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QA. Fill in the blanks:

1. Hypertext
2. Web browsers
3. Canvas
4. Container
5. Line Break
QB. True /False:
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False
QC. Application Based:
1. Background-image:Value
Value=URL(Path of the Image)

2. Background-position:left top

QD. Multiple Choice Questions:

2. Web Editor
3. <hr>
4. CSS
5. Declaration
6. Background-Position
QE. Answer the following:
Q1. What is HTML?
Ans: HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark Up Language. It is a
language used to design web content for the internet.
Q2. Explain the terms tags and attributes.
Ans: Tags are the building blocks that contain elements which
define how the information on a web page is displayed.
An Attribute is a property that provide additional information
about an HTML element.

Q3. What is an Element? Explain its various types.

Ans: An element consists of an ON tag, the content and an OFF
tag. The HTML elements are of two types:
(1)Container Elements – They include both ON and OFF tags e.g
(2)Empty Elements – They contain only ON tag and don’t have
OFF tag. E.g - <br>

Q4. What are the basic tools used to work with HTML
documents? Give examples.
Ans: There are two basic tools required to work with HTML
(1)HTML Editor – For creating and Saving the documents e.g-
(2)Browser – For Viewing the documents e.g Google Chrome

Q5. What are Cascading Style Sheets? Name the different

methods available for applying style rules.
Ans: Cascading Style Sheets provides the set of Style rules for
defining the layout of HTML documents.
Different Methods are : Inline, Internal or Embedded, External
Style Sheets.

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