (Ward 6B)

Application Submission

1) Tell us what new QI initiatives your team has been working on since May 2019 to April

1.1 For applicants who had previously submitted QI project

Previous submitted QI project

Project Title 6S Quality Improvement Project Ward 6B
Date of project May – Aug 2020
(e.g. 20 May
Category Merit Award

Previous submitted QI project

Project Title Nurse Led exercise in Orthopedics ward: An evidence based QI project
Date of project Sept- Dec 2017
(e.g. 20 May Awarded Year 2018
Category Recognition Award
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1.2 For new adhoc applicants

Complete the one-page report strictly using the QIP Project template.

Click on the attached:

2) Tell us what initiatives have been taken to enhance patient experience since May

(E.g. create patient education board at the wait area to educate patient with the related
information while waiting for their turn, wait management tools)

Ward 6B:

Patients’ IV line infection

1) Till date, there is zero preventable phlebitis related incidences among our patients in
the pandemic wards after the implementation of the QI project.- Evident by eHOR

Patient Education

2) Enhanced patient’s education and satisfaction on IV cannula care- evident by PIL


Patient and family Visitation

3) Timely update to (newly admitted/transfer pt) pt and family member on nil visitation
while on isolation status- evident by Nurses Documentation at CPSS. This prevent
unnessesary travelling by family member

Improvise Patients’ Clinical Teaching

4) Improved Diabetes Patient and Family education with DM teaching kit. This promote
better understanding while demonstration for newly diagnosed Diabetes patient-
Evident by DM Teaching Kit

Waiting Time
5) Improved discharge planning in overall and waiting time to fetch patient by family
member. – Evident by CPSS documentation
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3) Tell us what innovation initiatives have been done to provide better quality of care
since May 2019?

Innovative = Something new or original to NUH. May consist of a new idea, method, device or
technology, or an improvement to an existing one. (E.g. create application app to streamline
the laboratory testing process, improvise heel protector to prevent pressure ulcer for patient)

Project title:

‘’Improving Peripheral Venous Catheter Care (PVC) Enhanced Patient Clinical Outcome In

We were alarmed by Medical affairs on high number of phlebitis cases reported in pandemic
isolation wards (Incident reported eHOR). There were total of 37 cases (April to September
2020) have been reported. Among the total 37 cases, 31 cases were non preventable and 6 were
preventable cases. Quality improvement is the utmost priority in healthcare setting. Although it’s
a crucial pandemic period, a workgroup was formed from pandemic isolation wards (Ward 5A,
Ward 6B, Ward 61 and Ward 62) to brainstorm on the strategies to reduce the preventable
Phlebitis incidences. The project idea was seeded from one of the senior nursing leader and
agreed among the pandemic group members. ANC Mahendran from Ward 6B has leads the
Project with his members from Pandemic Wards. The project completed within 10 months,
period from October 2020 to July 2021. The project aligned with our TRICEP Value in NUH.

Our action:

Team work- Nurses from various pandemic wards came together to brainstorm challenges,
ideas & strategies in managing the care of patients on PVC.

Compassion- This project creates nurses’ awareness on prompt removal of IV cannula when
there is no clinical indication. Thus this has provided better patient care and improve patient
outcome and experience

Excellences- We enhanced acronym “LINER” on care of IV cannula as part of the standard

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nursing clinical documentation. Thus, our Nurses shown significance improvement in quality
improvement initiatives to strive excellence in patient outcomes and quality of care.

Patient centeredness- We deliver patient-centred care by improving patients’ experience in the

care of PVCs

In conclusion, the project has enhanced nurses’ knowledge and practice on PVC care.

Most importantly, we have managed to achieve 0% preventable phlebitis incidences post

implementation of the project. Thus, the implementation definitely gives positive experience to
our patients, improve patient outcome and better quality of care in the management of PVC care.

4) In your unit, how many staff have joined e-ideas @ work? (Bonus points will be
awarded if you do!)


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