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Chapter 2: The Hydrologic Cycle
Chapter 3: Precipitation
 Formation of Precipitation
 Different Types of Precipitation
 Rainfall characteristics (Depth, Duration, Intensity, Hyetograph)
 Point Rainfall Measurement
 Different Type of Raingauges
 Estimation of Missing rainfall data
 Conversion of Point rainfall to areal rainfall
 Double Mass Analysis
Chapter 4: Infiltration
 Definition of Infiltration
 Factors affecting infiltration, and infiltration measurements
 Horton Model and Philip’s equation
 Green-Ampt Model
 Ponding Time
 Fitting infiltration model to infiltration data using excel
Chapter 5: Evaporation
(Here only discussions of basic concepts are introduced. The detailed
calculations will be dealt in Irrigation Engineering)
 Physics of evaporation
 Factors affecting evaporation
 Measurements of different factors for evaporation
 Available methods/procedures for estimating evaporation from open
Chapter 6: Basic Subsurface Flow (Steady State Condition)
 Law of Darcy, confined and unconfined Aquifers
 Ground water flow in Confined Aquifer
 Ground water flow in Unconfined Aquifer
 Radial ground water flow in Confined Aquifer
 Radial ground water flow in Unconfined Aquifer
 Travel Time of ground water in confined aquifer
Chapter 7: Rainfall-Runoff relation
 Definition of hydrograph
 Hydrograph Separation
 Unit Hydrograph
 Estimation of Discharge using unit hydrograph
 Rational Formula
 SCS Curve Method
REREFERENCE BOOKS: Author, Title, Publisher, Place of Publication, Date of Publication

1. Bedient, P.B., Huber W.C. and Vieux, B.E. Hydrology and Floodplan Analysis, Pearson 4th Ed.,
Philippine edition copyright 2010
2. David Chin, Water Resources Engineering, 3rd Ed., Pearson, 2013
3. McCuen, R.H., Hydrologic Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall, 1989
4. Linsley, R.K., M.A. Kohler and J.L.H. Paulhus, Hydrology for Engineers by: McGraw-Hill, 1986
5. Applied Hydrology by VenTe Chow, David Maidmen and Larry Mays; McGRAW-HILL
International Editions, 1988
6. Handbook of Hydrology David Maidment, 1993

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