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Alveus, gen. nov. (Bacillariaceae, Bacillariophyta), a Heavily

Silicified Diatom Found in Warm Water Oceans
Department of Biology, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, EOA 3CO Canada; Department of Oceanography,
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 778433146

KEY WORDS New genus, SEM, Systematics, Pattern of distribution, Silica export
ABSTRACT Scanning electron microscope images of complete and damaged frustules of Nitzs-
chia marina Grun. revealed an unusual chambered structure of the valve. This structure is not
present in any existing nitzschioid genus and warrants an independent generic status for this
taxon, which is therefore separated into Alueus gen. nov. Generic and emended specific definitions
are provided and presented in the context of their relationship to other genera within the family
Bacillariaceae. Deep relief of the inner surface of Alueus valves is similar to that of genera Fragi-
lariopsis, Denticulopsis, Neodenticula, and Crucidenticula. It differs from all these diatoms in the
alveolar striation. This heavily silicified diatom was found in samples from the US Joint Global
Oceanographic Flux Studies cruise "TO07 stations 2 and 4, (9" and 5"N respectively, 140"W)in the
equatorial Pacific. Presently, this uncommon species is restricted to warm waters. It is very com-
mon in the surface sediments of the equatorial Pacific and Indian Ocean and in the tropical and
subtropical Atlantic. The sedimentary record of Alueus marinus goes back to the Middle Late
Miocene (approximately 8 Ma years). o 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
NOMENCLATURAL HISTORY OF THE TAXON Simonsen (1974)pointed out the unusual structure of
The taxon Nitzschia angustata var. marina was first the valve of Nitzschia marina detected through light
recognized by Grunow (Cleve and Moller, 1878) when microscope (LM) observations. He noted that the striae
identifying diatoms from the Balearic Islands, Medi- are chambered "much like in Pinnularia" (Simonsen,
terranean Sea (exsiccata, Cleve and Moller, 1878, 1974, p. 53) and occluded from the inside by a thin
slides 154 and 155), collected by Dr. F. Siiderlund. It is membrane. The membrane is perforated by small sub-
listed as one of 173 diatom species present on these marginal openings through which the chamber com-
slides (Cleve and Moller, 1878, pp. 6,7). Later, referring municates with the remainder of the interior of cell.
to the Balearic taxon as separate from the freshwater Our scanning electron microscope (SEMI observations
N . augustata, Grunow (Cleve and Grunow, 1880) made of frustules as well as two micrographs presented by
it a distinct species, Nitzschia marina, which he subse- Akiba and Yanagisava (1986) confirmed the accuracy
quently illustrated in Van Heurck (1881).The volume of Simonsen's observations. However, the taxonomic
of this publication housed in the Museum of Natural affinity of this diatom was outside the major thrust of
History in Vienna carries Grunow's handwritten name Akiba and Yanagisava's presentation (1986). Subse-
label on plate 57, Figures 26-27, which may be re- quently, we examined damaged and dissolving valves
garded as an iconotype. Unfortunately, Grunow's col- and expanded our understanding of the valve internal
lection which is also housed by this institution does not architecture.
possess a designated type of the species. Moreover, N . The goal of this paper is to document the unusual
marina is not listed in any of Grunow's slides (Riedl, structure of N . marina valves, which supports the sep-
personal communication, 1994). arate generic status. The diatom apparently has not
Independently, Heiden (Heiden and Kolbe, 1928) de- been examined in full detail using SEM, and conse-
scribed a species, Synedra gaussii, from equatorial and quently the taxonomic significance of the valve struc-
southern Atlantic waters, which was later put into syn- ture was not fully appreciated.
onymy with Nitzschia marina by Kolbe (1954) and re- MATERIALS AND METHODS
cently confirmed by Simonsen (1992) in his typification Water and net samples examined were collected by
of Heiden's taxa. In addition, Heiden described the va- R.V. Thompson Survey I Cruise TT007 in early spring
riety S . gaussii var. trigibba Heiden. Following Kolbe's 1992 at stations 2 and 4 (9ON-5"N and 140"W). Sam-
conclusion on the conspecificity of S. gaussii and N . pling methods were described in Murray et al. (1992)
marina, Simonsen (1992) proposed retaining the taxon
at the forma level by making this new combination, N .
marina forma trigibba (Heiden) Simonsen. W e agree
that it is useful to retain a separate form status for this Received January 26, 1994; accepted in revised form August 31, 1994.
diatom until more is known about the range of its mor- Address reprint requests to Irena Kaczmarska, Department of Biology, Mount
phological variation. Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, EOA 3CO Canada.


and Kaczmarska and Fryxell (in press). Cell densities also best suitable for photomicrography. We found on
were enumerated by Utermohl technique (Kaczmarska this slide a total of 11 complete or nearly complete
and Fryxell, in press), while biomass contribution was valves lying in the valve view, two apical fragments,
calculated by cell volume method (Liu and Kaczmar- and one frustule with two girdle bands attached in gir-
ska, submitted). dle view. These specimens (Figs. 1-19) were 98-160
Diatom frustules from net hauls were cleaned by pm long and 7.5-11 pm wide with 11-12 striae and
methods proposed by Hasle and Fryxell(1970) and Si- had 9-10 fibulae in 10 pm. Other key features can be
monsen (1974), mounted in Hyrax, and examined in an noted the eccentric raphe (Figs. 1,8), the rectangular
inverted ZEISS ICM-405 microscope (LM). Cleaned girdle view (Figs. 9, lo), the great range of size (Figs. 1,
frustules were mounted on aluminum stubs, each with 7), and the coarse structure (Figs. 17, 18). Each stria
a glass coverslip affixed to its tops for SEM examina- consisted of two rows of poroids which are barely re-
tion. The cleaned samples were sputter-coated with 20 solvable in LM, with 18-19 poroids in 10 pm (Figs. 8,
nm gold and observed in a JEOL 6400 SEM (Texas 11,13,14,16,19).Shorter valves were lanceolate (Figs.
A&M University Electron Microscopy Center) a t an 1-3,5,12,13); longer valves were more linear (Figs. 6,
accelerating voltage of 15 kV and a working distance of 7). An apparently aberrant, lunate valve was also en-
8 mm. To demonstrate the maximum range of specific countered (Figs. 4,111, contrasting with the linear lan-
variability, measurements of the specimens found in ceolate shape (Fig. 12). Internal apertures of the cham-
the North Atlantic Warm Core Rings (Kaczmarska et bered striae noted by Simonsen (1974) were detectable
al., 1986) were also included in an emended species (Figs. 8, 13-16, 19). These Balearic specimens were
description. never formally described. Consequently, the name
Nitzschia angustata var. marina should be considered
EXAMINED MATERIAL Later, after examining his Atlantic material, Gru-
ALueus Kaczmarska and G. Fryxell, gen. nov. now in Cleve and Grunow (1880) recognized Nitzschia
Frustula symmetria nitzschioidea. Raphe continua, angustata var. marina (erroneously spelled as N . an-
non elevata super superficiem valvae, moderate asym-
metrica. Copulae apertae. Striae alveolatae. Alveola
omnium striarum in limbo extendit.
Frustules with nitzschioid symmetry, elongate. Ra- Figs. 1-19. (See page 4.) All specimens in Figs. 1-19 come from
phe continuous, not elevated above the valve face sur- the 1878 Cleve and Moller slide 155 representing collection material
face, moderately asymmetrical. Copulae open. Striae from the Balearic Islands. The slide is in the B.M. Adams Collection
housed at the Natural History Museum, London.
alveolate, the chambered architecture of all striae con-
tinuous onto the mantle. Figs. 1-7. LM. Valves in the face view, variation of the shape and
Diagnosis: Genus striis alveolatis a confamiliis di- size. Figs. 1, 2: Note curvature of raphe near poles. ~ 8 0 0 Fig.
. 3:
versa. Slightly oblique view showing mantle adjacent to raphe. x 800. Fig. 4:
Curved, lunate valve with asymmetric margins. ~ 7 8 0 .Fig. 5:
Etymology: Refers to the hollow (alveolar) structure Slightly curved valve. X 800. Fig. 6 Valve with almost parallel sides,
of striae. tapered at poles. x 580. Fig. 7: Oblique view of valve with rounded
Generitype: Alueus marinus (Grunow) Kaczmarska poles. ~ 5 7 0 .
et G. Fryxell, comb. nov.
Fig. 8. LM. The position of the external apical raphe ending. Note
Alueus marinus (Grunow) Kaczmarska also poroids of striae. x 1,200.
et G. Fryxell Figs. 9,lO. LM. Valve and cingulum in girdle view. Fig. 9 focuses
Basionym: Nitzschiu marina Grunow (Cleve and on the mantle. Fig. 10 focuses on cingulum. x 800.
Grunow, 1880, p. 70). Nitzschiu angustutu var. marina Fig. 11. LM. The same valve as in Fig. 4. Almost complete lunate
Grunow in Cleve and Moller (1878; page 6, slide 154, valve, arrowheads pointing to the row of internal apertures of the
1551, nomen nudum. chambered striae. x 1,240.
Synonym: Synedra gaussii Heiden (Heiden and
Figs. 12, 13. LM. The same valve as in Fig. 1. Fig. 12 shows a
Kolbe, 1928). continuous raphe system. Fig. 13 shows biseriate poroids of the ex-
Lectotype: Cleve and Moller (1878, (exsiccata) slide ternal surface of striae. x 1,170.
154, Natural History Museum in Vienna).
Iconotype: Cleve and Grunow (1880, Plate 57, Fig. Fig. 14. LM. Portion of the same valve as in Fig. 4, showing the
raphe (let%),biseriate striae, and internal apertures of chambered
26). striae (right). x 1,900.
Collection Material and Earlier Descriptions Fig. 15. LM. Internal apertures of chambered striae (arrowheads).
We have examined isosyntypic material (Cleve and x 2,000.
Moller, 1878, exsiccata) from the Balearic Islands Figs. 16, 17. LM. Continuous raphe, biseriate striae (Fig. 17) and
housed by the Natural History Museum in Vienna, the the internal apertures of the chambered striae (Fig. 16, arrowheads).
Natural History Museum in London, and the Swedish x 1,210.
Museum of Natural History. The greatest range of
Figs. 18, 19. LM. Fig. 18 focuses on the raphe side of the valve
variation in size, shape, and ornamentation was found showing misalignment of striae on two sides of the raphe, Fig. 19 on
on slide 154 from the B.M. Adams collection housed at the internal apertures of the chambered striae (arrowhead) and bi-
the Natural History Museum in London. This slide was seriate striae. x 1,160.

Figs. 1-19. (Legend appears on page 3.)


Figs. 20-25. (Legend appears on page 6.)


gusta var. marina, p. 70) as an independent species and endings were bent toward the middle of the valve apex
named it Nitzschia marina. His description gave the and terminated bluntly in widened fissures (Figs. 21,
following characteristics: valves 95-165 pm long and 24). Internally, the apical raphe endings terminated in
8-9 pm wide, bearing 12 striae in 10 pm and 19 por- straight helictoglossae (Figs. 27,281. The valve face and
oids in 10 pm within a striae. Although the original mantle bear biseriate striae on most of their external
description is very brief, the diatom is easily recogniz- surface (Figs. 20,21,24). These striae were interrupted
able in LM. Heiden and Kolbe (1928) collected the spe- by a solid siliceous ridge running along the valve face
cies along an Atlantic transect spanning from 8"N to margin on the side opposite the raphe (Figs. 21,24,33,
35"s and from 12"W to 12"E. This material demon- 34,351. The valve surface was partially depressed into
strates the greatest morphological variation thus far a shallow groove running close to this ridge (Figs. 20,
observed. A new form, S. gaussii f. trigibba, was found 21,24).A low elevation corresponding to this depression
in this collection. The specimens conforming to the typ- would likely be present in the sibling valve. Striae were
ical morphology were described as follows: 53-353 pm alveolate. The alveoles continued into the mantle (Figs.
long and 8-12 pm wide, with 10-12 striae in 10 p and 30 and 21 arrowheads, 33-35). Alveoles opened exter-
hstinctly decussate punctae of the striae. The trigib- nally through a row of large alternating poroids: 2-2.5
bous form differs from the typical form only in the out- in 1 pm (Figs. 33-35). The number of alveolate striae
line of the valve margin. was unequal on the two sides of the raphe, being 8-10
striae in 10 pm on the narrower side, a number corre-
Authors' Material sponding to the number of fibulae (Figs. 26, 29-31).
In the Pacific samples examined, the frustules were These striae opened to the valve interior through por-
almost always solitary. On only one occasion did we find tulae (Figs. 29,32 arrowheads, 33). On the wider side of
three cells joined by their valve faces. As the material the valve, striae were more numerous, 9-14 in 10 pm.
we examined was preserved, we restrain from comment They opened to the valve interior by elliptical apertures
on the cellular content. The frustules were rectangular (Figs. 26 arrowhead, 30-32,33 arrow) along the valve's
in girdle view (Figs. 23, 25), 65-252 pm long and 6-9 margin.
pm wide, and with pervalval axis of 12-18 pm deep. In Many features which are interpretable only through
four frustules examined in SEM the raphe systems were an understanding of SEM micrographs can be seen in
located diagonally on the frustule, thus demonstrating the light microscope. The internal apertures of the
nitzschioid symmetry. Copulae were open at one apex chambered striae on the wide side of the valve face are
with a short and broad ligula a t the other end (Fig. 22, visible in some of our specimens (Figs. 11, 15, 16) as
arrowhead); no ornamentation was discernible on them well as those examined by Simonsen (1974). A combi-
(Fig. 25). In the epicingulum there were three wide nation of the chambered striae (Fig. 29) and the asso-
copulae and possibly one narrow band a t the abvalvar ciated external longitudinal depression along with
end (Fig. 25). The long valves were linear through most margin ridge (Figs. 21,24) gives rise to the distinct line
of their length (Fig. 20); the short valves were lanceo- on the specimens seen in LM (Figs. 1, 2 , 4 , 11-16, 18,
late. Ends were shortly tapering and broadly rounded 19).The biseriate nature of the striae is very difficult to
(Figs. 21, 24). The mantle was deep, joining the valve discern in the aged slides, although some micrographs
face a t an obtuse angle (Figs. 26, 35). The raphe was suggest this feature (Fig. 14). Although the raphe was
continuous, not elevated above the valve face (Figs. 21, not elevated in the specimens examined in SEM (Figs.
24, 25), moderately eccentric, and closely paralleling 21, 24, 251, light micrographs show that its position
one margin (Figs. 20,21,24).The external apical raphe generally corresponds with the longitudinal depression
on the sibling valve (Figs. 8, 11-16, 18, 19). A nonde-
pressed part of the valve (along with the raphe) may
therefore appear to be slightly elevated with respect to
Figs. 20-25. (See page 5.) All SEM figures represent specimens
the remaining valve surface.
Fig. 20. SEM. Entire valve, outside view. x 1,100. The genus Nitzschia (Hustedt, 1930; Krammer and
Fig. 21. SEM. Bottom apex of the valve from Fig. 20, showing the
Lange-Bertalot, 1988; VanLandingham, 1967-1979) is
external apical raphe ending and biseriate striae. Note shallow de- one of the largest genera of diatoms and includes ap-
pression running along the marginal ridge (arrowhead). x 4,200. proximately 900 species (VanLandingham, 1967-1979)
whose frustule morphology demonstrates great diver-
Fig. 22. SEM. A copula, open at one end and carrying a short stout sity. With thorough electron microscopical investiga-
ligula at the other. Arrowhead points toward the ligula which is ob-
scured in this orientation. x 6,600. tions, the intrageneric systematics of the genus Nitzs-
chiu has been recently under critical review (Hasle,
Fig. 23. SEM. Girdle view of a frustule. x 6,600. 1993; Mann, 1986, personal communication). A new
Fig. 24. SEM. Top valve apex of Fig. 20, showing external apical
concept of the genus based on the works of Mann
raphe ending, with widened fissure and biseriate striae. Note contin- (19861, Round et al. (19901, and Hasle (1993) clearly
uous shallow depression from Fig. 21 (arrowhead). x 4,300. indicate the heterogeneity of this genus. Old genera
have been reinstated (e.g., Tryblionella W. Smith,
Fig. 25. SEM. Apical part of the frustule from Fig. 23, showing Fragilariopsis Hustedt, Pseudonitzschia H. Peragallo,
raphe fissure (arrowhead)arrangement and morphology of three wide
copulae of the epicingulum and a putative fourth, narrow copula in Gomphonitzschiu Grunow). New genera have been re-
the abvalvar position (arrowhead). X 3,000. cently established (e.g., Psammodictyon Mann, Gom-

Figs. 26-31. All SEM figures represent specimens from the US Fig. 29. SEM. Internal view of valve; raphe fissure located under-
JGOFS TT007 station 2. neath fibulae between arrows. x 8,000.
Fig. 26. SEM. Inner surface of a complete valve shows fibulae Figs. 30, 31. SEM. Cross-section showing that the chambered
(arrow) and apertures of chambered striae (arrowhead). x 1,500. striae extends to the mantle which is proximal to the raphe (Fig. 30,
arrowheads) as well as to the mantle which is distal to the raphe (Fig.
Figs. 27,28. SEM. Internal apical raphe ending with helictoglossa 31, arrowheads). Cross-section view of poroids (two small arrows point
(arrows). x 15,000. to poroids detectable in this region) and fibulae (large arrow). Fig. 30:
x 6,000; Fig. 31: x 5,370.

Figs. 32-35. All SEM figures represent specimens from the US the raphe and separates the chambered striae from it (black-and-
JGOFS n o 0 7 station 2. white arrowheads). The black arrowhead points to the openings of the
chambered striae into the raphe channel. x 8,000.
Fig. 32. SEM. Incomplete valve with the external part missing.
Internal view with the siliceous plate forming the bottom of the cham- Fig. 34. SEM. External surface of the valve face showing a dis-
bered striae. Arrowheads point to portulae of fibulae; the lower one is continuity of the areolation between valve face and mantle (arrow-
partially damaged and exposes connection, via raphe canal, between head) and an alternating biseriate pattern of areoles. x 10,000.
the chambered stria of the narrow part of the valve and the cell in-
terior. A row of apertures connecting chambered striae of the wide Fig. 35. SEM. Cross-section of a valve showing the position of the
part of the valve to the cell interior runs along the opposite margin. mantle relative to the valve face and the depth of the transapical ribs
~5,000. separating the chambered striae. x 10,000.
Fig. 33. SEM. External view with the siliceousplate at the bottom
of chambered striae. The undamaged plate ascends laterally towards
photheca Hendey and Sims, and Simonsenia Lange- blionella since it is lacking almost all of the diagnostic
Bertalot) which would conform to the earlier concepts characteristics.
of the genus Nitzschia (Hustedt, 1930; Krammer and Chambered striae similar to those in Alveus are
Lange-Bertalot, 1988). Alveus differs from all these known from several families of diatoms. Long alveolar
genera by having chambered striae. striae, extending through the part of the valve face, are
Heavily silicified valves of several diatom species present in Pinnulariaceae (Pinnularia Ehrenberg),
comprising the genus Fragilariopsis (most notably Scoliotropidaceae (Scoliopleura Grunow, Scoliotropis
Fragilariopsis kerguelensis) bear superficial resem- Cleve, Biremis Mann, and Progonia H. Schrader),
blance to the genus Alveus in their external ornamen- Fragilariaceae (Catacombas Williams and Round, Pter-
tation, in particular in their biseriate areolation. How- oncola Holmes and Croll), Ardissoneaceae (Ardissonea
ever, their valves are unilayered. Thus the striae are De Notaris), and Endopylaceae (Gephyria Arnott). The
not alveolate, the mantle and transapical ribs are gen- first two families belong to the order Naviculales,
erally shallow, and when elevated (e.g., F. kerguelensis while the last three belong to the order Fragilariales
(O'Meara) Hust.) the transapical ribs possess locking (Round et al., 1990), diatoms distinct from Alveus in
projections, which facilitate the fit of the valvecopula the frustule symmetry and the lack of raphe, respec-
margin and the ribs similar to those present in the tively. There are also numerous genera with striae con-
denticuloid genera (Kaczmarska, unpublished data). sisting of a series of loculate areolae which may be
Denticuloid diatoms possess deep transapical ribs viewed as an alveolar striae divided into numerous
(pseudosepta) between the striae. The marine genera smaller compartments-for example, Dictyoneis Cleve,
Denticulopsis (Simonsen) Akiba and Yanagisava, Neo- Diploneis Ehrenberg, Stauropsis Meunier, or Psam-
denticula Akiba and Yanagisava, and Crucidenticula modictyon. Among these, only the last genus belongs to
Akiba and Yanagisava (all from family Bacillariaceae, the family Bacillariaceae. It differs from Alveus in that
Akiba and Yanagisava (1986) implicitly) possess ex- it has a keeled raphe system and simple striae.
tensive systems of pseudosepta, crossbars, and mar-
ginal ribs projecting from the valve to the cell interior SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL DISTRIBUTION
(Akiba and Yanagisava, 1986; Simonsen and Kanaya, Alveus rnarinus was found in several samples of the
1961).In addition, they differ from Alueus in the struc- US JGOFS Cruise TT007 Stations 2 and 4 a t depths of
ture of areolae and the complex, septate structure of 60 and 3 m as well as in plankton net hauls. Its relative
the girdle. frequency was 0.15% at depth 3 and 0.81% at depth 60
The genus Alveus shares the nitzschioid symmetry m of the micro-phytoplankton. Its biomass was esti-
of the frustule with almost all members of the family mated to be 2.65 x 10T3-2.65 x pg CI1-I and
Bacillariaceae (Round et al., 1990) but differs from all contributed 0.92-2,140 x of the total organic
in the alveolar structure of the striae. We speculate carbon found at these depths. Thus, it was a minor
that the chambered striae could have developed from contributor to the diatom flora and to biomass in our
the deep internal transapical ribs running between samples.
every two rows of areolae. The free, distal ends of the We also found this diatom in the Warm Core Rings of
ribs were subsequently joined by a siliceous plate the North Atlantic (Kaczmarska et al., 19861, where it
parallel to the valve face. The plate enclosed the was rare in net hauls from the Sargasso Sea, Gulf
chambers from the cell interior, as shown on the wide Stream waters, and Rings Center in the fall of 1981
side of the valve face. On the narrow side of the valve and 1982, a t the locations between 35"41'-40"25'N and
face, the number of chambers was reduced to the 63"25'-71"55'W. Equatorial and southern Atlantic as
number of fibulae, while the basic alveolar structure of well as Mediterranean records of occurrence are pro-
the striae was preserved. None of the 15 genera vided by Cleve and Grunow (1880), Heiden and Kolbe
included in the Bacillariaceae (Round et al., 1990) and (19281, and Hustedt (1958). Thus, the contemporary
two genera discovered by Akiba and Yanagisava distribution of the species spans from 40"N to 40"s in
(1986) seen in SEM demonstrates a similar complexity the Atlantic Ocean. Simonsen (1974) and Cleve and
of the striae. Grunow (1880)found the species in numerous locations
In the original description of the taxon, Grunow in the subtropical and tropical Indian Ocean and Ara-
(Cleve and Grunow, 1880) included Nitzschia marina bian Sea. In the equatorial Pacific Alueus marinus has
in the section Tryblionella within the genus Nitzschia. not been reported from the water column in earlier
The section was defined by a very eccentric raphe sys- quantitative studies (Fryxell et al., 1979; Hasle, 1959,
tem, valves with undulate surface, and indistinct fibu- 1960). However, it was reported from the southern Pa-
lae. Based on the fine structure of frustules as revealed cific by Cleve and Grunow (1880). Interestingly, both
in SEM, Tryblionella has been recently reinstated as a earliest reports (Cleve and Grunow, 1880; Heiden and
genus (Round et al., 1990). Using SEM these authors Kolbe, 1928) found both varieties of the species in the
documented structure of the generitype, Tryblionella gut of salps. A . marinus f. trigibba may outnumber the
acuminata W. Smith. In T . acuminata, the valve is type variety in the salp gut. In plankton samples A .
monlayered and the striae are simple. Each stria con- marinus is usually reported as rare or uncommon.
sists of a shallow groove perforated by a row of poroids. Alveus rnarinus is more frequently seen in the sedi-
The fibulae are distinct but very short. In addition, the ments. In the surface (bottom) and Quaternary sedi-
raphe is keeled and very eccentric in Tryblionella ments of the Equatorial Pacific, Atlantic and the In-
(Round et al., 1990). Based on these observations, dian Ocean it is reported as one of the most common or
Alveus rnarinus cannot belong to the genus Try- even dominant diatom (Jouse et al., 1971; Kolbe, 1954,

1955, 1957). The abundant occurrence is confined to jouseana Burckle, N . mioceanica Burckle, and N . plio-
the narrow equatorial band of siliceous bottom sedi- ceana (Brun) Mertz which occur mainly in low-latitude
ments (approximately 10°N-lO"S) in the Pacific and sediments, also demonstrate affinity to A . marinus in
Indian Oceans and in a broader band (30°N-18"S) in the LM and SEM morphology of the complete valves
the Atlantic. Other heavy silicified diatoms also re- (Akiba and Yanagisava, 1986). Planned detailed SEM
ported from the equatorial Pacific surface sediments examination of the broken valves of these taxa may
not far from the site of our collection, such as Azpeitia elucidate their taxonomic affinity and phylogenetic re-
nodulifer (Schmidt) G . Fryxell & P.A. Sims, Plank- lationship.
toniella sol (Wallich) Schutt, Thalassiosira oestrupii
(Ostenfeld) Proshkina-Lavrenko, and Thalassiothrh ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
spp. (JOUS~ et al., 1971), were found more frequently in We thank L. Welling for taking samples on US
our samples than Alveus marinus. All these diatoms JGOFS cruise TT007 and Dr. J.W. Murray, the chief
are apparently established, although normally not nu- scientist, and S. Kadar for excellent support. Ms. K.
merous, members of the phytoplankton community in Childs of the Natural History Museum in London and
the equatorial Pacific. Heavily silicified diatom frus- Dr. H. Riedl of the Natural History Museum in Vienna
tules are more likely to escape dissolution after cell and the staff of the Swedish Museum of Natural His-
death and during sinking to the sea bottom, where they tory provided invaluable assistance in search for the
are often overrepresented in the surface sediments type material and with Cleve and Moller exsiccata. Dr.
when compared to their abundance in the water col- M. Poulin of the Canadian Museum of Nature helped
umn (e.g., Fenner et al., 1976;Jouse et al., 1971). Other with nomenclatural history.
diatoms that are common and frequent components of Drs. H. vanderLeest and P. Fryxell kindly translated
regional phytoplankton communities may be found in diagnosis to Latin, and J. Ehrman expertly helped with
the sediments in such quantities that they impair drill- SEM operations. Liu Duan allowed us to use his un-
ing operations, as in the case of microlayers contain- published estimations of the organic carbon and bio-
ing valves of ThalassiothrhlThalassionemacomplex mass of Alveus marinus cells. Mr. B.P. Shaw provided
(Kemp and Baldauf, 1993). Both Alveus and Thalassio- skillful laboratory assistance. We also thank Ms. L.
thrixlThulassionema spp. may have been abundant in McIntyre for her darkroom work and assembling the
the sediments as a result of selective preservation, as a plates. Dr. J. Johansen's and two anonymous review-
result of unusually favorable growth conditions or er's comments were very helpful in improving the final
physical accumulation such as occasionally reported version of the manuscript. The support for this study
for other species (e.g., Rhizosolenk mats). In this con- was provided by Marjorie Bell Faculty Sabbatical
text Alveus, like other heavily silicified diatoms, may Leave Fund (I.K.) and NSF grant OCE 91-15605
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