Special Civil Actions - Notes

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Institution of Special Civil Actions RULE 62

Since special civil actions are generally governed by ordinary rules, unless INTERPLEADER
the specific rule otherwise provides, the initiatory pleadings should comply
with the requirements under the ordinary rules. It should allege the claiming Jurisdiction
party’s cause of action, with the exception of actions for interpleader and RTC, MTC have original jurisdiction over actions for interpleader, depending
declaratory relief. on the nature and the value of the subject or property in dispute.

Additionally, when applicable, parties to special civil actions must first The nature of the action or the subject matter in interpleader is not
submit their controversy to barangay conciliation prior to resort to court, automatically incapable of pecuniary estimation. It would depend on the
provided that the parties involved are natural persons residing in the same subject of dispute or the conflicting claims. Thus, if the subject involves an
city or municipality and the dispute may be the subject matter of amicable interest over real property, then it is a real action, and the determination of
settlement in said barangay proceedings. which court may exercise jurisdiction over the case, as a rule, would depend
on the assessed value of the real property subject of the conflicting claims.
An action for interpleader is afforded to protect a person against double
vexation in respect to one’s liability and not against double liability.

A stakeholder, meaning a person entrusted with the custody of property or

money that is the subject of litigation or of contention between rival
claimants in which the holder claims no right or property interest, should
use reasonable diligence to hale the contending claimants to court. He need
not await the actual institution of independent suit against him before filing
an interpleader. He should file an interpleader action within a reasonable
time after a dispute has arisen without waiting to be sued by either of the
contending claimants. Otherwise, he may be barred by laches or undue

An action for interpleader requires, as an indispensable requisite, or a

condition sine qua non, that conflicting claims upon the same subject matter
are or may be made against the plaintiff-in-interpleader who claims no
interest whatever in the subject matter or has an interest which in whole or
in part is not disputed by the claimants. The claims must be adverse before
relief can be granted. The fund, thing or duty over which the parties assert
adverse claims must be one and the same and derived from the same

An action for interpleader may also be instituted by the filing of an answer

with a counterclaim or a cross-claim for interpleader. While Rule 62 did not

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expressly authorize the filling of a complaint-in-interpleader as part of, Thus, in case of dispute as to whom payment should be made, either
although separate and independent of the answer, this is not prohibited by consignation or an action for interpleader may be availed of, at the option
the rules. of the plaintiff.

The ordinary civil action rule that requires every action to be based on a Docket and other lawful fees, cost and litigation expenses
cause of action does not exactly apply to interpleader. By constituting a lien on the subject matter of the action, Sec. 7, Rule 62
aims to be the stakeholder unfortunate enough to get caught in a legal
The plaintiff-in-interpleader claims no interest in the subject matter of the crossfire between 2 or more conflicting claimants, for the faultless trouble
case or may have an interest in the subject matter provided that said it found itself into.
interest, in whole or in part, is not disputed by the conflicting claimants or
the defendants. The plaintiff only files the interpleader case so that the Order to implead, provisional remedy of deposit; order and and summons
conflicting claimants will interplead with each other to finally resolve their Upon the filing of the complaint for interpleader, the court shall issue an
conflicting claims, and to prevent the risk of being exposed to double order requiring the conflicting claimants to interplead with one another.
The remedy of interpleader, when proper, merely provides an avenue for
While a cause of action as defined under ordinary civil action rules does not the conflicting claims on the same subject matter to be threshed out in an
apply to interpleader, still, the complainant for interpleader should have a action.
cause of action, but based on a different standard or meaning, i.e. the
existence of conflicting claims among the defendants, where the plaintiff If the interest of justice so requires, the court may direct in the order to
does not have any claim or interest in the subject matter of the case, or the interplead that the subject matter be paid or delivered to the court.
plaintiff asserts a right or claim but the defendants agree that the plaintiff
has such right and nobody violated such right since the defendant agree to After the complaint for interpleader is files and provided the complaints is
the same or do not dispute or contest such right or claim. not dismissible on its face on the grounds of lack of jurisdiction over the
subject matter, litis pendentia, res judicata or statute of limitations, the
Consignation and interpleader court shall, within 5 calendar days from receipt of the initiatory pleading and
Compliance with the requisite of a valid consignation is mandatory and the proof of payment of the requisite legal fees, direct the clerk of court to issue
failure to comply strictly with any of the requisites of consignation will the corresponding summons to the defendants.
render the consignation void.
Summons, together with the order to interplead and the complaint, shall
Art 1256 of the NCC, however, provides the instances when prior tender of then be served on the defendants. The summons in interpleader shall direct
payment in consignation is excused: the defendant to answer within 15 days from service of summons, unless a
1. When the creditor is absent or unknown, or does not appear at the different period is fixed by the court.
place of payment
2. When the creditor is incapacitated to receive the payment at the Motion to dismiss, answer, declaration of default, and other pleadings
time it is due The defendant-in-interpleader may file an answer within 15 days from
3. When, without just cause, the creditor refuses to give a receipt; service of summon or a motion to dismiss within the time for, but before the
4. When two or more persons claim the same right to collect; and filing of the answer.
5. When the title of the obligation has been lost.

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The grounds for a motion to dismiss are those allowed under the ordinary should it be less than 5 days, reckoned from the notice of the denial of the
rules, which are lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter, litis pendentia, motion to dismiss.
res judicata and statutes of limitations, in addition to the ground of
impropriety of the interpleader action. Applying the rules on ordinary civil actions, the defendant may move for
extension of time to file their answer, for an additional period of not more
For the bar of litis pendentia to be invoked, the following requisites must than 30 calendar days, provided that there are meritorious reasons and the
concur: defendant may only be allowed to file 1 motion for extension of time to file
1. Identity of parties, or at least such parties as represent the same an answer.
interest in both actions
2. Identity of rights asserted, and relief prayed for, the relief being Parties in an interpleader case may file permissive or compulsory
founded on the same facts; and counterclaims in their respective pleadings. Third-party complaints and
3. Identity of the two preceding particulars is such that any judgement responsive pleadings are likewise allowed in an interpleader case.
rendered in the pending case, regardless of which party is Compulsory counterclaims, if any, should be set up in the interpleader case,
successful, would amount to res judicata in the other. otherwise, the same may be barred from being raised in subsequent
litigation, by reason of res judicata.
An action for interpleader may also be dismissed on the ground of
impropriety, as when the essential element of conflicting claims on the same Nothing also prevents a person or entity from intervening in an interpleader
subject is absent or it is no longer a proper remedy to be availed of. case, provided that the requirements warranting the said intervention are
In Wack Wack Golf and Country Club, the SC ruled that it. Was too late to
invoke the said remedy because it was filed after judgement was rendered Conflicting claimants, who received the answer of the other, may file their
against the stakeholder in favor of one of the contending parties. respective replies thereto within 15 calendar days from the service of the
said answer, provided that the answer attached an actionable document,
To be entitled to the remedy of interpleader, the applicant must be able to and the reply would only serve the purpose of specifically denying or alleging
show that he has not been made independently liable to any of the facts in denial or avoidance of new matters alleged in, or in relation to the
claimants. actionable document attached to the answer. If no actionable document is
attached to the answer, no reply may be filed and all new matters alleged in
The dismissal of a complaint for interpleader, may have the effect of likewise the answer shall be deemed controverted.
dismissing the compulsory counterclaim of the defendant against the
plaintiff, provided that the counterclaim arose out of or was necessarily A defendant in an interpleader case who fails to file an answer within the
connected with the recourse to the remedy of interpleader. time to do so may, on motion, be declared in default.

A motion to dismiss may be filed by the conflicting claimants within the time If the second defendant is declared in default, then the court may thereafter
for filing an answer. The defendant may, on motion, be declared in default render judgement in favor of the first defendant who filed an answer,
and thus, be barred from any claim in respect to the subject of the barring the second defendant from any claims as to the rentals. The first
interpleader. The timely filing of a motion to dismiss will toll the period for defendant would have set up his entitlement to the rental payment in his
filing an answer. Upon denial of the motion to dismiss, the movant- answer.
defendant may file his answer within the remaining period, but in no case

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Pre-trial and trial RULE 63
Rule 18 may be applied to interpleader. Hence, after the pre-trial, should DECLARATORY RELIEF AND SIMILAR REMEDIES
there be no more controverted facts, or no more genuine issues as to any
material fact, or an absences of any issue, or should the answer fail to tender Jurisdiction
an issue, the court may without prejudice to a party moving for judgement The RTC has exclusive original jurisdiction over action for declaratory relief.
on the pleadings under Rule 34 or summary judgement under Rule 34, motu An action for declaratory relief in incapable of pecuniary estimation and thus
proprio submit the case for summary judgement or judgement on the falls under the exclusive original jurisdiction of the RTC.
pleadings, without need of position paper or memoranda.
In an action for reformation of instrument, the court determines whether
After the pre-trial, the court shall refer the parties to mandatory court- the parties’ written agreement reflects their true intention, which is likewise
annexed mediation for an inextendible period of 30 calendar days. Judicial an action incapable of pecuniary estimation.
dispute resolution may thereafter proceed in another court after the court-
annexed mediation, if the court to which the case was originally raffled is The RTC, MTC may exercise original jurisdiction over quieting of title and
convinced that settlement is still possible, to be conducted within a non- consolidation of ownership, depending on the assessed value of the real
extendible period of 15 calendar days from notice of failure of the court- property in question because these actions involve title to or possession of
annexed mediation. real property, or any interest therein. The chapter on quieting the title
provides that when there is a cloud on title to real property or any interest
Judgement therein, the action may be brought to remove such cloud or to quiet the
As with ordinary rules, a judgement on a compromise may be allowed in title. Art 1607 of the NCC pertains to consolidation of ownership of real
interpleader. However, the compromise agreement should include all the property.
conflicting claimants. A judgement on a compromise that does not include
all the conflicting claimants may also expose the opposing claimants to Declaratory relief
further protracted litigation among themselves. Declaratory relief is an action by any person interested under a deed, will,
contract or other written instruments, or whose rights are affected by a
statute, executive order or regulation, ordinance, or any other
governmental regulation, to determine any question of construction or
validity arising, and for a declaration of his rights or duties, thereunder,
before breach or violation thereof.

A petition for declaratory relief gives a practical remedy for ending

controversies that have not reached the state where another relief is
immediately available.

An action for declaratory relief does not allege the requirements of a cause
of action as defined under the rules on ordinary civil actions.

If the petition for declaratory relief alleges that there is a right violated by
another, or a breach took place prior to the institution of the case, then the

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action is not properly one for declaratory relief, and the case shall be Sec. 1 with respect to the subject of declaratory relief – deed, will, contract
dismissed. In other words, a court can no longer assume jurisdiction over an or other written instrument, statute, executive order or regulation,
action for declaratory relief if its subject, i.e., the deed, will, contract, or ordinance, or any other governmental regulation – is exclusive.
other written instrument, statute, executive order or regulation, ordinance
or any other governmental regulation, had already been infringed or The fundamental reason why court decisions cannot be the subject of
transgressed before the institution of the action. declaratory relief is predicated upon the principle of res judicata, which
stamps the mark of finality in case which has been fully and definitely
In order to prevent a breach from being committed during the pendency of litigated in court.
the petition for declaratory relief, the provisional remedy of a writ of
preliminary injunction, if the requisites are present, may be availed of to Another reason why judicial and quasi-judicial orders or decisions cannot be
preserve the status quo until the merits of the case can be fully heard. the subject matter of declaratory relief is the doctrine of judicial stability or
non-interference because courts and tribunals with the same or equal
A compulsory counterclaim may be set up in the responsive pleading in an authority – even those exercising concurrent or coordinate jurisdiction – are
action for declaratory relief. not permitted to interfere with each other’s respective cases, much less
their orders or judgements.
The respondent may set up in his responsive pleadings a counterclaim
against the petitioner or in an amended responsive pleading before The judicial determination of citizenship cannot be the subject of a petition
judgement, provided that the failure to include the counterclaim in the for declaratory relief. Instead, an appropriate proceeding for naturalization
original responsive pleading was due to oversight, inadvertence, or should be instituted. A special civil action for declaratory relief if interested
excusable neglect, or when justice requires. A supplemental counterclaim only in declaration of rights and duties under a deed, will, contract or any
may also be allowed if the counterclaim matured or was acquired by a party other instrument.
after serving his pleading, provided that it is done with the permission of the
court and before judgement. The constitutionality of an executive issuance, such as implementing rules
or revenue memorandum circulars, cannot be the subject of a declaratory
A petition for declaratory relief must satisfy 6 requisites: relief, because the proper remedy is to invoke the expanded certiorari
1. The subject matter of the controversy must be a deed, will, jurisdiction of the court under Sec. 1, Art VIII of the Constitution, or to bring
contract, or other written instrument, statute, executive order or an action for prohibition.
regulation, or ordinance;
2. The terms of the said documents and the validity thereof are A petition for declaratory relief may be treated as one for prohibition if the
doubtful and require judicial construction case has far-reaching implications and raises questions that need to be
3. There must have been no breach of the documents in questions; resolved for the public good; or if the assailed act or acts of executive
4. There must be an actual justiciable controversy or the “ripening officials are alleged to have usurped legislative authority.
seeds” of one between persons whose interests are adverse;
5. The issue must be ripe for judicial determination; and If a breach takes place prior to the institution of the petition for declaratory
6. Adequate relief is not available through other means or other relief, the action shall be dismissed, without prejudice to the petitioner’s
forms of actions or proceedings. right to seek relief in an appropriate ordinary civil action or proceeding.

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If after the filing of a petition for declaratory relief but before the final appear undisputed and certain from the pleadings, depositions, admission
termination of the case or rendition of judgement, a breach of violation and affidavits on record.
takes place, the declaratory relief may be converted into an ordinary action,
and the parties shall be allowed to file such pleadings as may be necessary Execution in the manner provided under Rule 39 will not lie because there
or proper, such as the filing of an amended complaint that alleges the cause is nothing to execute in the said judgement.
of action as contemplated under the rules on ordinary civil actions.
No execution of judgements in declaratory relief, and the judgment – the
For an action for declaratory relief to prosper, the issue must be ripe for declaration itself of the rights of the parties – is sufficient to start on its own
judicial determination. This means that litigation in inevitable or there is no and to serve the purpose for which the action was filed in the first place.
adequate means that litigation is inevitable or there is no adequate relief
available in any other form or proceeding. An action for declaratory relief A petition for declaratory relief does not essentially entail an executory
based on theoretical or hypothetical questions cannot be filed for our courts process because the relief sought and the relief to be granted only involve
are not advisory courts. the declaration of rights and duties of the parties under the instrument.
(however, there are exceptions)
The court can refuse to entertain a petition for declaratory relief because
court action in declaring the rights and construing an instrument is The SC ruled in PDIC that while a declaratory relief does not essentially entail
discretionary. Where a decision would not terminate the uncertainty or an executory process, there is nothing in its nature that would prohibit a
controversy which gave rise to the action, or in any case where the counterclaim based on the same transaction, deed or contract subject of the
declaration or construction is not necessary and proper under the complaint.
The SC in Matalin Coconut Co., held that payments made under protest did
For example, a court may refuse to exercise the power to declare rights and not affect the case. It was found that the declaratory relief action was still
to construe instruments when: proper because the applicability of the ordinance to future transactions still
1. Indispensable parties are not impleaded and remained to be resolved, although the matter of refund could also be
2. Adequate relief is available through another form of action or threshed out in an ordinary suit for recovery of the taxed paid. The SC also
proceeding noted that the prayer for refund the payments made under protest was not
objected to by the respondents in their answer.
The court’s discretion to refuse to exercise its power does not extend to the
other similar special civil actions falling under Rule 63. Thus, in an action for In Matalin Coconut Co., it appears that there was already a breach insofar
reformation of an instrument, quieting of title or consolidation of as the taxes paid under protest. However, the declaratory relief pertained
ownership, the court cannot refuse to render judgement if there are no to future transactions, and the recovery of payment pertained to past
grounds warranting the dismissal of the action. transactions, where there was payment under protest. Thus, what was
executory here was not the declaration of rights but the payments made
A court may render summary judgement motu proprio or upon motion in previously. The SC sustained such recovery in the declaratory relief case to
declaratory relief, at any time after the pleading in answer to said petition avoid multiplicity of suits and because the answer praying for the refund and
had been served, when there is no genuine issue as to the existence of a the evidence presented on the payments sought to be refunded were not
material fact, to expedite or promptly dispose of cases where the facts objected to in the trail court.

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The SC ruled that the execution of judgements in a petition for declaratory accident actually prevented the meeting of the minds of the parties, the
relief was not necessarily indefensible. The SC further ruled that the INP proper remedy is not reformation of the instrument but annulment of the
retirees pleaded for the immediate adjustment of their retirement benefits contract. Reformation of instrument presupposes that: 1) there was a
which the respondents-agencies, despite notice of the said prayer, did not meeting of the minds of the parties to the contract; 2) the instrument does
object to. The SC further added that the trail court’s grant of immediate not express the true ntention of the parties; and 3) the failure of the
adjustment forestalled multiplicity of suits, which would entail a long and instrument to express the true intention of the parties due to the mistake,
arduous process. Considering the INP retirees’ advanced years, they could fraud, inequitable conduct or accident. An action for reformation of the
hardly afford another protracted proceeding. instrument presupposes a valid, existing contract, in which there has been a
meeting of the minds of the parties but the document, which embodies the
The SC in DBM considered the policy against multiplicity of suits and the agreement, fails to reflect their true intent.
failure to object the prayer for immediate adjustments of benefits in the
answer, despite notice thereof. The SC, in several cases, recognized that there may be a mistake in
identifying the exact location of the land causing a failure of the instrument
Reformation of instrument to disclose the parties’ real agreement.
As a rule, when the terms of an agreement have been reduced to writing, it
is considered as containing all the terms agreed upon and there can be, Because reformation is a recognized remedy afforded by courts of equity, it
between the parties and their successor in interest, no evidence of such may not be applied if it is contrary to well-settled principles of rules because
terms other than the contents of the written agreement. However, among equity follows the law and is only applied in the absence of and never against
several exceptions, a party may bring an action for reformation and present statutory law.
evidence to modify, explain or to add to the terms of a written agreement if
he puts in issue in his pleadings the failure of the written agreement to The rationale of the rule of reformation is that it would be unjust and
express the true intent and agreement of the parties thereto. inequitable to allow the enforcement of a written instrument which does
not reflect or disclose the real meeting of the minds of the parties.
Thus, reformation of an instrument may be allowed if subsequent and
contemporaneous acts of the parties show that their true intention was not An action for reformation is in personam, even when real estate is involved.
accurately reflected in the instrument.
One has a right of action to file an action for reformation of an instrument
In reformation of instrument, what is reformed is not the agreement itself, when his legal right is denied, challenged or refused by another; or when
but the instrument embodying the said agreement. No new contract is there is an antagonistic assertion of his legal right and the denial thereof by
created for the parties, rather, the reformed instrument establishes the real another concerning a real question or issue; or when there is a real,
agreement between the parties, as intended, but for some reason, was not definitive and substantive controversy between the parties touching on
embodied in the original instrument. their legal relations having adverse legal interest.

Reformation of instrument is that remedy in equity by means of which a The statute of limitation does not begin to run against an equitable cause of
written instrument is made or construed so as to express or conform to the action for reformation of an instrument because of mistake until the mistake
real intention of the parties, when through mistake, fraud, inequitable has been discovered or ought to have been discovered.
conduct or accident, the instrument failed to express the real agreement or
intention of the parties. If the mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct or Quieting title to real property

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Quieting of title is a common law remedy grounded of equity for the removal inoperative despite its prima facie appearance of validity or legal
of any cloud of doubt or uncertainty with respect to real property. The court efficacy.
is tasked to determine the respective rights of the complainant and other
claimants, not only to place things in their proper place, and to make the an action to quiet title in relation to property in the possession of the
one who has no right to said immovable, respect and not disturb the other, plaintiff is imprescriptible. Impressibility is accorded to cases for quieting of
but also for the benefit of both, so that he who has the right would see every title since the plaintiff has the right to wait until his possession is disturbed
cloud of doubt over the property dissipated, and he could afterwards or his title is questioned before initiating an action to vindicate his right.
without fear introduce the improvements he may desire, to use, and even
to abuse the property as he deems best. Consolidation of ownership under Art 1607 in relation to Art 1616 of the
Suit to quiet title is characterized as a proceeding quasi in rem. In an action The consolidation of ownership prescribed in Art. 1607 of the NCC is merely
quasi in rem, an individual is names as defendant and the judgement therein for the purpose of registering and consolidating title to the property in case
is conclusive only between or among the parties to the case. a vendor a retro’s failure to redeem.

The action contemplates a situation where the instrument or a record is The right to redeem under Art. 1607 in relation to Art 1616 pertains to ta
apparently valid or effective but is in truth and in fact invalid, ineffective, conventional redemption and not a legal redemption as that under Rule 39,
voidable or unenforceable, and may be prejudicial to the said title to real and Act No. 3135, which pertains to the right to redeem a property sold at
property. It may also be brought as a preventive remedy to prevent a cloud an execution or foreclosure sale, respectively, within 1 year from the
from being cast upon the title to real property. It may also be brought as a registration of the certificate of sale.
preventive remedy to prevent a cloud from being cast upon the title to real
property or any interest therein. A conventional redemption takes place when the vendor reserves the right
to repurchase the thing sold, with the obligation to comply with the
A cloud on a title exist when: provisions of Art 1616 of the NCVC and other stipulations which may be
1. There is an instrument (deed or contract)) or record or claim or agreed upon.
encumbrance or proceedings;
2. Which is apparently valid or effective; Failure to comply with the provisions of Art 1616 shall not be recorded in
3. But is, in truth and in fact, invalid, ineffective, voidable or the Registry Property without a judicial order, after the vendor has been
unenforceable, or extinguished or terminated or barred by duly heard. Thus, after the lapse of the conventional redemption period, the
extinctive prescription; and vendee a retro should institute an action for consolidation of ownership,
4. May be prejudicial to the title. praying that the court direct the consolidation of title in the vendee a ret
retro’s name.
To avail of the remedy of quieting of title, 2 indispensable requisite must
concur, namely: Art. 1602 and 1603 provides that in case of a contract of sale with a right to
1. Plaintiff has a legal or an equitable title or interest in the real repurchase or conventional redemption, there is a disputable presumption
property subject of the action; and that the same is an equitable mortgage because sale with rights to
2. The deed, claim, encumbrance or proceeding claimed to be casting repurchase are not favored. (Art. 1602 provides that a contract shall be
a cloud on his title must be shown to be in fact invalid or presumed to be equitable mortgage, in the following cases – see codal)

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RULE 64 petition under Rule 64 in relation Rule 65 is limited to resolution of
The 30-day period is inextendible. The 30 day period is counted form notice
Rule 64 refers to a mode or review or an appeal from judgements, final order of the judgement or resolution sought to be reviewed. However, the SC, in
or resolution of COMELEC and COA, acting as quasi-judicial bodies. It may be case of exceptional circumstances, may allow exceptions to the rule.
brought only to the SC
The petition
Jurisdiction The petition shall be verified and filed in 1 original, properly marked, and 4
Decisions of COMELEC and COA, Sec. 2, Rule 64 clarifies that the certiorari copies, unless the case is referred to the SC en banc, in which event the
which the aggrieved party may file with the SC. parties shall file 10 additional copies. While Sec. 5, Rule 64 mentions 18
legible copies, this was already amended by the Efficient Use of Paper Rule,
BP 129, as amended by RA 7902, expanded the jurisdiction of CA, vesting it which applies to all courts and quasi-judicial bodies under the administrative
with appellate jurisdiction over case decided and resolved by the CSC in the supervision of the SC.
exercise of its quasi-judicial functions may be taken to the CA within 15 days
from notice of the award, judgment, final order or resolution or from the For the en banc, the parties need to submit only 2 sets of annexes, 1
date of its lasty publication, if publication is required by law for its attached to the original and an extra copy; for the division, the parties need
effectivity, or of the denial of petitioner’s motion for new trial or to also submit 2 sets of annexes, 1 attached to the original and an extra copy.
reconsideration duly filed in accordance with the governing law of the CSC. All members of the SC shall share the extra copies of annexes in the interest
The appeal shall be by petition for review under Rule 43. of economy of paper.

Timeliness of filing the petition The filing of a petition for certiorari shall not stay the execution of
Period for filing the petition under Rule 64 is 30 days from notice of judgement or final order or resolution sought to be reviewed, unless the SC
judgement, final order or resolution sought to be reviewed, and not the 60 shall direct otherwise upon such terms as it may deem just. In order to stay
days period under Rule 65. the execution, the petitioner should apply for and obtain injunctive relief.
Thus, the petitioner may be accompanied by an application for the issuance
The fresh-period rule applicable under Rule 65 is not available under Rule 64 of temporary restraining order and or writ of preliminary injunction, so that
as per Sec. 4. Under Rule 63, the filing of a motion for new trial or motion the injunctive relief may be issue to restrain or stay the execution of the
for reconsideration of the said judgment, final order or resolution, if allowed judgment or final order or resolution sought to be reviewed during the
under the rules of the COMELEC or COA, shall interrupt the 30-day period of pendency of the petition.
filling the petition. If the motion for new trial or reconsideration is denied,
the aggrieved party may file the petition within the remaining period, but Outright dismissal of the petition and order to comment
which shall not be less than 5 days in any event, counted from the notice of The petition was dismissed as the case became moot and non-justiciable.
Such order to comment is equivalent to summons in ordinary civil actions.
In the absence of grave abuse of discretion, questions of fact cannot be
raised in a petition for certiorari under Rule 64. The office of the petition for Rule 64 and Rule 65
certiorari is not to correct simple errors of judgement; any resort to a

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In the absence of grave abuse of discretion, question of facts cannot be RULE 65
raised in a petition for certiorari under Rule 64 and Rule 65. These are limited CERTIORARI, PROHIBITION AND MANDAMUS
to the resolution of jurisdictional issued. Questions of fact cannot be raised
in petitioner filed under Rule 64 except to determine whether the COMELEC Jurisdiction
or the COA were guilty of grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or The following have jurisdiction to issue writs of certiorari, prohibition and
excess of jurisdiction. mandamus:
1. RTC
A review of facts and evidence is not the province of the extraordinary 2. CA
remedy of certiorari. 3. SC
4. Sandiganbayan

RTC, CA and SC have original and concurrent jurisdiction. Follow the doctrine
of hierarchy of courts.

Sec. 2, RA 10660 provides that Sandiganbayan shall have exclusive original

jurisdiction over petitions for the issuance of the writs of mandamus,
prohibition, certiorari, habeas corpus, injunctions, and other ancillary writ
and processes in aid of its appellate jurisdiction and over petitions of similar
nature, including quo warranto, arising or that may arise in cases files or
which may be filed under EO. No. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A, provided that the
jurisdiction over these petitions shall not be exclusive of the SC.

In election cases involving an act or an omission of a municipal or a regional

trail court, the petition shall be filed exclusively with COMELEC, in aid of its
appellate jurisdiction.

Scope of enforceability of the writ

BP 129 provides that the writs issued by the RTC are enforceable in any part
of their respective regions.

The court of first instance of Manila has no authority to issue writs of

injunction, certiorari, and prohibition affecting persons outside the juridical
region it formed part of. (Metro Manila is counted as one judicial region)

It may be commenced and tried where the plaintiff or any of the principal
plaintiff resides, or where the defendant or any of principal defendants

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resides, at the election of the plaintiff. One of the plaintiffs before the trial While Rule 65 limits the issuance of writ of certiorari against a tribunal, a
court was a resident of Manila. It was held that the petition could properly board, or an officer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial function, the
be filed in the City of Manila because the choice of venue was sanctioned by expanded certiorari jurisdiction of courts under Sec. 1, Art VIII of the
Sec. 2, Rule 4. Also, the SC held that pursuant to Sec. 21(1) of BP 129, a writ Constitution provides, among others, that the judicial power includes the
of prohibition issued by the RTC sitting in the City of Manila, was enforceable duty of the courts of justice to determine whether or not there has been a
in Pasay City since both Manila and Pasay fall within the National Capital grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on th4e
Judicial Region. part of any branch or instrumentality of the government. The exercise of
the court’s expanded jurisdiction to determine whether grave abuse of
Petition for certiorari under Rule 65 and petition for review on certiorari discretion amounting to lack of or excess of jurisdiction has been committed
under Rule 45 by the government is triggered by a prima facie showing of grave abuse of
A special civil action for certiorari is a remedy of last resort, available only to discretion in the course of governmental action.
raise jurisdictional issue when there is no appeal or any other plain, speedy,
and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law. It is an independent or A petition for review on certiorari under Rule 46 is an appeal to the SC that
original action based on grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or generally raises questions of law. The findings of fact of the CA are generally
excess of jurisdiction. It cannot be a substitute for an appeal or a lost appeal. deemed conclusive and the SC is not duty-bound to analyze and weigh all
over again the evidence already considered in the proceedings below,
By way of exception, the SC allowed the resort to a petition for certiorari subject to the following exceptions:
despite the existence of or prior availability of an appeal, such as: 1. When the factual findings of the CA and the trial court are
1. Where the appeal does not constitute a speedy and adequate contradictory
remedy 2. When the findings are grounded entirely on speculations, surmises,
2. Where the orders were also issued either in excess of or without or conjectures
jurisdiction 3. When the inference made by the CA from its findings of fact is
3. For certain special consideration, as public welfare or public policy manifestly mistaken, absurd, or impossible;
4. Where in criminal actions, the court rejects rebuttal evidence for 4. When there is grave abuse of discretion in the appreciation of facts;
the prosecution and, in case of acquittal, there could be no remedy; 5. When the appellate court, in making its findings, does beyond the
5. Where the order is a patent nullity; and issue of the case, and such findings are contrary to the admission
6. Where the decision in the certiorari case will avoid future of both appellant and appellee;
litigations. 6. When the judgement of the CA is premised on a misapprehension
of facts
The essential requisite for a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 are: 7. When the CA fails to notice certain relevant facts which, if properly
1. The writ is directed against a tribunal, a board, or an officer considered, will justify a different conclusion
exercising judicial or quasi-judicial function; 8. When the findings of facts are themselves conflicting
2. Such tribunal, board or officer has acted without or in excess of 9. When the findings of facts are conclusions without citation of the
jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or specific evidence on which they are based;
excess of jurisdiction; and 10. When the findings of fact of the CA are premised on the absence of
3. There is no appeal or any plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in evidence but such findings are contradicted by the evidence on
the ordinary course of law. record
11. In petition for issuance of writ of amparo

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12. Petitions for issuance of writ of habeas data
13. Petition for issuance of writ of kalikasan A special civil action for certiorari lies only when there is no appeal nor any
14. Petitions for issuance of writ of continuing mandamus plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law. Thus,
Sec.1, Rule 41 provides that the aggrieved party, in any of the following
Questions of fact cannot be raised except to determine whether the public circumstances where no appeal is available, may file a special civil action
respondent was guilty of grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or under Rule 65 as a remedy:
excess of jurisdiction. 1. An order denying a motion for new trail or reconsideration
2. An order denying a petition for relief of any similar motion seeking
A petition for certiorari seeks to correct errors of jurisdiction while a relief from judgement
petition for review on certiorari seeks to correct errors of judgement 3. An interlocutory order
committed by the court. 4. An order disallowing or dismissing an appeal
5. An order denying a motion to set aside a judgment by consent,
An error of jurisdiction is one where the act complained of was issued by confession or compromise on the ground of fraud, mistake or
the court without or in excess of jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of duress, or any other ground vitiating consent
discretion, which is tantamount to lack or in excess of jurisdiction and 6. An order of execution
which error is correctible only by the extraordinary writ of certiorari. 7. A judgement or final order for or against one or more of several
parties or in a separate claim, counterclaims, cross-claims and
An error of judgement is one which the court may commit in the exercise third-party complaints, while the main case is pending, unless the
of its jurisdiction and which error is reviewable only by appeal. errors of court allows an appeal therefrom; and
judgement include errors of procedural or mistake in the court’s findings. 8. An order dismissing an action without prejudice.
Any error committed in the evaluation of evidence is merely an error of
judgement that cannot be remedied by certiorari; the writ of certiorari Certiorari is not allowed when a party to case fails to appeal a judgement
cannot be issued to cure error of the trial court in its appreciation of despite the availability of that remedy. The remedies of appeal and certiorari
evidence of the parties or its conclusions anchored on the said findings and are mutually exclusive and not alternative or successive. The availability of
its conclusions of law. the remedy of a petition for review or an appeal effectively forecloses the
right of a party to resort to a petition for certiorari, except when an appeal
Where the court has jurisdiction over the person and the subject matter, the is satisfactorily shown to be an inadequate remedy.
decision on all other quest5ions arising in the case is an exercise of that
jurisdiction; consequently, all errors committed in the exercise of such The remedy against a decision rendered by the RTC is an action filed under
jurisdiction are merely errors of judgement. In other words, when the court Rule 65 is ordinary appeal under Rule 41, by filling a notice of appeal with
has jurisdiction over the case and person of the defendant, any mistake in the RTC, since the action under Rule 65 is an original action. However,
the application of the law and the appreciation of evidence committed by instead of filing with the CA an appellant’s brief within 45 days from receipt
the court may be corrected only by appeal. rulings of the trial court ion of notice of the transmittal of records to the CA, a memorandum shall be
procedural questions and on the admissibility of evidence during the course filed, within a non-extendible period of 30 days from the receipt of the said
of a trail are interlocutory in nature and may not be subject of a separate notice.
appeal or review on certiorari; they must be assigned as errors and reviewed
in the appeal properly taken form the decision rendered by the trial court
on the merits of the case.

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If the action under Rule 65 was filed with the CA, the remedy against the In Tom vs Rodriguez, the petitioner filed a petition for review on certiorari
decision rendered therein is by petition for review on certiorari under Rule under Rule 45, assailing the CA’s resolution denying his prayer for injunctive
45 with the SC. relief. The SC found that the resolutions denying the prayer for issuance of
a temporary restraining order and or writ of preliminary injunction were
Supreme Court may treat a petition for certiorari as a petition for review on interlocutory orders and as such, the proper remedy should have been to
certiorari and vice versa file a petition for certiorari under Rule 65, and not a petition for review on
The SC has, on appropriate occasions, treated a petition for certiorari as a certiorari under Rule 45. While the petition was thus dismissible outright, in
petition for review on certiorari, particularly when: accordance with the liberal spirit pervading the ROC and in this interest of
1. The petition for certiorari was filed within the reglementary period substantial justice, as justified by the merits of the petition, which was filed
to file a petition for review on certiorari within the 60-day reglementary period under Rule 65, and since petitioner
2. The petition avers errors of judgement; and alleged that the CA departed from the accepted and usual course of judicial
3. When there is sufficient reason to justify the relaxation of the rules proceedings, the SC deemed it proper to treat petitioner’s petition for
review on certiorari as a petition for certiorari.
The SC in Navares noted that the petitioner used the wrong remedy to
challenge the CA’s decision. A petition for certiorari under Rule 65 was filed Note, however, that while a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 may be
with the CA. The remedy against the decision therein should have been a treated as having been filed under Rule 45 to serve the higher interest of
petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45. Nevertheless, the SC deemed justice, the same cannot be done when the petition is filed beyond the
it proper to treat the petition for certiorari as a petition for review on reglementary period for filing a petition for review and without offering any
certiorari since the petition: 1) averred errors of judgement; 2) weas filed reason therefor.
within the period to file a petition for review on certiorari; and 3) there was
sufficient reason to justify the relaxation of the rules and to do so would The period for filing a petition for certiorari is 60 days from notice of the
serve the higher ends of justice. assailed decision or order, while a petition for review on certiorari should be
filed within 15 days, subject to an extension of 30 days provided that docket
The SC held in Delsan Transport Lines Inc vs CA, that it cannot be claimed and lawful fees are paid upon filing the said motion. If the petition for
that the petition for certiorari was used as a substitute for appeal after that certiorari, which is being sked to be treated as a petition for review is filed
remedy was lost through the fault of the petitioner because it was filed on the 60th day from notice of the assailed decision or final order, the
within the reglementary period for filing the said appeal. reglementary period for filing an appeal under Rule 45 would have already
lapsed, and as such, the petition for certiorari can no longer be entertained
In Cathay Pacific Steel Corporation vs CA, the SC found no compelling reason as a petition for review.
to treat the petition for certiorari as a petition for review on certiorari
considering that the petitioner did not file the petition within the The bare invocation of “interest of substantial justice” line is not some magic
reglementary period for filing a petition for review on certiorari under Rule wand that will automatically compel the SC to suspend procedural rules.
45. Petitioners filed a petition for certiorari, alleging grave abuse of
discretion on the part of the CA, on the 61st day from the receipt of the When petition under Rule 65 are considered as prohibited pleadings
resolution of the CA denying their motion for reconsideration. (The proper Petitions for certiorari, mandamus or prohibition against any interlocutory
remedy was to file a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45) order issued by the court are prohibited pleadings under:
1. Rules of procedure is small claims cases
2. Rules of summary procedure

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3. Rule on writ of amparo
4. Rule on the writ of habeas data Sec. 1, Art VIII of the Constitution provides, among others that the judicial
power includes the duty of the courts of justice to determine whether or not
While it is prohibited to avail of a petition for certiorari against any there has been grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
interlocutory order issued by the court in small claims cases, the SC ruled jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the government.
that the remedy of an aggrieved party against a final and unappealable This is the expanded certiorari jurisdiction of courts, and it does not limit the
judgement in a small claims case is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65. review to acts performed in the exercise of judicial or quasi-judicial functions
only. Even when an administrative agency, for instance, does not perform a
Under the rule on ordinary civil actions, petitions under Rule 65 are also judicial, quasi-judicial or ministerial function, the constitution mandates the
prohibited in the following instances: exercise of judicial review when there is an allegation of grace abuse of
1. To assail the denial of affirmative defenses, instead, the denial discretion.
should bee among the matter raised on appeal after judgement on
the merits For the extraordinary remedy of certiorari and prohibition to lie by reason
2. To assail the motu prorio order of the court to submit the case for of grave abuse of discretion, the abuse of discretion must be so patent and
judgement on the pleadings or summary judgement after pre-trial gross as to amount to an evasion of positive duty, or a virtual refusal to
3. To assail the order denying the demurrer to evidence before the perform the duty enjoined or to act in contemplation of law, or where the
judgement power is exercised in an arbitrary or despotic manner by reason of passion
4. To assail any action of the court on a motion for judgement on the and personal hostility. These grounds under Sec. 1 and 2 of Rule 65 are
pleadings, and strictly interpreted.
5. To assail any action of the court on a motion for summary
judgement It falls upon the petitioner to discharge the burden of proving there was
grave abuse of discretion on the part of the respondent, in accordance with
The denial of a demurrer to evidence, which is actually in the nature of a the definition and standards set by law and jurisprudence.
motion to dismiss (or to acquit) filed after the plaintiff or the prosecution
presented its evidence and rested its case, is not appealable, it being The SC, as a general rule, does not interfere with the Ombudsman’s
interlocutory; nevertheless, while being interlocutory, certiorari will not lie determination of the existence or absence of probable cause. Only when
to assail the said denial for the following reasons: 1) the proper remedy, there is a clear case of grave abuse of discretion will the court interfere with
whether the case involved is an ordinary civil action or a criminal case, is to the findings of the Office of the Ombudsman.
proceed with trail and to appeal the decision rendered in the entire case in
due time, and 2) It is expressly prohibited under the rule for ordinary civil Petition for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus should not be resorted to
actions. However, by exception, if the denial of the demurrer to evidence in when there are other plain, speedy and adequate remedies; exceptions
a criminal case is attended by grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack A remedy is plain, speedy and adequate if it will promptly relieve the
or excess of jurisdiction, the denial may be assailed through a petition for petitioner from the injurious effects of the judgement, order, or resolution
certiorari. of the lower court or agency. It is the inadequacy, and not the mere absence
of all other legal remedies and the danger of failure of justice without the
Remedy when any tribunal, board or officer exercising judicial or quasi- writ, that must usually determine the propriety of certiorari or prohibition.
judicial functions acted with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or The determination of what constitutes a plain, speedy and adequate remedy
excess of jurisdiction

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rest on judicial discretion and depends on the particular circumstances of 1. Where the order is a patent nullity, as where the court a quo has
each case. no jurisdiction;
2. Where the question raised in the certiorari proceedings have been
RA 6770 or the Ombudsman Act of 1989, does not provide for the remedy duly raised and passed upon by the lower court, or are the same as
of appeal from the decisions of the Ombudsman in criminal or non- those raised and passed upon in the lower court
administrative cases. The remedy against decision of the Ombudsman in 3. Where there is an urgent necessity for the resolution of the
administrative charges, where the penalty is not light or does not absolve question and any further delay would prejudice the interest of the
the respondent of the charge, is by appeal to the CA under Rule 43. If the government or of the petitioner, or the subject matter of the action
decision of the Ombudsman in an administrative charge imposes light is perishable
penalties (public censure, reprimand, suspension of not more than 1 month 4. Where, under the circumstance, a motion for reconsideration
or fine equivalent to one month salary) or absolves the respondent of the would be useless
charge, such decision under Sec. 27 of the Ombudsman Act is considered 5. Where petitioner was deprived of due process and there is extreme
finals and unappealable. As such, these decisions, if tainted with grave abuse urgency of relief
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, may only be assailed 6. Where, in a criminal case, relief from an order of arrest is urgent
by means of a petition for certiorari with the CA. and thew granting of such relief by the trial court is improbable
7. Where the proceedings in the lower court are a nullity for lack of
It is incumbent upon an applicant for a writ of certiorari to allege with due process
certainty in his verified petition, facts showing that there is no appeal, not 8. Where the proceedings were ex parte or in which the petitioner
any plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law, had no opportunity to object; and
because this is an indispensable ingredient of a valid petition for certiorari. 9. Where the issue raised in one purely of law or where public interest
in involved.
The SC, however, may grant an exception to the strict application of the
rules, if the application thereof would tend to frustrate rather than promote A petition for certiorari cannot be allowed when the same is filed after a
justice; it is always within the power of the SC to suspend the rules, or except party to a case fails to appeal a judgement to the proper forum, especially if
a particular case from their operation because it is always conscientiously one’s own negligence or error in one’s choice of remedy occasioned such
guided by the norm that on ethe balance, technicalities take a backseat loss or lapse. Thus, when an appeal is available to the aggrieved party, the
against substantive right, and not the other way around. action for certiorari would not be entertained, even if the ground is grave
abuse of discretion. The remedies of appeal and certiorari are mutually
As a general rule, a motion for reconsideration must first be filed with the exclusive, not alternative or successive.
lower court, agency, tribunal, board, officer, corporation or person prior to
resorting to the extraordinary remedies of certiorari prohibition or In Hi-Yield Realty Inc vs CA, the SC denied the petition for certiorari filed 58
mandamus, since a motion for reconsideration may still be considered as a days after the petitioner received the assailed resolution, which belated
plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law. action was construed as the petitioner’s effort to substitute for a lost appeal
the petition for certiorari filed.
The rule that a motion for reconsideration of the assailed order or resolution
is generally required before resorting to a petition for certiorari, prohibition Where the error sought to be corrected neither related to the court’s
or mandamus is subject to exceptions: jurisdiction nor involves grave abuse of discretion, review of the error

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through certiorari will not be allowed. This rule, however, admits exceptions proceedings in the lower court. The SC in Go clarified that the principle of
such as when: judicial courtesy remains to be the exception rather than the rule.
1. It is necessary to prevent irreparable damage and injury to a party;
2. The trial judge capriciously and whimsically exercise his/her A person aggrieved by the grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
judgement excess of jurisdiction must have legal standing to file the petition
3. There may be danger of failure of justice The person aggrieved who can avail of the special civil action of certiorari
4. An appeal would be slow, inadequate, and insufficient; pertains to one who was a party in the proceedings before the lower court.
5. The issue raised is one purely of law
6. Public interest is involved; and Private and public respondents under Rule 65
7. In case of urgency When the petition filed related to the acts or omissions of a judge, court,
quasi-judicial agency, tribunal, corporation, board, officer or person, the
The SC in Luna, held that while an appeal was previously available to the petitioner shall join as private respondent with such public respondent, the
petitioners, who opted instead to file a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 person/s interested in sustaining the proceeding in the court. For example,
with the CA. the SC ruled that where a rigid application of the rule that the party in whose favor the interlocutory order was issued would be the
certiorari cannot be substituted for a lapsed appeal will result in a manifest private respondent in the certiorari or prohibition action filed by the
failure or miscarriage of justice, the rule may be relaxed. The SC concluded aggrieved part, and the public respondent would be the court that allegedly
that considering the broader and primordial interest of justice, particularly issued that interlocutory order with grave abuse of discretion amounting to
when there is grave abuse of discretion, thus impelling occasional departure lack or excess of jurisdiction.
from the general rule that the extraordinary writ of certiorari cannot
substitute for a lost appeal, the CA may legally entertain the special civil Inextendible period for filing the petition under Rule 65 and its exception
action for certiorari. The 60-day period ought to be considered inextendiuble and further,
because the general rule is that rules of procedure must be faithfully
Petition for certiorari will not automatically suspend proceedings in the complied with and should not be discarded with the mere expediency of
court a quo claiming substantial merit.
when a party assails an unappealable judgement or interlocutory order by
certiorari under Rule 65, the pendency of such petition shall not warrant the Under the exceptional cases, the 60-day period may be extended subject to
suspension of the proceedings in the principal case below unless a the court’s sound discretion. While the deletion of the provision for
temporary restraining order or a writ of preliminary injunction has been extension of time to file a petition under Rule 65 means that the period of
issued, enjoining the public respondent from proceeding with the principal filling is inextendible, it is only for the general rule and such deletion of
case. provision still does not make the extension of time to file the petition
absolutely prohibited; had it been the intention to prohibit the extension of
As an exception to the rule that the proceedings below will continue unless time to file a petition, then the deleted provision could have just been simply
restrained by a temporary restraining order or a writ of preliminary reworded to state that no extension of time shall be granted. Absent such a
injunction, the SC in Go vs Abogar, ruled that the to maintain the efficacy of prohibition, then by exception, motions for extension of time may be
Sec. 7, Rule 65, the principle of judicial courtesy may be applied only if there allowed, subject to the court’s discretion.
is a strong probability that the issues before the higher court would be
rendered moot and moribund as a result of the continuation of the An exception to the strict application of the 60-day period to file petitions
under Rule 65 may be allowed when:

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1. There is most persuasive and weighty reasons therefore
2. It is necessary to relieve a litigant from an injustice not In prohibition, the petition prays that judgement be rendered commanding
commensurate with his failure to comply with the prescribed the respondent to desist from further proceedings in the action or matter
procedure specified therein, or other granting such incidental reliefs as law and justice
3. There is good faith of the defaulting party by immediately paying may require.
within a reasonable time from the time of the default
4. There exists special or compelling circumstances In mandamus, the petition should allege the facts with certainty, praying
5. The merits of the case warrant the same that the judgement be rendered commanding the respondent, immediately
6. There is cause not entirely attributable to the fault or negligence of or at some other time to be specified by the court, to do the act required to
the party favored by the suspension of the rules be done to protect the rights of the petitioner, and to pay damages
7. There is a lack of any showing that the review sought is merely sustained by the petitioner by reason of the wrongful acts of the
frivolous and dilatory respondent.
8. The other party will not be unjustly prejudiced thereby
9. There is fraud, accident, mistake or excusable negligence without Thus, in all cases under Rule 65, damages may be prayed for an awarded.
appellant’s fault For certiorari and prohibition, the court has competence to award damages
10. Peculiar legal and equitable circumstances attendant to each case pursuant to the prayer in the petition that it grants such incidental relief as
warrant the same law and justice ma require. In mandamus, Sec. 3 categorically provides that
11. It is in the name of substantial justice and fair play the petitioner may ask that the respondent be directed to pay the damages
12. The importance of the issues involved warrants the same; and sustained by the petitioner by reason of the wrongful acts of the
13. It is granted by the exercise of sound discretion buy the judge respondent.
guided by all the attendant circumstance.
While Rule 65 involves original actions, there will not be any service of
In all the foregoing instances, there should be an effort on the part of the summons. The equivalent thereof under this special civil action is the
party invoking liberality to advance a reasonable or meritorious explanation issuance of the order to comment, to be served on the respondents. The
for his failure to comply with the rules. manner of service of the order to comment shall depend on the manner that
the court shall direct.
Petition, comment and proceedings
In certiorari and prohibition, the petitioners therein shall be accompanied A comment is not, in all cases, imperative and the respondent’s failure to
by: file a comment is not necessarily fatal to its cause since Sec. 6, Rule 65
1. A certified true copy of the judgement, order or resolution subject establishes that the need for a comment rests on the sound discretion of the
of the petition; and court. A respondent’s non-compliance neither automatically entails its
2. Copies of all pleadings and documents relevant and pertinent admission of all the averments made in the petition nor the rendition of the
thereto. decision adverse to it because Sec. 8, Rule 65 allows the case to proceed
even after the period for filing of a comment has lapsed without the
In certiorari, the petition prays that judgement be rendered annulling or respondent having filed a comment. Even after the lapse of such period, the
modifying the proceedings of the public respondent tribunal, board or court may still entertain the parties’ memoranda or set the case for hearing
officer, and that the court grant such incidental reliefs as law and justice may and, thereafter, render its decision, since Sec. 8, Rule 65 provides that after
require. the ceomment or other pleadings required by the court are filed, or the time

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for the filling thereof has expired, the court may hear the case or require the usurpation of jurisdiction or power by an inferior court, or when, in the
parties to submit their respective memoranda. If, after such hearing or filing exercise of jurisdiction in handling matters clearly within its cognizance, the
of memoranda or upon the expiration of the period for filing, the court finds inferior court transgresses the bounds prescribed to it by the law, or where
that the allegations of the petition are true, it shall render judgment for such there is no adequate remedy available in the ordinary course of law by which
relief to which the petitioner is entitled. such relief can be obtained. e

The court may dismiss the petition if it finds the same to be patently without A petition for prohibition is proper to assail an order of execution. As a rule,
merit or prosecuted manifestly for delay, or if the questions raised therein parties are not allowed to object to the execution of a final judgment. One
are too unsubstantial to require consideration. In such event, the court may exception is when the terms of the judgment are not clear enough and there
award in favor of the respondent treble cost solitarily against the peti3tioner remains room for its interpretation. If the execution applies, the respondent
and counsel, in addition to subjecting the counsel to administrative may seek the stay of execution or the quashed of the writ. Of execution.
sanctions under Rule 1390 and 139-B of the ROC. Although an order of execution is not appealable, an aggrieved party may
challenge the order of execution via an appropriate special civil action under
Although the court is afforded judicial discretion in imposing treble cost, Rule 65 of the ROC.
there remains a need to show that it is sound and with basis, in that all
pertinent circumstances are taken into due consideration, the reason Venue for filing petition for prohibition
therefor must be clearly explained. In Landbank bs Atlanta Industries Inc., the SC clarified that if the petition
related to an act ort an omission of a municipal trial court or a corporation,
Petition for prohibition a board, an officer or a person, it shall be filed with the RTC exercising
Prohibition is a preventive remedy seeking a judgement ordering the jurisdiction over the territorial area as defined by the SC. It may also be filed
respondent tr to desist from continuing with the commission of an act with the CA. if the petition involved an act or omission of a quasi-judicial
perceived to be illegal. It lies against the exercise of judicial, quasi-judicial or agency, unless otherwise provided by law or the rules, the petition shall be
ministerial functions, not against the exercise of legislative or quasi- filed with the cognizable by the CA.
legislative functions.
Prohibition cannot restrain acts that are fait accompli
The requisite of a petition for prohibition are: Prohibition will not lie when there are no further proceedings to be enjoined
1. The impugned act must be that of a tribunal, corporation, board, or when the matter is fair accompli. Its proper function is to prevent the
officer, or person, whether exercising judicial, quasi-judicial or doing of an act, which is about to be done. When, however, under the
ministerial functions; circumstances, the act sought to be restrained can no longer be committed,
2. The respondent judge or tribunal issued the order without or in resort to such recourse is rendered futile for prohibition is not intended to
excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion, or the provide a remedy for acts already accomplished.
assailed interlocutory order is patently erroneous; and
3. There is no plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary The SC in Tan ruled that although the plebiscite has been held a new
course of law. province proclaimed and its official appointed, the case before it cannot
truly be viewed as already moot and academic since the legality of the
The purpose of the writ of prohibition is to keep a lower court within the plebiscite itself was challenged for non-compliance with constitutional
limits of its jurisdiction in order to maintain the administration of justice in requisite. The SC found unacceptable the respondent's argument that the
orderly channels. Prohibition is proper remedy to afford relief against controversy was already fait accompli and as such, the plebiscite in its effect

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should be passively acceded. A dismissal of the instant petition, as the when it is doubtful. The principal function of the writ of mandamus is to
respondents so propose, was a proposition fraught with mischief. command and to expedite, not to inquire and to adjudicate.

Thus, in the light of the facts and circumstances alluded by the petitioners Manamus cannot be used to enforce contractual obligations.
as attending to the unusual rapid creation of the province after a swiftly
scheduled plebicit, it was founded in Tan that the Supreme Court had the The remedy of mandamus is available only to compel the performance of a
duty to repudiate and discourage the Commission of acts which run counter ministerial duty. If the law imposes a duty upon a public officer and gives
to the mandate of the fundamental law, done with whatever branch of the him the right to decide how or when the duty shall be performed, such duty
government. The Supreme Court will not look with favor upon those who is discretionary and not ministerial. Their duty is ministerial only when the
may be hereafter inclined to ram through all sorts of legislative measure and discharge of the same requires neither the exercise of official discretion or
then implement the same with indecent haste, even if such app would judgment.
violate the constitution and the prevailing statutes of the land. It was ruled
that it was illogical to ask the Supreme Court to be blind and deaf to protests When the act ought to be performed involves the exercise of discretion, the
on the ground that what is already done is done. respondent may only be directed by mandamus to act but not to act in one
way or the other period thus, mandamus will not lie to compel a court to
Petition for mandamus grant a new trial on the ground of newly discovered evidence.
the peremptory writ of mandamus is an extraordinary remedy that is issued
only in extreme necessity, and the ordinary course of procedure is powerless Mandamus is available to compare the performance by public prosecutor of
to offer than adequate and speedy relief to one who has a clear right to the an ostensibly discretionary function, where by reason of grave abuse of
performance of the act to be compelled. The writ Is a properly course for discretion on his part, he willfully refuses to perform a duty mandated by
citizens who seek to enforce a public right and to compel the performance law. Thus, mandamus may issue to compel a prosecutor to file an
of a public duty, most specially when the public right involves a mandate by information when he refuses to do so in spite of the finding of prima facie
the constitution. evidence of guilt or the sufficiency of the evidence. If it was already found
by the prosecutor that there exists probable cause, the exercise of discretion
Before mandamus is issued, the following requisite should be satisfied: is done, and the next step to be done after a finding of probable cause is to
1. petitioner must show a clear legal right to the act demanded; file an information, which filing is no longer discretionary, after the finding
2. respondent must have the duty to perform the act because the of probable cause. The filing of the information after a finding of probable
same is mandated by law; cause becomes mandatory, and the refusal to do so is tantamount to a
3. respondent unlawfully neglects the performance of the duty deliberate refusal to perform a duty enjoined by law.
enjoined by law;
4. the act to be performed in ministerial, not discretionary; and Judgment under Rule 65 and execution of judgment
5. there is no other plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in the if the petition for certiorari is granted, the court, in the judgment, may annul
ordinary course of law. or modify the proceedings of the public respondent tribunal, board or
officer, and grant such incidental reliefs as law and justice may require, such
The writ of mandamus, however, will not issue to compel and official to do as and award for damages in favor of the petitioner, at the cost of the private
anything which is not his duty to do or which it this is duty not to do, or to respondent.
give to the applicant anything to which he is not entitled by law. Mandamus
may be resorted to only when once right is founded clearly in law and not

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If the petition for prohibition is granted, the court, in the judgment, may For damages or costs awarded under Rule 65, the same may be executed in
command the public respondent to desist from further proceeding in the accordance with Sec. 1, Rule 39, by filing a motion for execution.
action or matter specified in the petition, or otherwise grants such incident
and reliefs as law and justice may require, such as an award for damage in
favor of the petitioner, at the cost of the private responded.

If the petition for mandamus is granted, the court, shall command the
respondent , immediately or at some other time to be specified by the court,
to do the act required to be done to protect the rights of the petitioner, and
to pay the damages sustained by the petitioner by reason of the wrongful
acts of the respondent.

In all instances, the public respondent nominal party will not answer for the
cost awarded in favor of the petitioner; it will be the private respondent who
shall be liable for the same.

In case of dismissal of the petition on the ground that it is patently without

merit, prosecuted manifestly for delay or the question raised there in are
too unsubstantial to require consideration, the court may, and its discretion,
also award in favor of the respondent treble costs solidarily against the
pretensioner end counsel, in addition to subjecting the said counsel to
administrative sanctions on their Rule 139 and 139-B.

The rules on service of judgment under Rule 13 for ordinary civil action will
not always apply, as the manner of the service of their judgment will depend
on the directive of the court.

Any disobedience to the judgment rendered in favor of the petitioner under

Rule 65 shall be punished as contempt; this is in consonance with Sec. 11,
Rule 39, which provides for the execution of special judgments. Judgment
under Rule 65 are in the nature of special judgments because they do not
involve judgments for money, conveyance or delivery of deeds, or the sale
or delivery of real or personal property. A special judgment directs the
performance of a specific act to be personally done only by the party held
responsible to do so because of his personal qualifications and

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RULE 68 An action to enforce a right arising from a mortgage, such as a judicial
FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE foreclosure of mortgage, should be enforced within 10 years from the time
the right of action accrues, i.e., when the mortgagor defaults in the payment
A real estate mortgage it's a contract in which the obligor guarantees to the of his obligation to the mortgagee; otherwise, it will be barred by
obligee the fulfillment of a principle obligation, subjecting for the faithful prescription and the mortgage will lose his right under the mortgage. In
compliance there with a real property in case of non fulfilment of said other words, prescription commences from the time the obligation becomes
obligation at the time stipulated. due and demandable, or upon demand by the credit or go master case
The essence of a contract of mortgage indebtedness is that a property has
been identified or set apart from the mass of the property of the debtor- Jurisdiction and venue
mortgagor as security for the payment of money or the fulfillment of an B.P. 129, RTC or MTC based on assessed value.
obligation to answer the amount of indebtedness, in case of default in
payment. As provided under Art 2126 of the NCC, the mortgage directly and While it may be said that the first stage in an action of real estate mortgage
immediately subjects the property upon which it is imposed, whoever the deals with the issue of whether foreclosure is proper and hence, incapable
processor may be, to the fulfillment of the obligation for those whose of pecuniary estimation, the Supreme Court has affirmed that still, the
security it was constituted. court’s jurisdiction will be determined by the assessed value of the property
The mortgage creates a real right, which: 1) follows the property; and 2) is
enforceable against the whole world. Thus, even if the mortgage property is The complaint should allege the assessed value of the mortgage property
sold or its possession transferred to another, the property remains objective and the failure to do so shall be fatal to the plaintiffs cause.
the fulfillment of the obligation for whose security it was constituted.
The venue shall be where the area of the mortgage property or a portion
Upon default of the mortgagor, foreclosure becomes a necessary thereof is situated. Where a mortgage covers several parcels of land located
consequence of non-payment of the mortgage indebtedness. in different cities, such as in Marikina and Pasig, the action may be filed in a
city where any one of the mortgage property may be found, and the court
In BPI vs Hontanosas, the Supreme Court ruled that a writ of preliminary where the action is filed, for instance, in Marikina, would have jurisdiction
injunction will not lie to prevent a mortgagee from foreclosing on mortgage to enter a decree of foreclosure of mortgage covering the lands in the said
on the ground that the debtor-mortgagor will lose his right to said property different cities of Marikina and Pasig.
mortgage. Foreclosure of mortgage is a remedy under low. The fear of loss
of property does not constitute irreparable injury as would warrant the foreclosure of mortgage is waiver of other remedies to collect the unpaid
issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction. debt
to recover over the debt, through the filing of a personal action for collection
Foreclosure of real estate mortgage may be done: of sum of money or the institution of a real action to foreclose on the
1. judicially, under Rule 68; or mortgage security. The creditor-mortgagee may pursue either of the 2
2. extrajudicially, to be carried out pursuant to the provisions of Art remedies, but not both. The two remedies are alternative, not communitive
No. 3135 or the General Banking Laws of 2000, as the case may be. or successive, and each remedy is complete by itself.

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For nonpayment of a loan secured by mortgage, the creditor has a single obtaining execution thereof in the same judicial foreclosure of real estate
cause of action against the debtor. This single cause of action consists in the mortgage action.
recovery of the credit with execution of the security. A single cause of action
may give rise to several reliefs, but only one action can be filed. Conversely, the creditor-mortgagee may elect to waive his security and
brain, instead, and ordinary action to recover the indebtedness with the
In a loan secured by a real estate mortgage, the creditor may ask for: 1) the right to execute a judgment there on all the properties of the debtor,
payment of the debt, or 2) the foreclosure of his mortgage. While the first is including the subject matter off the mortgage, subject to the qualification
a personal action and the second is a real action, these are just different that if the mortgagee fails in the remedy elected by him, he cannot pursue
reliefs that arise from a single cause of action because ultimately, the end further the remedy he has waived. When the mortgagee elects to file a suit
goal of either case is for the creditor to be paid the loan. The money debt is for collection and not for foreclosure, he abandons the mortgage as basis
the principal thing; the foreclosure of the property is only the result, or an for relief.
incident of the failure to pay the indebtedness.
During he pendency of the collection of sum of money case filed by the
There exists only one cause of action for a single breach of that obligation. mortgagee, a writ of attachment may be obtained to attach the debtor-
If the creditor is allowed to file two separate complaints simultaneously or mortgagor’s property, including the mortgaged property, should there be
successively, one to recover his credit and the other to foreclose his grounds existing that warrant the issue once of the said writ, pursuant to
mortgage, he will, in effect, be authorized to have plural redress for a single Sec.1, Rule 57.
breach of contract at so much cost to the court and with so much vexation
and oppression to the debtor. This should not be allowed. If the loan was secured by a real estate mortgage and postdated checks, and
subsequently, and information for violation of BP 22 was filed against the
Thus, if the creditor-mortgagee opts to foreclose the real estate mortgage, debt or due to the said check being dishonoured, the creditor can no longer
he waives the action for the collection of the unpaid debt; however, the find a separate civil action for collection of sum of money or an action for
creditor-mortgagee may still be entitled to recover whatever deficiency may judicial foreclosure of mortgage because they said criminal case was also in
remain in the outstanding obligation of the debtor-mortgagor after effect collection suit for the recovery of the mortgage-debt.
deducting the bid price and the public auction sale of the mortgage
properties. An unsatisfied judgment in a foreclosure of mortgage would still Three stages in judicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage and multiple
give the creditor-mortgagee the right to a deficiency judgment, in which appeals
case, all the properties of the debtor-mortgagor, other than the mortgage There are three stages involved in an action for judicial foreclosure of
property, would be open for him in the satisfaction of the deficiency. In case mortgage. The first stage starts with the filing of the complaint. In the first
of deficiency judgment, there is no violation of the rule against splitting of stage, the court determines first whether the foreclosure is proper. The
course of action since the deficiency judgment will be obtained in the same court determines if there is a due and demandable loan supported by a real
action for judicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage, in its third stage. No estate mortgage that would warrant the foreclosure of the mortgage. The
separate and independent action will be filed to recover the deficiency. If creditor-mortgagee has the legitimate right to foreclose the mortgage
after the foreclosure sale there remains an unpaid balance of the where the obligation is already past due.
outstanding obligation and the creditor proceeds to institute a separate
action for collection of sum of money for the same, there will be a violation The first stage ends, after trial , when the court shall render judgment on
of the rule against splitting of course of action. The remedy of the creditor- the amount due and order the same to be paid to the court or to the
mortgagee is to ask, by motion, for deficiency judgment and thereafter

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judgment obligee within the equity of redemption period or the period said final deficiency judgment and to prevent the loss or dissipation of the
provided in the said judgment. property through fraud or other means.

The second stage begins after the period stipulated in their judgment lapse In all three stages, the respective judgments or orders of the court may be
and there is still failure to pay the sum adjudged in the first stage. A motion subject of appeal. Multiple appeals are allowed in the same case to cast the
shall then be filed, praying for the foreclosure sale of the mortgage property. rest of the case to proceed. In the event that a separate and distinct issue is
After the court orders the property be sold at a public auction, the proceeds resolved by the court and held to be final. In such a case, the filing of a record
of the sales shall be paid in satisfaction of the outstanding obligation. The on appeal becomes indispensable since only a particular incident of the case
second stage ends with the courts issue once of an order confirming the sale. is brought to the appellate court for resolution with the rest of the
proceedings remaining with the jurisdiction of the trial court.
The third stage is for the purpose of obtaining a deficiency judgment or for
the satisfaction of the deficiency in the amount due as adjudged in the first The same procedure for judicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage or so
stage. applies to foreclosure of equitable mortgages. An equitable mortgage is one
which although lacking in some formality, or form or words, or other
The deficiency judgment in the third stage may be satisfied by execution requisites demanded by the statute, nevertheless reveals the intention of
pursuant to Rule 39, meaning that if the debtor-mortgagor is unable to pay the parties to charge real property as security for the debt and contains
the deficiency, the property of the debtor-mortgagor, other than the nothing impossible or contrary to law.
mortgaged property, may be attached, levied on or garnished and sold at a
public auction, with the proceeds therefore to be applied for the satisfaction Parties
of the said deficiency.

To prevent the debtor-mortgagor from fraudulently disposing of the said

property during the pendency of the case, the creditor-mortgagee may avail
of the provisional remedy of a writ of preliminary attachment.

Upon the commencement of the judicial foreclosure of mortgage action or

at anytime before entry of judgment, a plaintiff may have the property of
the debtor-mortgagor, other than the mortgaged property, attach open
showing by affidavit of:
1. the insufficiency in the value of the mortgaged property to cover
the indebtedness due to the plaintiff; and
2. the existence of the grounds for the issuance of a writ of
preliminary attachment pursuant to Sec.1, Rule 57.
The provisional remedy of a preliminary attachment may be availed of in an
action for judicial foreclosure of mortgage in order to seize upon the
property of the debtor-mortgagor, other than the mortgage property, in
advance of the final deficiently judgment, for the purpose of satisfying the

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The petition for writ of kalikasan is a separate and distinct action from the
WRIT OF KALIKASAN citizen suit under RA 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of
The writ is a remedy available to a natural or juridical person, entity 2000 and RA 8749 of the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999, as held by the SC
authorized by law, people’s organization, non-governmental organization, in Osmena vs Gargarena. Hence, the SC ruled that the 30-day prior notice
or any public interest group accredited by or registered with any requirement for citizen suits under the Ecological Solid Waste Managament
governmental agency, on behalf of persons whose constitutional right to a Act and the Philippine Clear Air Act does not apply to petitions for writ of
balanced and healthful ecology is violated, or threatened with violation by kalikasan.
an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or private
individual or entity, involving environmental damage of such magnitude as Being extraordinary and equitable remedy, the writ of kalikasan cannot and
to prejudice the life, health or property of inhabitants in 2 or more cities or should not substitute other remedies that may be available to the parties.
The filling of a petition for the issuance of the wirt of kalikasan shall not
It is designed for a narrow but special purpose: to accord a stronger preclude the filling of a separate civil, criminal or administrative action, to
protection for environmental rights, aiming, among others, to provide a hold the respondent liable for the violation of environmental laws. Sec. 15,
speedy and effective resolution of a case involving the violation of one’s Rule 7 of the Rule of Procedure in Environmental Cases, which provides that
constitutional rights to a healthful and balanced ecology that transcends a judgement in a petition for writ of kalikasan shall not include an award of
political and territorial boundaries, and to address the potentially damages to the individual petitioners, and as such, the said damages should
exponential nature of large-scale ecological threats. be claimed in separate ordinary civil actions.

For a writ of kalikasan to issue, the following requisites must concur: Jurisdiction
1. There is an actual or threatened violation of the constitutional SC or with any of the stations of the CA, where the petitioner shall be except
rights to a balanced and healthful ecology; from the payment of docket fees.
2. The actual or threatened violation arise from an unlawful act or
omission of a public official or employee or private individual or The petition, parties and legal standing
entity; and The petition shall be verified and shall allege the:
3. The actual or threatened violation involves or will lead to an 1. Personal circumstances of the petitioner;
environmental damage of such magnitude as to prejudice the life, 2. Name and personal circumstances of the respondent or if the name
health, or property of inhabitants in 2 or more cities of provinces. and personal circumstances are unknown and uncertain, the
respondent may be described by an assumed appellation;
The magnitude of environmental damage is a condition sine qua non in a 3. The environmental law, rule or regulation violated or threatened to
petition for the issuance of a writ of kalikasan and must be contained in a be violated, the act or omission complained of, and the
verified petition. environmental damage of such magnitude as to prejudice the life,
health or property of inhabitants in 2 or more cities or provinces;
The petition for a writ of kalikasan is in the nature of a citizen suit , which 4. All relevant and material evidence consisting of the affidavits or
may be filed by any Filipino citizen, in representation of others, including witnesses, documentary evidence, scientific or other expert
minors or generations yet unborn, to enforce rights or obligations under studies, and if possible, object evidence;
environmental laws.

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5. The reliefs prayed for, which may include a prayer for the issuance not automatically have a prescribed period of effectively unlike temporary
of Temporary Protection Order (TEPO); and restraining order since the effectivity of a cease and desist order will remain
6. Certification against forum shopping until the court orders otherwise.

TEPO is similar to a Temporary Restraining Order. The TEPO may issue if it The writ of kalikasan shall then be personally served on the respondent by a
appears from the petition with a prayer for the issuance of an Environmental court officer or any person deputized by the court, who shall retain a copy
Protection Order (EPO) that the matter is of extreme urgency and the on which to make a return of service. If the writ cannot be served personally,
applicant will suffer grave injustice and irreparable injury. The difference, the rule on substitute service shall apply.
however, is that the temporary restraining order is only effective for a
maximum of 20 day, if issued by the trial court or 60 days if issued by the Similar to the omnibus motion rule, the verified return must contain all of
CA, whereas the TEPO may be extended until the termination of the case, the respondent’s defenses that show that the respondent did not violate,
regardless of which court issued the same. threaten to violate, allow the violation of any environmental law, rule or
regulation or commit any act resulting to environmental damage of such
In Rule 65 or for writs of certiorari, prohibition or mandamus, the petition magnitude as to prejudice the life, health or property of inhabitants in two
should be filed by a party that is directly injured or will be injured by the act or more cities or province. Otherwise, all defenses not raised in the return
and omission complained of, but a petition for writ of kalikasan has a shall be deemed waived. Similar to the petition, the verified return shall
liberalization policy on locus standi in that the petition may be filed on include the affidavits of witnesses, documentary evidence, scientific or
behalf of those whose right is violated. In other words, the petitioner does other expert studies, and if possible, object evidence, in support of the
not have to be the one directly injured or affected by the environmental defense of the respondent.
The denial of the allegations in the petition should be specific because a
Parties that seek the issuance of the writ of kalikasan, whether on their own general denial of the allegations in the petition shall be considered as an
or on others’ behalf, carry the burden of substantiating the writ’s elements, admission thereof. The verified return should be limited to the respondent’s
and as such, before private parties or public interest groups may proceed defenses and should not include any crossclaims, counterclaims or third-
with the case, they must be ready with the evidence necessary for the party complaints, as these are prohibited pleadings.
determination of the writ’s issuance.
A motion for extension of time to file return is a prohibited motion. In the
Issuance and service of writ of kalikasan; proceedings event that the respondent fails to file a return, the respondent shall not be
Upon the filing of the petition, the court will determine whether the declared in default because a motion to declare the respondent in default is
petition, is sufficient in form and substance. The petition may thus be a prohibited motion. The court shall instead proceed to hear the petition ex
dismissed if not sufficient in form and substance. parte.

If it is sufficient in form and substance, the court within 3 days from the date The respondent cannot file a motion to dismiss in lieu of a verified return,
of the filing of a petition, shall issue the writ of kalikasan and direct the nor can the respondent move for a bill of particular prior to filling a return
respondent to file a verified return within a non-extendible period of 10 as these are prohibited motion.
days. The writ of kalikasan shall be issued under the seal of the court
together with a cease a desist order and other temporary reliefs that will be Discovery measures
effective until further order. In other words, the cease and desist order does A party may file a verified motion for the issuance of:

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1. Ocular inspection order; and 5. Such other reliefs which relate to the right of the people to a
2. Production order for the production or inspection of documentary balanced and healthful ecology or to the protection, preservation,
or things. rehabilitation or restoration of the environment.
(In both instances, there will be a hearing on the motion.)
A petition for writ of kalikasan partakes of the nature of a permanent
For the ocular ispection, the motion must: prohibitory and mandatory injunction. The TEPO may thus be converted to
1. Show that an ocular inspection order is necessary to establish the a permanent EPO, which shall be effective until the judgement is fully
magnitude of the violation or the threat as to prejudice the life, satisfied.
health or property of inhabitants in 2 or more cities or provinces
2. State in detail the place or places to be inspected; and This does not include the creation of a trust fund for similar future
3. Be supported by affidavits of witnesses having personal knowledge contingencies because the limited purpose of a special trust fund is for the
of the violation or threatened violation of environmental law. purpose of rehabilitating or restoring the environment that has presumably
already suffered, as provided under Sec. 1, Rule 5.
The motion for production or inspection of documents or things must show
that a production order is necessary to establish the magnitude of the The judgement directing the performance of acts for the protection,
violation or the threat as to prejudice the life, health or property of preservation or rehabilitation of the environment shall be executory
inhabitants in 2 or more cities or provinces. pending appeal unless restraining the appellate court.

Judgement and prohibition on award of damages Appeal

Within 60 days from the time the petition is submitted for decision, the Within 15 days form the date of notice of the adverse judgement or denial
court shall render judgment granting or denying the privilege of the writ of of motion for reconsideration, any party may appeal to the SC under Rule 45
kalikasan. The court cannot grant an award of damages to individual of the ROC. The appeal may raise question of fact and law. This constitute
petitioners and instead, may grant any of the following relief under the writ an exception to Rule 45 of the ROC because of the extraordinary nature of
of kalikasan: the circumstances surrounding the issuance of a writ of kalikasan.
1. Directing the respondents to permanent cease and desist from
committing acts or neglect the performance of a duty in violation CONTINUING MANDAMUS
of environmental laws resulting in environmental destruction or The SC then concluded that under continuing mandamus, it may, under
damage; extraordinary circumstances, issue directives with the end in view of
2. Directing the respondent public official, government agency, ensuring that its decision would not be set to naught by administrative
private person or entity to protect, preserve, rehabilitate or restore inaction or indifference.
the environment;
3. Directing the respondent public official, government agency, Rule 8 of the Rule of Procedure for Environmental Cases, the writ of
private person or entity to monitor strict compliance with the continuing mandamus enjoys a distinct procedure than that of ordinary civil
decision and orders of the courts; actions for the enforcement/violation of environmental laws.
4. Directing the respondent public official, government agency, or
private person or entity to make periodical reports on the The writ of continuing mandamus is a special civil action that may be availed
execution of the final judgement; and of to compel the performance of an act specifically enjoined by law. It is a
distinct remedy and procedure for allegations of unlawful neglect in the

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enforcement of environmental laws or the unla3wful exclusion of the use or Jurisdiction
enjoyment of the environmental right. The following courts have jurisdiction over petitions for continuing
The writ of continuing mandamus is a remedy that may be applied for when 1. SC
agency or instrumentality of the government or officer thereof unlawfully 2. CA
neglects the performance of an act which the law specifically enjoins as a 3. RTC exercising jurisdiction ion over the territory where the
duty resulting from an office, trust or station in connection with the actionable neglect or omission occurred
enforcement or violation of an environmental law rule or regulation or a
right wherein, or unlawfully excludes another from the use of enjoyment of Because venue only related to the place of trial, and hence, procedural,
such right and there is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the improper venue may be waived. A petition for writ of continuing mandamus
ordinary course of law. In other words, a writ of continuing mandamus is is a special civil action and it is not criminal in nature where venue is an
issued by a court in an environmental case directing any agency or essential element of jurisdiction. Thus, if the case is filed in the wrong RTC
instrumentality of the government or officer thereof to perform an act or venue, the court should not motu proprio dismiss outright the petition on
series of acts decreed by final judgement, which shall remain effective until the ground of lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter, especially when
judgement is fully satisfied. there is waiver of thereof. The court may also transfer the case to the court
with the proper venue.
In writ of mandamus, the petitioner, must move for execution of judgement
in accordance with Rule 39, and, if the respondent refuses to comply with The petition, parties and legal standing
the judgement, the remedy is to have the respondent punished for The verified petition should:
contempt. 1. Allege the facts with certainty
2. Specific that the petition concerns an environmental law, rule or
The writ of continuing mandamus, on the other hand, requires the regulation;
performance of a series of acts until the judgement is fully satisfied and the 3. Be substantiated by attached supporting evidence;
respondent shall be directed to submit periodic reports detailing the 4. Pray that judgement be rendered commanding the respondent to
progress and execution of the judgement, until the judgement is fully do an act or series of acts until the judgement is fully satisfied, and
satisfied. The respondent’s compliance with the judgement shall also be to pay damages sustained by the petitioner by reason of the
monitored and evaluated. In other words, the respondent has the burden to malicious neglect to perform the duties of the respondent, under
show the faithful compliance with the judgment and its full satisfaction. the law, rules or regulations.
5. The petition shall also contain a sworn certification of non-forum
For a petition for continuing mandamus to proser, there must be a showing shopping
of unlawful neglect on the part of the respondents to perform any act that
the law of the respondents to perform any act that the law specifically The petition must contain substantive allegations specifically constituting an
enjoins as a duty. The writ of continuing mandamus cannot be resorted to actionable neglect or omission and must establish, at the very least, a prima
when the respondent is not the person obliged to perform the duty under facie basis for the issuance of the writ:
the law or when the period for the respondent to perform its legal duty has 1. An agency or instrumentality of government or its officer
not yet expired. The petition will also not prosper if petitioner seeks the unlawfully neglects the performance of an act or unlawfully
enforcement of a discretionary act, rather than a ministerial act. excludes another for the use or enjoyment of a right

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2. The act to be performed by the government agency, of the writ of kalikasan, which is done personally on the respondent by a
instrumentality or its officer is specifically enjoined by law as a duty court officer, or any person deputized by the court, who shall retain a copy
3. Such duty results from an office, trust or station in connection with on which to make a return of service. In case the writ of kalikasan cannot be
the enforcement or violation of an environmental law, rule or served personally, the rule on substituted service shall apply.
regulation or a right therein; and
4. There is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the course It is not necessary that there should have first been a previous judgement in
of law. a separate case finding the respondents to have violated an environmental
law before the writ of continuing mandamus may be issued.
Like a petition for issuance of a writ of kalikasan, the petition for writ of
continuing mandamus may also include a prayer for the issuance of a TEPO After the comment is filed or after the lapse of the period for filling the
for the preservation of the rights of the parties during the pendency of the comment, the court may hear the case which shall be summary in nature or
proceedings. require the parties to submit memoranda. In kalikasan, the court will
proceed to hear the petition ex parte if the respondent fails to file a return.
The petitioner shall be exempt from the payment of docket fees.
In kalikasan, there are prohibited pleadings and motions specified therein.
The petitioner should be the one who is aggrieved by an act or omission of These prohibited pleadings and motions are not found under writ of
the government agency, instrumentality to its officer concerned. The rule continuing mandamus.
that the case must be instituted by a real party-in-interest under the
ordinary rules applies to petitions for continuing mandamus. In writ of Judgement and return of the writ of continuing mandamus
kalikasan, it is sufficient that the person filing represents the inhabitants If warranted, the court shall grant the privilege of the writ of continuing
prejudiced by the environmental damage subject of the writ; a petition for mandamus requiring the respondent to perform an act or series of acts until
the issuance of a writ of continuing mandamus is only available to one who the judgement is fully satisfied and to grant such other reliefs as may be
is personally aggrieved by the unlawful act or omission. warranted resulting from the wrongful or illegal acts of the respondent.

The petition should be furnished the respondents but the failure to do so is Unlike in writ of kalikasan, the court, in cases involving writ of continuing
not a fatal defect that would warrant the immediate dismissal of the case. mandamus, may render judgement directing the payment of damages
sustained by the petitioner by reason of the malicious neglect to perform
Issuance and service of writ of continuing mandamus, proceedings the duties of the respondent udert the law, rules or regulations.
The petition filed should be sufficient in form and substance before a court
may take further action; otherwise, the court may dismiss the petition These periodic reports shall be contained in partial returns of the writ.
The petitioner may submit its comments or observations on the execution
If the court finds the petition to be sufficient in form and substance, the of the judgement.
court shall issue the writ of continuing mandamus and require the
respondent to comment on the petition within 10 days from receipt of said Requiring the periodic submission of compliance reports does not mean that
order, which shall be served on the respondent in such manner as the court the court acquires supervisory powers over administrative agencies. This
may direct, together with a copy of the petition and any annexes thereto. interpretation would violate the principle of the separation of powers.
This service of the writ of continuing mandamus is different from the service

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A writ of continuing mandamus is, in essence, a command of continuing RULE 66
compliance with a final judgment as it permits the court to retain jurisdiction QUO WARRANTO
after judgement in order to ensure the successful implementation of the
reliefs mandated under the court’s decision. The term quo warranto is Latin for “by what authority”.

Appeal Quo warranto is a demand made by the state upon some individual or
The remedy against a decision in a continuing mandamus case appears to corporation to show by what right they exercise some franchise or privilege
be appeal by Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the ROC. appertaining to the state which, according to the constitution and laws of
the land, they cannot legally exercise except by virtue of a grant or authority
from the state. Quo warranto is a writ of inquiry; it determines whether an
individual has the legal right to hold the public office he occupies.

Quo warranto is an action for the usurpation of a public office, position or


A petition for quo warranto it's a proceeding to determine the right of a

person to the use or exercise of a franchise or office and to oust the holder
from its enjoyment , if his claim is not well founded, or if he has forfeited his
right to enjoy the privilege.

A quo warranto proceeding in relation to an office may refer to an elective

or appointive office. In quo warranto proceedings referring to offices filled
by election, what is to be determined is the eligibility of the candidate
elected, while in quo warranto proceeding referring to offices filled by
appointment, what is determined is the legality of the appointment.

Rule 66 governs quo warranto proceedings in relation to appointive offices.

For elective offices, the applicable rules are those under the COMELEC rules
of procedure and the rules of the House of Representatives electoral
tribunal (HRET) in the Senate electoral tribunal (SET), as the case may be.

Quo warranto proceedings under Rule 66 may be availed of to determine

whether a franchise is in breach of the legislative franchise specifically
enacted for it by the congress, as would warrant the cancellation of the said
franchise or the prevention of its exercise.

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Quo warranto Is specifically available as a remedy if it is thought that a petitioner therefrom, the remedy is mandamus, not quo warranto;
government corporation has offended against its corporate charter or and
misused its franchise. 3. quo warranto vests the title to one's office claimed by another and
has as its object the ouster of the holder from its enjoyment, while
By law, the NTC is in capacity to frustrate such mandate by unduly mandamus appeals to enforce clear legal duties and not to try
withholding or canceling the rotational authority or CPC for reasons other disputed titles.
than the orderly administration of the frequencies in the radio spectrum.
The remedy is to bring and action for quo warranto for the cancellation of Thus, a title to a public office may only be contested directly by quo
the respondents provisional authority and the CPC because to cancel the warranto proceedings.
professional authority or the CPC is, in effect, to cancel the franchise or
otherwise prevent it's exercise. The SC held that while the petition was denominated as one for certiorari
and prohibition, it partook of the nature of a quo warranto proceeding as it
Sec.1c, Rule 66 also provides that quo warranto proceedings may be brought sought to declare void the respondent appointment as sandiganbayan
against an association which acts as a corporation within the Philippines associate justice for being unconstitutional. For being a collateral attack on
without being legally incorporated or without lawful authority so to act. a public officer’s title, the petition for certiorari and prohibition were
dismissed. The SC ruled that a title to a public office may not be contested
Actions of quo warranto against corporations, or against person who usurps except directly, by quo warranto proceedings. The title to public office
and office in a corporation are governed by the Interim Rule on Procedure cannot be assailed collaterally, even through mandamus, motion to annul or
Governing Intra-Corporate Controversies and not by Rule 66. set aside an order of appointment, or prohibition; these improper remedies
would not lie to inquire into the validity of the appointment of a public
While Sec. 5.2 of the SRC categorically provides that the RTC has jurisdiction officer.
over intra corporate controversies, Rule 66 will not apply there to and
instead, the interim rules will apply to the petitions for quo warranto against According to the SC, the petition was in the nature of a quo warranto and
corporations, or against persons who usurps an office in a corporation, such although as a rule, would not lie to determine the title of a de facto officer,
as a case involving the authority to assume the office and act as the board in this case, however, no one is entitled to the office who may institute the
of directors and officers of the corporation. quo warranto case, and the only other party who may institute the
proceedings, was the respondent (Sol. Gen) and would not proceed against
Quo warranto and mandamus himself.
The writ of quo warranto and mandamus appear to be similar remedies.
However, these remedies are distinct from each other, although they may Jurisdiction and venue
be availed of as concurrent remedies. The SC has explained the distinction the following have jurisdiction over quo warranto proceedings:
between the two writs: 1. SC
1. Quo warranto is the remedy to try the right to an office or franchise 2. CA
and to oust the holder from its enjoyment, while mandamus only 3. Sandiganbayan
lies to enforce clear legal duties, not to try disputed titles 4. RTC
2. where there is usurpation or intrusion into an office, quo warranto 5. MTC
is the proper remedy, and on the other hand, where the 6. COMELEC
respondent,without claiming any right to an office, excludes the 7. SET

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MTC have exclusive original jurisdiction over all election contests involving
The rule on hierarchy of courts must still be strictly observed. A direct elective barangay officials.
invocation of the supreme court's original jurisdiction to issue these writs
should be allowed only when there are special and important reasons COMELEC has exclusive original jurisdiction over quo warranto proceedings
therefore, clearly and specifically set out in the petition. to contest the election of any regional, provincial or city officer and any
member of Congress, before said member of Congress takes his oath of
The Supreme Court has allowed original petitions for certiorari, prohibition, office after his proclamation. Once the said member takes his oath of office
mandamus and quo warranto assailing acts of the legislative officers like the after his proclamation, the quo warranto petition before the COMELEC can
Senate President, the speaker of the House and Senate Minority Leader to no longer prosper because Sec. 17, Art IV of the constitution provides that
be directly filed with it , as recognized exception so the rules on hierarchy of the HRET or SET shall be the sole judge of all contests relating to the election,
courts. returns, and qualifications of their respective members. Thus, a petition for
quo warranto may instead be filed in the HRET or SET, as the case may be,
In Republic vs Sereno, The Supreme Court allowed the direct filing of a and it shall be directed against one who has been duly elected and
petition for quo warranto with it, as an exception to the doctrine of proclaimed for having obtained the highest number of votes but whose
hierarchy of courts, because the actual questioned the qualification of no eligibility is in question at the time of such proclamation.
less than a member of the Supreme Court. The petition was also considered
of transcendental importance. The rules on venue in ordinary civil cases under Rule 4 will not apply to quo
warranto. if the case is filed with the RTC, the venue shall be in the court
The RTC has original jurisdiction over the following quo warranto exercising jurisdiction over the territorial area where the respondent or any
proceedings: of the respondents reside, unless the solicitor general commences the
1. in relation to appointed officials, concurrent with the SC and CA action, in which case, the venue shall be in the city of Manila.
2. those contesting the election of any municipal officer and
3. those against corporations or persons who usurp an office in a Quo warranto -Elective office
corporation, pursuant to the Securities Regulation Code. Under the Omnibus Election Code, the qualification off a registered
candidate to run for office for which his certificate of candidacy (COC) was
Sec. 2 of RA 10660 provides that the Sandiganbayan has exclusive original filed may be raised: 1) before election, in a petition to deny due course or to
jurisdiction over petitions for the issuance of the writs of mandamus, cancel a COC, filed at anytime not later than 25 days from the time of the
prohibition, certiorari, habeas corpus, injunction and other ancillary writs filing of the COC, which shall be decided, after due notice and hearing, not
and processes in aid of its appellate jurisdiction and over petitions of similar later than 15 days before the election; and 2) after election, in a quo
nature, including quo warranto, arising or that may arise in cases filed or warranto proceeding, filed within 10 days after the proclamation of the
which may be filed under EO 1, 2, 14, 14-A, provided, that the jurisdiction results of the election. A petition for quo warranto may be filed on the
over these petitions shall not be exclusive of the Supreme Court. ground off ineligibility or disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines.

The Supreme Court held that the Sandiganbayan me, however, as an Sec. 253 of the OEC provides that a sworn petition for quo warranto may be
exception, exercise jurisdiction over petitions for quo warranto when it filed by any voter with the 1) COMELEC, to contest the election of any
involves an incident arising from or related to PCGG cases over ill-gotten member of the Congress, regional, provincial or city officer; 2) RTC, to
wealth within the context of Sec. 2 of EO 14. contest the election of any municipal officer; and 3) MTC to contest the

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Lee Know Your Rules by Atty. Senga
election of a barangay officer, within 10 days after the proclamation of the not set up in the answer or motion to dismiss; the court may, on its own,
results of the election, on the ground of 1) ineligibility or 2) disloyalty to the dismissed the action for being filed out of time.
Republic of the Philippines.
If they do not do so within a period of 1 year, they shall be considered as
The 10 day period within which to file a petition for quo warranto shall be having lost their right thereto by abandonment.
suspended if there is a pending pre proclamation controversy involving the
validity of the proclamation. The Supreme Court ruled that the pendency of an administrative remedy did
not suspend the period within which a petition for quo warranto should be
In quo warranto, the party bringing the action shall be designated as the filed.
protestant, and the party against whom the action is brought shall be
designated as the protestee. The Supreme Court in Torres, ruled that the pendency of the petitioners
administrative remedies did not to suspend the period within which a
The winning party who was declared elected in the judgment in the quo petition for quo warranto should be filed. The Supreme Court ruled that
warranto case shall have the right to assume the office as soon as the while it may be desirable that administrative remedies be first resorted to,
judgment becomes final. The court may adjudicate damages and attorneys no one is compelled or bound to do so; and as said remedies neither are
fees as it may deem just and as established by the evidence if the aggrieved requisite to, nor bar, the institution of quo warranto proceedings, it follows
party has included such claims in his pleadings. The decision shall be that he who claims the right to hold the public office allegedly usurped buy
promulgated on a date set, of which due notice must be given to the parties; another and who desires to seek redress in the court, should file the proper
it shall become final five days after its promulgation and no motion for judicial action within the reglementary period. Public interest requires that
reconsideration shall be entertained. the right to a public office should be determined as speedily as practicable.

From any decision of the trial court, the aggrieved party may appeal to the The one year limitation only applies against private individuals claiming right
COMELEC within five days after promulgation of the decision, by filing a to a public office, and not against the state.
notice of appeal with the trial court that ordered the decision, with copy
serve on the adverse counsel or on the adverse party, if not represented by The Supreme Court had the opportunity to explain the rule that the one-
counsel. year reglementary period does not apply to petitions for quo warranto
where it is the government itself that sues for public interest and seeks relief
If it is the COMELEC that rendered the decision in a quo warranto case, then for a public wrong in the landmark case of Republic vs Sereno, which
the remedy is to file a petition for certiorari under Rule 64 in relation to Rule involves a petition for quo warranto filed by the Republic of the Philippines
65 with the Supreme Court. through the office of the solicitor general for the ouster of then Chief Justice
of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court gave the following reasons for
Period within which to institute a petition for quo warranto under Rule 66 the in applicability of the one year prescriptive period to the said case:
A petition for quo warranto affecting titles to public office must be filed
within one year from the date the petitioner is ousted from his position. The First. If it is to be instituted by the state itself, through the solicitor
period fixed in the rule for filing a petition for quo warranto it's a condition general, there is no claim of right over a public office. The state files
precedent to the existence of cause of action, with the result that, if the the petition to question the eligibility of the person holding the
action is not filed within one year, it cannot prosper, although the matter is public office. Unlike constitutionally protected rights,

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constitutionally required qualifications for a public office can never
be waived either deliberately or by mere passage of time. Section 11, Rule 66 also provides that an option for damages after a
judgment in favor of the petitioner may only be filed within one year after
Second. Sec. 2, Rule 66 categorically provides that the solicitor the entry of judgment establishing the petitioner's right to the office in
general must commence the action for quo warranto When question.
directed by the president, when upon complaint or otherwise when
the solicitor general has good reason to believe that any case The damage pertains to that which the petitioner may recover against the
specified in Sec. 1, Rule 66 on the grounds for filing said action can respondent in case judgment is rendered in favor of the petitioner, for the
be established by proof. The use of the word most shows that the damage is he sustained by reason of the respondent usurpation. The claim
solicitor general is mandated under the rules to commence the for damages springs from the complained of in quo warranto proceeding.
necessary quo warranto petition when any of the three instances
warranting the filing of the same under Sec/ 1. Rule 66 are present. Under ordinary rules, the failure to raise the claim for damages in the main
case would bar a subsequent action therefore, on the ground of res judicata
Fourth. The state is not bound by the statute of limitations nor by and the prohibition against splitting a single cause of action. However, rule
latches, acquiescence or unreasonable delay on the part of its 66 allows such splitting of cause of action, provided that the action for
officers. The doctrine of laches, furthermore, does not apply when damages is commenced within one year after the entry of the judgment
the cause of action is brought by the state seeking to protect the establishing the petitioner's right to the office in question.
Commencement of action, legal standing, course of action and proceeding
5th. The remedy of quo warranto is intended to prevent a An action for quo warranto may be brought by a verified petition in the
continuing exercise of an authority unlawfully asserted. Because name of the Republic of the Philippines against: 1) a person who usurps,
quo warranto serves to end a continuous usurpation , no statute of intrudes into, or unlawfully holds or exercise or public office, position or
limitations apply to the action. franchise; 2) a public officer who does or suffers an act which, by the
provisions of law, constitute a ground for the forfeiture of his office; or 3)
After giving the foregoing reasons for the inapplicability of the one year and association which acts as a corporation within the Philippines without
limitation in Sereno, the Supreme Court clarified that it is not abolishing the being legally incorporated or without lawful authority to do so. The action
limitation set by the rules and instituting a petition for quo warranto. The for quo warranto may also be brought in the name of an individual, if the
one-year prescriptive period under Sec. 11, Rule 66 still stands. When filed said action is instituted by a person claiming to be entitled to a public office
by the state at its own instance, through the solicitor general, prescription or position usurped or unlawfully held or exercised by another.
shall not apply. The Supreme Court further clarified that the rule does not
equate to a blanket authority given to the solicitor general to An action for quo warranto maybe comments by:
indiscriminately file baseless quo warranto actions in disregard of the 1. the solicitor general
constitutionally protected rights of individuals. The prescriptive period 2. a public prosecutor or
applies when: 1) filed by the solicitor general or the public prosecutor at the 3. a person claiming to be entitled to a public office or position
request and upon relation of another person, with leave of course; and 2) usurped or unlawfully held or exercise by another
when filed by an individual in his or her own name. However, they said
reglementary period will not apply in either case when established The solicitor general or a public prosecutor must bring an action for quo
jurisprudential exceptions are present. warranto when:

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1. directed by the president of the Philippines If a person claiming to be entitled to a public office or position usurped or
2. upon complaint or otherwise he has a good reason to believe that unlawfully held or exercised by another bring an action for quo warranto in
any of the grounds under Sec.1, Rule 66 can be established by his own name, he must: 1) aver in his petition that the respondent is
proofs. unlawfully in possession of the subject office or position; and 2) show a clear
right to the contested office.
The solicitor general or a public prosecutor may also bring an action for quo
warranto, with the permission of the court in which the action is to be The petitioner's failure to establish this right warrants the dismissal of the
commenced, at the request and upon the relation of another person, also suit for lack of cause of action; it is not even necessary to pass up on the
known as a relator. The solicitor general or the public prosecutor bringing right of the respondent who, by virtue of his appointment, continues in the
this end action May 1st require an indemnity for the expenses and costs of undisturbed possession of his office.
the action in an amount approved by and to be deposited in the court by the
person at whose request and upon whose relation the same is brought. In Aguinaldo vs Aquino, the petitioners, who we're nominees of the 16th
Sandiganbayan associate justice, were found not to have any clear right to
A relator or ex relatione (by or on the relation of) is one whose name the said position, and therefore, not proper parties to a quo warranto
solicitor general brings the action for quo warranto. proceeding. The Supreme Court ruled that being included in the list of
nominees only gave them the possibility, not the certainty, of being
In the exercise of sound discretion, the solicitor general may suspend or turn appointed to the position, given the discretionary power of the president in
down the institution of an action for quo warranto where there are just making judicial appointments.
invalid reasons. The solicitor general is given permissible latitude within his
legal authority in actions for quo warranto, circumscribed only by the In General vs Urro, the Supreme Court ruled that an acting appointee has no
national interest and the government policy on the matter at hand. cause of action for a quo warranto case against the new appointee. The
essence of an acting appointment is its temporariness and its consequent
However, once evidence is found to sufficiently established the grounds revocability at any time by the appointing authority.
under Sec. 1, Rule 66, then the solicitor general or public prosecutor cannot
refuse to file the action; he must bring the action for quo warranto. The burden of proof depends on how the action is instituted. If the action is
brought by the solicitor general or the public prosecutor, the burden of
notably, and individual may, as a relator, make a request to the solicitor proof is on the respondent to show that he has a valid title. When the
general or the public prosecutor to obtain permission from the court for the Republic of the Philippines brings the action for quo warranto through the
solicitor general or public prosecutor to bring the action for quo warranto. solicitor general or the public prosecutor, the respondent is being called
Alternatively, the person claiming to be entitled to a public office or position upon to answer by what right he holds the office or franchise under dispute.
urusped or unlawfully held or exercised by another may also bring an action If it is the individual cleaning a right to an office that brings an action for quo
for quo warranto in his own name. In such case, there is no need for the warranto, then the said petitioner has the burden of proof to show that the
state, through the solicitor general or the public prosecutor to institute the respondent is disqualified from holding the position or office.
action since Sec. 5, Rule 66 allows the private party alone, and without the
intervention of the government, to test the right of a person to occupy a In quo warranto, the court may reduce the period provided by the rules for
public position; the government, however, may ask permission to intervene filing pleadings and for all other proceedings in the action at its discretion,
in case or to appear as amicus curiae. in order to secure the most expeditious determination of the matters
involved therein, consistent with the rights of the parties. The quo warranto

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action may be given precedence over any other civil matters pending in of impeachment proceedings against the said impeachable officer was not
court. inconsistent with and would not borrow the filing of a petition for quo
warranto against the said impeachable officer. The existence of other
The court will determine whether the petitioner's claim is well founded or remedies against the usurper does not prevent the state from commencing
not. a quo warranto proceeding. They are not mutually exclusive and they may
proceed simultaneously. In so ruling, the Supreme Court gave the following
In Republic vs Sereno, the Supreme Court found the republic's claim that the reasons:
respondent was unlawfully holding the office of the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court was well founded. First. impeachment and quo warranto are materially different here
you're their origin, nature and purpose are different. They are
Failure to file the SALN is a violation of the law. A public official who distinct as to: 1) jurisdiction; 2) grounds; 3) applicable rules
has failed to comply with the requirements of filing the SALN pertaining to initiation, filing and dismissal; and 4) limitations.
cannot be said to be of proven integrity and the court may consider
him or her disqualified from holding public office. Although both may result in the ouster of the public official, they
differ in that impeachment proceedings or political in nature, while
Upon a finding that the respondent is in fact ineligible to hold the and action for quo warranto its judicial, or preceding traditionally
position of Chief Justice and is therefore unlawfully holding and lodged in the courts.
exercising such public office, the consequent judgment under Sec.
9, Rule 66 is the ouster and exclusion of the respondent from Secondly. In quo warranto, the cause of action lies on the usurping,
holding and exercising the rights, function and duties of the office intruding, or unlawfully holding or exercising of a public office,
of the Chief Justice. while in impeachment, it is the commission of an impeachable
offense. Impeachment necessarily presupposes that the
Quo warranto as a remedy to oust an ineligible public official may be availed respondent legally holds the public office and thus, is an
of, provided that the requisites for the commencement thereof are present, impeachable officer, the only issue being whether or not she
when the subject act or omission was committed prior to or at the time of committed impeachable offenses to warrant for remove all from
appointment or election relating to an official qualification to hold office as office. In quo warranto case, the respondent it's not being
to render such appointment or election invalid. Acts or omissions, even if it prosecuted for such impeachable offenses enumerated in the
relates to the qualification of integrity being a continuing requirement but articles of impeachment. Respondent's title to hold a public office
nonetheless committed during the incumbency of a validly appointed and is the issue in quo warranto proceedings.
or validly elected official cannot be the subject of a quo warranto
proceeding, but of impeachment if the public official concern is impeachable The relief sought in the two proceedings are different. The
and the act or omission constitute an impeachable offense, or to respondent in quo warranto proceeding shall be adjudged to cease
disciplinary, administrative or criminal action, if otherwise. from holding a public office, which she is ineligible to hold. On the
other hand, in impeachment, conviction for the charges of
Quo warranto may be filed against an impeachable officer and is not impeachable offenses shall result in the removal of the respondent
inconsistent with impeachment proceedings from the public office that she is legally holding period it is not
In Republic vs Sereno, the Supreme Court ruled that a petition for quo legally possible to impeach or remove a person from an office that
warranto may be filed against an impeachable officer and that the pendency she, in the first place, does not and cannot legally hold or occupy.

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If the court finds for the petitioner in declares the respondent guilty of
Third. There is no forum shopping. Litis pendentia is not present. A usurping, intruding into, or unlawfully holding or exercising the office, the
final decision in one will not strictly constitute as res judicata to the court, in the judgment may order:
other. A judgment in quo warranto determines the respondent's 1. the ouster and exclusion of the defendant from office
constitutional or legal authority to perform any act in, or exercise 2. recovery of cost by the plaintiff or relator; and
any function of the office to which she lays claim; meanwhile, a 3. the determination of their respective rights in and to the office,
judgment in an impeachment proceeding pertains to the position, right, privilege or franchise of all the parties to the action
respondent's fitness for public office. as justice requires.

Fourth. Impeachment is not an exclusive remedy by which an The petitioner or the person adjudged entitled to the office, after taking his
individual appointed or a validly elected impeachable official may oath of office and executing any official bond required by law, may take
be removed from office. upon himself the execution of the office, and may immediately thereafter
demand of the respondent all the books and papers in the respondent's
The plain language of Sec. 2, Art XI of the constitution does not custody or control appertaining to the office to which the judgment relates.
preclude a quo warranto actually questioning an impeachable If the respondent refuses or neglects to deliver any book or paper pursuant
officers qualification (which includes age, citizenship, and to such demand, he may be punished for contempt as having disobeyed a
professional experience) to assume office. These qualifications are lawful order of the court.
outside the purview of impeachment under the constitution.
The person adjudged may also bring an action against the respondent to
To construe Sec. 2, Art XI of the constitution as proscribing a quo recover the damages sustained by such person by reason of the usurpation,
warranto petition to deprived state of remedy to correct a public provided that the same shall be commenced within one year after the entry
wrong arising from defective or void appointments. Quo warranto of the judgment establishing the petitioner's right to the office in question.
should be available to question the validity of appointment
especially of impeachable officers since they occupy the upper The remedies available in a quo warranto judgment do not include
echelons of government and are capable of wielding vast power correction or reversal of acts taken under the ostensible authority of an
and influence on matters of law and policy. office or franchise; judgment is limited to ouster or forfeiture and may not
be imposed retroactively upon prior exercise of official or corporate duties.
While the solicitor general has operative in the institution of an
action for quo warranto, it's exercise of such discretion in subjects In Mendoza vs Allas, the Supreme Court ruled that ordinarily, a judgment
to the court said of you. It should not be forgotten that the solicitor against a public officer in regard to a public right binds his successor in office,
general is an officer of the court, task to share in the duty and but this rule, however, is not applicable in quo warranto cases. A judgment
responsibility of dispensing justice and resolving disputes. in quo warranto does not bind the respondent successor in office, even
though such successor may trace his title to the same source; this follows
Judgment from the nature of the writ of quo warranto itself because it is never directed
If the court finds for the respondent, the judgment should simply state that to an officer as such, but always against the person - to determine whether
the respondent is entitled to the office. he is constitutionally or legally authorized to perform any act in, or exercise
any function of the office to which he lays claim.

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After the respondent was appointed to another office, the vacant position RULE 67

Eminent domain and expropriation

Expropriation is the procedure for enforcing the right of eminent domain. In
expropriation, the private owner is deprived of property against his will.

Expropriation is the procedure for the forced taking of private property for
public use and is resorted to when the owner and the expropriating
authority are unable to enter into an agreement for the sale of the property
sought to be taken by the government for public use.

Requisites of a valid expropriation:

1. Taking of private property for public use
2. Payment of just compensation and
3. Due process of law is observed in the taking of the property

Property already owned by the State may still be the subject of

expropriation when it is under the possession of private individuals under a
just title.

A public property already devoted to public use, however, can no longer be

taken for another pubic use.

Two phases involved in expropriation

1. Phase one – determines the propriety of the expropriation
2. Phase two – determination of just compensation

The first phase determines the propriety of the action; it determines the
authority of the plaintiff to exercise the power of eminent domain and the
propriety of its exercise in the contest of the facts involved in the suit

It ends with an order, either:

1. Dismissing the action; or
2. Declaring that the plaintiff has a lawful right to take the property
sought to be condemned, for public use or purpose described in the

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complaint, upon payment of just compensation to be determined value of the property taken in fact by the expropriating authority even
as of the date of the filling of the complaint. though no formal exercise of the power of eminent domain was attempted
by the taking agency.
The order of dismissal and of expropriation are both final. The remedy to
assail such order of dismissal or of expropriation is an appeal. if no appeal is The second phase, by its nature, is a real action, involving the interest of the
taken to the order of expropriation, it would mean that the authority to landowner over the property, particularly, the payment of just
expropriate and the public use of the property can no longer be questioned. compensation.

In summary, it is respectfully submitted that if the expropriation case

The second phase involves the determination by the court of the just commences with the first phase, i.e., the determination of whether the
compensation for the property sought to be taken, with the assistance of expropriation is proper, then the RTC has exclusive original jurisdiction over
not more than 3 commissioners. the same since such subject matter is incapable of pecuniary estimation. If
the case is one for inverse condemnation, meaning that it starts with the
Jurisdiction second phase of expropriation, i.e., the determination of just compensation
The subject of an expropriation suit is the government’s exercise of eminent for the real property involved, then the jurisdiction of the court will depend
domain, a matter that is incapable of pecuniary estimation. (Hence, of the assessed value of the land, since the second phase or inverse
jurisdiction is with the RTC) condemnation involves a real action.

In Barangay San Roque, the SC ruled that while it is true that the property to Inverse condemnation; ejectment and injunction not proper remedies to
be expropriated is estimated in monetary terms as a consequence of the prevent the exercise of power of eminent domain
court’s duty to determine just compensation, this, however, is merely When there is taking by the government of private property for public use,
incidental to the expropriation suit. The amount of just compensation is the right to just compensation cannot be barred by prescription.
determined only after the court is satisfied with the propriety of the
expropriation, which is incapable of pecuniary estimation. Thus, it may be The SC in Sangkay explained that in inverse condemnation, the objective is
argues that an action for expropriation falls within the exclusive original to recover the value of the property taken in fact by the governmental
jurisdiction of the RTC. defendant, even though no formal exercise of the power of eminent domain
has been attempted by the taking agency. On the other hand, the action for
The jurisdiction over the expropriation case still remains with the RTTC, damages seeks to vindicate a legal wrong through damages, which may be
provided that the expropriation case commences in the first phase. In the actual, moral, nominal, temperate, liquidated or exemplary. When a right is
first phase, the court determines whether the expropriation is proper, which exercise in a manner not conformable with the norms enshrined in Art 19 of
is a matter incapable of pecuniary estimation and hence, would fall under the NCC and the exercise results to the damage of another, a legal wrong is
the exclusive original jurisdiction of the RTC. committed and the wrongdoer is held responsible. The action to recover just
compensation is based on the Constitution while the action for damages is
In inverse condemnation, there is taking of the property by the predicated on statutory enactments. The fact that the owner, rather than
expropriating authority but without institution of an expropriation case, and he expropriator, bring the action for just compensation does not change the
as a result, the landowner is constrained to file a case (inverse essential nature of the suit as an inverse condemnation, for the suit is not
condemnation), so that the landowner will be paid just compensation for based on tort, but on the constitutional prohibition against the taking of the
the property taken. In inverse condemnation, the objective is to recover the property without just compensation.

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expropriated and is case of failure to arrive at a perfected sale, then
In inverse condemnation, the action is instituted by the landowner for just expropriation proceedings ay commence.
compensation after his property has been taken by the government and
structures were built thereon, without the government filing the Expropriation proceedings or court intervention would be unnecessary
appropriate expropriation case. Since the action is filed for just should a deed of sale be executed where the parties come to an agreement
compensation, a constitutional right, the same shall not be barred by laches. as to the price of the property to be sold.

However, in most inverse condemnation proceedings, the issue to be solved Also, in expropriation, the State’s acquisition of the expropriated property
would be the amount of just compensation and not whether the is subject to the condition that the property will be returned should the
expropriation was proper, considering that there was equitable estoppel on public purpose for which the expropriation was done did not materialize. On
the part of the landowner, who did not assail the validity of taking at the the other hand, a sale contract between the State and private persons is not
earliest opportunity. (NTC vs Bermuda Development Corp.) subject to his same condition unless the parties stipulate it. Additionally, in
expropriation cases, the payment of interest is related to the computation
In De Ynchausti vs Manila Electric Railroad and Light Co., the SC ruled that of just compensation, which is judicially determined; in voluntary sale, the
the owner of the land, who stands by, without objection, and sees a public parties could freely negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract such
railroad constructed over his land, cannot, after the road is completed, or as including or excluding a provision on interest.
large expenditures have been made thereon upon faith of his apparent
acquiescence, reclaim the land, or enjoin its use by the railroad company. In Money and choses in action, however, cannot be the subject of
such a case, there can only remain to be the owner a right to compensation. expropriation.

In NTC vs Bermuda, the SC ruled that the ejectment case would not prosper A person claiming a legal interest on the land sought to be expropriated who
for reasons of public policy and public necessity as well as equitable was not impleaded as a defendant has the right to intervene and to lay a
estoppel. The proper recourse, in such a case, was for the ejectment court claim in the just compensation.
1. Dismiss the case without prejudice to the landowner filling the A party who was joined as a defendant but was not served with process and
proper action for recovery of just compensation and consequential the proceeding became already closed before he came to know of the
damages; or expropriation proceeding may maintain an independent suit for damages.
2. Dismiss the case and direct the government to institute the proper
expropriation or condemnation proceedings and to pay the just When the property already appears to belong to the Republic, there is no
compensation and consequential damages assessed therein; or sense in the Republic instituting expropriation proceedings against itself. It
3. Continue with the case as if it were an expropriation case and can still, however, file a complaint for expropriation against the private
determine the just compensation and consequential damages persons occupying the property.
pursuant to Rule 67, if the ejectment court has jurisdiction over the
value of the subject land. In De Knecht vs CA, the SC ruled that mere possessors without any legal
interest on the land do not have the right to be joined as defendants in the
First phase expropriation case involving the land they were occupying. They had not
Prior to the institution of expropriation proceedings, an offer to purchase right to intervene in the expropriation case. At time the expropriation case
the property shall first be made on the owner of the property sought to be was filed, they had already lost whatever right or colorable title they had

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over the land. (Possessors previously filed a case for reconveyance, which phase of the expropriation proceedings. This finds support in Sec. 3, Rule 67,
the complaint was dismissed with finality months before the expropriation which provides that at the trial of the issue of the just compensation or the
case was filed. Their physical possession is merely tolerated.) second phase, whether or nor a defendant has previously appeared or
answered, he may present evidence as to the amount of the compensation
Defenses to be paid for his property, and he may share in the distribution of the
If a defendant has no objection or defense to the taking of his property, he award.
may file and serve a notice of appearance and a manifestation to that effect,
specifically designating or identifying the property in which he claims to be In case of a default, the defendant would only be barred from participating
interested, within the time stated in the summons. in the first phase, but the default order would not affect the defendant’s
right to present evidence as to the amount of just compensation in the
This means that the court will continue with the proceeding in the first phase second phase.
without any opposition from the defendant, and as such, the defendant, in
effect, would no longer participate in the proceedings. However, the If it appears to the court that the expropriation is not for some public use,
defendant would still be entitled to notice of all proceedings. This does not then it becomes the duty if the court to dismiss the action. However, when
mean that the defendant would no longer participate in the second phase. the defendant claims that his land suffered damages because of the
The non-participation will only pertain to the first phase, on the propriety of expropriation, the dismissal of the action should not foreclose the
the expropriation, which defendant manifest that he is not objecting to. defendant’s right to have his damages ascertained either in the same case
Once an Order for Expropriation is issued, the second phase would or in a separate action.
commence and the defendant would still be entitled to present evidence as
to the amount of the compensation to be paid regarding his property. In other words, while the plaintiff in an expropriation case may move to
withdraw or dismiss the complaint, the dismissal upon the instance of the
Should the defendant have: 1) objections to the filing of the complaint or plaintiff, would not cause the dismissal of the defendant’s claims against the
any of the allegations therein; or 2) defenses to the taking of his property, plaintiff for just compensation or damages, as the case may be, occasioned
the defendant must allege and raise all defenses and objections in an by the institution of the expropriation case.
answer, to be served and filed within the period stated in the summons for
doing so. The failure to raise all defenses and objections in the answer shall The SC rules that the dismissal, withdrawal or abandonment of the
be deemed a waiver thereof. expropriation case cannot be made arbitrarily. The expropriation case shall
not be automatically dismissed when the property ceases to be for public
The rule expressly prohibits the inclusion of counterclaim, cross-claim or use. The state must first file the appropriate motion to withdraw before the
third-party complaints in the answer or any subsequent pleadings. trial court having jurisdiction over the proceeding, and the grant or denial of
any motion to withdraw in an expropriation proceeding will always be
The issue raised in the answer will be fully ventilated in a full-blown trial and subject to judicial discretion.
hearing during the first phase.
In NPC, the dismissal of the expropriation case was sustained, subject to the
A defendant who fails to file an answer within the time provided for doing reservation of the landowner’s right to recover damages either in the same
so in the summons may be declared in default, he being considered to have or in another action. The SC rules that in the event of dismissal of the
waived his right to do so. The default, or the waiver due to the failure to expropriation case, the claim for damages may be made either in a separate
raise all defenses or objections in the answer, is only limited to the first

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or in the same action, for all damages occasioned by the institution of the The foregoing rule does not apply to the immediate possession of the
expropriation case. premises sin relation to national government projects as a different basis of
amount to be deposited is required in such cases.
However, in National Housing Authority bs Heirs of Guivelondo, the SC
denied the petitioner’s motion to dismiss the expropriation case filed after Thus, the requisite for authorized immediate entry in the expropriation
the order of expropriation were already issued by the court because the proceedings involving real property are:
defendant had already been prejudiced by the expropriation case. The SC 1. The filling of a complaint for expropriation sufficient in form and
ruled that the plaintiff cannot be permitted to institute an expropriation substance; and
proceedings against ethe defendant only to abandon it later when it finds 2. The making of a deposit equivalent to the assessed value of the
the amount of just compensation is unacceptable. property subject to expropriation.

Thus, the rule that expropriation proceedings must be dismissed when it is Upon compliance with the requirements under Sec. 2, Rule 67, the court’s
determined that it is not for a public purpose, except when: issuance of a writ of possession becomes ministerial. The court may issue
1. The trial court’s order already became final and executory; the writ of possession once the plaintiff deposits an amount equivalent to
2. The government already took possession of the property; and the assessed value of the property, without need of a hearing to determine
3. The expropriation case already caused prejudice to the landowner. the provisional sum to be deposited.

Ordinarily, the dismissal of the expropriation case restores possession of the How the local government unit may immediately take possession of the
expropriated land to the landowner. However, when possession of the land property
cannot be turned over to the landowner because it is neither convenient nor Pursuant to Sec. 19 of RA 7160, the local government unit may immediately
feasible anymore to do so, the only remedy available to the aggrieved take possession of the property when the following requirements are met:
landlord is to demand payment of just compensation. 1. Expropriation proceedings are filed; and
2. The local government makes a deposit with the proper court of at
Right of entry / writ of possession least 15% of the fair market value of the property based on the
Any right to immediate possession of the subject property must be firmly current tax declaration of the property to be expropriated. NOTE:
grounded on a valid compliance with Sec. 2, Rule 67, which provides that the amount to be paid for the property shall be based on the fair
upon filing of the complaint or anytime thereafter, and after due notice to market value at the time of the taking of the property. 1
the defendant, the plaintiff shall have the right to take or enter upon the
possession of the real property involved if he deposits with the authorized Order of expropriation
government depositary an amount equivalent to the assessed value of the An order of expropriation puts an end to any ambiguity regarding the right
property for purposes of taxation to be held by such bank subject to the of the plaintiff to condemn the defendant’s properties. The order of
orders of the court. However, if personal property is involved, its value shall expropriation will only be issued when:
be provisionally ascertained and the amount to be deposited shall be 1. The objections to and the defenses against the right of the plaintiff
promptly fixed by the court. to expropriate the property are overruled; or
2. No party appears to oppose the right to expropriate

1 Riano

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Because an order of expropriation merely determined the authority to After an order of expropriation is issued, the plaintiff shall not be permitted
exercise the power of eminent domain and the propriety of such exercise, to dismiss or discontinue the proceedings, except on such terms as the court
its issuance does not hinge on the payment of just compensation; there deems just and equitable, as when there will be judgement declaring the
would be no point in determining just compensation if, in the first place, the expropriating authority liable for the damages suffered by the landowner as
plaintiff’s right to expropriate the property was not first clearly established. a consequence of the expropriation proceedings initiated.
Payment of just compensation is not sine qua non to the issuance of an order
of expropriation. Second Phase
Mandatory appointment of commissioners; exceptions
If it appears to the court that the expropriation is not for some public use, Sec. 5, Rule 67 provides that upon the rendition of the order of
then it becomes the duty of the court to dismiss the action for expropriation, expropriation, the court shall appoint not more than 3 competent and
without prejudice to the defendant’s right to have his damages ascertained disinterested persons as commissioners to ascertain and report to the court
in same case or in a separate action if the defendant claims that his land the just compensation for the property sought to be taken.
suffered damages because of the expropriation.
Thus, in determining the amount of just compensation in an expropriation
Public use which is traditionally understood as strictly limited to actual “use suit, a trial abefore the commissioner is indispensable. While it is true that
by the public” has already been abandoned; public use has now been held the ascertainment of just compensation is a judicial prerogative and the
to be synonymous with “public interest”, “public benefit,” and “public findings of commissioners may be disregarded in that the trial court may
convenience.” substitute its own estimate of the value, the court may only do so for valid
reasons; that is, where the commissioners have applied illegal principles to
An order of expropriation denotes the end of the first phase of the evidence submitted to them, where they have disregarded a clear
expropriation, and paves the way for the second phase – the determination preponderance of evidence, or where the amount allowed is either grossly
of just compensation, and ultimately, payment. inadequate or excessive. As such, the appointment of commissioners for
recommending just compensation is a substantial right that may not be
An order of expropriation is considered a final order sustaining the right to whimsically waived.
expropriate the property, and thus, may be subject of appeal by the
aggrieved party. The procedure for the mandatory appointment of commissioners is waived
when the government itself initially violates procedural requirements, as in:
The appeal, however, will not prevent the court from proceeding with the 1. Actions for damages filed by the landowner where there is taking
second phase of the expropriation proceeding for the determination of just without institution of expropriation proceedings; or
compensation to be paid pursuant to Sec. 4, Rule 67. 2. Inverse condemnation proceedings to recover just compensation.

In actions for expropriation, since no less than 2 appeals are allowed by law, In Province of Davao Del Norte vs Buenaventura-Navarro, the SC ruled that
the period for appeal from an order of condemnation is 30 days counted the application of the provisions of Rule 67 presupposes a prior filling with
from notice thereof and not the ordinary period of 15 days prescribed for the appropriate court a complaint for eminent domain by the expropriator.
actions in general because a record on appeal is required to be filed and If no such complaint is filed, the expropriator is considered to have violated
served. procedural requirements, and hence, has waived the usual procedure
prescribed in Rule 67, including the appointment of commissioners to
ascertain just compensation. When there is no action for expropriation and

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the case involves only a complaint for damages or just compensation, the Proceedings by commissioners and the court's determination of just
provisions of the ROC on ascertainment of just compensation are no longer compensation
applicable, and a trial before commissioner is dispensable. Just compensation has been defined as the fair and full equivalent of the
loss that the owner of the thing expropriated has to suffer by design of the
In NPC, the SC rules that the case ceased to be an action for expropriation expropriation or of the property taken from its owner by the expropriate or.
when the NOPC dismissed its complaint for expropriation. Since the case The true measure is not the taker’s gain but the owner’s loss.
was reduced to be a simple case of recovery of damages, the provisions of
Rule 67 on the ascertainment of the just compensation to be paid were no To prove just compensation, the parties may present evidence before the
longer applicable. A trial before commissioners, for instance, was commissioners, who shall be authorized to administer oaths on hearings
dispensable. before then.

In NPC vs Asoque, the SC categorically ruled that when an inverse The opportunity to present evidence before the commissioner is part of due
condemnation is filed, the provisions for appointment of commissioners process, as held by the Supreme Court in NPC vs Spouses Asoque. Here, the
under Rule 32 – not Sec. 5, 6, 7 or 8 of Rule 67 – will be followed. In this case, SC ruled that the commissioner's findings arrived at with no trial or hearing
the SC sustained the appointment of a commissioner pursuant to Rule 32 of conducted to afford the parties the opportunity to present their own
the ROC for the presentation of evidence ex parte in an inverse evidence should be discarded by the trial court.
condemnation case. For failing to appear at the pre-trail without any
justifiable reason, the court granted the respondent’s motion to present In denying the argument that the hearing on the motion for reconsideration
their evidence ex parte before the court appointed commissioner, pursuant cured the defect of lack of hearing before the commissioners for the
to Rule 32. reception of evidence for just compensation, the SC in Spouses Asoque,
distinguished the hearing before the commissioner in the hearing on the
It is respectfully submitted that the appointment of commissioners under motion for reconsideration. At the hearing of a motion of reconsideration,
Rule 32 may not always be applied in inverse condemnation cases the trial court may not be more accommodating with the grant of hearing
considering that Rule 32 expressly provided that reference to commissioner dates, even if the movement has many available witnesses. The Supreme
may be done by order of the court upon: 1) written consent of the parties; Court concluded that the constitutional guarantee of two process still
2) application of either of the parties when both do not consent; 3) the requires that a party should be given the fullest end widest opportunity to
court’s own motion. The use of word may in Sec. 1 and 2 of Rule 32 shows adduce evidence during trial, and the availment of a motion for
that the appointment of commissioner is directory, rather than mandatory. reconsideration will not satisfy a party strike to procedural due process,
Also in Spouses Asoque, the NPC did not appear during the pretrial despite unless his inability to adduce evidence during trial was due to his own fault
due notice, which prompted the respondent to move for the presentation or negligence.
of evidence ex parte before a commissioner. An inverse condemnation case
would not always involve an instance where there would be a granted In making their report, the commissioner may consider several factors
motion for the presentation of evidence ex parte before a commissioner, as existing at the time of taking was made by the government to determine the
it may be possible that the expropriating authority would appear and fair market value of the property, in addition to the proffered documentary
participate in the pretrial. Thus, it is admitted that what is indubitable in evidence, such as:
Spouses Asoque is that the appointment of commissioner under Rule 67 it's 1. location of the property;
not mandatory and inverse condemnation cases. 2. size and prospective users of the property;

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3. the neighborhood where the property is located, and the nearby The Supreme Court ruled that it was improper for the trial court to adopt
establishments; the values provided by the commissioners, without citing the basis
4. all the facts as to the conditions of the property and its therefore.
surroundings, as well as the improvements and capabilities;
5. tax declarations; and Just compensation is a certainty as of the time of the taking, which usually
6. reference the other similar cases of expropriation, provided that coincides with the commencement of the expropriation proceeding, but if
the similar case coincides with the time of taking, such as when the the institution of the actual in precedes entry into the property, then the
case relied on was decided in the same year or time the taking of just compensation is to be a certain as of the time of the filing of the
the property happened, among others. complaint. In other words, the value of the time of the filing of the complaint
should be the basis for the determination of the value when the taking of
the commissioner shall then assess the consequential damages to the the property involved coincides with or is subsequent with the
property not taken and deduct from such consequential damages the commencement of the proceeding.
consequential benefits to be derived by the owner from the public use or
purpose of the property taken, the operations of its franchise by the The following are the requisites of taking:
corporation or the carrying on of the business of the corporation or person 1. the expropriator must enter a private property;
taking the property. In no case shall the consequential benefits exceed the 2. the entrance into private property must be more than a
consequential damages assessed, or the owner be deprived of the actual momentary period;
value of his property so taken. 3. The entry into the property should be under warranty or color of
legal authority;
It is not required that the commissioners report be unanimously agreed 4. the property must be devoted to a public use or otherwise
upon them. the reports of the commissioners are merely advisory end informally appropriated or injuriously affected ; and
recommendatory in character, as far as the courts are concerned. 5. the utilization of the property for public use must be in such a way
as to oust the owner and deprive him of all beneficial enjoyment of
The court may disregard the findings of commissioners and substitute its the property.
own estimate of the value, for valid reasons, such as when:
1. the commissioners applied illegal principles to the evidence In determining just compensation, the market value of the property should
submitted to them; be fixed at the time of taking. The foregoing rule has recognized exceptions.
2. the commissioners disregarded a clear preponderance of evidence;
and The initial possession that was not for purpose of expropriation. The NPC
3. the amount allowed is either grossly inadequate or excessive. then sought an easement of right of way, but the trial court ruled that
easement of right of way could not be acquired over the property and
The court may consider the commissioners report but it must take its own instead, the NPC’s remedy was to expropriate the property. Thus, by way of
judicial determination in coming up with the just compensation and must the exception and due to the peculiar circumstances in the case, the SC
not only blindly adopt the said report. The determination of just sustained the conclusion that the market value be reckoned from the date
compensation and expropriation proceedings is essentially a judicial the trial court made its order of expropriation.
prerogative, where the court is only aided by the appointed commissioners,
whose appointment is mandatory.

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In inverse condemnation, the just compensation may be reckoned from the
time the property owner initiated the inverse condemnation proceeding Where only part of the certain property is expropriated, the owner is not
even if the taking of the property occurred earlier. restricted to compensation for the portion actually taken, he is also entitled
to recover the consequential damages, if any, to the remaining part of the
It was found in the Heirs of Sangkay that the expropriating authorities entry property.
denied elementary due process of law to the owners. There was necessity
to prevent the expropriating authority from unjustly profiting from its Thus, if the entire area of the owner’s property is being expropriated, and
deliberate act of denying due process of law to the owners. As a measure of not merely a portion thereof, then an award of consequential damages
simple justice and ordinary fairness to them, reckoning just compensation would not be warranted. Should the subject property be expropriated in its
on the value at the time the owner commenced this inverse condemnation entirety, there is no more remaining portion which may suffer an
proceedings is found to be entirely warranted. impairment or decrease in value as a result of the expropriation. Hence in
such case, the award of consequential damages would be improper.
In NPC vs Spouses Saludares, the SC ruled that the reckoning value of just
compensation is that prevailing at the time of the filing of the inverse In Republic vs Salvador, the SC held that capital gains tax do not fall within
condemnation proceeding. To adequately compensate the property owners the definition of consequential damages that the plaintiff must pay the
from the decades of burden on their property, the Supreme Court ruled that defendant. Since capital gains tax is a tax on passive income, it is the seller
the expropriating authority should be made to pay the value of the property or the defendant, who shall be liable to shoulder the tax.
at the time of the filing of the complaint for inverse condemnation or when
the property owners made their judicial demand for just compensation. The SC further explained in Salvador that consequential damages are only
awarded if as a result of the expropriation, the remaining property of the
The Sc, however, emphasized that the ruling in Sangkay and Saludares are owner suffers from an impairment or decrease in value. Given that the
only exceptions to general rule and the same may only apply to similar cases. payment of capital gains tax on the transfer of the subject property has no
The rulings in Sangkay and Saludares Are more in consonance with the rules effect on the increase or decrease in value of the remaining property, it can
of equity than with Rule 67. the practice of construct first, expropriate later hardly be considered as consequential damages that may be awarded to the
is reprehensible and must not be countenanced. The Supreme Court defendant operating owner.
emphasized, however, that courts must not lose sight of Sec. 4, Rule 67,
which mandates that just compensation must be determined as of the date On the other hand, if the expropriation results in the benefit to the
of the taking of the property or the filing of the complaint, whichever comes remaining lot of the owner, these consequential benefits may be the ducted
first. This provision is, first and foremost, part of the rules which the from the awarded consequential damages, if any, or from the market value
Supreme Court itself promulgated for purposes of uniformity, among of the expropriated property.
Land swap in lieu of the termination of just compensation in expropriation
To determine just compensation, the trial court should ascertain first the proceedings
market value of the property, to which should be added the consequential Some laws allow for the acquisition of private lands through other means.
damages after the ducting therefrom the consequential benefits which may For instance, RA 7279 or Urban Development Housing Act of 1992, provides,
arise from the expropriation. If the consequential benefit exceeds the among others, that land swapping is a mode of acquiring lands for purposes
consequential damages, these items should be disregarded altogether as of the set up.
the basic value of the property should be paid in every case.

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The Supreme Court ruled that the law did not preclude parties into agreeing be determined by the usage and purposes for which it is held. The rules on
that the private individual pay an additional amount in case the value of the whether the property may be subject of execution are summarized as
private land is lesser compared to the public land involved in the land swap. follows:
Thus, it was held that the petitioner in the city may enter into a modified 1. Properties held for public uses - and generally everything held for
land swap in that the former must pay an amount corresponding to the governmental purposes - are not subject to levy and sale under execution
difference in value between the private and public lands involved. In doing against such corporation. The same rule applies to funds in the hands of a
so, the city government would, in effect, be receiving properties of public officer and taxes due to a municipal corporation.
commensurate value to the property it would be giving in exchange. 2. Where a municipal corporation owns in its proprietary capacity, as
(Regarding RA 7279) distinguished from its public or governmental capacity, property not used or
used for a public purpose but for quasi-private purposes, it is the general
another example of the law authorizing land swap is RA 10752 or Right-of- rule that such property may be seized and sold under execution against the
way Act, in relation to national government projects. Instead of being paid corporation.
the money value of his property, the owner of a property needed for a right 3. Property held for public purposes is not subject to execution merely
of way of a national project may request the government to exchange or because it is temporarily used for private purposes. If the public use is wholly
barter and old abandoned government road or other government property abandoned, such property becomes subject to execution.
near the project with his property that is being sought to be taken by the
government. Just compensation may incur legal interest when the expropriator had been
enjoying the use of the property for years without paying full amount of just
Remedies against the local government unit expropriating authority that did compensation
not enact an ordinance to satisfy their judgment declaring the amount of in case of undue delay in the payment of just compensation, an award of
just compensation legal interest on the amount due may be proper. Just compensation means
SC held that the proper remedy for enforcing final money judgements not only the correct determination of the amount due to the property owner
against the government or any of its agencies or instrumentalities is to seek but also payment to him of the amount due within a reasonable time from
relief with the COA, which must act upon it within 60 days and any rejection the taking. Just compensation in the context of eminent domain or
of the claim will authorize the claimant to elevate the matter to the SC on expropriation proceeding pertains to timely or prompt payment of adequate
certiorari and, in effect, sue the state thereby, pursuant to the SC value sufficient to recoup the loss suffered by the property owner.
Administrative Circular 10-2000 dated Oct. 25, 2000.
Absent full payment, interest on the balance would necessarily be due on
The trial court should not direct immediate implementation of the wreath the amount paid.
of execution of the funds of the expropriating government authority but
should instead allow the parties recourse to the processes of COA. Thus, interest in eminent domain cases surrounds as a matter of law and
follows as a matter of course from the right of the landowner to be placed
In Star Special Watchman and Detective Agency Inc., the SC held that in as good a position as money can accomplish, as of the date of taking.
although the settled rule is that government properties are not subject to
levy and execution unless otherwise provided for by the statute , where With the ruling in Nacar vs Gallery Frames, the SC impose interest at the rate
property of the municipal and other public corporation is thought to be of 12% per annum from the time of taking until June 30, 2013, and 6% per
subjected to execution to satisfy judgment recovered against such annum from July 1, 2013 until full payment of just compensation.
corporation, the question as to whether such property is levied or not is to

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Exemplary damages and attorney’s fees, commissioner’s fees and costs of This situation is akin to ejectment cases in which a court is temporarily
the proceeding authorized to determine ownership, if only to determine who is entitled to
Exemplary damages are appropriate when it is shown that the government possession. This is not conclusive, and it remains open to challenge through
misused its power of eminent domain. proper actions.

The Supreme Court has awarded attorney’s fees and exemplary damages in In other words, the trial court may provisionally determine the owner of the
favor of property owners when the government agency concerned occupied property, only for the purpose of determining to whom just compensation
the property for a prolonged period of time, without the benefit of shall be paid. Such ruling, is without prejudice to the rights of the parties to
expropriation proceeding, and without even exerting effort to a certain institute the appropriate separate proceeding to assert their claim over the
ownership of the lot and negotiating with any of the owners of the property property.
because such acts were considered as wanton and irresponsible which
should be suppressed and corrected. Judgment and appeal
if the defendant and his counsel absent themselves from the court, or
The fees of the commissioner shall be taxed as part of the cost of the declined to receive the amount tendered, the same shall be ordered to be
preceding. All cost, except those of rival claimants litigating their claim, shall deposited in court and such deposit shall have the same effect as actual
be paid by the plaintiff, unless an appeal is taken by the owner of the payment thereof to the defendant or the person ultimately adjudged
property and the judgment is affirmed, in which event the cost of the appeal entitled thereto.
shall be paid by the owner.
The remedy against the judgment in the second phase is an appeal.
Uncertain ownership or conflicting claims over the properties ought to be However, appeal shall not delay or prevent the right of the plaintiff to enter
expropriated upon the property of the defendant and appropriate the same for public use
The court that hears the expropriation case also has jurisdiction to or purpose.
determine in the same proceeding, the issue of ownership of lands ought to
be expropriated, pursuant to Sec. 9, Rule 67, which provides that if the If there is no appeal, their judgment becomes final. Their judgment entered
ownership of the property taken is uncertain, or there are conflicting themes in expropriation proceedings shows state definitely, by an adequate
on the property, the court may order the just compensation to be paid to description, the particular property or interest therein expropriated, and the
the court for the benefit of the person a judge in the same proceeding to be nature of the public use or purpose for which it is expropriated.
entitled thereto.
When property owner may reacquire expropriated property
Party shall be allowed to present evidence to assert ownership over the it is essential that the element of public use of property Ben be maintained
subject property, and the court may rule thereon, but only for the sole throughout the proceedings for expropriation. Withal, the mandatory
purpose of determining who is entitled to just compensation. Such findings requirement of due process ought to be strictly followed, such that the state
of ownership in an expropriation proceeding should not be construed as must show, at the minimum, a genuine need, and exact public purpose to
final and binding on the parties, insofar as the issue of ownership is take private property, the purpose to be specifically alleged or at least
concerned. By filing an action for expropriation, the plaintiff merely served reasonably deducible from the complaint. Thus, the expropriators should
notice that it is taking title to end possession of the property, and that the commit to use the property pursuant to the purpose stated in the complaint
defendant is asserting title to or interest in the property, not to prove the for expropriation filed, failing which, it should file another complaint for the
right of possession, but to prove the right to compensation for the taking. new purpose and if not, it is then incumbent upon the expropriator to turn

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the said property to its private owner, if the latter desire story acquired the just compensation received. In such a case, the exercise of the power of
same. eminent domain has become improper for lack of the required factual
justification. The ruling in this case does abandoned the ruling in fairly which
In Ouano vs Republic, The Supreme Court allowed the previous owners of provides that if the degree of expropriation does not provide any condition
the property expropriated to reacquire their respective lots since the or provision that allows our version of property, the non-use their offered
expropriation this premised on the condition that the owners would be not have the effect of defeating the title acquired by the expropriation
entitled to repurchase their respective lots in the event that they are no proceeding.
longer used for airport purposes and the expansion and development of the
Lahug airport, which was the reason for the expropriation was abandoned. In Fery an expropriation suit was comments upon parcel of land to be used
aside for a public market. Instead of putting up a public market, residential
Since the purpose of the expropriation was not met, then the lot owners can houses for release on the area were constructed. However, the previous
demand reconveyance off their old property be subject to return off the just owners claim was defeated even if the municipality did not pursue it's public
compensation the received plus legal interest to be computed from default, purpose since the municipality acquired the free sample title to the land in
which in this case were drawn when the expropriating authority complied question, meaning that the same did not have any condition allowing for
with the reconveyance obligation, in addition to payment to the reversion of property to the owner.
expropriating authority of necessary expenses it might have incurred in
sustaining their respective lots and the monetary value of its services in In abandoning Fery, the Supreme Court explain in Mactan that Fery was not
managing the lots to the extent that the private owners were benefited decided pursuant to our now sacredly held constitutional right that private
thereby. property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation. The
taking of private property by the government's power of eminent domain is
Sc further ruled in Ouano that in accordance to Art. 1187 of the NCC on always subject to two mandatory requirements: 1) that it is for a particular
mutual compensation, the expropriating authority may keep whatever public purpose; and 2) that just compensation be paid to the property
income or fruit it may have obtained from the parcel of land expropriated. owner. These requirements partake of the nature of implied conditions that
In turn, the former owners need not required the accounting of interest should be complied with to enable the expropriating authority to keep the
earned by the amounts they receive as just compensation. Following Article property expropriated.
1189 which provides that if the thing is improved by its nature, or by time,
the improvements shall inure to benefit of the creditor, the previous owners Thus, there may be recovered by the land owner of an expropriated land if
do not have to settle the appreciation of the values of their respective lots the expropriation was not for a public purpose, as it would lack a mandatory
as part of the reconveyance process , since the value increase is merely the requirement, specifically, the taking before a particular public purpose,
natural effect of nature and time. which is an implied condition that should be complied with to enable the
expropriating authority to keep the property expropriated.
In Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority vs Lozada, it was ruled that
the taking of private property, consequently the government exercise of its
power of eminent domain, is always subject to the condition that the
property be devoted to the specific public purpose for which it was taken. If
this particular purpose or intent is not initiated or not at all pursued, and is
peremptorily abandoned, then the former owners, if they so desire, may
seek the reversion of the property, subject to the return of the amount of

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RA 10752 Government school buildings, hospitals, clinics and other buildings
and housing projects;
(14) Public markets and slaughter houses; and
RA 10752 increased the scope of coverage of national government projects. Other similar or related infrastructure works and services of the
It now refers to national government infrastructure project and its public national government.
service facilities, engineering works and service contracts, including projects Local government units may also adopt the provisions of RA 10752 for use
undertaken by government owned and controlled corporation, oil projects in the acquisition of right of way for local government infrastructure
covered by Built-Operate-Transfer Law, and other related unnecessary projects.
activities, such as site acquisition, supply or installation of equipment and
materials, implementation, construction, completion, operation, Mode of acquiring real property
maintenance it's, improvement, repair and rehabilitation, regardless of the there are several modes of acquiring property for government infrastructure
source of funding. projects, such as by donation, negotiated sale, expropriation or any other
modes of acquisition as provided by law, such as exchange or barter,
Right of way within the meaning of RA 10752 and its implementing rules easement of right of way, acquisition of subsurface right of way, among
means a part or the entirety of a property, site or location, with defined others, and acquisition of land granted through Commonwelath Act No. 141,
physical boundaries, use or required by a national government project. as amended, otherwise known as the Public Land Act.

These projects shall include, but not be limited to the following: Upon approval of an infrastructure project by the head of the implementing
agency concerned, with funding authorized and the general appropriations
Highways, including expressways, roads, bridges, interchanges, act end with defined right of way, no national government or LGU, within
overpasses, tunnels, viaducts and related facilities; two years from the date of notice of taking commercial allow any
(2) Railways, and mass transit facilities; development or construction, or issue any building, construction,
Port Infrastructure, like piers, wharves, quays, storage handling and development, or business permit, which is contrary to the approved plans
(3) and purposes after project within the right of way, unless explicitly
ferry services;
authorized by the head of the implementing agency for justifiable reasons.
(4) Airports and air navigations facilities;
For this purpose, the date of notice of taking is the date of the letter issued
(5) Power generation, transmission and distribution facilities; by the implementing agency to the concerned land owners, after the
(6) Radio/Television broadcasting and telecommunication infrastructure; approval of the land acquisition plan and resettlement acquisition plan as
(7) Information technology Infrastructure; part of the detailed engineering design, informing them of the intent of the
implementing agency to acquire their land for the right of way.
(8) Irrigation, flood control and drainage systems;
(9) Water and debris retention structures and dams; Consequently, once a notice of taking is issued, a new structure or
(10) Water supply, sanitation, sewerage and waste management facilities; improvement to an existing one on the land covered by the notice shall be
(11) Land reclamation, dredging and development; compensated. Similarly no informal settlers will be eligible for compensation
if their structures are built after the cut-off date for entitlements, which your
(12) Industrial and tourism estates;
first through the first day of census undertaken as part of the land
acquisition plan and resettlement acquisition plan prepared after both the

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projects approved by the implementing agency and the detailed engineering Donation
design. If the property owner agrees to donate the property to be acquired by the
implementing agency as right of way, a deed of donation shall immediately
Acquisition of properties under Commonwealth Act No. 141 be prepared.
Commonwealth Act No. 141 As amended by PD635 provides that lands
granted by patent shall be subject to a right of way strip not exceeding 60 The deed of donation shall be simple and unconditional, and shall contain
meters in width for public highways, irrigation ditches, aqueducts, and other clauses through the effect that the donation is made not to defraud the
similar works of the government or any public enterprise, free of charge, donor’s creditors, and that the donor has, if necessary, reserved for himself
except only when the value of the improvement existing their own that may and of property for his families subsistence, substance and support in case
be affected. The right of way strip not exceeding 60 meters in with within the donor is a private individual.
the land acquired under this said law is reserved by the government for
public use with damages to improvements only. The donation must be accepted by the implementing agency, which shall be
indicated in the deed of donation. The implementing agency shall then pay
If the government decides to exercise its right to use the right of way strip the documentary stamp tax, transfer tax and registration fees, while the
reserved for public use within the land acquired under Commonwealth Act donor shall pay any unpaid real property tax, if any.
No 141, the owner is required to execute a quitclaim. The implementing
agency shall then take possession of the property affected by the right of Exchange or barter
way without any compensation to the owner of the land, but shall pay the By the contract of barter or exchange, one of the parties bind himself to give
owner the cost of the damages for the improvements within the land a thing in consideration of the others promised to give another thing.
equivalent to their replacement cost. If the owner refuses or is unable to
issue a quitclaim, the concern government officials responsible for the Instead of being paid the money value of his property, the owner of the
implementation of projects are authorized to immediately take possession property needed for a right of way of a national government project may
of the portion of the property subject of the lien, as the need arises and request the government to exchange or barter and old abandoned
upon due notice to the owner. This is without prejudice to the implementing government road or other government property near the project with the
agency resorting to appropriate proceeding to acquire immediate same property. The implementing agency may favourably consider this
possession of the property. mode, subject to the provisions of relevant laws in the following conditions:

In Republic vs Regulto, the SC rules that the failure of the government to a. The exchange shall be done on a “value-for-value” basis, i.e., the
oppose the subdivision of the property covered by the free patent is not a properties being exchanged are equivalent in market value or price;
waiver of the encumbrance imposed by Commonwealth Act No. 141. b. If the government property to be exchanged with the private
property was originally donated by a previous owner, the donation
PD 1381 also allows the government to utilize the reserve right of way strip must be verified to ensure that there is no condition which
for temporary building for resident and or project engineers needed in the prohibits the government from disposing of it to other private
prosecution of an infrastructure project. Once the infrastructure project is persons. If the said government property was originally acquired
completed in the temporary buildings used by resident or project engineers through sale, the previous owner shall have the first priority to re-
are no longer needed, the possession of the portion of property used for the acquire the property if required by law or by the contract or deed
building shall revert to the title holder. of sale;

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c. Owners of property whose land abut the said abandoned b. Offer to acquire from the property owner the affected portion of
government road or other property shall not be deprived of access, the land, including the affected structures, improvements, crops
i.e., egress or ingress, to the new highway to be built, if any; and and trees therein in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
d. The private property owner and the IA which are parties to the
exchange or barter agreement shall be subject to applicable CGT To assist the implementing agency in determining the appropriate price
and DST in accordance with BIR rules and regulations. offer, the implementing agency may engage the services of a government
financial institution or an independent property appraiser. For acquisition of
Easement of right-of-way subsurface right of way, the rules for negotiated sales should be followed
If the portion of a lot needed is minimal, such that the expense for surveying and applied.
or segregating that portion from the main lot would be very much more than
the value of the part of the lot needed, the implementing agency may, if the Negotiated sale
property owner agrees, resorted the mode of easement of right of way The compensation prize to be offered by the implementing agency to the
provided under the Civil Code. land owner shall consist of the sum of the:
1. current market value of the land;
This mode of right of way acquisition refers to a voluntary easement, which 2. replacement costs of structures and improvements therein; and
is established by the will of the parties. The property owner will grant the 3. current market value of crops and trees there in.
implementing agency the right to use the affected portion of the lot as right
of way, but the owner retains the ownership of that portion of the lot. To expedite the proceeding, the property owner is given 30 days within
which they decide whether or not to accept the price offer. Should the
The implementing agency shall pay the owner the value of the portion of the landowner reject the offer, or should the period lapse without there being
lot based on the existing zonal valuation declared by the BIR. In addition, the any acceptance, expropriation proceeding shall be comments, through the
implementing agency shall compensate the property owner the appropriate implementing agency, the OSG, the Office of the Government
replacement cost of any improvements and structures on the land affected Corporate Counsel, or their deputies government or private legal counsel.
by the right of way.
The landowner agrees to a negotiated sale, deed of absolute sale shall be
Acquisition of subsurface right of way executed by the implementing agency and the property owner.
The government or any of its authorized representatives shall not be
prevented from entry into and use of such private and government land In case the sale pertains to structures and improvements only, the property
based surface owners or occupants, if such entry and use are made more owner in the implementing agencies had execute an agreement to demolish
than 50 meters from the surface. and remove improvement, provided that the property owner has submitted
to the implementing agency the necessary documents to establish proof of
If the national government project involves underground works within a ownership of the said structures and improvements.
depth of fifty (50) meters from the surface, the IA may undertake the mode
of acquisition in the following order: Upon execution of the deed of sale, the implementing agency is required to
a. Negotiate with the property owner a perpetual easement of ROW pay the property owner the following amounts of initial payments:
for the subterranean portions of his property required by the 1. 50% of the negotiated price of the affected land, exclusive of taxes
project; and remitted to the LGU concerned; and

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2. 70% of the negotiated price of the affected structure, a. At the time of the transfer of title in the name of the Republic of
improvements, crops and trees, exclusive of unpaid taxes remitted the Philippines, in cases where the land is wholly affected; and
to the LGU concerned. b. At the time of the annotation of a deed of sale on the title, in cases
where the land is partially affected.
The balance shall be paid as follows:
However, if the land is entitled, as an additional condition to payment, the
1. Where the property owner owns both the land and landowner should present:
structures/improvements, as provided in Section 5(g) of the Act,
the IA shall, at the periods stated below, pay the property owner a. a Tax Declaration showing his and his predecessors' open and
the remaining fifty percent (50%) of the negotiated price of the continuous possession of the property for at least thirty (30) years;
affected land, and thirty percent (30%) of the affected structures, b. Certification from the Department of Environment and Natural
improvements, crops and trees, exclusive of unpaid taxes remitted Resources (DENR) that the land is alienable and disposable; and
to the LGU concerned under Section 6.9 of this IRR, provided that c. Other documents that may show proof of ownership.
the land is already completely cleared of structures, improvements,
crops and trees, as certified by the IA: RA 10752 provides the implementing agency shall pay, for the account of
a. At the time of the transfer of title in the name of the Republic of the seller, the capital gains tax, as well as documentary stamp tax, transfer
the Philippines, in cases where the land is wholly affected; and tax and registration fees, while the owner shall pay any unpaid real property
b. At the time of the annotation of a deed of sale on the title, in cases tax. The implementing agencies shall pay the capital gains tax to the BIR
where the land is partially affected. based on the actual consideration stated in the deed of sale.

2. Where the property owner owns only the land, as provided in Defendants in the expropriation case
Section 5(g) of the Act, the IA shall, at the periods stated below, pay If no negotiated sale takes place, complaint for expropriation may be filed.
the property owner the remaining fifty percent (50%) of the
negotiated price of the affected land, exclusive of unpaid taxes RA 10752 contemplate situations where the property owner cannot be
remitted to the LGU concerned under Section 6.9 of this IRR: found, is unknown, or is deceased but without his estate having been
a. At the time of the transfer of title in the name of the Republic of settled, or where there are conflicting claims. In such instances, the amount
the Philippines, in cases where the land is wholly affected; and you shall still be deposited with the court, who will then determine who is
b. At the time of the annotation of a deed of sale on the title, in cases entitled to the same.
where the land is partially affected.
Expropriation proceeding and immediate possession of the premises
3. Where the property owner owns only the Should the implementing agency wish to take possession of the premises for
structures/improvements, as provided in Section 5(g) of the Act, it to start the implementation of the project during the pendency of the
the IA shall, at the periods stated below, pay the property owner expropriation case, the implementing agency shall immediately be posited
the remaining thirty percent (30%) of the affected structures, upper in favor of the owner the amount equivalent of:
improvements, crops and trees, exclusive of unpaid taxes remitted 1. 100% of the value of the land based on the current relevant zonal
to the LGU concerned under Section 6.9 of this IRR, immediately valuation of the BIR you should not more than three years prior to
after the IA has certified that the land is already completely cleared the filing of the expropriation complaint. If there is no zonal
of structures, improvements, crops and trees. valuation , or where the current zonal valuation has been enforced

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for more than three years, the BIR it's mandated, within a period of Under RA 10752, The property owner sees immediate monetary
60 days from the date of filing of the expropriation case, to conduct recompensation with the same degree of speed as the taking of his property.
a zonal valuation of the area. By exception, if the completion of the
government infrastructure project is off like most urgency and Thus the court has the duty to ensure that the provisions of RA 10752 are
important, and there is no land classification or existing zonal complied with, and in case of failure to do so, delete of possession shall not
valuation of the area concerned, the implementing agency shall use issue.
the BIRs zonal value and land classification of similar lands within
the adjacent vicinity as of the basis for the evaluation. The payment of the initial deposit after condition to the issuance of a writ
2. The replacement costs at current market value of the improvement of possession is different from the payment of just compensation for the
and structures as determined by: 1) the implementing agency; 2) expropriated property. The initial deposit does not substitute for the judicial
government financial institution with adequate experience in determination of just compensation. While the provisional value is based on
property appraisal; and 3) an independent property appraiser the current relevant zonal valuation, just compensation is based on the
accredited by the BSP; and prevailing fair market value of the property. The initial deposit refers to the
3. The current market value of crops and trees located within the preliminary or provisional determination of the value of the property. The
property as determined by the government financial institution or payment to the property owner of a preliminary amount is one way to
an independent property appraiser. ensure that the property will not be condemned arbitrarily. It is not a final
determination of just compensation and may not necessarily be equivalent
The foregoing deposit shall be made upon the filing of the complaint or at at the prevailing fair market value of the property period of course, it may
anytime thereafter and after due notice is given to the defendant period be a factor to consider in the determination of just compensation.
once add deposit is made, the cultural immediately issue to the Nevertheless, there is no need for the determination with reasonable
implementing agency edit of possession or in order to take possession of the certainty of the final amount of just compensation further it of possession
property and state the implementation of the project. The court then shall may be issued.
issue the need of possession ex parte no hearing to be required.
Just compensation, on the other hand, is the final determination of the fair
Thus, RA 10752 Is the exception to the general rule in Sec. 2, Rule 67 that market value of the property.
upon the filing of the expropriation complaint, the plaintiff has the right to
take possession of the real property involved if he deposits with the RA 10752 there's not take away from the courts the power tour judicially
authorized government depositary an amount equivalent to assessed value determined the amount of just compensation. It merely provides relevant
of the real property considering that the deposit under RA 10752 is based standards or guidelines in order to facilitate the determination of just
on the sum of: 1) 100% of the current zonal value of the land; 2) compensation, and sets the minimum price of the property as professional
replacement cost; and 3) current market value of crops and trees located value, to immediately recompensate their landowner with the same degree
within the property. of speed as the taking of property, which reconciles the inherent unease
attending expropriation proceedings with the possession of fundamental
Nevertheless, whether the deposit is made under Rule 67 or RA 10752, the equity. The court still has the power to determine the just compensation,
amount serves the double purpose of: 1) pre-payment if the property is fully which RA 10752 recognizes.
expropriated and 2) indemnity for damages if the proceedings are
dismissed. Sec. 6 of RA 10752 provides that should the owner of the property contest
the implementing agencies proffered value, the court shall determine their

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just compensation to be paid the owner within 60 days from the filing of the when the just compensation is determined by the court and the decision
expropriation case. becomes final and executory, in which case, the implementing agency shall
pay the owner the difference between the just compensation as determined
Thus, after payment of the initial deposit, the parties may present evidence by the court and the amount initially paid.
in relation to just compensation and the court may proceed to determine
the same. In Felisa Agricultural Corp, Interest at the legal rate was awarded based on
the difference between the initial deposit and the final just compensation a
The court released the amount deposited to the owner upon presentation judge, counted from the time of taking until the amount was fully paid. The
of sufficient proof of ownership. This only applies where the issue of Supreme Court ruled that the payment of provisional deposit did not
ownership of the expropriate property is not contested. exclude the plaintiff from paying interest of the said difference, particularly
since in that case, the plaintiff refuses to pay just compensation at it did not
In case the owner of the property cannot be found, if unknown, or deceased even institute expropriation proceedings, and the defended has been
in case word the estate has not been settled, after exerting due diligence, or deprived already of the user enjoyment of his property for 29 years.
there are conflicting claims over the ownership of the property and
improvement and structures thereon, the implementing agency shall Relocation of informal settles and writ of demolition
deposit amount to the court for the benefit of the person to be adjudge in In case the expropriated land is occupied by informal settlers who refuse or
the same proceeding as entitled thereto. are unable to demolish their structures and other improvements therein,
despite the writ of possession issued by the court, the court shall issue with
With regards to the taxes and fees relative to the transfer of title of the the necessary right of demolition for the purposes of dismantling any and all
property to the Republic through expropriation proceedings, the structures found within the subject property.
implementing agency shall pay the documentary stamp tax, transfer tax and
registration fees, while the owner shall pay the capital gains tax in unpaid Sanctions for violation of RA 10752
real property taxes, and all other applicable taxes under the law. The owner The violation of any of the provisions of RA 10752 shall subject the
shall pay the capital gains tax to the BIR within 30 days after their judgment government official or employee concerned the appropriate administrative,
in expropriation case has become final and executory. The implementing civil, or criminal sanctions, including suspension or dismissal from the
agency shall pay the documentary stamp tax within five days after the close government service and for feature of benefits in accordance with the
of the month when the judgment in the expropriation case has become final provisions of the law.
and executory.

Payment of interest
The implementing agency shall be liable for interest where there is delay in
full payment of the just compensation, which shall run from the date of

Under RA 10752, The implementing agency is required to pay at two stages.

The first is upon the filing of the complaint or at anytime thereafter, in order
for the implementing agency to secure the writ of possession to enter the
premises and commence the implementation of the project. The second is

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RULE 68 An action to enforce a right arising from a mortgage, such as a judicial
FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE foreclosure of mortgage, should be enforced within 10 years from the time
the right of action accrue. i.e. when the mortgagor defaults in the payment
A real estate mortgage is a contract in which the obligor guarantees to the of his obligation to the mortgagee; otherwise, it will be barred by
oblige the fulfillment of a principal obligation, subjecting for the faithful prescription and the mortgagee will lose his right under the mortgage. In
compliance therewith a real property in case of nonfulfillment of said other words, prescription commences from the time the obligation becomes
obligation at the time stipulated. due and demandable, or upon demand by the creditor, as the case maybe.

The essence of a contract of mortgage indebtedness is that a property has Jurisdiction and venue
been identified or set apart from the mass of the property of the debtor- BP 129, the RTC exercises exclusive original jurisdiction over the action
mortgagor as security for the payment of money or the fulfillment of an where the assessed value of the property outside Metro Manila exceed
obligation, to answer the amount of indebtedness, in case of default in 20,000 or where the assessed value exceeds 50,000 if the property involved
payment. As provided under Art 2126 of the NCC, the mortgage directly and is in Metro Manila and the MTC exercises exclusive original jurisdiction over
immediately subjects the property upon which it is imposed, whoever the the real action when the assessed value is not more than 20,000 or 50,000,
possessor may be, to the fulfillment of the obligation for whose security it if the property involved is outside or within Metro Manila, respectively.
was constituted.
While it may be said that the first stage in an action of real estate mortgage
The mortgage creates a real right, which: 1) follows the property; and 2) is reals with the issue of whether foreclosure is proper and hence, incapable
enforceable against the whole world. Thus, even if the mortgaged property of pecuniary estimation, the SC has affirmed that still, the court’s jurisdiction
is sold or its possession transferred to another, the property remains subject will be determined by the assessed value of the property.
to the fulfillment of the obligation for whose security it was constituted.
The complaint should allege the assessed value of the mortgaged real
Upon default of the mortgagor, foreclosure becomes a necessary property and the failure to do so shall be fatal to the plaintiff’s cause since
consequence of non-payment of the mortgage indebtedness. it cannot be determined which court would exercise jurisdiction over the
In BPI vs Hontanosas, the SC ruled that the writ of preliminary injunction will
not lie to prevent a mortgagee from foreclosing a mortgage on the ground The venue shall be where the area of the mortgaged property or a portion
that debtor-mortgagor would lose his right to the said property mortgaged. thereof is situation.
Foreclosure of mortgage is a remedy under law. The fear of loss of property
does not constitute irreparable injury as would warrant the issuance of a Where a mortgage covers several parcel of land located in different cities,
writ of preliminary injunction. such as in Marikina and Pasig, the action may be filed in the city where any
one of the mortgaged properties may be found, and the court where the
Foreclosure of real mortage may be done: action is filed, for instance, in Marikina, would have jurisdiction to enter a
1. Judicially, under Rule 68; or decree of foreclosure of mortgagee covering the lands in the said different
2. Extrajudicially, to be carried out pursuant to the provisions of Act cities of Marikina and Pasig.
No. 31356 or the General Banking Laws of 2000, as the case
maybe. Foreclosure of mortgage is waiver of other different remedied to collect the
unpaid debt

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For non-payment of a loan secured by mortgage, the creditor has a single action for collection of sum of money for the same, there will be violation of
cause of action against the debtor. The single cause of action consists in the the rule against splitting of cause of action. The remedy of the creditor-
recovery of the credit with execution of the security. A single cause of action mortgagee is to ask, by motion, for deficiency judgement and thereafter
may give rise to several reliefs, but only one action can be filed. obtain execution thereof in the same judicial foreclosure of real estate
mortgage action.
In a loan secured by a real estate mortgage, the creditor may ask for: 1)
payment of the debtor, or 2) the foreclosure of his mortgaged. While the Conversely, the creditor-mortgagee may elect to waive his security and
first is a personal action and the second is a real action, these are just bring, instead, an ordinary action to recover the indebtedness with the right
different reliefs that arise from a single cause of action because ultimately, to execute a judgement thereon on all the properties of the debtor,
the end goal in either case is for the creditor to be paid the load,. The money including the subject matter of the mortgage, subject to the qualification
debt is the principal things; the foreclosure of the property is only the result that if the mortgagee fails in the remedy elected by him, he cannot pursue
or an incident of the failure to pay the indebtedness. further the remedy he has waived. When the mortgagee elects to file a suit
for collection and not for foreclosure, he abandons the mortgage as basis
The 2 remedies are alternative, not cumulative or successive, and each for relief.
remedy is complete by itself.
During the pendency of the collection of sum of money case filed by the
There exist only one cause of action for a single breach of that obligation. If mortgagee, a writ of attachment may be obtained to attach the debtor-
the creditor is allowed to file 2 separate complaints simultaneously or mortgagor’s property, including the mortgaged property, should there be
successively, one to recover his credit and another to foreclose his grounds existing that warrant the issuance of the said writ, pursuant to Sec.
mortgage, he will, in effect, be authorized to have plural redress for a single 1, Rule 57.
breach of contract at so much cost to the courts and with so much vexation
and oppression to the debtor. This should not be allowed. If the loan was secured by a real estate mortgage and postdated checks, in
subsequently, and information for violation of BP 22 was filed against the
Thus, if the creditor-mortgagee opts to foreclose the real estate mortgage, debtor due to the said check being dishonoured, the creditor can no longer
he waives the action for the collection of the unpaid debt; however, the file a separate civil action for collection of sum of money or an action for
creditor-mortgagee may still be entitled to recover whatever deficiently may judicial foreclosure of mortgage because they said criminal case was also in
remain in the outstanding obligation of the debtor-mortgagor after effect a collection suit for the recovery of the mortgage-debt.
deducting the bid price in the public action sale of the mortgaged properties.
An unsatisfied judgement in a foreclosure of mortgage would still give the Three stages in judicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage and multiple
creditor-mortgagee the right to a deficiency judgement, in which case, all appeals
properties of debtor-mortgagor, other than the mortgaged property, would There are three stages involved in an action for judicial foreclosure of
be open for him for the satisfaction of the deficiency. In case of deficiency mortgage.
judgement, there is no violation of the rule against splitting of cause of
action since the deficiency judgement shall be obtained in the same action The first stage starts with the fighting of the complaint. In the first stage, the
for judicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage, in its third stage. No court determines first whether their foreclosure is proper. The court
separate and independent action will be filed to recover the deficiency. If determines if there is a due and demandable loan supported by a real estate
after the foreclosure sale there remains an unpaid balance of the mortgage that would warrant a foreclosure of mortgage. The creditor-
outstanding obligation and the creditor proceeds to institute a separate

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mortgagee has the legitimate right to foreclose the mortgage where the the provisional remedy of a preliminary attachment may be availed of in an
obligation is already past due. action for judicial foreclosure of mortgage in order to seize upon the
property of the debtor-mortgage or, other than the mortgage property.
The first stage ends, after trial, when the court shall render judgment on the
amount due and order the same to be paid to the court or the judgment In all three stages, their respective judgments or orders of the court may be
oblige, within the equity of redemption period or the period provided in the subject of appeal. Multiple appeals are allowed in the same case to enable
said judgment. the rest of the case to proceed in the event that a separate and distinct issue
is resolved by the court and held to be final. in such a case, the filing of a
The second stage begins after the period stipulated in their judgment lapses record and appeal becomes indispensable since only a particular incident of
and there is still failure to pay the sum adjudged in the first stage. A motion the case is brought to the appellate court for resolution with the rest of the
shall be filed, praying for the foreclosure sale of the mortgage property. proceedings remaining within the jurisdiction of the trial court.
After the court orders the property be sold at a public auction, the proceeds
of the sale shall be paid in satisfaction of the outstanding obligation. The The same procedure for judicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage also
second stage ends with the courts issuance of an order confirming the sale. applies to foreclosure of equitable mortgages. And equitable mortgage is
one which although lacking in some formality, or form or words, or other
The third stage is for the purpose of obtaining a deficiency judgment or for requisites demanded by the statute, nevertheless reveals the intention of
the satisfaction of the deficiency in the amount due as adjudged in the first the parties to charge real property as security for a debt, and contains
stage. nothing impossible or contrary to law.

The deficiency judgment in the third stage may be satisfied by execution Parties
pursuant to Rule 39, meaning that if the debtor-mortgagor is unable to pay Sec. 1, Rule 68 provide, among others, that the following party shall be
the deficiency, the property of the debtor-mortgage or, other than the implemented in the complaint for judicial foreclosure of real estate
mortgage property, maybe attached, levied on or garnished and sold at a mortgage:
public auction, with the proceeds therefore to be applied for the satisfaction 1. mortgagor
of the said deficiency. 2. mortgagee; and
3. all persons having or claiming an interest in the property
To prevent the debtor-mortgagor from fraudulently disposing of the said subordinate and write to that of the holder of the
property during the pendency of the case, the creditor-mortgagee may avail mortgage.
of the provisional remedy of a writ of preliminary attachment.
While Sec. 1, Rule 68 does not categorically provide so, the debtor who
Open the commencement of the judicial foreclosure of mortgage action or obtained the loan from which the mortgage was constituted, if the debtor
at a time before entry of judgment, a plaintiff may have the property of the be different from the mortgagor, should be impeded because the debtor is
debtor-mortgage or, other than the mortgage property, attached upon an indispensable party.
showing by affidavit of: 1) the insufficiency in value of the mortgage
property to cover the indebtedness due to the plaintiff; and 2) existence of An accomodation mortgagor is not himself the recipient of the loan but the
the grounds for the issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment pursuant accomodation mortgage would not be rendered invalid just because the
to Sec. 1, Rule 57. accommodation mortgagor did not benefit from the loan since Art 2085
allows a third party to the loan agreement to secure the same principle

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obligation with the third parties own property, even if he did not benefit It would be prudent to join the junior mortgagees as defendants in order to
from the loan. foreclose, bar or extinguish any rate of equity of redemption they may have
in the property by virtue of their respective liens. If the subsequent
Both the debtor and the mortgagor are indispensable parties in an action for mortgagees are not joined as parties, their judgment in favor of the superior
judicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage. or first mortgagee will not divest the subsequent mortgages of their right to
equity of redemption.
The debtor is an indispensable party since the case involves a personal
obligation of the debtor to the creditor for the payment of the loan, and the This means that the period within which the exercise the equity of
foreclosure of mortgage would effectively satisfy the said outstanding redemption as contained in the judgment in the foreclosure case will not
obligation. In case the proceeds of the foreclosure sale are insufficient, there commence the run as to the junior encumbrancers, as they are not parties
may be deficiency judgment rendered against the debtor, and the debtor’s to the said case, and therefore would not be bound by the same. They will
properties, other than the mortgage property, would be the subject of the not be barred from exercising the equity of redemption later on. A junior
execution in order to satisfy the said deficiency. encumbrancer made those exercises right to equity of redemption so that
the junior encumbrancer may protect his own lien.
A transferee pendente lite of a mortgage property is not an indispensable
party because it transferee pendente lite stands in exactly the same position If the junior mortgagees are not joined in the action for foreclosure of
as his predecessor in interest. A transferee pendente lite does not have to mortgage instituted by the senior mortgagee, the remedy of the senior
be included or impleaded by name in order to be bound by their judgment mortgagee two for close the junior mortgagees’ right to equity of
because the action or suit may be continued for or against the original party redemption is to bring an independent foreclosure proceeding against the
or the transferor and still be binding to the transferee. said junior mortgagees two secure the foreclosure of their equity of
redemption, which was not covered by the judgment in the first action of
If the debtor-mortgagor is already deceased, then the indispensable party the foreclosure of mortgage.
would be the executor or administrator of the estate of the deceased
debtor-mortgagor, as the case may be, since Sec. 1, Rule 87 provides, among First Stage
others, that end action to enforce a lien on property forming part of the The defendant should file his answer within 30 days (unless a different
estate of the deceased shall be commenced against the executor or the period Is fixed by the court) from service of summons and not a motion to
administrator. dismiss, unless the grounds of lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter,
litis pendentia, res judicata or statute of limitation or percent.
The rule requiring to join us defendants all persons having or claiming an
interest in the property subordinate in right that of the holder of the If the defendant admits the allegations in the complaint or the defendant’s
mortgage is only directory and not mandatory since the subsequent answer fails to tender an issue as when there are mere general denials
mortgagees or junior encumbrancers are only necessary parties and the therein, the court may on motion of the plaintiff, direct judgment on the
validity of their judgment in a judicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage pleadings.
case will not be affected by the failure to join the said junior encumbrancers.
Subordinate lien holders acquire only lien upon the equity of redemption Pretrial proceedings will take place, followed by court annexed mediation
vested in the mortgagor, and their right are strictly subordinate the and judicial dispute resolution, if found to be necessary.
superiorly end of the senior mortgagee.

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If there is no genuine issue found to exist after pretrial, such as when there pay the amount due, and order directing the sale of the property would be
is a judicial admission of the loan, mortgage, and non-payment of the loan void.
despite demand, then there may be no need for trial and the plaintiff mean
move for or the court may motu proprio render summary judgment. The To discharge the real estate mortgage, debtor-mortgagor must pay the
submission of further evidence is not necessary since judgment could be creditor-mortgagee:
rendered judiciously on the basis of the said admission. 1. the total amount due as the principal loan with the simulated
interest computed from the filing of the complaint until the finality
The court may also motu proprio render judgment on the pleadings after of the decision
pretrial. 2. the legal interest on the total amount due from finality until fully
If there will be no dismissal, judgment on the pleadings or summary 3. the reasonable attorney’s fees, if awarded; and
judgment, trial shall then proceed after pretrial. In the same judgment, the 4. the cost of suit, if adjudged by the court, within the period specified
court shall set amount adjudged be paid to the court or the judgment for the exercise of equity of redemption, or even thereafter as long
creditor within a period of not less than 90 days or nor more than 120 days as it is done before the confirmation of the foreclosure sale.
from the entry of judgment, and that in default of such payment the
property shall be sold at a public auction to satisfy the judgment. In judicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage, the right of redemption,
where the debtor may repurchase property within one year from
This right to make payment within a period of not less than 90 days nor more registration of the certificate of sale, is not recognized, except where the
than 120 days from the entry of judgment is the right to equity of mortgagee is the Philippine National Bank or a bank or banking institution
redemption in judicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage. This is simply the within the purview of the General Banking Law of 2000.
right of the mortgager or junior encumbrancer to extinguish the mortgage
and retain ownership of the property or protect his lien, as the case may be, The right of redemption in relation to a mortgage is a prerogative to
by paying the secured debt within the period of not less than 90 days nor reacquire mortgage property after registration of the foreclosure sale which
more than 120 days after the judgment becomes final, or even after the exists in case of the extrajudicial foreclosure of the mortgage.
foreclosure sale but prior to its confirmation period after such order of
confirmation of sale, no equity of redemption can be affected any longer No such right of redemption is recognized in a judicial foreclosure of a real
period in other words, the equity of redemption may be exercise even estate mortgage, except only when the redemption may be allowed by law,
beyond the period indicated in the judgment and after the foreclosure sale as when the mortgagee is the Philippine National Bank or a bank or banking
but before the order of confirmation of the sale. institution within the purview of the General Banking Law of 2000.

The counting of the foregoing period to exercise the right of equity of If the foreclosing mortgagee is not a bank within the coverage of the General
redemption is from the period of entry of judgment or the finality of Banking Law of 2000 or the Philippine National Bank, then there can be no
judgment in the first stage. Thus, if the judgment in the first stage is right of redemption and there will only be an equity of redemption, which is
appealed, they said period to exercise equity of redemption shall all only the right to pay the amount adjudged in the first phase before the order of
commence after the appeal is resolved in the decision attains finality. confirmation of the foreclosure sale.

the right to exercise equity of redemption is a substantive right. In the Second stage
absence of any previous order in the first stage directing the defendant to

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If there is failure to pay the judgment debt then the plaintiff may move for In all cases, notice of the sale should also be given to the judgment debtor
the court to order the sale of the mortgaged property and the court, acting at least three days before the sale, in the same manner as personal service
favorably on the motion, shall order their property to be sold in the manner of pleadings and other papers as provided in Rule 13.
under the provision of Rule 39 and other regulations governing sale of real
estate under execution. The notice shall particularly describe the property and state where the
property is to be sold, the date and the exact time of sale which should not
Unlike in extra judicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage, no special power be earlier than nine in the morning and not later than two in the afternoon.
inserted in or attached to the mortgage contract is necessary in order for The place of the sale may be agreed upon by the parties and in the absence
there to be a foreclosure sale , as the judicial foreclosure sale may be had of such agreement, the sale shall be held in the office of the clerk of court of
up on the order of the court. the trial court which issued the order of foreclosure sale, or which was
designated by the appellate court, as the case may be.
Prior to the foreclosure sale, there must be a valid insufficient notice of the
same. If a third party makes a claim on the property, the said third party claimant
may: 1) avail of the remedy known as terceria under Sec. 16, Rule 39, by
The Supreme Court ruled in Suico that notices are given for the purpose of serving on the officer making the levy and on the judgment mortgagee a
securing bidders and to prevent a sacrifice of the property. If the objects for copy of an affidavit of his title or right to the possession thereof, stating the
which the notice is made are attained, immaterial errors and mistakes will grounds of such right or title; or 2) bring an independent separate action to
not affect the sufficiency of the notice; but if mistake or omissions occur in vindicate his claim of ownership and/or possession over the foreclosed
the notices of sale, which are calculated to deter or mislead bidders, to property. Both remedies are cumulative and maybe availed of
depreciate the value of the property, or to prevent it from bringing a fair independently of or separately from each other; the availment of the
price, such mistakes or omissions will be fatal to the validity of the notice, terceria is not a condition sine qua non to the institution of a separate
and also to the sale made pursuant thereto. action.

Thus, in Suico, the Supreme Court ruled that the error in the amount of the By the terceria, the officer shall not be bound to keep the property, unless
obligation due stated in the notice of sale cannot be considered fatal. such judgment mortgagee, on demand of the officer, files a bond approved
by the court to indemnify the third party claimant in an some not less than
If the assessed value of the property is not more than 50,000, notice must the value of the property levied or as determined by the court issuing the
be given before the sale of the real property by posting for 20 days in three order of foreclosure sale in case of disagreement as to such value.
public places, preferably in conspicuous area of the municipality or City Hall,
post office and public market in the municipality or city where the sale to When the foreclosure sale order is issued in favor of the Republic of the
take place. Philippines, or any officer duly representing it, the filing of such bond shall
not be required, and in case the sheriff or levying officer is sued for damages
If the assessed value of the property exceeds 50,000, notice of the sale shall as a result of the levy, he shall be represented by the solicitor general and if
be made by publishing a copy of the notice once a week for two consecutive held liable therefore, the actual damages adjudged by the court shall be paid
weeks in a newspaper selected by raffle, weather in English , Filipino, or any by the National Treasurer out of the funds as may be appropriated for the
major regional language published, edited and circulated, or, in the absence purpose.
thereof, having general circulation in the province or city.

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The officer shall not be liable for damages for the taking or keeping of the
property, to any third party claimant if such bond is filed. After the foreclosure sale, the court, upon motion, shall issue and order of
confirmation of the foreclosure sale.
The disposition of the proceeds of the sale in foreclosure shall be: first, the
payment of the cost; second, the payment of the mortgage debt; third, In Huerta Alba Resort Inc vs CA, the Supreme Court ruled that after the
payment of the junior encumbrancers, if any, in the order of priority; end confirmation of the sale and the issuance of the transfer certificates of title
fourth, the balance, if any , shall be given to the mortgagor, his agent, or the covering the subject property to the purchaser thereof, the court shall have
person entitled thereto. the ministerial duty to place the said purchaser in the possession of the
subject property.
Such sale shall not affect the rights of the persons holding prior
encumbrances upon the property or a part thereof, and when confirmed by If during the period of redemption, when applicable, the judgment
an order of the court, also upon motion, it shall operate to divest the rights mortgager is in possession of the property sold, he is entitled to retain it and
in the property of all the parties to the action and to vest their rights in the to receive its fruits, the purchaser not being entitled to its position.
purchaser, subject to such rights of redemption as may be allowed by law.
Third stage
If a purchaser refuses to pay the amount paid by him for property struck off There can only be a deficit when the proceeds of the sale are not sufficient
to him at a sale under execution, the officer may again sell the property to to cover:
the highest bidder and shall not be responsible for any loss occasioned 1. the cost of foreclosure proceeding; and
thereby. But the court may order the refusing purchaser to pay into the 2. the amount due to the credit or, inclusive of interest and penalties,
court the amount of such loss, with cost, and may punish him for contempt if any, at the time of foreclosure.
if he disobeys the order.
Accordingly, a deficiency judgment should only issue after it is established
It is only in judicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage where junior that the mortgage property was sold at a public auction for an amount less
encumbrances are granted the right to receive the balance of the purchase than the outstanding obligation.
price. In extrajudicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage, the only right
given to second mortgagees is the right to redeem the foreclosed property. Once a deficiency judgment is obtained, there may be execution their own
and it shall be done in accordance with the rules on enforcement of a money
The right of a mortgagor to the surplus proceeds is a substantial right which judgment on there Rule 39: 1) the officer shall enforce and execution of a
must prevail over rules of technicality. judgment for money by demanding from the debtor the immediate payment
of the deficiency judgment; 2) if no payment is made, there may be levy or
The Supreme Court ruled that the failure to turn over the surplus money or garnishment of the debtor’s property, other than the mortgage property;
the excess of the proceeds of the sale to the person entitled to it will not and 3) the property attached or levied on shall be sold at a public auction,
invalidate the foreclosure sale. Rather it gives the person entitled to it a with the proceeds thereof to be used to satisfy the said deficiency.
cause of action to recover it.
In execution of the deficiency judgment, all the properties of the mortgage
In Caparas vs Yatco, the mortgagee, who was ordered to return the surplus or, other than the mortgage property, shall be open to the mortgagee for
to the mortgagor or the person entitled to it but refused to comply with the the satisfaction of the deficiency.
said court order, was cited in contempt.

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The proceedings for the recovery of deficiency judgment shall be in the same RULE 69
foreclosure case, except when the mortgagor dies, in which case, the claim PARTITION
shall be made against the estate of the deceased in the proceeding for the
settlement of estate.
Partition is the separation or division of a movable or immovable property
If the purchaser of real property sold on execution, or his successor in (or its value) held in common among those to whom it may belong, giving to
interest, fails to recover the possession thereof, or is evicted there from, and each one of them the part corresponding to him.
consequences of: 1) irregularities in the proceedings concerning the sale; 2)
the judgment that was reversed or set aside; 3) the property sold being An action for partition is brought by a person claiming to be the owner of a
found to be exempt from execution; or 4) a third person who has been specified property against a defendant or defendants whom the plaintiff
dictated his claim to the property, the purchaser may, and motion in the recognizes to be his co-owners, and is premised on the existence of co-
same action or in a separate action recover from the judgment of oblige the ownership whenever the ownership of an undivided thing or right belongs
price paid, with interest, or so much thereof has not been delivered to the to different persons.
judgment obligor. Or, the purchaser may, on motion, have the original
judgment revived in his name for the whole price with interest, or so much The object of partition is to enable those who own property in common to
thereof as has been delivered to the judgment obligor. The judgment so put an end to the joint ownership so as to vest in each a sole estate in specific
revive shall have the same force and effect as an original judgment would property or an allotment in the lands or tenements.
have as of the date of the revival and no more.
As a rule, no co-owner shall be obliged to remain in the co-ownership. Thus,
each co-owner may demand at anytime for the partition of the thing owned
in common; an action to demand partition among co-owner is

By exception, a co-owner cannot demand partition at anytime when:

1. there is an agreement to keep the thing undivided for a certain
period of time, not exceeding 10 years, unless the terms to keep
the thing undivided is extended by a new agreement;
2. a donor or testator prohibited partition for a period not exceeding
20 years;
3. partition is prohibited by law; and
4. when physical division of the thing would render it unservicable for
the used for which it was intended, in which case, the property shall
be allotted to one of the co-owners who shall indemnify the others,
but if they cannot agree on to whom it will be allotted, the property
should instead be sold and the proceeds distributed among the co-

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The rule that co-owner cannot demand partition when prohibited by a appointment of an administrator to administer the estate for the heirs and
donor or testator not a period not exceeding 20 years is subject to further the creditors, much less, the necessity to deprive the real owners of their
exception, pursuant to Art. 1083 of the NCC, provides that even though possession to which they are immediately entitled. Every act which is
forbidden by the testator, the co-ownership terminates when any of the intended to put an end to indivision among co-heirs and legatees or devisees
causes for which the partnership is dissolved takes place, or when the court is deemed to be a partition, although it should purport to be a sale, an
finds compelling reasons warranting the division, upon petition of 1 of the exchange, a compromise, or any other transactions.
However, if there is dispute as to which expenses, such as those related to
An example of a partition prohibited by law is that of the partition of the the decedent’s illness and funeral expenses, are chargeable to the estate,
family home. Art 159 of the FC provides that as a rule, the heirs cannot then partition is inappropriate.
partition the family home despite the death of one or both spouses or the
unmarries head of the family, and the family home shall continue as such a If the partition pertains to the distribution of the inheritance to the heirs
period of 10 years or for as long as there is a minor beneficiary, unless the that do not warrant the filing of settlement proceedings, Art 1061 of the NCC
court finds compelling reason therefor. requires the parties to also collate the properties of the decedent into the
mass of the estate any property or right which they may have received by
3 requisites must concur before a minor beneficiary may be entitled to the way of gratuitous title prior to the decedent’s death, in order that it may be
benefit of Art. 159 of the FC: computed in the determination of the legitime of each heir, and in the
1. the husband and wife, or an unmarried person who is head of a amount of the partition.
family; and
2. their parents, ascendants, descendants, brother and sister, An action to compel partition may be filed at any time by any of the co-
whether the relationship be legitimate, who are living in the family owners against the actual possessor, who is understood to be in possession
home and who depend upon the head of the family home for legal of the property pro indiviso for himself and in representation of the co-
support. owners. An action to demand partition among co-owners is imprescriptible,
and each co-owner may demand at any time the partition of the common
In Patricio vs. Dario III, the SC ruled that the minor grandson of the property.
grandfather decedent, who lived with the grandfather in his family home
prior to his death, is not a minor beneficiary within the contemplation of the However, a co-owner may acquire ownership over the entire property by
law that would prevent the partition of the family home because the prescription where there exists a clear repudiation of the co-ownership, and
grandson did not depend on this grandfather for support. The liability for the co-owner are apprised of the claim of adverse and exclusive ownership.
legal support fell on his father, the grandfather’s son, who was not shown Prescription may run against a co-owner if there is adverse, open,
to be without any means to support his son. The grandfather is only liable continuous and exclusive possession of the co-owned property by the other
for support upon default of the parents, which does not apply in this case. co-owner/s.

If the deceased dies without having left a will and without pending In order that the possession of a co-owner be considered adverse to the
obligation, the heirs may resort to an action of partition of these estate of cestui que trust amounting to a repudiation of the co-ownership, the
the deceased if they disagree as to the exact division of the estate. Here, the following elements must concur:
action of partition is meant to take the place of the special proceeding on 1. the trustee or co-owner performed unequivocal acts amounting to
the settlement of the estate because there is no necessity for the an ouster of the cestui que trust or the co-ownership;

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2. such positive acts of repudiation has been made known to the 6. has been separated in fact with the other spouses for at least 1 year
cestui que trust or the other co-owners; and at the time of the petition and reconciliation is highly improbable.
3. the evidence thereon should be clear and conclusive.
There may also be only a partial partition of the property owned in common;
In such a case, an action to demand partition among co-owners prescribes it is not prohibited. However, while it is allowed, the SC has cautioned that
in 10 years; this 10-year prescriptive period applied if the co-owner it should be exercised sparingly because a partial partition and distribution
demanding partition is not in possession of the property. But if the co-owner does not put to rest the question of the division of the entire property.
demanding partition or the plaintiff is in actual possession of the property,
then the right to demand partition does not prescribe. Jurisdiction and venue
The RTC and MTC have original jurisdiction over actions for partition,
The registration of the property in the same of the co-owner to the exclusion depending on the nature and the value of the subject or property in dispute.
of the other co-owners created, by force of law, an implied trust. An action
for reconveyance of real property to enforce an implied trust shall prescribe The venue depends on the nature of the property involved, on whether it is
after 10 years, since it is an action based upon an obligation created by law. a real or personal action. The rule on venue for real and personal actions
under Rule 4 shall apply.
Partition may be done judicially or extrajudicially by mere agreement
between the parties. Partition of real estate is an action quasi in rem
The partition of real estate is ana action quasi in rem. Quasi in rem actions
The absolute community of property and conjugal partnership of gains are actions involving the statues of a property over which a party has
cannot be extrajudicially partitioned by mere agreement of the spouses interest; they are not binding upon the whole world as they affect only the
during their marriage. interest of the particular parties.

While Art 134 of the FC provides for the separation of property between the For the court to acquire jurisdiction in actions quasi in rem, it is necessary
spouses during the marriage, it is qualified by the rule that the separation or only that it has jurisdiction over the res that is the subject matter of the
partition shall not take place except by judicial order. Hence, there cannot action. However, jurisdiction over the parties is still required regardless of
be a mere extrajudicial partition of the absolute community of property or the type of action, whether the action is in personam, in rem, or quasi in
conjugal partnership of gains during the marriage. rem, to satisfy the requirements of due process. A quasi in rem action
subjects a party’s interest over a property to a burden; it threatens a party’s
The judicial separation of property may. Either be voluntary or for sufficient interest in the property, and as such, parties are entitled to due process with
cause, as when the spouse: respect to that interest. Thus, regardless of the nature of the action, proper
1. is sentenced to a penalty carrying civil interdiction; service of summons is imperative and a decision rendered without property
2. has been judicially declared an absentee; service of summons suffers a defect in jurisdiction.
3. loses parental authority as decreed by the court;
4. abandoned the other spouse or failed to comply with his Where the denial of the fundamental right of due process is apparent, a
obligations to the family; decision rendered in disregard of that right is void for lack of jurisdiction.
5. who was granted the power of administration in the marriage
settlements abused that power; and Two phases in partition

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Partition simultaneously presents 2 issues since it is once an action for: 1) the property will be divided among the co-owners. The second phase may
declaration of co-ownership, where it is determined whether the plaintiff is also deal with the rendition of the accounting itself and its approval by the
indeed a co-owner of the property sought to be partitioned; and 2) assuming court after the parties have been accorded the opportunity to be heard
that the plaintiff successfully hurdles the first issue, there is a second issue thereon, and an award for the recovery of their just shares in the rents and
on how the property is divided between the plaintiff and defendant or profits of the real estate in question by the party or parties entitled thereto.
segregation and conveyance of a determinate portion of the properties Such order is appealable.
involved. Thus, in a complaint for partition, the plaintiff seeks, first, a
declaration that he is a co-owner of the subject properties, and second, the Generally, the partition must be in writing. Nevertheless, the SC has
conveyance of his lawful share. sustained the validity of an oral partition, when it has already been
completely or partially performed, such as where the parol partition has
The first phase starts with the filing of a complaint and may end in a actually been consummated by the taking of possession in severalty and the
declaration that the plaintiff in not entitled to the desired partition either exercise of ownership by the parties of the respective portions set off to
because a co-ownership does not exist, or a partition is legally prohibited. It each. Parol partition may be sustained on the ground of estoppel of the
may also end, on the other hand, with an adjudgment that a co-ownership parties, that the parties have acquiesced in and ratified the partition by
does in truth exist, that partition is proper in the premises, and that an taking possession in severalty, exercising acts of ownership with respect
accounting of rents and profits received from the property is in order. In thereto, or otherwise recognizing the existence of partition.
either case, whether the action is dismissed or partition and/or accounting
is decreed, the order is a final one and may be appealed by any party First phase
aggrieved thereby. An action for partition is instituted by the filing of a complaint by a person
claiming to be the owner of a specified property against a defendant or
Unless and until the issue of co-ownership is definitively resolved, it would defendants whom the plaintiff recognizes to be his co-owner, and is
be premature to effect a partition of an estate or to proceed to the second premised on the existence of co-ownership between the parties.
phase of the action for partition.
An action for partition will not lie if the claimant has no rightful interest over
The second phase commences when the parties are unable to agree upon the subject property.
the manner of partition. It concerns the physical segregation of each party’s
just share in the property held in common. The second stage need not be All co-owners or co-heirs and persons interested in the property should be
gone into should the parties agree on the physical partition. The parties may, joined as defendants. The indispensable parties are the co-owners and co-
if they are able to agree, make partition among themselves by proper heirs, and those claiming interest in the property as co-heirs or co-owners,
instruments of conveyance, and the court shall confirm the partition so even if not recognized as having the capacity to be such by the plaintiff.
agreed upon by all the parties. In case there is a compromise agreement
between the parties on the manner of partition, which is approved by the Those claiming ownership over the property but were not impleaded are not
court, the compromise agreement settles the rights of the parties and has bound to intervene; the burden is on the plaintiff to implead those
the force of res judicata. It cannot be disturbed except on the ground of vice interested in the property because:
of consent, such as fraud, mistake, duress or forgery. 1. Intervention is not compulsory or mandatory but merely optional
and permissive; and
In case of disagreement as to how the property will be divided, the court
shall appoint not more than 3 commissioners to assist it in determining how

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2. persons who are in actual possession of the property legally told, and accounting may be appealed by the aggrieved party thereby. If not
but were not impeded, may wait until their possession is in fact appealed, it becomes final and executory and cannot be disturbed.
disturbed before taking steps to vindicate their rights.
The final order of partition cannot be changed, even upon by the agreement
The non-joinder of indispensable parties before a judgment is rendered is of the parties. By exception, in Lucero vs Banaga, the Supreme Court ruled
not fatal and shall not result in the dismissal of an action, pursuant to Sec. that although the order of partition has long been final, it may be innovative
11, Rule 3. The remedy is to impede the nonparty claimed to be with the consent of all co-owners when the partition was void and where no
indispensable. At any stage of a judicial proceeding and/or at such time as novation was required in the interests of justice and equity and was
are justice, parties may be added on the motion of a party or on the initiative warranted under the prevailing circumstances for the expeditious
of the tribunal concerned. If the plaintiff refuses to impede and settlement of the estate. Here, the alleged co-owners were merely nominal
indispensable party despite the order of the court, that court may dismiss registered owners, such that they were not the true owners of the property.
the complaint for the plaintiff's failure to comply with the order. Thus, the partition was void, and the agreement of the true owners may
novate the said partition.
Notably, even in an extrajudicial partition, all co-owners must be parties to
the deed of partition for the same to be binding upon them, as held by the Generally, the decision in the first phase which orders partition should not
Supreme Court in Reillo vs San Jose. The Supreme Court ruled that a deed of be executed since there will be further proceeding in the second phase.
extrajudicial partition executed without including some of the errors, who However, the Supreme Court has ruled that execution may be resorted to
had no knowledge of in consent to the same, is fraudulent and vicious. It is insofar as the part of their judgment that will not necessitate any further
invalid. A deed of extrajudicial partition executed in violation of the proceeding, such as enforcement of the obligation of the defendant to
foregoing rule should be annulled. render and accounting, and payment of attorney’s fees and costs of suit,
should such ruling be contained in the decision ordering partition. Sec. 10,
However, by exception, the Supreme Court ruled in Maglucot-Aw vs Rule 69 also recognizes execution of the cost and expenses which accrue in
Maglucot, that even if a co-owner was not a party to the deed, the partition the action. Including compensation of the commissioners, after the court
may be sustained if the co-owner nevertheless accepts the partition allotted equitably taxes and apportions the same among the parties.
to him and have the same as owner thereof. Parties who have received the
property assigned to them are precluded from subsequently attacking its After the decision finding the partition is proper and accounting of costs and
validity or any part of it, by reason of estoppel. expenses, the parties may enter into an agreement to make the partition
among themselves, to be submitted for the court's approval. Such partition,
The plaintiffs have the burden to establish by preponderance of evidence once confirmed by the court, together with the order of the court confirming
that they are co-owners. the said partition, shall be recorded in the Registry of Deeds of the place and
which the property is situated.
If after trial the court finds that the plaintiff has the right to partition, the
court shall issue an order of partition, directing the partition of the property In Dadizon vs Bernadez, the Supreme Court ruled that all the co-owners
among all the parties and interest, and an accounting of rents and profits must agree to or sign the agreement or project of partition. Even if all the
received by the other party from the real estate in question. co-owners manifested in open court that they have agreed on the banner of
the partition of the property but the agreement as submitted to the court
An order of partition is a final determination of the co-ownership by the did not contain all the signatures of the co-owners, such agreement cannot
parties and the property of the partition. Thus, an order decreeing partition

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be approved by the court, which shall instead, proceed with the second the same, provided that he pays to the other party such amount as may be
phase for the appointment of commissioners. deemed equitable, unless one of the interested parties asks that the
property be sold instead of being so assigned, in which case the court shall
In Patricio vs Dario, in case of failure to come into an agreement as to the order the commissioners to sell the real estate at public sale under such
manner of partition of the property, and the partition cannot be done conditions and within such time as the court may determine.
without prejudice to the interest of any of the co-owners (or the property
cannot be partitioned without rendering it unserviceable), the property Also, when the thing owned in common cannot be physically divided such
should first be assigned to one of the co-owners, who will in turn reimburse that a division thereof would render it unserviceable for the use for which it
the others. If any one of the co-owners object to such agreement or they is intended or it is essentially indivisible, the co-owners shall agree to allot
cannot agree as to whom the property shall be assigned, then that is the the same to one of them, who will, in turn indemnify the others. If one
only time when the property shall instead be sold to another, with the objects do this or if they do not agree to whom the property should be
proceeds of the sale to be divided among the co-owners. assigned, then it should be sold, and the proceeds of the sale shall be
distributed among the co-owners.
The failure of one of the co-owners to attend the hearing cannot be deemed
a waiver to object to the proposed project of partition of the other co- In Dominguez vs Dominsguez, there is no law or jurisprudence mandating
owners. that the subject property be assigned to the petitioner simply because he
has been living on the subject property for a long time. On the contrary, the
Second phase law provides that if the co-owners cannot agree on the allotment of an
The second phase commences when it appears that the parties are unable indivisible co-owned property, then the same shall be sold and the proceeds
to agree upon the manner of partition. thereof distributed to the co-owners. In case of the sale of the property at a
public auction, nothing prohibits the petitioner or any of the other co-
The second stage may also deal with the rendition of the accounting itself owners from participating in the public auction to acquire the subject
and its approval by the court after the parties have been afforded the property.
opportunity to be heard threon, and an award for their recovery by the party
or parties thereto entitled of their just share in the rents and profits of the No proceeding had before or conducted by the commissioner shall pass the
real estate and question. title to the property or bind the parties until the court shall have accepted
the report and render judgment thereon. However, this rule does not apply
The reference to commissioners is required as a procedural step in the when all the parties themselves have already actualized the unconfirmed
action and it's not discretionary on the part of the court as per Rule 69, Sec. sketch or subdivision plan, as held by the Supreme Court in Maglucot. In
3. such case, the parties who actualize the subdivision plan are deemed to be
estopped from assailing the absence of court approval on the sketch or
All commissioners are appointed by the court such that one cannot merely subdivision plan by their acts, through their predecessor in interest, of
assume the duties of a commissioner or the chairmanship thereof, in the implementing the sketch or subdivision plan and occupying as exclusive
absence of any appointment issued to him by the court. owners their respective portions.

When it is made to appear to the commissioners that the real estate, or a The court must identify and segregate by metes and bounds the specific
portion thereof, cannot be divided without prejudice to the interests of the portion of the lot assigned to the co-owners and effect the physical partition
parties, the court may order it assigned to one of the parties willing to take of the property.

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Registration is merely a species of notice; the act of registering my FORCIBLE ENTRY AND UNLAWFUL DETAINER
document is never this necessary in order to give it legal effect as between
the parties. An action for ejectment covers all kinds of action for recovery of possession,
which includes forcible entry and unlawful detainer.
In Maglucot-Aw, the Supreme Court ruled that the absence of any
annotation on the certificate of title showing any partition or that the Forcible entry and unlawful detainer cases are real actions and in personam,
original title had not been cancelled to reflect the issuance of new titles in because the plaintiff therein seeks to enforce a personal obligation or
favor of their respective owners does not mean that there was no valid liability on the defendant for the latter to vacate the real property subject
partition. Registration does not vest title; it is merely evidence of such title of the action, restore the physical possession thereafter the plaintiff, and
over a particular property. The purpose of registration is to notify and pay actual damages by way of reasonable compensation for his use or
protect the interests of strangers to a given transaction. occupation of the property.

The partition of the thing owned in common shall not prejudice third person, Forcible entry
who shall retain the rights of mortgage, servitude, or any other real rights In forcible entry, possession of the defendant is illegal at the inception,
belonging to them before the division was made. Personal rights pertaining because it was obtained by means of force, intimidation, threat, strategy or
to 3rd persons against the co-ownership shall also remain in force, stealth. The issue centers on who was in prior possession de facto. The
notwithstanding the partition. After partition, every co-owner shall also be plaintiff must prove that he was in prior physical possession of the premises
liable for defects of title and quality of the portion assigned to each of the until he was deprived thereof by the defendant.
other co-owners.
The fact that a demand was made by the plaintiff for the defendant to vacate
the subject premises when the defendant’s possession was illegal at the
inception, cannot change the nature of the defendant's possession of the
property and covert the plaintiff's action from forcible entry to one of
unlawful detainer.

Thus, where a plaintiff claims that the defendant surreptitiously entered the
premises and after discovery, the plaintiff allegedly tolerated the possession
until the plaintiff demanded that the defendant to vacate, the proper action
to file is not one for unlawful detainer since the possession was illegal from
the start. To justify add action for unlawful detainer, it is essential that the
plaintiff supposed acts of tolerance must have been present right from the
start of the possession which is later sought to be recovered. If the position
was unlawful from the start, and action for unlawful detainer would be an
improper remedy. The proper remedy is an action for forcible entry.

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Tolerance must be present from the start of the possession so to be
recovered, to categorize a cause of action for one of unlawful detainer and Requisites of implied new lease or tacita reconduccion:
not forcible entry. 1. The term of the original contract of lease has expired;
2. the lessor has not given the lessee a notice to vacate; and
Unlawful detainer 3. the lessee continued enjoying the thing leased for 15 days with
In unlawful detainer, the possession of the defendant inceptively lawful but acquiescence of the lessor.
becomes illegal by reason of the termination of his right to the possession
of the property under his contract with the plaintiff. The defendant in an action for unlawful detainer may raise the defense of
the existence of an implied or renewed lease. Thus, the issue of whether the
Possession by the defendant is legal until demand is made to recover such defendant has a right to a renewal of lease or whether there is an existing
possession or until the processor does or fails do an act which makes his implied lease both deal with the right to possession and as such, should be
continued possession of the premises illegal. Thus, from the demand to determined together with unlawful detainer case filed.
vacate the premises, the possession that was once legal becomes illegal. For
this reason, the demand to vacate is indispensable for a cause of action A complaint for unlawful detainer should allege the lease contract, whether
based on unlawful detainto arise. For forcible entry, a man to vacate is not express or implied, the circumstances surrounding the expiration or
indispensable since the position was illegal from the very beginning. termination thereof, and the demand to vacate. Otherwise, the complaint
will fail to state a cause of action.
However, if the contract provides that the lessee should vacate the premises
without necessity for further demand until failure to comply with the terms The allegation of prior physical possession is indispensable only in action for
of the agreement or upon termination or expiration thereof, then no forcible entry, but not for unlawful detainer.
demand is necessary. That is why Sec. 2, Rule 70 provides that unless
otherwise stipulated, the action shall be commenced only after demand to Courts may provisionally determine the issue of ownership in unlawful
vacate is made. detainer or forcible entry cases for the sole purpose of resolving the issue of
physical possession
When one was allowed to possess the property by mere tolerance and
despite the man to vacate, the said processor refuses to do so, then the Just like in forcible entry, the only question that the court must resolve in an
proper action to file would be one for unlawful detainer, since the unlawful detainer case is who between the parties is entitled to the physical
possession was legal at the inception, and becomes illegal from the demand or material possession of the property in dispute because the principal issue
to vacate. For possession to fall within the purview for one for tolerance, the must be possession de facto, or actual position, and ownership is mere
overt act as to when and how the defendant entered the property and who ancillary to such issue.
specifically allowed him to occupy the same must be established. Without
these allegations and evidence, the bare claim regarding “tolerance” cannot The word possession as used in forcible entry and unlawful detainer means
be upheld. nothing more than physical possession. It does not even matter if the party's
title to the property is questionable.
Under Art 1670 of the NCC, a new lease it's implied if the lessee continues
enjoying the thing least for 15 days after the termination of the original An action for recovery of ownership or for annulment of mortgage would
contract, unless notice to the contrary has been previously given by either not be a bar to an action for ejectment, since they deal with different causes
party. of action: the first involving the issue of ownership, and the relief prayed for

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is the recovery of ownership of the subject land; and for the second, case maybe, the complaint shall be deemed as either one for accion
involving the issue of possession and the relief prayed for is the restoration publiciana or accion reinvidicatoria, depending on the allegations in the
of the possession over the land. complaint.

The ejectment case may be tried and ruled upon while an action for Requisites of action for forcible entry for MTC to acquire jurisdiction over
annulment of title over real property or reconveyance of ownership over the case:
real property is being litigated in another court. 1. the plaintiff must allege prior physical possession of the property;
2. the plaintiff was deprived of possession by force, intimidation,
As a rule, it is not proper to resolve the issue of ownership in a summary threat, strategy or stealth; and
proceeding for ejectment. However, where the parties to ejectment case 3. the action must be filed within one year from the date of actual
raises the issue of ownership, the courts may pass up on that issue entry on the land, except that when the entry is through stealth,
determine who between the parties has a better right to process the the one year period is counted from the time the plaintiff-owner or
property. In this regard, Sec. 16 Rule 70 allows the court to provisionally legal possessor learned of the deprivation of the physical
determined the issue of ownership for the sole purpose of resolving the possession of the property.
issue of physical possession.
A complaint sufficiently alleges a cause of action for unlawful detainer if it
MTC retain jurisdiction over ejectment cases if the question of possession recites the following:
cannot be resolved without the passing up on the issue of ownership. 1. The defendant's initial possession of the property was lawful, either
by contract with or by tolerance of the plaintiff;
The provisional determination of ownership in the ejectment case cannot 2. eventually, such possession becomes illegal upon the plaintiff's
be clothed with finality. Thus, the adjudication on ownership, being merely notice to the defendant of the termination of the latter's right of
provisional, would not bar or prejudice an action between the same parties possession;
involving title to the property. Neither shall it be held conclusive of the facts 3. thereafter, the defendant remained in possession and deprive the
therein found in a case between the same parties upon the different cause plaintiff of the enjoyment of the property; and
of action involving possession. 4. the plaintiff instituted the complaint or ejectment within one year
from the last demand to vacate the property.
Jurisdiction and summary procedure
MTC have exclusive original jurisdiction over actions for forcible entry and Jurisdiction of the court is an ejectment suit it is determined by the
unlawful detainer. allegations in the complaint. The answer does not determine the jurisdiction
of the court over the case. The jurisdiction of the court over the nature of
The vest the court with jurisdiction to effect the ejectment of an occupant, the action and the subject matter thereof cannot be made to depend upon
it is necessary that the complaint should embody such a statement of facts the defenses set up in court or upon a motion to dismiss for, otherwise, the
as brings the party clearly within the class of cases for which the statute question of jurisdiction would depend almost entirely on the defendant.
provide a remedy, as these proceedings are summary in nature. The
jurisdictional facts must appear on the face of the complaint. When the The court does not lose nor it is deprived of its jurisdiction by a defense of
complaint fails to aver facts constitutive of forcible entry or unlawful tenancy but has the authority to hear the evidence for the purpose of
detainer, as where it does not state how the entry was made, how and when determining whether or not it has jurisdiction. Despite the sufficient
dispossession started, or when final demand to vacate was made, as the

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allegations for jurisdiction in the complaint, the case will be dismissed for be to bring an action for accion publiciana because the action filed after the
lack of jurisdiction if upon hearing, it is shown the tenancy is the real issue. lapse of one year from forcible entry cannot be treated as unlawful detainer
based on tolerance.
MTC have no jurisdiction over and ejectment case where the issue of
possession is inextricably interwoven with an agrarian dispute. (Jurisdiction In unlawful detainer, the prescriptive period is also one year, but counted
is with the Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board). from the date of the last demand to vacate, unless the contract provides
that the defendant must vacate the premises without necessity of further
Under the Revised Rule on Summary Procedure, the adjudication of cases is demand upon failure to comply with the terms of the agreement or upon
done on the basis of affidavits and position papers. The court is no longer termination or expiration thereof, and the one year. Shall be counted from
allowed to hold hearings to receive testimonial evidence. Should the court the termination or expiration of the contract.
find it necessary to clarify certain issues, it may require the parties instead
to submit affidavits or other evidence. The one year requirement within which to file the forcible entry or unlawful
detainer case is provided only by the ROC, rather than by law, and those
Period within which to bring an action for unlawful detainer and forcible pertains to jurisdiction over the remedy. As such, objections to this type of
entry jurisdiction must be seasonably made.
To determine whether the forcible entry complaint was filed within the
period to do so, the complaint should allege the time when the unlawful In PLDT vs Citi Appliances M.C. Corp., the Supreme Court explained that the
depribvation took place or in case of dispossession by means of stealth, the jurisdiction over the remedy should not be confused with the relief, that
time of discovery, which would determine the starting point of the one year which the party filing the case wants the court to declare, and which
prescriptive period for filing the case. addresses the breach of the right or obligation. The Supreme Court ruled
that generally, jurisdiction over the remedy is provided by the ROC. It may
In case of failure to allege when the dispossession started or was discovered also be provided by statute, which provides for a specific procedure for the
in case of by means of stealth, the action may be treated instead as an accion recognition of a particular right, i.e., restitution of certificate of title,
publiciana. If the complaint is dominated as one for forcible entry or registration of title. Jurisdiction over the remedy is mainly a procedural
unlawful detainer, but the allegations are insufficient to constitute either of matter which the Supreme Court - the authority that promulgates the ROC
those ejectment cases but sufficient to constitute as one for accion – may change ad hoc, or clarify the application or interpretation of, in proper
publiciana, provided that the assessed value of the property is within the cases.
jurisdiction of the inferior court. It will be re-docketed since the court would
still have jurisdiction over the subject matter, but the procedure would no Parties
longer fall under summary procedure but ordinary procedure. However, if The action need not be commenced by the owner of the property, but
the assessed value is beyond the jurisdiction of the inferior court then the rather, by the rightful possessor of the same since the issue in ejectment its
case, even if constituting as one for accion publiciana would be dismissed position in the question of ownership is at best, only ancillary thereto.
for lack of jurisdiction and it should instead be filed with the proper RTC.
In forcible entry, the plaintiff is the one in prior physical possession in the
In Sarona vs Villegas, the SC held that if one year from the forcible entry is defendant is the one who depraved the said plaintiff of possession of any
allowed to lapse before the suit is filed, then the remedy ceases to be land or building by for force, intimidation, threat, strategy, or stealth.
speedy; the processor is deemed to have waived his right to seek relief in
the inferior court. The Supreme Court ruled that the proper remedy would

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in unlawful detainer, the plaintiff may be a lesser, vendor, vendee or other dismissal attains finality or within the 15-day period from notice of the
person against whom the possession of any land or building is unlawfully dismissal. After the lapse of the 15-day period, The case can no longer be
withheld after the expiration or termination of the right to hold possession, the reinstated or revived by mere motion in the original docketed action.
by virtue of any contract, express or implied, or the legal representatives or The party who wishes to reinstate the case has no other remedy but to file
assigns of the said lessor, vendor, vendee or other person. The defendant is a new complaint, with the payment of the corresponding filing fees
the one unlawfully withholding the possession despite the demand to prescribed by law.
vacate. The plaintiff in unlawful detainer need not be in prior physical
possession of the premises. If no ground for dismissal is found, the court shall issue summons which shall
also state that the summary procedure shall apply. Summons shall then be
The proper action is one for unlawful detainer since the possession by served in accordance with Rule 14.
tolerance is lawful and becomes unlawful when the process or by tolerance
refuses to vacate upon demand made by the owner. A person who occupies Pleadings allowed and procedure
the land of another at the latter's tolerance or permission, without any The rule expressly provides that only a compulsory and not a permissive
contract between them, is necessarily bound by an implied promise that he counterclaim is allowed. This may be in keeping with the summary nature of
will vacate upon demand, failing which, a summary action for unlawful the proceedings for ejectment, to promote its speedy disposition.
detainer is the proper remedy against him. (But tolerance but be from the
inception) All pleadings under summary procedure should be verified. However, the
failure to verify the pleading filed is not fatal. The requirement is formal,
Duty of the court upon the filing of the ejectment case not jurisdictional. As such, the court may order the correction of the
the first duty of the court upon the filing of the case is to issue an order pleading if verification is lacking or even act on the pleading although it is
declaring whether the case shall be governed by summary procedure. After not verified, if the attending circumstances are such that strict compliance
the court determines that the case was under summary procedure, it may, with the rules may be dispensed with in order that the ends of justice may
from an examination of the allegations and such evidence as may be thereby be served.
attached, dismiss the case outright on any of the grounds apparent for the
dismissal of a civil action. The prohibited pleadings or motions under Rule 70 are:
1. motion to dismiss the complaint, except on the ground of lack of
Cases requiring referral to conciliation, where there is no showing of jurisdiction over the subject matter or failure to comply with prior
compliance with such requirement, shall it be dismissed without prejudice, referral to conciliation;
and may be revived only after the requirement have been complied with, 2. motion for bill of particulars;
provided that the revival is done before the finality of the dismissal. The 3. motion for new trial, or for reconsideration of a judgment, or for
revival of the case is only allowed when the same is dismissed for failure to reopening of trial;
submit the same to conciliation at the barangay level, only after the dispute 4. petition for relief from judgment;
subject of the dismissed case is submitted to barangay conciliation as 5. motion for extension of time to file pleadings, affidavits or any
required under the LGC. other papers;
6. memoranda;
In case of dismissal without prejudice, based on the ground for failure to 7. petition for certiorari, mandamus or prohibition against any
refer to barangay conciliation, the ejectment suit, after compliance with interlocutory order issued by the court;
prior resort to barangay consolation, may be revived by motion, before the 8. motion to declare the defendant in default;

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9. dilatory motions for postponement; Art. 1674 of the NCC provides for an additional ground for execution before
10. reply; final judgment. It puts an end to the present state of the law which unjustly
11. third party complaints; and allows the lessee to continue in possession during an appeal. It authorizes
12. interventions the issuance of writ of preliminary mandatory injunction where the lessor’s
appeal is prima facie meritorious.
Preliminary injunction and preliminary mandatory injunction
The second paragraph of Art 539 of the NCC provides that a possessor In addition to the remedy of a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction in
deprived of his position through forcible entry may, within 10 days from the ejectment cases, a writ of preliminary injunction may also be granted by the
filing of the complaint, present motion to secure from the competent court court in accordance with the provisions of Rule 58 to prevent the defendant
in the action for forcible entry a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction to from committing further acts of dispossession against the plaintiff.
restore him in his possession
Thus, where the defendant deprived the plaintiff of possession by means of
The injunction contemplated in Art 539 of the NCC is an exception to the force and the defendant further and later commits, threat or is about to
general rule that the writ of injunction is not proper where its purpose is to commit a new usurpation by entering by force upon the remainder of the
take property out of the possession or control of one person and place it in land in question, a writ of preliminary injunction may be availed of in the
the hands of another whose title has not clearly been established by law. forcible entry case to prevent the defendant from committing further acts
of dispossession.
Notably, Art 539 of the NCC expressly provides that the remedy of a
preliminary mandatory injunction is available in forcible entry cases and Pursuant to Sec. 5, Rule 58, the preliminary injunction cannot be granted
does not expressly mention that they said remedy may be availed of in without hearing and prior notice to the party sought to be enjoined.
unlawful detainer cases. However, it is respectfully submitted that the However, courts are authorized to issue ex parte temporary restraining
remedy of a preliminary mandatory injunction applies to both forcible entry order if it should appear from facts shown by affidavit or by the verified
and unlawful detainer cases. petition that great or irreparable injury would result to the applicant before
the motion could be heard on notice. The temporary restraining order shall
The period within which to file a motion seeking the issue once of a writ of be effective only for a period of 20 days from service to the party or persons
preliminary mandatory injunction is also shorter under Sec. 16, Rule 70. ought to be enjoined. During the 20 day period, the judge must conduct a
Under the second paragraph of Art/ 539 of the NCC, the period is 10 days, hearing to consider the propriety of issuing a preliminary injunction.
while under Sec. 15, Rule 70, the period is 5 days.
The preliminary injunction is an extraordinary remedy to save the
In Ramos vs CA, the Supreme Court ruled that while the function of dispossessed party from further damage during the pendency of the original
injunction is to generally preserve the status quo ante end hands, injunction action. It is a provisional remedy in an ejectment case that should lend itself
does not lie to take property away from one and give it to another, such rule to the summary nature of the main case, and as such, should be decided
admits of an exception, which applies to ejectment cases. within 30 days from its filing.

The five day reglementary period within which to file the motion for the Motion to dismiss
issuance of the writ of preliminary mandatory injunction under Sec. 15, Rule As a general rule, motions to dismiss are prohibited in cases falling under
70 prevails over the 10 day period under Art. 539 of the NCC. summary procedure. The defendant, rather than filing a motion to dismiss,
should also just allege such grounds for dismissal as defenses and the

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answer period however, the prohibition on motion to dismiss a subject to 3. there are two or more defendants, some of whom filed an answer
two exceptions. It may be allowed on the ground of lack of jurisdiction over but the complaint does not state a common cause of action against
the subject matter and failure to comply with prior resort to barangay them.
conciliation. All other grounds for dismissal should be alleged in the answer
as affirmative defenses. The Sec. 7, Rule 70 (rendered judgement based on allegations) will not apply
when there are several defendants in different ejectment cases that were
Answer only consolidated or if they are not codefendants in the same case.
the answer should contain all affirmative and negative defenses available as
well as counterclaims and cross-claims applicable, otherwise, those not In Soriente vs Estate of Concepcion, the Supreme Court ruled that even if a
asserted in the answer shall be deemed waived or considered barred. court consolidated several ejectment cases filed by the same plaintiff
against different defendants, the rule that the court cannot render a default
Unlike in ordinary procedure, the period within which to file and answer in judgment if there are two or more defendants and only one or several of
ejectment cases is lesser, owning to the summary nature of the proceedings. them answered will not apply since the ejectment cases, although
Defendant has 10 days to file his answer, reckoned from the service of consolidated, or distinct from each other.
summons. This period is inextendible considering that a motion for
extension of time to file pleadings, affidavits or any paper is a prohibited Preliminary conference
motion. A notice of preliminary conference be issued and the notice shall include the
dates set for the preliminary conference, court-annex mediation, and
however, if the answer belatedly filed raises the defense of agricultural judicial dispute resolution, is necessary. The notice shall also be served on
tenancy relationship, the court should not proceed to render judgment on counsel, or on the party, if without counsel. The councsel served with such
the basis of the complaint alone. Rather, the court should hear and receive notice shall be charged with the duty of notifying the party represented by
evidence on such defense, for the purpose of determining whether it him.
possesses jurisdiction over the case. Such defense in the answer may also
be raised in a motion to dismiss on the lack of judicial coma which is one of The parties respective preliminary conference briefs should be filed with the
the exceptions to the prohibition on motion to dismiss in summary court and served on the adverse party in such manner as shall ensure their
procedure. receipt thereof at least three calendar days before the date of the
preliminary conference.
The defendant who fails to file an answer without a 10 day. Cannot be
declared in default. This is because a motion to declare defendant in default It shall be the duty of the parties and their council to appear at the
is a prohibited motion. preliminary conference. The failure of the plaintiff to appear in the
preliminary conference shall because for the dismissal of his complaint and
The court may only render judgment on the basis of the allegations in the the defendant who appears in the absence of the plaintiff shall be entitled
complaint if: to judgment on his counterclaim, as may be warranted by the facts alleged
1. there is only one defendant and they said defendant fails to file the in the counterclaim and is limited to what is prayed for therein. This rule,
answer within the 10 day period to do so, and there is no however, shall not apply where one of two or more defendants sued under
meritorious defense of lack of jurisdiction raised; a common cause of action who had pleaded common defense shall appear
2. there are two or more defendants and all of them failed to find an at the preliminary conference.
answer within their reglementary period to do so; and

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Th non-appearance of a party and counsel may be excused only for acts of in keeping with the spirit of the rule which aims to achieve an expeditious
God, force majure, or duly substantiated physical inability. A representative and inexpensive determination of the case falling thereunder.
may appear on behalf of a party, but must be fully authorized in writing to
enter into an amicable settlement, to submit to alternative modes of dispute Any of the parties may file motions for summary judgment or judgment on
resolution, and to enter into stipulations or admissions of facts and the pleadings since these are not prohibited under Rule 70 and ordinary
documents. In such a case, the non-appearance of a party maybe excuse and procedure.
would not be ground for the dismissal of the complaint or for the court to
render judgment, as the case may be. Submission of affidavits and position papers
There is no trial for summary procedure in civil cases. Before the issue once
It bears stressing that not all motions for postponement or prohibited under of the record of preliminary confidence, the parties are not yet required to
summary procedure. The rule qualifies that dilatory motions for present their respective evidence.
postponement or prohibited. Hence, if it is meritorious, then it may be filed
and granted by the court. The 10 day period for filing affidavits and possession papers should be
complied with. Should a party fail to submit the affidavits within their
During the preliminary conference, the parties may enter into an amicable reglementary period to do so, and belatedly files the affidavits months later,
settlement and stipulations or admissions. The settlement and stipulations without any justifiable reason for such delay, the court should render
may have the effect of settling or resolving some or all of the issues of the judgment without taking the same into consideration in rendering its
case. judgment.

The Revised ROC seems to have adopted the provisions in summary The affidavits take the place of actual testimony in court and served to
procedure on rendition of judgment after preliminary conference. The expedite the resolution of cases covered by the Revised Rules on Summary
revised Sec. 7 of Rule 18 provides, among others, that the pretrial order shall Procedure.
contain a statement that the court should render judgment on the pleadings
or summary judgment, as the case may be. Thus, Sec. 10, Rule 18, acid base, The affidavits to be attached to the position paper should be in order times
provides that should there be no more controverted facts, or no more with the Judicial Affidavit Rule because Sec.1 thereof provides that the rule
genuine issue as to any material fact, or an absence of any issue, or should applies to all actions, proceedings and incidents requiring the reception of
the answer fail to tender an issue , the court shall, without prejudice to a evidence before first level courts, but shall not apply to small claims. Cases
party moving for judgment on the bleeding or summary judgment, motu covered by summary procedure fall within their jurisdiction of first level
proprio include in the pretrial order that the case be submitted for summary courts. Sec. 14, Rule 70, which imply that the affidavits to be submitted shall
judgment or judgement on the pleadings, without need of position papers comply with the rules on evidence. The rules provide that the affidavit shall
or memoranda; in such cases, judgment shall be rendered within 90 only state facts of direct personal knowledge of the affiant which are
calendar days from termination of the pretrial. admissible in evidence, and shall show their competence to testify to the
matters stated therein. A violation of this requirement may subject the party
However under ordinary procedure, judgment shall be rendered within 90 or the counsel who submits the same to disciplinary action, and shall be
calendar days from termination of pretrial. Under summary procedure, it is cause to expunge the inadmissible affidavit or portion thereof from record.
30 days from issue ones of the preliminary conference order. The period of
rendition of judgment in cases falling under summary procedure is shorter,

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Thus, document, attached or annex to the position paper, meant to be submitted by the parties that the court can determine whether it should
submitted as evidence, but without any affidavits supporting it, is hearsay resort to the clarificatory procedure provided in Sec. 11, Rule 70. If any of
and thus inadmissible. the parties failed to submit their evidence and position paper within their
reglementary period, the court cannot set the clarification Tori procedure in
While ejectment cases are decided merely on the basis of affidavits and motion. Otherwise, a party can derail the proceeding and defeat the
position papers, the affidavits should prove the claims by sufficient purpose of the summary procedure by not filing the affidavit of his witnesses
evidence. The mere submission of affidavits alone will not warrant a and his position paper, thus forcing the court to resort to said procedure.
judgment in favor of the party, particularly when the lone affidavit
submitted self-serving. The rule of evidence still apply. Thus, he who alleges If successful, the plaintiff is entitled to the following relief:
still has the burden of proving such allegation by sufficient and competent 1. restitution of the premises;
evidence. For instance, the plaintiff claiming their right to possess or the 2. rental arrears or reasonable compensation for the use and
violation of lease agreement has the burden to prove such allegation. occupation of the premises; and
Likewise, the lessee who claims to have timely paid the lease has the burden 3. attorney’s fees and cos.
of proving payment.
If the facts of the case duly warrant it, the court made in their judgment
Judgment awarding actual and compensatory damages for the depriving the plaintiff
When the defendant fails to file and answer, the recording point of the 30- of beneficial use and possession of the property. The reasonable
day period to render judgment is the expiration of the period within which compensation contemplated under Sec. 17, Rule 70 partakes of the nature
to file and answer. It bears stressing that the rendition of judgment in case of actual damages.
of failure to file an answer within the reglementary period to do so is
mandatory because Sec. 7, Rule 70 makes use of the word shall. Thus, if no These damages arise from the loss of the use and occupation of the
motion is filed by the plaintiff, the court should motu proprio render property, and not to damages which plaintiff may have suffered but which
judgment as may be warranted by the facts alleged in the complaint and have no direct relation to their loss of material possession. Damages in the
limited to what is prayed for therein. context of Rule 70 are limited to rent or fair market value for the use and
occupation of the property. Rental value refers to the value as asserted by
The exception to the 30-day period within which to render judgment is when proof of what the property would rent or by evidence of other facts which
the court finds it necessary to clarify certain material facts. The judgment from the fair rental value may be determined. Parental value is determined
shall thereafter be rendered within 15 days after receipt of the last affidavit as the amount at which a willing lessee would pay a willingness lessor would
or the expiration of the period for filing the same. receive for the use of a certain property, neither being under compulsion
and both parties having a reasonable knowledge of all facts, such as the
In other words, should there be failure to file affidavits and position papers extent, character and utility of the property, sales and holding prices of
within the reglementary period to do so, the court should proceed with similar land and the highest and best use of the property.
entering judgment within 30 days from the expiration of the said
reglementary period. The following factors may be considered in determining the reasonableness
of the rental charged:
A court cannot resort to the foregoing clarificatory procedure when the 1. The prevailing rates in the vicinity;
party fails to submit their affidavit and position papers are required by Sec. 2. location of the property;
10, Rule 70. It is only after evaluating the affidavits and position papers 3. use of the property;

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4. inflation rate; and cannot obtain complete positive relief. The defendant still has to institute a
5. the testimony of the witness. separate action for the remaining balance of his counterclaim.

There is no basis for the court of origin to award moral and exemplary The remedy against the decision rendered in the ejectment case is to file an
damages, and actually damages are not pertaining to use and occupation of appeal (Rule 40). A motion for reconsideration is not an available remedy
the premises because in ejectment cases, the only issue raised is that of because it is a prohibited motion.
rightful possession. The only damage that can be recovered in ejectment suit
are those that the plaintiff sustained as a mere possessor, or those costs by The judgment or final order shall be appealed to the appropriate RTC. The
the loss of the use and occupation of the property, and not the damage mode of appeal is an ordinary appeal under Rule 40, perfected by the filing
which he may have suffered but which have no directly relation to his loss of a notice of appeal with the court of origin and paying the full amount of
of material possession. Thus, the rightful possessor is only entitled to the appeal, docket and other lawful fees, within 15 days from notice of the
recover damages, which refer during or the reasonable compensation for decision or final order.
the use and occupation of the premises, or fair rental value of the property
and attorney’s fees and costs. Other damages must thus be claimed in an Immediate execution of judgment and stay of execution
ordinary action. As a general rule, a judgment in favor of the plaintiff in an ejectment suit is
immediately executory, in order to prevent further damage to him arising
The unjustified refusal to surrender possession of the property by the from the loss of possession of the property in question. Thus, if judgment is
defendant who was fully aware that he cannot present any competent rendered against the defendant, execution shall issue immediately upon
evidence to prove his claim to rightful possession as against the plaintiff or motion.
the rightful processor it's a valid legal basis to award attorney’s fees as
damages as well as litigation expenses and costs of suit. Toward the award A party has 15 days to perfect his appeal and stay the execution by filing a
of attorney’s fees, the claimant should have been compelled to litigate or to notice of appeal and supersedeas bond and periodically depositing the
incur expenses to protect his right and there must be sufficient showing of rentals. Unless the defendant receives a motion for execution and notice of
bad faith in the case, and not just an erroneous conviction of the the decision, he cannot take these steps to stay execution. Thus, the trial
righteousness of the defendant’s costs. The attorney’s fees, when awarded, court cannot issue a writ of execution prior to the defendant’s receipt of the
shall not exceed 20,000. decision or notice of the motion of writ of execution, as this would go against
all sense of fair play.
as a rule, compulsory counterclaim is barred if not set up. The reason for the
rule relating to the counterclaims is to avoid multiplicity of suits and to To stay the immediate execution of the said judgment while the appeal is
dispose of the whole matter in controversy in one action, and the pending before the RTC, the following regulations must concur:
adjudgment of the defendant’s demand by counterclaim rather than by 1. the defendant perfects his appeal;
independent suit. This reason, however, does not obtain where the amount 2. he files a sufficient supersedeas bond, within the period for the
exceeds the jurisdiction of the inferior court. perfection of the appeal, approved by the court of origin and
executed in favor of the plaintiff to pay the rents, damages, and
The rule, when applied to inferior courts, presupposes that the amount costs accruing down to the time of the judgment appealed from;
involved is within the said court’s jurisdiction. If the counterclaim in excess and
of the amount cognizable by the inferior court is set up, the defendant

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3. he periodically deposits with the appellate court the rentals under In Azar Brothers Realty Company vs CA, the lower court in the ejectment
the contract, if any, as determined by the judgment of the court of case did not award rentals in arrears or damages. The lower court only
origin, which becomes due during the pendency of the appeal. awarded attorney’s fees and litigation expenses. The defendant appealed
without filing a supersedeas bond or making periodical deposits as required
Insofar as the third requisite, in the absence of a contract, the defendant under Sec. 19, Rule 70. For this reason, the lower court ordered the
shall deposit with the RTC the reasonable value of the use and occupation immediate execution of the judgment. The Supreme Court ruled that it was
of the premises for the preceding month or. At the rate determined by the error for the lower court to order the immediate execution of the judgment.
judgment of the lower court on or before the 10th day of each preceding The attorney’s fees and litigation expenses need not be covered by a bond
month or period. as these are not the damages contemplated under Sec. 19, Rule 70. The
damage is referred to under the side rule are the reasonable compensation
The failure of the defendant to comply with any of these conditions is a for the use and occupation of the property which are generally measured by
ground for the outright execution of the judgment, the duty of the court in its fair rental value and cannot refer to other damages which are for into the
this respect being ministerial and imperative. enjoyment or material possession of the property. The Supreme Court also
ruled that the defendant was not obliged to deposit the rentals falling during
Hence, if the defendant-appellant perfected the appeal but failed to file a the pendency of the appeal in order to secure a stay of execution because
supersedeas bond or to make periodical deposits, the immediate execution the appealed judgement did not fix the reasonable rent or compensation for
of the judgment would automatically follow. Conversely, the filing of a the use of the premises.
supersedeas bond will not stay the execution of the judgment if the appeal
is not perfected. Considering that it is the ministerial duty of the court of In Alconera vs Pallanan, it was ruled that the immediacy of execution in
origin to issue a writ of execution upon failure of the defendant to find a ejectment cases does not mean instant execution. As provided under Sec.
supersedeas bond and/or to deposit the approving rentals, a temporary 19, Rule 70, the execution may be had upon motion. Once the writ of
restraining order cannot be issued by a higher court to enjoin the eviction of execution is issued, there must be compliance with Sec.10c, Rule 39. the
the defendant. sheriff must give notice of the writ of execution and make a demand on the
defendant to vacate the property within three days. Only after such. Can the
The rule on the mandatory filing of the supersedeas bond to state the sheriff enforced the writ by the bodily removal of the defendant in the
immediate execution admits of an exception. When the court of origin did ejectment case and his personal belongings, with the assistance, if
not make any findings with respect to any amount in arrears, damages or necessary, of appropriate police officers. Even in cases wherein decisions
costs against the defendant, no bond is necessary to stay the execution of are immediately executory, the required three day notice cannot be
the judgment. In such case, the perfection of appeal would be sufficient to dispensed with.
stay the execution, and the court cannot order immediate execution
premise on the failure to file a supersedeas bond since no bond is necessary, It is only the execution of the court of origin’s judgment pending with the
there being no back rentals adjudge in the appealed judgment. Thus, in the RTC which may be staged by a compliance with the requisites provided in
absence of an award for rental in arrears or damages and without the fixing Sec. 19, Rule 70. once the RTC has rendered a decision in its appellate
of reasonable rental or compensation for the use of the premises and the jurisdiction, such decision shall, under Sec. 21, Rule 70, be immediately
judgment, there is no need to file a supersedeas bond and the defendant is executory. Thus, immediate executory of the judgment becomes a
not obliged to deposit any rental falling due during the pendency of appeal ministerial duty of the court. The immediate execution is without prejudice
in order to secure a stay of execution. to an appeal, via a petition for review, before the CA by Rule 42 and/or the
Sc by Rule 45.

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RULE 71 content power only as a last resort when all other alternatively courses of
CONTEMPT action are exhausted in the pursuit of maintaining respect to the court and
its processes. When a less harsh remedy presents itself to the judge, he
Contempt of court is some act or conduct which tends to interfere with the should at all times hesitate to use his contempt power, and instead of for
business of the court, by a refusal to obey some lawful order of the court, or the less harsh remedy.
some of disrespect to the dignity of the court which in some way tends to
interfere with or hamper the orderly proceedings of the court and thus There are two types of contempt of court: 1) direct contempt; and 2) indirect
lessen the general efficiency of the same. It is a defiance of the authority, contempt. Direct contempt is committed when a person is guilty of
justice or dignity of the court. Simply put, it is the spacing of the authority, misbehavior in the presence of or so near a court as to obstruct or interrupt
justice, or dignity of the court. The phrase “contempt of court” is generic, the proceedings before the same, including disrespect towards the court,
embracing within its legal signification of variety of different acts. offensive personalities toward others, or refusal to be sworn or to answer
as a witness, or to subscribe and affidavit or deposition when lawfully
For an act to be considered contemptuous, it must be clearly contrary or required to do so. Indirect contempt or constructive contempt is that which
prohibited by the order of the court. A person cannot, for disobedience, be is committed out of the presence of the court. Any improper conduct
punished for contempt unless the act which is forbidden or required to be tending, directly or indirectly, to impede, obstruct, or degrade the
done is clearly and exactly defined, so that there can be no reasonable doubt administration of justice would constitute indirect contempt.
or uncertainty as to what specific act or thing is forbidden or required.
The exercise of the power to punish for contempt has a dual aspect,
The power to declare a person in contempt of court and in dealing with him primarily, the proper punishment of the guilty party for his disrespect to the
accordingly is an inherent power lodge in the Court of Justice. It is a means court, and, secondarily, his compulsory performance of some act or duty
to protect and preserve the dignity of the court, the solemnity of the required of him by the court, which he refuses to perform. Due to this
proceedings therein and the administration of justice from callous twofold aspect of exercise of the power to punish contemnors, contempts
misbehavior, offensive personalities, and contumacious refusal to comply are classified as civil or criminal.
with court orders.
Civil or criminal contempt
The Supreme Court had consistently ruled that the content power, however Civil content is the failure to do something ordered by the court to be done
plenary it may seem, must be exercised judiciously and sparingly, so much for the benefit of a party. It is an offense against the party in whose behalf
so that only in cases of clear and contumacious (stubbornly or willfully the violated order is made. Civil contempt proceedings are generally held to
disobedient to authority) refusal to obey should the set power be exercised. be remedial and civil in their nature, meaning that they are proceedings for
It should not be availed of unless necessary in the interest of justice. The the enforcement of some duty, and essentially a remedy for coercing a
power to punish for contempt should be exercised on the preservation and person to do the thing required. In general, civil contempt proceedings
not on the vindictive principle; with the corrective rather than the retaliatory should be instituted by the aggrieved party, or his successor, or someone
idea of punishment. who has a pecuniary interest in their right to be protected. The proceedings
are to be regarded as civil when the purpose is primarily compensatory or
In Baja vs Macadong, the Supreme Court concluded that a judge should ever remedial. Civil contempt is neither a felony or a misdemeanor, but a power
allow himself to be moved by pride, prejudice, passion, or pettiness in the of the court. While the proceeding is auxiliary to the main case in that it
performance of his duties. Judges are enjoined to exercise at most restraint proceeds out of the original case, it is essentially a new independent
in the use of their contempt powers. They are expected to avail of the

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proceeding in that it involves new issues and must be initiated by the issue prove the charges beyond reasonable doubt. In proceedings for civil
once in service of new process. contempt, there is no presumption, although the burden of proof is on the
complainant, and while the proof need not be beyond reasonable doubt it
A criminal contempt is any conduct directed against the authority or dignity must amount to more than a mere preponderance of evidence; the burden
of the court or a judge acting judicially. It is an act obstructing the of proof in a civil contempt proceeding lies somewhere between the criminal
administration of justice which tends to bring the court into disrepute or reasonable doubt burden and the civil fair ponderance burden.
disrespect. A criminal contempt, being directed against the dignity and
authority of the court, is an offense against organized society and, in The line of demarcation between acts constituting criminal content, as
addition, is also hell to be an offense against public justice which raises an distinguished from a civil contempt, is quite indistinct. The real character of
issue between the public and the accused, and the proceedings to punish it the proceedings and contempt cases is to be determined by the relief sought
are punitive. The purpose is to preserve the power and vindicate the or by the dominant purpose. The proceedings are to be regarded as criminal
authority and dignity of the court, and to punish for disobedience of its when the purpose is primarily punishment, until when the purpose is
orders. If the content is initiated by the court or tribunal exercising the primarily compensatory or remedial. Where the primary purpose is to
power to punish a given contempt, it is criminal or quasi criminal in nature, preserve the court's authority and to punish for disobedience of its orders,
and the proceedings are to be conducted in accordance with the principle the content is criminal. Criminal contempt is punitive in nature and the
and rules applicable to criminal cases. Criminal contempt is not a criminal government, the courts and the people are interested in their prosecution.
proceeding or prosecution, even though the contemptuous act involved is Where the primary purpose is to provide a remedy for an injured suitor and
also a crime. The proceeding has been characterized as sui generis, partaking to coerce compliance with an order, the contempt is civil.
of some of the elements of both a civil and criminal proceeding, but really
constituting neither. In general, criminal contempt proceeding should be A criminal contempt involves no element of personal injury. It is directed
conducted in accordance with the principles and rules applicable to criminal against the power and dignity of the court; private parties have little, if any,
cases, insofar as such procedure is consistent with the summary nature of interest in the proceedings for punishment. Conversely, if the contempt
contempt proceeding. The strict rules that govern criminal prosecutions consists in their refusal of a person to do and that the court has ordered him
apply to a prosecution for criminal contempt, that the accused is to be to do for the benefit or advantage of a party to an action pending before the
afforded many of the protections provided in criminal cases, that court, and the condemnor is committed until he complies with the order,
proceedings under statutes governing them are to be strictly construed. the commitment is in the nature of an execution to enforce the judgment of
However, criminal proceedings are not required to take any particular form the court; the party in whose favor the judgment was rendered as the real
so long as the substantial right of the accused are preserved. party in interest in the preceding. Civil contempt proceedings look only to
the future. And it is said that in civil contempt proceedings, the contemnor
In criminal contempt, intent is a necessary element, and no one can be must be in a position to purge himself.
punished for a criminal contempt unless the evidence makes it's clear that
he intended to commit it. In civil contempt, the defendant’s intent in The distinction between civil and criminal contempt is for the purpose only
committing the content is immaterial since the purpose of civil contempt of determining the character of punishment to be administered. When the
proceeding is remedial. As such, good faith or the absence of intent to contempt is criminal, it partakes of a criminal proceeding in that and
violate the court's order is not a defense in civil contempt. acquittal would be able to second prosecution. A judgment in contempt
proceeding is subject to review only in a matter provided for review of
Contempt is not presumed. In proceedings for criminal contempt, the judgments in criminal cases in that and appeal would not lie from the order
defendant is presumed innocent and the burden is on the prosecution to of dismissal or an exoneration from a judge of contempt of court because it

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amounts to a virtual acquittal. Also, any liberal construction of the rules 4. when a judge is dis qualified or disqualified himself on a contempt
governing contempt proceedings should favor the person in charge. hearing or in the main case, that warrants a transfer of the said case
to another court; and
If the indirect content is civil in nature, the remedies of motion for 5. when the contemptuous act also constitutes as a crime, it may be
reconsideration and appeal are available against a decision or order punished in another court having jurisdiction over the crime, other
dismissing the petition for indirect contempt. than the court contemned.

Jurisdiction Direct contempt

All courts have the power to hold in contempt any person. It is the court Direct contempt it's committed by a person guilty of misbehavior in the
contemned that will have the power to punish a given contempt, partly presence of o so near a court as to obstruct or interrupt the proceedings
because of administrative considerations, and partly to visit the full personal before the same, including disrespect towards the court, offensive
effect of the punishment on a contemnor. As a general rule, jurisdiction personalities towards others, or refusal to be sworn or to answer as a
properly rest in only one tribunal at a time with respect to a given witness, or to subscribe and affidavit or deposition when lawfully required
controversy. The power to punish for contempt exist for the purpose of to do so. It is a contumacious act done facie curiae.
enabling a court to compel due decorum and respect in its presence and due
obedience to its judgment, orders and processes. In order that the court may A pleading containing derogatory, offensive or malicious statements when
compel obedience to its orders, it must have the right to inquire whether submitted before a court or judge in which the proceedings are pending is
there has been any disobedience thereof, for to submit the question of direct contempt because it is equivalent to a misbehavior committed in the
disobedience to another tribunal would operate through the deprived presence of so near a court or judge asked to interrupt the administration
proceeding of half its efficiency. of justice. This is true, even if the derogatory, offensive or malicious
statements are not read in open court.
In Barredo-Fuentez vs Albarracin, the Supreme Court ruled that there is no
basis for it to initiate contempt proceeding or to contemn a party to suffer An imputation in a pleading of gross ignorance against a court or its judge,
the penalty of contempt where the contemptuous act was not directed in the absence of any evidence, is a serious allegation, and constitutes direct
against the Supreme Court itself but was directed against the lower court. contempt of court.

The rule is subject to exceptions: In Rulz vs How, the utterance of derogatory words against a judge when
1. indirect contact committed against an inferior court may also be there were no proceedings being held or no showing that the judge was
tried by the RTC of the place in which the lower court is sitting, performing judicial functions at that time does not constitute direct
regardless of the imposable penalty; contempt. Thus, the alleged contumacious outburst overheard by a person
2. a court may also punish contempt committed against a court or and relayed to the judge was held not to constitute direct contempt as it did
judge constituting one of its parts or agencies, as in the case of a not occur in the presence of or so near a court as to obstruct or interrupt
court composed of several coordinate branches or divisions; proceedings before the court. The Supreme Court ruled, however, that it
3. when the contemptuous act also constitute an act warranting may amount to indirect content.
professional disciplinary proceeding, the proper court such as the
Supreme Court, which is other than the court contemned may The failure to attend a hearing does not constitute direct contempt and at
impose the disciplinary measures; most, the act can constitute only in direct contempt, which can be

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sanctioned only after the proper charge has been filed and the respondent he can act. One maybe summarily adjudged indirect contempt at the very
was given the opportunity to be heard. moment or at the very instance of the commission of the act of contumely.

The failure to comply with the requirements against forum shopping may proceedings for direct contempt are summary in nature because the
cause one to be declared in indirect contempt of court. But if the contumacious acts were committed in the presence of or so near a court or
noncompliance is willful and deliberate, then such person may be declared judge, who may have actually witnessed or perceived the commission of the
guilty of direct contempt of court. Section 5, Rule 7 provides that the punishable act/acts, such that there is no need for another court proceeding
submission of a full certification or non-compliance with any of the to prove that the acts were actually committed.
undertakings in the certificate against forum shopping shall constitute
indirect contempt of court, without prejudice to the corresponding It is the court before whom the direct contempt was committed that has
administrative and criminal actions. If the act of the party or is counsel jurisdiction over the proceedings.
constitute willful and deliberate forum shopping, the same shall be grounds
for summary dismissal with prejudice and shall constitute direct content, as Penalties for direct contempt
well as cause for administrative sanctions. A respondent summarily adjudged in contempt may be punished for a fine
not exceeding 2,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 10 days, or both, if it
In Encinas vs National Bookstore, Inc, the lawyer’s act of attaching a fake be a RTC or a court of equivalent or higher rank. Or by a fine not exceeding
judicial decision to a motion for intervention was found to constitute direct 200 or imprisonment not exceeding one day, or both, if it be a lower court.
contempt of the Supreme Court, where they said motion was filed.
The penalties imposed must be within the limitations provided under Sec. 1,
In Espanol vs Formoso, the Supreme Court found that the use of falsified Rule 71.
documents attached to the complaint constitute indirect contempt of court,
and not direct contempt of court. There is no inconsistency with the Encinas Remedy and execution - direct contempt
ruling. In Encinas, it was a judicial decision that was falsified and it was An order of direct content is not immediately executory or enforceable. The
obvious. In Espanol. the falsified documents were a certificate of title and a contemnor must be afforded a reasonable remedy to extricate or purge
tax declaration, and the falsity was not apparent on its face. himself of the contempt. Thus, Sec. 2, Rule 71 provides a remedy to a person
adjudged in direct content by any court. Such person may not appeal
The act or defamatory statement must be contemptuous to constitute direct therefrom but may avail himself off certiorari or prohibition. In such case,
contempt. Contempt of court presupposes a contumacious attitude, a the execution of the judgment shall be suspended pending resolution of
flouting or arrogant belligerence, a virtual defiance of the court. Without the such petition provided the contemnor files a bond fixed by the court which
foregoing, the act cannot be said to be done in contempt of court. rendered the judgment and condition that he will abide by and performed
the judgment should the petition be decided against him.
In Tabao vs Gacott, a judge may not hold a party in contempt for expressing
concern on his impartiality even if the judge may have been insulted An immediate detention prevents the party from availing of the remedies
thereby. under Sec. 2, Rule 71, which impropriety cannot be sustained.

Proceedings for direct contempt Should the person adjudged indirect contempt availed of the remedies of
Direct contempt maybe summarily adjudge by the court without hearing. In certiorari and posting of bond, the court cannot deny the right to bail and
direct contempt, the judge does not have to wait for any complaint before the posting of bond on the ground that the warrant of arrest it issued did

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not authorize the posting of bail. By denying the bond, the court effectively debtor's personal or real properties sufficient to cover the amounts ought
prevented the contemnor from resorting to his right to post a bond as to be collected. It is not addressed to their judgment debtor but pertains the
provided under Sec. 2, Rule 71 and thus, deprived him of his prized and sheriff to whom the law entrusts the execution of judgment. If a judgment
fundamental right to liberty, a right which is protected and guaranteed by is not truly enforced, then it is due to the sheriff's failure to do so.
the constitution.
The failure of the payer to comply with the execution judgment for money
However, when the contemnor failed to show proof that any petition for should be enforced in accordance with Sec. 9b (satisfaction of levy), Rule 39,
certiorari or prohibition was filed, as in fact, none was filed at the time the and not by holding the judgment debtor in contempt.
contemnor moved to post bond, it was proper for the court to deny the
same. Without the said petitions, the contemnor was not yet entitled to the It is improper to imprison a judgment debtor for contempt of court for failing
remedy for posting bond as prayed for. to pay the judgment award. It is violative of the constitution, which provides
that no person shall be imprisoned for a civil debt, or any liability to pay
Indirect contempt arising out of an express or implied contract (not including liability arising
Indirect or constructive contempt is one perpetrated outside of the sitting from a criminal offense.
of the court and may include misbehavior of an officer of a court in the
performance of his official duties or in his official transactions, disobedience By exception, Sec. 5, Rule 61 provides that if and adverse party fails to
of or resistance to a lawful writ, process, order, judgment, or command of a comply with an order granting support pendente lite, the court shall motu
court, or injunction granted by a court or a judge, any abuse or any unlawful proprio, or upon motion issue and order of execution again said adverse
interference with the process or proceedings of a court not constituting party, without prejudice to his liability for contempt.
direct contempt, or any improper conduct tending directly or indirectly to
impede, obstruct or degrade the administration of justice. A judgment of a court involving the delivery of possession of a parcel of land
should be executed in accordance with Sec.10c, Rule 39 and the writ of
To constitute disobedience of or resistance to a lawful writ, process, order execution should be directed to the sheriff, and not to the defendants
or judgment of a court, it must be shown that the alleged contemnor themselves. Said judgment is not a special judgment enforceable under Sec.
received or was properly served a copy of the said writ, process, order or 111, Rule 39. The writ should direct the sheriff to place the plaintiff in
judgment of a court. Lawful orders of the court have to be actually received possession of the premises. If the writ is directed to the defendants and not
before the expectation to comply or enforce them attaches. to the sheriff, the same is invalid and the refusal of the defendant to obey
the same will not make them liable for contempt.
A defendant who does not comply with the writ of execution issued and
directed to the sheriff cannot be liable for contempt of court, unless the However, the losing defendant, who, after being dispossessed of the real
decision involves a special judgment. property pursuant to a writ of execution, enters or attempts or induces
another to enter into or upon such real property, for the purpose of
As a rule, the writ of execution is directed against the sheriff to enforce the executing acts of ownership or possession, or in any manner disturbs the
writ according to its terms. possession given to the person adjudged entitled thereto, maybe charged
with or punished for indirect contempt under Sec. 3b, Rule 71.
A writ of execution issued in a case involving a judgment for sum of money
commands the sheriff to collect from the judgment debt or the amount due, In Azotez vs Blanco, the Supreme Court ruled that there is no limitation as
and should the judgment debtor failed to pay, from the side judgment to the time within which such re-entry constitute contempt of court. The

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five year period under Sec. 6, Rule 39 only pertains the time within which It may, however, constitute indirect contempt punishable only after written
execution of judgment may be asked for by motion and does not put a limit charges and hearing under Sec. 3b, Rule 71, as disobedience of or resistance
on Sec. 3b, Rule 71. to a lawful writ, process, order or judgment of a court.

a special judgment is one which requires the performance of any act other By jurisprudence, the phrase “improper conduct” refers to acts constituting
than the payment of money, sale or delivery of real or personal property. gross disrespect to the court that detracts from the dignity and integrity of
Under Sec. 11, Rule 39, a person may be punished for contempt if he a Court of Justice, and maybe in the form of unfair criticisms; the continuing
disobeys such special judgement. resistance to the court's final judgement; the employment of delaying
tactics to obstruct the administration of justice or otherwise unduly delaying
A judgment granting a petition for mandamus is a special judgment, thus the case; and the violation of the sub judice rule.
any disobedience thereto shall be punished as contempt.
The phrase “improper conduct tending, directly or indirectly, to impede,
The execution of a special judgment by means of contempt under Sec. 11, obstruct, or degrade the administration of justice” is so broad and general
Rule 39, should not be confused with Sec. 10a, Rule 39, which involves a that it encompasses a wide spectrum of acts that could constitute indirect
judgment directing a party to execute a conveyance of land or personal contempt. However, the act of a party in parking his car in a slot allegedly
property, or to deliver deeds or other documents, or to perform any specific reserved for a judge does not fall under this category, particularly when
act in connection therewith. Under Sec. 10a, Rule 39, if the party fails to there is no showing that he acted with malice and or bad faith or that he
comply with the said judgment within the time specified, the disobedient was improperly motivated to delay the proceedings of the court by making
party incurs no liability for contempt. Instead, the court may direct the act use of the parking slot supposedly reserved for the judge. It cannot be said
be done by some other person appointed by the court, and the act, when so that such act constitutes disrespect to the dignity of the court.
done, shall have the effect as if done by the party. Additionally, under Sec.
10a, Rule 39, if real or personal property is situated within the Philippines, As a general rule, publicly this closing disbarment proceeding may be
the court, in lieu of directing inconvenience thereof, may, by an order, divest punished with content. The rule, however, is not absolute.
the title of any party and vest it in others, which shall have the force and
effect of a conveyance executed in due form of law. In Fortun vs Quinsayas, Atty. Fortun filed a petition for contempt against
Atty. Quisayas and members of the media, who made public the details of
Under Sec. 11, Rule 39, the court may resort to proceedings for contempt in the disbarment case filed against him. Insofar as the dissemination of the
order to enforce obedience to a judgement which requires personal disbarment compliant, the SC ruled in Fortun found Atty. Quisayas liable for
performance of a specific act other than the payment of money, or the sale contempt of court.
or delivery of real or personal property.
In Fortun vs Quinsay, the Supreme Court ruled that as a general rule ,
The use of a falsified document, more so where the falsity of the document disbarment proceedings are confidential in nature until their final resolution
is not apparent on its face, constitutes indirect contempt, and as such is and the final decision of the Supreme Court. In this case, however, the filing
subject to such defenses as the accused may raise in the proper proceedings. of a disbarment complaint against Atty. Fortun iss itself a matter of public
concern considering that it arose from the Maguindanao Massacre case.
The failure to appear in court for trial is not a direct contempt summarily The interest of the public is not on Atty. Fortun himself but primarily on his
punishable under Sec. 1, Rule 71, for it is not a misbehavior in the presence involvement and participation as defense counsel in the Maguinadanao
of or so near a court or judge has to interrupt the administration of justice. Massacre case. The allegations in the disbarment complaint related to Atty.

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Fortun’s suppose actions involving the case, which is a very high-profile case. of or resistance to a lawful writ, process, order, judgment, or command of a
The Supreme Court ruled that it is understandable that any matter related court, or injunction granted by a court or judge. The trial court therein defied
to the case is considered a matter of public interest and that the and violated the injunction issued by the Supreme Court. The disobedience
personalities involved, including Atty. Fortun, are considered as public which the law punishes as constructive contempt implied willfulness.
figures. But even assuming a person would not qualify as a public figure, it Although the respondent in this said case was a judge, his official character
would not necessarily follow that he could not validly be the subject of a did not insinuate him from punishment for insubordination of an order of
public comment. For he could, for instance, if and when he would be the highest tribunal of the land.
involved in a public issue. If a matter is a subject of public or general interest,
it cannot suddenly become less so merely because a private individual is In Alcantara vs Ponce, it was held that the filing of numerous pleadings and
involved or because in some sense the individual did not voluntarily choose motions that: 1) race the same arguments, after the court has passed upon
to become involved. The public's primary interest is in the event; the public the same and after the decision has become final; 2) were remedies not
focus is on the conduct of the participants and the content, effect and recognized nor allowed under the rules; 3) were filed in violation off the
significance of the conduct, not the participants prior anonymity or court's ruling that no further pleadings would be entertained, constitute
notoriety. Hence, the media are not liable for contempt of court. disobedience of or resistance to a lawful writ, process, order or judgment of
the court and abuse of or an unlawful interference with the processes or
In Palad vs Solis, the complaint for indirect contempt against certain writers proceeding of a court not constituting direct contempt. The Supreme Court
who published stories pertaining to complainant Atty. Palas’s alleged 1-year ruled that these are acts that may be punished for indirect contempt.
suspension from the practice of law was denied considering that Atty. Palad
represented a client, a public figure, who was involved in a video voyeurism Person guilty of any improper conduct tending, directly or indirectly, to
on the interest, a matter that roused the public’s attention and was the impede, obstruct, or degrade the administration of justice may be punished
subject of public interest. Since Atty. Palad represented a matter of public for Internet content. AM No. 03-10-01-SC provides, among others, that if
interest, the public was focused on the event, the conduct of the upon preliminary inquiry before the office of the court administrator, that
personalities involved, the content, effect and significance of the conduct, the complainant failed and founded or malicious administrative or criminal
and nor merely on the personalities. Atty. Palad’s disciplinary proceeding case against a member of the judiciary for the purpose of harassing the
became a matter of public concern. The interest of the public was not in member of the judiciary, they said complainant, after proper proceedings,
himself but primarily in his involvement in the scandal. The disciplinary may be held liable for indirect contempt of court. Unsubstantiated charges
proceeding related to his supposed conduct and statement made before the serve no purpose other than to harass judges and cast doubt on the integrity
media involving the controversy, in violation of the Code of Professional of the entire judiciary. The failing of clearly unfounded or malicious
Responsibility. Since Atty. Palad became a public figure for being involved in complaints seriously affects the efficiency of the members of the judiciary in
a public issue, and because the event itself that led to the filling of the administering fair, speedy and impartial justice.
disciplinary case against Atty. Palad was a matter of public interest, the
media had the right to report the disciplinary case as a legitimate news. The Proceedings for indirect contempt
legitimate media had the right to publish such fact under the constitutional In indirect contempt proceedings, the prescribed procedure must be
guarantee of freedom of press. followed as provided under sections 3 and 4, of Rule 71. Proceedings for
indirect contempt may be initiated by the court motu proprio or by verified
Even a court may be liable for indirect contempt committed against a higher petition.
court. In Commissioner of Immigration vs Cloribel, the Supreme Court found
the trial court judge liable for indirect content committed by disobedience

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The court, in the exercise of its inherited power to control, in furtherance of
justice, the conduct of its ministerial officers and of all other persons in any The Supreme Court further ruled in Calimlim that there must be a hearing
manner connected with the case before it, may motu proprio initiate conducted on the contempt charge, in order to afford the party fill and real
proceedings therefor. opportunity to be heard. Since a contempt charge partakes of the nature of
a criminal prosecution and follow the preceding similar to criminal
Thus, there is no need for an offended party to institute the indirect prosecution, judges must extent to the alleged contemnor the same rights
contempt proceeding since the court may motu proprio start proceedings accorded to an accused.
of this nature.
It is not enough that the respondent filed his comment and was given an
For indirect proceedings initiated by the court motu proprio, the following opportunity to comment because an indirect contempt charge partakes the
must be complied with: nature of a criminal charge’ conviction cannot be had merely on the basis of
1. there must be an order requiring the respondent to show cause written pleadings.
why he should not be cited for contempt;
2. the respondent must give the opportunity to comment on the In Balasbas vs Aquilizan, the SC ruled that there must also be a notice of the
charge against him; hearing, separate from the notice of the charge. The 2 notices are different,
3. there must be a hearing and the court must investigate the charge for they have distinct objects and purposes.
and consider the respondent's answer; and
4. only if found guilty will the respondent be punished accordingly. Indirect contempt proceedings, if not initiated by the court motu proprio,
may not be instituted by mere motion, and must be instituted by filing a
In Felizmena vs Galano, the SC ruled that the written charge is indispensable verified petition. The requirement of a verified petition is mandatory.
and there can be no indirect contempt absent any prior written charge. The
written charge is in the nature of a show cause order directing the person When the court did not grant the motion (for indirect contempt) and
alleged to have committed indirect contempt to explain why he should not instead, proceeded to conduct indirect contempt proceedings motu proprio,
be cited for indirect contempt. directing the party to show cause why it should not be held in contempt,
and the court followed the proper procedure for indirect contempt, no
The Supreme Court in Felizmena held that the court order directing the verified petition is required.
party to explain his failure to bring the accused before the court for his
scheduled arraignment is an insufficient written charge as there was no Whether the indirect contempt is initiated motu proprio or by a verified
order specifically requiring said party to show cause why he should not be petition, the charge is in writing. Unlike in a case of direct contempt, where
punished for contempt. Without the show cause order, the court has no the contemnor may summarily be adjudged in contempt, in indirect
authority to punish the party concerned. contempt, it is required that a written charge be filed and opportunity be
given to the accused to be heard by himself or counsel before the accused
In “In Re Calimlim”, the Supreme Court ruled that if the answer to the may be punished for contempt.
contempt charge is satisfactory, the contempt proceedings and period only
in cases of clear and contumacious refusal to obey show the power to punish When a respondent released on bail fails to appear on the day fixed for the
for content be exercised. Absent any finding that a party contumaciously hearing, the court may issue another order of arrest or may order the bond
refused to comply with the court’s order, the court will have no reason to for his appearance to be forfeited and confiscated, or both. If the bond be
punish for indirect contempt. proceeded against, the measure of damages shall be the extent of the loss

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or injury sustained by the aggrieved party by reason of the misconduct for auction or an execution sale, and the proceeds shall be applied for the
which the contempt charge was prosecuted, with costs of the proceedings, satisfaction of the judgement.
and such recovery shall be for the benefit of the party injured.
The rules do not provide a penalty for reprimand, admonition or warning.
If there is no aggrieved party, the bond shall be liable and disposed of as in Nevertheless, the court may impose a penalty less than what is provided
criminal cases. Before a bail bond may be forfeited and a judgement on the under the rules if the circumstances merit it, such a reprimand, with a
bond be rendered against the surety, the procedure under Sec. 21, Rule 114 warning that a commission of the same act would be drastically dealt with.
should be followed. There are two occasion upon which the trial court judge There may also be an admonition, which is not really a penalty but a
may rule against the bondsman in cases where the accused failed to appear warning.
in court: 1) then appearance by the accused is cause for the judgment to
summarily declare the bond as forfeited; and 2) the bondsman, after the When it comes to the failure to obey courts’ order and processes, courts
summary forfeiture the bond, are given 30 days within which to produce the should be slow in jailing people for noncompliance with their orders. But,
principal and to show cause why a judgment should not be rendered against where there exist a clear and contumacious refusal to obey court orders or
them for the amount of the bond. It is only after this 30-day period, during processes by the parties, the power to order that a party be incarcerated
which the bondsmen are afforded the opportunity to be heard by the trial can be imposed.
court, that the trial court may render a judgement on the bond against the
bondsmen. Judgement against the bondsmen cannot be entered unless Sec. 8, Rule 71 provides for an indefinite incarceration in civil contempt
such judgement is proceeded by the order of forfeiture and an opportunity proceedings to compel a party to comply with the order of the court.
given to the bondsmen to produce the accused or to adduce satisfactory Imprisonment for civil contempt is ordered where the respondent refused
reason for their inability to do so. to do an affirmative act required by the provisions of an order which, either
in form or substance, is mandatory in its character. This may be resorted to
Penalties for indirect contempt where the attendant circumstances are such that, the non-compliance with
Sec. 7, Rule 71 provides for the penalties. the courts order is an utter disregard of the authority of the court which has
- RTC or higher court – fine not exceeding 30,000 or imprisonment then no other recourse but to use its coercive power.
not exceeding 6 months, or both
- Lower court – fine not exceeding 5,000 or imprisonment not The reason for indefinite incarceration in civil contempt proceeding, in
exceeding 1 month, or both. proper cases, is that it is remedial, preservatives, or coercive in nature, for
the respondent to do what he had refused to do. The punishment is imposed
For penalties involving fines, a motion for execution should be filed for the for the benefit of complainant or a party to a suit who has been injured. The
issuance of writ of execution to enforce the same, as in ordinary actions, respondent can end his imprisonment and discharge himself at any moment
unless the court otherwise provides. Thus, upon issuance of writ of by doing what he has previously refused to do.
execution, the sheriff shall enforce the judgement involving a fine by
demanding from the respondent the immediate payment of the amount A court which issued the order imprisoning a person for contempt may
stated in the writ of execution. If the respondent cannot pay all or part of discharge him from imprisonment when it appears that public interest will
the fine, the sheriff shall levy on the respondent’s property not exempt from not be prejudiced by his release. It is the court that ordered the confinement
execution, sufficient to satisfy the judgement or levy on debt due the for contempt of court that can issue the order of release of the person
respondent and other credits. The property levied on shall be sold in a public imprisoned.

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In Sandico vs Vergara, the writs of execution issued therein where directed
against the sherrifs. The sheriff in both cases were directed to recover the The writ of execution, as in ordinary civil actions, shall issue for the
real property and money, from the judgment of obligors (Hence, the remedy enforcement of a judgment imposing a fine unless the court otherwise
cannot be indirect contempt of the judgment obligor, since it is directed to provides.
the sheriff, the remedy of found under Sec. 10e, Rule 39). In Quinio, the trial
court issued an order directing the officers of Toyota and not merely the Contempt against quasi-judicial entities
sheriff, to return the motor vehicle to the petition within 5 days from receipt Unless otherwise provided by law, Rule 71 shall apply to contempt
of said order. Since the order was directed against the officers of Toyota and committed against persons, entities, bodies or agencies exercising quasi-
they disobeyed such order directing execution of the Decision, they may be judicial functions, or shall have suppletory effect to such rules as they may
liable for indirect contempt and since the contempt involved is civil in have adopted pursuant to the authority granted to them by law to punish
nature, then they may be incarcerated indefinitely, pursuant to Sec. 8, Rule for contempt. The RTC of the place where in the contempt has been
71, until the trial court’s order is obeyed. committed shall have jurisdiction over such charges as may be filed.

Remedy and execution - indirect contempt The filing of contempt in court is observed only where there is no law
The judgment or final order of a court in a case of indirect contempt that is granting contempt powers to these quasi-judicial entities.
criminal in nature may be appealed to the proper court as in criminal cases.
The judgment in criminal contempt proceeding is subject to review of Exampled of quasi-judicial entities which have the power to cite and declare
judgments in criminal cases. Hence, as in criminal proceedings, and appeal any person or entity in direct or indirect contempt (and should not file with
would not lie from the order of dismissal of, or an exoneration from, a the RTC):
charge of contempt of court. Allowing an appeal of the judgment of acquittal 1. Housing Land Use Regulatory Board
in criminal contempt would expose the respondent twice in jeopardy for the 2. Labor arbiter or NLRC
same offence, in violation of the constitutional principle against a person 3. Civil Service Commission.
being put twice in jeopardy of punishment for the same crime. Since no
appeal may lie against a judgment or final order dismissing a charge of Should there be a law providing for the said was a judicial agency’s power of
criminal indirect contempt on the merits, the judgment or final order contempt, then Rule 71 shall have the suppletory effect to such rules as they
necessarily becomes final and executory upon its promulgation. may have adopted pursuant to the authority granted to them by the law to
punish contempt.
On the other hand, a judgment in a civil contempt may be subject of emotion
for reconsideration or appeal. If the RTC issued the contempt judgment,
then the mood of appeal is ordinary appeal by filing a notice of appeal under
Rule 41. in the absence of an appeal, the decision becomes final and
executory, and it can no longer be changed.

During the appeal, execution of the judgment or final order shall not be
suspended until a bond is filed by the person adjudged in contempt, in an
amount fixed by the court from which the appeal is taken, conditioned that
if the appeal be decided against him, he will abide by and perform their
judgment or final order.

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