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This is a real story of a small boy who lived in Mudis,
Valparai Estate. His story is written to motivate people
who suffer in their life; and to tell them how our Lord
loves them.


 Early Life

 School Life
 College Life

 Gujarat Life

 Question

 Conclusion

Turning Point

Early Life:
There was a small boy. He was born on May third. He
was living with his parents and his brothers and a sister in
Mudis, Valparai. It is located 3,500 meters above sea level.
It is a beautiful hill station. Most of the people work in Tea
Estates. He was living happily with his parents, friends,
and neighbors. His mother was a religious woman. She
used to pray whenever she wanted to pray.
She taught her son how to pray. She encouraged him
to grow in spiritual life. He followed his mother’s advice.
Sometimes he did small mistakes. Whenever he made
mistakes, she punished him. But she loved him a lot in
spite of his mischief. She was not an educated woman. But
she knew the Holy Bible very well. His family was an
ordinary family and it lived a very simple life, not rich.

Valparai Estate
School Life:
This boy was studying in a local government school.
When he was studying in the school, he learned many
things. There was a rich boy in the school. His grandfather
came to school every day. The grand father bought a big
‘bonda’ and a cup of tea for the rich boy every day. The
rich boy ate the ‘bonda’ and drank the tea while other boys
were yearningly watching him. The other boys had nothing
to eat. Later in life, the pampered rich boy was roaming on
the streets, not doing well in his life. But our poor boy got
decent marks in the school finals and moved to a College
at Trichy.
College Life:
The boy joined Bishop Heber College at Trichy in
1984 for his B.A. English. He was staying in CE Hostel.
CE Hostel was meant for poor Christian boys. One day,
when he was writing the semester exams, he got a telegram
from his home that his father passed away. It was shocking
news to him. When he reached his place, the funeral was
already over.

The villagers and his relatives have already buried the
body of his father in the graveyard and returned home. He
was sad and upset that he could not see his father’s face for
the last time. It was three months ago, he talked with his
fatherface to face before going to the hostel.The next day
he went to the graveyard and cried for a long time. He
prayed to the heavenly father (Jesus) asking him what
about his future as he had lost his father.
He did not get any answer. The graveyard was silent
and calm. He heard nothing. And already it was evening
time. He returned home and saw the sadness and emptiness
of the house after the death of his father. The family
worried a lot for the loss of his father. He saw his mother
crying and he cried along with her. The next day he came
back to the college. Five days after the death of his father,
he wrote the final examination of the semester. The paper
was tough. But, surprisingly, he got good marks. He
completed his UG, PG, and M.Phil in the same college.
Then he joined as a professor in a private college.

C.E Hostel

Bishop Heber College

Praying in Graveyard

Gujarat Life:
Then he went to Gujarat. There he worked as a
Professor in a private aided college. He was staying in a
rented house with his friends. All his roommates used to
take liquor during the week ends.They asked him many
times to taste liquor. He always refused them politely. One
of his colleagues went to the extent of threatening to cut
his friendship with him if he did not take liquor. But he
refused to take liquor and was ready to cut the friendship.
On seeing his steadfastness, his colleague asked him to
forgive him and their friendship became stronger than
The boy feared God and the God saved him from such
evil habits. It was his mother who taught him to fear God.
Then he got married to a girl who is known for her soft
nature and beautiful temperament.
He came back to Bishop Heber in the year 2000 this
time to work as a Professor in the English Department
where he was once a student. It was a proud moment in his
life to work with his own professors, now his colleagues.

The boy is now a man aged 50, still working in the
Department of English of Bishop Heber College. He is
Dr. C. Dhanabal, Associate Professor, Department of
English, Bishop Heber College. He is a great teacher,
speaker, motivator, hard worker, and a dynamic Professor.
He speaks Tamil, English, Hindi and Guajarati to some
When his father died, he went to the graveyard where
his father’s body was buried. And he prayed, “I lost my
father and what is my future O’ heavenly father?” God did
not answer him at that time. The answer came very late. I
believe the answer is found in the verse:

All peoples on earth will be blessed through you
and your offspring. Genesis 28:14

Associate Professor, Department of English
Bishop Heber College

Dear brothers and sisters, we may have many
questions about our future. It may be about our studies,
job, family etc. You might have lost your mother or father
or brother or sister or relatives or friends or job or health or
money or peace or whatever it may be.
Do not bother. Jesus said: For the son of Man came
to seek and to save what was lost (Luke.19:10). So, the
Lord wants to bless you. He will bless you as He did for
Job. Be patient. Even chicken eggs require 21 days to
hatch. Lord knows what do you want and when. See, I
have engraved you on the palms of my hands. (Isaiah
49:16). Just wait for the Lord and continue to do hard
work. Lord will bless you.
Grace be with you......

Praveenkumar. C
Parents [Chinadurai&Prema ]
II MA English
Bishop Heber College
(2014-2015 Batch)


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