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Actual Test 3 LISTENING COMPREHENSION In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English, The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write e test book. your answers in PART | Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Example Sample Answer eee Statement (C), “They're sitting at the table,” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet. cued Tes 9 | 57 I | : 58 | New roa Tose ic 2 ‘et Test 3 I | 5 | www.nhantrivie 60 | New Real TOEIC Lc NLT INTE LE IE TT TT TTT www.nhantrivietcom ‘Actuel Test 3 61 PART Il Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response to 62 | Newr the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet. Example You will hear: You will also hear: (A) (8) It’s the first room on the (C) Yes, at two o'clock. The best response to the question "Where is the meeting room?” right,” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Where is the meeting room? Sample Answer Beo is choice (B), “It's the first room Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. a. 42. 43. PART Ill Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to Qtr each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (0) on your answer sheet. The conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. How will the woman contact the flower 44, shop? (A) She will visit them. (B) She will call them. (C) She will send them a letter. (0) She will write an email 45. What are the speakers talking about? (A) The charge on the customer's credit card. (B) The contract the customer made with the credit card company. (C) The delivery of the flower shop. 46. (D) The prices of flowers. What is the woman claiming? (A) She spent as much money as the record says. (B) She has not been to the florist’s for the last few weeks. (C) She has not spent any money on flowers for a long time. (D) She believed the credit card company has made the record up. ‘www.nhantrivietcom Who is the woman speaking to? | (A) Awaiter. (8) A cook. (C) A restaurant manager. (D) A co-worker. ‘What is the restaurant's special today? (A) American pasta. (6) French wines and sodas. (©) French onion soup. (D) Jamaican salad. ‘What does the woman order? (A) Wine. (8) Soda. (C) Soup. (D) Pasta. az > cual Test | 63 47. When is Ms. Stevens going on vacation? (A) On Monday. (B) On Tuesday. (C) On Wednesday. (D) On Thursday. 48. What do you know about the situation from the dialog? (A) Mr. Perkins was laid-off so they are short of a worker. (B) Ms. Stevens will be relocated to another office. (C) Mr. Chris finished his huge project. (D) Ms. Stevens will be promoted. 49. Whats the solution they came up with? (A) Have Mr. Perkins work for Ms. Stevens. (8) Have Mr. Chris work for Ms. Stevens. (C) Have Ms. Stevens not go on vacation for another week. (D) Recruit workers from other offices for that week. 50. Where does this conversation most likely take place? (A) Ata restaurant. (B) Ata kitchen, (C) Ata snack bar. (D) Ata market. 51. Whatis the fruit that is on sale? (A) Watermeion. (8) Grapes. (C) Lemons. (D) Apple. 52. Why is the woman hesitating to buy the fruits on sale? (A) She doesn't really like fruits. (B) Her family doesn't eat fruits (C) She already purchased some fruits. (D) The sale is not that good. 64 | New reat Toa uc 53. 54, 56, 57. 58, What are the speakers discussing? (A) Salad Day. (B) How to read a book. (C) Joining a book club. (D) Writing a book. ‘What does the woman want the man to do? (A) To recommend some books for her olub, (B) To donate some books for her club. (C) To be one of the leaders for her club. (D) To join her book olub. What is the man’s response to her offer? (A) He is not sure yet whether he wants to join their club. (B) He is going to join their club starting next month. (C) He is going to join the chess club instead. (0) He will not donate the ‘Salad Day’ book to the book club. Why is the man going to return the computer? (A) It doesn't work. (8) It automatically shuts down, (C) The intemet on the computer will not work, (0) The store did not give him any warranty. What do you know about the computer? (A) Itis very cheap. (B) !twas a present given to the man by his parents. (C) It is not able to connect to the Internet. (D) Itis expensive but nice. Why did it not work? (A) The man did not install any software. (B) The man did not plug it into a switch. (C) The man did not know how to turn it on. (D) The computer was a waste and was broken. 59. Where does this conversation most likely take place? (A) In an airplane. (B) Ata travel agency. (C) Ata ship. (D) Ata post office. 60. Why did the woman pick the expensive way? (A) She wants it protected. (B) The mail is heavy. (C) She wants to pay a cheap cost. (D) The mail is being sent to Tokyo. 61. What are the negatives of the woman's: decision? (A) Might get stolen during the loading. {B) Take a long time. (C) Cost more money. (D) Will not ship heavy packages. 62. What did the man damage as he was moving his desk? (A) He damaged his phone by dropping it. (B) He broke the picture frame on his desk. (C) He damaged the phone wires. (D) He damaged a light bulb on the ceiling 63. How will the man fix the problem? (A) By installing new phone wires. (B) By removing an old phone. (C) By getting a new desk. (D) By getting the thickest phone wire out there. 64, What does the woman say about her equipment? (A) They are thin but strong. (B) They are long lasting and pretty thick (C) She's been using them for ten years. {D) She uses wireless phones only. www.nhantrivietcom 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. When does Sue need help with the inventory? (A) Today, (8) Tonight. (C) Tomorrow moming. (D) Tomorrow night. What is the man trying to do? (A) Write an evaluation for workers to fill. (B) Look for an evaluation paper. (C) Look for people to do the evaluations for him. (D) Make efforts to finish the evaluations. ‘What does the woman tell the man? (A) He should start helping Sue immediately. (B) Even if he doesn't finish his evaluations, he should help Sue. (C) He should pretend as if he doesn't have any time to help Sue. (D) As soon as he finishes the evaluations, he should help Sue. ‘Where does this conversation probably take place? (A) ina workplace. (B) in a hotel. (C) Ina beach. (D) In an airplane. What does the man want to do? (A) Get some food outside before it rains. (B) Find a good place to go for a picnic. (C) Buy a nice umbrella to prepare for the rain. (D) Borrow a nice raincoat to go out this afternoon. ‘What does the woman tell the man? (A) Itwill rain for sure. (B) It will be a fine day in the afternoon. (C) He must not buy the umbrella. (D) He doesn't have to trust the weather news all the time. ——_> cual Test | 65 73. 66 PART IV Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to | answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Who is the broadcast mainly intended for? (A) Road workers. (B) Car drivers, (C) Plane pilots. (D) Train passengers. 74, 75. What are the listeners encouraged to do? (A) Use public transportation. (B) Stay in their homes. (C) Call the weather agency. (D) Leave the city. 76. How often does this report broadcast? (A) Every 20 min, (8) Every 30 min, (C) Every hour. (D) Every 2 hours. New real ToEIc Le Where can a shipping form be obtained? (A) The packing room. (B) The post office. (C) The shipping office. (D) The supply room. What will the office manager do? (A) Fill out the form. (B) Call the shipping office. (C) Endorse the form. (D) Mail the box. What should the sender do with the copy of the shipping form? (A) Keep it under the sender's file. (B) Mail it out with the package. (C) Present it to the office clerk. (D) Leave it with the office manager. 78. 79, 80. 81. 82, What is the purpose of Shell Jung's call? (A) To confirm a travel reservation. (B) To accept an invitation. (C) To change an appointment. (0) To thank a client. What has Mr. Jackie asked Mr. Jung to do? (A) Organize a conference. (8) Give a presentation. (C) Produce a marketing strategy. (D) Visit a colleague's office. Where will Mr. Jung be next week? (A) At his office. (8) Ata conference. (C)In La. (0) In Paris. What is the reason for the meeting? (A) To review employees’ performance. (B) To hire an accounting manager. (C) To approve a retirement of a company officer. (D) To encourage applying for a job opening. Where do they advertise if they can't find the right person to do it? (A) A magazine. (ATV. (C) A radio broadcast. (D) A newspaper. How long will the position be posted inside the company? (A) 3 weeks. (8) 4 weeks, (C) 2 months. (D) 3 months. 84, 85. 87. 88. Q) aetees Chapter [ets] What is Deeplake? (A) The President's hometand. (B) The department store. (C) Lake preservation office. {D) The traditional exhibition hall What did the president do at Deeplake? (A) He decorated a box. @ (B) He visited a shopping mall. (C) He addressed some students. | (D) He went fishing. What facility is mentioned in the report? | (A) A classroom. (B) A food court. | (C) A dock. 1 (D) A conference room. | What is the purpose of the talk? (A) To proclaim the new owner of the museum, (B) To announce a job opening, (C) To advertise a contest. (D) To welcome a new colleague. What will happen in August? (A) The museum will host guests. {B) Additional jobs will be available. (C) A new magazine will be published. (0) An exhibition will start and be photographed. What is Steve Webster's job? (A) Photographer. (B) Marketing specialist. (C) Editor. (D) Accountant. Actual Test 3 | 67 89. 90. 91. 92. 93, 94. Why has the ski trip been delayed? (A) There is not enough snow on the mountain. (B) There are not enough rooms in the resort (C) The bus has broken down on the highway. (D) The highway is blocked temporarily. What will the travelers do this evening? (A) Stay at the Blueview hotel. (B) Stay at the resort. (C) Drive through the snow. (D) Go skiing on the mountain. When will the travelers arrive at the ski slopes? (A) This evening. (B) Tomorrow moming. (C) Tomorrow afternoon. (D) Tomorrow evening What will Maria be responsible for? (A) Marketing and sales. (B) Research and development. (C) Building maintenance. (D) The operation of the office. ‘What is NOT a part of Maria's job? (A) Ordering supplies. (B) Controlling working hours. (C) Responsibility of personnel issues. (D) Making records for accounting. What will Maria do next? (A) Talk about her expectations of the employees. (B) Introduce herself. (C) Welcome the new employees. (D) Give a keynote speech. 68 | New real ToC Le 95, 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. Who is invited to the picnic? (A) Employees from the high school. (B) The community members. (C) Workers and their famil (D) Client's families. What are picnic-goers reminded to bring? (A) Food. (B) Games. (C) Swimsuits (D) Drinks. Where will the picnic be held? (A) At the high school (B) In the parking lot. (C) On company grounds. (0) Ina park. How many movies are referred to in this message? (A) Two. (B) One. (C) Three. (D) Four. What is the movie ‘The Goal is to Goal about? (A) Politicians. (B) Olympic swimmers. (C) A soccer game. (D) The life of an athlete. What's the fare for children under 10? (A) $6.50. (B) $9. (C) $5.50. {D) $10.

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