4 1975 Lippmann Black Lipid JCIS

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The Lippmann Equation and the Characterization

of Block Lipid Films

An optically black lipid film in aqueous media approximates closely to an ideally polarizable
system and, in this respect, can be described by a form of the Lippmann equation. This
equation is derived and integrated assuming the film capacitance to be independent of applied
potential. Measurements of the contact angle and of the bulk interfacial tension are used to
find accurate values of the film tension and it is shown that, for a range of lipid films, the
integrated equation is obeyed for potential differences up to approximately 100 mV.
Various ways are then described in which the Lippmann equation may be used to find
film properties not readily accessible by other methods. Thus, for phospholipid films the
accurate measurement of both film and bulk interface tensions presents difficulties, but these
can be overcome if the specific capaci tance is known. In this way the specific free energy of
thinning of the film may be obtained. Conversely, for films in media of low conductivity or in
systems in which film area measurements are difficult the determination of the specific
capacitance is not readily achieved. A knowledge of the tension of the Plateau-Gibbs border
together with the contact angle at different applied potentials, however, circumvents this
problem. Finally it is pointed out that the use of the Lippmann equation provides an indepen-
dent means of finding the interfacial tension between bulk oil and water phases and hence of
checking the accuracy of the nonabsolu te direct methods, such as the drop-volu me technique,
which have to be employed in such systems.

INTRODUCTION of these quantities can, however, present diffi-

Optically black films formed in aqueous culties. For example, the specific capacitance
media from solutions of lipids in nonpolar is not easily found in media of 10\" conductivity
solvents have been extensively examined during (4, 5), or for black films in which residual sol-
the past few years and their structure and vent is trapped as micro-lenses (-!, 9, 10).
properties have been the subject of several Again, while both tensions may, in principle,
recent review articles (1-4). Properties of be measured directly, their difference is so
special interest in physico-chemical studies are small ["'10-2 dyne/cm (11, 12)J that, in
the specific capacitance of the thin film and the practice, this approach is hopelessly imprecise.
interfacial tensions of the film and its adjacent The fact that the tensions are interrelated
bulk liquid, the Plateau-Gibbs border. The through the contact angle (8, 13, 14) is of great
specific capacitance is important because, assistance since the latter may be measured
among other reasons, it is closely related to the very accurately and only one tension is then
thickness of the nonpolar part of the black film required. For films stabilized by reversibly ad-
(4, 5-7), and the two tensions, because their sorbed molecules, such as the monoglycerides
difference reflects the free energy of thinning (15, 16), the interfacial tension of the liquid in
of the film (4, 8). The accurate measurement the Plateau-Gibbs border may be obtained
with sufficient accuracy from conventional
* Present address: Centro de Biofisica, Instituto
tension measurements on samples of the ap-
Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas, Caracas,
Venezuela. propriate bulk lipid and aqueous solutions.

Copyright © 1975 by Academic Press, Inc.

All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
border y
Figure 1 depicts the thin film, aqueous solu-
tions and electrodes. At constant temperature
and pressure, the Gibbs equation for adsorption
1( phase (") on to the thin film may be \\Titten (18, 19)
Cu',Ag,AgCI (gCI, Ag, Cu"

thin lipid
\\'here IJ' is the tension of the (t\\'o-sided) film,
film r i is the number of moles of species i per uni t
area of the interfacial region and jJ.i is the elec-
FIG. 1. A schematic diagram of the black film,
aqueous solu tions, electrodes and potentiometer. trochemical potential of the species i. If the
ionization of the water is ignored, Eq. [lJ may
be expanded as follo\\'s:
For phospholipid systems, ho\.I'ever, where the
monolayers are formed irreversibly and in an -dlJ' = rNa+'djlxa+' + rCI-'djlcl-'
uncontrolled manner (2, 4, 12) the conditions + r1I20'dJ.'1l20' + r,,'dJ.'''' + r{djl{
in the Plateau-Gibbs border are not readily + rxa+/ldjlxa+/I + rc1-/ldjlcl-/I
reproduced in separate experiments, and the
tensions obtained in this way may bear little
+ rll20/ldJ.'JI20/l + r,."dJ.',,/I + r/'djl{', [2J
relation to those in the film system. Only in \I'here It and l denote respectively the hydro-
situ determinations of the tension "'ill suffice carbon solvent and polar lipid of the film.
and these are unattractive from the technical Questions concerning equilibrium and sym-
point of vie\\'. metry in the system \\'ill be discussed later.
In this paper it \"ill be shown that difficulties Since
such as those described above may be over-
djlxa+ = dJ.'XaCI - djlCI-, [3J
come by using a form of the Lippmann equa-
tion to relate the tension of the film (or the Eq. [2J may be re\\Titten,
product of the bulk interface tension and the
-dlJ' = rNa+'dJ.'i\act' - ri\a+'djlci-'
cosine of the contact angle) to its specific
capacitance and the electrical potential differ- + rcl-'djlcl- + rH20'dJ.'lJ20' + r,.'dJ.''''
ence bet\\'een the t\\'o aqueous phases (17). + r{djl{ + rXa+/ldJ.'XaCI/I
With this relationship, a knowledge of the - rxa+/ldjlci-/l + rcl-/ldjlcl-/I
specific capacitance of the film and its contact
angle, as a function of the applied potential,
+ rJI20/ldJ.'1l20/l + r,,/ldJ.',,/I + r{'djl/'. [4J
enables us to calculate the tension of the inter-
faces of the Plateau-Gibbs border. Alterna-
tively, if the tension in the Plateau-Gibbs
border is kno\\'n from separate experiments, the \\'here e denotes the electrons m the copper
variation of the contact angle \\'ith applied \I'ire, so that Eqs. [-l-J and [5J may be com-
potential yields the specific capacitance \\'hich, bined to give
moreover, is independent of film area measure-
ments and hence of the presence of micro-
-dlJ' = (rCI-' - ri\a+')djlecu' + rNa+'dJ.'NaCI'
lenses. Examples of such uses of the Lippmann + ru20'dJ.'ll20' + r,,'dJ.".' + r{djl{
equation \\'ill be described belo\\'. First, how- + (rCl-/I - rNa+/I)djleculi
ever, it is appropriate to consider the ap- + rXa+/ldJ.'NaCt" + rH20/ldJ.'H20/l
plicabilityof the equation to black lipid films. + r,,/ldJ.',,/I + r/,djl{'. [6J
It is quite common for black films to be [l-1J give
formed from nonionic lipids. In such instances
jll = JL1 and the excess charge q', on one side
-du = (qde)(dj1ecu' - dj1/u"). [15J
of the film is given by Equations [10J and [15J differ only in the
definition of the surface charge q. Ho\yever,
provided the charged lipid molecules are unable
to cross the thin film at an appreciable rate

and, since the film as a whole (including its fe' = ft-II = constant [16J
associated electrical double layers) must be and, on applying a potential across the film,
electrically neutral, the polarization charge qp is the same in each
instance. Thus, both Eqs. [1OJ and [15J may
be \Hitten
]f the bulk concentrations of the various com-
ponents are initially equal on the t\yO sides of
the film, and remain so during the course of an

d!1~aCI' = dJLNaCI" = dJLJl20'

The term (dj1ecu' - dj1ecu") is simply edE,
= dJLH20" = ... = 0, [9J "'here E is the difference in potential applied
and Eqs. [6J-[9J reduce to from the potentiometer to the copper connect-
ing ,,·ires. Hence Eq. [17J becomes
-du = (qI/e)(djlecu' - djl/u"). [10J
- (du/dE)I"l',p = qp, [19J
In order to treat the more general case in
"'hich the lipid molecules do ionize, it is as- i.e., the Lippmann equation.
sumed that the equilibrium In deriving Eq. [19J ithas been assumed that
the film surfaces are ahyays in equilibrium \yith
their adjacent aqueous phases. But for the
exists. Hence, as for the NaCl possibility of fluxes across the film there is no
reason to suppose that this \yould not be so.
djlt- = dJLNat - djlNa+ [12J
Fluxes of uncharged components should, from
and, together \yith Eqs. [3J, [5J, and [6J, \ye symmetry be zero. Fluxes of ions may be com-
find posed of the inorganic electrolyte and, if the
lipids ionize, of these molecules also crossing
-du = (fel' +f t-' - fNa+')djlecu'
from one film surface to the other. Applied
+ fNa+'dJLNaC/ + f 0'dJLlI 0' H2 2
potentials of 100 m V in systems containing
+ fh'dJLI.' + fe'dJLNat' 0.1 M NaCl produce steady state currents of
+ (f + ft-
fNa+")dj1/u" - ca. 10-10 A cm-2, and it is readily inferred that
+ fNa+"dJLNact + fH201dJLJl20" the diffuse double layers at the film surfaces
+ fhldJLh" + ft-ldJLNat". [13J \,"ould not, under these circumstances, be
significantly perturbed. Thus, for films of non-
The excess charge q2 on one side of the film is ionic or zwitterionic lipids, disturbance of the
no\\' given by equilibrium by the electric field should not in-
fCI-' + ft-' - fxa+' validate Eq. [19]. For ionic lipids the validity
of Eq. [19J rests on the validity of Eq. [16J
= - (fCI-" + ft-" - fNa+") = qde [14J
and this depends on whether, in the time of an
If the system is again symmetrical with respect e:o..'[)eriment,an appreciable asymmetry in the
to the uncharged species Eqs. [9J, [13J, and surface concentrations of lipid ions on the t\\'o
sides of the film is built up, As to "'hether or border. That this is normally so will be made
not this happens depends on the nature of the clear in due course. It should also be clear that
lipid and, in general, therefore, it cannot be I' is not affected by the applied potential since
assumed that Eq. [16J \\'ill be correct. HO\y- the field produced across the interfacial region
ever, for phospholipids, there is evidence (20, bet\\"een the bulk oil and aqueous phases "'ill
21) that the rate at which they cross lipid be negligibly small compared ,\"ith that across
bilayers is so small that the present type of the thin film.
experiment ,,'auld normally be complete before Equation [23J is the basis of the approach
the held significantly affected the ion distribu- outlined in the Introduction. The main experi-
tion, Certainly, for the phosphatidyl serine, mental task i to measure the contact angle a
examined beIO\\', no time dependence of the a function of the applied potential.
contact angle \\'as observed, so that for Eq.
[16J to be in error, the diffusion of this lipid EXPERIJ\IEKT AL
acros the film ,\"QuId have to be rather faster Apparatus. The apparatus employed is il-
than has, so far, seemed likely. lustrated in Fig. 2. The formation of the black
For practical purposes it is convenien t to films and the measurement of their contact
integrate Eq. [19J making use of the expression angles has been described in detail else\\'here
for the integral capacitance, C, of the film, (-1, 12, 25). In brief, the films \\'ere formed by
C = ijp/ f!., the micrometer injection method (1) (-1, 26)
in the 0,7 mm diameter hole (A) in the base of
From Eqs, [19J and [20J, the inner PTFE vessel (B), For setting-up

u 1E
drT = C lid H,
purposes the film could be illuminated from
belO\\' but, for the determination of the contact
0"0 Eo angle, incident illumination from a high pres-
sure mercury lamp, \\'ith an interference filter,
\\'here it is assumed that C is independent of E.
,,'as used. The mercury green ligh t \\"as trans-
[The origin of C has been discussed in terms of
mitted through a metallurgical microscope, the
the film structure in an earlier publication (7).J
objective (0) of \\'hich is shOll'll in the diagram.
The relationship bet\\"een the film tension, rT,
\Yhen this light is reflected, either from the
and that of the Plateau-Gibbs border, 1', may
be \\TitLen (8, 13, 1-1) Plateau-Gibbs border or from a lens in the
film, interference fringes may be seen and can
rTo= 21' cosOo at f~ = Eo, be photographed (see Fig. 3). The film and
and [22J aqueous phases were surrounded by a '''<lter
rT= 21' cosO at f~ = E, jacket (D) by means of which the temperature
where 0 is the contact angle. Integrating Eq.
[21J and substituting for rTand rTofrom Eqs.
[22J we obtain

cosOo - COSOE= (C/-1-y)(E2 - E02). [23J

The assumption that C is independent of E

is not generally valid, as has been sho\1'll by
several investigators (15, 22-2-1). For applied
potentials of less than 100 m V, ho\\"ever, the
specific capacitance of many types of black
lipid film is constant to ,\"ithin experimental
FIG. 2, The apparatus for black film formation and
error. The use of Eqs. [22J requires that the associated electrical measurements, A detailed descrip-
film be in mechanical equilibrium \\"ith its tion is given in the text.


FIG. 3. A photograph of a lens trapped in a black film under reflected monochromatic light. Interference
fringes are visible in both the lens and in the Plateau-Gibbs border. The film was formed from a solution
of monoolein in n-octane under 0.1 M NaCl at 20°C.
in the system could be controlled to ±0.2°C. for some hours. The treatment of other COI11-
The aqueous phases in the outer and inner ponents differed only in the degree of rigor
vessels were electrically isolated from each required to give satisfactory resul ts.
other and potentials \yere applied from a Lenses, such as the one illustrated in fig. 3,
Tinsley potentiometer (f) through the Ag/ were formed either spontaneously or by apply-
AgCl electrodes (E). Also connected to the ing suddenly a potential C,,180 mY) just as
electrodes \yas an fET low bias current opera- the film began to drain. The lens \yas centered
tional amplifier (OPA:\IP) (input resistance in the field of vie'" and focused. The light in-
'" 1013 £1, :\Iodel -12K, Analog Devices, ~Iass., tensity \YaSadjusted to give maximum contrast
U.S.A.), \yhich \yas used as an inverting ampli- and the negative exposed. for a given lens,
fIer to measure the current flowing or the this procedure was repeated for each increment
potential across the film. The closed loop gain in the applied potential, the sequence ending
of the amplifier \\"as determined by a precision "'ith a repeat of the zero potential condition.
resistor inserted in the feedback loop of the The response of the fringe pattern to a change
amplifier. Its value could be selected \\"ith a in the applied potential "'as almost instanta-
PTfE insulated \Yafer rotary switch from a neous, but an interval of two minutes was
bank of resistors ranging from 10c1010 £1. An- nevertheless allo\\"ed before a photograph \yas
other PTFE insulated wafer rotary s\\"itch taken. Alternate sequences on a lens \\"ere con-
connected the feedback resistor in parallel to ducted \\"ith the polarity of the potential
a silver mica precision capacitor chosen from reversed.
a bank of capacitors ranging from 10-1000 pI', The contact angle, 0, \\"as calculated from
or to open contacts. The electrode in the inner the expression (-1, 12, 25)
compartment could be connected to the nega-
tive input (virtual earth) of the amplifier sinO = (-
>..) --po
either directly or via a 10~ £1precision resistor 211 r III fiX ,

in parallel \yith a 100 pI' capacitor. The former

where>.. is the wavelength of the monochro-
arrangement allo\\"ed the measurement of the
matic illumination and 11 is the refractive index
current \yhile the latter yielded the potential
of the lipid solution. rmax is the radius of the
bet""een the electrode .
lens and po is the order of the fringe of de-
The capacitance of the film was determined
structive interference at its center. Both these
by means of a Wayne Kerr Universal Bridge
quantities can be obtained by extrapolation of
(UB) \yith an external variable frequency
the linear plots of fringe order p against fringe
signal generator (G) (\Yayne Kerr, :Model
radius r2•
S121) and an oscilloscope (CRO) ,,"ith a sensi-
The change in the cosine of the con tact angle
tivity of 100 }J'v / em as the detector (5).
at a potential, E, with respect to its value at
Interfacial tensions were determined by the
zero potential for each sequence (tl COSO)E,
drop-volume method (27, 28).
was obtained by averaging the 1\\"0 zero po-
All the experiments to be reported ,,"ere
tential results-the one at the beginning and
carried out at 20°C.
the one at the end-and subtracting from it
Methods. Reproducible results ,,"ere ob-
the cosine of the angle at E, thus,
tained only by paying great attention to the
cleanliness of the apparatus. The PTFE com-
ponents \yere especially important in this re-
spect and \yere subjected in succession to a
gentle scrubbing in detergent solution, rinsing
in distilled water, immersion in fresh chromic-
sulphuric acid mixture, further rinsing in water The experimental data which appear m the
and, finally, refluxing in twice-distilled \yater figures and tables are the means of (tl COSO)E
taken over all sequences on a given system. syringe; (b) that the lenses survived at least
The regression lines shown in the figures were sufficiently long for a complete sequence of
computed from the individual (~cosO) E values. potentials to be applied; (c) that movement
The behavior of all the systems to be de-
of the lenses was minimal, i.e., that an exposure
scribed was very sensitive to contamination.
of up to 2 sec did not produce a blurred photo-
The criteria for acceptability of a given experi-
ment were (a) that the film area could be con- graph, and (d) that the contact angles did not
trolled by the addition or withdrawal of lipid show hysteresis on the application and removal
solution from the hole \yith the micrometer of a potential.
Materials. All the 11l0noglycerides \yere impurities. The glycerol and the sodium chlo-
purchased from Ku-Chek Prep. Ine. (Min- ride \yere both AR grade; the latter \\"as roasted
nesota, U.S.A.), stored under vacuum at for 6 hr at 700°C to remove organic impurities.
-20°C and used \yithout further purification. The ,,-ater \yas t\yice-distilled, the second
They \yere claimed to be greater than 99% distillation being carried out in a Pyrex still
pure but did not necessarily consist of more fitted \yith a fused silica column and condenser.
than 95% i-isomer. The fatty acid composition
,,-as checked by GLC to be better than 99% RES LTS ND DISCUSSIO~
of the theoretical value. The 111onoglycerides Tests of the theory. The effect of the applied
from micelles in alkanes (15) and, to obtain potential on the diameter and fringe pattern
stable films, concentrations above the CMC of a lens in a black film is shown in Fig. 4.
are necessary. 3 mglml of the monoglyceride Some two minutes elapsed bet\\"een each
in the alkane proved suitable in all the present photograph. From the final observation at zero
systems. potential it can be shown that the influence of
The egg yolk lecithin was supplied by N. the field is completely reversible_ The calcula-
:Miller (Agricultural Research Council Institute tion of the contact angle from the fringes is a
of Animal Physiology, Babraham), and the 1,2- straightforward geometrical exercise and has
dioleyl phosphatidyl choline by Dr. J. C. been described elsewhere (11, 12, 25). It has
;'1etcalfe of the Medical Research Council, also been shown that, to \yithin experimental
Kational Institute for Medical Research, Mill error, the same value of the contact angle is
Hill, London. Bacterial phosphatidyl ethanol- found from a lens as from the Gibbs-Plateau
amine ,,-as obtained from Supelco \\"hile the border (12, 25).
brain phosphatidyl serine \\"as purchased in its In Table I are given the contact angles for
acid form from Lipid Products. All the phos- a range of applied potentials for black films
pholipids "-ere shO\m by TLC to be > 98% formed from glyceryl monooleate-n-decane
pure. The principal fatty acids of the natural solutions under 0.1 M KaCI. Figure 5 sho\ys
compounds \yere shO\m by GLC to be in % plots of the change in cosO against the square
(\\"1\\-) as follo,,-s: egg yolk lecithin: oleic, 32%; of the applied potential. As can be seen, the
palmitic, 26%; stearic, 15%; linoleic, 12% and relationship bet\yeen the t\\"o quantities is
arachidonic 6%; bacterial phosphatidyl etha- Iinear below abou t 100111V. The specific capaci-
nolamine: palmitic, 49%; palmitoleic, 20%; tance of the film and the tension of the bulk
oleic, 18%; bisdihydrosterculoic, 13%; brain oil/aqueous solution interface are given in
phosphatidyl serine: oleic, 41%; stearic, 36%; Table II. In the last two columns of this table
CIS polyunsaturated, 12%. are given the slope of the plot in Fig. 5 (b) and
All the phospholipids were stored in chloro- the theoretical slope (C/h) according to Eq_
form-methanol (2: 1 v Iv) at - 20°C. In the [23]. These two quantities are in excellent
preparation of the dispersions in the alkanes it agreement.l
was extremely important to exclude water. I An equation essentially the same as Eq_ [23J has
This may be achieved in a variety of ways, one been tested by Rovin, Kryglyakov and Koretskii (3-1)-
These authors worked with films formed from a 0_3%
of which is by repeated slo\Y evaporation at
solution of "xylane" (Co4H4005) in undecane_ They
reduced pressure, of the phospholipid in dry found a minimum in the plot of () against 1:."'2 at lo\\" J~
solvents (12). A stoichiometric concentration and, although the plot became linear at higher values
of 1% (w/v) phospholipid in decane \\"as used of E, the specific capacitance calculated from the
equation differed substantially from that obtained by
in each instance. direct measurement.
The alkanes \yere obtained from Koch-Light It should also be mentioned that the variations in
Laboratories and \\"ere all "puriss" grade tension of a lecithin and an oxidized cholesterol film
with applied potential have been reported by Tien (35),
(> 99%). Before use they \\"ere passed through but no details of the experiments or interpretation of
an alumina column in order to remove polar the data is given.
The above system was chosen to test the
Lippmann equation largely because it has been
repeatedly examined (15, 16, 26) and is prob-
60 /
ably the most precisely characterized of all
black lipid films. In other respects, however,
the choice was arbitrary and it was felt neces-
sary to test the equation with other systems


also. The results for some of these are given in 1.0

Fig. 6 and Table II. It is again found that up 1 I ! !

o 4() 120 200

to 50 mV, at least, the change in cosOis a linear (E2-F6)l103 voltZ
function of E2 and that, as shown in Table II,
the observed and theoretical slopes are in very FIG. 5. Change in the cosine of the contact angle as a
function of the square of the applied potential for a
good agreement.
In order to test the equations still more gen-
monoolein +decane black film in 0.1 M NaC!. (a)
In the range 0-150 mV, showing the deviation from
erally, black films of glyceryl monooleate linearity at high potentials. (b) Showing the accuracy
+ decane in solutions of NaCI (1.0 M) in of the linearity at lower potentials; the slope of the
glycerol were examined. The accurate deter- line is 0.248 ± 0.003 V-2.
mination of the specific capacitance for these
films is made difficult by the low conductivity
of the glycerol solutions. O\ying partly to this,
and partly to the desire to see whether such
films behaved as ideally as those in aqueous
solutions, their impedance was measured as a
ApPLIED POTENTIAL function of frequency and the data displayed
in the complex plane as described in (5).
Applied Contact anglea cos Oa
Potential 8 (degrees) Figure 7 shows the resulting Cole-Cole plot of
the complex capacitance C" (= G/w, where G
0 1.96 0.999415
is the parallel conductance of the system and
±0.000004 w the angular frequency) versus the real part
20 2.13 0.999311 C' of the capacitance of the system. The curve
±0.000005 is, within experimental error, a perfect semi-
30 2.32 0.999183
circle with its center on the abscissa showing
40 2.55 0.999013
that, as in aqueous solutions, the film imped-
±O.OOOOl1 ance is determined effectively by its hydro-
50 2.81 0.998801 carbon interior (5-7). The specific capacitance
±0.00001O obtained by extrapolation of the semicircle to
60 3.15 0.998486
the abscissa (zero frequency) is given in Table
80 3.80 0.997796
II. The change in the cosine of the contact
±0.OOO035 angle is again a linear function of E and the
100 4.56 0.996825 observed and calculated slopes ~~e again in
±O.OOOO90 close agreement.
120 5.37 0.995605
Applications: The Determination of the
140 6.18 0.994177
Free Energy of Thinning of a Black
150 6.60 0.993360 Phospholipid Film
If the above evidence may be accepted as
• For 0-60 mV the values are the mean of 14 measure- establishing the validity of Eq. [23J, it is clear
ments while from 80-150 mV they are the mean of four that this equation may be used to find either
measuremen ts. Cor'Y if the other is knO\\"ll.It was pointed out

System Bulk phase inter- Specific capacitance Predicted slope Observed slope
facial tension (/LF em-') (V-') (V-')
(dyne em-I)

Monoolein + 11-octane 4.38 ± 0.05 0.385 ± 0.002 0.220 ± 0.003 0.224 ± 0.009
Monoolein + 2,2,4-
trimethyl-pentane 4.25 ± 0.05 0.397 ± 0.005 0.234 ± 0.005 0.230 ± 0.008
Monoolein + n-decane
3.84 ± 0.03 0.386 ± 0.002 0.251 ± 0.004 0.248 ± 0.003
Monoolein + n-hexadecane
2.51 ± 0.03 0.585 ± 0.003 0.583 ± 0.006 0.589 ± 0.011
Monolinolein +n-decane 3.30 ± 0.10 0.390 ± 0.006 0.295 ± 0.006 0.295 ± 0.007
Monolinolenin +n-decane 2.86 ± 0.06 0.554 ± 0.002 0.484 ± 0.004 0.484 ± 0.013
Monomyristolein +
n-decane 1.68 ± 0.03 0.415 ± 0.004 0.618 ± 0.006 0.615 ± 0.007
Monoolein + n-decane glycerol 1.0 M 4.06 ± 0.04 0.390 ± 0.005 0.238 ± 0.005 0.233 ± 0.003

m the Introduction that')' for the Plateau- ditions for reversibility described earlier and,
Gibbs border of a phospholipid film is not ac- although the reproducibility was poorer than
curately assessable by ort.hodox methods and for the monoglycerides, the plots are satis-
that, for this reason, the free energy of thinning factorily linear. The slopes of the lines, to-
of the films ,\"as difficult to determine. The gether with the specific capacitances of the
specific capacitance is, ho\\"ever, accurately films, are given in Table III. The tensions
measurable. Hence, using Eq. [23J, ')' may be deduced for the Plateau-Gibbs border are also
found and, with the contact angle at zero shown and, with cosO, yield the specific free
applied field, the free energy of thinning energy of thinning 6.A[ = 2')'(cosOo - 1)].2
(eTo - 2')') may be calculated. These free energies have been shown elsewhere
The changes in the cosine of the contact (11, 12, 29) to originate almost entirely from
angle against E2 for four phospholipid films are the van der Waals forces acting across the
shown in Fig. 8. The systems satisfied the con- films.

The Determination of the Specific Capacitance

::~ of Black Films in Media of

Low Cond~tctivity
For films in glycerol + 1.0 M NaCI it is
12~ possible, as sho\vn in Fig. 7, to obt.ain a fairly
Q 10
2 Moran and Ilani (36) have reported the specific
free energy of thinning of a lecithin-cholesterol-methyl
oleate black film to be ca. 1.2 erg cm-2• The reasons for
this value being very large compared with the present
results for phospholipid films are not clear. It may be
that the presence of the cholesterol and (or) the use of
methyl oleate instead of an alkane solvent is responsible.
However, Moran and Ilani's data were obtained by
subtracting the bulk intcrface tension (X2), measured
o 0.4 0.8 12 16 20 2.4 by the drop-volume method, from the film tension,
(E2_E6)~I03 1,10112 measured by bulging the film under a hydrostatic
pressure. For phospholipid systems, the drop-volume
FIG. 6. Change in cos 0 as a function of E;2 for black method is very inaccurate and for any system the film
films of monoolein +
hexadccane (6), monolinolein bulging method is also inaccurate and hence, as empha-
+ decane (0) and monoolein +
octane (.), all in sized in the Introduction, there must be some reser-
0.1 M NaC!. vation over the reliability of their very high free energy.

Phospholipid Specific capacitance Obsen·ed slope Bulk phase inter- cos 00 M

u.F em-') of EQ. [23J facial tension (lO' erg em -')
(v-') (dyne em-I)

1,2 dioleyl phosphatidyl

choline 0.390 ± 0.005 0.306 ± 0.011 3.18 ± 0.15 0.999228 ± 0.000010 -4.90 ± 0.30
Egg phosphatidyl
choline 0.385 ± 0.008 0.399 ± 0.014 2.41 ± 0.13 0.999138 ± 0.000010 -4.15 ± 0.25
Bacterial phosphatidyl
ethanolamine 0.445 ± 0.002 0.282 ± 0.003 3.95 ± 0.06 0.999215 ± 0.000017 -6.20 ± 0.24
Brain phosphatidyl
serine 0.376 ± 0.003 0.464 ± 0.016 2.03 ± 0.09 0.999036 ± 0.000045 -3.91 ± 0.35

accurate value of the capacitance in the limit methods. Table IV lists t.he consequences of
of low frequency by means of the standard ac employing this approach for a range of mono-
bridge circuitry referred to under Apparatus glyceride black fIlms in glycerol +
0.1 M NaCI.
md, in more detail, elsewhere (4,5). Even so, As for the phospholipid systems, these data
ming to the high impedance of the system, a are relevant to the understanding of the
,hart extrapolation of the data was required London-van der Waals forces acting across t.he
(Fig. 7). In glycerol +
0.1 M r aCI, the imped- thin films and are discussed from this point of
wce is some tenfold higher still and the zero view in anot.her paper (29). The specific
:requency capacitance can be obtained only by capacitances are nevertheless of some interest
neans of a long extrapolation \\"hich, nece - in t.hemselves. Thus, for decane as the solvent,
;arily, yields inaccurate results. A dc transient the capacitances increase as the lipid chains
nethod could be used (6,30-32), but again, the become more unsaturated. In this respect t.he
Jrecision is seriously limited by the low con- aqueous (Table II) and glycerol systems are
luctivity of the glycerol solution. similar. For hexadecane, the situation is
The use of Eq. [23J, although indirect and qualit.atively similar [the capacitances for films
nvolving complex apparatus, yields specific of monolinolein and l110nolinolenin in aqueous
:apacitances which seem likely to be more ac- 0.1 M NaCI are 0.667 ± 0.006 and 0.803
:urate than those obtained by the orthodox ± 0.009 ,uF/ cm2, respect.ively (33) J in that
great.er unsaturation again produces higher
160 capacit.ances but, in glycerol, the act.ual values
are considerably smaller.3 For example, in
glycerol the specific capacitance for monoolein
in hexadecane is only slight.ly greater than t.hat
~ in decane, whereas in aqueous systems the
hexadecane result is much larger. These effects
are apparently related t.o the adsorption and
f; conformation of the lipids in the various sys-
tems [see e.g. Refs. (15, 16, 33)J but a detailed
0 80 I 0 160 discussion is beyond the scope of this paper.
Reol pori Ie; pF Other applications. In the Introduction,
reference \yas made to the occurrence of micro-
FIG. 7. Cole-Cole plot for a black monoolein decane+
11m in glycerol-Mil aCl. The relaxation frequency, 3 The capacitance of the monolinolenin + hexa-
·0, of the system is 2.12 kHz, and the center of the decane films in glycerol could not be determined because
:ircle lies, within experimental error, on the real axis. the contact angle was too large to be measured in the
[he area of the film was 0.625 X 10-3 cm2• present apparatus.
Bulk phase inler- Observed ~lope Specific capacilance
facial lension of Eq. [23] from "Observed slope"
(dyne em-I) (V-') C/lF em-')

1Ionoolein + n-decane 4.14 ± 0.04 0.221 ± 0.005 0.366 ± 0.012

Monoolein + n-hexadecane 2.73 ± 0.04 0.334 ± 0.005 0.365 ± 0.012
Monoolinolein + n-decane 3.91 ± 0.04 0.285 ± 0.006 0.446 ± 0.016
Monolinolein +n-hexadecane 2.51 ± 0.04 0.526 ± 0.005 0.528 ± 0.013
Monolinolenin + n-decane 3.40 ± 0.04 0.407 ± 0.008 0.554 ± 0.017
MonolinoJenin + n-dodecane 2.44 ± 0.04 0.576 ± 0.017 0.563 ± 0.023

lenses of oil phase in black lipid films and the t.\\'een the· observed_ an(predict.ed slopes that
problem \I'hich t.hese created in t.he determina- such microlenses as \"ere present in the films
t.ion of t.he true area of t.he black film, and hence containing higher alkanes could not have sig-
of the specific capacit.ance. This maHer has nificantly affected t.he estimat.es of their area.
been discussed by several aut.hors but., apart One further application arises in connection
from ,,'ait.ing for t.he lenses to coalesce ",it.h the with the difficulties commonly encountered in
Plateau-Gibbs border (by ,,'hich time the t.he determination of the interfacial tension in
films have usually broken), no method of cir- systems containing surfactants. Thus, in the
cumventing the experimental difficulties has so Wilhelmy plate technique t.he contact angle
far been found. The use of Eq. [23J is, how- may not be exactly zero, while in the drop-
ever, such a method since no film area measure- volume approach the rheology of the surface
ment is involved in the estimation of the specific films could introduce errors during the detach-
capacitance. All that. is required is a reliable ment of the drops. It is therefore of interest to
value of t.he appropriate interfacial tension. At note that the use of Eq. [23J, together \"ith
least t\"O of t.he black films listed in Table II measurements of the specific capacitance of the
(those cont.aining n-octane or 2: 2 :4-trimethyl- black films, yields a new and independent (if
pentane) did not embody visible microlenses. some\vhat laborious!) method for estimating
If t.hese syst.ems may be taken to validate Eq. interfacial tensions in certain types of system.
[23J, then it is clear from the agreement be- For the monoglyceride-alkane/electrolyte solu-

Q 08
' ) 06


~'" 0.'\


0 0 1.6

(E2-E~)'103 volt2

FIG, 8. Change in cos (j as a function of E2 for four phospholipid-decane black films' in 0,1 M NaC!,
., egg phosphatidyl choline; 0, 1,2-dioleyl phosphatidyl choline; ••• , brain phosphatidyl serine; 6,
bacterial phosphatidyl ethanolamine.
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