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Lesson 4: Psychology


1. Write a schematic representation of your family tree. Identify each member with their

2. Reflect and write about your ideal self and real self. How near or far are you from
ideal self.

My real self or referred to as self image is an 18-year old slim and slender
woman who is 5 feet and 5 inches tall with a pale skin complexion. My hair is wavy and
short in the shade of brown with my eyes to match. Long-legged lady with a long feet
and fingers. I have slightly thick lips and braces for I had severe misaligned teeth. I am
a freshman student under Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in
Human Resource Management in Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) who
is academically competent but do not compete and is only focus on building herself and
achieving her goal, a daughter of a single woman, a granddaughter, a friend, a
classmate, a leader, a volunteer, and many more. I am goal-oriented person with a kind
heart who always persist until she succeed, a learning individual with a rational view of
the world, a woman of wisdom, a trustworthy friend, a humorous individual, and a
humane person.

My ideal self is someone who has the audacity to stand for what is right, a
woman who is strong and determined to pursue things she likes, an individual who has
strength to stand with people and help them cross gaps that the system built, a CEO of
a company that targets to deteriote unemployment rate and other social issues. But
overall, my ideal self is person who is genuinely happy and has lived her life
meaningfully by extending help with others and doing things she loved.

Personally, I think I am quite a bit near to reaching my ideal self given all the
experiences and learnings I have acquired that fuel the fire within me.

3. Write your need to do to realize your ideal self.

Self-reflection is a major component of realizing ideal self. One must need to self-
reflect until he self-actualized. The primary thing that I always think of to utilize self-
reflection and then realize my ideal self is the saying from Mahatma Ghandi, "Be the
change that you wish to see in the world". My ideal self is really interconnected into
helping the society, and for me to achieve it is I need to reflect to what is lacking in the
environment and adapt the experiences i had with people. Having this mindset will be
my tool to create my steps to realize my ideal self.

ASSESSMENT 4. Write a Self-Description Essay.

A Sunflower who grew in a Storm

Life is undeniably described as a storm; hardships are thrown to us without giving

the option to choose. It will strike you regardless of your state. However, storms in life
come not to disrupt you rather clear your path and build a better version of yourself.

I am Maria Leonora Teresa, an outgoing person. I see myself as an instrument to

extend help to people. I find happiness whenever I tend to assist people and share
blessings I received, therefore, I love making people happy. My friends often referred to
me as "Ms. Sunshine" for I shared sunshine with them. They see me as a persistent joy
and wisdom bringer with a strong personality and a down to earth person whom they
could go along with anytime of the day. This may sound conceited but even I were
overwhelmed upon knowing that this is how others perceive me. Nevertheless, behind
the overwhelming perception, I was a sunflower who grew in a storm. Like others, I was
planted in an area where I have lived in so many storms; you might say no flowers will
thrive in a place where storms are dominant but metaphorically speaking these storms
sprinkled rain that constitutes to my development. As we all know a sunflower
intensively requires sunlight, but I am a sunflower that was in storm but always look
towards the cloud gaps and see light to shine through. In this point of my life I have
noted that, without the rain given by a storm, nothing will grow and this has transformed
me in this kind of person.

Many great men will argue that life is not a bed of roses, indeed, a storm. Life is
not just about happiness but finding happiness even if it seems nowhere to be found. I
have learned how to see positivity in down times and make the rain a fuel to my
betterment, hence, I can describe myself and say — I am a sunflower who grew in a

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