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Arranged by :

AKWILINA AFRA (G1011181081)

RIDWAN (G1011191284)

Praise the presence of God for the blessings and grace that He has given,so that this proposal
can be completed on time.
The business that we are going to build is bamboo handicraft in the from of trash bins,bamboo
plates and tampah.The reason we make this craft is bamboo is easy to find and can be used as a craft.
We hope that this proposal can be useful to readers.We raslized that this proposal is still
lacking,so we expect criticims and suggestion from readers.
Chapter 1


A.Background of manufacture produce

Bamboo is the material are easy to get.Bamboo can grow anywhere,because the amount there
is a lot,then the bamboo can be utilize as a handycraf.Bamboo can be made with a motif and unique

B.Purpose of making the produk

-To increase cretifity.
-To increase buy and sell bamboo.
-Add to our experience as a beginner intrepreneur,and
-Make quality craft and can be selling.

C.Benefits of making product

1.Trash bins
The trash can have be come common object and must have for everyone in his house.Because
tresh can very helpful in terms of cleanliness,because being moved to a landfill.
2.Bomboo Plate
Bamboo plate to be alternative choice for some housewife.The choice in based there are
abstacles using a plate from non organic material.Hot foot when put on a plate form material plastic and
melamine can reduce food quality because of chemical material
Beside to winnow the tampah useful for decoration.
Chapter 2


A.Product name
1.Trash bins
2.Bamboo plate

B.Tools and material


C.Place produce
Place produce in the KETAPANG city,because KETAPANG city the best bamboo producer.

D.Marketing strategy
1.Brochure distribution.
2.Edvertise product on online media.
3.Website making for marketing via internet
4.Go directly to consumers.

E.Swot Analisis
-Craft in design with various interisting creation
-The bamboo as one of the potential that can support community empowerment program
improve walfare if managed with good and serius.
-The material used is easy to obtain
-The process it's quite easy done by craftmen.
-Many competitors especially product made from plastic tend to be practical and inexpensive.

Chapter 3

A.Product target
The product produce is 25 type of product every day or 50 every month (25 working

B.Consumtion target
The target consumtion is all gender,age and professional.

C.Income target
The amount of income we want to get everyday is Rp.1.000.000 and in a month can get
Rp.3.000.000 .
D.Cost plan

Operating costs

Material Amounth Unit Price Total

Bamboo 25 Peaces RP.5.000 RP.125.000

Rattan 5 Bunch RP.5.000 RP.25.000
Wood 4 Sticks RP.4.000 RP.16.000
Cutter 3 Peaces RP.6.000 RP.24.000
Paint 4 Peaces RP.20.000 RP.8.000
Knife 2 Peaces RP.10.000 RP.20.000
Nail 2 Kg RP.12.000 RP.24.000
Chapter 4


So this proposal be made,hopefully can be a reference and consideration in set up a

business.For that we hope support as well the role of all parties in establishment this business.Thank

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