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LEARNING IN THIS CHAPTER ! a Attributes F Cascading Style g r. Tags, Elements Mle Sheet, : ae i — fe HTML document structure ® Methods of Apply . " . ® cating an HTML document = Common HTML Elements Background pro ving cp Pets syecome awtal part of our fe Its the largest information vheesociety. The internet isa network of millions of cy. tion andresources. computers on the internet are ij eclients send requests to the Servers and the eng, internet, an emerging technology, has revolutionised the world economy as well as are connected with each other to share informal mmunicate via networking protocol. Th Clients and cor immediately with the | required data. ‘The servers store files and information in the form of websites. These websites consist of millions Of page, web pages, which contain, text, graphic, ideo, audio, and linkto the other pages called Hyperlink. These, canbe accessed by different users around the world by using an internet connection. Have you ever onde, these web pages are created? Which language is used to write these web pages? The answer is: HTML sn), most widely used language to design web contents for the internet. In this chapter, you will be introducze, basics of this technology. ® WHATIS HTML? HTML stands for Hypertext Mark-up language. It is a compl pages that contain both text and graphics. It is @ simple mark-up language that describes the stn t.Allthe web browsers are designed to understand and interpret this languz lete code package that allows the user to behaviour of the web document Let usanalyse the acronym HTML. HYPERTEXT Hypertext isa piece of ordinary text that has been spruced up with a special feature of linking to other doe webpages. So, when you click on the hypertext, it opens anew web page. MARKUP LANGUAGE Itisa language that uses special symbols called ‘Tags’ to mark-up a text document that instructs the browser how to display the text. Mark-up languagesare solely concerned with classifying the parts ofa document according to their functions like, indicating which partis the title of the document, which part is heading or subheading, and soon. Originally, HTML was developed with the intent of defining the structure of documents to facilitate the sharing of scientific information between researchers. Now, it is being widely used to format web pages with the help of different tags. cant wn Kis <24> jg sTORY OF HTML >> Ba gits journey in the early 1980s with General Markup Language (GML), in artes vm enguage was modified and standardised and named Standard General is i designed this mid 1960s as a project of tence in 195, | tents artment of Deere we. 20 version Was announced, Later on, after two years HTML 3.0 and then | agement tDetenses vet Advance Research Proje yo years HTML40 was announced, HTMLS cameinto existence around 2008. The — pet ’ aes vs ™ anguage (SGML). In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee and his team re, The internet began inthe i jandnamed itas HTML. The standard version of it came into exis ase major organisations that were involved in developing HTMLS were World Wide Web — yom sori (w3C) and Web Hypertext Application Technolo; oo wate). inischapter, you will earn about the basics of HTMLS, i By Working Group amit sisthe atest version of HTML. Itisa mark-up language using which youcan create avebpage nan easy and convenient way. Now, adding audio and video clipsin the web ageisas easy as including images, which was not Possiblein the earlier versions without thesupport of external software or plug-ins like Flash Player. With the CANVAS feature, yiaan also draw Images directly in the web page. All these attributes of this new, vesionhaveadded relevance and credibility toit. » TOOLS TO BE USED | Tools lke Macromedia Werequire two basic tools to work with HTML documents: Let's Know More Dreamweaver and Microsoft Frontpage can also be used to develop HTML web pages instead of writing plain text, » HTML Editor - for creating and saving the documents » Browser —for viewing the documents HTMLEDITOR Therearemainly two types of HTML editors, WYSIWYGEditor WYSIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get. This type of web editor allows a E eveloper to see what the end result will ook like while the document is being created. These editors provide various tools and graphical interfaces where the web pages are Ww Sy designed, While using a WYSIWYG editor, users may not require: the knowledge of HTML __ Commands as the elements (images, tables, lists, etc.) canbe placed on the interface and therequired HTML code willbeadded automatically. For example: Adobe Dreamweaver, Amaya, Google Web Designer An intranets 3 corporate seater ‘organisational network that uses the same protocols used on the one is required to have proper knowledge of _| ,,potocalt used on the You can also create HTML documents using normal text editors like Notepad or Wordpad. Unlike WYSIWYG editors, here, ‘end eal. HTMLcommandsto develop web pages. The ony ference between the two that Bae se amntranet cto tom b browsers are used t0 view the HTML documents, Some commonly used web | *intonetscut of Web bri browsersare* Learning c puters wits KIPS ff ” Apple Safari e@ Google Chrome @ 2 imeret Explorer @ Mozilla Firefox Intern e Microsoft Edge O Opera ® CREATING AN HTML DOCUMENT To create HTML documents, you will use NotePad. Let us | SD My first Program - Notepad discuss how to create HTML document using Notepad. | File_Edit_Format View Help ; ‘, “ > Open Notepad by clicking on Start > Windows Accessories > Notepad. My First Program > The Notepad window will appear. </eitles </head> > Typethe HTML codeas shownin Figure. Noaays es — — This is wy First HTML progran!iii! a 7 </body> +s ee ire <0 tose . </html> Orn tea R- @ Brar £ | mei Senne > Click on the File > Save option. The Save As dialog bv 2 tester ree appear. Select the target folder to save the file and met beans the namein Filename text box withan extension.htm a - © » Click onthe Savebutton. VIEWING AN HTML DOCUMENT Here, Google Chromeis being used. Unlike other browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome does not have menu bar. So, file, either you can opt for keyboard shortc follow the givensteps: » Enter the letter for the drive, in which your HTML file is Google Present, in the address bar of Google Chrome. In our case, itisc:. Mozilla Firefox), to openan HTML ut, Le., Ctrl + 0 or Press Enter key. The directories and files on that Particular drive (C:in our case) willbe displayed as links in the Chrome window. cat wan Kips <2e> avigate to the directory | 5... pos ps the HTML fle you |¢ 6 Omi o of om ae open by clicking the [Index of Cx yan “ naan a onthe HTMIL ile, once you 7 ail in the ist. The file will : eplayed in the Chrome |. : wind batts TAGS, ELEMENTS, AND ATTRIBUTES snucodeismade up of elements, tags, and attributes. ac ‘agsare the building blocks of a web page. They contain elements that define how the formation ona web page is formatted or displayed. You can also include non-textitems chasimages, links, and lists on the web page using the text. Tags do not appear in the srowser window but they affect the display of the text and non-text items init. Each tag inHTML follows specific rules and syntax. These tags are not case sensi cagname> and <TAG NAME> will have the same effect. , forexample, ‘The HTML tags or commands are inserted before and after the text. Each tag, giving a ‘pecticinstruction, begins witha less than sign'‘<' and ends witha greater han sign‘>’. Forexample, the tag for defining paragraphis <p>. ‘Youuse <p> before the block of text that you want to designate as a paragraph. This is the opening tag or the ON tag. At the end of the text block, you place </p>. This is the dosing tag or the OFF tag, So, to define a paragraph, you will type the following in the texteditor; SYNTAX: <p> some text</p> ELEMENTS AN HTML element consists of an ON tag, the content, The HTML elements can be categorised as: > EmptyElements ontag and an OFF tag. > Container Elements Container Elements ae The elements thatinclude both ON and OFF tags are! called Conta cb» This makes the text bold </b> ments. Forexampler Empty Elements ements contain only ON tags. They donothave 0! ata; instead they do some functionon their own. bro tag (Itbreaks thelineand displays thetext fromthenextline) FF tags. These elements donot Emptyel enclose ary & Forexample Opera, a popular wed browser by Opera Software, i known for its features, like dovnload ‘manager, inbuilt phishing, {and malware protection, tc 18 aso the default Integrated browser for various mobiles, Let's Know More <HTML> tag isthe coutermost tag in HTML andi also known asthe root element. Know the Fact ‘The emeta>t3g, which is placed inside the <head> clement, s used to specify ‘page description, keywordsand other metadata (information about data) of the HTML. document ATTRIBUTE re i : additional information about an 1 eler ‘an attribute is the property that provides addi TML element, 4 5 a tag, Anattribute is always specified inside the opening tag, All attributes Consist og atag. OF tg AN For the, eMsidea tag es the width of the horizontal linen pixels gp, ” Percen, ality of ier pene Jue. The ‘name's the property that you want to set and the ‘value’ is what you wy vame anda value. i pr ty. Attribute valueis always enclosed within quotes. We can use more than one attribut property.A Forexample, the width attribute of the <hr> tag spe : default, the width of the horizontal ruleis 100%. Soif we write <hrwidth=502>, the horizontal line will cover only 50% of the page. ® RULES FOR WRITING HTML CODE > Tagsand attribute names are not case sensitive, s0 <Head>, and chead> have the same meening i, using lower case is recommended. ‘ > Container tags should always be closed because an unclosed tag can|ead to undesired results, > Values givento theattributes should be enclosed within quotes especially ifthe value Contains any blankspox > Attribute values can be case sensitive. > When the tags are embedded, .e., when you starta tag within another tag, youneed to close. the inner tagbets closing the outertag. For example: <p> <b> Hello </p> </b> «/ <p> <b> Hello </b> </p> | » Tagnames should not contain spaces. For example, writing <body> as <b o d y>isincorrect. > There should be no space between ‘<’ and ‘>’ ina tag. ® HTML DOCUMENT STRUCTURE ‘The general structure of an HTML document has two sections: Head and Body. HEAD SECTION The Head section provides general information about the document, e.g,, the Title defines a title for the pas the browser's Title bar. BODY SECTION tes The body section contains the text that gets displayed on the web page along with the other tags and are includes text, graphics, and the other HTML elements that Provide control and formatting to a page, lke Paragraph, list, and other elements. Let us discuss the basic structure ofan HTML document. 7 t > The HTML document starts with <html> tag and ends with </html> tag. Everythingis written within thes? the commands are not enclosedin tags then a web browser will assume the commandsas text. ; tha f nt > The <head> tag is the HTML document header. It lies just below the <html> tag. It contains informatio” important about the web page, but you cannot seeit in the browser window. The <head> contains note! itself. Conmtrs wn KiPS <28> within the <head> tag. It contains the title of the documen: » | 't. The title is displayed on eon of the browser window and not inside the window itself. The ttle should be short and on, pan A rarecers “ee _ ag corn the contents of your document that gets displayed on the web page in your browser a pine coe?? tag, youUse number of formatting elements, images, heading, list, and hypertext links to a pexppesranceat aweb page. on seers REDE OF HTML elements usedin the body tag: settee erent > Textlevelelements Lies generate up te full with avatble and by default begin on a new line. These elements include eit gee? panting cht | serzotatrue chr emerng <center>: Jenidememsare used tomari-up bits of text. They do not start on anew ine and only take up asmuch widthas Theseinclude tagstike: ae : a 1 ‘Text, which you want to show on your web page will be given bere. Tem ional difference between these two types s that block-level elements do cause jing, functions | The main are vee | rents do not cause line whereas as text level elem : | he coming section, we will discuss some of the common HTML elements that are used freque, i In the cot 7 | document. ® HEADING This tagis used to define different heading levels in an HTML document. It is basically used to emp There are six heading levels, H1 to H6. The Hi heading style displays the text in the largest size andisms main headings. The lower levels are used for sub headings and less important things. Its not essen heading levelsin hierarchy. These heading tags are written within the <body> tag of the document. nly uy y <html> <head> | <title> Using Heading Styles t= - Saleen as oes = - KIPS LEARNING PVT. LTD. -(H1) KIPS LEARNING PVT. LTD. - (Hl)




<[body> <[html> ® PARAGRAPH To display along piece of text ona web browser, the Paragraph element

is used, which marks a block oft Paragraph. To mark the end of a paragraph, element is used. When you start another paragraph. th?" ragraphs. ® LINE BREAK ELEMENT argin on the screen. Line breaks are good for ending lines @ an introduce a line break into your HTML document with the M* Jp ss. You ci
tag. Thiselementhasnoend tag, Learning Kips Computers with My oH ey Se y= oo? ae? nevreakelement <[title> © Lnebrest tement SO hie | CisersiMimayDesktop/.. Qt QO Jy we Kips Learning Pvt. Ltd. ge? B-40, Sector-57, of Noida é Pin-201305 ing Pvt. Ltd.
ipsa! Ph-8130100096 ; _o,sector57, yoda in201305<01> 8130100096 | ebody> fhtmi> D HORIZONTAL RULE > COMMENT <-Learning HTMLis great fun—> or » BOLD Forexample ® IauicS Todraw the Italicstyle- TYPE For example window. Insucha case, youneed to use The bold tagis used when youneed to asboldandtype after thetext, Organised by: KIPS Learning Pvt. Ltd. tisused as a separator between blocks of text. The

element draws a horizontal line across the page. Itis an enptyelement and hasno end tag. Type
where youwanttoinsert ahorizontallinein between thetext. sofaryouhave seen that whatever you write inside body tag, it gets dsplayedinthe web browser. Somelirne®, YON tant to write notes for yourself in an HTML document, but do not want them to be displayed in the browser the Commenttag. To comment the text use any of the followingways: comments LearningHTMLisgreat fun (The commenttagworksin internet Explorer) emphasise the text. Type before typing the text that you want fo display KIDS POOL-A COMPUTER COURSE attention of areader on any important information, Italics tagis used. This element marks up the text in cis tagbefore typing the text that you wanttto display in italics and type
  • tagafter the Fext- Using Bold & Italics © berg tot mats x 4 7 © OF) Crwmnirarescen, @ <~ In this program we have used Formatting KIDS POOL - 4 COMPUTER ¢ effectsonthetext.-> Organised by: KIPS Learning Py, KIDS POOL-A COMPUTER COURSE
    Organised by: KIPS Learning Pvt. Ltd.
  • <[oody> ® CASCADING STYLE SHEETS CSSisa style sheet that provides a set of Style rules for defining the layout of HTML documents. Using C85, joucs control the colour of the text, the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs, size and layout of «colunag backgroundimages as well asa variety of other effects. Style sheets are designed to separate the presentations of documents from the content of documents. This makes site maintenance much easier and Provides mare | flexibility. The concrete benefits of CSS include: ® Controllayout of many documents from one single style sheet (External style Sheet) > More precise controloflayout > Apply different layout to different media types (screen, print, ete.) > Moreadvanced options and sophisticated techniques CSS TERMINOLOGY Property {tdefines how different elements look on the web page. Font-family, color, background, border and the ke 2* examples of properties. Value This is the value or option chosen for a property. For example: Value for the Font family property can be font names like Monotype Corsiva, Times, Arial Declaration A property and its value is collectively known as Declaration. Forexample:Color : Green Prope = Computers wits KIPS: ye pofthe HTML ‘element to which you want to apply the declaration. , 20! yea ifyou wantto change the behaviour of hr element (let us say its width should be 50%) then you would He tee gurselector- ae HF qdeclration together forma Rule, get peclaration Property Value eee. ‘Hi {Color blue; font-size: 20 px} — Rule example Value Declaration Property Selector —— ) CASCADING STYLE SHEETS Youcan include the style sheet rules with an HTML document in the following given ways. IMLINE (THE ATTRIBUTE STYLE) 2 , i: | Oneway to apply CSS to HTML elements is by using the ‘Style’ attribute. The Style attribute can be used with any | dement in the body section including the tag itself. You can use any number of declarations; each one separatedbya semicolon. Forexample:
    This is not an efficient use of style sheet as the declaration is to be repeated with every element, even if the same ‘styleis applied onsome other element inadocument. INTERNAL OR EMBEDDED STYLE SHEET This style has wider scope than the Indine method. With Indine method, the effects applied are limited to the element with which the style declaration has been specified, whereas in Embedded style, the effects get applied to g| altheelements of the type with which the style declarationhas been specified. Tocreatean embedded style sheet, youmake use of y oa So Learned Kips xpos ypos - specifies the horizontal, vertical position respectively in units of length > xtyk-horizontal & vertical positionin percentage > [top|center|bottom]][[left|center|right] - These keywords also specify the vertical & horizontal position values respectively. Values are to be chosenin conjunction from both the sets specified above. BACKGROUND REPEAT With the help of this property, you can set the repetition pattern for the background image. By default, a background image is repeated in both horizontal and vertical rections, SYNTAX: background-repeat: value 508000 | vow \where value =no-repeat}repeat-x|repeatylrepeat n00080 et} woososo > norepeat-image will notberepeated snes [soe st [acted > repeat-x-image willbe repeatedhorizontally ory ~imagewillberepeated vertically image will berepeatedinboth the directions. > repeat-y > repeat - default value, BACKGROUND ATTACHMENT This property helps in either fixing the image in the background or make it scroll when theuser scrolls the rest of the P28 SYNTAX: background-attachment:value scroll where value= fixed}: titlesbackground properties 1 tetyordreenn oe ae © | @ tiesi7e AnersAner/Destop/minvosck preprint etpectrcretn nol ca St Background propertiesrelated toimage ieara backgroundepa ‘no-repeat 2 mon is not ARECAP. > HTMLis the most widely used language to design web contents forthe internet. > Internet is a network of millions of computers, which are connected to each other to share information end resources. > Twobasic tools are required to work with HTML documents: > HTMLEcitor for creating and saving the documents > Browser for viewing the documents HTML codeis made up of elements, tags, and attributes HTMLelements are of two types > Container elements that include both ON and OFF tag > Empty elements that contain only ON tag > The general structure of an HTML documenthas two sections > Headsection:Itcontains the title that identifies the first part of. > Body section: Thisis the section where youdomost of the work ‘an HTML document C5Sisastyle sheet that provides the set of stylerules for defining the layout of HTML documents You caninclude the style sheet withan HTML document in three wa > Indinemethod > Internal orembedded Style Sheet method > External Style Sheet method > _HTMLallows youtosetthe background styleof an element with the background properties. leant an Kips 0 nthe atherdocume’ inTMLS,. SECTION - A. ks. isa piece of ordinary text that has been 5 nts orweb pages. are used to view the HTML documents, » Line Break State True or False. HTMLS came into existence around 2008. Tagsandattribute names are case-sensitive. Property defines how different elements look on the web page. Pruced up with special feature of linking to elements include both ON and OFF tags. element splits the line and displays the text onanewline. iS » Canvas » Hypertext » Web browsers With the In-line method, the effects get applied toall the elements of the web page. Youcanadd animage in the background ofa web page with thehelp of picture tag. Application-based questions. featurehelpsin drawingimages directlyinthe web page. ° Container LU Ee) U le to doit. Help her : as the background of her web page but she is unabl Rashmi wants to set the image of 2200 doso. A Multiple-choice questions: A, HTMLisat a.xML, improvedversion of n cSML Learning ‘Computers with Kips 2. Amayalsa- a.Texteditor b.Web editor c.Wordeditor ..tag draws a horizontal line across the web page. 3. The... eo abe b.chr> c. 4 7 provides the set of style rules for defining the layout oF HTML dg a.cSS b.WSS c.TSS ‘iments 5, _AProperty andits valueis collectively knownas. a. Selector b. Attribute cc. Declaration 6. The helps us in placing the picture or image at a desired place document. ON the n a. Background-position b. Background-place c.Background-point B. Answer the following questions. 1. WhatisHTML? 5. Whatare Cascading St 2 ing Style Sheets? Name the different methods available for applying Style "™!eS: Learning Computers with and ther sodden Grappecrance as sectels ov as exurcementl haords. of tiny insects as food due to the loss of vegetation hse of mosquito repellents oncrete architectures with no nesting sites for sparrows Air-conditioning which leaves no entry or exit points for feeding sparro
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