Expressions, Equations, and Formulae

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Expressions is used to represent a value in algebaric form. For example:
x 6

The length of the line is given by the expression x + 6


The perimeter of the rectangle is given by the expression x + 6 + x + 6. This can be

simplified to 2x+12.
In the example above, x, 2x, and 8 are called term in the expressions.
In the expression 2a+3b+4c-5, what are the term?
Answer: 2a, 3b, 4c, and -5 are the term.
An equation is different from an expression.
An equation contains an equal sign (=), which shows that the expressions either side of
it are equal to each other. For example, the equation
It means that x+1 and y-2 are equal to each other.
It is important to be able to construct expressions from information that is given. For
example, suppose that we have some full boxes of counters.

The boxes contained red, yellow, blue, and green counters respectively (it does not
matter yet how many counters there are in each box). We can use:
the letter r to stand for the number of counters in a full box of red counters,
the letter y for a full box of yellow counters,
the letter b for a full box of blue counters, and
the letter g for a full box of green counters.
If there are 3 full boxes of red counters and 5 extra red counters, the total number of
red counters can be written as 3r + 5.
1. Give an example of an expression and an equation. What is difference between them.
Expression ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Equation ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. Write an expression for total number of counters in each of these cases.

a. 3 full boxes of red counters and 2 full boxes of blue counters
b. 1 full box of red counters, 3 full boxes of green counters, and 5 full boxes of yellow
c. 3 full boxes of blue counters and 7 extra blue counters
d. 1 box of yellow counters from which 5 counters have been removed
e. 1 box of blue counters from which 25 counters have been removed and then the
remaining number has been doubled

3. If the length of rectangle is (x-2) and the width is (x+6) create an equation of area of the
rectangle based on the length.
4. The mass of each of the small objects is 1 kg. Write an equation in terms of x.

5. Simplify the following expressions.

a. 3a-5a+4a=
b. 3b-8+4b+4=
c. 9g-5-g+4g-8=
d. 8+4e-8e-3=
e. 7d-3d+9-5d=

1. Expression is used to represent a value in algebraic form. Expression does not contain equal sign
Example: 3x-5, jawaban contoh dpt bervariasi yg penting ada huruf dan angka
Equation contains an equals sign (=), which shows that the expressions either side of it are equal
Example: 3x-7=4y-6, jawaban contoh dpt bervariasi yg penting ada simbol =, huruf, dan angka.

2. For example: full boxes of red counter=r

Full boxes of blue counters=b
Full boxes of yellow counters= y
Full boxes of green counters=g
a. 3r+2b
b. 1r+3g+5y
c. 3b+7
d. 1y-5
e. (1b-25)2

3. Equation: Area of rectangle is (x-2)(x+6)= x 2+4x-12

4. The equation is x+1=7
5. a. 2a
b. 7b-4 or -4+7b
c. 12g-13 or -13+12g
d. 5-4e or -4e+5
e. 9-d or –d+9

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