Human Genome Project Essay

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Zoe Pouliot

4th Block: Mr Osbron

November 7th, 2017

Human Genome Project

The human genome project has affected many people throughout its

existence. Because of this project many people have had opportunities that were

not yet available before this project. In this paper we will discuss the history of the

human genome project and everything that involves the human genome project.

The human genome project is crucial to our lives currently because of the severity

that it affects us. It shows why humans are the way they are! The human genome

project changed how we observed humans forever.

A genome is the haploid set of chromosomes in a gamete or microorganism,

or in each cell of a multicellular organism. This basically means that it is the

complete set of genes or genetic material present in a cell or organism. Genes are

the characteristics of people that are in DNA.A genome is crucial to us because

without it we wouldn't be who we are. We would not look the same and we would

not be overall the same. In turn, we just wouldn't be different and we would all

look similar.

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Mish states in his article he says that the human genome project was an

international research effort to determine the DNA sequence of the entire human

genome. The human genome project started in 1990 and continued research until

April of 2003. The project was started by multiple people in time a few of which

are; Aristides Patrinos, Galas and Francis Collins ,James Watson. All of these

people did amazing studies about human genomes. The human genome project was

started because scientists wanted to know the sequence of genes in a chromosome.

This is so that we understood the biology of why people are who they are better.

In the original human genome project website they discuss that the main

people involved in the human genome project were all very crucial to the

experiment. Overall there were hundreds of scientists from over 20 different elite

colleges. Some of these people include James Watson who initiated the beginning

of the project. He then passed it on to Michael Gottesman. The following year

Francis S. Collins was appointed to replace him. Collins would go on to continue

to be director for the remainder of the project.

In the original human genome official website they say that the process used

to identify and map the genome was the most crucial part of the entire experiment.

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The mapping of the gene was describes the methods used to identify the locus of a

gene and the distances. The identifying of the genome was difficult because they

had to go very up close to a chromosome and see the inner workings of it. This was

important because without this crucial step we wouldn't be able to find the genome.

We also wouldn't be able to see the sequence of the data. In turn we wouldn't know

critical information throughout this study because it wouldn't be documented or

able to be found again.

The information that we have gradually accumulated about the human

genome project is highly important. This is because without it we would not know

so much about our genes and chromosomes. Chromosomes and genes and the

arrangement of chromosomes is what makes you you. Without them we wouldn't

all be different. Without the knowledge we acquired about the genomes and the

sequence of chromosomes then we would have no idea why we all looked

different. We also certainly wouldn't know the logistics.

The human genome project benefits every single human because it involves

their lives. It benefits everyone because it shows so much about why we are who

we are. The project has also helped us because now scientists can use it to try and

treat various diseases like cancer. It also benefits people because it shows why

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certain mutations occur so it is easier to diagnose mutations in people. For

example, if you know the gene sequences of someone with cancer and cross

reference it with your own it would be easy to see if you have the mutation. This

could drastically change medicine.

Not only can the human genome projects research be used for good but it

also can be used for bad. We see this through the human genome article snd it

suggests this because people can use the information collected from the project and

use it to their advantages no matter how bad they can be. This includes things like

mutating animals so they are bigger. As well as mutating food so that it produces

bigger and more. This is very bad because these occurrences can harm not only the

animals and the food that we consume but also ,in turn, us. This causes people to

not support the project because they think that it can be taken badly so there would

be no use in doing it at all.

The human genome project will be continued to be used in future

generations because of its huge impact. This is because it made huge revelations in

the world of science. This project showed us why we are who we are. This project

showed us how to identify things that had not been able to be identified prior to its

observation. Without this the advancements in human studies would be highly

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stunted. This would cause us to not be as advanced as we would be with it and not

be able to do as much as we can now because of the results of this project.

In conclusion, the human genome project was very impactful. It showed

various benefits and downfalls but it has still been a huge lunge forward in science.

It shows us why we are who we are. This causes everyone who uses this project in

their daily life because they have a mutation and it show them that they can

continue on because they know how to deal with their mutation.So finally the

human genome project is wildly impactful on the human race.

“All About The Human Genome Project (HGP).” National Human Genome Research Institute

(NHGRI), National Human Genome Research Institute , 1 Oct. 2015

Mish, Frederick C, editor. Marriam-Webser's Collegiate Dictionary. 10th ed., Merriam-Webster, 2002.

“A Brief History from Mendel to the Human Genome Project.” Genome Unlocking Life's Code,

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Smithsonian Museum of Natural History

“Human Genome Project.” Science Clarified, Science Clarified

“How Is the Completed Human Genome Sequence Being Used?” Your Genome, Yg

“Timeline: The Human Genome Project.”, Welcome Genome Campus, 19 Jan.


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