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If 80% of the work involves projects, then the organization should consider

a. Projectized

b. Matrix type

c. Dedicated Team

d. Traditional Functional

2. A project is terminated early because the technology cannot be developed and the resources are
applied to another project that ends up being successful. Which of the following is true concerning the
first project?

a. The first project is regarded as a failure

b. The first project is a success if the project manager gets promoted

c. The first project is a failure if the project manager gets reassigned to a less important project

d. The first project is a success if the termination is done early enough before additional resources are

3. Reducing the downtime and Enhancing the capacity of a plant are examples of

a. Operational Project

b. Compliance Project

c. Must to Do Project

d. Strategic Project

4.In which type of matrix structure would a project manager most likely have a command of

a. Strong Matrix

b. Balanced Matrix

c. Weak Matrix

d. Cross-cultural matrix

5.The major difference between a project and a program is usually

a. specifications

b. Role of the sponsor

c. Role of the line manager

d. time frame

6.The level of effort is maximum in the following phase of any project life cycle

a. Executing

b. Planning

c. Delivering

d. Defining

7.In which organizational form is the worker in the greatest jeopardy of losing his or her job if the
project gets canceled

a. Weak Matrix

b. Projectized

c. Traditional Functional

d. Strong Matrix

8.If an organization has both standard products and projects, it should go for

a. Traditional Functional

b. Dedicated team

c. Matrix type

d. Projectized

9.The grouping of projects is called

a. Business Plan

b. Business Template

c. Project Template

d. Program

10.Integrated Project Management relates to integrating the project with

a. functional plans of the organization

b. financial plan of the organization

c. strategic plan of the organization

d. competitor's plan of the organization

11.What is a project?

a. Non-Routine repetitive work

b. Non-Routine non-repetitive work

c. Routine repetitive work

d. Routine non-repetitive work

12.If the organization has very few projects, it should go for

a. Matrix type

b. Traditional Functional

c. Projectized

d. Dedicated teams

13. Which of the following is not a project?

a. Developing a supply chain information system

b. Writing a term paper

c. Setting up a power plant

d. Attaching tags to a manufactured product

14. Scope and specifications are dealt in

a. Execution Phase

b. Planning Phase

c. Defining Phase

d. Delivery Phase
15.The training to customers and transfer of documents take place in

a. Execution Phase

b. Defining Phase

c. Planning Phase

d. Delivery Phase

16.Having too many life cycle phases may be detrimental because

a. the project manager will spend too much time planning for gate-review meetings rather than
managing the phases

b. the project manager will need to develop many different plans for each phase

c. Executive sponsors will micromanage

d. Executive sponsors will become invisible

17.Projects that remain almost entirely within one functional area are best managed by the

a. functional manager

b. project sponsor

c. project manager

d. Assigned functional employees

18.In which organizational form does the project manager often have the least amount of authority

a. Strong Matrix

b. Traditional Functional

c. Projectized

d. Weak Matrix

19.In which organization form is the project manager least likely to share resources with other

a. Traditional Functional

b. Strong Matrix
c. Weak Matrix

d. Projectized

20.Compression of the Product Life Cycle results in

a. producing products in lesser time

b. lesser products in longer time

c. more products in longer time

d. changing the variety of products

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