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C1.R – Retailer Initiated Process (V_0.

Initiate C1.R Cancel Request
Status - Cancelled

Request Cancel decision
Request Resubmitted Resubmit decision
Requestor (Retailer)

Disagree 18
CMOS Corrections
Status – Submitted
data validation 22 Yes Close Request
No Step-7 Status - Closed
02 Rejection
Valid Rejection
Request Submitted
Status - Submitted Yes
As-is Plan Agreed
28 Retailer only 17
Step-1 Status - In progress
32 Able to assist CMOS Confirm
15 Updates No CMOS
to book
Review Rejection updates
site visit 27
Yes Review Corrections
21 24 Agree with
Info Provided No
Status – In pro gress
Proposed Plan #
As-is No
Plan Disputed Step-6
Info Provided by Status - In progress
35 Other Wholesaler /
Other Wholesaler /
Retailer Inputs on
Other Retailer
Plan / Corrections

34 Corrections 31
Info Requested
updated to CMOS
Status – In progress
Status - Completed
20 23
Request Rejected Info Requested
26 14 As-is
Status – In Progress Status – In pro gress Corrections updated Step-9
Plan Proposed to CMOS
Status – In Progress
Status - Completed As-is
No Steps-3&4
Responder (Wholesaler)

10 Step-5 Visit Complete-
Preparing Plan
Able to book
36 Status - In progress
Acknowledged 07 site visit? No
By Hub
Need additional Yes
Need Site Visit? No Yes
Information? No Require more time
No to prepare Plan?
Attempt to Book visit 09 25
(out of Bilaterals As-is
Yes system) Step-2 30
Visit Not
Initial assessment Need to Contact Completed*
05 08 Cust / Retailer No
(out of Bilaterals Status - In progress
Able to verify
system) Need to contact Mandated
Customer? verifications Legend:
No 13
03 No need to 11 Happy Path
Yes 04
Accept / Reject
Request Accepted contact Cust / Retailer
Visit Scheduled Visit Unhappy Path
Status – In progress Status - In progress Successful?

As-is 12 These activities can trigger

Step-8 Service Request Deferal

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