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6. Test the properties of the collected hydrogen gas as soon as possible as directed in part B.
Why can hydrogen be collected by water displacement?
Because hydrogen is less dense than water, it is gathered by the downward displacement
of water. As a result, it emerges from the water's surface. Also, hydrogen does not dissolve in
water, unlike air (OpenStaxCollege, 2014).

Why are the first bubbles allowed to escape?

In preparing hydrogen gas, the first bubbles are allowed to escape because those
bubbles are air and not pure hydrogen (Britannica, 2021).

Why are the test tubes of hydrogen kept with their mouths downward?
Test tubes containing hydrogen are kept with their mouth downward since hydrogen gas
is lighter than air. So when the test tubes are held in that position, the hydrogen gas can’t
escape as it moves to the bottom of the test tube and displaces the air present in the test
tubes (Vedantu, 2020).

What is the chemical equation for the preparation of hydrogen?

The chemical equation of the reaction is Zn + 2HCl ⟶ ZnCl₂ + H₂.


1. List down the physical properties of hydrogen.

Color: Colorless Odor: Odorless

Taste: Tasteless Density (compared to air): Lighter than air

2. Open a test tube of hydrogen gas and insert a burning splinter in the mouth of the test
What is the result?
When a burning splint is introduced to the test tube containing hydrogen gas, it burns
with a popping sound.

Will pure hydrogen gas give the same result?

The burning splint will not have the same result in a pure hydrogen gas because it will be
extinguished since oxygen is not present to support combustion (University of Hawai’i, 2014).

With what kind of flame does pure hydrogen burn?

Hydrogen burns with a faint blue flame that is practically undetectable in daylight
(Fisher, 2019).

What is the chemical equation for the burning of hydrogen?

Burning hydrogen yields a chemical equation of 2H₂ + O₂ ⟶ 2H₂O.

3. Invert an empty test tube over a test tube of hydrogen gas and hold their mouth to mouth for
several seconds. Prepare 2 burning splints and thrust them at the same time into each tube.
What is the result?
A popping sound is produced from the test tubes containing hydrogen.

What property of hydrogen is shown by this result?

The result shows that hydrogen is a flammable gas.

Define this property.

Flammability is the ability of a material or substance to burn in the presence of oxygen
when provided with a source of ignition (Lautenberger et al., 2006). Flammable refers to
materials that ignite more quickly than others, making them more dangerous and requiring
more stringent regulation.

4. Reducing property of hydrogen.

Define Reduction.
Reduction is the gain of electrons by a substance, whereas an oxygen atom or bonds to
oxygen is removed from a substance (LibreTexts, 2020).

Illustrate with the equation the reduction of cupric oxide.

Cupric oxide can be reduced to form copper when it reacts with hydrogen:
CuO + H₂ → Cu + H₂O. Looking at the equation, oxygen is removed from it.


1. Action of Active Metals on Water

What is the result?
Sodium metal melts when it is introduced to water. When putting the gathered hydrogen
gas near the candle, it ignites a flame with a popping sound that indicates the formation of
sodium hydroxide.

What is the chemical equation for the reaction of sodium metal with water?
The chemical equation of the reaction is: 2Na + 2H₂O ⟶ 2NaOH + H₂

Name two other metals that react with water at ordinary temperature.
Both Lithium and Potassium are Alkali metals that react vigorously with water, forming
hydrogen and hydroxide solutions (Miller, 2018).
2. Action of Less Active Metals on Water
What is the result?
When Magnesium and water are mixed in boiling water, it produces bubbles instantly,
forming hydrogen gas and magnesium oxide. When testing it with a burning splinter, it ignites
the flame.

The resulting solution is tested using a litmus paper. What is the result?
Magnesium hydroxide is considered a strong electrolyte. Its low solubility makes it a
weak base (Ropp,2013). So when testing it with a red litmus paper, it would turn blue.

Does magnesium react with water at ordinary temperature?

No, it doesn’t react at ordinary temperature because it is a slow-reacting element.
However, it reactively increases when using water at a high temperature.

Name two other metals that react with water at elevated temperatures to give off hydrogen.
Both Calcium and Strontium fall in the same group as Magnesium. These metals react
slowly in cold water but vigorously react as the temperature is elevated (Libretexts, 2020).

3. Action of Metals on Acids

b. Which of the metals listed above give off hydrogen?
When dropped in hydrochloric acid, metals such as zinc, magnesium, aluminum, and
iron produce hydrogen gas.

Write the equations for the reactions of these metals with HCl.
Zn + 2HCl 🠖 ZnCl₂ + H₂
Mg + 2HCl 🠖 MgCl₂ + H₂

List the six metals in their decreasing order of activity.


c. Which acids give off hydrogen?

Hydrochloric Acid, Sulphuric Acid, and Nitric Acid

List the acids in their decreasing order of activity.

HCl > H₂SO₄ > HNO₃

Britannica. (2021). Production and Applications of Hydrogen In Encyclopædia Britannica.

Retrieved from

Chemistry LibreTexts. (2020, February 29). Oxidation-Reduction (Redox) Reactions. Retrieved

October 23, 2021 from:

Chemistry LibreTexts. (2020, August 16). Reactions of Main Group Elements with Water.
Retrieved October 23, 2021 from:

Fisher, L. (2019). If water contains hydrogen, which is flammable, why doesn’t it burn? Retrieved
October 23, 2021, from BBC Science Focus Magazine website:

Lautenberger, C., Torero, J., & Fernandez-Pello, C. (2006). Understanding materials flammability.
Flammability Testing of Materials Used in Construction, Transport and Mining, 1–21.

Miller, R. (2018, April 5). What Metals React With Water to Produce Hydrogen? Retrieved
October 23, 2021 from:

OpenStaxCollege. (2014, October 2). Occurrence, Preparation, and Compounds of Hydrogen.

Retrieved October 23, 2021, from website:
Ropp, R.C. (2013). Alkaline Earth Compounds. Retrieved October 23, 2021 from:

University of Hawai’i. (2014). Splint test for gases. Retrieved October 23, 2021, from

Vedantu. (2020, July 14). Preparation of Hydrogen and Its Uses. Retrieved October 23, 2021,
from VEDANTU website:

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