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TORRES, Fatima Claire C.

Week 5 – 8 (Quarter III)

ABM – Loyalty Principles of Marketing

Activity 3 (Performance Task)

Customer Service Skills Program

Cuisine De Amore

Program Overview
It is not about what our restaurants need to feel satisfied; rather, it is about what our customers believe our restaurants must do
to please them. The happier visitors are, the more likely they are to invest more, return, post their happy reviews, and recommend
restaurants to friends, family, and strangers online. We don't make much money until we have a buyer. As a result, they play an
important role in the creation of our marketing message and policy. In this program, we will go over techniques for
understanding customer behaviour and creating long-term customer loyalty.

Program Objectives:
This fully immersive teaching workshop offers a toolbox of techniques for dealing with all forms of consumer encounters
successfully and efficiently. Participants can gain experience in customer relationships. They will also develop customer service
skills to help them enhance their results and project a skilled, informative image that will benefit the company. At the end of the
program, you should be able to:
1. Create a personal action plan to develop your customer-service skills.
2. Recognize the impediments to providing excellent customer service.
3. Recognize and adapt to unique consumer behaviour styles.
4. Describe exemplary customer service.
5. Show how to assess consumer loyalty and take corrective steps if necessary.
6. Describe methods for communicating with irate or irritated clients.
7. Identify the advantages of excellent customer service.

Class Size: 10 to 15 participants

Length: 3 consecutive days
Time: 8:45 am – 5:00 pm

Program Outline:
I.Customer Relations Excellence – How to Have Exceptional Customer Service
1. Focus on The customer Service Success
2. Advantages of Excellent Customer Service
II.Meeting the expectations Of customers Depending on Personality Traits
1. Able to know yourself and even your own personal traits.
2. Identify Facts and recognize each other's personality style.
3. Not taking it personally.
4. Improve your listening skills so you can better get along with more clients.
III. Dealing with Different Customers: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
1. Recognize and efficiently react to individual consumer behaviors
2. Acknowledge the Anger Physiology
3. Listen to an irate client in order to quiet them down.

The customer service training will be supported with:

 A customer experience manual with tips, procedures, and room for personal notes.
 A pre-course questionnaire and/or pre-course reading addressing customer services.

Activity 4: Excellence through Ethics

Directions: Read the Case below. Analyze the situation and answer the questions raised. Write it in your notebook.
Case: For ten consecutive years, you are happy and impressed with the sales report of your enthusiastic sales force. There is no
addition to your salesforce, unexpectedly you get feedback that some customers were complaining of exaggerated claims about
your products and creating unrealistic customer expectations. What will you do to:
1. Address the complaint?
 To address the complaint, I will stay calm and listen on what customers wants. The customer needs to get into a
calm frame of mind before he or she can hear my solution—or anything I say, for that matter. I will let the customer
know that I hear what he or she is saying. If my company made a mistake, I will admit it. If we did not make a
mistake and it is a misunderstanding, I simply explain it to the customer: “I can see how that would be incredibly
frustrating for you.” I’m not necessarily agreeing with what the customer is saying, but respecting how he or she
perceives and feels about the situation. After listening, I’ll take the initiative in the conversation. Getting facts in this
problem will help the company resolve it. A small gesture of apology can turn this interaction from disaster to
legendary. The cost could be minimal—maybe a simple upgrade on the customer’s next purchase or a small gift
certificate. A simple gesture like this could result in a future referral or a positive word-of-mouth marketing
2. Retain your customers?
 After listening, I’ll take the initiative in the conversation. Getting facts in this problem will help the company resolve
it. A small gesture of apology can turn this interaction from disaster to legendary. The cost could be minimal—
maybe a simple upgrade on the customer’s next purchase or a small gift certificate. A simple gesture like this could
result in a future referral or a positive word-of-mouth marketing recommendation.
3. Troubleshoot the damage in your products?
 Our shipping and logistics strategies start and finish with dealing with broken and faulty goods. Based on these, our
company would either have to mitigate the issue itself or outsource it to a third party. Order fulfillment is important,
as is a good delivery system that delivers order confirmations and invoices. Because of today's dependency on digital
technology, electronic invoices and/or receipts sent to clients via e-mail are the most effective means of shipping
confirmation. And if you use mailing delivery systems, clients should be sent tracking details so they can keep track
of where their product is. When it comes to other types of harm or mistakes, as the CEO of the firm, I often have no
choice but to repair the issue on my own. For example, if there were problems with my product and a customer did
not get what they were meant to, I would give it to them along with a bonus present, such as coupons, as consolation
and to apologize for the mistake. And, if the commodity is defective before they purchase it, they should be prepared
to have it returned for testing and refund payments as soon as possible.

Activity 4: My Mission (Performance Task)
Directions: Mission statements define the company’s existence. Assuming you are putting up a new business, write your own company
mission. Write it in your notebook.

Cuisine De Amore

We foresee a world in which people critically think about their food choices, where an increasing number of
companies, community groups, and organizations inspire people to make healthier, greener, and more compassionate
choices, and where nutritious, sustainable plant-based foods are available to all.

Week 7
Activity 5: Research Design
Directions: In 3-5 sentences, discuss the importance of determining the right research design for any marketing research. Write your answer in
your notebook.

Marketing research plays an important role in decision-making processes by providing decision-makers with appropriate, up-to-date, and
reliable data. It aids in revenue forecasting by using the market share process, the sales force estimation method, and the jury method. This will
also aid in the establishment of sales quotas and campaign strategies. It investigates the possibility of brand expansion or the possibility of
modifying current brand names. The primary goal in marketing is to build brand loyalty. Marketing analysis aids in the creation of strategies for
popularizing and retaining brand loyalty.

Activity 6: What Is It To Me?

Directions: In 3-5 sentences, express your thought about the relevance of being skilled in writing marketing research in your personal life? Write
your answer in your notebook.

It allows us to improve our role in the organization where we work, much as it does in this industry. Knowledge is a form of influence. Market
research will help you get a greater insight and perception of the market or target demographic, allowing the company to remain ahead of the
competition. When you have this kind of influence, you will almost certainly be promoted to a high position in the company. It could also be
useful if we decide to start a small business in the future.

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