Sophea Visalpanhareach 9D - SBA Statements

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● Read the following rules about SUBJECT- VERB, AGREEMENT.

T. Then, make 4 more examples of your own in the below


Phrases such When words if each is Moreover, However, when With compound
as ‘as well as’, such as ‘each’ written after when all parts all parts of the subjects joined
‘together with’, and ‘every’ the subjects of the subject subject are with or, nor, either,
‘along with’, ‘in precede joined by are singular, plural, then the or neither make the
addition to’- do singular ‘and’, then then the verb verb is plural. verb agree with the
not change the subjects joined the subject is singular. part of the subject
number of the by ‘and’, the takes the Example: NEARER to the
subject. subjects take plural verb. verb.
the singular
verb. Examples:

Either the
Example: Example: Neither the fingerprints or Examples:
boy nor the the footprints
That poodle, in Not every girl thinks it give the Neither the boy nor
addition to the comment, was a good evidence we the men were
cat and the criticism, or The witness present. need. accountable for the
lion, is what remark is and the incident.
you should constructive. victim each
feed daily. have their
own reports Neither
to make. Aladdin nor Neither the men or
Barabara was the boy was
late. accountable for the
French in Not every man The dog and Neither the Neither the Neither the teacher
addition to or woman is the cat each dog nor the cat lessons nor nor the class were
English and perfect. have their wants to share forms give us responsible for what
Khmer, is the own food to their food. any hint about happened yesterday.
language that I eat. the exam.
can speak.

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